Reading level text

AUTOMATIC READABILITY CHECKER, a Free Readability Formula Consensus Calculator

Our Automatic Readability Checker takes a sample of your writing and calculates the number of sentences, words, syllables, and characters in your sample. Our program takes the output of these numbers and plugs them into seven popular readability formulas. These readability formulas (see below) will let you know the reading level and grade level of your text and help you determine if your audience can read your writing.

(Note: We also have separate readability tools to calculate grade levels using the Fry Graph, Raygor Estimate Graph, Spache Formula, and New Dale-Chall Formula, located here: Free Readability Calculators and Text Tools).

Directions: Paste in a sample of text and click "CHECK TEXT READABILITY. " A sufficient sample size consists of 4-5 full sentences; approximately 200 - 600 words total. For larger texts, such as books, manuals, or dissertations, pull 1-2 sample sizes from each chapter. (Note: We limit the sample size to 3000 words. Sample sizes over 3K words are truncated.)

Paste a sample of plain text in the box. Your sample can be between 150-3000 words. We do not store or reuse your text in any way.

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Our free readability formula tool will analyze your text and output the results based on these readability formulas. Our tool will also help you determine the grade level for your text.

1. The Flesch Reading Ease formula will output a number from 0 to 100 - a higher score indicates easier reading. An average document has a Flesch Reading Ease score between 6 - 70. As a rule of thumb, scores of 90-100 can be understood by an average 5th grader. 8th and 9th grade students can understand documents with a score of 60-70; and college graduates can understand documents with a score of 0-30.

2. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level outputs a U.S. school grade level; this indicates the average student in that grade level can read the text. For example, a score of 7.4 indicates that the text is understood by an average student in 7th grade.

3. The Fog Scale (Gunning FOG Formula) is similar to the Flesch scale in that it compares syllables and sentence lengths. A Fog score of 5 is readable, 10 is hard, 15 is difficult, and 20 is very difficult. Based on its name, 'Foggy' words are words that contain 3 or more syllables.

4. The SMOG Index outputs a U.S. school grade level; this indicates the average student in that grade level can read the text. For example, a score of 7.4 indicates that the text is understood by an average student in 7th grade.

5. The Coleman-Liau Index relies on characters instead of syllables per word and sentence length. This formula will output a grade. For example, 10.6 means your text is appropriate for a 10-11th grade high school student.

6. Automated Readability Index outputs a number which approximates the grade level needed to comprehend the text. For example, if the ARI outputs the number 3, it means students in 3rd grade (ages 8-9 yrs. old) should be able to comprehend the text.

7. Linsear Write Formula is a readability formula for English text, originally developed for the United States Air Force to help them calculate the readability of their technical manuals. Linsear Write Formula is specifically designed to calculate the United States grade level of a text sample based on sentence length and the number words used that have three or more syllables.

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Flesch Reading Ease Formula is considered as one of the oldest and most accurate readability formulas. Rudolph Flesch, an author, writing consultant, and a supporter of the Plain English Movement, developed this formula in 1948. Raised in Austria, Rudolph Flesch studied law and earned a Ph.D. in English from the Columbia University. Flesch, through his writings and speeches, advocated a return to phonics. In his article, A New Readability Yardstick, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 1948, Flesch proposed the Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula.

** ( Use our free Flesch Reading Ease Calculator to grade your text using the Flesch Reading Ease formula).

The Flesch Reading Ease Formula is a simple approach to assess the grade-level of the reader. It’s also one of the few accurate measures around that we can rely on without too much scrutiny. This formula is best used on school text. It has since become a standard readability formula used by many US Government Agencies, including the US Department of Defense. However, primarily, we use the formula to assess the difficulty of a reading passage written in English.

The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula

The specific mathematical formula is:

RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW)

RE = Readability Ease

ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences)

ASW = Average number of syllables per word (i. e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words)

The output, i.e., RE is a number ranging from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the easier the text is to read.

• Scores between 90.0 and 100.0 are considered easily understandable by an average 5th grader.

• Scores between 60.0 and 70.0 are considered easily understood by 8th and 9th graders.

• Scores between 0.0 and 30.0 are considered easily understood by college graduates.

If we were to draw a conclusion from the Flesch Reading Ease Formula, then the best text should contain shorter sentences and words. The score between 60 and 70 is largely considered acceptable. The following table is also helpful to assess the ease of readability in a document:

90-100 : Very Easy
80-89 : Easy
70-79 : Fairly Easy
60-69 : Standard
50-59 : Fairly Difficult
30-49 : Difficult
0-29 : Very Confusing

Though simple it might seem, the Flesch Reading Ease Formula has certain ambiguities. For instance, periods, explanation points, colons and semicolons serve as sentence delimiters; each group of continuous non-blank characters with beginning and ending punctuation removed counts as a word; each vowel in a word is considered one syllable subject to: (a) -es, -ed and -e (except -le) endings are ignored; (b) words of three letters or shorter count as single syllables; and (c) consecutive vowels count as one syllable.

** ( Use our free Flesch Reading Ease Calculator to grade your text using the Flesch Reading Ease formula).

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English Reading: Texts for Beginners

These English texts for beginners provide free online reading and comprehension practice. Written English comprehension classes will expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of grammar and word order. The texts below are designed to help you progress and provide you with an instant assessment of your progress.

42 free texts Premium: 162 texts

Short texts, articles and talks prepared by experienced English teachers, tailored to your level of language proficiency. Take the multiple choice quiz on each text and get your results immediately. You will test your strength and feel satisfaction from what you have achieved! You can even download texts and exercises (in PDF) and print them out.

Level A1

  • My Wonderful Family

    ? »

  • My day

    ? »

  • My name is John

    ? »

  • Our Vacation

    ? »

  • Preparing food

    ? »

  • The House

    ? »

Level A2

  • A great summer vacation

    ? "

  • At school

    ? »

  • Days of the week

    ? »

  • DoctorDIALOGUE

    ? »

  • Going to a restaurantDIALOGUE

    ? »

  • Going to the Supermarket

    ? »

  • Letter to a Friend

    ? »

  • My family at home

    ? »

  • My morning routine

    ? "

  • Numbers

    ? »

  • The city where I live

    ? »

  • The pet store

    ? »

Level B1

  • Chicago

    ? »

  • Christmas

    ? »

  • ? »

  • Going to work in the morning

    ? »

  • Halloween

    ? »

  • Hotel ReservationDIALOGUE

    ? »

  • Jobs and Professions

    ? »

  • London

    ? »

  • Los Angeles

    ? »

  • ? »

  • San Francisco

    ? »

  • Thanksgiving

    ? »

  • The Empire State Building

    ? »

  • The four seasons

    ? "

  • The Golden Gate Bridge

    ? »

  • The Grand Canyon

    ? »

  • The Statue of Liberty

    ? »

  • Valentine's Day

    ? »

  • Washington, D. C.

    ? »

  • Yellowstone National Park

    ? »

Level B2

  • Human body parts and organs

    ? "

  • Las Vegas

    ? »

Level C1

  • Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918

    ? »

  • The Environment

    ? »

English texts for translation - medium difficulty

English is easy to learn if you have a good grammatical and lexical base. At the beginning levels, English learners devote more time to basic grammar and vocabulary. However, if you want to improve your English, then you should read English texts more often to translate intermediate and higher levels.

When studying a foreign speech, it is important to pay attention to various aspects of activity: reading, translating, studying vocabulary, listening, speaking. Despite the fact that you should constantly alternate classes, you need to pay attention to the translation of texts of various languages, and do this both in one direction and in the opposite direction.


  1. Benefits of reading texts with translation
  2. How to translate into English effectively
  3. Texts in English by difficulty levels

    • Firstly, this is how you replenish your vocabulary with new words and expressions. By translating more complex texts, you also become familiar with phrasal verbs, English idioms, and more. If you regularly read small texts of various genres and memorize unfamiliar words, then in a short period of time you can increase your vocabulary at times.
    • Secondly, while reading texts in English, you memorize some grammatical rules and constructions of the middle and which you then use in your oral or written speech, even if you have never studied any topic separately.

    For example, there is the expression “It has been scientifically proven that…” which you can use in an essay or even in casual conversation. If you read some scientific C1, this expression may occur in them, and you will know it without even getting to know the Present Perfect tense in Passive Voice (passive voice).

    • It is also useful for general development, especially if you read scientific texts or fiction. By analyzing and translating such texts, you can learn a lot of new information for yourself, which gives you the opportunity to develop not only in the language, but also in other areas.
    • By reading and analyzing texts, you learn to look for the main idea, theme, and idea in the text. This is an especially important skill if you are going to take international exams in English, where there are mandatory tasks for working with text.
    • If you read texts by English-speaking authors or topics that describe ordinary situations in the life of English-speaking people, in this way you can join the culture of these people, learn how they use their language in everyday life.

    In general, reading texts for English translation is an effective way to develop almost all the skills that a person interested in learning English should have.

    How to make translation into English effective

    Reading texts for translations in English should be approached with responsibility, as thoughtless reading will not give any result, you will simply lose time.

    In addition to finding the right text to translate, there are a few other tips to help you read them with benefit:

    • Try to find a passage that is accompanied by an audio file. Thus, you will not only read it, but also listen, which will help you work on listening and remember the correct pronunciation of some words. Read the text aloud to get used to speaking in English.

    If the passage does not have audio accompaniment, then find how to pronounce these words on the Internet. For this you can use website Cambridge Dictionary , where you can listen to the pronunciation of words in British and American versions (

    • When reading a text, always write down unfamiliar words and expressions and try to memorize them, replenishing your vocabulary and use them in your speech. You can also use the Cambridge Dictionary site to look up the meaning of words you don't know, their synonyms, their level, which is even better than just a translation from a dictionary or translator.
    • If possible, look for passages that are accompanied by post-text tasks for word usage, True/False, answer options, and answers to questions. Do these exercises to reinforce new words or practice grammar constructions.

    If there are no such exercises, then try to invent them yourself. For example, you can compose several "Wh" questions (What, When, Where, Why, etc.) and answer them according to the text. It is even better to make up questions that are not directly answered in the text and reflect a little on what you have read.

    • After reading the text, translating and working on it, write a short retelling and try to remember it and say it out loud.

    By following these tips, you will better understand the texts you read and memorize new information regarding not only the language, but also what was said in the text, thus developing in different directions.

    Texts in English by difficulty levels

    In English, texts for translation are topics - short stories on various topics. Most often, texts in English are categorized by difficulty levels, from the most difficult to difficult level texts and fiction.

    Below are some examples of such texts that you can translate to practice.

    Attention! We have translated these passages so that you can check yourself. But you must translate yourself, and only at the end check with our translation!

    At the beginning and try to translate simple sentences from Russian into English. As the level increases, vocabulary becomes more complicated, so it is better to translate from the original language into your native language.

    A1 (Beginner/Elementary)

    My family

    My name is Nick and I would like to introduce my family to you. It consists of seven people: my parents, my grandparents, older brother, me and my younger sister. My dad's name is Joe, he's 36 and he's a dentist. My mother is Valerie, she is 34 and a housewife. My grandfather Rick and grandmother Helen are 60 years old and retired.

    My brother Frank, who is 14 years old, is in the 8th grade, and my sister Anna still goes to kindergarten because she is only 4 years old. I am 9years old and I'm in 3rd grade. Our grandparents do not live with us, but every weekend we go to visit them. I love my family very much.

    My family

    My name is Nick and I would like to introduce my family to you. It consists of seven people: my parents, my grandparents, my older brother, my younger sister and me. My dad's name is Joe, he is 36 years old and he is a dentist. My mom is Valerie, she is 34 and she is a housewife. My grandfather Rick and grandmother Helen are both 60 and retired.

    My brother Frank, who is 14 years old, is in 8th grade, and my sister Anna still goes to kindergarten, because she is only 4 years old. I am 9 years old and I am in 3rd grade. Our grandparents do not live with us, but every weekend we visit them. I really love my family.

    A2 (Pre-Intermediate)

    Winter is the best time

    Winter is the coldest time of the year. It is magical because everything is covered with white snow and it looks like a fairy tale. In winter, the nights are longer and the days are shorter, but this does not prevent children from having fun and enjoying this time of year.

    Children usually spend their time outdoors in winter, playing snowballs, sledding, skating or skiing and just playing with friends. In winter, there are many holidays, one of which is Christmas, when families spend time together and give each other gifts. I think winter is a wonderful time of the year.

    Winter is the best time of the year

    Winter is the coldest time of the year. It is because magical everything is covered with white snow and it looks like a fairy tale. In winter, the nights are longer and the days are shorter, but this does not prevent children from having fun and enjoying this time of year.

    Children usually spend time outside in winter playing snowballs, sledding, skating or skiing and just playing with friends. There are many holidays in winter, one of which is Christmas, when families spend time together and give each other gifts. I think that winter is a wonderful time of the year.

    B1 (Intermediate)

    Walt Disney

    Walt Disney is an American animator, author of one of the most famous cartoon characters - Mickey Mouse. Together with his brother Roy, they founded the now world-famous Walt Disney Company, which annually brings in huge income.

    Their common company is made famous by fictional characters drawn by Walt and his team. One of them is the Mickey Mouse we all know today.

    During his lifetime, Walt Disney won 26 Oscars and was nominated 59 times. Disneyland theme parks, the largest of which is in Florida, and Walt Disney World Resort were named after him.

    We all love to watch Disney cartoons, including Cinderella, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast. And we always recognize the logo of this company.

    Walt Disney

    Walt Disney is an American cartoonist, author of one of the most famous cartoon characters – Mickey Mouse. Together with his brother Roy, they founded the Walt Disney Company, now famous all over the world, which brings in huge income every year.

    Their common company became famous thanks to the fictional characters drawn by Walt and his team. One of which is Mickey Mouse, whom we all know today.

    During his life, Walt Disney received 26 Academy Awards and was nominated 59 times. Disneyland theme parks, the largest of which is located in Florida, and Walt Disney World Resort were named after him. We all love to watch Disney cartoons, including Cinderella, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast. And we always recognize the logo of this company.

    B2 (Upper-Intermediate)

    Environmental problems

    Over the past time, human activities have greatly influenced the state of the environment. Humanity is the cause of water, air and soil pollution, which together with natural processes, has led to such a phenomenon as global warming. Global warming is a longtime increase of the average temperature of the Earth's climate.

    The reason of this phenomenon is human activity, namely the exhaust gases of cars and factories and burning chemicals. This appearance can destroy the favorite habitat for animals and they can disappear. Moreover, it causes diseases in animals and people and destroys our health.

    0000 In addition, another solution is to sow the oceans with algae because they contribute to the greatest absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen.

    We, as inhabitants of the planet, have to take care of nature because we are one of the reasons for its destruction.

    Environmental problems

    Over the past time, human activities have greatly influenced the state of the environment. Mankind is the cause of water, air and soil pollution, which, together with natural processes, has led to such a phenomenon as global warming. Global warming is a long-term increase in the average temperature of the Earth's climate.

    The cause of this phenomenon is human activity, namely the exhaust gases of cars and factories and burning chemicals. This phenomenon can destroy a favorable habitat for animals, and they may disappear. Moreover, it causes disease in animals and humans and destroys our health.

    To prevent climate destruction, it is necessary to stop burning fuel in such large quantities or switch to biofuels. In addition, another solution is to seed the oceans with algae, because they contribute to the greatest absorption of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen.

    We, the inhabitants of the planet, must take care of nature, because we are one of the causes of its destruction.

    C1 (Advanced)

    Life is short, Art is long

    It is not a secret that art is a trace in history because many of the masterpieces created by artists speak of a certain period in history. Nowadays, art objects are stored in historical museums or art galleries, are the property of mankind and show what life was like before. It is wonderful that a huge number of wealthy people buy up ancient works, restore them and exhibit them in museums.

    For instance, the National Gallery has special equipment for the restoration of paintings, thanks to which they restore centuries-old masterpieces and show them to everyone who wishes.

    alternative, many works of art remain forever unlike people who live for an average of 70 years. Occasionally, an artist works hard and devotes his whole little life to one work in order to leave it for centuries or even eternity. There exist such architectural structures as Westminster Abbey, which can also be called wonders of the world and they have existed for more than one millennium and many generations of people have seen them.

    In his short life a person can see a huge number of masterpieces, but he will not appreciate the work that the author put into it, although it will always exist, therefore, we all are only a part of an immortal masterpiece.

    Life is short, art is forever

    It's no secret that art is a trace in history, because many masterpieces created by artists speak of a certain period of history. Today, art objects are kept in historical museums or art galleries, are the property of mankind and show what life was like before. It is remarkable that a huge number of wealthy people are buying up old works, restoring them and exhibiting them in museums.

    For example, the National Gallery has special equipment for the restoration of paintings, thanks to which centuries-old masterpieces are restored and shown to everyone.

    On the other hand, many works of art remain forever, unlike people who live an average of 70 years. Sometimes an artist works hard and devotes his whole little life to one work in order to leave it for centuries or even eternity. There are such architectural structures as Westminster Abbey, which can also be called wonders of the world, they have existed for more than one millennium, and many generations of people have seen them.

    In his short life a person can see a huge number of masterpieces, but he will not appreciate the work that the author put into it, although it will always exist, so we are all just a part of an immortal masterpiece.

    C2 (Proficiency)

    Time management and self-discipline

    According to some people a good worker must operate his time correctly in order to achieve prosperity. At the same time others believe that more significant is self-control. However, the truth is that these facts are equally important.

    If a person knows how to control time, then he will distribute it in such a way as to have time to do everything necessary and not be distracted by unessential things. Such a person really devotes a lot of moments to be prosperous, but he still has enough time and energy for personal life and entertainment.

    Moreover, it is significant to discipline yourself because it helps a lot in your work. If people are able to control themselves then they will have both the strength and the time to do difficult work, therefore, a person must to train willpower to reach the top of the career ladder.

    A marvelous example of someone who combined these two things was American President Abraham Lincoln who achieved advance and recognition of his people only because he was levelheaded and always bided his time to do something.

    Time management and self-discipline

    According to some people, a good employee must manage his time well in order to prosper. At the same time, others believe that self-control is more important. However, the truth is that these facts are equally important.

    If a person knows how to manage time, then he will distribute it in such a way as to have time to do everything necessary and not be distracted by unimportant things. Such a person really devotes a lot of time to well-being, but he still has enough time and energy for his personal life and entertainment.

    Moreover, it is important to discipline yourself because it helps a lot in your work. If people are able to control themselves, they will have both the strength and time to do difficult work, so a person needs to train willpower in order to reach the top of the career ladder.

    A perfect example of someone who combined these two things was the American President Abraham Lincoln, who achieved progress and recognition of his people only because he was reasonable and did everything on time.

    These are just a few examples of texts you can use for translation, in fact there are many more. However, even these texts you can work on by learning the words you don't know and working on the idea and theme of these small topics.

    Features of parallel texts

    What is the meaning of reading parallel texts? On one page, the passage is written in English and is divided into small paragraphs, on the other page everything is organized in a similar way, but at the same time you are reading the work in Russian.

    This way of reading is suitable for those who are just starting out with a foreign language but want to develop their skills as soon as possible. Remember that when reading parallel texts and , it is not always possible to find the corresponding translation of a word and phrase on a page with a Russian passage, so highlight unfamiliar words for yourself and double-check their meaning in the dictionary.

    It is noteworthy that Heinrich Schliemann first read a passage in his native language, and only after that he took on an unadapted text in English.

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