Early learning kids
KIDS Early Learning Center - Preschool & Childcare Center Serving Arlington, Midlothian, Fort Worth & Richardson, TX
The Building Blocks Of Your Child’s Success
The Building Blocks Of Your Child’s Success
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Kindergarten-Readiness Through
Play, Discovery, And InspirationPrevious
Top-Quality Education With A Family Focus
Your child embarks on their early learning journey as part of an extended family and, with the personalized support of dedicated teachers, they thrive. Feel part of a family-owned community, where directors and teachers welcome communication and participation.
Education-Based, Montessori-Inspired Programs Suit Your Child’s Learning Style
Across four locations, you have the choice of three evidence- and research-based curriculums that meet your child where they are and support their development for a bright and prosperous future of learning.
Frogstreet© Supports Healthy Development
Exciting activities designed for every age and stage guide children through their early years in a comprehensive program that fosters language, cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth.
The Montessori Method Encourages Independence
In a Prepared Environment, children take responsibility for their learning and discovery with progressive works that inspire engagement, perseverance, and self-determination.
Play-Based Learning Sparks Imaginations
Through hands-on experiences and real-life adventures, little learners explore new concepts through play. Fun and games ignite their natural curiosity for a lifelong thirst for learning.
Social-Emotional Skills Prepare Kids For Success
Your child develops the tools they need to transition to school and beyond with practical and emotional techniques inspired by Conscious Discipline®, redirection, and Montessori methods. They learn to share, communicate, and self-regulate, for well-adjusted, fulfilling futures.
Outdoor Play For Healthy Growth And Happy Kids
Beautiful alfresco playscapes await your energetic little one, and regular outdoor play means lots of fresh air and activity. As they enjoy climbing, parachute play, sack races, and picnics, they grow in confidence and strength.
Diverse Enrichments Stimulate Bodies And Minds
Fun weekly sessions ignite your child’s imaginations and expand their learning. Spanish classes boost their brain development, and yoga helps them connect to mindful movement to support self-regulation.
Safe And Secure For Your Peace Of Mind
Rest assured your child is in safe hands. Comprehensive security measures include restricted access controls, tall privacy fences to protect the playground from outside views, internal-use security cameras, and CPR-certified teachers.
The SafePass
TM ID System To Protect Those You LoveSafePass Clean Air is comprised of all-natural ingredients and is 100% biodegradable and recyclable.
What makes SafePass Clean Air different from other disinfectant agents is that it not only eliminates 99% of bacteria, mold and germs from surfaces, but it also removes pathogens from the air.
Keeping Our Families Healthy:
Breakfast, Lunch, And A Snack Included For You
Feel confident your child is getting the nutrients they need with a state-approved food program that keeps them fueled and healthy. All kids’ meals and snacks are nourishing, nut-free, and tasty to help them build positive eating habits.
Parent Partnerships Help Kids Reach Their Potential
When you get involved in your child’s learning journey, they thrive, and we invite you to participate in their exciting activities in the classroom and via the Procare Connect© app.
Plus, with on-site behavior and speech therapy, you feel supported when you need it.
Nationally Accredited For 5 Years Running
For the past five years, we’ve been proud to be a Nationally Accredited Center with the National Accreditation Commission (NAC), so you can feel confident your child is receiving top-quality care approved at a national level.
Trust The Highest Possible Rating By Texas Rising star
With a top rating of four stars from The Texas Rising Star program, you can feel assured that your choice of childcare provider commits to meeting and exceeding the Minimum Standards for Child Care Licensing and improving on high-quality care.
frequently asked questions
What are your opening hours?
6. 00 am to 6.00 pm*
*Hours vary by location
What programs do you offer?
INFANT (up to 12 months)
TODDLER (1-3 years)
THREES (3-4 years)
PRE-K (4-5 years)
BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL (5-12 years)
What curriculums do you offer in each location?
ARLINGTON: Frogstreet©
MIDLOTHIAN: Frogstreet©
FORT WORTH: Frogstreet©
RICHARDSON: Montessori method
What qualifications do your teachers have?
Owner and CEO Kishani Mathiasz has more than 25 years of experience in Early Childhood Education and Montessori Education. She has a Degree in Montessori Method of Education, Texas Directors License certificate, Child Development Associate (CDA), Early Childhood Management Institute Credential (ECMI). She is working towards her master’s in child development.
All teachers are CPR-certified and hold a CDA. Some have Associate’s or Bachelor’s degrees.
Yes, We Offer Tuition Support Options
Hear What Parents Have To Say...
"Awesome staff and extremely professional."
Your little will sure be happy and learn at this educational setting.
- Jen LaMaina
"Super blessed to have my family here!"
They have a wonderful staff that goes over and beyond. They care about my kiddos just like family would. I highly recommend them!
- Amanda Fobar-Clark
"The staff at KIDS Rainbow Academy are knowledgeable about early childhood"
I would recommend this center to any parent searching for a nurturing warm environment were the staff places the children wellbeing first.
- Pamela Arnold
How Old Is Your Child?
up to 12 months
1 - 3 Years
3 - 4 Years
4 - 5 Years
Before & After
5 - 12 years
Early Learning
Featured Newsletter Welcome to the U. Find the latest information about ED's work in supporting our nation's youngest learners. Join our Early Learning Newsletter mailing list to receive regular ED early learning updates and the monthly early learning newsletter. High Quality Early Learning is Essential
About Newsletter Connect Featured ED, HHS Issue Recommendations to Improve Young Children’s Social-Emotional Development, Mental Health The Departments of Education and Health and Human Services issued a Dear Colleague Letter on June 14 with four recommendations to equitably support the social-emotional development and mental health of young children. These recommendations and action steps are intended for State, territorial, tribal, local administrators and policymakers to encourage early childhood systems to work collaboratively to ensure that young children and their caregivers have access to high-quality resources and services to support young children’s health and well-being, social-emotional development, and early learning. The letter includes links to resources to support the four recommendations, which are:
A series of videos, to be released throughout the summer and hosted on the HHS Administration for Children and Families’ website, spotlights issues for supporting young children’s mental health and well-being. The letter, recommendations, and resources are part of ongoing work across the federal government to address mental health needs of children and their families.
06/14/2022 Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse The Department launched the Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse (the Clearinghouse), a website that highlights the innovative work underway nationwide in continuing to reopen early childhood programs, K-12 schools, and postsecondary institutions. Through the Clearinghouse, the Department is providing examples of how early childhood programs, schools and other educational institutions can safely resume in-person services and reopen as communities continue recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. 05/19/2021 Older Featured ItemsNewsletter
ED's Early Learning newsletter provides monthly updates to subscribers on early learning initiatives led by the Department and our partners across agencies and in the field.
Printable view Last Modified: 06/15/2022 |
Early age - Features of the development of young children
Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. For the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position and much more. Consequently, all these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of the small age of the child, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for the age. In communication with close adults who help the child to learn the world of “adult” objects, the motives of cooperation prevail. An adult becomes for a child a model of human actions with objects. Now the complicity of an adult is needed, simultaneous practical activities with him, the performance of the same thing. In the course of such cooperation, the child simultaneously receives both the attention of the adult and his participation in the child's actions and, most importantly, new, adequate ways of acting with objects.
The adult now not only puts objects into the child's hands, but together with the object conveys the way of acting with it. In joint activity with a child, an adult performs several functions at once:
- firstly, an adult gives the child the meaning of actions with an object, its social function;
- secondly, he organizes the actions and movements of the child, transfers to him the technical methods of performing the action;
- thirdly, he controls the progress of the child's actions through encouragement and censure.
Early age is the period of the most intensive assimilation of methods of action with objects. By the end of this period, thanks to cooperation with an adult, the child is basically able to use household items and play with toys.
The new social situation of development also corresponds to a new type of the child's leading activity - objective activity. Objective activity is leading because it is in it that the development of all aspects of the psyche and personality of the child takes place. First of all, it must be emphasized that in the objective activity of the baby, perception develops, and the behavior and consciousness of children of this age is entirely determined by perception. Thus, memory at an early age exists in the form of recognition, i.e. perception of familiar objects. The thinking of a child of this age is predominantly direct in nature - the child establishes connections between perceived objects. He can only be attentive to what is in his field of perception. All experiences of the child are also focused on perceived objects and phenomena. Since actions with objects are mainly aimed at their properties such as shape and size, it is these signs that are the main ones for the child. Of particular importance are actions that are called correlative and require taking into account the size, shape, location of various objects. It is characteristic that the majority of toys intended for young children (pyramids, simple cubes, inserts, nesting dolls) involve precisely correlating actions. When the child tries to perform such an action, he picks up and connects objects or their parts according to their shape or size.
A rich and varied sensory environment with which the baby is active is the most important prerequisite for the formation of an internal plan of action and mental development. The child's thinking, which is carried out in the form of external orienting actions, is called visual-effective. It is this form of thinking that is characteristic of young children. Toddlers actively use visual-effective thinking to discover and discover a wide variety of connections between things and phenomena in the objective world around them.
One of the main events in the development of a young child is the acquisition of speech. The situation in which speech occurs should represent the substantive cooperation of the child with the adult. Mastering speech opens up the possibility of arbitrary behavior of the child. The first step to voluntary behavior is to follow the adult's verbal instructions.
The actions of a small child with objects are not yet a game. The separation of subject-practical and play activities occurs only at the end of an early age. At first, the child plays exclusively with realistic toys and reproduces familiar actions with them (combing the doll, putting it to bed, feeding it, rolling it in a stroller, etc.). A very important acquisition of an early age is the formation of communication with peers. The other child becomes not only an “interesting” subject, but also a communication partner. The first subject-oriented contacts with peers appear during this period of the baby's life. The main characteristics of such interaction are: immediacy, lack of subject content; looseness, emotional richness, non-standard communication means, mirror reflection of the actions and movements of the partner. Children demonstrate and reproduce emotionally colored game actions in front of each other. The commonality of actions and emotional expressions gives them self-confidence and brings vivid emotional experiences. Apparently, such interaction gives the child a sense of his resemblance to another being equal to him, which causes great joy.
Thus, early age is a period of intensive mental development of a child,
which occurs along several lines .
The most important of them are:
- development of objective activities and business communication with adults;
- development of the child's active speech;
- development of voluntary behavior;
- the appearance of game substitutions;
- formation of the need to communicate with peers;
- development of self-awareness and independence of the child.
Department of early intervention
Musilovich Tatyana Anatolyevna
Peculiarities of young children | Article in the collection of the international scientific conference
Bibliographic description:
Zueva, AD Peculiarities of young children / AD Zueva, TV Egorova. - Text: direct // Pedagogy: traditions and innovations: materials of the III Intern. scientific conf. (Chelyabinsk, April 2013). - T. 0. - Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2013. - S. 48-50. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/69/3630/ (date of access: 06.11.2022).
The first miracle for parents is birth itself child. It turns a man - into a dad, a woman - into the mother, revealing their initially given entity, associated with the continuation of life.
Man came into our world - and the main task parents do not just create optimal conditions for him to alternate sleep and wakefulness, meeting his needs in nutrition, movement and communication, and to form "basic" trust in the world - the attitude that the world accepts him and takes care of him.
There can be no specialists in raising their children, fathers - professionals and mothers - there are no professional women in the world. Raising your children is one of the noblest deeds you can give your life to it, but it cannot become a profession. Besides but education is an art, and where is art? there is talent, there is heart, intuition, inspiration, love.
Early age is of particular importance in a child's life. Mastery walking, which changes his whole appearance and contributes to the rapid sensory development, the formation of a second signaling system, the time of wakefulness of the child increases, which should be taken into account when building a daily routine.
The period of early childhood covers the time from birth to two years. The third year of a child's life is conditionally considered early preschool, since includes features of the transitional period, but largely retains characteristics of preschool childhood.
At no time in a child's life is there such a close relationship between the physical and mental development of the baby, as on first or second year of life. Complete care, protection from injuries, infectious and colds, sufficient motor activity, organization of joint games are the basis for ensuring physical health, mental and mental development of children.
It should be noted that the characteristics of young children due to the specifics of the early period of childhood, when fundamental principles of social purposeful behavior, and emotional reactions of pleasure, joy or sadness contribute to the development elementary feelings, the first manifestations of sympathy, empathy, of good. In the process of communicating with adults, the child learns the form of their behavior, the nature of the relationship with the environment reality, gradually making them their property, and in this sense, as psychologists say, " assigns knowledge and skills adults, learn to see the world through their eyes.
Observing young children, we can conclude the following: the first two years of a child's life according to the saturation of mastering skills and skills, rapid pace of development do not have themselves similar in subsequent periods of childhood. Communication difficulty with children of this age is that children of early age can not express in words their desires, feelings, physiological states. Adults must be sensitive to the slightest change in the behavior of the child. Personal qualities adults are of great importance for the development of the personality of the child.
The development of the child's psyche, the formation of his personality takes place in the process of active development of the environment, that is, the assimilation accumulated by mankind experience in active practical activities mediated by his relationships with adults.
In early childhood, the leading for the child are emotional communication. with adults (preverbal forms), then manipulative and objective activity, display game and the beginning labor development.
Early childhood is characterized by great potential psychophysiological possibilities. Modern Pedagogy and psychology pays special attention to their realization. Early age is the initial and very important stage of education the rising generation.
Taking responsibility for raising a child, every adult must know the patterns of mental development of the child. Process maturation of all body systems, including the nervous system, is especially intense in the first years of life child, which must be taken into account. For the manifestation of new mental qualities in children, the necessary organic background.
Another characteristic of young children is the need to overcome the contradiction between the presence in a newborn, ready-made vital (vital) needs and the lack of a mode of action for them satisfaction is the driving force behind the mental development of the child at the earliest stage of life [1, p.79].
Voice reactions manifest preverbal communication of the infant with adults. Crying and sucking movements are the first mode of action by which the child satisfies their biological needs. In the process of feeding the child gets the first experience of communication with adults.
Another source of activity of the baby is in the sphere of his protective reactions. This is where comfort comes into play. temperature, optical, sound environment. Based on biological needs and, in particular, protective reflexes, the child the first orienting reactions are formed.
From the moment of birth, the child acts as a biological being, which then develops into a social personality. All ways practical actions that are formed in the child are scooped from the social environment, from the material and spiritual experience of people. Of course, this process occurs under the influence of adults. and with their direct participation. Precisely at an early stage there is a leap from the biological to the social socialization of the child begins [2, p. 53].
The young child must, first of all, master material culture, that is, by means of practical (objective), gun actions. In the depths of these practical actions, their improvement, the motives and needs of knowledge are formed. Speech of the child, mastering the vocabulary serves the way of communication with adults and peers. The child needs those words and those combinations of words that help to effectively master practical actions. Only in the process of formation of different types of activities (communication, orientation, motor activity, subject-game, etc.) the first needs and elementary ways to satisfy them, and in In this regard, the tasks of comprehensive development will be carried out child.
Achievements in the mental and motor development of children of the first three years of life causes them the need for independent actions. At the same time, the desire of the baby to be active is manifested. mastery of the world, to self-affirmation. If you extinguish this desire, the child may grow up passive, incapable of effort. Limitations of sensory sensitivity of the child in early age, or sensory deprivation, leads to a lag in knowledge and lack of interest in the environment, decrease in activity, lethargy and apathy, including in communication. Feeling sensory deprivation early in development later lead to alexithymia - the inability to express words and describe their own emotional experiences, inability to recognize and consider the feelings of others (emotional immunity) [3, p.97].
Each stage of the development of the child as an individual and personality must be fully lived, without unjustified accelerations, thereby laying a solid foundation for the next stage of development. At an early age, it is the emotional component - dominant and dominant.
In the period of early childhood, the role of an adult helping child to discover the secrets of the world, step by step to enter into the culture of society. What is laid by adults in this period is largely preserved in terms of health and psychological characteristics in subsequent age periods.
A child is not a model of an adult in miniature, therefore, the characteristics of the child's body need to be known to teachers, parents - all adults participating in the upbringing and development of the young child.