Dra level test

Developmental Reading Assessment, Third Edition


  • Joetta Beaver
  • Mark Carter
DRA offers educators the tools they need to observe and document student reading level and helps inform instructional practice. Further information regarding remote administration of this assessment

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    Qualification level:


    Qualification Level


    Level A

    This approval level enables you to buy our assessments that require no professional degree, accreditation, organization membership, or license/certificate.

    Level B

    This approval level enables you to buy our assessments requiring A or B qualification levels.

    Level C

    This approval level enables you to buy all our assessments.

    Scoring options:

    Manual or online

    System requirements:

    DRA3 can be used on a laptop, desktop, or tablet. Mac recommendations: Safari or Chrome. PC recommendations: Firefox or Internet Explorer.

    Product Details

    The DRA3 combines three decades of teacher input with the latest research to validate the premier reading assessment of individual student reading behaviors in the classroom.


    DRA3 offers:

    • More than 100 fiction and nonfiction books to provide your students ample choices and more stories for each reading level
      • Order Grades K-3
      • Order Grades 4-8
    • A word list screener to quickly estimate reading levels before you begin testing or for new students entering a school or district. Learn more about the Level estimator.
    • Teacher Observation Guides (record forms) to facilitate easier recording and efficient assigning of scores
    • Teacher Guides to ensure important administration procedures, decision points, and other information are all easier to find, understand, and implement with fidelity
    • Updated comprehension scoring criteria
    • Reading Engagement as an optional component of Benchmark Assessment
    • All complementary and paid training resources and related content for instruction and intervention are available online

    With DRA3, teachers can:

    • Determine each student's independent or instructional reading level with an evaluation of three components of reading: reading engagement, oral reading fluency, and comprehension.
    • Quickly determine students' instructional needs to create a plan documenting what each student needs to learn next with the Focus for Instruction. Once the assessment is complete, teachers can use this information to differentiate instruction and create instructional groups.
    • As appropriate, a teacher can obtain more in-depth information for an individual student with DRA Word Analysis. This diagnostic assessment provides educators with a systematic means to observe how struggling and emerging readers attend to and work with various components of spoken and written words.


    • Level estimator
      Exclusive to DRA3! Save time to quickly identify estimated student reading levels before you begin testing. Learn more about the Level estimator, giving you an indication of where to begin instruction.

    DRA3's consolidated digital offering:

    • Assess, score, report, access, and maintain student records all in one place through DRA3's new online platform! An online subscription for up to 30 students is included with each kit purchased. View the platform!
    • Provides educators data entry and administration in a new browser-based solution that can be used on any compatible device (e.g., laptop, desktop or tablet)
    • Offers expanded reporting options beyond those available from a paper-only assessment
    • Easily captures, stores, and reports DRA3 student data at the student, class, school, district, or even state level

    DRA3's instructional guidance helps reading teachers interpret DRA3 scores and use them to improve classroom instruction by providing:

    • Comparisons to other familiar leveling systems
    • Strategies teachers can use to build customized lesson plans based on DRA3 student and classroom scores
    • Time-tested ideas introduced in DRA2's Focus for Instruction and Moving into Instruction components
    • Clearer guidance decision points for efficient and appropriate use of DRA3 Benchmark Assessment with Word Analysis and/or Progress Monitoring Assessment
    There's more to learn

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    The following resources are available.

    DRA3 Infographics
    DRA3 Reading Lists
    DRA3 Common Core Alignment


    The following events are available for DRA-3. 

    Assessing a Student's Level | Reading A-Z


    Running Records
    on Raz-Plus

    With our online running record tool, Raz-Plus or Raz-Kids members can:

    • Assign a Benchmark Book from Levels aa-J
    • Assign a Benchmark Passage from Levels aa-Z2
    • Listen to students' recordings from reading aloud a book or passage.
    • Score all student recordings using an online running-record tool.
    • Listen to students' recordings of retellings.
    • Score retellings using an online rubric.
    • See quiz questions missed and a report on which comprehension skills to support or re-teach with each student.
    • Reward students' progress through awarding stars to spend in the RAZ Rocket.
    • Track your students' progress over time.

    Reading A-Z provides a three-part assessment process to help you place students in instructionally appropriate level texts.

    • Find out at which level to start a student.
    • Determine when a student is ready to move to the next level.

    Part 1: Students read Benchmark Passages or Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J), and you capture their reading behavior on Running Records.

    Part 2: Students retell the text, and you use Retelling Rubrics to score their comprehension.

    Part 3: Students take an oral or written Comprehension Quick Check Quiz, and each question's answer tells what skill it assessed to help you identify comprehension skills for additional practice.

    Part 1: Start with Benchmark Passages & Running Records or Benchmark Books & Running Records (Levels aa-J). Select a passage or book that best approximates a student's reading level. Use the running records that accompany each passage or book to score a student's reading behavior. (Initially you may have to take more than one running record to determine a student's instructional level.) To assess a student's instructional level in Spanish, use printable versions of the Spanish Benchmark Passages, or Pasajes estándar.

    Review About Running Records to learn about the details of taking, marking and scoring a running record.

    Parts 2 & 3: Retelling Rubrics and Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes provide details about a student's understanding and comprehension of the Benchmark Passage or Book.

    • Retelling Rubrics provide details that identify strengths and weaknesses students might have comprehending fiction or nonfiction texts; including analysis of text structures.
    • Benchmark Passages and Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J) have multiple-choice Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes and answer keys. Use the skill tags on the answer key to see comprehension strengths and opportunities for additional instruction.

    The three-part process establishes a baseline of your students' levels. Assign leveled books from Reading A-Z's extensive collection for small group practice at students' instructional levels. Allow students to choose books below their instructional levels for independent practice.

    How Do I Monitor Students' Reading Progress?
    Use Benchmark Books or Benchmark Passages and their associated resources for progress monitoring as students' reading at their instructional levels improves.

    Assessment Schedule

    Developmental Level Reading Level Schedule
    Beginning readers Levels aa-C every 2 to 4 weeks
    Developing readers Levels D-J every 4 to 6 weeks
    Effective readers Levels K-P every 6 to 8 weeks
    Automatic readers Levels Q-Z every 8 to 10 weeks

    Students who are not progressing at the expected rate should be assessed even more frequently than the Assessment Schedule suggests.

    The scores your students achieve on running records, retellings, and comprehension quizzes give you valuable information about their reading behavior and comprehension. Use it to inform your instruction in addition to placing students and monitoring their progress.

    Use the chart below along with the other information you learn from the three-part assessment process to determine if students are ready to move up a level.


    Running Record Quick Check Comprehension Quiz Action
    95% + 100% Advance Student a Level
    95% + 80% Instruct at this Level
    95% + Lower a Level, Assess Again
    90-94% 80-100% Instruct at this Level
    90-94% Lower a Level, Assess Again
    N/A Lower a Level, Assess Again

    For Raz-Plus members, results from the printable running records can be entered to display in a student's Reading Rate report in your Kids A-Z management hub. That way, you have not only the digital running records and assessment information, but also the results from printable running records—all in one place.

    How Do I Match Learning A-Z Levels to Other Leveling Systems?
    For your convenience, Learning A-Z correlates its levels to other leveling systems. If you've already placed students in levels according to another system, please reference the Level Correlation Chart to determine how another system's levels best match Learning A-Z's levels.

    The correlations are not official levels assigned by the other leveling systems, but rather an approximate correlation based on a comparison of attributes in books assigned official levels by both the other leveling system and Learning A-Z.

    Personality dark core test

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    This test is also available in these languages:

    How dark is your core personality?

    Ph. D. researchers Mashagen, Hilbich, and Zettler discovered the existence of a common center of negative human behavior, which they called the "dark core of the personality." The dark core is a general dispositional tendency, the manifestations of which are individual dark features. That is, numerous dark features have something in common, which is this core.

    Do you have a dark core? For each following statement, indicate how much you agree or disagree with it.

    Question 1 of 45

    Sometimes it pays to endure a little trouble yourself if it will result in others getting the punishment they deserve.

    Disagree I agree



    The IDRlabs Dark Core Personality Test (IDR-DCPT©) is the property of IDRlabs International. IDR-DCPT draws on the research of Mashagen, Hilbich, and Zettler, but is not affiliated with these professionals or the organizations they represent, and is not an equivalent to any of the works of the above authors.

    This test was developed with the help of psychoanalysts who are experienced in personality testing, organizational psychology and psychopathology. Regardless, please keep in mind that benchmarks like these are just indicators, a first look at the system.

    All dark core personality tests, whether professional ones used in scientific research or free online tests like this one, are indicators that can give you a general idea of ​​your dark personality traits. No test ever developed can determine the dark core with absolute accuracy or certainty, and no test to determine the dark core of personality can replace an in-depth study of the theory of the dark factor.

    The authors of this free online dark core test are certified experts in the use of various personality tests, professionally conduct psychological and psychopathological tests, political psychology tests and personality tests. Before using our free online test, please note that the results are provided "as is", free of charge, and should not be construed as the provision of professional or certified advice of any kind. For more information about our online Dark Core Personality Test, please see our Terms of Service.

    Driver installation tests (device basics) - Windows drivers

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    The Driver Installation test category includes tests that uninstall and reinstall the driver multiple times to test the functionality of the installation. The tests initiate I/O testing for the driver and device after each reinstall. The tests are designed to improve the overall experience for end users who need to install and reinstall a device driver or device.

    I/O reconfiguration details before and after test

    This test does the following.

    1. Verifies that the test device and its descendants do not report device problem codes.
    2. Tests I/O on the test device and its descendants using the WDTF simple I/O plug-ins. For more information, see WDTF Simple I/O Plug-ins Provided.
    3. How to reinstall the original driver on a test device using method IWDTFDriverSetupAction2::UpdateDriver .
    4. Verifies that the test device and its descendants do not report device problem codes.
    5. Tests I/O on the test device and its descendants using the WDTF simple I/O plug-ins. For more information, see WDTF Simple I/O Plug-ins Provided.
    6. Reboots the system if a reboot is required for step 3.
    7. Installs a NULL driver on a test device using method IWDTFDriverSetupAction2::UnInstallDriverPermanently Reboots the system if a reboot is required.

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