How do you spell development
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[ dih-vel-uhp-muhnt ]
/ dɪˈvɛl əp mənt /
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the act or process of developing; growth; progress: child development; economic development.
a significant consequence or event: recent developments in the field of science.
a developed or advanced state or form: Drama reached its highest development in the plays of Shakespeare.
Music. the part of a movement or composition in which a theme or themes are developed, or unfolded and elaborated, by various technical means, so as to reveal their inherent possibilities.
a large group of private houses or of apartment houses, often of similar design, constructed as a unified community, especially by a real-estate developer or government organization.
Chess. the act or process of developing chess pieces.
Mining. the work of digging openings, as tunnels, raises, and winzes, to give access to new workings, and of erecting necessary structures.
OTHER WORDS FOR development
1 expansion, elaboration, growth, evolution; unfolding, opening, maturing, maturation.
3 maturity, ripeness.
5 community, subdivision.
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OPPOSITES FOR development
1 deterioration, disintegration.
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of development
1745–55; develop + -ment, or <French développement
OTHER WORDS FROM development
de·vel·op·men·tal, de·vel·op·men·ta·ry, adjectivede·vel·op·men·tal·ly, adverban·ti·de·vel·op·ment, adjectivehy·per·de·vel·op·ment, noun
hy·per·de·vel·op·men·tal, adjectivenon·de·vel·op·ment, nounnon·de·vel·op·men·tal, adjectivenon·de·vel·op·men·tal·ly, adverbpost·de·vel·op·men·tal, adjectivepre·de·vel·op·ment, nounself-de·vel·op·ment, nounsub·de·vel·op·ment, nounsu·per·de·vel·op·ment, nounun·de·vel·op·ment, nounun·de·vel·op·men·tal, adjectiveun·de·vel·op·men·tal·ly, adverb
Words nearby development
developing agent, developing country, developing nation, developing-out paper, developing world, development, developmental biology, developmental disability, developmental disorder, developmentalist, developmental psychology
com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to development
advancement, evolution, expansion, improvement, increase, progress, change, issue, outcome, result, situation, addition, adulthood, advance, augmentation, boost, buildup, chrysalis, developing, enlargement
How to use development in a sentence
The development and deployment of a vaccine will affect everybody on the planet.
Are You Participating in a Vaccine Trial? Are You Running One? We’d Like to Hear About It.|by Caroline Chen, Ryan Gabrielson and Isaac Arnsdorf|September 17, 2020|ProPublica
I believed then, and I’m even more convinced now, that a rising China is an incredibly positive development for not only China, but the United States and the rest of the world.
Trump’s most popular YouTube ad is a stew of manipulated video|Glenn Kessler, Meg Kelly|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
Some of that has been done through acquisition — in 2016 Red Ventures bought Bankrate, which owns sites including The Points Guy, and acquired Healthline and HigherEducation in 2019 — and some has been done through internal development.
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The rest was spent on things like personnel, operations and maintenance, and research and development.
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Until now, the market mechanisms had essentially socialized the consequences of high-risk development.
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration|by Abrahm Lustgarten, photography by Meridith Kohut|September 15, 2020|ProPublica
A second document was titled: “Gambia Reborn: A Charter for Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy and Development.”
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Children in households with more equitable participation of men show better health and development.
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In a frightening development for the GOP, Democrats had won even traditionally Republican constituencies in the Midwest.
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In a remote location with little means for economic development, the Brogpas have cultivating this identity to their advantage.
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Despite its ranking at the bottom of most international development indexes, the conflict is shrouded by confusion.
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It is the development of character, the triumph of intellectuality and spirituality I have striven to express.'
Women in the fine arts, from the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D.|Clara Erskine Clement
The whole aim is to secure the development of character by the expression of the highest elements of character.
Expressive Voice Culture|Jessie Eldridge Southwick
Why use dangerous cosmetics when Jones' soap retains youth and health for the complexion, and fosters the development of beauty?
The Pit Town Coronet, Volume I (of 3)|Charles James Wills
The obstacles operating against the development of enterprises and employment of foreign capital to be removed.
The Philippine Islands|John Foreman
John Baptiste Robinet taught the gradual development of all forms of existence from a single creative cause.
Assimilative Memory|Marcus Dwight Larrowe (AKA Prof. A. Loisette)
British Dictionary definitions for development
/ (dɪˈvɛləpmənt) /
the act or process of growing, progressing, or developing
the product or result of developing
a fact, event, or happening, esp one that changes a situation
an area or tract of land that has been developed
Also called: development section the section of a movement, usually in sonata form, in which the basic musical themes are developed
- the process of developing pieces
- the manner in which they are developed
- the position of the pieces in the early part of a game with reference to their attacking potential or defensive efficiency
Derived forms of development
developmental, adjectivedevelopmentally, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
How To Spell Development - Correct Spelling For Development
How To Spell Development - Correct Spelling For Development
Longer But Similar Spellings To Development
List of longer but similar spellings to Development. Names that are spelled with more letters than 11. Names that start with D and names that end with T.
Name Development Definition
Numerological definition for this name gives a life path number of 5 for Development. For people with the destiny number five it is usually a matter of learning to curb certain predispositions and to control the alignment of their senses, so that their spiritual development is not compromised. Those who have chosen to chase after material values, often succumb to the temptation to perceive only the bright side of life, and accordingly only pursue what promises them amenities and conveniences. Sooner or later however there is no way around from directing their minds to other things that are also part of life. So one can say that number fie makes a man flexible and receptive to new ideas. It also stands for independence, tolerance and trust. People with the destiny number 5 will often find themselves in high social positions and prosperity. However should a five ever lose everything because of circumstances outside of his control, he would carry it with serenity for happiness is his constant companion. This may happen at work, especially if they change jobs frequently or in matters of love, where they rarely suffer severe disappointments. Adaptable and willing to learn. People with the destiny number 5 know how to excellently adapt to external events. Their fate teaches them to understand the meaning of all of their senses, because pain is as important a part of life as are satisfaction, joy and happiness. It is not sufficient in the long run to ignore the less pleasant sensations. Those who do so will destroy themselves. Pain is a good way to show someone the full range of his senses. People with the number life five have the best conditions for learning on how to properly deal with all of their senses.
Learning to cope with ones senses is something everybody needs to learn, but for fives it is particularly easy to develop in this area. People with the name number five are sociable, open minded, mentally alert and friendly. This name number is most effective when it occurs together with the destiny number 5 as the double numerological fives will give birth to a very successful person. Both name number and destiny number five are similar in that they consider the pleasurable aspects of life to be a natural part of life. They find it easy to learn and to master their profession. They could not imagine life without extensive social contacts.
Learn Correct Spelling
There are two things you can do to get better at spelling. First is to know how each letter in the English alphabet is pronounced. Once you know what sound all letters make it becomes much easier to spell names like Development. Second is to read more. It is not important what texts you read, but the more it is the better you remember how things are written. When spelling bigger words or names try to separate some letters and see if it makes sense this way. If you want to remember how to spell Development then write it down a couple of times.
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How to spell the word Development. Synonyms for Development
- Letters
- Words starting with R
- development
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Correct spelling of the word development:
Cryptocurrency for walking!
Number of letters in a word: 8
The word consists of letters: R , A , W , B , I , T Correct transliteration of the word: razvitie Writing with incorrect keyboard layout: hfpdbnbt Spelling test Students will first learn the rules for writing a particle not with adjectives in the 6th grade. It is written together without adjectives if such a word cannot be used without not Examples: insatiable, careless, homely. When words do not contradict each other, but describe an object or situation in different ways, the adjective and the particle are not written together. Often such a case can be recognized by the unions but, and. Examples: The hall is small but cozy. The hall is small and cozy. The hall is small and cozy. It is clear from this proposal that the lobby is small and yet cozy. These words do not contradict each other, but give different information. When an adjective explains adverbs of measure and degree, it is not written together. These words can be: Examples: This situation is highly unfair. The man opposite was extremely clumsy and angular. The cache was too inconspicuous. Demo lesson in Russian Take the test at the introductory lesson and find out what topics separate you from the "five" in Russian. When it is clear in a sentence that the author affirms one part of it and denies the other, it is written separately with non-adjectives. Examples: This tree is not tall, but short. The house on the hill is far from the village. He met us not hospitably, but rudely. Sometimes the author does not write the opposition, but only implies it. In this case, not with an adjective is also written separately. Example: When a sentence contains negative pronouns and adverbs, non-adjectives are written separately. These words can be: at all, away, by no means, not at all, not at all, etc. Examples: When a word cannot be matched with a full form and its meaning cannot be saved, writing a particle not with an adjective will be separated. Examples: Sometimes a sentence negates the property of an object using a relative adjective with not. In this case, you should not write separately. Examples: not a stone fence, not silver earrings, not a silk scarf, not a wooden table. When a sentence negates the color or taste of an object with a qualitative adjective, it is not written separately. Examples: not sour cherry, not textbook green, not blue coat. When a sentence denies that an object belongs to someone, it is not written separately. Examples: not mother's bag, not father's house. When several adjectives reflect the same quality of the subject at once, it is not written separately. Example: In the case of a word at all, writing not with adjectives can be both merged and separate. If we use the word absolutely in the sense of very, absolutely, then it is not spelled together with such an adjective. Example: If by absolutely we mean by no means or in no way, then the adjective with is not written separately. Example: Usually adjectives in the comparative degree with are not written separately. Example: But there are exceptions. When an adjective in a comparative degree was formed from another adjective with a prefix not, such a word is written together. Example: Here the adjective more incomprehensible is derived from the word incomprehensible. There is no opposition, and the word can be replaced by a synonym without not - confusing, complex. So no is a prefix. How do you spell it without adjectives in these cases? For self-checking, you can use the particle spelling table not with the adjectives below. And he left, tall, (not) foldable, (not) understood by anyone. A (not) tiny clearing opened before us, but a whole field. It was a (not) ordinary New Year's Eve: a completely (not) winter sun shone outside the window.
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How do you spell NOT with adjectives? Rule, examples, definition
But there are many of them - it's a sin not to get confused. To prevent this from happening, we propose to deal with it together.
When not with adjectives it is written together
If the word is not used without not
If there is a comparison
If explanatory words are adverbs of measure and degree
When not with adjectives it is written separately
If there is opposition
Such cases can be recognized by the union a. In this case, both words must contradict each other, that is, be antonyms. The same rule applies to short adjectives.
If there are negative pronouns and adverbs
If a short adjective does not have a long form
If not used with relative adjectives
If the adjective conveys a color or taste
If not used with possessive adjectives
Such adjectives answer the questions: whose? whose? whose? whose?
If the sentence denies two identical features at once
Special cases when not with adjectives it is written separately or together
Not with an explanatory word at all
If the adjective is in the comparative degree
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