First sight words for preschool

Dolch Word List

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© Contributed by Leanne Guenther

From 50-75% of all words used in school books, library books, newspapers, and magazines are in the Dolch Basic Sight Vocabulary of 220 words (preschool thru Grade 3).  The Dolch word list is made up of "service words" (pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs) which cannot be learned through the use of pictures.

In this section I've included a series of flashcards that can be printed and used to reinforce learning, the complete list of preschool words (see table) and some activity ideas for using the flashcards.

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 3 in color

Nouns 1

Nouns 2

Nouns 1 in color

Nouns 2 in color

Bingo Cards


Complete Preschool List










































Ideas for Using the Flashcards:

The flashcards can simply be held up, giving the child the opportunity to read each one.   But if you're looking for a more engaging activity, try combining the Dolch flashcards with the noun picture flashcards for a variety of activities (I've listed some suggestions here from simplest to hardest)



    • have an adult arrange the flashcards to form a sentence. 
    • Read the sentence with/to the child
    • Remove one of the dolch words from the sentence and put it back in the pile (you may want to make the pile smaller in the beginning to make the activity easier). 
    • Give the pile to the child and have them find the correct card to place back in the sentence.
    • Re-read the sentence.


    • have an adult arrange the flashcards to form a sentence, leaving one card out.
    • read the incomplete sentence with/to the child.
    • present between 2 and 5 cards to the child (one of them should make the sentence complete)
    • have the child chose which is the correct card
    • re-read the sentence with the card chosen.   Talk about whether it makes sense or not.
    • provide the child with all or part of the pile of flashcards
    • allow them to create their own sentences using the cards
    • read the sentences with them and talk about what they've created.
    • OPTIONAL:  Have them glue their completed sentence to the bottom of a piece of construction paper and draw a picture of their sentence on the top.  (author/illustrator of their own story).

8 Easy Ways to Teach Sight Words to Preschoolers

Learning sight words is a critical skill for kids to learn how to read!


Teaching children how to learn sight words can be a challenge.




Because it all comes down to memorization. There is not a way to sound out these words. In case you are unfamiliar, sight words are words like that don’t follow the traditional rules of spelling or can’t be sounded out phonetically. Some examples of sight words are who, does, and come.


To give your preschooler a great jump start to reading, I have come up with 8 EASY ways that you can teach your preschooler sight words!


#1. Start With TWO Letter Sight Words


Does anyone have a toddler that says no to absolutely everything?


You’ll be hearing it all over again when you start teaching sight words because the word “no” is one of the easiest ones to recognize!


When you start out teaching a child sight words, it’s important to start small and build up to longer words. Starting with TWO letter words for them to memorize is going to be a lot easier than FOUR letter words.


Here are some two-letter sight words that you can start with: of, to, is, in, it, he, on, as, at, be, or, by, we, an, do, if, up, so, no, go


Once your little one has mastered the two-letter words, you can move onto three or more letter words!


While some of the words on this list can be sounded out and others can not, I think it’s easier to have your child just memorize the words so they can say it at a glance.


Here is a  list of sight words for each age/grade level?


I use the above sight word checklist when I am deciding what new words to teach my daughter!


#2. Choose Sight Words In Your Child’s Favorite Books


I have a quiz for you.


How many sight words can you find in this sentence below from the book, Where the Wild Things Are?


“His mother called him “WILD THING!” and Max said “I’LL EAT YOU UP!” so he was sent to bed without eating anything.”


I found 12 sight words in that one sentence!
  • (his, him, wild, and, said, eat, you, up, so, he, was, to)


Sight words are referred to as high-frequency words because some of them are the most common words in the English language! 


When you are reading to a child, and they are starting to learn sight words, make sure to point out the words in their favorite books. They will be more interested in learning the sight words if it’s in a context they enjoy! We have a subscription to Highlights Magazine, and my daughter loves pointing out which words she recognizes.


Your kids will feel so proud when they can read a few words in their favorite stories. It will encourage them to want to learn more!


#3. Practice Daily

Just like teaching your kids the alphabet, numbers, and shapes, it takes repetition for them to understand the material!


At least a few minutes of work on sight words each day will help them immensely when it comes to memorizing sight words.

Here is what works best for my daughter:


I write the sight words that we have previously learned on a small dry erase board, which I limit to about 25 max.


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We take some time and review those words plus add one or two new words depending on how well she does during the review.


Check out this short video of how I review the sight words with my daughter!



To ensure that she remembers the sight words we learned, I make sure to include ones that we learned in the past.


Tip#4: Make Reading Fun!


If I just focused on the above activity over and over again, I think I would struggle badly getting my kids to learn how to read.


It’s essential to come up with EXCITING ways to teach your kids how to read!


Here are FOUR ways to make learning sight words engaging!


Activity #1. Shaving Cream Sight Words


Shaving cream is such an amazing sensory activity! Your kids will be so excited to use shaving cream for a learning activity, it won’t even feel like they are learning!


I use men’s foaming shaving cream because I think it works the best! But other types can be used as well.



How to do this activity:


1. Spray foam shaving cream on an art tray.


2. Spread it out so the shaving cream is all over the tray!


3. Write a sight word that you are working on in the shaving cream and ask your child if they know what it is.


4. Repeat this process over and over again! Let your child erase the words so they get a chance to play in the shaving cream!


Activity #2. Do-A-Dot Painting Activity


Do-A-Dot painters are one of my MUST-HAVE supplies to have on hand at your house.


They are so much fun to play with and they are pretty much MESS FREE! Can’t beat that right?



Do-A-Dot markers can be used for so many fun and learning activities. This specific activity was great because it worked recognizing a specific sight word while getting to paint!



(Each grade level coming soon!)



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Want to check out my other MUST-HAVE Supplies? Take a look at my list HERE!


Activity#3. Play Sight Word Games


My new thing is trying to turn games into a learning activity!


My kids love to play board games, so why not add a little bit of learning into the mix while getting to play?



How to do this activity:


1. Materials you need- Don’t Break the Ice Game, dot stickers, and a marker.


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2. On white dot stickers, write some sight words that you are working on with your little one. I wrote one that my daughter already knew so she could play the game and be successful!


3. Explain to your kids that they have to tap lightly on the ice with the hammer instead of trying to hit it as hard as they can because a lot falls at once that way. Tell them they can play the regular way after you practice the sight words. 🙂


4. Ask them to find a specific word and tap on it with the hammer or they can tap on a word of their choice and tell you what it says!


5. After they say or find all the words, then you can play the normal way!


Activity #4. FUN Worksheets


My daughter loves to color, so I created this Popsicle themed Color by Sight Word Worksheet for her to do.



Here are some excellent workbooks available on Amazon that have activities ready to go!

  • 100 Write and Learn Sight Word Practice Pages
  • Wipe Clean: Learning Sight Words
  • The Best Sight Word Book Ever!


Don’t want to buy an entire workbook? I am constantly working on new FREE resources to make available for you.


Click here to grab your FREE Popsicle Color by Sight Word WORKSHEET!


Also, take a look at the other FREE RESOURCES that I have while you are there!


#5. Build Sentences with Sight Words


Building sentences using sight words is a GREAT way to show your child how the specific word is used in real life.


You can do this by verbally saying sentences or you can also do it in an interactive way.



We have a bunch of Thomas the Train, train tracks at home, so I thought it would be fun to work on sentence building with sight words with them!


How to do this activity:


1. Materials you need- Thomas the Train tracks, labels, and a marker.


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2. On labels, write some sight words that make sense in a sentence that you kids know or you want them to learn!


3. Spread them all apart so they have to work on building the sentence so it makes sense. They will have to read each word then create the sentence!


#6. Add A New Word Each Day


Once your child can recognize words, you can start introducing at least one new sight word each day. In the beginning, you want to start slow.


Since sight words are based on memorization, that’s why learning one word a day is perfect for this age level.


While you should introduce one new word a day, remember to review past sight words that you practiced with them before. It’s crucial to go over these sight words so they won’t forget them.


Remember they are still preschoolers, repetition is key! 


#7. Stay Positive!


You never want to rush the learning process.


Forcing preschoolers to sit and complete work when they are not ready may cause the child to think negatively about learning.


You want your child to be EXCITED to learn.


Don’t get frustrated if they don’t catch on right away or if it takes them a few days to master a word. It will happen with time, and they will feel successful if you encourage them!


There are times that my daughter can just not grasp on to a word.


For example, she had trouble memorizing the word “find. ” I asked her every day for TWO weeks about this word, and she still wasn’t getting it. I decided I was going to take a break and come back to it later. I introduced the word to her again after about a month, and now she has no problem with it!


As parents, we have to be patient with our children while they are learning.


We are supposed to be their biggest cheerleaders! Tell your child how proud you are when they learn a new word. They will feel your excitement and, in return, be more excited to keep on learning new material!


#8. Join An Online Learning Program


One great website that works on early reading skills is Kickstart Reading.


Kickstart ReadingThis is such a fantastic reading program! I also have a promo code that you can use to get some money off of your subscription! You will receive a FOREVER plan for $39.00(normally $57.00). This is a program that focuses solely on reading, which I think is better than anything else out there. Your little ones will learn about phonetics, sight words, vowel sounds, digraphs and MORE!




Here is a short demonstration of just one of the segments included on Kickstart Reading. This is my 5-year-old daughter working on word blends.



Final Thoughts and Conclusion


Deciding when to start your preschooler’s journey into reading is a fun but challenging adventure!


It’s important to start slow, begin with two letter sight words, and stay positive with them! Try to mix up the activities that you do with them to learn sight words to keep them engaged and excited to learn!


I would love to help you on your journey to teaching your preschooler sight words. Whether you need some creative ideas or you need more helpful suggestions, please leave a comment below.


If you have any great ideas that you would like to share as well on what helped you teach sight words to a preschooler, please share them with us!

"Love at first sight" | Methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic:

Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory group

"Love at first sight"

Purpose: To acquaint preschool children with the holiday "Valentine's Day"; create a joyful mood; develop creative abilities.

Children enter the music hall to the music of A. Varlamov "Magic Land". They perform a dance composition. They sit down in place.

Host: A merry holiday has come to us, music is pouring all around. Today we are this holiday. Let's call it Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is a day of friendship and love. All people give each other their smiles and good wishes. All relatives, neighbors exchange words of love with each other. It can be such a message: "I wish you love, happiness" or "It's time for us to make friends."

I will tell you the story of this holiday.

There once was a priest in Rome,

He secretly married a couple.

And for this the emperor

punished him with death.

People have been grieving for a long time

Many years have passed since then

They play on Valentine's Day

Many weddings still exist.

I suggest you play a children's game called

Love at First Sight.

I present to you the participants of our game, (the boys help the girls go to their places)

The boys have a table and four chairs on one side.

Girls on the other side. (Girls are sitting on the right, and boys on the left)

1 Participant and 1 party

2 2

3 3

4 4

Holder: Today we will have to choose an ideal pair, but before you need to go through a series of tests. And so:

1 competition is called a question, an answer

One boy asks a question, and the girls take turns answering this question.

Boys in turn:

1. What is your favorite cartoon?

2. What is your favorite meal?

3. What are your favorite flowers?

4. What is your favorite toy?

The girls take turns asking questions:

1. What is your favorite girl's name?

2. What is your favorite activity?

3. What is your favorite game?

4. What is your favorite drink?

Moderator: The first competition is over. On the eve of spring, even animals and birds choose a mate, because it is so difficult to be alone. Listen to funny poems.

(a hare and a hare come out)

Presenter: The hare proudly walked through the forest,

He led the hare like a princess.

Hare: From top to top

The hare was in love with me.

But he could not make up his mind to explain himself


He was just looking for words0003

And when he found it, he said:

Hare: You are as beautiful as a carrot.

Presenter: I announce the second competition "Unusual situation"

(questions can be asked in turn: boys, then girls, at the discretion of the presenter)

  1. What gift would you like to receive from Santa Claus?
  2. The magician gave me a magic wand. What wish would you make?
  3. You invited friends to a birthday party and you didn't like the gift of one of the guests. How will you do it?

a) you will return it back

b) you will remain silent

c) you will be upset to tears

d) you will do something differently

How will you do it?

a) give back yours

b) divide it in half

c) calm down verbally (i.e. say a kind word)

d) pass by without paying attention

Scientists have proved who hugs the most, gets sick the least. Here we are now trying to do it. You can find a mate, or hug your neighbor up to 7 times, and our participants can also come up and hug each other up to 7 times. And so, the pairs are found, the score is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Now we are a little healthier.

I announce the third competition

You have album sheets and plates with blanks for appliqué on your tables.

The boys are making a flower for the girls.

Girls (at the discretion of the presenter) ship, car, plane.

While the participants are doing crafts, let's play the game "Lavata" with the audience

(Everyone goes in a circle, hands on their belts.)

We dance together,

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta.

Our merry dance, echi,

This is Lavata.

Your hands are good, but your neighbor's is better. (also legs, ears, shoulders, elbows, knees, etc.)

Presenter: The participants of our competition have finished their crafts. I propose to give each other.

I announce the fourth competition “I like you, or cool friend”

I invite all participants to stand in a circle. Blindfolds one of the players, spins, leads to any child, takes him by the hands. By the hands, the child must determine whether it is a boy or a girl. Then shake the boy's hand and say. Hello buddy. If it's a girl, then I like you. The lead child changes.

Host: And so, the last, final competition


(dance at the request of the music director)

After the dance, the boys escort the girls to their seats and choose a mate. On signed sheets, boys and girls draw the symbol of the participant they have chosen. If there are several couples, then the audience chooses the ideal couple with applause.

Super game for the perfect couple

Three shots "Darz with balls"

Participants agree among themselves and decide who will shoot and which ball. Each ball has a prize. There are only three shots, so in each ball the prizes will be the same. But remember, you can get into a broken heart.

Guys, you know that the symbol of the holiday of lovers is the heart. that cements friendship. Let's exchange valentines with each other.

Moderator: I announce a dance break for the entire audience. (free dance)

All participants receive prizes.

Love at first sight. A toy that no one else had. Games and toys for preschoolers

It was love at first sight. At seven years old, I would give everything in the world, even my favorite doll, for him. Every weekend from the very morning I dreamed that maybe today I would be invited to visit Serezha...

Seryozha was my same age, a plump boy with plump rosy cheeks. He was always very polite and outrageously tidy: the buttons on his clothes never came off or got lost, his pants never got dirty, and his shoes never got wet. He never fought, teased girls, climbed fences, fell from trees, and broke his knees. Such boys are very fond of grandmothers sitting on a bench at the entrance.

To be honest, I did not like Serezha a little, he was very positive and correct. He, on the contrary, felt sympathy for me, willingly played with me and invited me to visit him. Apparently, such exemplary boys really like girls with skinned knees who climb trees, jump in puddles and tease neighbors' dogs. But Serezha had a constructor! It was the constructor, and not its owner, who was my love! A huge box with cherished details that easily but firmly interlock with each other - then I didn’t know that it was Lego. You can build anything you want: houses, bridges, pyramids, towers... And we built together from morning to evening.

Now you will not surprise anyone with this - in children's stores there is a complete abundance of designers of all sizes, shapes, colors and manufacturers. But in the early eighties in our small town there were no designers in the stores. It wasn't at all. And Serezha was very lucky: he had an uncle who lived in Kaliningrad. And this very uncle gave toys to him and his brother, which most of the children of our yard did not even dream of, and sometimes did not even suspect of their existence.

Lego is one of the most vivid memories of my childhood. When my daughter was two years old, I gave her the treasured box. The package is opened, the process has begun. I didn't believe my eyes. My very restless girl was silent for an hour, sorting through the details and building her first turrets. “Apparently, this is hereditary,” I thought. Then another set appeared in our house, and another, and another...

To be honest, sometimes I enjoy playing with her, getting what I lacked in my childhood. Together we build houses, bridges, pyramids, towers, schools, farms, ships... Thanks to the designer, my daughter mastered counting and learned numbers. And while playing, it is easy to remember colors and their shades, explain to the child what it means high - low, big - small, narrow - wide, long - short ... And she even builds letters from these details.

If you ask me what is the best gift for my (and not only my) child, I know the answer. It's good that we have a Lego constructor at home: my daughter doesn't have to go somewhere, ask someone. You can play at least all day long from morning to evening until you get bored. Until you get bored.

The text describes the personal experience of the author

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