Maths preschool games
Preschool Math Games and Activities to Engage Young Learners
Preschoolers have lots of important math skills to learn before they start kindergarten. Counting, number sense, sorting, patterns, comparing size, and so much more—these are all concepts toddlers need so they can move on to more advanced math concepts. These preschool math games and activities help kids master those skills in ways that are just as fun as playtime!
1. String beads on pipe cleaners
This is one of those classic preschool math games that has so many benefits for young learners. They get fine motor control practice along with learning to count, recognize numerals, and put numbers in order. All you need are pipe cleaners and beads.
Learn more: Laughing Kids Learn
2. Monster Dice Match
Rolling dice gives kids a chance to practice counting and subitizing. Get the printable for this free matching game at the link.
Learn more: The Measured Mom—Monster Dice
You’ll find lots of dice-related preschool math games out there. In this one, kids roll the dice and then stack blocks together. They finish by counting the blocks all together, an early intro to addition.
Learn more: Hands On as We Grow
4. Flip Uno cards to make a match
Get some memory practice while you learn numerals. Uno cards, with their bright and cheery colors and large numbers, are perfect for this, but regular playing cards work too.
Learn more: Primary Playground
5. Tag the number
We love that this game gives kids a chance to move! Tape up numbers on the wall (or write them on a whiteboard). Then have kids roll a die and run to tag the number that comes up. You can play this game in other ways too, like calling out the numbers randomly yourself, or taping the numbers in a variety of places around the room.
Learn more: This Reading Mama
6. Build a city
Stack building blocks and build a city skyline. You’ll get a different result every time, making this one of those preschool math games kids can play again and again.
Learn more: Cinta + Co.
7. Race to fill the cup
So simple and so fun! Grab a bin of math cubes or small toys and some plastic cups. Kids roll a polyhedral die (you can also try flipping playing cards or Uno cards) and place that many items in their cup. The first to completely fill their cup wins!
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Fill the Cup
8. Hunt for numbers
Combine a sensory experience with some number practice. Fill a bin with sand, then bury playing cards for kids to find and match up.
Learn more: Busy Toddler/Number Hunt
9. Bounce a balloon
Everyone loves playing with balloons! Roll a die, then see if you can bounce a balloon into the air that many times without letting it hit the ground.
Learn more: Confidence Meets Parenting
10. Build a beetle
This is just like the original Cootie game, but no need to buy anything! Just cut beetle pieces from construction paper, then roll a die and see if you can be the first to assemble your bug!
Learn more: Teach Beside Me

Toddlers need to master their shapes, and this is a clever way to do it. Put together sets of wood craft sticks (use the same color for each shape) and let little fingers turn them into triangles, squares, and other shapes.
Learn more: Team Cartwright
12. Send bears into hibernation caves
Make “caves” from plastic bowls, then send little toy bears into “hibernation” in each one! Learn how the game works at the link.
Learn more: Pocket of Preschool
13. Park numbered cars
Vroom vroom! Number your toy cars to match the slots in a cardboard parking lot. Kids will have fun zooming them into the right places.
Learn more: B-Inspired Mama
14. Line up dominoes
Dominoes are fantastic math learning tools. This game is a sneaky introduction to addition, as kids count up the total number of dots on each domino and put them in the proper place.
Learn more: Busy Toddler—Domino Line-Up

Seeing and matching patterns is a key skill for preschoolers. Placing pom-poms into ice cube trays with plastic tweezers helps them work on fine motor skills too.
Learn more: Planning Playtime
16. Rubber Duck Math Race
In this game, kids race to see who can be the first to get their rubber duckies to 10 (or any number you choose). They roll a die and lay out tiles to move their duck. The twist? To get to 10 at the end, they must roll the exact number they need—no going over! Preschool math games like this help kids master counting to 10 and counting on.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime—Rubber Duck Race
17. Feed the LEGO monster
Sort LEGO bricks by color, shape, or number of dots. Then compare the number that wind up in each bag to learn the concept of “more or less.”
Learn more: Toddler Approved
18. Drop blocks into tubes
Upcycle some empty cardboard tubes by labeling them with numbers. Then drop small items like blocks or caps into the tubes to match the numbers.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime—Tube Counting
19. Compare numbers to music
Prep for this game by using dot markers on paper plates as shown (visit the link below for more examples). Each kid takes a plate and uses it to “drive” around the room as you play music. When the music stops, they find a nearby partner and compare what they see on each other’s plates (e.g., “8 dots is more than 4 dots. 1 green dot is less than 4 green dots.”). Then start the music up and repeat!
20. Hold a shape scavenger hunt
Preschool math students are learning to recognize shapes in their environment and also to categorize and sort. This scavenger hunt does it all! Send them out to find objects in the room that match the shapes. Then count and compare to see how many you have in each category.
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Shape Scavenger Hunt
If you loved these preschool math games, be sure to check out 20 Simple and Fun Preschool Science Experiments and Activities.

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5 Preschool Math Games Your Child Will Want To Play
If you’ve been looking for fun preschool math games for your child, you’ve come to the right place. Our HOMER learning experts have compiled a list of some of our favorite hands-on math activities to keep your child learning and engaged.
Before we break down our list of fun games for your child to enjoy while at home, we’d like to discuss why they matter. Why should you put so much effort into trying to help your child grasp essential math concepts from such a young age?
Let’s find out.
Why Are Preschool Math Games Important?
They Encourage Kids To Have Fun With Math
One of the reasons we love math games is because they allow kids to engage with math concepts in a fun and interactive way. This is important because it helps children develop a love for math early on.
You may sometimes hear words or phrases like, “Math isn’t for everyone” casually thrown around in conversations. We disagree! Allowing kids to engage with math from a preschool level can help them realize that the more they practice math, the more exciting and fun it will become.
They Allow For Independent Play
While some games involve multiple participants and help develop social skills, other preschool math games encourage children to play independently.
Independent play is essential for children for many reasons. It helps them develop problem-solving skills, creativity, self-regulation, and so much more.
These skills are all beneficial for raising confident, capable children.
They Give Parents Insight
One of the biggest benefits of preschool math games is that they give parents insight into their child’s developing mathematical skills.
This is very important because you will see which concepts your child is grasping and which they have yet to learn. Armed with this knowledge, you can then move forward knowing which areas to focus on to help your child continue on their math journey.
What Makes A Good Preschool Math Game?
Now that we’ve talked a bit about why preschool math games are so important for your child, it’s time to get to those activities you came here for!
Before we do so, it’s important to share why these games are so effective for your young learner. In a nutshell, the below games:
- Are age-appropriate
- Encourage problem-solving
- Help children practice math concepts in a fun way
Children learn best when they are playing. So, here are some games that, while being engaging and fun for young children, also support their growing mathematical skills.
5 Fun Preschool Math Games
1) Numbered Chocolate Chip Cookies
What You’ll Need:
- Cookie dough
- Chocolate chips
- One die
What To Do:
Just because there’s math involved in a game doesn’t mean it can’t be tasty, too!
The goal of this activity is number matching. To get started, you’ll need to choose your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Then, mix the ingredients to form the dough.
Before you move on to adding the chocolate chips, you’ll need to portion out enough batter to form the cookies. Each cookie dough ball will get its own number of chocolate chips, and a roll of the die will determine how many.
Let your child count the dots on the die, and if they’d like more chocolate chips, they can roll again!
This activity will help preschoolers practice their counting, familiarize them with the symbols of these numbers, and also demonstrate how to follow directions.
And the best part is that, with all this deliciousness, you probably won’t need to encourage them to participate!
2) Fill The Cup
What You’ll Need:
- A pair of dice
- Small plastic cup
- Any objects that are easy to count (marbles, dried beans, etc.)
What To Do:
The goal of this activity is simple: Be the first person to fill the plastic cup.
To get started, you and your child will need to roll your dice at the same time. Based on the number you just rolled, you will then start filling up the plastic cup (with marbles or dried beans). For example, if you rolled a four, add four beans to the plastic cup.
Continue rolling the dice and adding items as you go. The first person to fill their cup is the winner! Keep in mind that the larger the items you choose, the faster the game will go.
Before getting started, remember to help your child get used to the game’s components (rolling the dice, reading the number, and then adding the items to the plastic cup).
If this is a little challenging for your young learner, feel free to switch things up by rolling the dice for each other. For example, your child can roll the dice, and you will then need to read the numbers and add that specific amount of items to your cup.
3) Number Picture
What You’ll Need:
- One large piece of paper
- Stickers
What To Do:
Begin by drawing five to 10 large circles on a piece of paper. Next, let your child choose a number for each circle. They can then put the designated number of stickers in the circles.
This is a simple but fun activity for preschoolers that allows them to play independently while learning. Let them work on their own and show you the results of their work when they are done.
They will be so proud of what they’ve accomplished!
4) Hopscotch
What You’ll Need:
- Chalk
- A small rock or pebble
- A paved area outside
What To Do:
Hopscotch is an old-school game most of us loved to play as kids. If you need a reminder on the game and how to play it (as well as other fun number games), you can check out this link here.
Preschoolers are still very young and may find the original game challenging. Here’s how you can modify it to help them:
- Make the squares smaller and closer together
- Let your child jump to one number at a time
- Allow your child to place the stone on the numbered square instead of tossing it
This activity is excellent for helping children practice their math skills (like counting) and getting in some much-needed exercise and Vitamin D!
5) Create Your Own Puzzle
What You’ll Need:
- An image of something your child likes (a dog, cat, flower, butterfly, etc.
- Glue
- Bond paper
- A marker
- A pair of scissors
What To Do:
Most children start playing with puzzles from a very young age. Now that they’re preschoolers, you can help them create their own!
Start gluing the picture onto bond paper to make it sturdier. Then decide how many pieces you want to create from the image and mark out where you will cut it. It’s best to make the pieces medium-to-large so that it’s easier for your child to piece them back together.
Once you’re done, help your child cut along the lines and, just like that, you have a brand-new puzzle!
Once the puzzle is ready, demonstrate where and how the pieces need to fit. Then, allow your child to practice on their own.
This is an excellent activity to help children develop essential math skills, such as shapes, problem-solving, and comparisons.
Ready, Set, Play!
We hope you’re clear on one thing from our list above — preschool math games don’t have to be boring! In fact, the more fun and entertaining they are, the more engaged your child will be and the more likely they are to retain the information.
Mathematics is one of the core subjects we teach at HOMER. That’s because we understand how important it is for children to have a solid math foundation from an early age, as this will help them tackle more complex math problems later on.
To learn more about our unique approach, check out the HOMER Learn & Grow app!
Math games for preschoolers and first graders
The development of a child's mathematical abilities is one of the aspects of preparing for school. It can be difficult for a preschooler to operate with numbers, so experts advise starting a child’s acquaintance with numbers and mathematical calculations from games. Complex and sometimes boring examples and tasks do not cause rejection in the baby when they are presented in the form of interesting colorful tasks.
If a child understands at an early age that mathematics is exciting and fun, it will be much easier for him to master the school subject. By the way, mathematical games develop not only the skills of working with numbers, but also logic and non-standard thinking. What are the mathematical games for preschoolers - in our material.
Math games for children 4-5 years old
Math games for preschoolers 4-5 years old include simple math examples for addition and subtraction within 10.
1. Math game "Labyrinth"
In this math game the child is faced with the task of seeing the pattern, going through the maze and helping the squirrel find the acorn.
Print the picture. Give the child a pencil. Let him draw a path along which the squirrel can get to the acorn.
The squirrel has started its journey. She took two steps. What is the difference between 3 and 1? How much more is it? And the number 5 compared to 3? It is desirable that the child himself see the pattern (adding 2 to each previous number). But if it doesn’t work out, don’t worry — explain. Calculate the next step together, and then let the baby go on his own.
2. Math crossword
If a child can count to 10, they may be interested in doing a math crossword.
Print out the crossword. Tell your child how to work with a mathematical crossword puzzle, how the numbers fit into it. You can explain such concepts as "horizontal" and "vertical".
Explain that each row and column must have correct equalities. Emphasize that a mathematical crossword puzzle differs from the usual example in that an unknown number can appear anywhere in it.
Show that in a crossword it is better to solve the examples not in an arbitrary sequence, but by moving from one intersection to another. And it is very important to do everything right, because a mistake in one place will lead to inaccuracies in another.
3. Mathematical game "Count the beads"
As in other examples, the picture can be printed.
There are two different tasks here.
On the left picture there are beads that you need to count and write the answers below, as shown in the first picture. Do not give the child the task right away - invite him to think about what the numbers below (in the first picture) mean. Perhaps he himself will find a correspondence between the number of beads and the number below. In this case, he will easily enter all the correct answers.
On the second, right, block of pictures, the number of beads is the same everywhere, and the number of filled beads is signed below. The kid can also guess about this on his own. After that, he will gladly color the required number of beads in each picture.
With this activity you can explain to your child what an abacus is and how to use it.
4. Mathematical game “Take the bear to the bear cub”
Examples are written on the ice. In this game, the child must complete each task and write the answer on the ice. After that, you can pave the way of the bear to the bear cub along the ice, on which the numbers 1, 2, 3 are written, and then in order up to 10.
Math games for preschoolers 6-7 years old
Math games for children 6-7 years old are a bit more difficult and suitable for kids who can count to at least 20 and solve addition and subtraction problems in two steps.
1. Mathematical game "Insert the missing number"
The meaning of this mathematical game is to insert numbers into empty cells that come in sequence before, between or after a given number.
Thus, the child's idea of the "number line" is formed.
For convenience, you can first draw this line, on which numbers are indicated from left to right, increasing each time by one. Then the baby will understand what “before”, “between” and “after” means, and will easily do all the exercises.
2. Mathematical game “Put fruits in baskets”
Print the picture, cut out all fruits and baskets separately. The kid must solve a mathematical example that is written on a fruit and "put" it in the correct basket.
These examples show the child that the same number can be obtained in several ways.
Note that the example does not show the same number of ways to get different numbers. So, 7 is obtained by five options: 4 + 3; 7 - 0; 1+6; 2+5; 14 - 7. And 18 - three: 9 + 9; 20 - 2; 12 + 6.
Explain that there are other ways to get the number 18. Give an example or have the child come up with their own.
3. Mathematical game "Find a suitable umbrella"
In this math game, you need to match an umbrella to each cloud. To do this, the child must solve the examples written inside the cloud and the umbrella, and then place the cloud over the desired umbrella.
In this task, you can not cut anything, but simply connect pictures with the same answer. Each cloud corresponds to one umbrella.
Math games for 1st grade
Math games for schoolchildren are suitable for children who can count up to 30, complete examples in several actions and have a basic understanding of fractions.
1. A chain of mathematical examples
On the path of the butterfly to the flower, do all the suggested actions. Some of the numbers are already in circles, others must be entered by solving the examples given above.
This math task is not for the little ones: here you need to be able to count to at least 30.
2. Math game "How much does a salad cost?"
The picture shows vegetables and their "value". Below are plates with a different set of vegetables. Invite the child to calculate how much each salad “costs”.
3. What is the fraction in the picture?
Pictures will help explain to your child what fractions are.
The images show circles divided into equal parts. Some of them are painted over. First you need to calculate how many parts there are. Next - how many of them are painted over.
The essence of a fractional number is easy to explain in this way.
For the first example: the circle is divided into 4 parts; three out of four are shaded, i.e. three-fourths. This is referred to as 3/4.
Second example (below): there are 6 beats in the circle, four of the six are shaded - four sixths, 4/6.
Such an algorithm will allow the child to choose from the options presented the answer corresponding to each circle. To check how the kid understood the material, ask him to show an integer (not a fractional) number on one of the circles, painting over the required number of parts. He will cope with the task if he figured out how a fractional number is formed and how a fraction differs from a whole.
Umnasia offers a large number of mathematical problems for logic and ingenuity for primary and secondary school students. All tasks are presented in the format of an interactive story game with pleasant voice acting and colorful illustrations:
- logic tasks for grade 1
- logic tasks for grade 2
- logic tasks for grade 3
- logic tasks for grade 4
- logic tasks for grade 5
Mathematics and logic for children 7-13 years old
We develop logical thinking through solving plot mathematical problems in an interactive game format
learn more
Mathematical games in kindergarten school.

Mathematical games in kindergarten school.
Collection of games for children 5–7 years old
The manual presents mathematical games for children 5–7 years old: games to reinforce
quantitative representations, to clarify concepts of the size of objects, to expand ideas about geometric shapes, to improve orientation in space, to fix temporal representations.
The manual is addressed to educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers
elementary school, working with children of preschool age, as well as parents.
Number games
Pea pod game
Material. Cards with numbers, manuals "pea pods" - two sets of different colors. Hoops lie on the floor at a short distance from one another, in the center of each hoop is a card with a number. On the tray are "pea pods" (according to the number of children).
The teacher asks the children to guess the riddle:
The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
Sitting side by side in the house
Round guys.
Trouble came in autumn —
A smooth house cracked —
Who jumped where
Round guys!
- What is it? That's right, it's peas, - says the teacher and explains the rules of the game. - You will run to the music. As soon as the music stops, go to the table in turn, take one pod at a time and stand near the number that corresponds to the number of peas in the pod.
As a result, two children with "pods" of different colors should stand near each hoop.
The teacher suggests that the children check each other to see if everyone completed the task correctly. If someone made a mistake, they explain to him why he should not stand near this number.
The game should be repeated after placing the "pods" on the tray.
Note. It is not necessary to pay attention to the color of the "pods" when the children stand near the
hoops. They can make mistakes when recalculating "peas". Having exchanged "pods", the guys clarify their actions and correct the mistakes made.
Line up in order
Material. Cards with numbers from 0 to 10.
Up to 10 children participate in the game.
On the table are cards with numbers from 1 to 10 face down. Fast music sounds, children run. At the end of the music, each child takes one card from the table.
Children line up in order, in accordance with the tasks given by the teacher.
- The child with the number 7 will come out first.
- The “neighbors” of the number 7 will stand next to him.
– Between which numbers should the child with the number 5 stand? Let him take his place
- Now the guys with the remaining numbers will stand in order.
- Give the numbers in order.
Note. More children can take part in the game. In this case,
would require a second set of digits. Two teams are playing.
Find a pair
Material. Cards with numbers and cards with circles.
Children are divided into two teams. Each team has its own table. There are 9 on one table0003
reversed number cards, the other reversed cards with circles.
Children run around the room. At the signal of the teacher, they take cards from the tables, and each
looks for its pair: the child who has a number on the card is looking for the child who has the corresponding number of circles on the card.
Next, check whether all pairs are matched correctly.
The cards are returned to their original places and the game is repeated.
Note. If there are no cards with circles, then you can use sets of cards with
in two colors.
What number escaped?
Material. Cards with numbers from 0 to 20 (for each child).
Children play in pairs.
The teacher asks each pair to put the numbers in order from 0 to 10. Then one
child closes his eyes, and the other rearranges the numbers in the number row. Opening his eyes, the child notes what has changed in the row. If he guessed correctly, he becomes the leader.
The game continues.
Complication. Change the number series, suggest decomposing numbers from 10 to 20 or from 10
to 20.
Wonderful Pouch
Material. "Math set" and a bag with small toys (for each pair of
Children play in pairs, sitting at the table. In front of them lies the "Math Set" and one
bag of small toys for two. The teacher invites the children to decompose the numbers in
in order from 1 to 10. Using the rhyme, choose the leader in each pair:0003
Past the hail.
Who will raise,
He will come out.
The host invites his partner to close his eyes, while he removes one of the numbers. The child, having opened his eyes, calls which number is missing, and counts the same number of toys.
If the task is completed correctly, the toys and the figure return to their places.
Children change roles. The game is repeated.
Complication. Count toys one more or one less.
Who is faster?
A square is drawn on the ground, divided into nine small squares. In squares
numbers are written in the following order: 1st row - numbers 1, 2, 3; 2nd row - 4, 5, 6; 3rd row - 7, 8, 9.
Two children take part in the game. The leader is selected. He jumps through the cells on
with one foot from number to number in order. As soon as he cannot stand on one leg, the game stops and the second child becomes the leader.
The game continues until the children reach the last number. Whoever jumped first
to the end is the winner.
Find the same number
Material. Cards with circles or numbers.
Various groups of homogeneous objects (two pyramids, four balls, two bunnies, etc.) are placed in the room. The teacher holds cards with circles or numbers in a fan in his hands and invites one of the children to pull out one of them. The child, choosing a card or a number, finds as many identical toys in the room as there are circles on the card.
The game is repeated several times.
Complication. Find items one more or one less than the number of circles on the
Name the neighbors
Material. Cube with numbers on the sides.
Children stand in a circle.
With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen:
A jackdaw sat on a birch,
Two ravens, a sparrow,
Three magpies, a nightingale.
Blue-blue-blue whale will fly from the sky.
If you believe, stop and wait,
If you don't believe, come out!
The host throws a cube to one of the children. The child who caught him calls the number on
faces of the cube and the "neighbors" of this number. If he gave the correct answer, he becomes the leader.
The game is played at a fast pace.
Complication. On the faces of the cube, instead of numbers, there can be circles (from 1 to 6).
Playing with apples
Material. Figures, manuals "apples".
There are hoops on the floor at a great distance from each other. Each circle has a number. On the tray are "apples": yellow, red, green.
The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:
Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch,
Adults love me
And little children.
- That's right, it's an apple. Now we will play with apples. You will run to the music. As soon as it stops sounding, take one apple. Apples have seeds. Count how many seeds are in an apple, and stand near the number that corresponds to their number.
Music is playing. As soon as it stops sounding, the children take one apple from the table from the table and look for a hoop with the desired number. Near each number there should be three children with apples of different colors.
“Check each other to see if everyone completed the task correctly,” says the teacher. - Near
what number are you standing and why. Children exchange apples, check the correctness
of the task, correcting mistakes.
The game can be repeated by placing the apples on the tray first.
Note. When children stand near the number, do not pay attention to the color of the apples.
Children can make mistakes when counting. After exchanging apples, they refine their
actions and correct the mistakes made.
Complication. Instead of numbers, use cards with differently arranged
circles. Task: stand near that card with circles, which will show the number one
more or less than the number of seeds in an apple.
Guess the number
With the help of a rhyme, choose a leader:
They sat on the golden porch:
Tsar, prince,
King, prince.
Shoemaker, tailor,
Who will you be?
The facilitator thinks of any number within 10 and says it in the teacher's ear.
The players must guess this number with the help of questions. The facilitator can only answer
questions with "yes" or "no".
For example, the number 8 is conceived.
– Is the number greater than seven? (Yes.)
– Is it less than nine? (Yes.)
Is that the number eight?
- Yes.
When the number is guessed, the leader is the one who guessed the number.
Complication. Think of numbers within 20.
Name the number
Material. Ball.
With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen:
Rain, rain, water -
There will be a loaf of bread.
There will be rolls, there will be dryers,
There will be delicious cheesecakes.
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader with the ball in his hands. He throws the ball to one of the
players, calls any number and gives the task: "Reduce the number by one." The child who caught the ball gives an answer, then calls any number and, throwing the ball to another player, gives the task: "Increase the number by one."
If the child who caught the ball makes a mistake, one of the children in the circle or
corrects him.
What's gone?
There are 10 toys in a row on the table.
The teacher asks the children to count the toys, memorize their location and then
close their eyes, while he removes any two toys.
After the children open their eyes, asks them questions:
– Are there more or less toys?
– Which toys have been removed?
– What toys were they behind?
– What was the first toy?
Cube game
Material. Cube with numbers on the sides.
With the help of a rhyme, choose a leader:
One, two, three, four, five,
– Tanya, let's start.
The bees flew into the field,
The bees sat on the flowers.
We play, you drive!
He throws a cube to one of the children and says: "Count on." The child who caught the cube,
calls the number on the edge and counts further. Hearing: "Stop!", He throws the cube to another child.
The facilitator can change the task: “Count backwards”.
The game is played at a fast pace. As many children as possible should take part in it.
Playing with cards
Material. Cards with circles in an amount from 1 to 10. A cube with numbers on the faces.
Children stand in a circle.
Each child has a card with circles in their hands. After the words of the teacher: “Attention, we started!”
- All players pass the cards to each other in a circle, clockwise.
On command "Stop!" children hide the cards after counting the circles on them.
The teacher tosses the cube and shows the children the top face that has fallen out. After looking at the edge, the children show cards with the same number of circles and explain why they showed them.
The game is repeated. Children change cards.
Option. Instead of cards with circles, you can use numbers.
Which hand has how much?
Material. Mugs or small items such as buttons, nuts, pebbles (anything that the child can hide in his hand).
The teacher asks the children to count the mugs he is holding in his hand and say:
how many mugs are in his hand? (Four circles.) In front of the children, he lays out the circles in two hands and says: “You must guess how many circles are in one hand, how many are in the other, and how many circles are in total. Let's agree that we will first say how many circles are in the left hand, and then how many are in the right. How did I arrange the mugs?
Children try to guess, list possible options. If they did not guess
the option conceived by the teacher, you can say: “It may be so, but it’s not like that for me.”
The game continues until the children guess. The child who correctly named how many circles are hidden in which hand becomes the leader. Now he lays out the circles in two hands (the teacher checks how many circles he put in to clarify the correctness of the answers), and the children guess the option he conceived.
The game is repeated several times.
Note. Children should be reminded not to forget to say not only how many circles are in each hand, but also how many there are in total. This game can be played not only within 4, but also within 10.
Who knows, let him count further
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
The teacher stands in the center of the circle. He throws the ball to some child and calls the number
within 20. The child, having caught the ball, throws it back and calls the number one more.
For example, “Eleven,” the adult says. “Twelve,” the child answers, throws the ball back, etc. The game is played at a fast pace.
Count - make no mistake
Children stand in a semicircle. With the help of a counting rhyme, a leader is chosen.
Everyone closes their eyes. At this time, the host claps (jumps, stomps) several times.
Children, opening their eyes, repeat his actions and explain why they did it.
Select a new leader. The game is repeated.
As a complication, the facilitator may offer to complete the task by clapping one more (less) time than the children heard.
Count down
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle. Before starting the game, you should agree that the children will count in
in reverse order.
With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen:
Three fluffy cats
Lie down in a basket.
Suddenly one of them ran up to them,
How many cats were together?
The leader throws the ball to one of the players and calls any number. The child,
, who caught the ball, continues to count backwards, that is, he names three any numbers in a row before the named number. Now he is leading. The game is played at a fast pace, the tasks are repeated many times so that as many children as possible can take part in the game.
Complication. You can count not only within 10, but also further.
Material. Two sets of cards with numbers (sets of two colors).
There are two sets of cards turned upside down on the teacher's table. On a signal, the children take one number at a time and line up in order in two columns in accordance with the color of the numbers. The teacher gives a task, for example: “Come out“ neighbors ”of the number five and name yourself.”
After completing the task, each child returns to their original place in the column.
The game continues.
When the game is repeated, the role of the leader passes to one of the children.
Complication. Task: go out, "neighbors" of numbers three and five, and name yourself.
Put the same amount
Material. Small toys (several types, 10 pieces of each type).
Children play in pairs sitting at the table.
One child starts the game: puts a certain number of toys on the table. His partner must put the same number of toys of a different kind. Thus, the number of toys is constantly increasing.
Then the correct execution of the job is checked by receiving the application.
The game is repeated several times, the children change roles.
Check each other
Material. Sets of numbers from 1 to 10.
Children play in pairs.
The teacher asks each child to put the numbers from 0 to 10 in order.
The guys in each pair check each other for the correctness of the task.
With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen:
Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars,
On the hillock of the teremok,
There is a lock hanging on the door,
You go for the key
And open the lock.
The presenter counts out a certain number of toys, and his partner puts the corresponding number next to
. If the child correctly completed the task, he becomes the leader and the game continues.
Option. One child puts forward a number from the number row, and the other counts the toys.
Material. Sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 10.
Two children hold hands and raise them, forming a "gate". In their hands they have a card with
digit (any digit, from 3 to 10).
The rest of the guys have one digit in their hands. They run around the room. At the signal
of the teacher, “A stream in the gate!” children stand in pairs so that the number set on the “gate” is formed together (for example, you need to make the number 8: 4 and 4; 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 0 and 8, etc.) The “brook” passes through the “gate ”, which let in only those who not only correctly composed the given number, but also said how it was composed.
The game continues, while the leaders change, the number on the "gate" and the numbers for children.
Complication. Instead of numbers, use cards with circles in the amount from 0 to 10.
Show neighbors
Material. Numbers from 1 to 20 (for each pair of children).
Children play in pairs. The teacher asks them to arrange the numbers on the table in any order.
With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen in each pair:
One, two, three, four, five,
A bunny went out for a walk,
What should we do? How can we be?
We need to catch a hare.
We will count again:
One, two, three, four, five.
The host points to one of the numbers, and his partner finds the “neighbors” of this number. Then the children switch roles.
Options. Expand the numbers from 10 to 20 or from 1 to 20. You can change the rules of the game:
the leader points to two numbers, and his partner calls them "neighbors".
Ice in a circle
The game is played with a small group of children.
Draw 10 circles on the ground at a small distance from one another. In each circle
write a number (from 1 to 9), one circle remains empty. (The numbers are not in order.)
The leader is selected using the rhyme. He stands in an empty circle; in his hands he has
"ice" (any object that can be thrown). He throws it into a circle with any number and jumps into this circle. Then the “ice” must be transferred to the next circle in ascending (or descending) order.
The game is repeated with another leader.
Over bumps
Material. Circles with numbers from 1 to 10.
Children are divided into two teams and lined up in two columns one opposite the other. Between them, the teacher lays out circles with numbers - “bumps”. Reports the task: you need to go through the "swamp" on the "bumps", stepping on them in order. When a player of one team overcomes the "swamp", he touches the first player of the other team and he starts his way along the "bumps" in the reverse order (10, 9, etc.) The team that made no mistakes wins. (If someone makes a mistake, he starts his journey from the beginning.)
Complication. Instead of numbers on the bumps there are circles from 1 to 10.
How many tenants are there in the apartment?
Material. Hoops, numbers.
There are several hoops on the floor, each with a number.
Children run around the room, At the signal of the teacher, they run to the hoop - "apartment". The number in
hoop shows how many "tenants" live in the apartment.
The teacher, addressing the children, asks: “How many tenants are there in this apartment and why are there so many of them?” If the apartment is not fully occupied, it is necessary to ask the children how many tenants did not move into this apartment. The game continues, the numbers in the hoops change.
It is desirable that the number in one hoop be more than 10.
Material. Cards with numbers from 1 to 10.
In front of each child on the table there is a number row from 1 to 10.
jump, five jumps, etc.” (The number of cells in one jump is agreed with the children in advance.)
Then the teacher gives tasks:
1. Tell me and show where the grasshopper will end up if there are two cells in each jump and he will
make five such jumps? How many cells will the grasshopper advance?
2. Tell and show on which cell the grasshopper will end up if it moves like this:
first three jumps forward, then four more forward? And if so: two jumps forward, and then two more forward?
3. And now the grasshopper makes one jump forward, then three more. Show me at
what cell of the numerical track will appear if it does:
- six jumps, and then zero jumps?
- three jumps, then four jumps and zero more jumps?
- two jumps forward and one jump back?
- five jumps forward, one jump back and two jumps forward?
Games to clarify the concepts of the size of objects
Say the opposite
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
Teacher in the center of the circle. He throws the ball to one of the children and says, for example: "Stick
is long, but the pencil…?” The child who has caught the ball calls out a word opposite in meaning: “Short” in
and throws the ball to the teacher.
– The belt is narrow, but the scarf…?
- The skirt is short, but the dress...?
– The girl has long hair, but the boy...?
– The door is narrow, but the window...?
- The coat is long, but the jacket...?
- The socks are short, but the stockings...?
– The branch is thin, but the tree…?
– The tree is tall, but the bush...?
Complication. Children can give tasks to each other.
Guess what it is?
Children stand in a semicircle.
The teacher says: “I will name one word, and you will list the objects that can be named along with this word. For every correct answer you get a chip.
“Long…” – says the teacher.
“The road,” the child answers and receives a token. “A dress, a rope, a day, a fur coat…”, -
children remember. A point is given for each correct answer.
The teacher calls the following word: “wide” (“Road, street, river, ribbon, bridge. ”)
“High…” (“House, tree, pole, Uncle Styopa, giraffe.”)
At the end of the game children count chips and determine the winner.
Who will remember more?
Several children take part in the game. They are invited to see as many objects around them as possible within 10–15 seconds
: of the same size; same size and color.
On a signal, one child begins to name objects, the other completes his answer.
For example, windows, crayons of the same length but different colors, high chairs of the same size, etc.
Children sit in a semicircle so that they can see each other well.
The teacher looks at them, remembers the characteristic details of the clothes, the appearance of the children, then turns away and announces: “Hello, hello! The girl is lost. She has long hair and a short blue skirt. Have her come up to me and tell me her home address” or “Lost boy with short hair, short-sleeved shirt and short blue shorts. ”
Children look at each other. The “lost” child comes up to the teacher and gives his home address.
The game is repeated.
Complication. The role of the leader passes to the child.
Welcome me
Material. Throwing bags (one of them is red, the rest are of the same color).
A line is drawn on the ground, behind which children stand with bags in their hands.
The leader is selected with the help of a rhyme.
Sitting in a cage,
Chizhik sang a song loudly:
“Chu-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo,
I will fly free.”
The leader (he has a red bag) starts the game. On a signal, he throws the bag as far as possible
. The rest of the children should throw their bags in the same place. The teacher asks:
“Whose bag is closer to the red bag? How can you find out? Why do you think so?"
Children answer questions on their own. All
children should be given the opportunity to speak.
They should not only tell but also show how to measure the distance (steps,
fingers, etc.). Counting the number of steps, the children conclude: the smaller the measure, the greater the number
will be. Thus, it turns out whose bag is closer to red.
Which is higher?
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle. One of the players throws the ball to the other and asks a question. The child,
, having caught the ball, answers and throws the ball to the next player.
– The bench is low, which is higher…? (Bush.)
- What is higher than a bush?
– What is below the fence?
– What is taller than a high chair?
- What is higher than the table?
– What is below the house?
Tie, untie
Material. Laces
Each child has a lace in their hands. Children are divided into pairs. The teacher invites the children to find out which of them has a longer lace. (Children compare shoelaces, make sure that they are the same length.)
The teacher asks: “What are the lengths of shoelaces? (Identical.) I'll set up an hourglass, and you'll begin to tie knots in your shoelaces, but don't overtighten them. As soon as the sand in the watch stops spilling, finish tying the knots. I wonder who will tie more knots? Started!”
The teacher turns the hourglass over. As soon as the sand is poured, he says: “Stop!”
- Whose cord is shorter?
– Which of the guys in the pair tied more knots?
- Who has how many nodes?
The teacher invites children with the same number of knots to form new pairs: “I will set the clock again, and you will untie the knots. Let's see who will untie more. Started!”
Turns the hourglass over. As soon as the sand is poured, he says: "Stop."
- Which of the guys in the pair untied more knots?
– What is the length of the laces?
Games for the expansion of ideas about geometric shapes
Which figure is hidden?
Material. Magnetic board; geometric figures (squares, rectangles,
trapezoids, rhombuses, triangles of various configurations, circles).
Children are examining the geometric figures placed by the teacher on the magnetic board
: squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, triangles of various configurations, circles. Remember how the figures are located.
The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes 1-3 geometric shapes. Having opened
eyes, the guys should name as many figures as possible that are "hidden".
So that children do not repeat each other's answers, the teacher can listen to each child
separately. Whoever names the most figures wins. He becomes the leader and the game
Complication. You can change the number of figures on the magnetic board. Children can name only the figures that are "hidden", but also their color.
Which figure is hidden?
Material. Magnetic board; geometric figures (squares, rectangles,
trapezoids, rhombuses, triangles of various configurations, circles).
Children are examining the geometric figures placed by the teacher on the magnetic board
: squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, triangles of various configurations, circles. Remember how the figures are located.
The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes 1-3 geometric shapes. Opening
eyes, the guys have to name as many figures as possible that are "hidden".
So that children do not repeat each other's answers, the teacher can listen to each child
separately. Whoever names the most figures wins. He becomes the leader and the game
Complication. You can change the number of figures on the magnetic board. Children can name
not only the figures that are "hidden", but also their color.
Name the object
Children are divided into two teams.
One team names rectangular objects, the other - square. For each item named, the team receives a token.
At the end of the game, it turns out how many chips each team has collected.
The teacher asks the children: “How can you find out which team named more than
items? (This can be done without counting, by matching groups of objects in pairs.)
How many quadrangular objects were named?
In conclusion, we can ask what other quadrangular shapes do children know
(trapezoid, rhombus) and why can they be called in one word - quadrangles? (They have four sides and four corners.)
Fold the shape
Material. Tangram (for each child).
The teacher invites each child to make an animal out of a tangram that lives in the zoo
. In this case, it is necessary to use all the geometric shapes of the tangram, tightly attaching them to each other.
At the end of the work, the teacher asks: “What kind of animals did you make? What are the animals doing? (They sit, run, stand.) Do the resulting figures look like real animals? What figures are they made of? Can the figures from which the animals were made be called in one word. (Polygons.) How many identical animals?
Note. If the children made the same animals, you can ask how they are similar and how they differ from each other.
Pass and don't fall
Material. Geometric figures.
There are geometric figures on the floor. The teacher tells the children that these are "pebbles", and
offers to go through the figures, completing the tasks:
- choose the shortest path, first go along it, and then tell about your
- go through all the triangles without missing a single one;
- go over the red pieces and tell which pieces you went through.
The child who makes the fewest mistakes wins.
At the end of the game, the children remove the pieces, completing the following tasks:
- collect all the pieces of the same shape and name them;
- collect the figures, distributing them by size and color.
Note. Children accompany all actions with explanations, telling why they completed the task in this way.
Find the shape
Material. 3-4 hoops, geometric shapes, number cards.
3-4 hoops lie on the floor at a short distance from one another. In each hoop
are a geometric figure and a number. For example, in a hoop with a rectangle, the number is 5, in a hoop with a trapezoid, the number is 7, etc.
Geometric figures are laid out on the teacher's table. Children take one piece and
start running around the room. On a signal, everyone finds their “house”: those who have a trapezoid run to a hoop with a trapezoid, those who have a triangle run to a hoop with a triangle, etc. The number of children who run to the hoop should correspond to the number in the hoop. If the player ran to the hoop late and turned out to be “extra”, he needs to quickly replace the piece and run to another hoop, where there is still free space.
The teacher checks whether the children completed the task correctly, what figures they have in their hands and
how many children each hoop has.
When playing the game again, you can change the number of geometric shapes,
change the geometric shapes in the hoops. One of the guys can be entrusted with the control of the task.
Complication . Instead of a number, you can put a card in the hoop with a certain number of circles
What has changed?
Material. Geometric figures.
Children play in pairs, sitting opposite each other at a table.
One child lays out a pattern of geometric shapes (no more than 10), placing them at his own discretion. He tries to remember the laid out pattern, after which he closes his eyes. His partner makes a substitution or moves the pieces. Opening his eyes, the child determines what has changed. Next, the children switch roles.
Complication. You can change the rules: do not shift, but turn the pieces;
name the color of the shapes.
Run to me
Material. Geometric figures.
Children stand in a circle. Each child has one geometric figure in their hands. The teacher stands in the center of the circle. He gives the task: "Run to me those who have red pieces." Children with red figures run up to the teacher and explain why they ran up. The rest of the children check whether they did the task correctly. The number of children near the teacher is counted, after which they return to the general circle.
- children run to the teacher with quadrangles;
- children with large figures run to the teacher;
- children with polygons run to the teacher.
Note. The teacher each time specifies why the guys ran up to him with different
figures and how many identical figures are in the circle.
Material. Geometric figures.
Children play in pairs, sitting opposite each other at a table.
One child creates a four-piece flower pattern and shows it to their partner. He must look at the pattern for 10 seconds (after which the pattern is covered with a sheet of paper) and reproduce it. Then the guys compare their patterns. If the task is completed correctly, the children change roles.
Complication. Increase the amount of detail or invite the children to team up and
come up with a common pattern for the wallpaper and talk about what the pattern is.
Material. Geometric figures.
Children play in pairs, sitting opposite each other at a table.
According to the teacher's instructions, each child lays out a car from four squares and two circles. Then the teacher suggests changing the type of car so that its purpose changes (turning a passenger car into a truck) by adding geometric shapes.
Children compare their cars, tell each other what the changes are
in the design, what the car has become.
Answer quickly
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
The teacher throws the ball to the player and names a geometric figure; the child who caught the ball
must name an object of this shape. For example, the teacher says: "Triangle". “Kerchief”, -
the child answers and, throwing the ball to the next player, calls, for example: “Rectangle”. Game
continues. The same geometric figure can be called several times. For
correct answer the child gets a token.
At the end of the game, you can count the chips and determine the winner.
Complication. When playing the game again, offer to name not
one object at the same time, but two or more.
Beautiful scarf
Material. Sheet of paper, 7 different geometric shapes (for each child).
Children play in pairs. In front of each child on the table is a sheet of paper and 7 different
geometric shapes.
On a signal, the children “decorate their scarves” – lay out the figures all over the sheet in the corners,
on the sides and leave one in the center, then compare the arrangement of the figures on their sheets and talk about it. For example: “My square is in the upper left corner, and yours?”, “My rectangle is at the top between the square and the triangle, and yours?” Children take turns asking each other questions.
Complication. One child closes his eyes while another shifts
geometric figures on his sheet. Opening his eyes, the child looks at how the figures are located, and tells what changes have occurred. Children change roles.
Clean up
Material. Geometric figures.
Children play in pairs, sitting opposite each other at a table.
The teacher suggests decomposing geometric figures in a certain sequence
: red circle, green square, yellow rectangle, small blue square, green rhombus, red trapezoid. After completing the task, one child closes his eyes, and the other removes one of the figures. Opening his eyes, the child says which figure is missing, restores order, and the game continues.
Complication. Do not remove, but swap geometric shapes; name not only
the figure, but also its color and size.
Look around
Children are divided into two teams. The teacher asks them to name objects that are square,
triangular, quadrangular, and also the shape of objects that do not have corners.
For each correct answer, the team receives a token. You cannot name the same item twice. The game is played at a fast pace. At the end of the game, the chips are counted and it turns out which team has scored more points and won.
Arrange as I say
Material. A strip of paper, geometric shapes (for each child).
Each child has a strip of paper and geometric figures on the table.
The teacher alternately shows the children a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a circle, a rhombus,
a trapezoid and suggests naming these figures. Then he suggests laying out these figures on a strip of paper from memory. Children, having laid out the figures, tell which row they laid out.
- Lay out a certain number of geometric shapes that the children saw
for a few seconds.
- Lay out two red squares, one green, etc.
Games to improve orientation in space
Vice versa
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
In the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He pronounces any word and throws a ball to one of the children. The child must answer with a word that is opposite in meaning. For example, the teacher says: "Up". The child answers: “Down” (right - left, forward - back, far - close, inside - outside, above - below, etc.).
Complication. You can name not only adverbs, but also adjectives: far - close, top - bottom, right - left, deep - small, cheap - expensive, high - low, etc. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the children help him in chorus.
What, where?
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
In the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He explains the rules of the game: “I will name the objects in the room. The one of you who catches the ball must, using the words left, right, in front, behind, say where this object is.
The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks: “Where is the table?” The child who caught the ball answers: “Ahead of me” - and throws the ball to the teacher.
– Is the door for you? (Left.)
– Behind you… (Window.)
– Where is Lena standing? (Near the table.)
– Who is Oleg standing between? (Between Grisha and Semyon.)
Complication. The teacher names the words: "left", "right", "in front", "behind", and the children
say what objects are in the indicated direction.
Find a toy
One of the players goes out the door, the other children hide the toy.
To make it easier to find the toy, the child is shown the direction: "Go from the table to the carpet, turn left from it, take eight steps forward and look there."
Game variant. An adult marks the route on the floor of the room with arrows
of different colors, and then indicates the direction: “First go where the red arrow points, turn where the blue arrow points, then take five steps and look there.” Having found a toy, the child should tell how he walked.
Where does the bell ring?
Material. Bell.
The teacher invites one of the children to ring the bell so that everyone can see and
hear that the bell can ring very close - loudly or far away - quieter, it is almost inaudible. One of the players leaves the room. At this time, the children agree on where the child with the bell will be. The returned child is seated on a chair and blindfolded. The bell rings in a conventional place. A blindfolded child determines whether the bell rang close or far from him, and indicates the direction from which the sound came from (in front, behind, from the side, to the left, etc.). The game is repeated with another driver.
Where is the right, where is the left?
Divided into two teams, the children line up in two rows.
At the signal of the teacher, the teams go in opposite directions. On the command "Left!" or "Right!" turn in the appropriate direction and stop. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.
The game continues.
Guess what?
Children play in pairs.
The guys in each pair agree on which of them will start the game. The first child
comes up with a riddle story using the words: behind, between, around, near, inside. For example: “Name the object. It's behind you, inside the closet, between two dolls." The second child turns and visually looks for an object, and then names it. The roles change and the game continues.
Material. A blue sheet of paper and a circle (airplane) (for each child).
In front of each child on the table is a blue sheet of paper and a circle (airplane).
The teacher explains the task: “Of course, you know about air festivals in which
pilots take part. They show aerobatics. And we will be pilots today. And the circle will become an airplane. Put it on the landing field - a blue sheet of paper - at the bottom of the sheet. The plane quickly rises up, but falls sharply down. Where is the plane? (Bottom.) Now it flies to the upper right corner. Where is the plane now? And so on. Children change the route according to the instructions of the teacher and, answering his questions, say where the plane is (in the center, on the right, etc.).
Complication. The teacher does not give direction, but notes that the plane flies, flies, flies, and suddenly asks: “Where is the plane? Who has the plane there?
Children stand in a circle, hands down. The teacher reads a poem:
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
They tell us to knock the clock,
They hung up the clock for us,
It immediately became fun ...
As soon as the teacher begins to read the quatrain, the children bend their elbows,
lift them up and in the rhythm of the poem make torso and head tilts to the right and left. When the poem ends, the children throw up their hands. An important condition: it is necessary to complete tasks exactly in the rhythm of the verse. Tilts are performed in any direction.
Note. The poem is read by an adult, the children do not repeat the words after him, otherwise their breathing will be disturbed.
Get up where I say
Material. Cards.
Children (7-8 people) stand in a certain order in accordance with the instructions of the teacher. For example: “Tanya, stand next to me. Oleg will stand next to Tanya, Vasya in front of Tanya, Olya between Vasya and Oleg, Masha will stand behind Oleg.
In conclusion, each of the guys is asked to answer the question: “Where are you standing?” If the children find it difficult, the teacher gives a sample answer: "I stand behind Oleg and in front of Tanya."
The game can be repeated with other children.
Note. Answer the question "Who stands where?" children who do not take part in the
game can. They can also give tasks to the players. The teacher makes sure that during the
repeated game, the children do not repeat someone else's location and answer questions in different ways, using the words: in front of, between, near, next to.
The teacher asks the children to “draw a picture”. Together they come up with a plot: “At the
dacha”, “In the park”, etc. Then everyone talks about the intended element of the picture, explains where it should be in relation to other objects, using the words: below, above, left, right and etc.
The teacher fills in the picture with the elements proposed by the children, drawing them with chalk on the blackboard or with a felt-tip pen on a large sheet of paper. In the center you can draw a house (the image should be simple and recognizable), at the top on the roof - a pipe. There is a ball in front of the house. And so on. In conclusion, you can invite the children to come up with a story about what they saw in the park or in the country, using the words: left, right, above, between, etc.
Three, thirteen, thirty
Children stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. Using the rhyme
, the leader is selected:
One, two, three, four, five.
We can't count our friends.
Life is hard without a friend,
Get out of the circle as soon as possible.
Leader stands in the middle of the circle.
If he says "Three!" – all players should spread their arms to the sides, to the word
“Thirteen!” raise your hands up to the word "Thirty!" put your hands on your belt.
The host quickly calls out any of these three numbers. Players must perform
the appropriate move. A child who makes a mistake takes a step back. The winners are the children remaining at the end of the game in their original place. The facilitator can draw out the words, for example: “Three-and-and…”
Players need to be careful and follow the end of the word.
Games to reinforce temporary representations
Say the missing word
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
The facilitator starts a phrase, for example: “The sun shines during the day, and the moon ...”, and throws the ball
to one of the players. He, having caught the ball, adds the missing word. Now the child with the ball in his hands becomes the leader
Tasks can be varied: “In the morning I came to kindergarten, and returned home…”, “If Monday was followed by Tuesday, then after Thursday…”, “If yesterday was Friday, then today…”, “Every Sunday we go to to the cinema, and yesterday we also went. What day of the week is today?”, “Winter is replaced by spring, and what season will replace spring?”
The content of tasks may include concepts: parts of the day, seasons, months, days
weeks. The teacher encourages original tasks proposed by the facilitators.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
A teacher is standing in the center of the circle with a ball in his hands. He throws a ball to one of the guys and
begins the sentence: “We sculpted a plasticine bunny - when?” The child who caught the ball completes the phrase by answering the question.
Sample phrases: “When was the physical education class? (Yesterday.) When will the music lesson be? (Tomorrow. ) When will we do mathematics? (Today.)
Parts of the day
Material. Paper squares: yellow, red, blue, black; 4 hoops.
Four hoops lie on the floor at a short distance from one another, inside each hoop
a square of a certain color, denoting a part of the day: yellow - morning, red - day, blue - evening, black - night.
The teacher reads poetry, invites the children to stand in a hoop near that part of the day that was earlier (later) than that referred to in the poem.
I came to you with greetings
Tell that the sun has risen.
That it is a hot light
It fluttered through the sheets.
A. Fet
It will happen on a sunny day
You will go deeper into the forest.
Sit down, try the stump,
Take your time. Listen.
Ya. Akim
Bright twinkling of stars
In the blue of the sky,
Radiance of the moon
Falls on the forest.
V. Nikitin
It shines merrily
A moon over the village,
White light sparkles
A blue light.
V. Nikitin
After completing the task, the teacher asks the children to answer the following questions:
– What part of the day is described in each poem?
– How can you call it in one word: morning, afternoon, evening, night? (Day.)
The game is played several times with a change in the task.
When does this happen?
Material. Ball.
Children stand in a circle.
The teacher asks: “Do you know when vegetables or fruits are harvested? (When are there many yellow leaves
? When do icicles appear on the roofs of houses? And so on.) And now we will play. I throw the ball and name the season, and the one who catches the ball answers what happens at that time of the year.
For example, the teacher says: “Spring”, and the child who caught the ball answers: “Thawed patches have appeared”. The guys standing to the left and right of him add what else can be at this time of the year: “The day is getting longer”, “Birds are flying”.
The ball is returned to the teacher and the game continues.
Live Week
Material. Cards with numbers from 1 to 7.
1st option. Cards with numbers from 1 to 7 are shuffled and laid out on the table
face down. Each child takes one card. Children line up in order according to the numbers on the cards. They are the days of the week. The first child steps forward and says, “I am Monday. What day is next? The second child steps forward and says, “I am Tuesday. What day is next? And so on. Children not participating in the game can give tasks to the "days of the week":
- Tuesday, name the days off.
– Wednesday, what days of the week do we not go to kindergarten? And so on.
2nd variant. Children are divided into teams of seven people. Each team has its own
table, on which are cards of a certain color with numbers from 1 to 7 face down.
Children run around the room. At the signal of the teacher, they run up to their table, take one
card each and line up in order in accordance with the number and color of the card. Children,
who were left without cards, give tasks to the "days of the week":
- Come forward and name the days of the week that come before Friday (after Tuesday; between Wednesday and Sunday, etc.).
- The seventh day, name yourself and say in which fairy tales the number seven occurs.
- The third day of the week, name yourself and remember the proverbs with the number three.
Complication. "Weeks" are built from any day of the week.
Catch, throw, name the days of the week
Material. Flashcards
Children stand in a circle. With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen:
One-two, one-two, one-two-three,
Speak after me.
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
I'll go to visit my grandmother,
And on Thursday and Friday
The path to the house is rolling,
After Saturday - Sunday,
On this day they give cookies,
One-twoone-two, one-two-three,
Repeat the whole rhyme.
The host throws the ball and calls any day of the week: “I will start, you continue, call the days of the week - Tuesday.” The child, having caught the ball, names three days in a row: “Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ...” and throws the ball with the words: “I will start - ... (names any day of the week)”. The game continues.
Which word fits?
The teacher asks the children various questions, for example: "The month of winter is ...
(lists a number of any months, but there should be a winter month among them) - October, September, November, February."
Children, hearing the name of the winter month, answer: "February".
– Is the season… (morning, evening, afternoon, autumn)?
– Is the month of summer… (April, March, May, June)?
– Is the time of day… (winter, summer, autumn, night)?
– Is the month of autumn… (June, July, August, September)?
Twelve months
Material. Cards with numbers from 1 to 12.
There are cards with numbers from 1 to 12 face down on the table.
The players take one card at a time and line up in order according to the numbers on the cards. Each child is one of twelve months.
The teacher asks questions:
– The first month of the year, what is your name? Second?
– June, what months are you between?
– October, what month of the year are you?
The cards are returned to the table, shuffled, the game is repeated.
Complication. The teacher asks the “months” questions:
– April, in what fairy tales does your month appear?
- September, name the fairy tale in which your season occurs.
- February, remember the proverb about your season.
- December, come up with a riddle about your season.
What time is it?
Material. Clock with arrows (for each child).
The teacher names an hour. Children on their watches show the corresponding time
and explain where the hands are.
Option. The teacher puts arrows on the dial of his watch and asks: “What time is it?” Children set the same time on the dials of their watches, answer what time it is, and show their watches.
Complication. You can ask the children the question: “What are you doing at this time?”
Match a pair
Material. Cards with clocks that show different times.
The game is played with a small group of children. Players take one card each and call
the time on the clock shown on the card. Then each child finds a mate - a child who has the same time on the clock.
The teacher invites children to solve riddles:
– What cannot be returned? (Time.)
- It flies fast, but you can't catch up with it. (Time.)
Year round
Material. Flashcards
Children stand in a semicircle. With the help of a counting rhyme, a leader is chosen:
In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
I am for you, my friends,
I am making pies.
I need to bake them quickly.
You will go and heat the oven.
The facilitator throws a ball to one of the players and asks: “January - what is the month of the year?” The child who caught the ball answers the question. If the answer is correct, then he becomes the leader and asks his question to the players. (An adult helps in the selection and formulation of various questions.)
– In what month does the year end?
- Name the autumn months. Name the winter months.
- What is the month after October?
- Name the month between May and July.
- Name the longest months of the year.
– What month is your birthday? Your mom's birthday?
– What month is your favorite holiday?
- How many months are there in a year? What holiday happens in January?
Application. Play equipment
1. Cable car (for fixing numbers within 10). Attach 10 circles or squares to a thick rope or rope at a distance of a child's step from one another, on which numbers from 1 to 10 are indicated on one side and dots on the other.