Fun activities for 4th graders to do at home
50 classroom activities for 4th grade
This blog shares ideas for using Wixie to meet standards and learning goals with fourth graders, whether they are learning at school or at home. Select the image for each idea or use the text link to open a template you can assign as a teacher, or use as a student, immediately.
If your child uses Wixie at school, they can log in at home to create and share their learning through a combination of text, images, and voice narration! Your child's teacher may even be suggesting activities by assigning templates that will show at the top of your child's Wixie home page. (If your child doesn't have Wixie, sign up for a free trial account you can use for 90-days.)
Find more ideas, samples, and lessons for fourth-grade at:
For example, ask them to create a spring scene with different flowers. Students can use both mirror and radial symmetry options.
Explore a Line Symmetry lesson plan
Explore a range of ideas for using Wixie to meet 4th-grade math standards
Memes are small snippets of culture that "go viral" via the Internet. Funny photos with captions are common tools of meme generators. Make your own custom meme by adding a caption to a funny photo you have captured in Wixie. You can also search "kiwi" at the Wixie home page to find a funny image of a kiwi. What might he be thinking? (template)
Once you have added a caption to the kiwi, or created your own custom meme, copy and paste the URL to your work and share with friends and family.
3. Set goals for your time at home
Take some time to set personal goals you want to accomplish during your time at home. This can help you feel a sense of control. Search "goal" in Wixie to find a range of templates, even one to help you set a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely). (template)
4. Create and send a digital postcard
After learning something new, tell someone else using a postcard! You could write a postcard from:
- a character in a story,
- a biome or habitat,
- a specific time in history,
- a unique geographic or cultural destination.
Wixie includes several templates (1- or 2-page) you can use to get started. Simply log in to Wixie and search "postcard" to find them. (templates)
5. Family recipes
Are you learning to cook or bake while you are at home? Search Wixie for "recipe" and use a template to create a recipe card. Share the URL with a classmate so they can try something new with their family. (template)
To create your own collection, go to the File menu, choose Print and select the Table Tent option. Print, fold, and glue.
Use these instructions to make your own soda bread!
6. Make Wanted posters for vocabulary words
The ability to combine text, images, and voice narration makes Wixie an ideal tool for building vocabulary creatively. Use Frayer diagrams, trading cards, and visual vocabulary to cement new terminology. (template)
More ideas for building vocabulary in Wixie
7. What is this puppy thinking?
Search "pug" at your Wixie home page and open the template. Imagine what it is like to be a puppy. What would make it happy? Type your idea into the pug's thought bubble. (template)
Use the microphone tool to record it's thoughts. Be sure to use a puppy voice!
8. Helping those who are helping others.
It seems like so many people around the world are working tirelessly to keep everyone safe, healthy and fed. Ask your student(s) if they could give away 1 million dollars, which charity would they donate it to? (template)
9. Design your own how-to video
How are you spending your time when you can't hang out and play with friends? Do you think of something you want to do and look up how to do it on YouTube? (pre-writing template)
Whether it's something you love to do, or something new you learned, create your own how-to and share it with friends to give them a new idea for a fun at-home activity.
Explore a Writing How-to's lesson plan
10. Real World of Math: Time Trials
Comparing decimals is brought to life with stock car racing. Search "Time Trials" at your Wixie home page. Use quotes to search both terms at the same time and narrow the results. Open to assign or use this multi-page template that includes both practice and application. (template)
Former math specialist has an entire series of Real World of Math template in Wixie. Find out more
11. Write a Haiku
April is National Poetry Month! Celebrate by writing and illustrating a haiku poem – a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.
Use the New button in Wixie to start a blank page, add text and illustrate! You can also search "haiku" for a template with additional directions. (template)
Don't forget the kigo! All haiku should contain a word that indicates the season.
Explore a Harmonious Haiku lesson plan
12. Send a virtual high five
Right now most people are going above and beyond to respond to the pandemic. Show your appreciation with a virtual high-five.
Has a friend connected on a regular basis, did your grandparents send something nice?
Search for "five" at your Wixie home page and add text or voice narration to show you appreciate their being amazing. Use the paint tools and Image options to decorate. (template)
13. Write a letter to or between characters in a story
Taking the perspective of a character in a story can help students understand their motivations and better comprehend their response to events in a story. Assign a stationery template, use the Stationery backgrounds, or have students design their own. (template)
Give students a prompt that requires them to use evidence from text to justify opinions or make an argument.
14. Work with fractions
Wixie includes templates to help students make sense of fractions, from basic halves and fourths to equivalent fractions and even computation. Search "fractions" at your Wixie home page or browse the Templates folder using the path shown below. (template)
To help students apply their thinking about fractions encourage them to write fraction stories.
Explore a Spring into Fractions lesson plan
15. Publish a personification story
Have students personify an object, use Wixie to write and illustrate a story about it, and publish their work as an eBook!
Explore a Personification Stories lesson plan
16. Make a map
Wixie makes it easy for students to combine painted artwork and icons to create political, physical, resources or economic maps. Start from a blank page and use the Image button to browse the Map Icons folder in the Stickers library to show geographic or economic features. (template)
You can find a full lesson plan for this idea on Creative Educator
17. Paint with pointillism
Challenge students to create paintings with pointillism! Use Wixie's paintbrush tool, adjust the size and color, and click the page to make a dot. Change the size of dots and color to form a larger image.
Explore a Paint with Pointillism lesson plan
18. Create visual versions of poetry
Wixie makes it easy to create visual poems to celebrate National Poetry Month.
Open a new blank project, type a poem from your favorite poet or one you have written, adding stanzas to each page. Add illustrations and record yourself reading it.
Explore a Visual Poetry lesson plan
19. Inform with Infographics
Research information or collect data on a science topic. Create charts and graphs, analyze the information, and create an infographic to display your findings. Share your infographic to raise awareness on Earth Day!
Explore an Infographics lesson plan
20. Design a new book cover
Have students create a new cover design for a book they are reading to demonstrate comprehension and explore character, plot, setting, symbolism, and conflict. (template)
Explore a Book Cover Design lesson plan
21. Celebrate hero without a cape
Real-world heroes do not have to wear a cape or possess super powers. A hero can be a nurse or a police officer, but also a parent or teacher. Interview someone you consider a hero and share your interview to spread the word about their amazing deeds. (template)
Explore an Everyday Heroes lesson plan
22. Create an Arcimboldo-inspired self-portrait
Giuseppe Arcimboldo is an Italian Renaissance painter known for his portraits of people that use objects like fruit and books. Challenge students to create Arcimboldo-style self-portraits by combining clip art images in Wixie. Browse the Curriculum library and Art to find a template to support student work. (template)
Explore a 5 E's-style lesson for this project
You can also tie this project to writing by asking students to describe themselves, or a friend, using similes. Then, use the objects in these similes to create the self-portrait.
23. Create a character scrapbook
Ask students to demonstrate knowledge about a character's physical traits, feelings, experiences, and actions by creating a digital scrapbook for them. Students can include images of important events, diary entries, objects important to the character, letters from a friend, and more. (template)
Explore a Character Scrapbook lesson plan
24. Create a Historical Newspaper
Have students create a newsletter or newspaper to show what they have learned about the events, politics, and culture of a different time in history. (template)
Explore a Day in the Life lesson plan
25. Raise awareness with a public service announcement
Naturally passionate, Earth Day usually gets students interested in environmental issues. Have your students use Wixie to combine images with voice narration to raise awareness, inform, and change behavior.
When developing a public service announcement (PSA), students have a chance to practice and apply persuasive writing skills in a real-world, authentic context. A short PSA targeted at a particular audience also encourages students to focus on writing organization, as well as voice and word choice.
Explore a Conservation PSAs lesson plan
26. Create a neighborhood field guide
Ask students to go outside, or even look out a window, and simply observe the plants and animals there. Have them find a plant they find beautiful or an animal that interests them. Use the paint tools in Wixie to carefully record their observations along with text labels and insights to share what they notice. (template)
Students can then use their observations and sketches along with a field guide to help them identify the species if they don't know what it is. They can add additional information or notes to create a field guide for the species that live nearby. (template)
Explore a Fantastic Field Guides lesson plan
27. Draw your own Tree for Arbor Day
Gustav Klimt's "Tree of Life" is one of his most recognizable paintings. Search "Klimt" in Wixie and use the Eraser tool to create your own Klimt-style tree using a scratch art-style template. (template)
Scratch art drawing in Wixie is done with the Eraser tool, not the paint brush!

To write a blackout poem, you cover up words on a page of text until the leftover words form a poem. Search "blackout" in Wixie to find templates containing a page of text from The Jungle Book (template), The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (template), and more.
Read the text and circle words you find interesting, then read them in order to listen to your poem. Circle additional words to fill out the idea and black out (or pink-out as the case may be) the rest of the words and add additional painted decoration.
29. Craft a concrete poem
Concrete poems are poems where the words are arranged in a shape that reflects the topic of the poem. Write your poem in small phrases or stanzas and use the rotate handle above a text box in Wixie to adjust the direction.
30. Create a coat of arms for a book character
A coat of arms is a symbolic representation of a family’s identity and values. Create a coat of arms for a book character for a creative way to showcase your comprehension of their traits. Search "coat of arms" in Wixie to open a template that makes it easy to color, add images, and write a motto. (template)
Explore a Character Coat of Arms lesson plan
31. Thinking about life under quarantine
Master of lateral and creative thinking, Edward de Bono, designed the Plus-Minus-Interesting (PMI) thinking routine to help you consider all sides to an issue or situation before forming an opinion.
Life is definitely different under quarantine. Think about your experience and share things that are positive, negative, and simply interesting. Search "quarantine" at your Wixie home page or open a general PMI organizer by browsing Templates>Graphic Organizers. (template)
32. Create a "Things I can do at home" cube
While some kids appreciate the quiet and independence, others really miss the face-to-face connections they have at school. If students are feeling down about being under quarantine and away from school and friends, they will still hopefully have a few positive and interesting things, or pros, on their PMI list from yesterday. Take these positive things and turn them into activities you can do at home.
Brainstorm six things you enjoy doing at home, such as taking a walk, doing a puzzle, or cooking. Search "cube" in Wixie to open a 3D cube "net" and add text and images to each side with a unique idea for things you enjoy doing at home. Print, cut out and make your 3D cube. (template)
If you ever feeling down or bored, pick up the cube and roll it like dice. Do the activity you enjoy and see if it improves your mood. You can also copy and paste the URL to your cube and share it with a friend so they have new ideas they can use to keep from getting bored at home.
33. Create a thank you card for your teacher
Tomorrow is Teacher Appreciation Day! Open the Templates at your Wixie home page and open the Stationery folder to find a thank you note starter you can use to type a letter to your teacher. Better yet, start a blank Wixie page and use the paint tools to create an original drawing. You can also use the image button and camera option to capture your picture!
Use the microphone tool to record your voice and let your teacher know how much you appreciate (and miss!) them, your teacher would love to hear from you. (template)
34. Measure angles with an embedded protractor
Wixie includes a range of virtual manipulatives students can use for math. While they can use shapes for patterning and symmetry, they can also use tools like rulers and protractors for measurement. Search "angle" in Wixie for several measurement activities that include an embedded protractor tool! (template)
To make your own angle measurement assignments, create a blank template, use the Image button and search "protractor" to find this tool. Be sure to go to the Edit menu and turn off scaling handles, so students can't accidentally change the aspect ratio.
35. Create a book bento
Create a book bento to retell important details about a text or to visually celebrate your favorite title. Search "bento" in Wixie for a fun background, then arrange images about the book and add hyperlinks for an interactive collage. (template)
36. Craft an If/But Comparative
Comparing and contrasting is a powerful learning tool, as shown by educational research. Crafting an If/But comparative report it not only a fun way to share knowledge, it promotes both analytical, and creative, thinking. Have students craft and If/But comparative report to showcase how two topics they are studying, such as animals, book characters, or geographic regions, are similar and different.
37. Paint your own pop art
Explore the ideas of pop art and mass appeal (think Andy Warhol). Search "pop art" in Wixie for a template you can use to design a pop art montage. Add stickers and use the invert colors option or glue stickers down and use paint bucket to fill with different colors. (template)
Explore a Pop Art Montage lesson plan
38. Create an ABC's of.

After researching and learning about a topic such as geography, matter, ancient civilizations, or even the unique history and geography of your state, have students use Wixie to create an alphabet book to share knowledge they have learned, organizing their writing using the ABC’s. (template)
Have them each complete a book, or assign each student a single page and combine into a class book using Wixie's Import Pages feature.
39. Create a trading card to celebrate nurses
Celebrate nursing heroes during the COVID19 outbreak by learning about a relative, neighbor or family friend working in this field. Interview them to learn what inspired them and create a poster or trading card highlighting their commitment and hard work and share it with your community. (template)
Get step-by-step directions and more ideas for creating trading cards in Wixie.
40. Write your own word problems
Visualizing word problems in Wixie by using the paint tools to draw models or by adding images from the media library can help students better identify key pieces of a problem and the relations between them. (template)
Get step-by-step directions and more ideas for getting started with word problems in Wixie.
41. Compose a melody
Wixie includes a library of music notation students can use to compose their own music. Search compose to find a simple template with notes and rests already included and this notation library attached to the Image button. Have students record themselves singing their melody or playing their compositions on a recorder or keyboard. (template)
42. Create surrealist art
Inform students about surrealism. You might inspire them with by reading a book like Pish, Posh, Hieronymous Bosch. Have students use Wixie's symmetry paint options to create bizarre creatures juxtaposed around a normal self-portrait. Write a poem about the way the surrealism feels. (template)
Explore a Surreal Symmetry lesson plan
43. Create comics, cartoons, and even graphic novels
Comics and cartoons are a great way to engage students in the stories they are reading, the information they are researching, and the ideas they are exploring in your curriculum. Use them for narrative writing, retelling, sharing understanding, teaching others, raising awareness, and more. (template)
Explore additional ideas and lesson plans for creating comics
44. Conduct an interview with a figure from history
Research a historical event and share your new found knowledge and opinions as you conduct a fictitious interview with a person who was there.
More ideas for conducting interviews
45. Work with fractions and decimals
In 4th, student move beyond basic fractions and begin ordering, compare, and decomposing fractions and decimals. Search "fraction" or "decimal" in Wixie for a range of practice and play activities. (template)
46. Create a historical survival guide
Combine research, empathy, and how-to writing by asking students to create a how-to or survival manual for a time in history you are studying. What tools are essential? What strategies should you employ? Where should you go? How will you get there?

Creativity is an essential skill for success in the digital age! Wixie makes it easy to build your creativity as you play. Browse the Templates folder and then the General folder to find and open the "creativity practice" template. Use the paint tools to turn circles into recognizable objects, à la Edward de Bono! (template)
48. Write your own tall tale
Legends and tall tales are stories filled with unbelievable events or exaggerations that explain a person’s character or how something came to be. In this project, students write, illustrate, and record their own tall tale about a historical figure or location.
Explore a Legends and Tall Tales lesson plan
49. Create a Wanted poster for a story's antagonist
It is often the antagonist that makes a story interesting or gives a plot direction. Have students create wanted posters for villains in the stories they are reading to evaluate comprehension and help them consider how they might craft a villain to add impact to their own writing. (template)
50. Create Silhouette Art
A silhouette is a sharp outline or shadow of an object. While students can always draw silhouette outlines, they can also create them using stickers from the Image library.
Start a new blank page. Use the Image button to find and add a sticker to the page. Simple stickers are best. This may also be a great time to talk about horizon line.
Have students select each sticker, go to the Edit menu and choose Glue to Paint layer. Use the paint bucket to fill each sticker with black. Clean up spaces with the paint brush and add ground if necessary. Finally, select the Arrow tool and use the Background Picture button to find a colorful background!
Explore a Spooky Silhouettes lesson plan
20 4th Grade Classroom Ideas To Make Yours Every Student's Favorite!
4th grade is the year most students are beginning at a new school. More kids, more learning material, more social and emotional challenges. Let's make it as easy as possible to grow into the beautiful flowers they are. Here are 20 creative and captivating ideas you can use in your classroom to foster a safe and collaborative learning environment.
1. Community Classroom
Give your new students a sense of classroom community by starting off the year with team-building exercises. There are plenty to choose from, but the best allows students to share about themselves and make meaningful connections with their classmates.
Learn more:
2. Do-It-Yourself Lesson Plan
4th graders are old enough to have an opinion about the content and delivery of the curriculum. Have some options for activities you plan on leading in class and let students vote which one sounds like more fun! If the vote is close, let the students give arguments for the one they favor. We're never too young to learn debating skills.
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3. Scholastic Book Club
Create an environment of expression and new ideas with a fully stocked classroom library. Ask your students to bring in a copy of their favorite book on the first day of school so they can have access to their classmates' picks and share stories.
Learn more:
4. Daily Classroom Quote
This is a simple but inspiring idea you can get playful with in your 4th grade class. Each day put a quote that evokes inner dialogues and transformative classroom discussions. Have a different student read out the quote each day and see what your students take from it.
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5. Editable Classroom Calendar
Create an interactive classroom calendar that students can contribute to. Use bubble magnets or velcro so students can add their birthday, important assignments, and inclusive holidays.
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6. Emotional Activities
4th graders are going through a lot of emotional and social growth. They are facing challenges with other students, their families, and their growing hobbies. Play emotion charades, provide mindfulness prompts and facilitate problem-solving situations in your classroom to help them learn how to process their feelings.
Learn more:
7. Fraction Stories
Math never gets easier, especially in 4th grade when students are learning basic fractions. For students that understand better through stories, here are some fun books focused on helping make learning fractions fun and entertaining.
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8. Counting Cards
There are so many card games out there that help students with math and counting. Make up your own fun card game or find a variety of ideas here to get you and your students inspired about math.
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9. A Theme a Month
Students are impacted by their learning environment. Find some awesome classroom decorations to transform your learning space each month. There are many beautiful classrooms to be inspired by that incorporate themes like "under the sea", "circus", "Dr. Seuss", and more!
Learn more:
10. Harry Potter Classroom
Transform your room into 4th grade classroom houses from Harry Potter. Students can decide which house they belong to and you can use these fun groups for group activities, and whole-class discussions to be everyone's favorite teacher.
Learn more:
11. Kid Activists
Show your students they are never too young to make a positive impact on the world. Showcase a different kid activist each month for your students to learn from and aspire to become in their own way.
Learn more:
12. Let's Get Artsy!
Grab a paintbrush and paint bucket and help your 4th graders channel their inner artistic genius. There are so many fun art projects that are simple enough to not discourage students who may feel they aren't artistic. Whether it's selfies or landscapes, your classroom will be sure to have eye-catching colors.
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13. Class Time Capsule
On the first day of school, grab some glass jars and labels and tell your students to write themselves a note to open on the last day of school. They can decorate them with glitter and stickers or use colored cards.
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14. Read-Aloud
Now that our students are confident in their reading skills it's time to dedicate extra read-aloud time so they can get better at pronunciation and speaking in front of others. This activity can be very nerve-wracking for many students so make it fun and relaxed with a variety of books specifically written for students to read aloud.
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15. Family Recipes
An important skill that is not usually taught in elementary school is cooking. You can incorporate it into your lesson plans by having a different student bring in one of their family's favorite recipes each week. Monday's can seem less of a drag when there is some food waiting to taste!
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16. Balance Balls
Freshen up your classroom layout with balance balls instead of chairs. 4th graders are tall enough to fit on them and the bouncing can help many students with their nerves and help relieve stress.
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17. Classroom Jobs
Teach your students about responsibility by creating a classroom jobs list for students to complete on a weekly basis. This could include tasks such as taking attendance, collecting homework, and being calendar captain.
Learn more:
18. Spelling Bee
4th graders know many words and love competitive games, so a spelling bee is a great way to end a class on a fun and active note.
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19. Student Teacher Swap
Role reversals are super fun and kids love them! Have a list of topics/subjects for each student to choose from. Let them pick one and when the day for that lesson comes, it will be their turn to share with the class what they have learned about it.
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20. Daily Writing Prompts
Writing and grammar are important lessons for 4th graders to learn and practice regularly. Give your students a daily writing prompt to get their creative thinking flowing and help them find their inner writer's voice.
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Logic riddles for children: for preschoolers, schoolchildren
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Interesting logic puzzles and entertaining questions for children with answers. Solve riddles on logic and with a catch, tricks, simple and complex. Over 3500 tasks from the LogicLike team!
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LogicLike — online platform for the development of logic and thinking in children. unravel riddles, solve logic problems and puzzles. 300 kinds entertaining tasks for children 5-12 years old!
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Solving charades, puzzles, riddles and tasks is interesting and easy for children to understand a way to learn about the world, a great exercise for preschoolers and elementary school children age.
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The collection of thematic logical riddles is expanding and replenishing: riddles about animals and birds, riddles about nature and plants, about vegetables and fruits, about sports, about kindergarten and school, for birthday and New years and more.
It happens small, big. Iron is very friendly with him.
With him, even the blind will certainly find a needle in a haystack.
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The most affordable transport for us, in which the rider's legs serve as a motor.
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This is such a ribbon - silky-painted,
But you can’t take it with your hands and you can’t weave it into pigtails.
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We also have simple riddles. for children 5 years old.
In an open field, along the town, it snakes like a snake, not a river.
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Where the king and queen walk to the right, walk to the left,
They walk - straight, they walk - obliquely, they walk - silently, without questions.
Even a whole day in a row at the request of the guys?
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Chess board.
They love, with all sincerity, to let guests into the house.
But I’ll tell you right away, I’ve never been myself.
Find out the answer
Who is ready to speak in the mountains in all languages in the world?
Find out the answer
What cow, tell me, has not yet given milk to anyone?
Find out the answer
Look closely, the baby has no coat and no jacket,
No pants, no shirt - only one beret.
— Where is he from? Where?
- How from where? From an oak branch.
Find out the answer
On the window, not a cat. Not a hedgehog, but you won’t take it in your hands.
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She flies, but does not build nests. She doesn't cry, she sheds tears.
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You can see other riddles for children 7 years or go to action😉.
LogicLike - a complete development package children 4-12 years old
Memory and attention
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Do a variety of tasks for 15-20 minutes every day. This is the most an effective way to develop thinking.
Riddles for children 8-9 years old
It has hung over the river for a long time and does not want to fall down.
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He scribbles for hours on end, but it's not a machine gun at all.
She, like a pen on a piece of paper, writes line to line on the fabric.
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Sewing machine.
That's such a miracle! That's so amazing! As he fell off the cliff,
is already so the year won't fall.
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In the house there is a mine, in the mine there is a house.
People go to that house.
He will fulfill your whim:
It will take you up and down.
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Two plates with a pedestrian walked along the path in passing.
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Here is a huge old house:
Walls, towers, a moat dug.
Rearrange the stress -
And it hangs on the door.
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Lock — lock.
Grandfather trudges barely,
And you'll wait weeks for your father,
Big brother is not very fast,
Himself runs like a river from the mountains,
And my sister is even faster,
Well, the daughter of all faster?
Find out the answer
Year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
How right? Five plus seven is "eleven" or "eleven"?
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How to write "duck" in 2 cells?
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In the 1st - a letter "y", in the 2nd - a point.
What kind of person can hold an elephant?
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Chess player.
What can only be shared once?
Find out the answer
You fell under my feet,
Stretched out on the road.
And you can't get up,
And you can't be kicked out.
You look so much like me,
It's like I'm walking lying down.
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What dishes can not be eaten?
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From empty.
Four legged
They put on boots.
Before putting on
They began to inflate shoes.
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Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.
Find out the answer
- Flexible mind and confidence When children decide tasks and puzzles on LogicLike, they train the "wiggles" and develop ingenuity.
- Foundation for IT We teach how to work with information competently, develop logical and mathematical intelligence.
- Freedom parent You can spend 20-30 minutes on yourself while the child busy with useful work.
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Who likes to guess riddles, like and solve logic tasks.
You can also see examples of tasks from the LogicLike logic development system: logical tasks in mathematics for 2 class and for 3rd class.
LogicLike is not just riddles and puzzles. You are waiting for a course of development of thinking, an online simulator that will teach you to think and reason logically correctly.
Riddles for children 10-12 years old
Where was the potato first discovered?
Find out the answer
In the ground
When do hands become pronouns?
Find out the answer
When they YOU-WE-YOU.
Name five days, without calling them by numbers and by the names of the days weeks.
Find out the answer
The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
Name a 4-letter word in which one letter is a prefix, the second is a root, the third is the suffix, the fourth is the ending.
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Out: at (prefix), w (root), l (suffix), a (ending).
From head to tail 12 m, and from tail to head 0 m. What is this?
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Year (m - months).
Without which nothing ever happens?
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How do you say "yes" like "no"?
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"Maybe. "
It is black when purchased, red when used, and gray when he is thrown away.
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What is always said in the future tense?
Find out the answer
About "tomorrow".
Strange Beast:
Two paws in front,
Fur outside
Yes, empty inside.
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How can you bow your head without lowering it down?
Find out the answer
By cases.
Olga Nikolaevna's dream finally came true: she bought herself a new bright red car.
The next day, going to work, Olga Nikolaevna, moving along left side of the road, turned left at a red light, ignoring at the no turn sign, and to top it all off, she wasn't wearing her seatbelt security.
All this was seen by the guard standing at the crossroads, but he did not even stop Olga Nikolaevna, to at least check her driver's license. Why?
Find out the answer
Because she went to work on foot.
Union, number, then preposition -
That's the whole charade.
And so that you can find the answer,
We need to remember the rivers.
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Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat starts to sink, you you find yourself in the water, sharks swim up to you.
What to do to escape sharks?
Find out the answer
Stop represent it.
What only a father always gives to his children and that he can never give them mother?
Find out the answer
Middle name.
We recommend solving problems on logic in mathematics for grade 4.
Rhyming riddles for preschoolers and younger students
Short riddles, usually simple, are perceived easily and perfectly train the reaction, skill fast reply. Longer riddles develop attentiveness and patience in children.
To develop erudition and consolidate knowledge about the world around preschool children and students primary school is especially useful to guess riddles about living and inanimate nature.
In the pit sleeps in the long winter,
But a little the sun will warm,
On the road for honey and raspberries
Heading off…
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Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea,
Head and eight legs,
That's all I am...
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Long beak thin
Grab the frog.
A drop drips from the beak.
Who is this?
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Are there apples on the branches in winter?
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered,0063 Yes, this is...
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And in the woods, kids mind you,
There are night watchmen,
Watchmen are afraid of these
Mice hide trembling.
Very severe
Owls and…
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Riddles-deceit - funny riddles with a trick
Many children and even adults involuntarily respond to such riddles word in rhyme. It turns out funny, and sometimes even very funny. The correct answer is actually quite simple, you just need to think a little.
Who gnaws on a pine cone?
Well, of course it is...
Find out the answer
A squirrel, not a bear.
Soap, soap, soap
Washed endlessly.
Washed away both wax and ink
From an unwashed face.
The face is still on fire.
Who is this?
Find out the answer
Moidodyr, not Aibolit.
crowing awake
Dear, kind...
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Rooster, not piglet.
It is known without a doubt to everyone,0063 Whom we ask here,
How much is six seven,
Of course…
Find out the answer
42, not forty eight.
Four lions under the tree,
One left, left ...
Find out the answer
3, not two.
Tall, long-legged,
He is not too lazy to fly -
On a straw roof
Find out the answer
Stork, not deer.
Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! -
Who raised a cheerful cry?
Don't scare this bird!
Made a noise. ..
Find out the answer
Sparrow, not parrot.
See more tricky riddles and funny logic puzzles.
Difficult children's puzzles for logic and attentiveness
A boy with a dog goes to a forest lake. A class of 25 is moving towards him one person and 2 teachers, parents of 10 children also take part in the walk. Five mothers are still carrying their children in wheelchairs, the teacher is leading the dog, and two children carry their rats.
How many feet are on the road to the forest lake?
Find out the answer
On the way to only 2 legs go to the forest lake - the boy's legs, paws dogs don't count, and everyone he met, returning from the lake.
Five ice cream five guys
Exactly in five minutes they will eat.
And for how much they can eat
Six guys ice cream if
And there are also six ice creams?
Find out the answer
No matter how much ice creams, if there are the same number of guys, then the guys are all ice creams in the same five minutes they will eat.
Return to the section Riddles for children.
Solve logical problems and riddles online - develop logic and intelligence effortlessly!
Searching for answers to non-standard, most intricate questions teaches children to reason, build logical chains, develops creative and logical thinking, ingenuity and intelligence.
It is easy to learn and develop, have fun and exercise "thinking" can and should be done in school, and in a friendly company, and at home.
Where can I find more selected and author's logic puzzles?
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More than 1,000,000 children are on the site and in the LogicLike app. More than 3500 tasks with answers and explanations.
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entertaining tasks and examples in pictures with answers and solutions
Entertaining mathematics
1st grade
Why do kids love LogicLike tasks more than tasks from math textbooks? The professor and his team will teach each child to click both typical and non-standard math problems.
Select the child's age
to get started!
First grader
LogicLike. com children learn to reason, develop logic, ability to mathematics and cognitive interest.
Recommended thematic courses
online for grade 1
Logic course and thinking To begin
Preparing for Olympics To begin
Why do children and parents choose LogicLike?
What kind of mathematics do children in the 1st grade need?
The following story often happens: while preparing for the 1st grade the child liked to solve entertaining tasks, puzzles, examples and tasks. Passes the first a quarter and a capable child begins to get bored of the monotonous or too simple for him assignments.
If you were looking for a mental counting simulator or want to check how much your child has learned school curriculum, you will love the collection of math tests for grade 1 from LogicLike.
The LogicLike team knows how to captivate a first grader mathematics and charge with the desire to learn how to solve any problems. We have more 3500 entertaining tasks, awards, achievements, student rating, personalized certificates.
Try the full fun math course and logics from LogicLike
- Flexible mind and confidence! When children decide tasks and puzzles on LogicLike, they train the "wiggles" and develop ingenuity.
- Foundation for IT! Algorithms, patterns, logic - we have all this. We teach to work with information, train memory and thinking - we form the potential for success in IT professions.
- We increase progress! Regular classes of 20-30 minutes develop logical and mathematical capabilities. As a result - high grades at school, prizes at olympiads and competitions, interest in learning increases.
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Entertaining mathematics for first graders online
Mathematics classes on LogicLike begin with entertaining logical problems, unusual examples, puzzles and other tasks in pictures that you want to solve. In the course we alternate mathematical and logical problems, patterns, figures in space and other types assignments.
Popular categories of assignments for grade 1
Selections from the training course LogicLike
- Simple addition and subtraction
- Enlargement, reduction by several units
- Composite tasks
- Text logic and math
- Examples for addition and subtraction for class 1
- Math puzzles for class 1
Addition and Subtraction Problems
Simple task to find sums
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Three girls took 1 balloon in each hand.
How many balls do they have?
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Mindfulness task
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There are two sweets, one cake and three pears on the plate.
How many fruits are on the plate?
Watch answer
Subtraction problem
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There were 7 liters of water in a 12-liter barrel, and 8 liters in a bucket.
Water from a bucket filled the barrel to the top.
How many liters of water are left in the bucket?
Find out the answer
We have everything you were looking for
Text and logical tasks
Tasks mathematics
Examples and tasks
Shapes in space: 2D and 3D
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We have built the educational process in an understandable and exciting way for anyone child format, from simple to complex.
Tasks to increase and decrease the number by several units
What will be the result?
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Find out the answer
5 apples.
Age problem
Yura was born 2 years earlier than Vanya.
Yuri is now 5 years old.
How old is Vanya?
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Finding the Unknown term and difference
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An evil virus hid the numbers in the examples.
Put the correct numbers back in their places.
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2 + 3=5
3 − 2 = 1
You can see examples of Olympiad tasks for 1 class or start to activities on the site.
Day after day more 100,000 children
go through 10-20 tasks on the LogicLike website. And how much can you?
Solve problems
Downloads: tasks for developing counting skills
For those who do not currently have the opportunity to study online, we have prepared small selections assignments for paperwork. You can download and print tasks for practicing oral skills invoices in pdf format.
To "warm up" the child's interest in mathematics, we recommend starting with 1 sheet a day.
- Entertaining tasks for grade 1 for addition and subtraction within 10.
- Entertaining tasks for first graders: addition and subtraction up to 10.
What is the best online course?
We recommend that future and present first graders practice 15-20 minutes a day.
Compound tasks for first graders
Tasks in two or three actions develop memory, logic and mathematical speech.
Composite difference problem comparison
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Condition: The purple monster ate 4 whole oranges, and the red monster ate 7 halves of the same oranges.
Question: Who ate more oranges?
Show solution
1 whole orange = 2 halves.
4 whole oranges = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 halves.
8 > 7 means Purple ate more than Red.
Multi-action task on balancing
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Condition: A rabbit is 2 kg lighter than a puppy.
Questions: What the scale will be higher if the puppy is placed on the left side of the scale, and the rabbit on right? How after that you need to place the weights on the scales so that they come to equilibrium?
Find out the answer and solution
1. A rabbit is lighter than a puppy, so the right one is lighter. the bowl with the rabbit will rise up.
2. In order for the balance to balance, the weight on the bowl rabbit should be 2 kg heavier than the kettlebell that we will add to the puppy.
It turns out that you need to put on a bowl with a puppy weight in 1 kg, and on a bowl with a rabbit - in 3 kg.
Suggested tasks are part of the LogicLike educational platform. Start learning!
Develop logic and mathematical thinking
- Child-friendly theory .
Video tutorials, tips and hints will help the student to independently deal with even very complex tasks.
- Making math fun . game form and step-by-step methodology make the learning process interesting and effective.
- All materials on one site . 17 categories, over 3500 exciting challenges! The LogicLike team creates new ones every week interesting tasks that help children understand and love logic and mathematics.
Text Boolean
Fedya has equal number of sisters and brothers.
Who is more in the family: sons or daughters?
Show answer
more sons (Fedya is also a son).
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Kolya and Nadia have the same items.
Anya has a jump rope.
Distribute items to all children.
Find out the answer
Kolya and Nadi - balls. Ira and Anya have jump ropes.
Want more examples of similar tasks? See logic puzzles for 1 class.
Take the full course from LogicLike!
- 3 steps to start the path to the heights of logic 😎:
- 1. Solve 5 problems
- 2. Save account
- 3. Show the platform to the child and solve together 10-15 tasks.
Math tasks for logic
Task with figures on verbal-logical thinking
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Condition: The professor thought of a figure and gave two clues:
- it is not square and not blue;
- it is round or triangular.
Question: What did the Professor guess?
Find out the answer
orange triangle.
Take hint
Solving similar mathematical puzzles promotes the development of verbal-logical thinking , trains possession skills basic methods of thinking: highlighting essential and insignificant features of objects, generalization, comparison, derivation of the investigation and others.
Continue the pattern
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Find a pattern and continue the series with numbers.
Find out the answer
The difference between each successive number and the previous one increases by 1 (+1, +2, +3…).