Fish story for kids

The Rainbow Fish Story - Bedtimeshortstories

By Shreya Sharma

The Rainbow Fish story has been adapted from the illustrator named Marcus Pfister. A long way out in the deep blue sea, there lived a fish. Not just an ordinary fish, but the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean. His scales were every shade of blue and green and purple with sparkling silver scales among them.

The other fish were amazed at his beauty. They called him ‘Rainbow Fish’. “Come on Rainbow Fish,” they would call, “Come and play with us!” But he would just glide past, proud and silent, letting his scales shimmer.

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rainbow fish

One day, a little blue fish followed after him. “Rainbow Fish,” he called, “wait for me. Please give me one of your shiny scales. They are so wonderful and you have so many.” “You want me to give you one of my special scales? Who do you think you are? Get away from me,” cried the Rainbow Fish. Shocked, the little blue fish swam away. He was so upset, he told all his friends what had happened. And from then on, no one would have anything to do with him. They turned away when he swam by.

What good were the dazzling, shimmering scales with no one to admire them? Now, he was the loneliest fish in the entire ocean. He decided to pour out his troubles to the starfish. He asked, “I really am beautiful. Why doesn’t anybody like me?” “I can’t answer that for you! But if you go beyond the coral reef to a deep cave you’ll find the wise octopus. Maybe she can help you!” replied the starfish.

Also read, The Lion And The Mouse.

The Rainbow Fish found the cave. It was very dark inside and he couldn’t see anything. Then suddenly, two eyes caught him in their glare and the octopus emerged from the darkness. “I have been waiting for you!” said the octopus with a deep voice. “The waves have told me your story. My advice is that give a glittering scale to each one of the other fish. You’ll no longer be the most beautiful fish in the sea but you’ll discover how to be happy!” “I can’t,” the troubled Fish started to say but the octopus had already disappeared into a dark cloud of ink. “Give away my scales? My beautiful shining scales? Never! How could I ever be happy without them,” he thought.

Suddenly, he felt a light touch of a fin. The little blue fish was back. He said, “Rainbow Fish, please don’t be angry. I just want one little scale!” The beautiful fish wavered. “Only one very very small shimmery scale. Well, maybe I wouldn’t miss just one,” he thought.

Carefully, he pulled out the smallest scale and gave it to the little fish. “Thank you very much!” the little blue fish bubbled playfully as he tucked the shiny scale among his blue ones. A rather peculiar feeling came over the Rainbow Fish. For a long time, he watched the little blue fish swim back and forth with his new scale glittering in the water.

Also read, The Two Friends.

The little blue fish whizzed through the ocean with his scale flashing, so it didn’t take long before the Rainbow Fish was surrounded by the other fish. Everyone wanted a glittering scale. He shared his scales left and right. And the more he gave away, the more delighted he became. When the water around him filled with glimmering scales, he, at last, felt at home among the other fish.

Finally, the Rainbow Fish had only one shining scale left. His most prized possessions had been given away, yet he was very happy. “Come on, Rainbow Fish! Come and play with us!” they called. “Here I come,” he said, and happy as a splash, he swam off to join his friends.

You may also like to read, Sofia And Friends.
Don’t forget to check out the printable version of this story on Pinterest from here.

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The Story Of Three Fishes For Your Kids To Read

A story that will teach children the importance of being wise and making the right decisions.

Image: Shutterstock

Children love listening to stories, making them an effective medium for communicating with them. Moral stories are a wonderful way to help your growing child inculcate virtues and remember them throughout their lives. The story of three fishes is one such moral story from the Panchatantra. Even if children may not fully understand the message hidden in the moral stories when they are very young but will eventually recall and rediscover as they grow older. Read on as we present the three fishes story in this post, along with a valuable moral for your little one.

The Three Fishes Story

The story of the three fishes is an interesting and engaging one. It is also one of the popular moral tales from the Panchatantra tales.

  • Once upon a time, there lived three fishes in a pond. They were close friends and were living together for years, in the same pond.
  • One day, a fisherman passing through the way saw that the pond was filled with fishes.
  • He was surprised and delighted, and immediately informed his fellows about it. Together, they decided to come the next morning and catch those fishes.
  • One of the three fishes, who was also the wisest, heard the conversation between the fisherman and his fellows.
  • It immediately rushed to the other two and explained them the entire situation, and also suggested that they leave the pond immediately and move to another place.
  • The second fish agreed and decided to move out from the pond quickly.
  • The third fish, however, mocked at them. He felt that the pond was their home, and they must not leave their home.
  • Since the other two fishes were unable to convince the third fish, they left the pond and decided to let him follow his own course of action.
  • The next day, the fisherman and his fellows cast their nets and caught plenty of fishes. They also managed to catch the third fish, who had refused to leave the pond, while the other two fishes, who left earlier, were saved.

Related: 11 Inspirational & Motivational Stories with morals For Children

The Moral

One of the most prominent lessons and morals one can learn from this three fishes story is the importance of wisdom.

  • It is important to act wisely when you foresee a problem.
  • This story, among many other stories from the Panchatantra, doesn’t just inspire kids but also teaches them valuable lessons of life such as wisdom, intelligence, the importance of time and many others.

Related: 25 Best Short Animal Stories For Kids With Morals

Storytelling – Why Is It Important?

Your child is now growing and learning new things every day. It is during this stage of development that he or she needs to be exposed to good values and knowledge, and storytelling is a great and interactive way to do that.

  • Storytelling helps inculcate the habit of reading in children.
  • It also helps them enhance their knowledge and learn facts about animals, plants, objects and different parts of the world.
  • It widens their horizons and allows them to think in a broader perspective.
  • Storytelling also helps improve the vocabulary and allows children to learn new words.
  • It also helps build better thinking skills and is an activity that helps them grow both emotionally and mentally.

Best of all, most children’s stories are short and crisp, and they won’t take a lot of time from your busy schedule. So now there’s no reason to ditch that bedtime story – is there?

Related: 9 Funny And Interesting Short Stories For Kids To Read

Every childhood narrative includes a moral lesson to inculcate values and ethics in children, and similarly, this Panchatantra’s story of the three fishes is one such moral narrative. It revolves around three fishes that were close friends and have spent many years living in the same pond. The story emphasizes the value of wisdom and how to get out of the situation without losing. Read this story to your child before bedtime or in your free time to strengthen your relationship with them while also teaching them important life lessons.

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Evening fish tale: yulkar — LiveJournal

For the Day of Tales and Pictures

As soon as the Master was distracted for a minute, Kotofey grabbed the largest fish by the tail, deftly pulled it out of the bucket and disappeared into the closet with prey.

- Don't eat me, Kotofey, I'll be useful to you, - the fish begged.
- Oh, what are you talking about with a shrill voice? - Kotofey was surprised, but nevertheless he did not open his teeth.
- What are you doing? - like a real fish, the fish answered a question with a question.
- Because cats... Ugh! - Kotofey released the fish and spat out a piece of algae stuck in his teeth. - Because everyone knows that cats are like people, but smarter: they don’t talk uselessly, but only if something is important. But the fish...
- And I'm a magic fish! Well, in the sense - the magical Pisces.
- Well!
- And then!
- And do you fulfill wishes?
- Nuuu. .. It depends on what kind... For example, what kind do you have?
- Fish would... - Kotofey dreamily rolled his eyes, but immediately felt a heavy fishy look on himself, - well, sorry. Then sour cream.
- And what is sour cream?
- Why are you a miracle of the sea! He lived to gray fins, but did not see sour cream! Okay, don't be offended! - Kotofey sat down next to him and patted Fish on the shoulder (or what do they call it?) - Well, what kind - can you do it?
- Honestly? None. Pisces sighed.
- Why are you magical then?
- Because my dad was magical, and grandfather, and great-grandfather...
- Why didn't they teach you something?
- Yes, they, too, only knew how to say "Don't eat me, I'll be useful to you!" Well, a fisherman usually cast his line right away... And yours is kind of strange...
- Oh, mrrrr, oh, I'm dead! - the cat with laughter fell on its back and twitched its paws, - "some strange"! Mrrrr!! Haha! He's not weird, he's deaf! On both ears! Do you know what? I'm magical too! They don't call me Fairy Cat for nothing: I'm a fairy! But I don’t know how to conjure either . .. - the cat sighed. But I have a book! Wait, I'll bring it.
The cat dived somewhere deep into the closet and emerged with a thick volume.
"Fulfillment of standard desires. Basic course" - read Pisces.
- Not about sour cream, I already looked for it.
Catfey carefully placed the book on the table and stroked the dark cover with golden letters with his paw.
-So-so-so, - Pisces muttered and put on glasses that appeared out of nowhere, - genies .. cats ... oh! fish of various breeds! "The most common desire addressed to fish is a request for wealth, which in the understanding of the client is identified with the appearance of a large amount of money in a minimum time. To fulfill the request, close your eyes ..." Hey! How then to read?
- Shut up, I'll read! - readily volunteered Kotofey. - "Imagine money, a bill or a coin, with the maximum degree of detail, on both sides and with all obvious and hidden signs." Have you ever seen money?
- I saw it, don't worry! Read.
- "Raise the dorsal fin, press the pectorals and make repeated circular movements with the ventral fins as if you are throwing the banknote you have presented into an imaginary pile. Continue the action for several minutes. It is convenient to use an hourglass in training sessions." Put! Cool!
Pisces fluffed up his dorsal fin, pressed his pectorals, puffed out his cheeks and twirled his pelvic fins like a fan.
- Come on, come on! Push! The sand is running out! Five! four! three! two!...
At the count of "one", a copper nickel of the 1961 model fell on the table with a clang. Pisces opened his eyes.
- What is it? - the cat looked at the "wealth" with surprise, - Where did you see such people?
- Yes, on the beach one people threw. It was a long time ago, but I remember!
- That's just it, that for a long time ... Have you seen the others?
- Did not see others. And this one doesn't work? - Pisces, just beaming, inspired by the first victory, drooped in an instant. The glasses slid down the nose, and the fins hung sadly.
- Well, well! Don't hang your nose! Hold your tail with a gun! - Kotofey encouraged his friend, - well, or what do you keep your tail with?
- He keeps himself with us, - Pisces snorted.
- Oh! Listen! "The second most common desire is a palace or a castle." Have you seen the castle?
- I saw the castle! Pisces agreed. - But only from afar.
- Well, okay! In the distance - this is it! It’s not for me to build a castle in my closet! Close your eyes "Imagine the castle in every detail, the texture of the walls, the height of the towers, etc." Introduced? "Lower the dorsal fin. With the pectoral fins, make sharp upward movements, imagining how you are building a castle stone by stone. The exercise is also performed for several minutes." Turned over the clock. Get started!
Pisces worked silently. In the silence, you could hear the rustling of the sand in the clock.
- Everything! Time is up! Let's go look!
The cat opened the closet door. A CASTLE towered over the sea in the darkness! With real towers! But what is it? As if someone with a lantern was climbing up the spire.
- What is it that glows there? - the cat shoved the blissfully smiling Fish in the side and pointed to the light.
- I don't know, - he dismissed it indifferently, - probably a servant.
- Why outside?
- Where else? Pisces didn't understand.
- Servants must be inside!
- Inside what?
- Zamka, your fish head! Castle! You don’t want to say that you have a stone block, without halls and corridors?! - Kotofey exclaimed and immediately regretted what he had said: the answer was written in sad fish eyes. - But it still worked! You really are a magical Pisces! Look, don't be upset... Wait, I know a place where very small people live. They probably have very small desires - you can handle it, I'm sure!
And Kotofey dragged Fish somewhere through the bushes, through a hole in the fence, through an open window... Plum! Pisces did not believe his luck: he was back in the water. The cat waved its paw and said something, but only fragments of words could be heard through the layer of water and glass. "...tomorrow morning..." took Pisces apart "" What kind of garden? OK. In the morning, so in the morning. We'll figure it out tomorrow. While we sleep. But I couldn't sleep. Fish came running to get acquainted with a new tenant:
- This is where they throw food. Not God knows what, but you can eat. Here oxygen gurgles - some people like it. In the morning the children will come until they are given food, they will poke their noses into the aquarium glass and open their mouths.
Chatted almost until morning.
Pisces woke up from a knock: a boy of four years drummed on the glass with his fist.
- Woke up! Awoke! Fish-fish, say "pa-pa-pa"
- Pa-pa-pa, - Pisces readily answered
- He speaks! Speaks! Say again "pa-pa-pa"
- Pa-pa-pa, - Pisces patted his lips.
- What else?
- Pa-pa-pa, - Pisces agreed. - This is the third desire, Pisces thought, but the boy was already distracted by something else.
Then a girl came up, then another... and another... Pa-pa-pa... Pa-pa-pa...
All day Pisces opened his mouth, blowing funny bubbles. He had already lost count of desires. He was happy!
By evening the children began to disperse. Then the light went out. Pisces went to rest after a hard day's work.
After all, he thought, if fate has endowed you with magical powers, it is very important to be in the right place.

Fishing. Seven Underground Kings Volkov's Tale

Fishing. Seven Underground Kings Volkov's Tale read

On the ninth day of the trip, the provisions ran out. Ellie was weak from hunger, it was also bad with Totoshka, only Fred was still holding on. Floating along a long narrow lake along a sheer wall, Fred saw something like huge flowing drops on it.

- They're slugs! the boy exclaimed. - Here's the food!

But he well remembered the words of his father, which he repeated more than once during his trips across the prairies: “Never eat a lot of unfamiliar food at once, baby! Who knows, maybe it's harmful!

And now Fred decided to try these snails himself first. He swallowed the nasty, pungent bite with difficulty. “No, this is not for Ellie,” he decided, and spat out the half-chewed snail.

He did well, because soon his stomach began to burn, his head began to spin, and he lost consciousness.

Frightened Ellie rushed to help her brother. She stuck a burning torch in the crack of the bow box and bustled about: splashing water in Fred's face, letting him drink from a flask.

A few minutes later the boy woke up, but at that moment the torch hissed and went out.

"Another match," Fred whispered with a heavy sigh. — And, by the way, the supply of the torch is running out...

So, the snails could not be eaten, and the specter of hunger again stood before the travelers. They turned on the light and silently sailed on.

And suddenly Fred's eyes lit up with joy. He saw... Yes, he saw how a snail fell off the wall, fell into the water, and immediately a large fish head silently poked out of the water and closed its jaws. A small whirlpool and everything disappeared.

- How stupid I was! Fred shouted. — Oh, how much I have to grow from a boy to a real person! All our misfortunes come from my stupidity! Why didn't I think of a fish?!

— But, Freddie, how are you going to catch her?

— Ha ha ha, sis, that's my concern!

Fred pulled out a fishing line with a large hook from behind the lining of his hat. He took a snail from the damp wall, cut off a piece, planted it, and lowered the fishing line overboard.

Klev did not have to wait long. A sharp jerk, hooking, and now a short fat fish with gray scales and pale pink fins clogged at the bottom of the boat. On her head, instead of eyes, small round growths were visible: the fish was blind.

— Perhaps this fish is also poisonous? Fred asked thoughtfully.

- My dear Freddy, now I will try! Ellie pleaded.

"No," Fred said emphatically. “We'll give Totoshka a taste, but not much.

The boy hit the thrashing fish on the head with an oar, cleaned it of scales, gave a small piece to the dog.

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