Different word for fun
FUN Synonyms: 73 Synonyms & Antonyms for FUN
See definition of fun on Dictionary.com
- adj.enjoyable, diverting
- nounamusement, play
synonyms for fun
- amusing
- enjoyable
- entertaining
- lively
- pleasant
- boisterous
- convivial
- diverting
- merry
- witty
- celebration
- distraction
- enjoyment
- joke
- joy
- laughter
- pastime
- pleasure
- sport
- absurdity
- ball
- blast
- buffoonery
- cheer
- clowning
- diversion
- entertainment
- escapade
- festivity
- foolery
- frolic
- gaiety
- gambol
- game
- grins
- holiday
- horseplay
- jocularity
- jollity
- junketing
- merriment
- merrymaking
- mirth
- nonsense
- picnic
- playfulness
- recreation
- rejoicing
- relaxation
- riot
- romp
- solace
- tomfoolery
- treat
- whoopee
- big-time
- good time
- high jinks
- jesting
- joking
- living it up
- romping
antonyms for fun
- boring
- disagreeable
- tiring
- unpleasant
- work
- chore
- drudgery
- labor
- task
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
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START THE QUIZHow to use fun in a sentence
The addition of DeAndre Hopkins is making the Arizona Cardinals very fun to watch, and a healthy Cam Newton is showing why the power run is so hard to defend against in New England.
Meanwhile, bounce rate, session duration, and session depth rely on whether there is anything fun to do on your page.
So when Mitsu got the AAC job, I thought it would be fun to interview him, but not so formally.
Brands have found hashtag challenges are a useful hook for creating fun, shareable and viral content on TikTok.
This person lists all the benefits of these environmentally positive behaviors, offers to make the actions easier for you, and gives you a fun goodie bag.
Don’t miss your chance to have some fun while you increase your startup skills, learn the latest tech trends, expand your network, meet with investors and drive your business forward.
No matter how the universe had turned out, two plus two would equal four and it would have been wrong to torture people for fun.
At the very least it breaks the cycle of sex-disappointment and opens you two up to having fun together, something that may lead to having more fun together and may, if the wind blows right, lead to some orgasmic fun.
That’s a fun option, but it takes some getting used to, says Jump.
The 16 items here allowed us to train smarter, feel better, and ultimately have more fun.
- action
- ball
- beguilement
- cheer
- delight
- diversion
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- field day
- fun
- fun and games
- gladdening
- gratification
- grins
- high time
- hilarity
- hoopla
- laughs
- laughter
- merriment
- merry-go-round
- mirth
- picnic
- play
- pleasing
- pleasure
- regalement
- whoopee
- agreeable
- boffo
- camp
- campy
- charming
- cheerful
- cheering
- comical
- cut up
- delightful
- diverting
- droll
- enchanting
- engaging
- enjoyable
- entertaining
- for grins
- fun
- gladdening
- gratifying
- gut-busting
- humorous
- interesting
- jocular
- jokey
- joshing
- laughable
- lively
- merry
- pleasant
- pleasing
- priceless
- screaming
- sidesplitting
- too funny for words
- witty
- badinage
- chaff
- chaffing
- chitchat
- derision
- dissing
- exchange
- fun
- gossip
- jeering
- jesting
- joking
- joshing
- kidding
- mockery
- persiflage
- play
- raillery
- repartee
- ribbing
- ridicule
- small talk
- chaff
- deride
- fool
- fun
- jeer
- jest
- jive
- joke
- josh
- kid
- make fun of
- mock
- rag
- razz
- rib
- ridicule
- satirize
- taunt
- bantered
- derided
- funned
- jeered
- jollied
- joshed
- kidded
- mocked
- ragged
- rallied
- razzed
- ribbed
- scoffed
- taunted
- teased
- ball
- burlesque
- camp
- chaffing
- comic drama
- comicality
- comicalness
- drollery
- drollness
- facetiousness
- farce
- field day
- fun
- fun and games
- funnies
- funniness
- gag show
- grins
- high camp
- high time
- hilarity
- hoopla
- humor
- humorousness
- interlude
- jesting
- joking
- laughs
- light entertainment
- merry-go-round
- picnic
- satire
- schtick
- send-up
- sitcom
- slapstick
- takeoff
- travesty
- vaudeville
- wisecracking
- witticism
- wittiness
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
FUN Synonyms: 73 Synonyms & Antonyms for FUN
See definition of fun on Dictionary.com
How to use fun in a sentence
The addition of DeAndre Hopkins is making the Arizona Cardinals very fun to watch, and a healthy Cam Newton is showing why the power run is so hard to defend against in New England.
Meanwhile, bounce rate, session duration, and session depth rely on whether there is anything fun to do on your page.
So when Mitsu got the AAC job, I thought it would be fun to interview him, but not so formally.
Brands have found hashtag challenges are a useful hook for creating fun, shareable and viral content on TikTok.
This person lists all the benefits of these environmentally positive behaviors, offers to make the actions easier for you, and gives you a fun goodie bag.
Don’t miss your chance to have some fun while you increase your startup skills, learn the latest tech trends, expand your network, meet with investors and drive your business forward.
No matter how the universe had turned out, two plus two would equal four and it would have been wrong to torture people for fun.
At the very least it breaks the cycle of sex-disappointment and opens you two up to having fun together, something that may lead to having more fun together and may, if the wind blows right, lead to some orgasmic fun.
That’s a fun option, but it takes some getting used to, says Jump.
The 16 items here allowed us to train smarter, feel better, and ultimately have more fun.
- amusement
- ball
- beguilement
- delectation
- delight
- disport
- dissipation
- distraction
- divertissement
- enjoyment
- field day
- frivolity
- fun
- fun and games
- game
- gratification
- grins
- high time
- hoopla
- laughs
- levity
- merry-go-round
- pastime
- picnic
- play
- pleasure
- relaxation
- relish
- sport
- whoopee
- distracting
- entertaining
- fun
- relaxing
- agreeable
- amusing
- clear sailing
- delectable
- delicious
- delightful
- entertaining
- fun
- genial
- gratifying
- groovy
- just for grins
- just for kicks
- just for laughs
- just for the heck of it
- likable
- lots of laughs
- pleasant
- pleasurable
- preferable
- relishable
- satisfying
- welcome
- amusement
- delectation
- diversion
- enjoying
- entertainment
- fruition
- fun
- gladness
- gratification
- gusto
- happiness
- hedonism
- indulgence
- joy
- loving
- luxury
- pleasure
- recreation
- rejoicing
- relaxation
- relish
- satisfaction
- savor
- self-indulgence
- sensuality
- thrill
- triumph
- zest
- absorbing
- affecting
- be a ball
- captivating
- charming
- cheerful
- cheering
- clever
- compelling
- delightful
- diverting
- droll
- enchanting
- engaging
- engrossing
- enjoyable
- enthralling
- enticing
- entrancing
- exciting
- fascinating
- fun
- funny
- gas
- gay
- humorous
- impressive
- inspiring
- interesting
- lively
- moving
- piquant
- pleasant
- pleasurable
- poignant
- priceless
- provocative
- recreative
- relaxing
- restorative
- riot
- rousing
- scream
- side-splitting
- stimulating
- stirring
- striking
- thrilling
- witty
- ball
- bash
- big-time
- blast
- blowout
- celebration
- cheer
- clambake
- delight
- dissipation
- distraction
- diversion
- divertissement
- enjoyment
- feast
- frolic
- fun
- fun and games
- gaiety
- game
- good time
- grins
- high time
- laughs
- leisure activity
- lots of laughs
- merriment
- merrymaking
- party
- pastime
- picnic
- play
- recreation
- regalement
- relaxation
- relief
- revelry
- satisfaction
- shindig
- sport
- spree
- surprise
- treat
- wingding
- blowout
- celebration
- conviviality
- festival
- festivity
- fun
- jollity
- merriment
- merrymaking
- party
- revelry
- amusement
- bash
- blowout
- carousal
- clambake
- conviviality
- do
- entertainment
- festival
- fun
- fun and games
- gaiety
- happiness
- hilarity
- hoopla
- jamboree
- jollity
- joviality
- joyfulness
- levity
- merriment
- merrymaking
- mirth
- party
- pleasure
- revel
- reveling
- revelment
- shindig
- sport
- whoopee
- wingding
- affair
- attempt
- binge
- celebration
- crack
- essay
- fun
- gamble
- go
- good time
- indulgence
- orgy
- party
- rampage
- shot
- splurge
- spree
- stab
- trial
- try
- venture
- whirl
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Winter entertainment: advice from Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky and Repin
Publications of the Education section
Audio version: Winter entertainment: advice from Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky and Repin
skiing and meeting friends. Leo Tolstoy, for example, loved skating, and Mikhail Bulgakov was an avid skier. Pyotr Tchaikovsky liked to go on trips during the winter months, and Ilya Repin liked to meet guests at the Penates. Read our material and choose your leisure time according to the advice of the classics.
Take the whole family to the skating rink like Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy (center) skating in Khamovniki. 1898 Moscow. Photo: archive of the State Museum of L.N. Tolstoy, Moscow
Everyone in the Tolstoy family was fond of skating. They were introduced to the household by the English nanny Hanna Tarsey, whom Leo Tolstoy ordered from England. The daughter of a gardener at Windsor Palace came to Yasnaya Polyana in 1866.
From England, she wrote us skates, which she taught us to ride.
Skates at that time were wooden, and only the blade itself and the screw that was screwed into the heel of the boot were steel. Belts were passed through the wooden frame of the skate, which tightened the leg in two places.
Gradually, adults also started to skate. And in the income and expenditure notebooks, where the family budget was taken into account, entries appeared: “Lele skates” , “for skates in different. time" , "on the girls' skates." .
All winter I enjoy lying down, falling asleep, playing bezique (card game. - Note ed.), skiing, skating, and most of all lying in bed (sick), and drama or comedy faces begin act. And they represent very well.
When the Tolstoys lived in Yasnaya Polyana, they skated on the Bolshoy and Nizhny Ponds of the estate. Village children also came there, who marveled at their dexterity and tricks arranged on the ice.
As soon as the pond froze, we put on skates and spent all our free time on the ice.
We put on our skates and the run begins. The paths on the pond have been cleared in a large circle, but we ourselves have made labyrinths, alleys and dead ends, and we are spinning around them. Dad and mom come and put on skates too. My legs are cold, my fingers are numb, but I am silent, because I am afraid that they will send me home to warm up. Everyone gets involved. At home, it turns out that, despite the headphones, the ear turned white. Dad takes the snow and rubs it mercilessly. Oh how it hurts! But you have to be patient, you can’t cry, otherwise they will leave me at home tomorrow.
In Moscow, they poured ice near their house in Khamovniki or went skating on Patriarch's Ponds. Sometimes Leo Tolstoy went to the skating rink in "some kind of shelter for underage street children" . The writer rode regularly, even when he was 70 years old.
Yesterday I went on foot to Kuznetsky Most, when I return, I see that L.N. is skating in the garden.
I quickly put on my skates and went skating with him. But after the Patriarch's Ponds, it's still crowded and sad to ride in our garden. L. N. skates very confidently and well; he became cheerful and cheerful again for three days.
And the classic transferred his passion to the pages of books — he colorfully described the meeting between Kitty and Levin at the skating rink in the novel Anna Karenina:
yourself. There were also masters of skating, flaunting their art, and learning behind armchairs, with timid, awkward movements, and boys, and old people, skating for hygienic purposes; everyone seemed to Levin to be chosen lucky ones, because they were here, close to her. All the skaters, it seemed, were completely indifferently overtaking her, catching up with her, even talking to her and having fun completely independently of her, taking advantage of the excellent ice and good weather.
Travel like Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Pyotr Tchaikovsky (first from left) among musicians. 1889 Tiflis. Photo: Iosif Andronikov (Andronikashvili) / P.I. Tchaikovsky, Votkinsk, Udmurt Republic
The composer wrote that for him "the cold climate is pure grace" and his body "befits to live in winter in Russia" . Pyotr Tchaikovsky believed that his health "is always worse in summer than in winter" . But after the first trips to Europe, I often began to think about wintering abroad - and definitely in Italy.
I often build castles in the air about life in Italy in winter. Will it happen this year? Alas! Don't know. Or rather, that I will have to languish for quite a long time in hateful Moscow.
Tchaikovsky visited there for the first time in December 1871. And in December 1875 - January 1876 he traveled with his brother Modest in Germany, Switzerland, France. But Italy pulled him irresistibly - he again spent the winters of 1877-1881 there.
I begin to think with some fear about the contrast between the wonderful spring that I enjoy here (in Rome - Ed.
) and the winter that I still find in Petersburg. Oh, what divine days these are, my dear friend, and how good it would be for you now here! All day and all evening I sit at an open window, violets appeared on the streets in a huge mass, even in the evening it is impossible to walk except in a light frock coat. And it's still winter! But still, I leave around the twentieth.
In the middle of the 1880s, he began to travel abroad less and less for the winter because of the operas that were staged in Moscow and St. Petersburg ( "But, alas, I myself forged the chains that keep me in Russia" . And later, he began to think about "own corner" , move away from "habit of leading a nomadic life" and "be a homeless wanderer" .
At first he hired himself a dacha, where it was nice in winter, but in the summer they bothered "unbearable summer residents" . And then he moved to the city.
My dear friend, I decided to look for apartments in Moscow for the winter.
Firstly, because there will be a lot of work for me to organize our concerts there, and secondly, because, living in the countryside in winter, in recent years I began to suffer severe headaches. After working all day, in the evening some kind of distraction is necessary, for example, a small game of screw or even a walk, which is impossible to do in the countryside. Anyway, I can’t stay in Frolovsky, because my mistress cut down all the forests, and all the charm of my local situation disappeared.
Read also:
- Resting like Russian classics
- Learning from the classics: how to wish Happy New Year
- Test: what place on the map did the artist depict?
Treat guests like Ilya Repin
From left to right: singer Fyodor Chaliapin poses for Ilya Repin in the Penatov winter workshop. 1913. Repino, St. Petersburg. Photo: Karl Bulla / pastvu.com
In 1899, the already well-known artist acquired land in the village of Kuokkala on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, where he soon rebuilt the Penaty estate. Together with his beloved Natalya Nordman, he regularly received famous guests there - poets, artists, theatergoers, musicians. For solemn meetings, he determined a special day - the so-called "Repin environments" . From 15:00 until night, throughout the year, lively conversations were held at the original table with a spinning mechanism.
And here I come, wonderful morning, sun and severe frost, the courtyard of Repin's dacha, who at that time was obsessed with vegetarianism and fresh air, in deep snow, and in the house - all the windows were wide open; Repin meets me in felt boots, in a fur coat, in a fur hat, kisses, hugs, takes me to his workshop, where it is also frosty, as in the yard, and says: “Here I will write you in the morning, and then we will have breakfast like God God ordered: grass, my dear, grass! You will see how it cleanses both body and soul, and you will soon quit even damned tobacco.
In winter, the flow of guests weakened, but did not stop. Repin organized public lectures, Christmas trees and dances for local janitors, gardeners, painters, laundresses, and cooks at Penates. I went to visit the young writer Korney Chukovsky, who lived next door, for Sunday meetings. And he dropped in on Repin in the evenings to read aloud to the guests "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" or "Old World Landowners".
I remember one winter in Kuokkale, in his garden, talking to him, I saw that under my feet on the white snow one of Repin's dogs had left a narrow but deep yellow puddle. I, without noticing what I was doing, began to shovel the surrounding snow with the toe of my boot in order to cover up an unpleasant stain ... And suddenly Repin groaned in pain:0120 - What are you! What do you! I have been coming here for three days to admire this wonderful amber tone... And you...
And he looked at me so reproachfully, as if I were destroying a high work of art before his eyes.
In February 1914, singer Fyodor Chaliapin came to visit Repin. He posed for the artist on the famous "Chaliapin's couch" , and during the breaks he shared daily worries with the owner of the "Penates": he shoveled snow on the street, walked a lot in the park, went skating in the bay and Finnish sleighs. And since Ogonyok magazine was reporting live from the scene, a whole series of funny pictures by the famous photographer Karl Bulla has been preserved.
Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin spent several days of Pancake week the pride and glory of Russian vocal art visiting the famous Russian artist Ilya Efimovich Repin at his dacha "Penates". Repin painted a portrait of Chaliapin and, together with his guest, enjoyed the beautiful winter nature of Finland. Our photographers draw the winter village idyll of two famous contemporaries better than any descriptions.
Find a new hobby like Korney Chukovsky
Korney Chukovsky (second from right) with children and artist Isaac Brodsky on the ice of the Gulf of Finland. 1909 year. Illustration from the book "Korney Chukovsky: Days of My Life" (2009)
Repin's neighbor in Kuokkale, writer Korney Chukovsky, loved racing on a buer in winter, a light boat designed for sailing on ice. The Gulf of Finland, with its winds and free space, was very suitable for a fashionable activity. Chukovsky drew artist Isaak Brodsky and writer Alexander Kuprin into this sport.
And in the winter in that same Finland, on a frosty and sunny day, Alexander Ivanovich set off with me across the smooth, dazzlingly sparkling crust of the bay on skis under sail, and although up to that time he had never happened to use a sail for skiing, he immediately but, like a true athlete, he mastered all the technique of this business and gallantly rushed forward in the direction of Kronstadt. It is a pity that at present this sport is not in our honor. He needs special skis - on narrow iron skids so that they do not crawl on the ice. The sail is stretched on long bamboo sticks tied crosswise with twine, between them there is a crossbar, which you grab onto, adjusting the sail behind you.
He introduced Chukovsky and his son Boris to his hobby. He, together with his friend Zhenya Shteinman, even tried to build his own iceboat. The guys worked on it from August 1927 to January 1928, but built the colossus "absurdly, insanely" , spending "ten times more work than necessary" . To make amends for "great grief" , Roots' dad took the children to the bay.
January 30th. Yesterday I called from Strelna N.E. Felten: Come here, to the yacht club, I'll take a ride on the buer. I had a lot to do, but I gave up everything - and moved to Strelna with Boba and Zhenya. At the station, a bespectacled cab driver seated the three of us to the yacht club. The yacht club on the shore of the bay - the ice is excellent, the boats are sliding, but how? Boermen carry them back and forth, no matter how much the wind blows. But I was generally glad to get some fresh air and forget about everything, Felten was very nice, he kept apologizing, as if the lack of wind was his fault.
Boba and Zhenya harnessed themselves to the boat and drove me around the bay, so that, closing my eyes, I felt like I was on a sailboat rushing under sail.
Go skiing regularly like Mikhail Bulgakov
Mikhail Bulgakov and Moscow Art Theater actors on a ski trip in the Moscow region. Illustration from the book “Memories of Mikhail Bulgakov” (1988)
The writer liked to go skiing with his friends and often praised them for their “skiing” exploits. Among his acquaintances there were many members of the Moscow Art Theater since Bulgakov made his debut on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater with the play "Days of the Turbins" in 1926. On Mondays, when there was a day off in the theater, the artists arranged trips with an instructor to the mountains near the village of Gladyshevo, to Sokolniki and to the village of Bogorodsky.
In 1929, Mikhail Bulgakov met his future wife, Elena Shilovskaya, and on the second day after they met, he invited her on a date to the Neskuchny Garden to go skiing. Later, they often went skiing.
December 12th. We were supposed to go to the general "Machinel" in Simonov's theater during the day, but because of the guys we didn't go. Zhenya spent the night with us, they woke us up with noise almost at seven o'clock. During the day we tried to go skiing with Misha. We walked across the pond near Novo-Devichy and returned - a wild icy wind.
But his main winter sports companion was the playwright Sergei Yermolinsky, whom the Bulgakovs' friend Marika Chimishkyan married. The Ermolinskys lived in Mansurovsky Lane, from which it was easy to go down through Ostozhenka to the Moscow River. Therefore, the walk began from their wooden house, capturing the skis that were standing there. "Let's go, let's go skiing, while you, Marika, while you're in charge, cook us food" , Bulgakov usually called out to his friend.
On a dry winter day, especially when it was sunny, Mikhail Afanasyevich would visit me.
He left his greenish-gray fur coat (fur coat. - Note ed.) to the heels and from the same American bear a large earflap that fit over his ears, pulled on the invariable knitted cap, and we, having fixed the skis already in the courtyard of the house, went on a hike.
Mikhail Afanasyevich ran skiing better than me. Rolling down the hill a little steeper, I could not resist, the skis parted, and I fell on my side. In the light frost, in the purest air, heavenly for the city, in the absence of people and outside the fuss, it was easy to talk about literature. He did not like general discussions, but the quiet creaking of the snow under the ski tracks always disposed him to this.
Author: Tatyana Grigoryeva
Classical advice0003
Outdoor games for adults | An article in the blog of the Tour Club PIK
“Now let's have fun!” Sasha said and sat down. So my sister and I described in the diary one of the campaigns of our youth. And all because there were two entertainments: a guitar and cards. And you?
In this article we will tell you about adult games on the way, on a halt and by the fire. Do not think too much - everything is chaste. Intelligent, funny, tabletop and even with a guitar - for fun on a hike in any situation.
- Entertainment on the way
- Entertainment at the campsite
- Evening games
- Games in the rain
- Games for the whole trip
- What to pack for fun?
All entertainment for a sober company: according to the rules of conduct on a hike, alcohol is prohibited.
Is the group depressed? Guess a riddle!
The transition was delayed, the people are gloomy silent or grumble at the guide? Get in the mood right now! Talkers will help pass an hour or two:
- Cities. The last letter of the previous city becomes the first for the next. Experienced people can name mountain peaks.
- Associations.
The first calls the word, the next calls the association, and so on in a chain. You can complicate the task, for example, thinking about what is bigger, faster, stronger than the one named.
- Magic chest. The game begins with the words: “I take it out of the magic chest ...”, and everyone sequentially adds one item, keeping the word order. Who stumbles out of the game.
- I'm taking it on a hike. The host comes up with a rule by which he will select participants for the trip. For example, he will take those who name words with a consonant or three syllables. Players, not knowing the rules, name the things that they will take on a hike, to which they receive the host’s answer “We take you” or “We do not take you”. Whoever guesses the rule first wins.
- Questions for the attentive. Ask everyone to carefully watch the road so that later they can exchange questions: how many trees grow around the bend, in which direction did they turn behind the mountain, etc. At the same time, learn to remember the way so as not to get lost in the forest.
Tired of walking? Sit down and laugh!
Hurrah, break! The eyes contemplate the beauty, the legs rest, and the soul rejoices at the host's fun:
- Garages. The leader drops a bunch of matches on the ground, saying: "This is 3 garages." On the next turn, the pile contains a different number of garages. The task of the players is to understand the rule by which garages are built. Meanwhile, there is only one rule: how many fingers the leader puts next to the matches, so many garages. If you don't know, you can guess for a long time.
- Looking back. A good way to test unanimity with a tentmate. Players sit in pairs with their backs to each other and, at the command of the host, turn their heads to the side. The more matches, the better. The game becomes more interesting if there are couples of different sexes - if successful, they should kiss on the cheek.
You can also create beautiful things while resting. Draw landscapes, arrange photo shoots, collect herbs, meditate or write poetry - creative trips will not leave anyone indifferent.
Creative trips
Guitar gatherings in the camp with a campfire. Lamp day in the Leningrad region
4.9231 13
Forest Maslenitsa. LO
Guitar gatherings in the chum with a fire. Lamp Day in the Leningrad Region
4.9231 13
Guitar gatherings in the tent with a fire. Lamp day in the Leningrad region
4.9231 13
Family Turkey: freediving and hiking (0+)
4.9333 30
Children's Ladoga (0+)
5 9
What should this phantom do? Make tea for everyone!
Campfire games are the highlight of the day. We leave the most fun activities for the evening:
- outdoor games;
- quiet games with humor;
- guitar games.
Outdoor games
- “12 notes”. Familiar z child's play when, in search of a reward, you run around the yard and look for notes? Do you think respectable uncles and aunts will not agree to this? But what if dinner or sweets for tea are at stake?
- Fanta. We adapt children's tasks to the situation: we tell a joke, parody artists, dress up as Baba Yaga, set up a tent with our eyes closed. Or maybe it’s fun for someone to shout “ku-ka-re-ku”?
- KVN. A game for a large company with bright temperamental participants. Dial mini-teams of 3-5 people and give them impromptu tasks:
- continue a funny story:
- sing a song on a given topic;
- compose a short sketch;
- show mime.
It is desirable to involve spectators during the game.
Quiet games with humor
Evening gatherings with good mood
Tired of “Mafia” and “Crocodile”? Catch bright ideas for a dark evening:
- “Who am I?”.
Participants sit in a circle, a note is attached to each forehead with a designation, for example, the name of a famous character, the name of an animal, etc. The player can guess the new name by asking yes/no questions: “Am I an animal? Am I a big animal? If the answer is “No”, the move moves on to the next one. You can diversify the task by choosing words or phrases on a hiking theme, for example, “Hungry tourist”, “Can of stew”, “Heavy backpack”.
- “Show me with your hands”. Guessing game for one person. The driver sits on a chair, puts on a jacket back to front. The player standing behind puts his hands into the sleeves of the leader and shows him with his hands what word the leader thought of. The audience is not aware of the task and laugh at the surprise with which the driver looks at other people's hands and tries to guess the word.
- “Stories in notes”. You must have played this game as a child. Participants are given narrow long leaves and pens. After answering the first question, the player folds the sheet inward, hiding the entry and leaving enough space, and passes it on to the next.
In return, he receives a note from a neighbor on the other side and writes the answer to the second question there. Order of questions: 1. Who is he? 2. Who is she? 3. Where were they? 4. What did you do? 5. Who came to them? 6. What did he say? 7. What was his answer? 8. How did it all end? 9. Why? Add your own for even more fun.
Guitar games
A guitar on a hike is always handy
When your favorite songs are sung, play “Guess the melody”, land on the seats instead of the famous “high chairs”, arrange a parody contest.
Here are some more games with music:
- Q&A. The players are divided into two teams. The first asks a question with the words from the song, for example: “Why are you good, why is it easy with you?”. The second team answers with the words from another song: “Because you can’t be so beautiful in the world.” Then he asks a musical question to the first team.
- “Musical Theatre”. Each team comes up with a pantomime task for the opponent and gives time to prepare.
Then the first performs the song, the second depicts its action, after which they switch roles.
When it rains, we warm ourselves with tea, coffee and games. Source: turistsibiri.ru
Have some fun in store for a day or a long rain. Fight in a war game, arrange a tug of war, an arm wrestling tournament, a hand race, wet football, target shooting with a slingshot, hide and seek in the forest or build a wigwam for a photo shoot.
Honor Neptune in the rain: water is a holiday. Especially true for alloys :).
Early booking
Canoeing along the river. Istra in the ancient city of Moscow region
Hiking and kayaking tour in the Crimea
4.8889 20
Ladoga skerries - the pearl of Karelia. Canoe trip
4.8 40
Free cancellation
Kayaking on the Yauza
5 3
early birds
Hiking and kayaking tour in Crimea
4.8889 20
Free cancellation
Kayaking on the Yauza
5 3
At the end of the day, flood the sauna.
Contrary to doubt, children's fun is suitable for adults - let yourself be nostalgic.
Board games
For a group of adults under an awning, nothing better can be done. A large team can compete in Tempo, Alias Party, Activity, Uno or Bluff Party. Spend time with a friend at Jaipur, Mr. Jack, Okiya or find out the fate in the Leela Chakra.
The goal unites
Wouldn't it be great if all the days of hiking were connected by one idea? Choose:
Secret friend
On the first day of the hike, each participant is assigned a ward, who needs to be secretly taken care of: slip sweets, remove things from the rain. On the last evening, everyone shares their feelings and tries to guess their secret friend.
Camping chronicle
Take a notebook with a pen and ask your friends to write down their impressions in one sentence at the end of each day. On the last evening, read the chronicle aloud.
Useful entertainment
When, if not now, would you like to try tightrope and coal walking, cold water douche and morning exercise? Start a tradition, invite friends, count points, and reward the most athletic on the last evening.
Topic of the day
When fellow travelers are on the same wavelength, the question of what games you can play on a hike does not arise. Engage a diverse group with thematic activities for every day.