Legends learning login
Legends of Learning | Math & Science Games For Teachers & Students
Over 2,000 fun, curriculum-aligned, math and science games created to engage students and assist teachers using hybrid learning, blended learning & distance learning models.
Legends' new math fact mastery program is here!
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I have been utilizing Legends of Learning for a few years. I absolutely love this resource. I assign playlist as part of homework to reinforce lessons for students. I...
I have been utilizing Legends of Learning for a few years. I absolutely love this resource.
I assign playlist as part of homework to reinforce lessons for students. I currently have a playlist for summer reinforcement of skills. This resource was incredibly useful during the pandemic to keep students engaged.
Kimberly Chrystal
Teacher - Francis Scott Key Elementary Middle School, MD
The scores on our Science SBAC test went up by 8% last year. I only had the students from January until April. I had them on Legends of Learning as much as I possibly could. I...
The scores on our Science SBAC test went up by 8% last year. I only had the students from January until April. I had them on Legends of Learning as much as I possibly could. I attribute the increase in scores to the content from this site!
Theresa Wilson
Teacher - Clark County School District, Nevada
My seventh-grade students loved legends of learning! I love seeing them so engaged in science games especially since they are learning or reviewing knowledge with every game.. ..
My seventh-grade students loved legends of learning! I love seeing them so engaged in science games especially since they are learning or reviewing knowledge with every game. There are so many games for each standard and so many different types of games that each student always finds at least one they like. One of the best features is being able to see who is online and how far they have gotten it is a great way to check their progress and engagement!
Samantha Beatrice
Byram Intermediate School, Byram, NJ
Last year I had a 90% pass rate and this year we improved to 92%. What makes this data even more amazing is we have a large population of special ed students on my team this...
Last year I had a 90% pass rate and this year we improved to 92%. What makes this data even more amazing is we have a large population of special ed students on my team this year and last year we had none! The biggest jump was in my pass advanced rate - it increased from 38% to 41% and 12 students had perfect scores! 15 of my students have IEPs and all of them passed the test. Our building went up from 87% pass to 91% in fifth grade. I think the numbers are amazing with our large special ed population!
I believe a lot of it is due to the work students did in LOL throughout the year to help review and reinforce 4th and 5th grade material.
I am happy to say the least.
Heidi Rhodes
Mountain View Elementary, Haymarket, VA
Legends of Learning games provide a great opportunity for students to learn about content. I have used it as an incentive tool to supplement instruction after students have...
Legends of Learning games provide a great opportunity for students to learn about content. I have used it as an incentive tool to supplement instruction after students have completed an activity. This has eliminated down time in my classroom. Students are engaged, motivated to complete assignments, and even play on their own time!
Barbara Keating
Johnson Middle School, Walpole, MA
I had a class where some of my students have intellectual disabilities. My students with intellectual disabilities all passed the end of year state standardized exam. I am...
I had a class where some of my students have intellectual disabilities. My students with intellectual disabilities all passed the end of year state standardized exam. I am convinced it was because of their engagement with the content and they were made to feel familiar with the vocab related to these standards through the games. Mahalo!
Chris Dewhirst
Kalama Intermediate School, Makawao, HI
My students love the interaction of games and content! Students were so engrossed in what they were doing, one teacher thought we weren’t in the room!!
Vivian Barker
Jasper Middle School, Jasper, TN
So excited that we are rolling out Legends of Learning today with students! They are loving it! We were all so engaged that we missed the school bell and my partner teacher...
So excited that we are rolling out Legends of Learning today with students! They are loving it! We were all so engaged that we missed the school bell and my partner teacher had to ask when we were switching classes because we did not even hear the bell!
Shannon Zwahr
Brenham MS, Brenham, TX
I applaud Legends of Learning for their openness and interest in hearing from teachers. The new features reflect things I was thinking would be great to have - the ability to...
I applaud Legends of Learning for their openness and interest in hearing from teachers. The new features reflect things I was thinking would be great to have - the ability to begin your session where you last left off, searchable playlist and the teachers top ten list is great!
Bonnie Hohenshilt
Dwight D. Eisenhower MS, Freehold, NJ
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Fun Instructional Games for All Topics
Want actually fun instructional games that help students master the trickiest of topics? We have over 2000 math & science curriculum aligned games and lesson plans to make your instruction sing. You will delight your class while being able to track progress and troubleshoot areas that may need more attention.
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School & District Administrators
Plentiful Premium School and District Features
We have tons of premium school and district features to help you engage all of your students, while ensuring a consistent experience across your state's aligned curriculum. You will be able to understand Legends of Learning's positive impact on performance, at a glance, with progress and usage reports across all of your schools and districts.
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Let Them Play
We have thousands of curriculum aligned math and science games that can guide your child through state aligned standards at appropriate grade level, or let them play teacher assigned playlists. You can also create a parent account to see your child's progress! Find out more or get support by clicking below.
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Legends of learning login
Frank Adams
To login with Legends of learning login, you can use the official links we have provided below. They are all up to date and will always work for logging in securely on our website!
Last updated on: 2021-08-30
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Troubleshooting Guide
If you are having trouble logging into your account, please follow these steps below.
- Step 1 – To login to your Legends of learning login account, open this guide in a new window. You'll be able to follow along with the steps while seeing them!
- Step 2 – Log in by entering your login details for Legends of learning login. This information will be given to you either upon sign up or from an authorized representative of the website.
- Step 3 – After receiving a "successfully logged in" message, you are officially connected with Legends of learning login!
- Step 4 – Legends of learning login may have trouble accepting your login credentials. We recommend following these step-by-step instructions to help solve this issue.
If you are logging in from Mobile Apps, you can checkout below thing:
- Determine whether the app requires a login.
- Open the app
- Find the Log In or Sign In button
- Tap the identification text box
- Enter your identification
- Enter your password
- Tap Log In or Sign In
- Step 1.
Go to page via official link below.
- Step 2. Login using your username and password. Login screen appears upon successful login.
- Step 3. If you still can't access then see Troublshooting options here.
Understanding Logging in Basics
- Know what logging in is
- Understand what comprises login information
- Understand what a Username is
- Understand what a password is
- Familiarize yourself with login basics
- Understand what two-factor authentication is
- Recover a lost password
- Consider saving your login information
If you forget your login information, you may not be able to recover your account. This is especially true if you lose access to the email or phone number you used to create the account.
While it can be tempting to use your Facebook account to log in rather than setting up a new account, it's best to limit the number of places in which Facebook can track your web activity.
Distance learning is easy
University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSLA) is converting the educational process into an electronic format, which means that lectures, practical classes, weekly consultations and consultations before exams will be held remotely using technical teaching aids. This format does not affect credit and examination sessions.
The distance learning system at Moscow State Law Academy is:
2700 | 8792 | > 400 |
disciplines | student | teachers who teach courses |
All students of the University from the moment of enrollment are registered in a virtual educational environment, automatically distributed among academic groups and attached to disciplines in accordance with the work plan.
1. In the upper right corner of the site, click "Personal Accounts". On the page that opens, find "Distance learning system. Student Portfolio»
2. Login: s000000, where: s – mandatory for everyone; 000000 - student ID number; password: series and passport number without a space.
The integration of the student's personal account and the distance learning system allows the student to proceed to the study of materials directly from the page of the personal schedule.
A webinar service has been introduced into the personal account of the teacher - this allows you to conduct lectures and practical seminars from anywhere in the world.
Each teacher independently sets the format of the work - using a personal account, the teacher can attach links to educational resources and initiate mailings to students of academic groups.
Correspondence between students and teachers should be carried out via corporate e-mail.
In the upper right corner of the site, click "Personal Accounts". On the personal accounts page, find "Access to MSLA cloud services and students' mail server"
Login: [email protected], where:
s - mandatory for everyone;
000000 - student ID number;
password: series and passport number without a space.
Remote Technical Support Contact National Format:
+7 (499) 244-88-88 ext.
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Ticket to Holland 9009eight
Participate in the competition and win a trip to Holland to study at one of the summer schools at Radboud University.
Digital Heroes
They create Internet services, social networks, games and applications that are used daily by millions of people around the world.
Jobs of the future
How new technologies, scientific discoveries and innovations will change the landscape of the labor market in the next 20-30 years
Dream professions
Together with the Foxford online learning center, we decided to ask schoolchildren who they dream of becoming and where they plan to go.