Little red riding hood food
Party Tutorial and FREE Food Label Printables
Plan the sweetest Little Red Riding Hood Party! Here you will find a party tutorial with all the details you need to create this adorable party for your little one! Including FREE food label printables!
For this beautiful Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf clipart click on the link! I used it to make the adorable characters on the table, the birthday invites and more. It was exactly the style I was looking for. I also used these gingham napkins and plates but didn't get any pictures. The table-cloth you can also find here. The forest backdrop I handpainted on a plastic, white table-cloth.
You can't have the party without Little Red herself. Isn't she the sweetest! Start with the Little Red Riding Hood Costume. She loved being in character. We played a few games that went along with the theme. The kids loved
OUR new version of “Duck, Duck, GOOSE!” Each of the kids took turns walking around carrying a furry wolf hat, I made. They carried the hat around gently tapping the heads of the other kids saying Red, Red, Red, then put the hat on someone's head and shout “WOLF!” They chase each other around the circle. I expected the game to last only 5 minute, but I stopped them 20 minutes later to do the next game. We played “Red Rover”, and “Little Red Bingo.”
These Pine trees were so fun, and taste so good! They are made with green candy melts and large rod pretzels. Place the pretzel into the candy mold, pour in melted chocolate candy and refrigerate. So easy!
My kids love, Love, LOVE blueberry muffins! I made muffins from a box. Then I lined a basket with Red and White Gingham Fabric. Doesn't this fabric just shout, “Little Red Riding Hood?” I used it throughout the whole party!
This berry pie cake was so fun and easier to make than it looks. It is made from cake mix, strawberry flavored fruit snacks, red frosting and caramel candies. I placed the cake a wood stand to finish the look. For a step by step tutorial click here → Red Riding Hood Berry Pie Cake
I made homemade strawberry freezer jam and used clean baby food jars instead of my usual pints. I cut 3, 1/2 inch fabric circles and attached to the jar with a small rubber band. The milk jars are one of my favorite. I have found a way to incorporate them into nearly ever party since I bought them. Then, I was lucky enough to find the perfect matching straws.
These are the easy steps for making the apple cupcakes.
What you need:
- 24 baked cupcakes, in liners of your choice
- One bag of mini chocolate doughnuts (need at least 12)
- Red frosting
- Red fine crystal sprinkles
- Original tootsie rolls
- Green fruity chew candy (lime tootsie roll, starburst, laffy taffy, etc…)
Steps to make the apple cupcakes
- Slice the mini chocolate doughnuts to make two very thin doughnuts.
Put a small amount of frosting on the cupcake then place the doughnut slice on the top with the flat part touching the cupcake.
- Frost the cupcake with red frosting covering completely but thinly. Pour sprinkles into a shallow bowl. Gently roll frosted cupcake into sprinkles covering completely.
- Roll original chocolate tootsie roll between your hand until it is long like an earth worm 🙂 Cut into 4 even pieces. Pinch one end of each piece to a point and the other end push slightly from the top to flatten. Press into the top of the apple for the stem. Repeat until you have enough for all the cupcakes.
- Roll the green fruit chew flat with a rolling pin. Helpful Hint (Unwrap 10 or more chews, microwave for 10-15 seconds. Mush together into a ball then roll flat with a rolling pin.) Use clean scissors to cut into the shape of a leaf. Use the blunt side of a knife to make the seam down the middle of the leaf. Press one of the leaf points into the apple next to the stem.
These are very easy, but so YUMMY! These are a must! All you need is chocolate chips, mini nilla wafers, hersey kisses, and chocolate frosting. Simply put a dot on the top of the wafer and a dab on the bottom. Put the chocolate chip on the top and kiss on the bottom. DONE!
These add a bit of freshness and color to the whole table. The kids grab the strawberries almost as quick as the cupcakes. I put burlap into the bowls to add for some texture.
little red party food label 1
little red party food label 2
* Want to pin it for later? *
Little Red Riding Hood | Little Fox
Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived a very sweet girl. She always wore a red cape with a hood. So everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood.
R. Hood: What a beautiful day it is! Hello, birdie! Good morning, Mr. Squirrel!
Narrator: One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother had some bad news.
Mother: Your grandma is sick. I made her some food, but I can’t take it to her.
R. Hood: Poor Grandma. I’ll take it, Mother.
Mother: What a good girl you are! Here’s the food. Be careful going through the forest.
R. Hood: I will. Good-bye, Mother.
Narrator: Grandma lived on the other side of the forest. So Little Red Riding Hood took the basket and left for Grandma’s.
Narrator: In the forest lived a big, bad, and very hungry wolf.
Wolf: There’s nothing to eat in this forest. I’m sick of squirrels. The rabbits taste rotten. I want something new and yummy.
Narrator: Just then, Little Red Riding Hood walked by. She stopped when she saw the wolf.
R. Hood: Oh, hello, Mr. Wolf.
Wolf: Now she looks very tasty. Good day, little girl. Where are you going?
R. Hood: To my grandma’s house. She’s very sick.
Narrator: Talking to strangers, especially hungry ones, is dangerous. But Little Red Riding Hood did not know that.
Wolf: That’s too bad. Where does your grandma live? Maybe I can visit her too.
R. Hood: She lives on the other side of the forest. It’s very easy to find.
Wolf: Hurry along then. You mustn’t keep Grandma waiting.
Narrator: So Little Red Riding Hood continued on her way. The wolf watched her go. He had a plan.
Wolf: I’ll run to her grandma’s house and wait. Then when she comes . . .
Narrator: The wolf ran through the forest to Grandma’s house.
Wolf: Hello? Anybody home?
Narrator: There was no answer. The house looked empty.
Wolf: Where could Grandma be?
Narrator: Just then, the wolf heard Little Red Riding Hood coming up to the house. So the wolf put on Grandma’s shawl. Then he jumped into the bed.
R. Hood: Knock, knock.
Wolf: Who’s there?
R. Hood: It’s Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma. I brought some food for you.
Wolf: Oh, how lovely. Come inside, dear.
R. Hood: Grandma, what’s wrong with your voice?
Wolf: It’s this terrible cold.
R. Hood: Grandma, what big arms you have.
Wolf: All the better to hug you with, my dear.
R. Hood: Grandma, what big ears you have.
Wolf: All the better to hear you with, my dear.
R. Hood: Grandma, what big eyes you have.
Wolf: All the better to see you with, my dear.
R. Hood: Grandma, what big teeth you have.
Wolf: All the better to eat you with, my dear!
Narrator: Poor Little Red Riding Hood!
R. Hood: Help! Help!
Wolf: There’s no one to help you. You’re mine now!
Narrator: The wolf caught her with his big arms. He opened his mouth. He was about to bite her with his big sharp teeth when . . .
Grandma: What’s going on?
Wolf: I’m going to eat up your granddaughter. Yum!
Grandma: Well, I was just about to make some soup. Let me put some vegetables in. Then you can put her in too.
R. Hood: Grandma!
Narrator: Don’t worry. Grandma wasn’t really going to let the wolf eat Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma had a plan too.
Wolf: Hurry up! I’m starving!
Grandma: Hold your horses! I’m almost done.
Narrator: The vegetables Grandma put in the pot were hot chili peppers. She stirred the soup with a big wooden spoon.
Grandma: Mmm! Taste this, Mr. Wolf.
Wolf: Argh! It’s burning my mouth!
Grandma: Oh no! Here, eat this. You’ll feel better.
Wolf: Ow! My mouth is on fire! Ow!
Grandma: Oh dear! Have some water.
Wolf: Argh! Help! Get me out of here! Argh!
Narrator: With his mouth, tongue, and throat on fire, the wolf ran out of Grandma’s house as fast as he could. They never saw him again.
Grandma: Now, Little Red Riding Hood, did you learn your lesson?
R. Hood: Yes, Grandma. I’ll never speak to strangers again. And I’ll never eat Grandma’s soup!
Narrator: The end.
What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to grandmother?
Recently, I was leafing through a book about everyday life in France in the 17th century and came across the following curious mention:
In Alsace, one of the national dishes is prepared according to this principle - tarte flambée (thinly rolled dough with onions and smoked meats on top). It was the cakes - a "by-product" (and not pies) that Little Red Riding Hood had to take to Grandma.
To tell the truth, the source of information in itself did not inspire unconditional trust in me. But this did not prevent him from becoming the starting point for a small gastronomic investigation.
Like all folklore stories, the story of Little Red Riding Hood is very varied. Back in the Middle Ages, when the tale of a girl deceived by a wolf existed only within the framework of an oral folk tradition, there were significant differences in it, depending on the region where it was told. Subsequent written literary adaptations also significantly transformed the original story. The first of them belongs to Charles Perrault and was published in 1697 year as part of the collection "Tales of Mother Goose". A century later, the Grimm brothers also wrote down their version of this tale, and it is not known for certain what formed the basis of their interpretation - a local version of a folk story or already a retelling of Perrault's Little Red Riding Hood. You and I know some third (one hundred and thirty-third!) version, because all Russian-language translations are mostly retellings, finally softened and humanized. Initially, the story, like all ancient folk tales, was, by today's standards, by no means childish. In the version that French peasants told back in the 11th century, the wolf fed Little Red Riding Hood food prepared from her grandmother, and the offer to lie down with him in bed was unequivocally intimate. And even Charles Perrault, who abandoned a number of wild plot elements, does not even have a hint of a happy ending: the wolf irrevocably eats Riding Hood as a lesson to future generations. And all this is crowned by something like this morality: young girls, do not be deceived and do not go to bed with just anyone, even if he pretends to be a kind grandmother.
© Gustave Doré
With such a spread, even in the main plot twists and turns, one cannot expect accuracy in details. This is me about the contents of the basket with gifts (if there was any basket at all, in which the versions also do not agree). It all depends on the region. For example, in northern Italy, a granddaughter brought fresh fish to her grandmother, and in Switzerland, a head of cheese. But, since the starting point for us was a book about the life of France in the 17th century, we will focus on the French version of the tale, relevant for this historical period, that is, on the version of Charles Perrault.
© Albert Anker
In his version, Little Red Riding Hood's mother has baked galettes and sends her daughter to take one of them and a pot of butter (une galette et ce petit pot de beurre) to her sick grandmother. No details about the composition of flour products, of course, are reported. It is likely that these were the simplest flatbreads without filling, and not something complicated like tartes flambées. On the other hand, the absence of a precise definition in the tale allows some assumptions to be made. With baking the simplest cakes from bread dough, everyone, I think, will cope without problems. Therefore, it makes sense to consider a slightly more interesting option.
© Gustave Doré
In general, I like the idea of focusing specifically on Alsatian cuisine. Compared to many other regions of France, the border Alsace, which regularly passed either to Germany or back to France, is the most syncretic, including in terms of gastronomy. The cuisine of Alsace has many components that we are used to considering traditionally German: sauerkraut with sausages, pretzels, gugelhupf. Such interpenetration of cultures seems to me very symbolic in our particular case, because in folklore we observe the same thing - the same fairy tale plot wandering around Europe and everywhere acquiring some kind of national specificity.
© Carl Offterdinger; Arthur Rackham
I don't know how it was with various other flatbreads, but with the technology of making "flaming pies" (tarte flambée is also called flammeküche (in Alsatian) and Flammkuchen (in German) - the etymology and meaning do not change regardless of language) is clear. They were baked not due to the residual heat after baking bread, as stated in my quote, but on the contrary - before it, when the firewood had not yet completely burned out and the heat was too great for bread. Burning firewood was raked, a cake with a simple peasant filling was plopped onto the hot stones of the oven - and such a flat flour product very quickly, literally in a matter of minutes, reached readiness. Usually this "first pancake" was immediately divided among all those present and immediately eaten with great appetite.
Many traditional national dishes, invented by the poor not from a good life, eventually became famous, ennobled, acquired a cult status, passing an amazing path from the very bottom to the gastronomic peaks. Today they are offered in high-end restaurants for a lot of money. Tarte flambée has a slightly different story. For a very long time, these cakes did not arouse wide interest and remained a simple village dish, which was occasionally prepared in Alsatian families. Moreover, with the departure of the culture of baking bread in a traditional stone oven, the popularity of this “by-product” also suffered somewhat.
It was only about half a century ago, in the 1960s, that it was noticed, due to the growing popularity of pizzerias. Indeed, this simple pie is a kind of Alsatian pizza. Today, tarte flambée occupies an important place in the menu of ethnic restaurants. By analogy with pizza, many varieties of this dish have appeared - with a variety of fillings, including sweet ones. There is even a whole chain of restaurants that specialize in just such pies. In general, now this element of Alsatian culture is given its due with great passion. I suggest we join.
Once upon a time there was a lovely little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more. Once, her grandmother sewed a red cap for her, and this dress suited the girl so well that everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood.
Once a mother baked some cakes and said to her daughter:
— Go, my dear, visit your grandmother, otherwise I heard she is very sick. Bring her a cake and a pot of butter.
And Little Red Riding Hood immediately went to her grandmother, who lived in another village.![]()
Tarte Flambée
(three cakes)
- 500 g of flour
- 10 g fresh (pressed) yeast
- 10 g salt
- 350 g water
- 300 g sour cream
- 300 g cottage cheese
- 400 g smoked bacon
- 3 large onions
I think it's clear that any bread dough of your choice can be used for these flatbreads. From what is in my journal, the pain de mie recipe from this post is quite suitable. Here I want to offer the simplest option, assuming that you don’t even need to knead the dough - just combine the ingredients and leave to ferment for 12 hours. I think it's very convenient. I’m lazy, I don’t have a planetary mixer yet, so I regularly use this method.
From the proposed amount of products, you will get about 850 g of dough (something will certainly remain on the bowl and hands :)) - this is enough for three large flatbreads. They are best eaten immediately, very hot, so if you have few eaters, adjust the volumes accordingly.
- Rub the yeast into the flour until fine crumbs form. Add salt and mix.
- Pour in water at room temperature and mix until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
- Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for 12-18 hours. During this time, without any kneading, the proper amount of gluten will develop in it, the dough will greatly increase in volume, and, removing the cling film, we will see the following picture:
- Preheat the oven to 250 ºC. If there is a stone for baking bread, do not forget to install it in its proper place. On a baking sheet, it should also turn out well, but in the absence of a wood-burning oven, cakes baked on a stone will still be somewhat closer to the original.
- Before removing the dough from the bowl, prepare the filling. To do this, cut the bacon into thin strips and fry.
Transfer to a bowl, trying to leave all the melted fat in the pan.
- Cut the onion not very finely (half rings or "quarter rings") and fry in the same pan as the bacon, until a pleasant golden color.
- Mix cottage cheese with sour cream (I used a mixer to speed up the process). It is not necessary to achieve ideal uniformity and smoothness - small lumps of cottage cheese may remain in the mixture.
- Take the dough out of the bowl and divide it into three equal parts. Roll out each into a thin rectangle on a floured surface. Carefully transfer to a baking sheet if you plan to bake on it. If a stone is used, it is better to place the cakes on parchment paper: unlike bread, they are reluctant to move off the shovel and at the same time strive to curl up, so it is better to carefully drop them onto the stone right along with the parchment.
- Brush each tarte flambée with the curd mixture, top with the onion first, then the bacon.
- Sequentially send the cakes to the oven for 10-15 minutes.
It is best to watch the process and watch when the dough is browned.
We take out, divide among those present and immediately eat. Honestly, this, of course, is not the height of gastronomic sophistication - one should not expect some fantastic taste. Before us is extremely simple peasant food. But hot, on an empty stomach and, for example, with warm milk (or even cold beer), it is perceived so well that there is a danger of not leaving anything to the poor sick grandmother. So it’s better to immediately cut one such cake into several pieces, put it in a basket along with a pot of butter - and send your naughty daughter on a path full of dangers through the thicket of the forest.
Original record in Livejournal: https://read-and-eat.livejournal.5734.html
Red cap-delicious ethnic ethnic salad
- Features of the Little Red Riding Hood salad
- Cooking food for Little Red Riding Hood
- Cooking salad
Have you decided to surprise your guests? Do you want to cook an interesting dish using familiar products? You will love the delicious Little Red Riding Hood salad! You can easily prepare it using the tips and step by step recipe.
Now you will be able to prepare a really tasty, healthy, versatile salad for all occasions. People love different dishes, experiment with pleasure, but it is salads and cakes that often occupy a leading position at feasts. Just remember all the basic recommendations, use a simple algorithm.
A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you quickly create a real masterpiece. Salad with a red cap on top not only looks great, but also pleases with a pleasant delicate taste, delicate aroma. In addition, it will provide the body with a mass of useful substances, give a charge of vivacity.
Features of the salad "Little Red Riding Hood"
First of all, you should pay attention to the characteristic features of this dish. This salad has easily won the trust and love of the most demanding housewives, because it has a number of advantages.
- The recipe is quite simple, almost all steps are the same. You do not have to remember complex cooking technologies, there will be no risk of confusing something.
The main thing is to remember the sequence. "Little Red Riding Hood" must be laid out in rows correctly.
- Salad with pomegranate looks very impressive, it will instantly become a decoration of any table, even a festive one. You can cook a dish for a wedding, birthday, celebrate a family date. Bright red pomegranate seeds in an instant make the dish festive and memorable. It is so beckoning with beauty.
- The famous red riding hood salad attracts many with its combination of aromas and a bouquet of flavors. The products used are quite “soft”, there are no sharp accents. Thanks to this, the "portrait" of each ingredient is clearly visible in the symphony of taste. They don't get lost, they don't overshadow each other.
- A simple recipe will appeal to everyone who values time. It really takes literally an hour to prepare a salad with pomegranate. Laying out the layers is also not difficult.
- It is interesting that it is the layered salad that in most cases attracts everyone's attention, admires guests and family.
Eating a dish in which all the ingredients are laid out in even layers is really nice. On the cut, it looks great.
- Diet dish, suitable for every person. Any housewife, looking at the salad recipe, will immediately appreciate its versatility. "Little Red Riding Hood" is an ideal option for a feast, a holiday where people with different body characteristics and diseases can turn out. Everyone can eat this salad! It has no spices, nothing spicy. The onion is also so well crafted that it won't harm anyone.
- Lettuce contains a whole range of useful substances. The recipe involves the use of onions, eggs and potatoes, chicken breast, pomegranate and carrots, greens. All ingredients are safe, give energy, vitamins and valuable trace elements. Onions and greens will strengthen the immune system, vegetables will ensure excellent functioning of the digestive tract, eggs will give healthy protein. Chicken breast will give a charge of vivacity, while the meat is dietary, it does not threaten blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.
A salad with pomegranate will help the heart, blood vessels, strengthen men's health.
- Another advantage of lettuce is its economy. Just look at the recipe to make sure: all the products are available, the preparation of the dish will not require large expenses.
On the festive table, the salad looks chic, in the everyday menu it becomes a real highlight. At the same time, "Little Red Riding Hood" is quick and easy to prepare, has a wonderful taste, and contains many useful substances. It's time to start preparing the creation of this dish!
Cooking food for Little Red Riding Hood
It is important to pay special attention to the preparation of ingredients for your salad. "Little Red Riding Hood" will be tasty, healthy, if you have managed to choose high-quality products, process them correctly.
Now you can find many recipes for the famous salad that resemble the traditional one. Mistresses offer to change the type of meat, the way it is cooked. For example, they cook a red cap with beef, horse meat and pork. Some people prefer the original methods of cooking the usual chicken breast. Fried chicken, grilled meat are sent to the salad.
All these options have the right to exist, but still it is better to just boil the breast. This is the only way you will be able to feel the true taste of Little Red Riding Hood, get the maximum of useful substances and not harm the body. It is no coincidence that the recipe involves the use of boiled brisket. It is an ideal dietary product.
Of course, meat must be chosen carefully. It is advisable to purchase a chilled breast in a store that has its own production. There it will surely be fresh. At home, you need to smell it, wash it well under running cool water.
You will need potatoes, carrots. Pay special attention to the choice of potatoes. Great if he's young. Too small, greenish tubers do not need to be taken. Carrots are desirable to choose a medium size. An excessively large root crop may turn out to be bitter, and this is unacceptable for Little Red Riding Hood.
Boil potatoes and carrots well so that they become soft. It is great if the potatoes are crumbly, light. Vegetables must be cleaned before cooking.
The choice and preparation of onions should be considered separately. Some people prefer to make a salad with red onions. However, the recipe calls for the use of regular onions.
White onion will not sweeten, and you will eliminate the bitterness when processing it. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the onion, removing not only the husk from it, but also two or three layers of the onion itself. If they are thick, you can limit yourself to one. Then the onion is finely chopped and poured with boiling water. Leave it in water for 10 minutes. All the bitterness, the pungent smell will go away, only a pleasant taste will remain.
Bulbs must also be chosen correctly. Refuse too small onions, do not take soft, shriveled onions. Typically, a fairly large onion with thick juicy layers has a delicate taste and aroma.
This recipe calls for regular chicken eggs. Someone prefers to always eat quail eggs, taking care of their health. However, a chicken egg is also quite useful, while its taste and aroma are much more suitable for Little Red Riding Hood. Do not forget that quail eggs are quite specific, they can disrupt the harmony of the salad.
It is very important to boil the eggs correctly. It is in this salad that they play a particularly large role. It is necessary to cook them for no more than 10 minutes, make sure that they do not become “rubber”. It’s great if you then gently chop them with a large fork. Then the salad will become more magnificent, airy.
Choose hard cheeses. It is advisable to refuse products with additives, flavors. They will spoil the unique "sympathy" of the salad. It is important to ensure that the cheese is fresh, mature, and does not have a lighter crust.
Used in salad and walnuts. Please note that the recipe specifies a specific type of nut. "Little Red Riding Hood" will lose its originality if you replace nuts with pine nuts, choose a new option with pistachios.
Nuts must be of good quality. Check if they have bitterness. If the nuts are too bitter, it is better to refuse them. Prepare your walnuts thoroughly before sending them to the salad. It is necessary not only to remove the nucleoli, but also to free them from the skin. She can give bitterness.
Choose ripe, red pomegranate. The grains should be large, have a rich color, so that the dish with pomegranate is effective, healthy.
The most commonly used dressing is mayonnaise. Choose low fat mayonnaise. It's great if there is no vinegar in it at all. A good diet dressing is low-fat sour cream. You can mix it with mayonnaise.
Choose mayonnaise without additives, with a short shelf life. These products are natural and harmless.
Preparing a salad
Now you know the main features of the dish, its advantages, and found out exactly how to choose and prepare products. It's time to start making the salad! Consider a simple step by step recipe. You will be able to cook the dish step by step by looking at the photos. Begin!
- We prepare all the necessary products, put them on the table. You need chicken breast, potatoes and carrots, eggs with onions, mayonnaise and nuts, pomegranate seeds and herbs, cheese.
- Take the chicken breast. It must be washed, then boiled in water until fully cooked. You can salt a little. Then completely cool the meat, finely cut it.
- Cheese to be grated. Use a fine grater.
- Onions should be poured with boiling water, kept in water for 10 minutes. Cut the onion very finely.
It is better to take a sharp thin knife.
- Potatoes, carrots must be boiled without peel. The potatoes are rubbed. A grater for this will need a large one.
- Carrot cut into small cubes.
- Now boil hard boiled eggs. They must be cooled, freed from the shell, and then mashed with a fork.
- Now it's time to lay out the first layer. This is a bow.
- Now carefully spread the potatoes on top, add a little mayonnaise.
- The breast rests on the potato, it must also be decorated with dressing.
- Carrots should cover the potatoes. A little more dressing again.
- Eggs are the most important layer. It will make the salad airy. According to the recipe, you need to close the dish with eggs on top, lay them on the sides. Don't forget to refuel.
- Now it remains to put grated cheese, add mayonnaise again.
- Finishing touches: we decorate the "Little Red Riding Hood" with dill, which must first be finely chopped, we decorate the side part with nuts.