Sids science fair
Sid and Gabriela's Science Fair Entry | Sid the Science Kid Videos
- PBS Kids live TV
- PBS Kids spotlight playlist
- PBS Kids shows
Haunt Squad/Safe House in the Woods
Polar Bears Don't Dance
Daniel Listens to Dad/Daniel and Katerina Listen to Each Other
I am Mary Shelley/I am Harry Houdini
Socks for Sale/Alma's Animal Show
Butterflies and Bunny Babies/Every Meow and Again
Polar Bears Don't Dance
Haunt Squad/Safe House in the Woods
Socks for Sale/Alma's Animal Show
Amazing Sled Run/Frost Fairy
Let's Talk Turkey Vulture/Prescription: Nature
Sunday Drive
Clever Levers/Going, Going, Gong
The Dance Problem/Follow the Bouncing Ball
The Family Campout/A Game Night for Everyone
Daniel Likes to Be with Dad/Daniel Likes to Be with Mom
Rosie the Dog Sitter/Chef Rosie
Episode 14
Zig Zag Plant/Butterfly Drinks
Episode 36
Dry Times at Pteranodon Terrace/Big Misty Sea Fishing Contest
Knights of the Wobbly Table/Don't Lead Me a Stray
Dolphin with the Yellow Hat/Dog's Day Off
Episode 14
Monkey Dance/Royal Peacock Dance
Andy King of Scots/Leo the Nessie Hunter
Episode 36
Living in Disharmony
Mouse in the Treehouse/Leader of the Pack
Knot So Fast / Made in the Shade
Arthur's Perfect Christmas
The Real Ant Farm
Dolphin with the Yellow Hat/Dog's Day Off
I am Florence Nightingale/I am George Washington Carver
Alma's Showstopper/Ultimate Helper
Mouse in the Treehouse/Leader of the Pack
Let's Go Luna!: Christmas Around the World
The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas!
A Nature Carol
Living in Disharmony
Mouse in the Treehouse/Leader of the Pack
Knot So Fast / Made in the Shade
D. W. All Wet/Buster's Dino Dilemma
Where There's a Wolf, There's a Way/New Jacket Required
The Real Ant Farm
The Family Campout/A Game Night for Everyone
I am Florence Nightingale/I am George Washington Carver
Alma's Showstopper/Ultimate Helper
Mouse in the Treehouse/Leader of the Pack
Let's Go Luna!: Christmas Around the World
The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas!
A Nature Carol
The Flying Karamazov Brothers
Sid's Holiday Adventure
Webby in Bathland
Daniel's Grr-ific Grandpere/Making Mozies with Nana
Daniel's New Friend Max/A New Friend at the Clock Factory
Rosie Maps it Out/Merry-Go-Rosie
Episode 12
Feed the Birds/Senor Tapir Says Adios
Episode 33
Hurricane at Pteranodon Terrace/Rafting the Cretaceous
The Little Red Dream/The Mail Mix Up
Curious George's Amazon Adventure/Monkey Senses
Episode 12
Star Light, Star Not So Bright/The Opera-matic
Boomin' Boomerang/House Music
Episode 33
Soil Turmoil
Froggy of Denali/Molly Mabray and the Mystery Stones
Bugging Out / Eager Beavers
The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came To Dinner
Reindeer Games
The Dhole Duplicator
Curious George's Amazon Adventure/Monkey Senses
I am Johann Sebastian Bach/I am Marie Curie
Socks for Sale/Alma's Animal Show
Froggy of Denali/Molly Mabray and the Mystery Stones
Let's Go Luna!: Christmas Around the World
The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas!
A Nature Carol
Soil Turmoil
Froggy of Denali/Molly Mabray and the Mystery Stones
Bugging Out / Eager Beavers
The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came To Dinner
Sid’s Science Fair Review | 148Apps
Sid’s Science Fair Review | 148Apps $0. 99
Posted by Amy Solomon on October 20th, 2011
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
Sid’s Science Fair is a really fun and educational app based on the hit PBS show, Sid the Science Kid, a favorite show in our home.
My son and I enjoy watching Sid the Science Kid together as it explores not only different science concepts but has a lovely point-of-view by including this show’s characters as young scientists themselves as they collect data and perform experiments and observations. This show is highly educational as well as very witty and entertaining with great characters having distinct personalities and lots of humor mixed in. I am impressed by this show’s ability not only to teach science-related information but to encourage children's interest in science in general and to think like scientists - possibly as a career years in the future.
I was very excited to hear of this new app - Sid’s Science Fair - as we have had very good success with the other PBS apps which are based on TV. shows, specifically Super Why! and Martha Speaks Dog Party.
For those who have not watched Sid the Science Kid before, the look of the show is wonderfully bright computer-generated images. Even the different characters have skin and hair wonderfully stylized in a way that is utterly Sid. This app does not disappoint in the looks department and looks exactly as one might expect if a fan of this show, as this app makes Sid and his gang look even more crisp and vivid than what we see on television.
This app starts out with Sid introducing the audience to his school’s science fair, offering kids three different science-related activities to choose from:
Gabriela’s “Collection Inspection” offers kids the chance to use an interactive magnifying glass to look for specific details found among a variety of objects, such as leaves, butterflies, or sea shells. Here, a specific detail is shown in a circle to the right of the screen, and the player uses the provided magnifier to match this same spot found among the patterns and details within these collections.
There are 14 collections offered, and although the collections are fixed, the spot one is looking for is always different so the re-play value of this section is great. I really appreciate the different collections offered and how one can take his time looking at what each section has to offer before finding the specific detail in question.
May’s “Chart It!” goes into detail about charting data into different traits, such as color, shape, type, position or patterns, having the player drag and drop said objects where they belong. Seven collections are offered here, such as flowers, buttons, origami, or balloon animals. Within these groupings, there are ten individual objects and three charts to be worked on, which will vary per collection. I enjoy this section as well, because although children learn such categories as color or shapes early on, here this becomes a science-based activity, using this basic knowledge as data, getting kids ready to learn about and to be excited for science in school and beyond.
Gerald’s “Time Machine” is a very nice way to discuss sequencing. Here, 14 picture collections are offered, such as the sprouting of a seedling as well as the melting down of candles and a snowman. Each collection contains five images that one needs to sequence correctly, and it is especially nice that both backward and forward work correctly as long as the order is proper. After this is complete, one can run a finger back and forth under the correct sequence of photos to watch the time machine in action, with such images as a tomato developing mold - my favorite interaction. It is also nice that some of these choices could be seen in real time, such as a geyser exploding or a space shuttle being launched into space or over a short period, like melting ice or an apple being eaten, but my favorite collections include the growing of a seedling as well as both tomatoes and strawberries decaying, as these changes take days or longer, making great use of the time machine concept.
Each of these sections has the fun and catchy theme song from the TV. show - a piece of music very easy to listen to over a long period of time, as well as each character offering friendly tips on how to work his section, as well as enthusiastic banter throughout, praising the player for a job well done.
I really enjoy Sid as a role model for my son, as he is smart and funny, kind to his friends and family, and has a love of learning that any parent would appreciate have rub off on their child. I also really like the fact that two of these characters from the show and this app are girls - something I think might interest parents of daughters, offering them female role models who love science.
Some parent may note that at $2.99, this app, as well as others developed by PBS, are more expensive than other applications primarily for iPhone, but in my opinion are worth the money for both the educational value as well as the production value offered. My son and I really enjoy Sid’s Science Fair a lot, and we are still working with the other PBS educational apps we play long after the initial purchase, making them a great value. I do hope, however, that PBS will at some point turn their apps into universal applications, as this price for a universal app is easier for parents to swallow.
iPhone Screenshots
(click to enlarge)
Posted in: Reviews, By Age Range, By App Feature, Preschool, Just For Fun, Creativity, Primary School, Puzzle, Science, Art, Social, Parents and Kids
Tagged With: $2.99, PBS Kids
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90,000 TOP main agrarian events - all about agricultural machinery
Edition “Glavpahar” Prejudice to your attention The most important and interesting measures of the Agricultural sector , which will be held 9000 in June 2022 in Russia, Belarus and abroad.
Photo: glavpahar. ru
Exhibition BELAGRO-2021 in Belarus
Russian agriculture in figures and photos in Moscow, Russia, 01 June 2022
ROSSTAT will present a large-scale statistical and infographic material on the results of the 2021 Agricultural Micro-Census as part of a photo exhibition that will open on Nikitsky Boulevard in Moscow on June 1. Speakers and participants: Rosstat management, statisticians, experts, photographers.
Russian agriculture in figures and photographs in Moscow
Russian agriculture is not only a strategically important, but also a very photogenic industry. It will be possible to verify this on June 1: photo exhibition "Agriculture in Russia in Figures and Photographs" dedicated to the results of the 2021 Agricultural Census opens on Nikitsky Boulevard in Moscow.
In August 2021, the first ever agricultural micro-census took place in Russia. Its results clearly demonstrate the structural changes that have taken place in our agriculture.
The most striking figures will be presented within the framework of the photo exhibition, allowing to assess the dynamics and development potential of agricultural organizations and peasant (farmer) households. The figures of the statistics are illustrated by the works of Russian photographers collaborating with RIA Novosti, TASS, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, as well as photographs of participants in the photo contest "Village in Focus".
Forum and Exhibition Orchards and Vineyards of Russia and the CIS - 2022 in Moscow, Russia, June 01-02, 2022
5th annual investment forum and exhibition "Gardens and Vineyards of Russia and the CIS" will be held in Moscow from May 31 to June 02, 2022.
Forum and Exhibition "Orchards and Vineyards of Russia and the CIS"
The event is a professional international platform that brings together key horticultural enterprises in Russia and the CIS. The platform is designed to discuss development strategies and develop anti-crisis solutions in the industrial horticulture industry, conclude new mutually beneficial contracts, exchange experience between key market players and attract investment in the industry.
More than 400 delegates from the largest industrial orchards, vineyards, berry plantations and nurseries annually take part in the forum. As part of the event, it is planned to present more than 40 largest investment projects in industrial fruit growing, viticulture and berry growing with a implementation period of up to 2025. and later.
Specialized Exhibition Protected Soil of Russia - 2022 in Moscow, Russia, June 01-03, 2022
specialized exhibition "Protected ground of Russia 2022".The event is the main business platform for establishing contacts and obtaining information about the key trends in the development of greenhouse vegetable growing in the Russian Federation.
Specialized exhibition "Protected ground of Russia 2022"
Participants of the exhibition will be: manufacturers of structures, technological equipment and materials for greenhouses, equipment for sorting and packaging vegetable products, mushrooms, flowers, seeds, fertilizers and plant protection products, which determine the most modern technical solutions for the development of the greenhouse complex. More than 130 exhibitors from Russia, Belarus and a number of other European and CIS countries are expected to take part in the exhibition.
The exhibition, first of all, will be aimed at: promoting modern technologies and energy-saving equipment, materials of domestic and foreign production to the Russian market; acquaintance with advanced technologies for growing vegetables, green crops, flowers and mushrooms, storage, sorting, packaging and processing of products; assistance in attracting investments in this sector of agricultural production; promotion of greenhouse domestic products in the vegetable market.
The program includes specialized conferences, round tables, workshops, presentations, business meetings, competitions, tastings and thematic master classes.
The exhibition is organized by the Association "Greenhouses of Russia" with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the development of the agro-industrial complex.
Industry Forum of Hemp Growers in Moscow, Russia, June 02, 2022
V Industry All-Russian Forum: “Hemp for Life. Open Dialogue between the State and Business – Interaction in the Conditions of Modern Reality” will be held in Moscow on June 02, 2022 on the basis of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The main organizer will be Agro-Industrial Hemp Growers Association (APAC) .
Photo: APAK
All-Russian forum: “Hemp for life. An open dialogue between the state and business – interaction in the conditions of modern reality”
Hemp growing is a traditional industry for Russia, which since 2014 has been revived by the efforts of domestic producers. The area under this crop in the country is steadily growing every year, market participants are creating processing enterprises, expanding the range of products made from hemp. Now hemp growing is becoming increasingly important as a necessary tool for the country's food and raw material security, ensuring import substitution in agriculture, light industry, chemical industry and many other sectors of the economy. Under the current conditions, industrial hemp, in addition to the traditional food use, has a high economic potential as a domestic source of natural plant fiber and cellulose.
As part of the industry forum, a comprehensive discussion with the expert and business community, representatives of science and federal executive authorities of important issues related to the development of the hemp and flax growing industry is planned, and the development of proposals for the accelerated development of the direction.
Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal structures, industry unions, associations, active industry participants, manufacturers and dealers of fertilizers, insurance companies. The event will be held on June 02, 2022 in Moscow, in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (109012, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 6/1, c1). Participation in the Forum is free, pre-registration is required.
You can get acquainted with the program of the Forum and register here:
All-Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition No-till Expo 2022 in the Stavropol Territory, Russia, June 02-03, 2022
In the city of Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory (Vystavochnaya street, 1 (Exhibition of APK complex) from 02 to 03 June 2022, All-Russian agro-industrial exhibition "No-till Expo 2022".
All-Russian agro-industrial exhibition "No-till Expo 2022" (photo source: NGO "Union of supporters of direct sowing of agricultural crops") , plant protection products, fertilizers, technologies, seeds and much more). The main organizers of the event will be the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, the NGO “Union of supporters of direct sowing of agricultural. cultures”, Federal State Budgetary Institution “North Caucasian Federal National Research Center” and the Publishing House “Krestyanin”.
The exhibition will include scientific and practical seminars and round tables, participation in which is free. On June 3, there will be a bus trip to the KFH "Vodopyanov S.S." Petrovsky GO, which has been working on no-till technology for 9 years. The exhibition program is available at:
World Potato Congress 2022 - World Potato Congress and Farm Show in Dublin, Ireland, June 02, 2022
At the beginning of June 2022 Ireland will host World Potato Congress 2022 Ireland . The event will be held in parallel with the Europatat 2022 Congress. The main theme of the event this year will be: “The world of potatoes is changing”.
World Potato Congress 2022 Ireland photo credit:
World Potato Congress 2022 will bring together industry leaders, researchers, commercial organizations and growers and provide them with a platform where they can communicate, install new business relationships and interact with a global audience.
The main sections of the event will be: potato growing, selection, research and processing, machinery and equipment, production and retail trade, agrochemistry. Organizer: The Irish Potato Federation.
The Congress is the world's premier event for potato professionals, providing delegates with a unique insight into the rapidly changing future of the potato industry.
India Agri Growth Summit 2022 in New Delhi, India, June 02-03, 2022
In the period 02-03 June 2022, India will host the largest agrotechnology summit India Agri Growth Summit 2022.
The events will discuss topical issues of applying various technologies in agriculture, including agricultural machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex, precision farming systems, drones and robots, water management, agribusiness, innovations and solutions for growing various crops in crop production, and much more.
Bahia Farm Show 2022 in Salvador, Brazil, June 02-04, 2022
Photo: bahiafarmshow.
Bahia Farm Show 2022 in Brazil
The event will showcase agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment, achievements in the crop and livestock industries, technologies for logistics, milking, heating, slurry and biofuel applications, and as well as a wide range of related services. Organizer: Association of Farmers and Irrigators of Bahia-AIBA.
Exhibition BELAGRO - 2022 in Minsk, Belarus, June 07-11, 2022
International specialized exhibition June 2022.
Exhibition BELAGRO in Minsk, Belarus
The latest developments will be demonstrated by the scientific and practical centers of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the mechanization of agriculture, farming, potato growing, fruit and vegetable growing and food.
The exhibition will feature machinery, technologies and equipment for agricultural production , farms and greenhouses, agricultural products, agrochemistry, plant and soil protection products, livestock, feed and feed additives, veterinary drugs and medicines, building structures, power equipment, software, seeds, plants, technological equipment for grain processing. In addition, it is planned to hold seminars, meetings with scientists and technology developers.
As the organizers noted, the annual agricultural forum helps to summarize international experience in agricultural engineering and find new innovative solutions in the field of environmentally friendly materials and waste-free technologies.
The organizer of the exhibition in 2022 will be CJSC Minskexpo, the co-organizer is IFW-expo. The exhibition will be held with the support and participation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Industry and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Entrance to the exhibition will be free.
Donskoy Field Day 2022 in the Rostov region, June 09-10, 2022
From June 09 to 10, 2022 on the field of the Donskoy Agricultural Research Center in the Zernograd district of the Rostov region an exhibition-demonstration "Day of the Don Field" 2022" , where the latest achievements of agribusiness will be presented.
Don Field Day 2022 in the Rostov region (photo source:
The exhibition will feature innovative equipment and the latest developments in agrochemistry from leading brands - Rostselmash, Case, New Holland, Kuhn, Jcb, Joskin, Gregoire Besson, Opall Agri, Fendt, Lemken, Deutz, Valtra, Dieci, Zetor, Horsch, Amazone, Solar Fields, Palesse, Fog and more .
A total of 165 companies plan to take part in the exhibition-demonstration . Among them are such major players in the agro-industrial market as Rostselmash, Inagrotech, Bizon, Altair, Belagromash-Service, Schelkovo Agrokhim, Agrodrivers, PhosAgro-Don, AgroExpertGroup , firm "August", "Evrokhim", TD "Agrotechnician", "Ekoniva-Semena", "Agroservice".
For the first time, BASF, RosAgroService, Agromir-Seeds, Backout, SD Agro, Tekhnika Pole, DiborExport, Turbodeflector Plant, Gervent Rus, Irrigation Machine Plant will present their products at the project for the first time.
The uniqueness of the Don Field Day exhibition project lies in the fact that visitors can not only get acquainted with the standard exposition, but also see agricultural machinery in action, evaluate the quality of crops on experimental fields and take part in business program events.
50 demo screenings are already scheduled for the event. On an area of 25 hectares, the best examples of agricultural machinery will present the entire cycle of agricultural work. Farmers will be able to observe land reclamation and irrigation (self-propelled and trailed sprayers), sowing (sowing complexes and seeders) and tillage (harrows, cultivators, plows). Especially for the exhibition, 15 new breeding varieties of winter wheat (soft and hard) and oil flax will be planted on experimental fields.
The business program of the Day of the Don Field includes round tables, conferences and seminars with the participation of 20 leading agricultural experts, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Don region and agricultural producers. The regional pre-harvest meeting will become the central event of the Don Field Day business program.
The general sponsor of the exhibition is Rostselmash, the official partner is Altair. The sponsor of the Agrotechnologies section is Schelkovo Agrokhim. You can follow the news about the program and participants of the Don Field Day exhibition on by reference .
Location: Rostov region, Zernograd district, pos. Experimental, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "ANC "Donskoy".
AgriTek Uzbekistan 2022 International Exhibition in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 13-16, 2022
AgriTek Uzbekistan 2022
AgriTek main thematic sections:
- agricultural machinery and equipment: tractors, trucks, seeders, tillage equipment, fertilizers, sprayers, harvesting and post-harvest equipment, haymaking and storage, landscaping and forestry, cultivation wine products and winemaking, spare parts and components, irrigation equipment, pumps, intensive farming technologies, plant protection, fertilizers and soil additives, oil products, bags, films and packaging.
- horticultural equipment: garden planters and planters, vegetable and fruit harvesting equipment, sorting and packaging equipment, greenhouses and conservatories, greenhouse equipment materials, irrigation and fertilization technologies, fertilizers and soil additives, insecticides, hybrids, fungicides , heating and ventilation equipment, seeds and seedlings, horticultural products, floricultural products and technologies, garden equipment.
- animal husbandry: technologies and innovations in the field of livestock breeding, hatchery equipment, reproduction, feed for livestock and additives, preparation and processing of feed, health, veterinary technologies, processing of animal waste, livestock breeding complexes, production, processing of milk and dairy products.
DLG Feldtage 2022 Farm Machinery and Robot Field Demonstrations in Mannheim, Germany June 14-16, 2022
0005 exhibition of agricultural machines and robots DLG Feldtage 2022 under the motto “My crop production. My future."
DLG Feldtage 2022 in Germany
The exhibition will feature an extensive technical program. This year's DLG-Feldtage open-air event will feature around 350 exhibitors from the horticultural sector.
Exhibitors showed great interest in participating in the demonstration of machinery and equipment, which is part of the DLG Feldtage exhibition program. More than 70 machines are currently entered for demonstrations, including 20 shallow tillage machines (from chain disc harrows to organic cultivators, disc harrows and plows), 16 hoes, 13 crop protection sprayers and 7 tractor models, 6 spreaders fertilizers. Telehandlers will be introduced in a separate new category, field handling.
Another important event is the International Field Robot Competition (FRE), which will be held for the fourth time at the DLG Feldtage 2022. International student teams will compete against each other presenting the field robots they have developed. A competent jury will determine which team will achieve the best results on the test field. The conditions of the competition will correspond to the real tasks and situations that take place in agriculture. This year, companies producing field robots will present their developments in the field.
More information about DLG Field Days 2022 and registration options for exhibitors can be found at
GreenTech Amsterdam 2022 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 14-16, 2022
GreenTech Amsterdam 2022 – International Horticulture and Crop Technology Exhibition will take place in Amsterdam from 14 to 26 June 2022 Netherlands.
GreenTech Amsterdam 2022 (photo source:
The key sections of the exhibition will cover: specialized machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex, innovative technologies for growing plants, equipment for irrigation, loosening the soil and fertilizers, as well as technologies for the production of bioproducts. The event will be hosted by Amsterdam RAI.
Voronezh Field Day 2022 in the Voronezh region, Russia, June 17, 2022
Interregional exhibition-demonstration of achievements in the agro-industrial complex "Voronezh Field Day - 2022" will be held in the Liskinsky district of the Voronezh region on June 17, 2022. The event will take place for the 15th time.
Voronezh Field Day
The business program will cover the main areas of agricultural development - the introduction of digital solutions in the agro-industrial complex , increasing organic production, developing small farms and much more. The event is the largest regional demonstration platform for modern resource-saving technologies in agriculture, breeding achievements in crop production, agricultural machinery and equipment.
The program of the event will include two regional competitions of professional skills — “Mowing Tournament” and “Tractor Figured Driving”.
Russian Greenhouse Industry Forum in Moscow, June 23, 2022
On June 23, 2022, the Hilton Garden Inn Moscow Krasnoselskaya in Moscow will host the III Russian Greenhouse Industry Agricultural Forum.
Agricultural Forum "Greenhouse Industry of Russia"
The main topics of the forum will be: the impact of imports on the sale of domestic vegetables and fruits, the industrial production of vegetables and quality management.
Kaluga Field Day 2022 in Kaluga region, Russia June 24, 2022
June 24, 2022 in the Kaluga region will host an exhibition-demonstration of advanced technologies in crop production "Kaluga Field Day". The exhibition will be organized by the Business Development Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kaluga Region, the Kaluga Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and the exhibition company OOO Center.
Location: Kaluga region, on the basis of the "Kaluga Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture" in the village of Kaluzhskaya Experimental Agricultural Station of the Peremyshlsky District. Traditionally, the exhibition-demonstration will be held in the open air.
Kaluga Field Day 2022
The event is one of the largest regional demonstration platforms in the Central Federal District of modern technologies in crop and livestock production, breeding achievements in agricultural production. The program of the exhibition includes: field demonstration of machinery in operation, inspection of a static exposition of agricultural machinery, inspection of experimental plots of the latest fodder samples.
Main thematic sections:
- seeds, fertilizers, means of protection;
- crop cultivation technologies
- irrigation and irrigation systems, irrigation equipment and installations, greenhouses;
- plows, disc harrows, combined implements, cultivators, subsoilers, compacting rollers, seed drill loaders, seeders, sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, tillage and sowing technologies;
- mowers, mower-conditioners, rakes-tedders, balers, forage harvesters, feed mixers, fodder harvesting technologies;
- windrow headers, combine harvesters, sunflower and corn harvesters, balers, choppers, stackers, technologies for cultivating and harvesting grain crops;
- machines for post-harvest grain processing: grain cleaning equipment, separators, grain dryers, grain conditioners.
Construction of elevators. Elevator and mill equipment;
- beet harvesters and complexes, haulm and root digging machines, root head cleaners, pick-up loaders, sugar beet cultivation and harvesting technologies;
- machinery and equipment for animal husbandry;
- tractors, cars, special equipment.
Exhibition PRO YABLOKO 2022 in Minvody, Russia, June 23-25, 2022
In the city of Mineralnye Vody on the basis of MinvodyEXPO , from June 23 to 25, 2022, the IV International Exhibition for the cultivation, storage and sale of fruit products will be held " PRO APPLE 2022" . The organizer of the exhibition: "International School of Modern Horticulture" and the Fruit Association "Gardens of Stavropol" with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.
PRO YABLOKO 2022 exhibition in Minvody
agricultural support and laying gardens on a turnkey basis, owners and technologists of enterprises supplying equipment for storing, sorting, packaging and processing fruits, leading specialists from scientific institutions, category managers of retail chains and processing plants, as well as managers of financial and leasing organizations.
During the three days of the PRO YABLOKO exhibition, participants will be able to visit the exposition on an area of more than 20 thousand square meters and take part in more than 50 conferences, seminars and master classes that will be held during the exhibition.
Note that the PRO YABLOKO exhibition is the only exhibition in Russia dedicated exclusively to the cultivation, storage and sale of fruit products, with hundreds of products and technologies that you can see and touch, as well as exchange experiences and be among the first to learn about industry news. Over 3,000 guests and 200 exhibitors plan to visit the exhibition this year.
The main sections of the exhibition "PRO YABLOKO 2022": planting stock of fruit crops, fruit products, modern garden designs, melioration and fertigation, protection and mineral nutrition of the garden, machinery and equipment for the garden and nursery, education and science, advanced technologies fruit storage, pre-sale preparation, sorting and processing, container and packaging, retail and trade, B2B, leasing and banks.
The organizers are young and ambitious cannabis activists from all over Ukraine. Their main goal is to change the attitude of society towards cannabis, as happened in many European countries.
In order to debunk many myths and tell about the healing properties of cannabis, well-known Ukrainian and foreign cannabis activists, scientists, doctors, medical cannabis producers and growers are invited to the exhibition. As speakers, they will share their own experience and useful information. The conference will review the latest research data on the properties of hemp, as well as talk about the industrial scale cultivation and decriminalization of cannabis for medical use. Among the interesting, a report on the results of studies of the effects of marijuana on the human body.
Participants are ready to surprise with hemp products
The hemp fair seeks to bring together Ukrainian companies that use the cannabis plant as a raw material for their products. In addition, enterprises that offer products for the cultivation of this unique and useful plant in every sense will take part in the exhibition. Visitors will be waiting for more than 150 products from 60 different companies and a huge range of agricultural products.
The fair will feature:
- hemp seeds;
- fertilizers and cultivation equipment;
- organic marijuana cosmetics;
- hemp clothes and accessories;
- hemp alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;
- themed souvenirs;
- oil extracts;
- gastronomy with hemp extracts.
And in order for visitors to fully enjoy the event and relax, the exhibition will have a separate Food court with a kitchen for every taste and a lounge area.
Hemp fair at VDNH: how to find our store?
Naturally, the Master cannot miss such an event. We have already participated in the first hemp fair in 2019. And this time we have prepared the best seed banks from Spain, Ukraine, Holland and the USA, as well as various souvenirs.