Number practice for preschool
40 Awesome Number Activities for Preschoolers
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16 Dec
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Number activities for preschoolers don't have to be boring and just worksheets, make them fun so your preschooler will love math!
I love math. I’m a nerd, yes. But I love anything to do with numbers.
I really do hope I can pass this along to my kids by making learning activities about numbers and counting fun for them and not a chore.
As I’m typing this, Henry’s shouting excitedly as he’s counting how many things on his sprayer…though I’m not really sure what he’s counting exactly. He made it to 39 though!
Because I’m a huge math nerd I searched for easy and fun number activities for preschoolers.
My Favorite 40+ Number Activities for Preschoolers!
Try these activities to help preschoolers learn their ABCs!
Recognizing Numbers Activities for Preschoolers
Identifying numbers can be a learning experience for preschoolers (and younger!). Many of the ABC recognition activities can also be adjusted for numbers.
My kids love these 12 number activities for preschoolers to recognize numbers.
- Turn a number into sensory art – perfect for the 100th day of school!
- Go on a hunt for numbers and match it with the same number!
- Follow a number from start to finish in a maze.
- Trace numbers, really big!
- Little Family Fun created a parking lot with numbers.
- Pop! Find the number and pop it!
- Find and match playing cards.
- Have target practice with water balloons and numbers, like Motherhood on a Dime
- Make art! Do this paint by number canvas art.
- Use stickers and printable number cards to play hide and seek, from Teach Mama.
- Draw and paint over numbers with q-tips, like Toddler at Play!
- Clip and match with giant numbers from You’ve Got This Math!
Activities for Number Recognition
Counting Activities for Preschoolers
Learning there’s a sequence to the numbers and what comes next.
Try these 18 number activities to help preschoolers learn to count.
- Connect the dots! A simple past-time activity that reinforces the order of numbers.
- Upcycle a box into a puzzle of numbers!
- Create a maze of numbers to drive through. Can they count their way to the end?
- Stacking up boxes and counting how high you can go!
- Make a craft together with multiple pieces. Have your child do the counting!
- Count cars of a particular color while on the road, or semis, or vans, whatever suits their interest!
- Create a learning game with your ABC mat and number blocks. Choose a number block and pound the corresponding times with a hammer on the corresponding number mat!
- Let your child run an experiment and measure how much something holds! How many cups fit?
- Make puzzles with a picture. Label sections of the puzzle in numerical order. Cut apart and have your child put it back together again, from Growing in PreK.
- Use friendly animal crackers to practice counting and number recognition, like I Can Teach My Child.
- Measure objects (or yourself!) and count how big they are, from The Imagination Tree
- Count objects around the house. No Time For Flash Cards wants to know “How many doors do you have?”
- Play any board game, or make your own! Little Family Fun creates a fish race game!
- Count with LEGO! Do Play Learn likes to label a paper with numbers and count out the LEGO next to it.
- Snack time! Use dice and fruit snacks and play until you eat them all up, like Kids Activities Blog.
- Have a bean bag toss on the stairs, number them!
- new
- new
Counting Activities for Preschoolers
One to One Correspondence Activities for Preschoolers
Knowing your numbers is one thing and knowing how to count is another. But being able to put them into context that they each have meaning is done with one to one correspondence.
Get ready for preschool with 35 name activities!
I love these 12 number activities that help a preschool practice one to one correspondence.
- Head out into nature and explore flowers. Count and compare flower petals!
- Go on a hunt for a number and match it to its corresponding dots.
- Build towers of blocks on a number mat, with the correct number of blocks high!
- Spark your child’s interest with their interests! A farming approach of loading grain bins with the corresponding number of pieces of “grain.”
- Have a newspaper throwing game and count up the newspaper balls, or how many you make, or miss!
- Make something in the kitchen together, or do an experiment and let your child measure out and do the counting.
- Sort through objects by color, and count how many you have of each!
- Fill a dump truck with objects (like Dominoes!) and count how many you can fit in there, like Inspiration Laboratories.
- Estimate first for some fun and then count item, from Teach Preschool.
- Have a counting race in the front yard and pick dandelions in the process!
- Roll a die (or two!) and practice one to one correspondence as kids build towers with blocks.
- Use a dice and small objects (like pom poms or corn kernels) and count them and fill up a tray.
One to One Number Activities for Preschoolers
Counting and number books that will get preschoolers excited about numbers:
- The Baker’s Dozen: A Counting Book
- I Spy Numbers
- One Big Building: A Counting Book About Construction (Know Your Numbers)
Do you actively work on numbers and counting with your child? Share your favorite activities!
About Jamie Reimer
Jamie learned to be a hands on mom by creating activities, crafts and art projects for her three boys to do. Jamie needed the creative outlet that activities provided to get through the early years of parenting with a smile! Follow Jamie on Pinterest and Instagram!
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50+ Number Activities for Preschoolers
These number activities for preschoolers include many fun, engaging, and hands-on ways to explore numbers with young children. If you’re looking for math activities for preschoolers and kindergartners that focus on numbers, you’ve come to the right place!
Below, you’ll find a variety of preschool number activities to suit your needs. They let kids practice early math skills like number recognition, number formation, one-to-one correspondence, and counting. There are even a variety of number printables perfect for early childhood classrooms.
And all of the number activities take into account how young children learn. So the ideas encourage hands-on exploration with numbers and manipulatives.
Coming up, you’ll find all of the number-related activities from Fun-A-Day. I’ll keep adding to the list as I share more here with you, so be sure to pop back and check.
Table of Contents
Number Activities for PreschoolersClick on the links that interest you the most, and be sure to save your favorite ones! I’ve started a new Numbers Pinterest board if that’s where you like saving links.
These number activities will help you teach a variety of important early math skills, like:
- One-to-one correspondence
- Number identification
- Number formation
- Matching numerals to quantities
- Numerical order
- Skip counting
- Subitizing
We can’t talk about number activities for preschoolers without touching on counting, right? The links below can all be used to practice concepts like those listed above.
While each of these are different math skills, they’re very much interrelated. And, depending on the ages and needs of your students, you will focus on different ones with the following ideas.
Of course, there will be more coming in the future, and I’ll be sure to add the links then.
Preschool Number PrintablesAs promised, I also have some printables to add to this collection of number activities for preschoolers! While I’m not a fan of preschool worksheets, that usually only serve one purpose, I do rather like printables that can be used multiple ways.
In fact, I have over 40 number printables perfect for preschool and kindergarten classrooms! You can check them out by clicking on the link below:
Free Preschool Number Printables
Like the non-printable number ideas, these printables have been used with kids in both preschool and kindergarten. And they’re all great ways to explore early math concepts. Here are a few of my favorites:
- Rainbow Yarn Sensory Bin (with printable rainbow and gold ten frames)
- Printable Bat Emergent Reader (that’s all about counting bats)
- Snowman Roll and Cover
Okay, I’ll stop there. Since there are so many printable number activities for preschoolers, it’s best if you click through the link above. That way you can find just the right one for you and your kids!
Calendar NumbersOkay, okay. So I didn’t stop there. Because I wanted to highlight a subset of the number printables. And those are the calendar numbers!
I highly recommend that you grab a few sets for yourself. You can use the number cards in SO MANY ways! They’re super easy to prep, and the illustrations allow for some whimsy throughout the year. Click on the link below to check them out:
Calendar Numbers
I have quite a few more planned out for the upcoming year. So be sure to save that post, too. That way you can get your hands on them as soon as they’re ready!
What is Counting?Since I mentioned above the various skills these number activities for preschoolers can cover, I thought we’d chat a bit about what the terms mean.
We, as adults, tend to use the term “counting” to cover a few different bases. When it comes to early math, counting means determining the total number of items in a particular group.
Some examples of counting:
- Holding up a finger for each year in a child’s age and counting them out loud. “One, two, three, four.”
- Placing toy cars out on the table and counting them along the way.
- Looking at five kids in line and counting them 1 through 5, sequentially.
So counting includes both numbers and sets of items. And the understanding that the last number said is the total of the items in the group.
What is Rote Counting?If you’re here, you’re likely a teacher or caregiver of a young child. No doubt you’ve experienced said child practicing their counting (sometimes over and over and over again, right?!).
That’s rote counting – saying the numbers in order. Specifically, rote counting is reciting numbers in order (from memory). There are no specific objects being counted. The numbers are being said out loud in sequential order.
And, as with most things when it comes to young children, there are a few steps along the way to true rote counting. From toddlers saying, “One, three, nine . . .” to preschoolers counting to 20 but skipping 15, children work their way up to counting out loud.
What is One-to-One Correspondence?One-to-one correspondence is the understanding that every object in a group can only be counted once; that every number corresponds with a specific quantity. It can also be explained as matching one item to one corresponding item or number.
This understanding is developed with lots of playful practice, in many different hands-on ways. Some examples of one-to-one correspondence in early childhood:
- Putting a counting bear on top of a toy block – “I have one bear and one block!”
- Placing manipulatives in a ten-frame, one frame at a time, with only one manipulative per square
- Touching one toy at a time while saying the corresponding number out loud
- Moving beads on a string as they’re being counted
- Pointing to kids in line, one by one, and counting along the way
- Counting each time a child hops on one foot
Most of the number activities for preschoolers included in this post can be used for counting with one-to-one correspondence. The activities help children move from rote counting to rational counting.
Matching Quantities to NumeralsOne-to-one correspondence helps children learn that each number corresponds to a specific quantity. Using things like magnetic numbers or printable number cards can help kids move forward with corresponding quantities with numerals.
For example, you might place one of the calendar numbers on the table. It’s the numeral 5. Then your students can count out 5 Unifix cubes, one at a time, counting each one only once. So many early math skills are very much intertwined, so kids are exploring multiple concepts with each of the number activities for preschoolers.
Preschool Supplies for Exploring NumbersNow that we’ve delved into all the fun number activities for preschoolers you can try out soon, let’s chat supplies. You don’t really have to have a certain type of material to teach kids about numbers. In fact, that’s one of the great things about preschool math – you can use items on-hand or already in your environment.
But, if you are looking for some suggestions, I’ve got you covered (I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post):
- Jumbo number magnets
- Counting bears
- Unifix cubes
- Sandpaper numerals
Now you’ll have to tell me what YOUR favorite number activities for preschoolers are! Leave them in the comments below this post.
Let Preschool Teacher 101 make your teaching life easier with fully-developed, done-for-you preschool resources. That way you spend more time teaching and living your life, and less time planning!
We’ve got quite a few number-themed math resources that your students will love! They help support your math lessons and allow kids to practice number skills. Click on the images below to read more about a few of our resources:
Fine Motor Numbers: DotsNumber PuzzlesRainbow Writing NumbersNumber Fluency StripsAnd be sure to check out The Pack from Preschool Teacher 101, a membership for preschool teachers just like you. With over 100 lesson plans, over 130 supplemental resources, editable templates, trainings, and more . . . The Pack can save you a ton of time!
You can also find us on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Numerical knowledge in early childhood
Katherine Sophian, PhD
University of Hawaii, USA
(English). Translation: June 2015
In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of studies on the knowledge of numbers in young children. The focus of these studies is a wide variety of abilities and ideas, ranging from the ability of infants to distinguish between groups containing a different number of objects 1.2 , to understanding by preschoolers of numerals (words denoting numbers) 3.4 and counting 5.6, 7 , as well as the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction 8.9 . nine0008
The study of young children's knowledge of numbers lays the foundation for setting standards for preschool education 10 and for developing a work program in mathematics for preschoolers 11,12,13 . In addition, mathematical knowledge acquired at preschool age influences further school performance and career choice in the future 14 . An analysis of school performance predictors based on data from six longitudinal studies found that children's math skills at school entry are more predictive of later school performance than reading skills, attention span, or socio-emotional skills 15 .
Numerical literacy is basically about understanding that numbers represent different things. Accordingly, studying how number literacy develops in early childhood leads to an understanding of how children come to understand the basic quantitative relationships that numbers and other types of quantities have in common, as well as the properties of numbers that distinguish them from other types of quantities.
Scientific context
Piaget's classic study of logico-mathematical development examined how children understand the general properties of quantities, such as seriation and the preservation of equivalence relations under certain kinds of transformations 16 . However, J. Piaget believed that this kind of knowledge appears with the development of concrete-operational thinking in children at the age of 5-7 years. Subsequent research 17 showed that young children have more numerical knowledge than Piaget admitted; and modern research indicates that babies have a wide range of abilities to operate with the numbers 18 .
Key Questions
According to the authoritative though controversial view presented in the modern literature on early number abilities, the brain is "hard-wired" for the number 19.20 . In support of this idea, the ability babies and animals distinguish between the number of objects 21 . However, critics of nativist views on numerical knowledge (the philosophical doctrine that the brain is born with ideas/knowledge) note that mathematical thinking undergoes continuous changes in the course of development, that the concept of number is slowly differentiated from other quantitative dimensions 22. 23 , and numerical knowledge that appears at an early age is contextually determined 24 . Moreover, accumulated evidence suggests that language 24 and other cultural products and practices 25.26 make a huge contribution to the acquisition of numerical knowledge by young children.
Recent research results
Numerical knowledge in infancy
One of the most actively developing areas of modern research is devoted to the ability of infants to operate with numbers. Kobayashi, Hiraki and Hasegawa 1 used the discrepancy between visual and auditory information about the number of objects in a group in order to assess the ability of six-month-old children to distinguish between quantities. They showed babies objects that made a sound when they hit the surface, then dropped two or three objects behind the screen so that the babies heard the sound of each falling, but did not see the objects themselves. After that, they removed the screen, and the correct or incorrect number of objects was revealed to the gaze (3 if there were 2 impact sounds, and vice versa). Infants stared longer when the number of objects did not match the number of sounds they heard, suggesting that they were able to distinguish two objects from three. Other studies show that six-month-olds are able to pick up quantitative differences between more items, as long as they are significant. Six-month-old babies distinguish 4 from 8 27 and even 16 from 32 28 . However, if the difference is reduced (for example, 8 and 12), six-month-old babies are wrong 29 , and older children are more successful 2 . Thus, with age, infants develop the ability to distinguish between quantities more accurately.
Young children's knowledge of number relationships
Since numbers represent a quantity, basic knowledge about numbers is related to understanding that numerical quantities enter into equal and greater/less than relationships 30 . Research on infants reveals a surprising fact: for preschoolers, an important developmental achievement is their ability to compare groups of objects numerically, especially when this entails the ability to ignore other differing features.
For example, K. Mix 31 studied the ability of three-year-old children to quantify sets of 2, 3, or 4 black dots. The task was completed with ease when the objects that the children had to match with the dots looked like them (for example, black disks or red shells about the same size as the dots). However, the success of the task fell when the objects differed from the points in shape (for example, figurines of lions or objects of different appearance). nine0008
Muldoon, Lewis and Francis 7 studied the ability of four-year-old children to evaluate the numerical ratio of two rows of blocks (with 6-9 blocks per row) in conditions where the length of the rows is deliberately misleading, i.e. when two rows of different length contain the same number of elements or two rows of the same length contain a different number of elements. Most of the children relied on row length comparisons rather than element counts. However, after three training sessions, the results improved, especially in those children who were asked during the training to explain why the rows are equal or unequal numerically (the fact that the rows are equal or unequal, they were informed by the experimenter). nine0008
Unexplored areas
While experimental data on early childhood numeracy is growing exponentially, the lack of a general theory that unifies the full spectrum of empirical findings limits our understanding of how the various data already collected fit together. with each other, and what questions still remain unanswered. In the literature on infancy, for example, competing hypotheses have formed the basis of numerous studies in recent years, but their results have not smoothed out the existing theoretical contradictions. When putting forward theoretical propositions, scientists must be aware of the results of all other studies, and their theories must be formulated so precisely as to allow empirical testing. nine0008
In addition, researchers need more information about the processes that lead to the development of number understanding at an early age. We know that many environmental factors affect the performance of young children, ranging from culture and social class 32 to parent-child relationship patterns 33.34 and teacher-child relationship 35 . At the moment, science has little information in terms of volume, mainly from experimental studies with training 7,25,36 , about how a particular experience changes children's numerical thinking. Particularly useful would be those studies that provide summary data on (a) children's daily experiences with numbers and how these experiences change with age, and (b) the experimental impact of such experiences on a child's thinking.
The available research on how number knowledge develops in childhood supports four general conclusions that are of great importance for practice and administrative directives. First, the development of knowledge about numbers is multifaceted. Numerical literacy in early childhood is much more than just counting and basic arithmetic. Second, despite the evidence that infants already have the ability to recognize numbers, age-related changes are continuous. When comparing children of different ages, older children almost always perform better. Thirdly, variability is also ubiquitous. All children deal with different problems with numbers 9 in different ways.0014 37 , resort to different arguments when operating with numbers in various situations 3 and even give different answers when performing the same task in different attempts 5.38 . And, finally, the progress of children in the development of numerical knowledge is very susceptible to external influences. The success of the development of children's numerical knowledge is influenced by non-learning activities, such as board games 25 , specially organized, experimental activities aimed at explaining numerical relationships to children 7.
36 , as well as the forms and ways in which parents 33.34 and teachers 35 tell children about numbers.
An important contribution of early childhood numeracy research to practice and administrative guidelines is that its results can help to adjust the goals that are set for teaching preschoolers mathematics. Since the development of numeric knowledge in early childhood is multifaceted, the goals for educational programs should be much broader than simply teaching children numeracy and basic arithmetic. Numbers, like other quantities, are characterized by relations of equality and inequality. At the same time, numbers differ from other quantities in that they are based on the division of the total number into elements. Learning activities that encourage children to think about the relationships between quantities and how those quantities are affected by transformations such as division, grouping, or regrouping can speed up children's learning of these concepts. Due to the diversity and plasticity of young children's numerical thinking, curricula at this stage have great potential to increase children's knowledge of numbers. nine0008
- Kobayashi T, Hiraki K, Hasegawa T. Auditory-visual intermodal matching of small numerosities in 6-month-old infants. Developmental Science 2005;8(5):409-419.
- Xu F, Arriaga RI. Number discrimination in 10-month-olds. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 2007;25(1):103-108.
- Mix KS. How Spencer made number: First uses of the number words. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2009;102(4):427-444.
- Sarnecka BW, Lee MD. Levels of number knowledge in early childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2009;103(3):325-337.
- Chetland E, Fluck M. Children’s performance on the ‘give-x’ task: A microgenetic analysis of ‘counting’ and ‘grabbing’ behavior. Infant and Child Development 2007;16(1):35-51.
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- Canobi KH, Bethune NE. Number words in young children's conceptual and procedural knowledge of addition, subtraction and inversion. Cognition 2008;108(3):675-686.
- Sherman J, Bisanz J. Evidence for use of mathematical inversion by three-year-old children. nine0078 Journal of Cognition and Development 2007;8(3):333-344.
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- Feigenson L, Dehaene S, Spelke E. Core systems of number. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2004;8(3):307-314.
- Sophian C. Beyond competence: The significance of performance for conceptual development. nine0078 Cognitive Development 1997;12(3):281-303.
- Sophian C. The origins of mathematical knowledge in childhood . New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2007.
- Mix KS, Sandhofer CM, Baroody AJ. Number words and number concepts: The interplay of verbal and nonverbal quantification in early childhood. In: RV Kail, ed. Advances in child development and behavior .vol. 33. New York, NY: Academic Press; 2005:305-346.
- Ramani GB, Siegler RS. Promoting broad and stable improvements in low-income children's numerical knowledge through playing number board games. nine0078 Child Development 2008;79(2):375-394.
- Schliemann AD, Carraher DW. The evolution of mathematical reasoning: Everyday versus idealized understandings. Developmental Review 2002;22(2):242-266.
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nine0078 Early Development and Parenting 1996;5(1):35-45.
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what games to play with children and other useful tips and links
Coronavirus book for children - READ
Don't panic! Seven psychological terms to help -
How to cope with negative emotions during self-isolation -
Psychological risks of a pandemic and self-isolation of children - https: //
Mental Health Guidelines
Psychological professionals in the education system have developed guidelines for parents and children to support mental health and well-being during the outbreak of coronavirus infection (COVID- nineteen) based on WHO recommendations. Recommendations -
Given the increased influence of psychological factors in interpersonal relationships during periods of self-isolation, extended holidays, and a number of other restrictions, additional the need for psychological assistance, including emergency.
This assistance can be provided by employees of the Children's Helpline 8-800-2000-122 .
The children's helpline has a website - and groups in social networks. On the main page of the site, the visitor will see a slider with the ability to select their age group - "children", "teenagers" and parents". Depending on the tab, the pages will tell about the most common problems that are addressed to the children's helpline. fears - being alone at home, getting a bad grade, going to the doctor
Adolescents are worried about exams, a critical attitude towards their appearance, conflicts with peers and parents, unhappy love
Parents deal with problems in the process of raising their children - the child does not obey, sits at the computer a lot, has contacted a bad company or does not want to study. The site allows not only to get acquainted with the list of the most frequently asked questions, but also to read the detailed answers of experienced psychologists to them.