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$ 1, 500
Sphere Hexa Pendant
925 Silver
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$ 1, 340
Sphere Earth Ring
925 Silver
$ 390
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Sphere Octa Pendant
925 Silver
1x Lab Grown Diamonds, Brilliant cut (0.06ct)
$ 1, 335
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About Our Diamonds – Homer
Everything you will ever touch is made of atoms. A knife’s edge, a mirror’s glass, a lover’s shoulder—all atoms. The source of the atoms is not a matter of scientific debate, though it sounds almost too magical to be believed: nearly everything that we are came from stars.
Of course, just because something is true does not mean it is not astonishing, improbable, or even inconceivable. A diamond is made up of just one kind of atom, many times over: carbon. Its complete chemical formula is exquisitely simple: C. Yet, as a matter of chemical fact, the same carbon atoms, differently arranged, yield not a sparkling diamond, but gray pencil lead. The diamond is in the details.
What makes a diamond a diamond: what it is, or how it’s procured?
As a substance, diamond is a marvel of the universe. Light travels through it at less than half the speed at which the same light passes through air. The resulting faceted refraction reveals the diamond’s signature “fire” —brilliant, fleeting colors that flash and wink from different angles. It is such an efficient conductor of heat that a handheld sliver of diamond cuts easily through a block of ice. It cannot be scratched, except by another diamond. Diamonds form when carbon atoms are subjected to tremendous heat and pressure.
The impressive thing is not that they can be made underground. Underground is, after all, the stage for many astonishing phenomena,
like undersea volcanoes that expel glowing magma into the deep ocean, and car-sized milky white selenite crystals that jut out of subterranean caves. The truly remarkable feat is that, after only a few decades of research (a fraction of a blink on the geologic time scale), human beings have discovered how to recreate the natural process that forms diamonds, at will.
Homer’s diamonds are formed under the supervision of a team of materials engineers in the United States. At our factory, it takes a diamond to make a diamond: each diamond enters existence as a 1/400th carat natural diamond seed. Over the course of four weeks—the same amount of time needed to form a diamond within the earth’s mantle—machinery precision-deposits layers of carbon over the diamond seed, and subjects it to the tremendous pressure and white hot temperatures necessary to form the stones the old fashioned way. The result is the real thing. Not a replica of a diamond, or a close approximation, or a sparkly stone of similar substance. Each diamond is cut, polished, and inspected to meet Homer’s exacting standards before being independently graded by the International Gem Institute.
The final product is pure diamond—down to the atoms.
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5 books for cold August. Editor's Choice
Text: Mikhail Wiesel
Photos from publishers' websites
Kim Stanley Robinson. "New York 2140"
Per. from English. A. Ageeva
Moscow: Eksmo, Fanzon, 2019
Venice, due to its unique position, is one of the most ancient cities in the world. New York, due to its unique position, is one of the most dynamic and future-oriented. Nevertheless, the genetic continuity of the two cities on the water is obvious to anyone who has visited both. Not only Brodsky, whose love for this city has become legendary, but also, for example, about. Tikhon Shevkunov , who in his journalistic-(alternative-)historical film “The Death of the Empire. The Byzantine Lesson (2008) directly compared the insidious Venice, the destroyer of holy Byzantium, with the insidious New York, plotting against whoever.
The American science fiction writer Kim S. Robinson has also clearly been to Venice and New York and also builds his extensive 600-page novel on the ingenious assumption that as a result of the melting of ice caps at the poles, the water level in Hudson Bay rose by 15 meters and the Big Apple naturally turned into the Venice of the 22nd century: streets and avenues turned into canals, the famous 20th-century skyscrapers in Downtown and Midtown became man-made communal islands, and new graphene super-skyscrapers of three hundred floors rose in the north of the city. But New Yorkers, of course, remained New Yorkers: they are just as adventurous and neurotic, they also pay crazy money for parking (not cars, but boats, but what's the difference), they speculate on the stock exchanges with inspiration and flirt prudently in bars, just as they look for treasures literally under their feet (in this case, under water) and make money literally in heaven.
Robinson is sometimes called “the best science fiction writer of today” for a reason: his Venice-New York fantasy is carefully crafted and inspired. In Russian, the novel sometimes sounds strange - but this is rather not evidence of the haste of the translator or the negligence of the editor, but a clear sign that they have to choose words in Russian for concepts that were hitherto uncharacteristic of the Russian language. And not only in what concerns the hypothetical future. But also, for example, to the love of stock brokers:
“I'm like a hummingbird,” I muttered, quoting my father. I tried to show it by pecking at her ear, and she chuckled and reached out to me. Her dress was already pulled up to her waist, and her underwear, like most women, was easy to pull off. The kisses took my breath away."You're going long," she purred as she straddled me and kissed me again and again.
"Coming in," I confirmed.
"And I'm having a little liquidity crunch," she continued.
- Beginning.
Well, the development of a new language is also one of the first tasks of science fiction literature.
Maria Buras. “Truth exists. The life of Andrey Zaliznyak in the stories of its participants" M.: Individuum, 2019
The unexpected (at least for outsiders) and painfully prickly death of many of the outstanding linguist, one of the few famous academicians in the humanities Andrei Anatolyevich Zaliznyak (1935-2017) has made the appearance of this book almost inevitable in modern times. Firstly, Andrei Zaliznyak was indeed a very prominent scientist. Moreover, in a field that pretends to be humanitarian, but in fact requires clarity of thinking, not accessible to every mathematician. Only the fundamental "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" (which formed, among other things, the basis of the Yandex search algorithm) has already been a monument of scientific thought for many decades. And it was also Zaliznyak who made birch bark letters from ancient artifacts, such as ancient Egyptian papyri with their picturesque ibises and Osiris, monuments of ancient Russian writing, and he also proved by strictly scientific methods that “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” is also a monument of ancient Russian literature, and not a clever forgery of the 18th century, as it became fashionable to think in the era of fake news. And most importantly - his whole life was spent under the motto, part of which turned out to be in the title: the truth exists!
Secondly, as a scholar who loves and knows how to give public lectures and pass on his knowledge, he left a lot of testimonies and was surrounded by a lot of students and followers. And thirdly, among them, of course, there were a lot of people writing - and capable, and most importantly, ready to spend time and effort to collect and organize a huge amount of information. This role was taken on by Maria Buras, one of Zalizniak's students and longtime interlocutors and, by the way, Maxim Krongauz's wife, which means that she is the mother of two journalists and media managers who have become famous Anna and Ekaterina Krongauz .
This book balances between journalistic and memoir literature. She absorbed a lot of oral and written testimonies about a fairly long life, which absorbed both the typical - the war experienced by a child, the thaw, the first steps of a young scientist and the public activity of a famous scientist - and the unique: a long internship unusual for a Soviet person at the Sorbonne, awarding a doctoral degree (at the age of 30) when applying for a Ph. 0003
- Truth exists, and the purpose of science is its search.
- In any matter discussed, the professional is normally more right than the amateur.
Evgenia Nekrasova. "Sisters" M.: AST, Revision of Elena Shubina, 2019
“Kalechina-Malechina” by Evgenia Nekrasova produced little more than a shock effect on the reading public, also because she, this same public, perceived it as the debut novel by a hitherto unknown author. But in reality, a small novel was preceded not only by screenplays, but also by a rather large corpus of stories, partly submitted for the Lyceum award, where Evgenia in 2017, the first year of the award, entered the top three laureates. Now published as a separate book, these (and other) stories not only allow us to trace where the terrible tale about the girl and the kikimora came from (the time for scientific dissertations on Nekrasova’s work is clearly ahead), but, more importantly, introduces a new an original storyteller, in both senses of the word - a master of an entertaining story (one can feel the script training) and a master of a short literary story that echoes the traditions of a century-old literary tale - Remizova , Zamyatin , Dobychyna . And the title of the phantasmagoric story that ends the book - "Unhappy Moscow" - directly refers to Platonov. Although its content is addressed not to him, but to us - today:
Nina had everything that a twenty-nine-year-old familyless person who rents a one-room apartment a hundred meters from the Third Ring Road should have. A mixture of distant and close friends, the best friend of Lyuba is a native Muscovite, who has suffered from a lot of things since childhood, a flickering physically close person, embodied in different people, and, of course, a matter of life.
Mikhail Poluektov. Sleep Mysteries. From insomnia to lethargy" M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2019. —
PostNauka Library seriesThe heroine of the fantastic Unhappy Moscow, Nekrasova falls asleep, so that in the morning she wakes up a little not herself, but with some new unusual and even frightening property - sometimes with tentacles sticking out of the body, and sometimes with an unbearable hottie; but the author of this completely scientific book, a somnologist , associate professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery, is trying, if not to answer the question, then at least “mark the field” for the answer - what kind of state is this, sleep? Why did it develop in the course of evolution in all higher animals and why specifically in humans it is accompanied by vivid images - the very dreams that declared either prophetic predictions, or the result of "undigested" nervous activity, "dumped" by the remnants of daytime stress?
However, in addition to "philosophical" questions, the author also considers quite pressing problems. Is it possible to sleep well? Is the "owl" the "lark" a friend? And, of course, the question of questions: is it true that snoring is not harmful?
Sylvain Tesson. "Summer with Homer"
Translated from French Sergey Ryndin
Moscow: Ad Marginem Press, 2019
The weather in most of the European part of Russia strongly recommends putting off all business, collecting money and leaving for the south. For example, to Greece - to Cyprus, Crete, Kefalonia, Skyros, Zakynthos ... these names themselves sound like lines from Homeric poems. But even if it is not possible to go there immediately, you can do it mentally by immersing yourself in a small book that grew out of a cycle of radio broadcasts by a 40-year-old French writer, recorded by him in the summer of 20107, promptly compiled into a book and even more promptly translated. Unlike "Oleg Ivik", who creates his own narrative parallel to the Homeric epic from a female - not to say feminist - position, Tesson does not pretend to deconstruct a well-known history, but only to go deeper into it and understand better in Homer's geography, in Homeric gods and heroes, and even in Homeric hubris - sense of proportion and order, characteristic of the immortal gods and constantly resented by mortal people.
“To write this book, I retired to the Cyclades. For a month he lived on the island of Tinos, opposite Mykonos, in a former Venetian dovecote, from which the Aegean Sea was visible. An owl often visited the neighboring rock. Her screams ripped through the night. Goats grazed on the slopes descending to the bay. <...> To understand the inspiration of a blind artist, nourished by light, winds and sea foam, you need to live on a rock. The very spirit of these places feeds people. I believe in the capillary penetration of geography into our souls. “We are the product of our landscapes,” wrote Lawrence Durrell.
The book begins with an epigraph - a short phrase in five languages: " Τό πᾶν δι ̓αὐτήν ", " Tout pour elle ", " Everything for her ". It is difficult to expect from a French writer that he knows the line of a Russian poet - "Both the sea and Homer - everything is driven by love."
But we know.
Great Homer Street Market Liverpool - 2020 All You Need to Know Before You Go
#104 of 769 things to do in Liverpool
Flea & Street Markets
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9:00 - 16:00
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What travelers say
“Amazing Market Experience”
Apr. 2022
This is definitely one of the best markets in the Northwest. We are frequenters of the market and there are many fantastic stalls! Is the covered market a real gem? Fantastic service and good prices throughout.
Posted by Renno2355
“Love it”
March 2020
I visit this market every week with rain or snow if not on holiday. The marketers start early, at least at 4am to bring us great deals, so if you get there after 1pm, most of them will pick up. Get there early and enjoy the facilities provided by Nick and his staff. Fresh products at competitive prices. Barry's egg and flower stall supplies us with plenty of yolks. Barry is always good for a laugh, helped by his daughters. The guys at the biscuit, pie and sweet counter always have a lot of deals if you love pie and chocolate. Bed and bedding stores are an incredible deal with their hotel-grade merchandise. A new fruit and vegetable stand is so cheap that you have to steal it to buy it cheaper. Finally, a must visit is Hannah's curry stand which is simply amazing. Try the fish tikka, which is specially prepared by her husband Rafik. I visit this market all year round and love the atmosphere and the banter of the traders. Must visit to make a deal.
0.5 km
1.4 km $ • Italian • Cafe • Mediterranean
Dale Street Kitchen & Bar by Shino
1.4 km $ • Healthy • Suitable for vegetarians
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4.0 2022 • For two
This is by far one of the best Markets in the North West. We are regulars to the Market and there are plenty of fantastic stalls! The Indoor market is a real gem 💎 Fantastic service and good prices all over.
Published April 12, 2022
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Liverpool, UK554 publications
Love it
March 2020 • For two
I visit this market every week come hail rain or snow unless away on holiday.
The marketeers start early at least 4am to bring bargains for us so if you get there after 1300 hrs then most will be packing up.
Get there early and enjoy the provisions supplied by Nick and his staff. Fresh produce at bargain prices. Barry's egg and flower stall supplies us with many extra yolkers. Barry always good for a laugh assisted by his daughters. The lads on the biscuit,cake and sweet stall always have many bargains if you like cake and chocolate. The stalls selling beds and and bedding are unbelievable bargains with their hotel grade wares.
The new stall selling veg and fruit is so cheap you would have to steal it to get it cheaper.
Lastly a must visit is to Hannah's curry stall which is absolutely gorgeous. Try the fish tikka which is a special cooked by her husband Rafeek.
I’m an all round year visitor to this market and love the atmosphere and banter form the traders. A must visit to bag a bargain.
Published March 14, 2020
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
kat c
Kingston upon Hull, UK108 publications
Great !!
Nov. 2019
What a great market,everytime i come to Liverpool on a visit,i always come to this market.
Everything you want or need is here, Had some great bargains.
Published February 20, 2020
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Nettie H
1 post
good outdoor market
Jan. 2020
lovely to see an outdoor market and very busy enjoyed our morning there . easy to get to from liverpool city centre.
Published February 9, 2020
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Sue O
Liverpool, UK7 publications
disgusting market trader
Nov. 2019
Tried to buy a bag from the bag stall in the middle of market outdoors. I asked to test the zips on this item as I did not want to take it back if faulty. The guy who was serving me took an exception to this and continued to mouth of about how women should be given a good hiding and how they love it also comments like i'll bet your a real goer in bed . this tirade went on for some time, I was shocked as I am an old age pensioner. One of the other staff members was witness to this and he looked as shocked as me . I understand that there is banter at these markets but the subject matter was way over the top and out of order . I wont be going back.
Published November 18, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
2 publications
Excellent market
Sept. 2019 • With friends
Fabulous friendly and full of bargains beautiful stalls and staff highly recommend look forward to its xmas market
Posted September 28, 2019
This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
1 publication
Waste of time!
July 2019
What a rubbish market, wasn’t impressed at all same old tat that you can find in all the cheap shops. In fact Primark is so much better.
Published August 30, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Dave C
20 publications
Fab market
Aug. 2019 • For two
Great old style market. Great characters bargains galore free parking very busy perfume stall is excellent and the seller is a card.
Published August 12, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Liverpool, UK30 publications
Locking up for the day
May 2019 • With friends
Me and my mum and daughter went for a day out at the market we arrived there about 1-30 there wasn't many stalls left they were all packing up for the day it was a wasted journey really don't think we will be going back any time soon
Published June 4, 2019
the position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Grimsby, UK639 publications
May 2019 • For two
A recommended friend this market and it was great,a good range of stalls and lots of bargains especially with clothes,some good chain store overspills.There is a nice clean cafe for a coffee and toilets.This is well worth a visit.
Published May 14, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
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