Identifying shapes games
Shapes Games for Kids Online
Interactive Shape Games OnlineKids are curious by nature and have dynamic learning capabilities. Are you a parent to a toddler who is growing increasingly observant of their surroundings? Or does your five-year-old get bored quickly with traditional learning methods? As their parent or teacher, you can take small steps to kindle your child’s inherent curiosity and make learning a fun process.
Online shape games for kids are one of the best ways to teach your kids about basic shapes and figures. Encourage your young child to play a variety of shape learning games to build a strong foundation in geometry, so that they can thrive as they move on to higher grades.
Math shape games such as 2D shapes games, 3D shapes games, flat and solid shapes games, etc. can be the perfect instruments for your child to flourish harmoniously in the world of geometry.
Some other math games that you can explore are: addition games, subtraction games, multiplication games, division games, geometry games, measurement games, algebra games, etc.
You can use online geometric shape games for introducing shapes to children. Learning is a complex process, and kids are likely to face challenges occasionally while learning about shapes. Online games help to introduce the concept of shapes with less difficulty.
These shape learning games can help toddlers to identify different shapes, and kindergarteners in assigning shape names to real-world objects. Kids can also practice familiar shapes in different sizes or unusual orientations. Such games are also designed to address common issues in practicing shapes and help your child in overcoming them successfully.
How Can We Make Shapes Fun for Kids?Practicing and learning about shapes can be extremely fun and engaging with shape games for kids. These games help kids practice basic geometrical concepts and ensure that the kids look forward to learning more. They are specifically designed keeping young children in mind, and as such they are creative, colorful and eye-catching!
How Can Games Help in Better Understanding of Shapes?Interactive shape games online can be used to practice 2D shapes, 3D shapes, flat shapes and solid shapes.
These games pack a punch with exciting characters, radiant shapes, and interesting real-life scenarios that help children to understand shapes in a practical manner. Students are able to identify shapes all around them in the real world.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can kids practice shapes?
Math shape games can be used by kids to practice shapes online. They can learn to identify shapes in different orientations, identify curved surfaces, identify shape partitions, match different shapes, and much more.
- How to teach shapes?
The concept of shapes can be taught by incorporating various shapes games online into a child’s learning routine. Crucial geometrical skills like counting the sides, faces and vertices, finding parallel sides, identifying kites, rhombuses and parallelograms, composing objects from shapes, finding right angles, recognizing different 2D and 3D shapes, relating thirds to a whole, etc.
can be learned and excelled through these games online.
- How can I help my child understand shapes?
Geometric shape games are specifically designed to be fun, interactive, and lively. You can support your child by encouraging them to play these games repeatedly until they understand a certain concept. Be gentle with your child and motivate them at every stage of their development. Learning shapes can be an extremely fun and creative process with online math shapes games. They facilitate learning and deepen children’s understanding about different types of shapes.
- How can kids play games on shapes?
Games on learning shapes are available on a variety of websites and apps. Kids can use these online games to achieve mastery over mathematical concepts. These geometrical games include rich subject matter and vibrant visuals that make math practice fun and easy.
- What are the best fun shapes activities for kids?
Some activities to practice shapes are: sorting different objects by their shape, going on a shape hunt by identifying different shapes in your surroundings, blowing shape bubbles, identifying various shapes in a pizza, hopping along a crayon shape maze, etc.
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Games for Preschoolers on Shapes Online
Preschoolers learn by observing things around them. Learning by playing innovative online games takes them a step ahead as they get to explore various shapes they may not see in their surroundings.
IntroductionKids are innately curious about their surroundings and love to explore, so it is a good idea to introduce them to various basic shapes when they are around 2.5 years old.
With proper guidance, preschoolers can learn simple shapes like squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles. Online educational platforms can make it easy and fun for them to learn about shapes. Scroll down to understand what you can do so that your kid enjoys their learning experience.
Making kids sit down for a class on shapes could be challenging because they love to learn by exploring. But you can make them excited to learn by introducing them to fun online games that allow them to enjoy while they explore new concepts. Here is a list of interesting games for your kids to grasp mathematical skills easily.
- Amusement Park Chapters
These simple, interactive games teach your toddler how to recognize different simple shapes like triangle, square, and circle. There are several levels to ensure that your child gets to practice shapes thoroughly. - Identify Two-dimensional Shapes
In this game, the student is presented with two to four two-dimensional shapes and encouraged to identify triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles. By the time they complete the levels, you kid would have learned how to differentiate one basic shape from the other. - Shapes in the World
Designed for kids who know how to identify basic shapes, this game helps them assign shapes to objects globally, such as clocks, books, crackers, and buttons. - Match Shapes
This is an exciting game where the kid is shown a shape and asked to match similar shapes from an assortment. Kids get to practice their skills at identifying and matching basic shapes by playing this game. - Sort Shapes
Once your child has acquired basic knowledge about different shapes, they can play this game where they are asked to sort various objects based on their shapes.
Small kids may take some time to differentiate between different shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles. They may get confused when they see familiar shapes in various sizes.
Support your child by being patient with them and try to understand why they are struggling. Encourage them to play shape games repeatedly until they get a good grasp of the concept. Cheer them on at every stage of their learning journey.
Learning shapes can be made fun with SplashLearn’s exciting online games that are interactive and pique your child’s curiosity. Tell us how you make learning fun for your child. Write to us at [email protected] with your feedback and comments.
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Game tasks with geometric shapes for preschoolers. Didactic games on the topic: "Geometric shapes
What figures to learn at an early age and how to conduct classes so that the names of the figures are better remembered?
- By the age of three, teach your child to recognize and name a circle, a square and a triangle.
Learn the definitions of "round", "square" and "triangular", learn to distinguish the shape of objects in pictures and in life. Play a lotto where you have to sort the pieces according to their shape, even if they are of different colors. Compare big and small figures. Form complex tasks that include elements of logic: "Set aside the big yellow circle and the small green triangle." Such tasks, despite their seeming simplicity, will require a small child to concentrate all his mental powers - which means they will be developing for him.
- After making sure that the child has mastered the simplest shapes, include the oval, rectangle and trapezium in the lessons. Accept that the child will confuse the names for a long time: he can call a rectangle a square or a triangle, and a triangle a rectangle, because for a preschooler the key part of the word “square” overshadows other meanings. Start to notice that the TRIANGLE is called so because it has THREE corners.
Continue to formulate logical tasks: "Choose a large yellow trapezoid and a large orange triangle."
- In order to teach to distinguish figures, mix a large number of similar figures - ovals and circles, squares and rectangles, triangles and trapezoids - lay them out on the table and ask them to put only one figure in one bowl, and leave the others on table. Let at the very initial stages all the figures be of different colors, and the figures of the same type be of the same size. To complicate the task, confuse the colors of the shapes, then resize them. Also try to give your baby tasks in which you need to sort out shapes of the same color, but different in size and shape.
- Lay out two sets of large figures on the floor. Name the shape and jump on it, have the child do the same. Now ask him to jump on the same figures as you, but out loud you will call a different figure.
- What shapes do you need to know before school?
- By the age of 7, it is desirable for a preschooler to distinguish three-dimensional figures: a cone, a ball and a cube.
It is important not to confuse their names with flat figures: triangle, circle and square.
- From flat figures, introduce the older preschooler to the semicircle, star, polygon and crescent. These figures are very easy to distinguish, and their use in drawings or mosaics will enrich the plot of the pictures compiled by the child.
- By school, the child must know what a point and a straight line are. For the development of horizons you also introduce him to the broken line and the curve.
- By the age of 7, it is desirable for a preschooler to distinguish three-dimensional figures: a cone, a ball and a cube.
Didactic games on the theme: "Geometric shapes"
Didactic game "Geometric Lotto"
for children from 3 to 5 years old.
Description of the game. The didactic game "Geometric Lotto" is intended for teachers of the second junior and middle groups, as well as for preschoolers from 3 to 5 years old. The game can be easily performed by a parent and used at home for learning to work with diagrams, developing a child's logic, imaginative thinking, cultivating perseverance and attention.
Ingredients of the game: geometric figures of different colors and sizes, schemes of objects, animals.
The game is intended both for lessons with one child and with 2-3 children.
Purpose of the game: in a playful way to teach children to distinguish between geometric shapes, colors, using the scheme, to make figures of objects and animals, to navigate in the space of the game sheet.
Game progress: It's better to start with one scheme. Let the child choose from the available geometric shapes suitable for it in color and size and put it on the diagram.
The game contains both simple and more complex diagrams, which allows you to teach a preschooler to work with diagrams, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, give an idea that figures can be of different colors and sizes, develop figurative and logical thinking in him, cultivate perseverance and attentiveness.
An example of working with a schema.
1. Together with the teacher, the child examines the diagram and determines what is shown on it.
2. Geometrical figures available on the diagram are called. Their color and size are called.
3. Selection of the necessary geometric shapes and filling in the scheme.
scheme "Tumbler"
Of course, the schemes for this game can be constantly supplemented. And at an older age, you can try to compose images without diagrams with preschoolers, on your own, inventing something of your own. That will contribute to the further development and improvement of the acquired skills.
Orientation in space
Exercise "Arrange geometric shapes on a sheet"
Take a sheet of paper and prepare cardboard geometric shapes for work.
Place a square in the upper right corner.
Place a circle in the middle of the sheet.
Place a triangle in the lower left corner.
Place an oval in the upper left corner.
Place a triangle in the lower right corner.
Count and Do Dynamic Pause
How many triangles are in the green herringbone,
So much you immediately perform inclinations. (3)
How many oval patties are on the plate,
Perform the same number of jumps immediately. (5)
Rectangular how many glasses for guests,
How many squats do as soon as possible. (4)
How many round vases are on the shelf.
Clap your hands so many times. (1)
How many square flags were hung for us,
So many turns now. (2)
Summarize children's knowledge of known features: color, shape, size;
· introduce children to a new activity - modeling.
colored markers;
plates: "Color", "Shape", "Size".
The teacher shows the main city of the country Geometry made using the application:
This city is still very young. All the figures in this city settled along the streets, but did not have time to give them names. Let's help them. I wonder what you can call the first street going from top to bottom?
- Triangular.
- Why did you call her that?
- Because only triangles live on it.
- Form.
- What is their shape?
- Triangular.
- What can be drawn on the sign of this street?
- Triangle.
- Right!
On top of the tablet, the teacher draws a triangle. The same work is carried out for all other streets going from top to bottom.
And what shall we call this street? (Shows the upper street running from left to right.)
- Red.
- Why did you call her that?
- Because all the figures on this street are red.
- How are all these figures similar?
- Color.
- What will we draw on the plate?
Children are a little confused, but then they realize that they need to draw a shapeless red spot. All remaining streets are dealt with in the same way.
Now tell me, what are all these figures? (Shows all small figures.)
- Small.
- And the rest?
- Large.
- How are they different?
- Size.
- And so let's remember once again by what features all the figures living in this city differ.
- Shape, color and size.
Three signs are hung out, and the children try to explain why these signs are depicted on these signs:
· development of analytical and synthetic activity based on the ability to characterize a figure by known features and find a figure by its characteristic.
1 variant - an application from the last game is used to develop logic.
The teacher, using the tablets "color", "shape", "size" and an application from the last lesson, makes a riddle about one of the inhabitants of this city. For example: "This figure is round in shape, red in color, and large in size. " Children guess the riddle and show it. After that, the children themselves guess and guess riddles.
2nd option - a set of colored figures is used (for each child).
The child chooses any figure from the set with his eyes and, using the signs "COLOR", "SHAPE", "SIZE", makes up a story about it. For example: "My figure is pentagonal in shape, green in color, and small in size." All the rest must choose the desired figure from their set and, at the command of the teacher (at the expense of “One-two-three”), show it. The child who made up the story checks.
· improving the ability to perform analysis and synthesis.
application at home,
· bag with some figures from the set.
Before the game, you need to carefully look at the house and find out how the pieces settled. What figures live on the first floor, on the second and on the third? Red figures settled on the first floor, triangular ones on the second, and small ones on the third. The task of the children is to move the figure into the house, which they pull out of the bag.
Before populating it, the child must tell which floor his figure can live on and why. For example, if a child draws out a small red square, then he should get the following story: "My figure can live on the third floor because it is small, and on the first floor because it is red."
· teach to find a similar figure by any sign.
cards with all colored geometric shapes (24 pcs.).
1 variant - children sit at the same table. All cards are distributed to children. The task of the children is to lay out their cards in turn, naming how his figure looks like the last one. Only in this case the child can put up his card. Whoever lays out all the pieces first wins.
2nd option - a sign according to which children should set their figure only one, and it changes all the time. For example, first you need to lay out a shape that is similar in color. The next player must lay out a figure similar in shape, the next in size, and again in color, shape and size.
· introduce children to the element of modeling action - coding the features of geometric shapes.
house application,
sheets with a table of the number of children.
Guys, today we will write an instruction letter for children of another group. What is a letter, you know, and what is an instruction? This is a letter that tells how to properly assemble or do something. Today we will write instructions on how to make such an application.
Children tell what figures and in what order to stick.
We just have to write it all down. But, the problem is that the children of this group cannot read, so we will encrypt this letter using a table.
The teacher works on the blackboard, and the children work on the papers.
Tell me what children should consider before cutting out these shapes? (Color, shape and size.) Then let's agree that in the first column we will indicate the color, and in order not to forget, we will draw an icon. In the second column we will indicate the shape, we will draw an icon for the shape, and in the third column we will indicate the size - we will draw the size icon. We will designate everything small as a small house, and everything large as a large one.
Let's encrypt all the shapes that need to be cut and pasted in order.
Children, together with the teacher, encrypt all the figures, except for the last one. The children encrypt the last figure on their own. As a result, the children receive such a letter-instruction.
· bring children to the need to highlight the basis of comparison when comparing two figures;
· introduce children to the algorithm of the comparison action.
cards with signs of geometric shapes,
· a set of colored figures according to the number of children.
Guys, about a week ago, there was an argument between two boys. One boy said that these two figures are the same, and the other - different. (Shows two circles that differ in color.) Which one do you think is right?
- Both are right, because they are the same in shape and size, but they are different in color.
- So what will determine the correctness of the answer? ... Probably, on what basis we will compare them? Now I will show you two more figures. How are these shapes similar and how are they different? (Cards with signs of figures hang on the board.)
Working with a set of colored shapes:
Show two figures that are similar only in color; only form; only in size.
- Show the two most dissimilar figures.
- Choose any two figures from the set and make up a story about them, that is, tell us how they differ and how they are similar.
Improvement of the comparison action.
cardboard islands,
three hero models,
sets of colored geometric shapes by the number of children.
The game is played on the carpet. The carpet is a big swamp. The task of the children is to help any three heroes to cross this swamp. There are islands in the middle of the swamp. Children, laying out a path between islands of colored geometric shapes, help each hero individually.
For the first hero, you need to lay out the path in such a way that neighboring figures must differ in color. Before the hero walks along the path, the correctness of the laid out path is checked by the teacher or one of the children. For the second hero, adjacent figures must differ in color and shape, and for the third - in color, shape and size.
· improvement of action analysis and synthesis;
· the formation of the concept of the negation of some feature.
set of colored geometric shapes,
three cards (plus on one side, minus on the other).
First you need to remember the first question. Is the figure a circle?
So that the children do not forget the question, a circle is drawn on the board. What can be the answer? "Yes or no".
You will show the answer "yes" with a card with a "+" sign, and the answer "no" - with a "-" sign. Now I will show you the figure, and you will answer this question with the help of a card.
- And now, on the contrary, I will answer this question myself, and you will show a figure that is suitable for this answer.
On the board, the teacher draws a “plus” and then a “minus”.
Now the game becomes more difficult with the second question. Is the figure red? (A red spot is drawn on the board.) And now you will need to answer two questions at once - with two cards, laying them out on the desk.
The principle of the game is the same: first, a figure is shown to the children, they, in turn, answer two questions with the help of cards, then the teacher draws codes for different answers (+ -; ++; + -; -), and the children show the desired figure.
The game is then complicated by the third question: "Is the piece large?"
Possible codes: (+++) (++-) (+-) (+-+) (-) (-+-).
Game exercise WHAT IS SUPERB?
· development of analytical and synthetic activity based on the ability to make generalizations.
In all three variants, children must not only find an extra figure, but also answer two questions:
Why is she superfluous?
- How is this figure different from all the others?
Number of participants: 6-7 people.
Handout: set of colored geometric shapes
2 squares: one large yellow, the other small red;
2 pentagons: big red, small yellow;
2 triangles: large yellow and small red
Children sit in a circle. All children are given figures. The figures are best placed in front of the children. The driver leaves the room (if 7 people play, then this is a child without a figure, and if 6, then he gives his figure to the teacher). The rest at this time think of some property, which will be the so-called "pum-pum".
For example: all yellow pieces. The driver, approaching each of the children, asks: “Do you have a pum-pum?” If his figure is yellow, then he answers: "Yes", and if not yellow, then - "No." After listening to each person who answered this question, the facilitator must guess which property is the very “pum-pum”. After that, another player becomes the driver.
1. Game "Name it in one word"
Purpose: Developing the ability to name geometric figures of the same type with a generalizing word.
Material: Geometric figures of the same type (large and small squares; colorful triangles, etc.).
2. Game "Pick by size"
Purpose: Developing the ability to classify geometric shapes by one attribute (size).
Material: Geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, circles, etc.) in two sizes - large and small.
3. The game "Wonderful Pouch" is well known to preschoolers. It allows you to examine the geometric shape of objects, exercise in distinguishing shapes. The bag contains objects of different geometric shapes. The child examines them, feels and names the figure that he wants to show. You can complicate the task if the leader gives the task to find a specific figure in the bag. In this case, the child sequentially examines several figures until he finds the right one. This version of the job is slower. Therefore, it is advisable that every child has a wonderful bag.
4. The game "Find the same" in front of the children are cards with three to four different geometric shapes. The teacher shows his card (or calls, lists the Figures on the card). Children must find the same card and pick it up.
5. Game “Who will see more? » Various geometric figures are placed on the board in random order. Preschoolers look at and memorize them. The leader counts to three and closes the figures. The children are asked to name as many shapes as they can on the flannelgraph. So that the children do not repeat the answers of their comrades, the leader can listen to each child separately. The one who remembers and names more figures wins, he becomes the leader. Continuing the game, the host changes the number of pieces
7. The game "Look around" helps to consolidate ideas about geometric shapes, teaches you to find objects of a certain shape. The game is held in the form of a competition for a personal or team championship. In this case, the group is divided into teams. The host (it can be a teacher or a child) suggests naming round, rectangular, square, quadrangular objects, the shape of objects that do not have corners, etc. etc. For each correct answer, the player or team receives a chip, a circle. The rules stipulate that you cannot name the same item twice. The game is played at a fast pace. At the end of the game, the results are summed up, and the winner with the most points is called.
8. The game "Geometric Mosaic" is designed to consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes, forms the ability to transform them, develops imagination and creative thinking, teaches to analyze the way the parts are arranged, make a figure, focus on a sample. By organizing the game, the teacher takes care of uniting the children in one team in accordance with the level of their skills and abilities. Teams receive tasks of varying difficulty. To compose an image of an object from geometric shapes: work on a finished dissected sample, work on an undivided sample, work according to the conditions (to assemble a human figure - a girl in a dress), work according to one's own plan (just a person). Each team receives the same set of geometric shapes. Children must independently agree on how to complete the task, on the order of work, and choose the source material. Each player in the team, in turn, participates in the transformation of a geometric figure, adding his own element, composing individual elements of an object from several figures. At the end of the game, children analyze their figures, find similarities and differences in solving a constructive idea.
9. Game "Find your house". Children receive one model of a geometric figure and scatter around the room. At the signal of the host, everyone gathers at their house with the image of a figure. You can complicate the game by moving the house. Children are taught to see the geometric shape in the surrounding objects: a ball, a watermelon-ball, a plate, a saucer-hoop-circle, a table cover, a wall, a floor, a ceiling, a rectangle window, a scarf-square; scarf-triangle; glass-cylinder; egg, zucchini - oval.
10. Game "Name the geometric figure"
Purpose. To teach visually examine, recognize and correctly name planar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval)
Material. Tables with geometric shapes. On each table there are contour images of two or three figures in different positions and combinations.
Game progress.
11. The game is played with one table. The rest can be covered with a blank sheet of paper. An adult offers to carefully examine the geometric shapes, circle the contours of the figures with a movement of the hand, and name them. In one lesson, you can show the child 2-3 tables.
12. Game “Find an object of the same shape”
An adult has geometric figures drawn on paper: a circle, a square, a triangle, an oval, a rectangle, etc.
He shows the child one of the figures, for example, a circle. The child must name an object of the same shape.
13. Game "What's right?"
Purpose: Development of the ability to compare geometric shapes with each other, classify according to the shape, attach new shapes to existing groups, designate the base of the group with a word.
Material: Four quadrangles, three triangles, numbers "3", "4".
Content of the game: Children are given two quadrangles and two triangles, and they divide the figures based on the shape. Then the teacher shows the children one triangle and two quadrangles and asks them to join the existing groups. Question: to which group does the number "3" fit, and to which the number "4"? (Three triangles, each with three corners; four quadrangles, each with four corners).
14. Game “Guess what they hid”
On the table in front of the child are cards depicting geometric figures. The child carefully examines them. Then the child is offered to close his eyes, the adult hides one card. After a conditional sign, the child opens his eyes and says what is hidden.
Podolina Galina Petrovna
The game "Houses" is based on the game with geometric figures "Minks - houses" by Tatyana Barchan
After listening to a webinar with Tatyana Barchan at the Games Workshop, I was inspired by the idea of creating math games for my kid. I want to introduce you to my version of "Houses".
Game 1. Game with geometric shapes "Minks - houses": Tatyana Barchan's game
Tatyana Barchan is our regular author of the Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!" and sponsor of the Native Path contests. She leads the theme of logical and mathematical games with children in the Games Workshop. And also on the Native Path there is an article from Tatyana's speech games - Tatyana Barchan - director of the Center for Education and Creative Development "Rebus", teacher of the highest category, winner of the "Professional Vocation" competition in the nomination "Best teacher of preschool education", author of dozens of manuals and games for children of preschool and primary school age from the Rebus Game Library series. Games by Tatiana Barchan”, Tatiana has been creating exciting educational games for children for over 25 years. Her games have been awarded medals at numerous exhibitions, and also received the "Toy of the Year - Recommended by Child Psychologists" award.
Minks is a bingo game for the youngest children aged 2 and over. She introduces kids to geometric shapes, color, shape, size, teaches them to count up to three. It can be easily made by hand.
We need for the game:
- big cards - slides of different colors, in which minks are carefully cut - holes of various shapes and sizes,
- windows for minks (geometric figures), one side is colored and matches the color of the slide, a character is glued on the other side, the window tightly closes the mink and matches it in color, shape and size,
- next to each slide, a map is pasted on a large map oh to create the plot of the game, because kids need live math.
Characters on the reverse side of the windows to the minks should be 3-4 types. For example, in the game of Tatyana Barchan, these are mice, turtles, butterflies and snails. From 1 to 3 identical characters can live in each slide. For example, one snail, three mice and one butterfly. Or one snail, two mice, two turtles.
K How to play the game with mink geometric figures:
- Distribute large cards to the players. And we give small cards to the leader of the game - an adult.
- An adult shows a window and calls it, for example: “Big red circle” (the shape + color + size of a geometric figure is called)
- If a baby has such a mink, he takes the window for himself and closes the mink in his slide with it. The window should match the mink both in color and size.
- When all the windows are closed, the children turn the windows over and see who lives in their slide. And they count them, for example: two snails, one butterfly, two mice live in minks.
Here is how Olga made this game for her son.
Game with geometric shapes "Houses": game by Olga Zagorats
Used materials
colored cardboard, animal stickers, scissors, cutter, glue, transparent tape.
How the game is made
For each house I cut out a fantasy-shaped body and roof, then I cut out windows of different shapes from them. I fixed the houses on a sheet of cardboard. I glued the little animals on the cut-out windows on the reverse side, then laminated them with adhesive tape for strength. That's it, the game is ready!
I made four houses for testing purposes. Since the game has been relevant and one of our favorites for more than a year, at the moment we have more than 10 houses. One set is at our house, the other is at my grandmother's.
How my son and I play this game with geometric shapes
Game variant 1. Lotto
Houses (2-3 large cards each) are distributed to players. The host takes turns taking the boxes out of the box. Calling the size, color, shape, you need to find a place for the window.
Lately, it has been getting better and better to work by ear — not yet seeing the window, the child looks for the place of the window in the house according to the characteristics (description of the shape, color, size).
When the task is completed, the long-awaited moment comes - we look, "who lives in the little house." We flip the windows and count the tenants!
Game variant 2. Classification
Sort all the windows according to certain features (all small, all triangular, etc.). In this option, only cards are used - windows. House cards are not included.
Game variant 3. Shops
This game variant is “commercial”. Cardboard houses are shops. Small cards with pasted pictures are money (a window with 2 pictures - dogs is equal to two rubles). Next comes the classic game in the store with the sale and purchase of balls, fruits, sweets for one, two or three rubles.
Thanks to Olga for sharing her game, thanks to little Daniel for inspiration! I am sure that his example will inspire many mothers of toddlers to also take up the manufacture of this game with geometric shapes with their own hands.
Preschool games with geometric shapes
You don't always have to make your own game. Now wonderful high-quality, very exciting and beautiful logic and mathematical games for young children are being published. All readers of Native Path can get acquainted with the full list of games with geometric figures by Tatiana Barchan on her website Rebus Game Library. Games of Tatyana Barchan» and order them directly from the hands of the author without the extra charge of intermediaries. To do this, enter the word "Native path" when ordering.
There are a lot of wonderful games with geometric shapes for preschoolers in the Rebus game library. These are:
- "Geometry on a String",
- "Where is the Mouse",
- "Other Shapes"
- "Logical Geometric"
- "Third Extra"
- "Chocolate Slices".
Each game solves not only the task of getting acquainted with geometric shapes, but also the logical thinking of children, attention and perception, they get acquainted with the color, size of objects, their parts and location in space.
And we have already organized 5 meetings - the game library with the author. And we will definitely continue them.
We wish you an interesting trip to the country of geometric shapes! And creative inspiration in games with children.
Learning geometric shapes: games for preschool children
One of the important aspects of the development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the study of the basics of geometry. In the course of acquaintance with geometric shapes, the child acquires new knowledge about the properties of objects (shape) and develops logical thinking. In this article, we will talk about how to help a preschooler remember geometric shapes, how to properly organize games for teaching geometry, and what materials and aids can be used to develop a child’s mathematical abilities.
At what age can one start learning geometric shapes?
Many parents are wondering if young children need to get acquainted with geometric shapes. Experts believe that it is optimal to start classes in a playful, relaxed form from the age of 1.5. Until this age, it is appropriate to pronounce to the child the names of the shapes of objects that the baby meets in real life (for example, “round plate”, “square table”).
Introducing the child to geometric shapes, be guided by his reaction. If your baby started to show interest in them at an early age (by playing with the sorter or looking at pictures), encourage his curiosity.
At 2 years old, the baby should be able to distinguish between:
- Circle;
- Square;
- Triangle.
By the age of 3 you can add:
- Oval;
- Rhombus;
- Rectangle.
At an older age, a child can memorize such shapes as a trapezoid, a pentagon, a hexagon, a star, a semicircle. Also, children visiting the Constellation Montessori Center get acquainted with geometric bodies with interest.
How to help a child remember geometric shapes?
Teaching a child geometric shapes should take place in stages. You need to start new figures only after the baby remembers the previous ones. The circle is the simplest shape. Show your child round objects, feel them, let the baby run his finger over them. You can also make an application from circles, mold a circle from plasticine. The more sensations associated with the concept being studied, the child receives, the better the baby will remember it.
Three-dimensional figures can be used to get acquainted with the forms. It can be made by a designer, a sorter, lacing, frame inserts. Since at an early age the visual-effective type of thinking is most developed, various actions with figures will help to remember them better.
How children of different ages perceive geometric figures
The operations that a child can perform with geometric figures and how he perceives shapes depend on the age of the baby. In accordance with age characteristics, the following stages of training can be distinguished:
- In the second year of life, the baby is able to visually recognize familiar figures and sort objects according to shape.
- At 2 years old, a child can find the desired shape among a number of other geometric shapes.
- By the age of 3, babies can name shapes.
- At the age of 4, a child is able to correlate three-dimensional figures with a flat image.
- At senior preschool age (and sometimes even earlier) you can start studying geometric bodies (ball, cube, pyramid). Also at this age, the child can analyze complex pictures consisting of many shapes.
Regardless of the child's age, try to pay attention to the shapes of the surrounding objects and compare them with known geometric shapes. This can be done at home and on the go.
Games for learning geometric shapes
For a child to be interested, learning geometric shapes should take place in a playful way. You should also select bright and colorful materials for classes (you can buy them in a store or do it yourself). Here are some examples of games and tutorials for learning geometric shapes:
- Sorting. Games with a sorter can be started from the age of 1. Invite the child to find its window for the figure. So the child will not only memorize geometric shapes, but also develop fine motor skills, thinking and spatial representations, because in order for the part to fall into the hole, you need to turn it at the right angle. You can also sort any other items, such as building blocks, Gyenesch blocks, or counting material.
- Insert frames. In fact, this manual is similar to a sorter. For each geometric figure, you need to find its place.
- Geometric lotto. To play, you will need a field with the image of geometric shapes and handout cards with each figure separately. A child can take small cards out of a chest or bag, and then look for their place on the playing field.
This game also perfectly trains the attention of the baby.
- Geometric appliqué. Cut out various geometric shapes from paper and, together with your child, make a picture out of them (for example, you can make a Christmas tree from triangles, a house from a square and a triangle).
- Drawing (including stencils).
- Modeling.
- Laying out figures from counting sticks.
- Geometric mosaic.
- Laces with geometric shapes.
- Card games.
- Guess by touch.
- Active games. Draw geometric shapes on the pavement with chalk. Ask the child to imagine that the figures are houses that you need to run into on a signal. Next, you name a geometric figure, and the child runs to it.
In addition, educational cartoons can be used to study geometric shapes. Here is one of them:
Learning the basics of geometry at preschool age is an important part of developing a child's mathematical and sensory representations. Acquaintance with the figures should occur gradually (first, simple figures - a circle, a square, a triangle). To keep your child interested, study geometric shapes in a playful way. Your assistants in this can be such educational aids as insert frames, mosaics, lotto, sorters, sets of geometric shapes and bodies, stencils. You can also study geometric shapes on the street: just talk to your child about what you see around and what shapes these objects look like. Then the kid will definitely learn to distinguish geometric shapes and remember their names.
Montessori environment has been specially created for the comprehensive and harmonious development of each child in the children's center "Constellation". In the process of free work in it, children not only get acquainted with the basics of geometry, but also develop their cognitive processes, fine motor skills, learn to write, read, and count.