Full moon on your birthday
Birthday Moon Phase Meaning in Astrology: Full Moon, New Moon
Katie BuckleitnerGetty Images
Your birthday is a chance to celebrate ~you~ (even if that means a Zoom party for Aries bbs this year), but it probs also means you’re thinking about the year ahead. Will you fall in love, get your dream job, finally learn how to make the perfect martini? Well, bb, we’re here to give you the ~ultimate~ guide to predicting your year. It’s all about the Moon. Specifically, what phase the Moon is in when you have your Solar Return—which is just astrologer speak for your b-day.
Astrologers call your b-day your Solar Return because it’s when the Sun *returns* to the position it was in when you were born. But although the Sun returns to hang out in the same place every 12 months, the Moon is off doing its own thing—it’s in a different phase every year.
By looking at what phase the Moon’s in on your b-day, you can get an idea of what your year ahead will be like.
Btw, not sure what your b-day Moon looks like? Check out a Moon phase calendar like this one or this one.
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If your birthday falls on or near a New Moon…
The Basics
The New Moon is always a time for new beginnings. Start a new project, ask out a crush, or begin a job search. Seize the day, bb!
The Year Ahead
If your birthday falls on a New Moon or up to three days before or after it, your entire year is going to be full of new adventures and relationships. If you have a New Moon birthday, expect to add new friends (or lovers) to your life, get a new job, and make moves—physically, like a new apartment, or mentally, like you finally block your on-again, off-again ex. When your next b-day comes, you’ll look around and realize your entire life feels different, in the best way.
The Mood
New Moon birthday years are hopeful and fresh.
If your birthday falls on or near a First Quarter Moon…The Basics
First Quarter Moons take place after a New Moon and before a Full Moon, when you can see about half the Moon from our POV here on Earth. This is when all the plans you made during the New Moon start to gain momentum, but there’s still a lot to do. So: You better werk.
The Year Ahead
You’re in “hustle mode” for the year. You’re going to be busy AF, but by the time your next b-day comes, those changes you made will have started paying off. Hard-earned results are on the horizon, bb!
The Mood
First Quarter Moon birthday years feel busy and are all about ~growth~.
If your birthday falls on or near a Full Moon…
The Basics
The Full Moon is a time of culmination, astrologically—aka this is when the “harvest” comes in (or you get a promotion at work, make your relationship IG official, win an Oscar…you get the idea).
Full Moons bring endings, achievements, and breakthroughs and obvi make us emotional AF. People tend to get a bit more impulsive, intense, and passionate during Full Moons. Ya know, like werewolves. But super-accomplished ones. A-woo!
The Year Ahead
Having a birthday fall on or near a Full Moon is a mega blessing because it means that the coming year is going to be ~filled~ with major achievements. All the hard work you’ve done will finally pay off. Basically, start practicing your Oscars/Grammys/Employee of the Month acceptance speech stat. You’ll have a year filled with relationship milestones (like falling in love, getting engaged, moving in together, or adopting a pup)—or maybe relationship endings, if it’s not meant to be (#ThankYouNext). Expect big things at work, like a promotion and a raise. You might also see major life moments, like a graduation, marriage, or having a child. When you finish a Full Moon year, you’ll look back and think,
W-O-W. You’ll also realize that you’ve tied things up in a nice little bow and you’re ready for your next ~phase~.
The Mood
This is the year you’re ~stepping into your light~, bb.
If your birthday falls on or near a Last Quarter Moon…The Basics
The Last Quarter Moon occurs halfway between a Full Moon and a New Moon—basically, it’s the opposite of the First Quarter Moon. This is a time for closing chapters, releasing, and letting go as you prepare to ~start over~. Btw, your intuition is at an all-time high rn, so trust your gut.
The Year Ahead
This year is all about getting in touch with your spiritual side and recognizing your ~intuitive powers~. The universe is offering you messages about the past *and* the future. It’s up to you to figure out what to leave behind this year. You’ll still get some of the effects of the Full Moon, so you’ll see a “harvest” in your relationships and work life. You’ll also feel the need to rest, heal, and plan for the future, because change—the good kind—is right around the corner.
The Mood
This is a year for ~reflection~. You’ll be in your feels, shedding the past as you get ready to hit the reset button.
Kyle Thomas Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on _Access Hollywood, E!
What it Means When Your Birthday Falls on the New Moon or Full Moon
by Tanaaz
The Moon is feminine, magical, mystical and one of the most powerful planets when it comes to astrology. In fact, many people resonate more with their Moon Sign than they do their Sun sign.
In astrology, the Moon represents how you process your emotions and your feelings of security in the world. The Moon also represents your creative and intuitive nature.
When a Full Moon or a New Moon falls on your birthday, the effects can be extremely powerful and even auspicious.
Your birthday is basically the celebration of your Solar return, which is the moment that your Sun returns to the exact same point it was at when you were born.
Here is what it means with the Full Moon or New Moon lands on the same day as your Solar Return –
Full MoonWhen the Full Moon lands on your birthday, it means that the year ahead is going to be filled with rewards. All of your hard work is now going to be paying off for you and you are going to be able to collect the amazing bounty from all you have grown.
Energetically you are going to be in full bloom and shining bright for the whole world to see. You may also find opportunities and doors opening up for you and you may feel like you have finally been able to reach your destination.
Having a birthday on a Full Moon also indicates a time of endings. You are in full bloom, but eventually that bloom is going to have to wilt away in order to be birthed into something new.
Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon is also significant and generally falls about one week after the Full Moon. If your birthday falls on a Last Quarter Moon, you are also likely to feel the effects of the Full Moon for the year ahead.
There will be a stronger emphasis however, on tying up lose ends and preparing for something new. You may be able to sense or intuit that new beginnings or a new chapter is on its way.
New MoonWhen the New Moon lands on your birthday it signifies a time of new beginnings. The year ahead for you will be about planting seeds and laying the foundation for the road ahead.
The year ahead may also be one of introspection, where you are deciding what it is that you really want for yourself and your life moving forward. You may also have to make some changes and do away with things that are no longer serving your highest good.
When your birthday falls on a New Moon your ability to create and manifest will also be high. While you may not see the fruits of your labour just yet, you will be at a highly magical point to manifest and start creating all that you want to see and experience in your life.
First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon is also significant and generally falls about one week after the New Moon. If your birthday falls on the First Quarter Moon, you are also likely to feel the effects of the New Moon for the year ahead.
There will be an emphasis however, on working hard and preparing for your full bloom moment. You may be getting all the final pieces in place during the year so you can prepare and welcome in all the gifts you will receive when your bounty is in full bloom.
Article Image from from Athanasius Kircher’s
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About the author
Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.
How the phase of the moon on your birthday affects your upcoming year
Your birthday is not only a chance to party and be the center of attention all day, but it also means that thoughts about the future can escalate. Will you fall in love, get your dream job, finally learn how to make the perfect "Sex on the Beach"? Now we will tell you where to look! It's all about the moon. In particular, what phase is the moon in.
Yes, astrologers always pay attention not only to the "queen" of the night, but also to the sun and call your birthday a solar return, because on this day the Sun "returns" to the position in which it was when you were born. Although the Sun hangs around in the same place every 12 months, the Moon does its own thing - every year it is in a different phase. By looking at what phase the moon is in on your birthday, you can get an idea of what your next year will be like.
Don't know what the Moon looks like on your birthday? Check out the moon phase calendar here or here (or any other lunar calendar). So…
If your birthday falls on or around a new moon
New Moon is always a time for new beginnings. Start a new project, ask someone you love on a date, or start looking for a job. In general, take the bull by the horns, as they say!
If your birthday falls on a new moon or up to three days before or after it, your whole year will be full of new adventures and relationships. If you have a New Moon birthday, expect to make new friends (and lovers), get a new job, and even move! Physically: for example, to a new apartment, or even mentally: how you finally move out from your ex. When your next birthday arrives, you will look around and realize that your whole life has changed dramatically. New moon birthdays are full of hope and fresh thoughts.
If your birthday falls on or near the first quarter of the moon
The first quarter moon occurs after the new moon and before the full moon, when you can see about half of the moon from your window. This is when all the plans that you made during the new moon start to pick up speed, but there is still a lot to be done. So, you have a lot of work to do.
Your mode of the year is the mode of vanity. You will be very busy, but by the time your next birthday arrives, the changes you have made will begin to pay off. Hard-earned results are on the horizon!
The first quarter of the lunar birthday is employment and growth.
If your birthday falls on or around the full moon
The full moon is the time of climax. Astrologically, this is harvest time: you get a promotion at work, you make your relationship official, you win an Oscar… you get the idea. The full moon brings endings, achievements and breakthroughs, and also makes us emotional. People tend to get a little more impulsive, intense and passionate during full moons.
Having a birthday on or around the full moon is a mega blessing, because it means the coming year will be filled with major achievements. All the hard work you put in will pay off in the end. In principle, you can already start trying on the Oscar/Grammy/Employee of the Month statuses. You will have a whole year filled with milestones in relationships: for example, falling in love, engagement, moving, or acquiring a puppy - or perhaps the end of a relationship if they should not be on the "list" of your fate. Expect big changes at work, such as promotions and pay raises. You may also have important life moments, such as graduation, marriage or the birth of a child. When you finish the year of the full moon, you will look back and think: wow! This is the year you go out into the world.
If your birthday falls on or near the last quarter moon
The last quarter of the moon "stands" halfway between the full moon and the new moon - basically, this is the opposite of the first quarter of the moon. This is a time for chapter closure, release and release as you prepare to start over. By the way, your intuition is at an all-time high, so trust it.
This year is about getting in touch with your spiritual side and recognizing your intuitive powers. The universe is "talking" to you about the past and the future - a great time to figure out what to leave behind this year. You will experience some of the effects of the Full Moon, so you will see "harvest" in your relationships and work life. You will also feel the need to rest, heal, and plan for the future, because change—good change—is just around the corner.
This is the year to reflect and shed the ballast of the past.
photo: freepik.com
News Mirtesen
How the phase of the moon on your birthday affects your upcoming year - GlagoL - April 17 - 43973053833
Your birthday is not only a chance to throw a party and be the center of attention all day, but it also means that thinking about the future may escalate. Will you fall in love, get your dream job, finally learn how to make the perfect "Sex on the Beach"? Now we will tell you where to look! It's all about the moon. In particular, what phase is the moon in.
Yes, astrologers always pay attention not only to the “queen” of the night, but also to the sun and call your birthday a solar return, because on this day the Sun “returns” to the position in which it was when you were born . Although the Sun hangs around in the same place every 12 months, the Moon does its own thing - every year it is in a different phase. By looking at what phase the moon is in on your birthday, you can get an idea of what your next year will be like.
Not sure what the moon looks like on your birthday? Check out the moon phase calendar here or here (or any other lunar calendar).
If your birthday falls on or around a new moon
A new moon is always a time for new beginnings. Start a new project, ask someone you love on a date, or start looking for a job. In general, take the bull by the horns, as they say!
If your birthday falls on a new moon or up to three days before or after it, your whole year will be full of new adventures and relationships. If you have a New Moon birthday, expect to make new friends (and lovers), get a new job, and even move! Physically: for example, to a new apartment, or even mentally: how you finally move out from your ex. When your next birthday arrives, you will look around and realize that your whole life has changed dramatically. New moon birthdays are full of hope and fresh thoughts.
If your birthday falls on or around the first quarter of the moon
The first quarter of the moon occurs after the new moon and before the full moon, when you can see about half of the moon from your window. This is when all the plans that you made during the new moon start to pick up speed, but there is still a lot to be done. So, you have a lot of work to do.
Your mode of the year is the mode of vanity. You will be very busy, but by the time your next birthday arrives, the changes you have made will begin to pay off. Hard-earned results are on the horizon!
The first quarter of the lunar birthday is employment and growth.
If your birthday falls on or around the full moon
The full moon is the time of climax. Astrologically, this is harvest time: you get a promotion at work, you make your relationship official, you win an Oscar… you get the idea. The full moon brings endings, achievements and breakthroughs, and also makes us emotional. People tend to get a little more impulsive, intense and passionate during full moons.
Having a birthday on or around a full moon is a mega blessing, because it means the coming year will be filled with major achievements. All the hard work you put in will pay off in the end. In principle, you can already start trying on the Oscar/Grammy/Employee of the Month statuses. You will have a whole year filled with milestones in relationships: for example, falling in love, engagement, moving, or acquiring a puppy - or perhaps the end of a relationship if they should not be on the "list" of your fate. Expect big changes at work, such as promotions and pay raises. You may also have important life moments, such as graduation, marriage or the birth of a child. When you finish the year of the full moon, you will look back and think: wow! This is the year you go out into the world.
If your birthday falls on or near the last quarter of the moon
The last quarter of the moon "stands" halfway between the full moon and the new moon - basically the opposite of the first quarter of the moon. This is a time for chapter closure, release and release as you prepare to start over. By the way, your intuition is at an all-time high, so trust it.
This year is about getting in touch with your spiritual side and recognizing your intuitive powers. The universe is "talking" to you about the past and the future - a great time to figure out what to leave behind this year. You will experience some of the effects of the Full Moon, so you will see "harvest" in your relationships and work life. You will also feel the need to rest, heal, and plan for the future, because change—good change—is just around the corner.