Childrens dinosaur story books
Best Dinosaur Books for Kids, as Chosen by Educators
The awesomeness of dinosaur books for kids is no secret. Dinosaur fiction stories capture kids’ imagination and make for great read alouds. Dino information books naturally inspire future scientists. Check out this list of our favorites from both genres.
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Dino-rrific Fiction Dinosaur Books for Kids
1. Dinosaurs on the Go series by Penny Dale (pre-K–1)
This series merges dinosaurs and other high-interest topics. Think farm vehicles, space exploration, construction, emergency rescue vehicles, pirate treasure, and more. We love them for working on print concepts and phonological awareness. They’re also perfect for practice making inferences using pictures.
2. We Love Dinosaurs by Lucy Volpin (pre-K–1)
This rhyming text professes its love for dinosaurs of all shapes, sizes, and habits. We love all the descriptive vocabulary!
3. How Do Dinosaurs … series by Jane Yolen (pre-K–1)
This classic series has withstood the test of time. We love these titles for modeling visualization, reading with expression, and attending to punctuation. Plus, they’re full of important themes!
4. The Girl and the Dinosaur by Hollie Hughes (pre-K–1)
Digging up a dinosaur skeleton is an amazing possibility to imagine. Having that skeleton come to life and become your pet dinosaur? Magical. This is one of our favorite new dinosaur books for kids, for sure.
5. How to Catch a Dinosaur by Adam Wallace (pre-K-1)
This installment of a popular series mixes imaginative fiction with some facts. A light and fun read aloud.
6. Brontorina by James Howe (pre-K–2)
Brontorina Apatosaurus is desperate to dance. But, her size—and others’ doubts—make it seem impossible. Perseverance and others’ kindness help her wish come true.

Tiny T. Rex just wants to find a way to give his sad friend a hug, despite his short arms. This story of persistence, acceptance, and friendship could spark many important classroom discussions.
8. There’s a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor by Wade Bradford (pre-K-2)
This funny tale follows Mr. Snore on his floor-by-floor search for a quiet room at the Sharemore Hotel. We don’t meet the dino from the title until the end, but she exemplifies everything the hotel’s name suggests.
9. What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night: A Very Messy Adventure by Refe and Susan Tuma (pre-K–2)
What kind of mischief would toy dinosaurs get into if they came alive at night? The photos in this book show the havoc they could cause. Maybe you’ll even bring the authors’ Dinovember, a month-long tribute to childhood wonder, to your classroom.
10. Dino Sports series by Lisa Wheeler (pre-K–2)
Carnivores and herbivores compete in a wide variety of sports.
Kids love these rhyming titles. Brush up on your dinosaur names and your sports terminology before reading aloud!
11. Dino Holidays series by Lisa Wheeler (pre-K–2)
If you love the Dino Sports books, you’ll love sharing some of the holiday-themed titles too.
12. Crunch, the Shy Dinosaur by Cirocco Dunlap (pre-K–2)
Crunch wants a new friend, but he’s not the easiest brontosaurus to get to know. Start a class discussion about meeting new friends where they are.
13. Dinosaurs Can’t Roar! by Layla Beason (pre-K-3)
When a T. Rex meets a modern-day paleontologist, he’s surprised to hear the latest science on dinos. We love this title for talking to kids about myths vs. new scientific learning.
14. Dad and the Dinosaur by Gennifer Choldenko (pre-K-3)
Nicholas’s favorite dinosaur is a lot more than a toy. It helps him be fearless and strong, just like he imagines the real dinosaurs were. When it gets lost, his dad knows just what he needs.
This is a heartwarming story about what it means to be brave.
15. The Dinosaur Expert by Margaret McNamara (K–3)
Superstar teacher Mr. Tiffin is back! (Should we set him up with Ms. Frizzle?) This time he’s taking his class to the natural history museum. Budding paleontologist Kimmy feels dismayed by the male-dominated examples at the museum. When Mr. Tiffin points out a profile of Dr. Brandoni de Gasparini, her outlook changes. Back matter includes information about notable female paleontologists.
16. Mad Scientist Academy: The Dinosaur Disaster by Matthew McElligott (2–4)
Dr. Cosmic is not the average teacher! Students must make their way through a realistic dinosaur exhibit to find the class pet, Oscar the “dinosaur.”
17. Dinosaur Empire (The Earth Before Us #1): Journey Through the Mesozoic Era by Abby Howard (3–5)
This exciting graphic novel series opener stars Ronnie, a reluctant science student. She goes on an enlightening journey back in time with her retired paleontologist neighbor, Ms. Lernin.
18. Dinosaur Boy by Cory Putman Oakes (3-6)
Yikes! Fifth grader Sawyer Bronson grows stegosaurus spikes and a tail over summer break. With themes of bullying, integrity, and identity (plus dinosaur facts), this novel is for kids who like a fast-moving, twisting plot. Also check out the companion title, Dinosaur Boy Saves Mars.
Nonfiction Dinosaur Books for Kids to “Dig” Right Into
19. Dinosaur A to Z by Roger Priddy (pre-K–1)
Besides 26+ pages of fascinating dinosaur info, this is a fantastic mentor text for writing informational alphabet books. It introduces one dinosaur for each letter of the alphabet. It also has informational text features like labels, size comparisons, pronunciation guides, and bolded text sprinkled throughout.
20. National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs by Catherine D. Hughes (pre-K–2)
In this title, dinosaurs are organized by size, prompting plenty of great conversations about comparisons. This is the perfect series for introducing informational text features, too.
21. Dinosaur Feathers by Dennis Nolan (pre-K-3)
This rhyming book has a big idea: Dinosaurs and birds are related! It’s perfect for working with kids on generating questions and determining the author’s message in informational text. (Plus, you’ll get a phonics workout pronouncing all those species names!)
22. Fly Guy Presents: Dinosaurs by Tedd Arnold (K–3)
The popular early reader character duo will draw kids in, and this spinoff series packs plenty of memorable information. We like how it dispels some common myths about dinosaurs.
23. Prehistoric Actual Size by Steve Jenkins (K–4)
We adore this title and its non-paleontological companion, Actual Size. The true-to-life illustrations of dinosaur parts—and one entire dinosaur—make a memorable impression. It’s also good for helping kids understand that dinosaurs weren’t the only prehistoric creatures.
24. Dinosaurs (National Geographic Kids Reader) by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld (K–2)
Standard nonfiction features mixed plus jokes and other extras. A conversational tone walks new readers through key questions.
25. In the Past by David Elliott (1–5)
Take a trip back through the ages with these witty creature poems. There are familiar players, like T. rex, and plenty of lesser-known species, too. The illustrations are breathtaking.
26. Science Comics: Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers by MK Reed (3–6)
This graphic nonfiction book covers the history of paleontology like it’s never been presented before. Riveting!
27. Dinosaurs: A Visual Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition by DK (3 and up)
This is not your dusty Encyclopedia Britannica. Learn about prehistoric life from dinosaurs and birds to early mammals, invertebrates, and vertebrates.
28. The Age of Dinosaurs: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Most Remarkable Animals by Steve Brusatte (3 and up)
For serious dino buffs who want the real scoop on the latest discoveries. This is an up-to-date resource from an expert in the field.
Can’t wait to share these dinosaur books for kids? Also check out our favorite dog books and books about space.
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10 books for kids that love dinosaurs
Image: Alicia Fernandes/PenguinTen Minutes to Bed: Little Dinosaur by Rhiannon Fielding & Chris Chatterton (2020)
There’s a Rumble in this prehistoric jungle – and this time it’s a little dinosaur who just can’t seem to fall asleep! And who can blame Rumble? There’re erupting volcanos, a wild jungle to be explored and all other kinds of creatures to be seen. But after a while, all that adventuring does become quite tiring… This gentle tale has been written specially to calm little ones down before bedtime.
Recommended reading age: 2-6 years old
Peppa Pig: George and the Dinosaur (2019)
Peppa Pig’s younger brother George is obsessed with dinosaurs! And his friends Richard Rabbit and Edmond Elephant share his love. The trio are always hunting for fossils and bones – although a sandpit is not the ideal place to hunt for prehistoric beasts… But then George and his friends are taken on a fossil-hunting trip to the beach, and lo and behold George unearths an entire dinosaur!
Recommended reading age: 2-6 years old
The Dinos on the Bus by Peter Millett & Tony Neal (2021)
This new spin on school classic ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ will have everyone stomping, roaring, and clapping. In The Dinos on the Bus, a class of young dinosaurs are on a school trip. They’re going up and down, round and round, all through the land. On each page alongside Tony Neal’s charming illustrations, is a fun action for young readers to join in with and sing along. This fun-filled, dinosaur reinvention is perfect for reading together.
Recommended reading age: 2-6 years old
The Ladybird Big Book of Dead Things by Ned Hartley & Binny Talib (2019)
For kids who love learning about all things dead and gone this fun guide is perfect. And for fans of all things prehistoric, Doctor Eddie Dawdle will be your guy at the Museum of Dead Things. Budding palaeontologists will be taken through the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and learn all kinds of different things. Did you know a Velociraptor could run at about 40mph? And the Mosasaurus, a giant underwater lizard, had two sets of teeth so it could grip its prey!
Recommended reading age: 6-10 years old
Ladybird Audio Adventures: Dinosaur Times (2019)
Immerse mini dinosaur fans right into prehistoric times with this tale from the Ladybird Audio Adventures series. Fearless explorers Otto and Missy (the smartest bird you’ll ever meet) are exploring the ancient world where the Diplodocus used to roam the earth, Pterosaurs ruled the sky, and the T-Rex struck fear into all creatures! This audiobook is ideal for listening on long journeys or to wind down at bedtime.
Recommended reading age: 4-7 years old
Mad About Dinosaurs (2008)
Know a tot who is simply mad about dinosaurs? From food and fossils to herds and horns, this book is packed with fascinating facts and key information for all young dinosaur enthusiasts. Get all the answers to those dino-sized questions in this bumper book of dinosaurs.
Recommended reading age: 5-7 years old
An Adventurer's Guide to Dinosaurs by Isabel Thomas, Chris Packham & Yas Imamura (2021)
Fans of all things from the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods will love this fact-filled guide. Adventurer Mia is off on a journey back in time to discover what it was really like in the prehistoric ages. From gigantic titanosaurs who were as big as blue whales to the winged dinosaurs that shared the skies with birds, along with Mia readers will meet a whole host of creatures that lived millions of years ago. There are also some fun interactive activities throughout that future palaeontologists will love.
Recommended reading age: 4-10 years old
Peppa Pig: Dinosaurs! Sticker Book (2019)
As we already know, George loves dinosaurs. And so, he and his sister Peppa are off to explore the dino world, including the museum and Dinosaur Park! With over 250 stickers, this book is perfect for keeping mini dino fans busy on long journeys or rainy days when they can’t do their own fossil hunting.
Recommended reading age: 3-6 years old
Dinosaur Train: I Am a T. Rex (2012)
In the first book in the Dinosaur Train series based on the popular TV show, Buddy realises he’s different to his adopted family, and they all jump on board the dinosaur train to find out exactly what type of dino he could be. Informative and fun, this series is ideal for your small dinosaur devotees.
Recommended reading age: 3-6 years old
Is That You, Little Dino? by Rob Hodgson (2022)
For really young readers who are already showing an interest in prehistoric creatures, Is That You, Little Dino? is the perfect story. Papa Dino needs help finding Little Dino. She’s very good at hiding so it’s up to little hands to pull and slide the different flaps to locate her. As well as Little Dino, there are also some other animals hiding behind the flaps – can your little one guess who it is? Don’t forget to look out for the little ladybird on each page too!
Recommended reading age: 0-2 years old
A Tale of a Dinosaur Who Wanted to Be Courageous
In a country far, far away, beyond wide seas and dense forests, there lived a small dinosaur. He was very kind and good, but had no friends at all, so he was constantly bored. The reason for this situation was his great growth. Our dinosaur, despite its young age, was a real giant, because it came from the genus Diplodocus - the largest animals that ever lived on Earth. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that others were afraid of him, because they are used to judging others by their appearance. About why you should not do this, and our fairy tale about a dinosaur will tell, which you can read right now.
Once upon a time, Arlo, that's the name of our hero, lived with his mom and dad in the land of dinosaurs, where everything was truly gigantic: trees, houses and even playgrounds. In such a world, he was very comfortable, but subsequently daddy dinosaur changed jobs, so the family had to move to a new country where ordinary animals lived, and not big dinosaurs. Arlo was upset because he had no friends, and it was very difficult to find new ones. Everyone around was afraid of the dinosaur, because they thought that such a big beast could hit, bite or even eat them. No one even guessed that Arlo, like his parents, is a herbivore, loves fresh green leaves most of all and does not even think about eating one of those around him. But since no one knew about this, everyone was afraid of the dinosaur and kept aloof.
On the other hand, Arlo himself was not the first to make contact. Apparently it looked ridiculous and implausible, but he was afraid. Yes, even giant dinosaurs can be extremely shy at heart.
So the days passed by, Arlo dreamed that someday he would become brave, but so far he did not dare to change at least something in his life. And our fairy tale about dinosaurs for children could have had a completely different ending, if not for one case.
Dinosaur story for kids: read about how to be brave
Arlo was walking to school one day. On the way, as always, he was worried: whether no one was laughing at him, whether they would ask him about his homework in mathematics, whether he would break something at school because of his clumsiness. Suddenly, these thoughts and fears were interrupted by an unexpected cry: as it turned out, a new inhabitant appeared in the country - a predatory and formidable lion hunted small and defenseless animals. This time, his victim was a squirrel - Arlo's classmate. Seeing that she was in danger, our dinosaur instantly forgot about his fearfulness and rushed to help.
The lion did not expect resistance and was very frightened of the dinosaur, it was much larger than him, so he left the prey alone and disappeared. The squirrel was surprised, because she was always afraid of Arlo, thinking that he could eat her. But it turned out that it was this giant who became her savior.
After this incident, the squirrel and dinosaur became inseparable friends. Arlo was very happy, because two of his cherished dreams came true at once: firstly, other animals were no longer afraid of him, but on the contrary, they wanted to make friends, and secondly, he managed to overcome his fear and become brave.
And the dinosaur's new friends also learned a lesson - you should never think badly of others, because appearances are often deceiving.
If you liked the adventures of a good dinosaur, we recommend that you watch the cartoon of the same name, see the trailer for which you can see on our website.
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Custom fairy tales for children and adults || Individual, nominal, group fairy tales Dinosaur Rex - a fairy tale | Tales to order for children and adults |
Once upon a time there was a girl Nastya in the world. At first she was very tiny, then she grew a little, then a little more and more ... And then one day Nastya grew up so much that even her father and mother were surprised:
- Nastya, how big you are with us!
“That's because I'm about to be five years old,” the girl answered importantly.
— When are you five years old?
- Tomorrow.
Just like that, quite unexpectedly and imperceptibly, Nastya's first anniversary approached. The girl invited grandparents, uncle, aunt and closest friends to the holiday: Bunny, Hedgehog, cats Bonya and Fanya.
And so the friends thought about what gift to give to the birthday girl.
— I know what to give Nastya! - Thinking, joyfully exclaimed the Hedgehog.
— And I know, — Bunny waved his ears cheerfully. - And what will you give our Nastya?
“I won’t tell,” Hedgehog shook his prickly head. - This is my secret.
— Just think, — Bunny shrugged. “I have a secret too.
And he went to pack his present, which he had prepared for Nastya.
Cats Bonya and Fanya also prepared gifts for their beloved friend. They put the gifts in the cat's bags and, without waiting for Nastya's birthday, went to her house. We arrived, and there, in front of the door, the Bunny and the Hedgehog were standing.
— Why did you arrive ahead of time? Bonya asked them.
— Why were you in such a hurry? - Hedgehog grumbled in response.
“We were afraid to be late,” said Fanya.
“So are we,” Zaika nodded.
Animals rang at the door of Nastya's house, and their mother Sasha opened it.
Hello. Why did you arrive early? she wondered.
— We… — Bonya was confused.
- We missed your Nastya! the resourceful Fanya suddenly blurted out.
“Well, if you are bored, then go into the house,” Mom smiled. - Did you bring gifts?
— And how! - proudly declared the Hedgehog. Looking around businesslike, he asked: “Where can I put a gift?”
“Right here,” Mom pointed to the bedside table.
“It won't be enough,” Zaika shook his head and put a carrot on the nightstand. It was so big that it took up half a bedside table. Without waiting for Bonya and Fanya to get their gifts, the Hedgehog lowered a miracle apple on the bedside table. It was so huge that it barely fit next to a carrot.
— Where shall we put our presents? - the educated Bonya and Fanya were upset.
“Right here,” their mother hastened to reassure them. And opened the cabinet door.
When Fanya took out her gift for Nastya, Bunny and Hedgehog immediately felt ashamed. Because their carrot and apple seemed just tiny compared to the mouse that Fanya cooked.
Who is this, an elephant? Mom asked in surprise.
“No, it's a mouse,” Fanya narrowed her eyes rather.
— Ah, what will she do with us?
- Guard Nastya's dream.
- Well, except maybe Nastya's dream, - mom nodded. - Only your mouse will not fit in the nightstand.
Then mom called Anton's dad: – Hurry, come here! Fanya brought the guard mouse!
“Just think of a mouse,” Bonya grinned. And she released a sparrow from her bag.
— Why do we need a sparrow? Dad frowned.
— Why why? - Bonya was almost offended. - It's Klimka! He knows how to shell seeds, sort out buckwheat and pull a thread into a needle. He can even guess football matches!
- What a useful sparrow I will have! A happy voice sounded nearby. This voice belonged to Nastya. She left her room, looked curiously at the miracle carrot and the miracle apple, stroked the giant mouse and waved at Klimka the sparrow. After that, Nastya said: - Mom and dad, go about your business. And I will show the guests new toys.
“Don't show our present,” Papa warned.
“Good,” the girl promised. But as soon as her parents left the room, she immediately said: - And my mom and dad gave me a dinosaur!
- Come on! Bonya and Fanya meowed admiringly. And the Hedgehog whispered conspiratorially: - Nastya, show me the dinosaur.
“I can't,” the girl shook her head. - The dinosaur is wearing a cover.
With these words, Nastya led her friends to a tall object covered with a cloth cover. The mysterious object did not move.
— Is he… a dinosaur? Bonya asked nervously.
- Poor thing. He must be hungry,” Fanya sighed.
- So let's feed him! - Bunny tapped his paws happily.
- Shh! - said Nastya, putting her finger to her lips. - Rex is sleeping! .. It's time for us to go to bed.
The animals looked out the window, and the night stars were already looking in and the moon was shining sleepily: it was night outside. Nothing to do but go to bed. The guests lay down on their beds and pretended to be asleep ... And in the middle of the night they began to get up imperceptibly. Bunny got up first. He took a carrot from the bedside table, which he brought to Nastya, and took it to the dinosaur. He slipped it under the cover and said:
— Try, Reksik, my carrot. It's delicious, juicy and sweet... Just don't eat the whole thing and leave a half for Nastya.
Gave Bunny a carrot and went back to sleep. But then a Hedgehog with an apple crept up to the case.
- Reksik, my friend, help yourself to my apple. Half an apple for you, and half for Nastya. After all, she is a birthday girl.
Hedgehog left his apple to the little dragon and also went to bed. But not even a minute passed before Fanya appeared near the mysterious cover. She was dragging a giant mouse behind her.
“That's it, little mouse,” Fanya whispered out of breath, “you will guard the dinosaur's dream.
Fanya said so and went to sleep. And in its place, near the dinosaur, Bonya immediately grew up. A sparrow dozed on her paw.
- Don't sleep, Klimka. Rex is defenseless. All toy dinosaurs are defenseless. If anyone wants to offend Rex, call me. I'll teach the offender a lesson in an instant!
Bonya hissed militantly, then yawned sweetly and went to sleep. And Klimka flew up to the top of the mysterious cover and dozed off again. ..
And now the morning has come - the morning of Nastya's birthday! Suddenly, dad, mom and guests were awakened by a terrible roar. A strange noise came from the children's room, mother, father and guests immediately rushed there. And there is a little dinosaur! It was he who stomped so hard that he woke up both people and animals at once. Freed from the cover, Rex stomped his paws loudly and shook his head.
— Oh, where is our Nastya? – looking around, my mother exclaimed in alarm. Dad also didn’t see his daughter anywhere and frowned: – What other tricks?
— Where is my sparrow Klimka? Bonya meowed in fear. Did the dinosaur eat the sparrow?
— Where is my mouse? Fanny almost cried. “Did Rex eat my little mouse?”
Bunny and Hedgehog didn't find their gifts either - a carrot and an apple, but didn't say anything. Friends only puffed offendedly. They felt sorry for their gifts, which the dragon shamelessly ate.
— How are we going to celebrate our birthday now? Mom threw up her hands. - There is neither our birthday girl, nor gifts.
Dad was about to say something to mom, but at that moment the doorbell rang and dad went to open it. It was grandparents, Uncle Makar and Aunt Dasha who came to congratulate Nastenka on her birthday.
“You won’t succeed,” dad told the new guests from the doorway. - Now a dinosaur lives in our house, but Nastya no longer lives.
— How so? - Grandma Ira was upset. - Whom did we bring gifts then?
— What kind of presents? - the dinosaur suddenly spoke in Nastya's voice. - Good gifts?
“Rex, you can see for yourself,” Grandpa Pasha said and began laying out the gifts they had brought in front of the dinosaur.
“That's not all,” Grandma Tanya said.
“Yes, not all of them,” grandfather Sasha confirmed.
And they added a clay toy very similar to Rex to the gifts.
“Something is hard for me to see,” the mysterious dinosaur spoke again. And in the next moment, one side of it opened like a bedside table, and Nastya's head appeared from inside.