Kinder short stories
[Online] Kindergarten Short Stories in PDF with Pictures to Read
by Shikha Thakur
Kids are the most precious gift in a human’s life and we can shape them in our desired way. Kindergarten short stories online in PDF with pictures is the best way to nourish their mind.
These Kindergarten stories can be moral stories, inspirational stories, and fairy tale stories. The story for Kindergarten with pictures is the best way to teach them. Children can read kindergarten stories online here.
Kindergarten Short Stories with Pictures1 Easy Kindergarten Stories to Read
1.1 The Little Red Riding Hood Short Story
2 Easy Short Story for Kindergarten
2. 1 The Monkeys and The Cap Seller Story
3 Kindergarten stories with moral
We all know stories play important role in developing the brain of kids at a very young age. The kindergarten kids need to read stories as this will develop the reading habit. Reading stories will develop imagination in their minds and that will boost their brainpower.
Easy Kindergarten Stories to ReadThe Little Red Riding Hood Short StoryOnce upon a time, there was a girl who lives with her mom in a hut near the forest. She always wears a red riding hood while going out.
One day she went to see her grandmother and on her way, she met a wolf.
The Wolf asked where are you going? She said, ” I am going to see my granny, she lives behind that hill.” After listening this wolf got a wicked idea.
The wolf ran to granny’s house and swallowed her up.
Then he wore granny’s clothes and got into granny’s bed. After some Little Red Riding Hood reached granny’s house.
She saw the wolf lying in her granny’s bed.
She asked Oh granny, what big eyes you have!
The wolf said,” So that I can see you better,”
She asked,” Granny what big ears you have!
Wolf said,” So that I can hear you better.”
She asked,” Granny what big nose you have!
Wolf said,” So that I can smell you better.”
She again asked,” Granny what big teeth you have!
Wolf said,” So that I can eat you better.”
Then she got scared and starting shouting for help. Help Me! Help Me! The woodsman was chopping the trees heard the scream and ran toward to help her.
He ran to the house and saw the wolf attacking the girl.
He hit the wolf over the head and this made the wolf open his mouth and shout. And the granny jumped out!
The wolf ran away and the girl never saw that wolf again. The grandmother and the Red Riding Hood Girl had a great lunch and long chat.
Moral: Be brave
Download Here : The little red riding hood story in PDF with pictures
These kindergarten stories in pdf are a must download and read. We have shared the story in the easiest way so that kids can understand easily. There are many kindergarten storybooks and we have chosen the best stories for children.
You can also visit for short moral stories i.e Kindergarten short stories with morals.
Easy Short Story for KindergartenNow let us continue to our next kindergarten stories to read.
The Monkeys and The Cap Seller StoryMonkey and cap seller story with picturesOnce a cap seller was going to sell his caps in a village market. He was going through the forest and was carrying a basket of red caps on his head.
He got tired in the heat of the sun and thought of lying down under the tree for some time.
He put his basket on the ground and fall asleep.
There were monkeys on that tree, they came down and one by one took all the caps from the cap seller’s basket. Then they climbed onto the tree.
When the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty. He searched for his caps everywhere. To his surprise, he saw the monkeys were wearing them.
He thought for a while and he started throwing his cap down and monkeys did so.
The cap-seller collected all his caps and put them back in his basket and went away happily.
Moral: We should deal with wisdom in tough situations because wisdom helps during difficult times.
Kindergarten stories with moralDownload Here: The monkey and cap seller story PDF
Here we have shared two kindergarten short stories in pdf but on our website, we have a lot of more interesting stories for the kids. We have also shared the Moral of the stories and these morals will teach a good lesson to kids.
Read Also: 10 lines short stories with Moral
Kindergarten short stories with sight words are what many parents are looking and we are bringing more stories for your kids. So keep visiting our website if you like our stories then Please Share!! 🙂
Kindergarten Short Stories | A Wellspring of Worksheets
Kindergarten short stories to the rescue! And by short stories, I mean a few very short paragraphs. These comprehension worksheets are for very advanced kindergarten readers. Each worksheet uses quotation marks for between one to four different speakers. Some passages are longer and more complex than others. The number of sentences varies by worksheet. All have kid-friendly content including stories about insects, rainbows, food (yum!), instruments, playing games, and more!
18 worksheets, each in color and black & white with an answer sheet
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Guided Reading Level D
Go to this page for more kindergarten reading worksheets.
Kindergarten Short Stories – Ants
This short story for kindergarten gives a few facts about ants and how and where they go. I don’t want them crawling on me!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Butterflies
Sarah is the star of the show in this short story for kindergarten. She is trying to catch a butterfly and succeeds!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Buzzy Bee
Look out! Buzzy bees may sting you. A few facts and a little imagination make this worksheet entertaining!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – The Earth
Need some ideas of how to take care of the earth? Look no farther! You’ll find some ideas in this kindergarten reading passage.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Eat Your Vegetables!
This short story for kindergarten takes place around the dinner table. See who likes veggies and who doesn’t…
CCSS RL. K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Grapes
In this kindergarten short story kids talk about grapes – the colors they come in, what is made out of them and more!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Grasshopper
Ever have something suddenly scare you? Enter the grasshopper in this short story just for kindergarten! No need to be afraid.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Hamburgers
Here’s a kindergarten short story that’s been a conversation in most homes. “What do you want on your hamburger?”
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Ice Cream
We couldn’t have a set of kindergarten short stories without one about ice cream! Two scoops please, in different flavors.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – It’s My Turn
These kindergarten short stories reflect real life. “It’s my turn!” is often shouted by kids in their game-playing enthusiasm!
CCSS RL. K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Ladybugs
What kid doesn’t like ladybugs? This short story for kindergarten has two kids talking about ladybugs, what they look like and do.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – My Brother’s Guitar
A kindergarten short story about two brothers in a real-life scenario about a new guitar and sharing.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – My Drum
Kids just can’t take “No!” for an answer, can they? This short story tells why Mommy says no to Sam’s request to play his drum.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – My New Plane
Daniel and John are playing with Daniel’s new plane. What kind of plane is it? Read this kindergarten short story to find out!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – A Pretty Necklace
These girls have good taste! Pearls and black dresses look classy together. Read more about Cindy and Emma’s dress-up time.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten Short Stories – Pretty Rainbow
In this kindergarten short story Maria, Tom, and Alyssa admire a beautiful rainbow. Quotation marks included.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
"Uninvented good stories" - Stories for the soul
Friends, we offer you another selection of touching stories from the lives of people who are able to touch the strings of our souls and evoke warm feelings, and someone, maybe, just to inspire to do good deeds yes, for no reason!
* * * I recently went to a second-hand bookstore and bought a copy of a book that was stolen from me as a child. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and saw that it was my stolen book. On the first page was my name and the signature of my grandfather, who gave it to me. He wrote: “I really hope that in many years this book will fall into your hands again and you will re-read it.” nine0003
* * * Three weeks ago I donated clothes to the homeless, and today, walking in the park, I saw a woman wearing my shirt. I smiled at her and said, “Great shirt!” and she smiled back and agreed, “Yes, I like it too!”
* * * I have diabetes. Two years ago my mother died and I took her cat Kita in with me. Recently, at three o'clock in the morning, I woke up to the fact that the Keith was sitting at my feet and meowing. I've never heard him do it so loudly and insistently before. I got up to see what had happened and suddenly felt very weak. I grabbed a glucometer to check my blood glucose levels. It went down to 53, while the doctor told me that the normal level is 70-120. Later in the hospital, I was told that if Keith hadn't woken me, I might not have woken up. nine0003
* * * My dad is the best dad you can dream of. For my mother, he is a wonderful loving husband, for me a caring father who never missed a single football match of mine, plus he is an excellent host in the house. This morning I reached into my father's toolbox for pliers and found an old note. It was a page from his diary. The recording was made exactly one month before my birth, it said “I am an alcoholic with a criminal past, who was kicked out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad that I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it. nine0003
* * * My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would never see him again. It took about a day after I put up the missing ads and I got a call from a man who said that he had my cat. It turned out to be a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a payphone. He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food.
* * * Today I watched in horror from my kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing near the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the scruff of the neck. nine0003
* * * I was driving a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I passed out. I woke up already in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had brought me to the department in her arms. Moreover, he broke many rules in order to get me to the doctors faster, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.
* * * Today a little girl who had an accident was brought to our hospital. She needed a rare blood type. Her parents and twin brother, who had the same rare group as her, arrived at the hospital. I explained to him that his sister needed blood and that it was a matter of life and death. He thought about something for a second, and then, after saying goodbye to his parents, he went with me to the ward. When we finished with him and I told him that he could rest, he suddenly asked me: “How? Am I not going to die?” That is, at the moment when he agreed to donate his blood, he was sure that it would kill him. But for the sake of his sister, he was ready to give his life. nine0003
* * * Today I caught a taxi, but when I got there I discovered that I had forgotten my wallet and I had nothing to pay with. Then the man who ran to the taxi to take my seat paid for me. I asked him how I could pay him back and he gave me a business card with an address saying, "You can leave them here. " When I arrived at this address in the evening, I saw that this was the building of a charitable foundation.
* * * A large stray dog followed me from the subway almost to my house. I'm already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy with a knife in his hands appeared from somewhere and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog pounced on him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I'm home, safe and all thanks to that dog. nine0003
* * * Today my boyfriend and I were sitting in a cafe and I noticed that every time someone passes by, he leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I asked him why he was doing this, and he smiled and replied that he wanted everyone to know that I was his girlfriend. We both lost our spouses about ten years ago. They had cancer. But we were able to love again. Everyone has a second chance.
* * * I always buckle up when driving. But today I had to get the cards out of the glove compartment and I unbuckled my seat belt. As I leaned over, a long aluminum tube fell out of the back of a truck that was at the traffic light in front of me. She shattered the windshield and crashed right into the driver's seat, right into the spot where my head had been a second ago. The policeman who arrived at the scene marveled for a long time at how lucky I was. nine0003
* * * Today, when I was sitting on a park bench, I saw an elderly couple. They parked their car under an old oak tree, turned on jazz music and began to slow dance. They held hands and didn't take their eyes off each other. They then got back into the car and drove away.
* * * I saw a young guy in the supermarket today. He had two gift cards and used them to buy several video games. As he was about to leave, the cashier told him that he still had $12 left on his card. Then he returned to the store, took a bouquet for $ 10 and paid for it with a card at the checkout, gave it to the cashier. She could not wipe the smile off her face for a long time, even after he had already left. nine0003
* * * Today my son hugged me and said, “You are the best mom in the world!” Then I asked him: “Why did you decide that? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, and he replied: “You are the whole world for me!”
Source: stories collected on the Internet
12 good stories that will make your heart feel a little warmer / AdMe
Our world is a complicated thing. In the endless stream of news about oil prices, protest movements and meetings of heads of state discussing the next financial crisis, we do not always notice the bright and joyful things that are happening around. nine0003
ADME believes that we all need a break from the information noise sometimes. Good stories published by users of "Peekaboo" and "Overheard" will help you with this.
At lunch today, noticed that one of the pickers (a bearded man closer to 40) was watching a cartoon about SpongeBob on a tablet. This did not really fit with the general appearance and age of the beholder. And I turned to him with a question:
- Well, how do you like it?
- Yes, so-so, - he grimaced, but he looks attentively like that.
— Why are you looking?
- Yes, this is me for my daughter...
- ???
As it turned out, the man has a 7-year-old daughter. Blind from birth. And so dad watches "SpongeBob" and then every evening he tells her in the form of fairy tales in his own way. Masha and the Bear and other cartoons have already been viewed. I tried to turn on audiobooks for her, but my daughter likes dad to tell. We listened to him, and some had tears in their eyes. The head of the loaders, a tall gray-haired Armenian, hid his face in his hands and sat like that for about 10 minutes. It was interesting to watch the reaction of the entire crowd. No one sat with an indifferent look. Everyone got hooked. Privda/ pikabu
© Little Miss Sunshine/ Fox Searchlight Pictures
Adler, railway station area. Those years when grandmothers sat at the gates and invited vacationers. My grandmother did the same, renting out a couple of rooms. And our house is located right next to the train station. So. She sees the family is coming. Two women and three small children. Tearful. They just go and don't ask anything. My grandmother, as a kind and curious person, immediately pulled me in: what happened? Yes, come into the yard, the children want to drink. It turned out that the family was traveling from Irkutsk and they were robbed on the train. And they went where their eyes look. In general, my grandmother took them under her wing and they lived with us for 2 weeks. They didn't have any money, but that didn't matter. Of course, they then returned everything. But my grandmother did not expect this. Grandma cooked porridge for breakfast for all the children, for women, pasta and potatoes (this was the 80s, they shared what they themselves had on the table). nine0041 Of course, this family came to us then for another year after year for 20 years.
And they always told this story at the common table. That summer we became one family. porschik/ pikabu
I often come to nursing homes with things, snacks, medicines and playing the guitar. One lonely grandmother sunk into my soul: she had not seen her son for several years, she began to withdraw into herself from longing, she felt the final stage of her life in this house. In general, I took this cuteness to myself! I live alone in a ruble. Herself without relatives. nine0041 I take care of, treat, go to exhibitions and shops. Granny came to life. No body understands me. But I already consider her native. And I tell all new acquaintances that my dear.
© The Proposal/ The Walt Disney Studios
Stayed late at work, couldn't eat. Hungry - horror, I go home. And then the smell of fresh, divine pastries hits the nose. And I have half a rollton and a crust of bread at home, everything else needs to be cooked. And it became so sad in my soul, I remembered family evenings in early childhood, when my mother was preparing pies, how he was spinning around her with the desire to snatch a couple as soon as possible. I went home, did not have time to undress - the doorbell rang. nine0041 On the doorstep is a neighbor woman Masha with a plate of steaming pies. I know, he says that you live alone now, there is no one to cook, here, help yourself. I was so moved, hugged her, thanked her. I'll tell you, I haven't eaten anything tastier than these fresh fried pies with potatoes for the last 20 years. And then a 70-year-old grandmother sits down next to me in the subway and asks me to sell, offers money. I refused, but she gave me her number and asked me to think, if you need more, she will find it. I asked my grandmother, she shrugged her shoulders, said that once upon a time she was given it. nine0041 I became interested, and I called that grandmother. It turned out to be her mother's brooch, which she sold 60 years ago to feed her family. Showed old photos. I just gave her the brooch.
I was 24 years old. I had a fight with my husband and sat on a bench in the park, completely broken. He came up to me, sat next to me, introduced himself. A simple but very warm, kind conversation ensued, he smiled so wonderfully. Then he took my hand, said that I was the most beautiful, kissed me and went to my mother. nine0041 Thank you, three-year-old Dima, I won't forget you.
© Noble/ Destiny Films
A kind grandmother lets a homeless person into the entrance. Stink! We talked, found out that after a stroke, his wife and stepdaughter, having received a power of attorney, sold his apartment and dumped him in another country. Gave him money for travel and food, keys to a summer cottage outside the city, some old clothes. Now a non-drinking keeper lives in my dacha. Everything has been cleaned and refurbished. The greenhouse and vegetable garden are bursting with harvest. And he also messes with the neighbors. And now I only come to the dacha to rest. nine0003
In the 1990s, my mother and grandmother lived in poverty. Mom worked in a hospital, and a beaten guy was admitted to one of her shifts. When he was discharged, he asked for a loan from everyone in order to somehow get home. Mom alone took pity from the whole team and gave him money, not expecting that he would return it. After 3 months, we received a parcel with food, sweets and money 3 times more than my mother gave in debt. We then lived on this for another month.
My best friend has finally introduced our entire company (all family members) to his chosen one. Lips, eyelashes to the eyebrows, selfies - the company did not accept her. Suddenly, my youngest daughter needed donated blood, they asked for help on social networks, people with whom we had been friends for years disappeared. Imagine my surprise when I saw that same diva in the hospital. nine0041 The girl came to her daughter every day with gifts, food, and even helped my wife with house cleaning and with her eldest daughter.
© Legally Blonde/ MGM Studios
Winter 2000 Road Odessa - Kyiv. An old Moskvich with a poorly functioning stove. I really need to go home. Night falls, lights go out. We can’t stop until morning: we’re running out of gas, we’ll freeze to death, and they can knock us down, but without light, we crawl at a speed of 10–20 km/h. We are 20 years old, and we are scared. nine0041 A huge wagon grows behind us, doesn't overtake, slows down, turns on the long range and crawls after us until dawn, illuminating the path and protecting us. When dawn broke, he overtook, honked and drove off into the distance.
I am 40 years old. I got up well, and now it's time to fulfill my old dream: I set up an almost win-win machine with toys! Asked the engineer to adjust it so that the toys cling well and do not fall when the "pincers" go up. nine0042 I bought about 2 thousand small toys in bulk and put this miracle in my store. For me, this machine is unprofitable, but I will not remove it! I see how children rejoice, and I rejoice with them.