Ducks went out one day

Five little ducks went swimming one day

Five little ducks went swimming one day

FIVE little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only FOUR little ducks came back.

FOUR little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only THREE little ducks came back.

THREE little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only TWO little ducks came back.

TWO little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only ONE little duck came back.

ONE little duck went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And all her five little ducks came back.

Five little ducks went swimming one day

FIVE little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only FOUR little ducks came back.

FOUR little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only THREE little ducks came back.

THREE little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only TWO little ducks came back.

TWO little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And only ONE little duck came back.

ONE little duck went swimming one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mamma duck said: 'Quack, quack, quack, quack!'
And all her five little ducks came back.

Duck songs by Jean Warren

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Little baby ducklings – dash, dash, dash.
Jumped in the duck pond – splash, splash, splash!
When their Mother called them – quack, quack, quack!
Little baby ducklings – swam right back.
                                                Adapted Traditional

Four little ducks went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck, said, “Quack, Quack, Quack”
But only three little ducks came waddling back.

Three little ducks went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck, said, “Quack, Quack, Quack”
But only two little ducks came waddling back.

Two little ducks went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck, said, “Quack, Quack, Quack”
But only one little duck came waddling back.

One little duck went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck said, “Quack, Quack, Quack,”
And no little ducks came waddling back.

Mother duck went out that day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck said, “It’s time to come back”
And the four little ducks came waddling back.
                                                Adapted Traditional

Tune:  “Down By The Station”

Down at the pond, early in the morning,
See the little ducks swimming in a row.
See the Mother duck, dive for her breakfast,
Up, down, up, down, watch her go!

Down at the pond, early in the morning,
See the little ducks, swimming in a row.
See the Mother duck, flap her wings just so,
Up she flys, her ducklings in tow!
                                                Jean Warren

Tune:  “Old Mac Donald Had A Farm”

Old Mac Donald had a farm –E, I, E, I, O.
And on this farm he had a duck – E, I, E, I, O.
With a quack, quack, here and a quack, quack there.
Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack.
Old Mac Donald had a farm – E, I, E, I, O.

Little baby ducklings, all brand new,
Fat ones, skinny ones, short ones, too.
But the biggest duck, with feathers on his back,
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack,
Quack, quack, quack,
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
                                                Adapted Traditional

Ten little ducklings, running at a dash,  
(Have children run in place)
Jumped in the pond, with a great big splash! 
(Pretend to jump and splash)
Then their Mother called them, quack, quack quack! 
(Have children turn halfway around)
And the ten little ducklings, came swimming back. 
(Have children pretend to swim back)
                                                 Adapted Traditional

A family of ducks, every day would go
Out for a walk, wobbling two and fro.
The Mother duck with feathers on her back,
Kept them in line, with her quack, quack, quack.

When they came to a lake, they jumped right in,
Padding around for their daily swim.
When it was time to go home, she gave a loud, “quack, quack!”
And all of her ducklings, came swimming back.

                                                                Adapted Traditional


The dog risked her life for the sake of duckling friends

Labrador Beauty has lived among ducks all her life since she was a puppy and is firmly convinced that it is her duty and sacred duty to protect them. Defend not as one defends one's property, but as one defends friends. Even if you have to sacrifice your life.

Alla Rezyapova

Legion Media

Beauty grew up on a farm surrounded by animals. But from early childhood, ducks beckoned her. It was a very special connection; many years ago, the Labrador made friends with Kress; then Downey and baby Dot were added to the company, who did not even get adult feathers. True, this friendship was not symmetrical: Beauty adored ducks, ducks allowed themselves to be loved and tolerated her company.

The Labrador was so obsessed with her duck friends and the need to take care of them that one day she rushed to help a family of wild ducks. The chicks went to the shore of the lake and got tangled in the bush. The beauty at first tried to free them, and when she realized the futility of her attempts, she settled down to guard them. The dog sat near the bush until sunset, until the owner missed her.

Now you better understand how it happened that one day the Beauty crawled to the porch of the hostess, bleeding. That day she, as usual, was with the ducks on the lake near the house. The ducks swam, and Beauty splashed in the shallow water, keeping an eye on them. It turned out that not only she was watching the ducks. From their cozy lake, it's a stone's throw to the Gulf of Mexico, and sometimes unwanted guests appear from there.

Beauty's mistress was in the kitchen when she heard a terrible noise coming from the direction of the lake. it seemed they were all shouting at once: the ducks were squealing, and the labrador was barking hoarsely - and it was like nothing that Roberts had heard before. The first thing she saw when she ran out of the house was a huge alligator. The woman picked up two ducks in her arms, called out to Beauty to follow her, and rushed back to the porch.

Downey was nowhere to be seen, and the hostess decided that Beauty still could not beat off one duck. The labrador herself was not even able to climb the steps of the porch. There was blood everywhere. Three teenage girls ran out of the house at the screams of their mother. The four of them were able to lift Beauty and load her into a van, on which they immediately rushed to the veterinarian.

The forecast was worse; According to the veterinarian, Beauty miraculously survived the attack. She had many soft tissue lacerations and a broken leg bone. She was operated on, stitched, a pin was inserted into her broken leg. For a whole week now, the heroic dog has been diligently on the mend. She recently started walking, hopping on three whole legs. But the doctor does not let her out of his field of vision yet: he makes sure that the wounds do not inflame.

The Florida Reservoir has already left for the alligator. And Beauty will be home soon - and hopefully Dot and Kress will be nicer to her after the dog saved their lives. Here are two more examples of incredible friendships: a sheepdog who is friends with ducklings, and a pigeon who became a foster father to rabbits.

Children's fairy tale Why do ducks repeat “Gzhel-Gzhel” — Articles

No one, of course, told such complicated things to the ducks that live in the Zoo, but they themselves guessed a lot. Because why else would Masters of the Porcelain Factory keep ducks in their Zoo and depict them with wonderful cobalt paints on snow-white smooth porcelain? It's no accident.

Ducks really like the word "Gzhel" and they constantly repeat it in different ways. It's a pity there are no white ducks with a blue-and-blue pattern on their wings, with eyes circled in real gold, with shiny porcelain feathers. “These would be the most beautiful ducks in the world,” the inhabitants of the pond in the Zoo sigh dreamily.

Gzhel birds have heard a lot about the fact that ducks are especially popular with masters of Khokhloma painting. They make ducks out of wood, cover with primers and black paint, and then paint with gold. Rich, but too gloomy - the inhabitants of the pond in the Porcelain Factory Zoo are sure. For them, the most beautiful color combination is white and blue.

One day white swans appeared on the pond. The ducks looked enthusiastically at the huge birds, as if they were made of the finest porcelain. Then they got used to it. “White birds are wonderful. But they clearly lack cobalt paint, a Gzhel rose would be quite appropriate on the wings, ”the ducks summed up and stopped envying the“ porcelain ”coloring of the swans. Moreover, the same white geese swam nearby, and the ducks never envied them at all.

Ducks have their own signs, which they are happy to share. For example, before the rain, the ducks begin to splash in the pond with a vengeance. And all the inhabitants of the Zoo know - you need to go under the roof, soon there will be a downpour. But if the duck pond calms down, it means that a thunderstorm is about to begin, and the inhabitants of the Zoo must immediately run under the roof.

Ducks can also predict wealth, but they don't do it often, because they think that everyone should live by their own mind. But if a duck quacks at a person, it means that he should be rich. Those who know this sign stand for a long time next to the duck pond - suddenly squawk?

If the ducks begin to distinctly repeat “Gzhel, Gzhel”, it means that soon a new product of unprecedented beauty will appear at the Factory, which will bring success and prosperity. Somehow the ducks shouted out their usual “Gzhel-Gzhel”, and the craftsmen made two wonderful boxes - “Halnut” and “In Cabbage”. A squirrel sits on the first, and the second is a rocker with a baby inside.

Ducks love their Zoo and refuse to leave it, even when the voice of blood calls them to the shores of the Mediterranean. "What didn't we see there?" - Gzhel ducks are talking to each other. And they stay to winter in the suburban Ramenskoye . Homes are more secure.

Ducks don't like strangers. It happens that wild brothers fly to their pond to feed themselves before a long journey. They are tolerated as long as they can, but as soon as the favorite song of nomadic ducks “We are free birds: it's time, brother, it's time . ..” begins, they are immediately escorted away from the pond. In addition, wild animals can easily drag bird flu or some other filth to the Zoo. Ducks know about this and behave with guests politely, but strictly.

The only free bird, the presence of which Gzhel ducks tolerate, is the Wise Raven. And even then he had to work hard before earning the right to show up at the Zoo at any time and taste the food in all the feeders.

Wise Raven won a special favor with ducks by retelling the tale of the Gray Sheika to them. The story came out long and touching, almost like a Mexican TV series. Raven added to the tale of Mamin-Sibiryak all the plots and details known to him, so that the ducks listened to the adventures of Gray Sheika for several days in a row. During this time, the Wise Raven ate properly, began to fly heavily and, as it were, reluctantly, and, it seems, even rejoiced when the Zoo workers nevertheless scared the impudent bird, promising to put up a scarecrow. "A scarecrow is for crows!" Raven wanted to croak, but changed his mind.

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