Objects that start with the letter q
Objects that Start with Q
- All Nouns
- Animals
- Food
- Objects
- Places
- Plants
Starting with QA
- qat
Starting with QU
- quad
- quadrangle
- quadrant
- quadraphony
- quadruplicate
- quag
- quagmire
- quaoar
- quark
- quarrel
- quarry
- quarter
- quarterdeck
- quarterlight
- quarters
- quarterstaff
- quasar
- quat
- quay
- queen
- quern
- quickener
- quicksand
- quill
- quilt
- quilting
- quinine
- quipu
- quirk
- quirt
- quiver
- quoin
- quoit
All types of objects surround us. Whether the object is man-made or found in nature. In this following section, only man-made objects will be covered. Such as furniture that could be seen in everyday homes, clothing, electronics, and even plastics, something used in everyday life.
Furniture that start with Q
Quarterstaff: A long stout staff used as a weapon.
- A quarterstaff is a traditional European pole weapon and a technique of stick fighting.
Quill: A pen made from a bird’s feather.
- The strongest quills come from the primary flight feathers discarded by birds.
Quilt: Bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together.
- Quilts are distinguished from other types of blankets because they are pieced together from several layers of cloth.
Quiver: A case for holding arrows.
- Quivers were traditionally made of leather, wood, furs, and other natural materials.
Clothing that start with Q
Quarter: A piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp.-the rear part of a ship.
- Quarter can also be used to make leather bound books.
Electronics that start with Q
Quadraphony: A stereophonic sound recording or reproducing system using four separate channels.
- Some Quadraphony systems were based on discrete sound channels.
Quipu: Calculator consisting of a cord with attached cords; used by ancient Peruvians for calculating and keeping records.
- The quipu would use different symbols instead of regular numbers to record data on.
44 Amazing Things that Start with Q in English • 7ESL
What are things that start with Q? The letter Q is the seventeenth letter of the English alphabet which is pronounced as /’kju:/, similarly to cue or kew.
When using an uppercase letter, it is written as “Q”, while on lowercase letters, it is written as “q”.
Oftentimes, people especially kids mistakenly use Q and K since the starting sound of the letter is similar. It can be difficult for them to pronounce and spell words that start with the letter Q.
Table of Contents
Things that Start with Q
What are Things that Start with Q?
Teaching kids words that start with the letter Q can be difficult for both the teacher and the student. By selecting easy words that start with the letter Q, the kids can develop their understanding of how to use the letter, pronunciation, and spelling of words.
The things listed in this article are the ones that most of us have seen or have an idea of. These things can be household items, objects that you buy foods, domestic supplies, or cosmetics.
When you are starting to teach kindergarten and preschoolers, you can introduce four-letter words that start with the letter Q. Once they are familiar with the letter and how it is commonly used on words, you can now introduce them to other things that use the letter Q that sound differently when spelled.
List of Things that Start with Q
Objects that Start with L
- Quag
- Quirt
- Quagmire
- Quarry
- Quaoar
- Quay
- Quad
- Quarrel
- Quarterdeck
- Quadruplicate
- Quat
- Qat
- Quiver
- Quilt
- Quoit
- Quickener
- Quill
- Quipu
- Quadraphony
- Quarter
- Quirk
- Quinine
- Quern
- Quicksand
- Quarterstaff
- Quasar
- Quark
- Quadrant
- Quilting
- Quarterlight
- Quadrangle
- Quarters
- Quoin
Household Items that Start with Q
- Quilt
- Quiz game
- Q-tip (a cotton swab)
- Quarter-cup (1/4 in a measuring cup)
- Quince (a fruit)
- Quill
- Quiche (a French tart)
- Quiver (a quiver is a box for holding arrows)
- Qwirkle Board Game
Clothing that Starts with Q
- Quiksilver T-shirts
- Quilted jacket
Things that Start with Q with Meanings
There are a lot of words that start with the letter Q. Below are the few common names of things that we may use daily:
It is a bed covering made of layers of fabric that are stitched with a design to provide warmness.
It is slightly wet sand that sucks in the things that are placed above it.
A quill is a part of the bird’s tail feathers that are used by people to write during ancient times. The sharp spines of a porcupine are also called quill.
It is a system that produces stereophonic sounds using four channels.
It is a short-tailed bird that has brown camouflage color. It lays the small eggs which we eat regularly.
In Canada, a quarter is a coin that represents 25 cents, while in clothing, a quarter is a piece of leather that is used to cover the heels of a boot.
Originated from Mexico, it is a traditional dish that uses warm tortilla, cheese, and meat and vegetables as fillings.
It is a pear-like fruit that has an aromatic smell that belongs to the Rosaceae family. Usually, the ripened fruit is used to make jams, marmalade, or paste.
It is an ancient device used by the Inca in record keeping. Its parts such as cord and knot placement are all used to create a numerical reading.
It is a case used to hold arrows which are usually made of wood, leather, fur, and other materials.
Final Words
Now that we have an idea that there are a lot of words that start with the letter Q, it is now easy to teach children or those who are interested in learning more about the letter Q.
Things that Start with Q | Image
Categories Vocabulary, WordsEnglish-Russian dictionary in Q - site of Igor Garshin
English-Russian dictionary in Q - site of Igor GarshinEnglish-Russian: A | b | c | D | e | F | G | h | I | J | K | l | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | v | w | x | Y | Z
Russian-English: A | B | In | G | D | E, Yo | F | W | I, Y | K | L | M | H | About | P | R | C | T | At | F | X | C | H | W | Щ | E | Yu | I
Home: | Rus | Eng | Ita | Use | Esp |
Vocabulary English with the letter Q with translation into Russian. Total - 88 words.
- quack - quack, quack, medicine man, charlatan
- quackery - quackery
- quadrange - quadrant
- quadrilateral - quadrilateral
- quadruped - quadruped
- quadruple - four-piece
- quaff - drink in large sips
- quagmire - swamp, quagmire
- quail - quail
- quaint - strange, quirky
- quake - tremble, shake
- quaker - quaker
- qualification
- qualify - acquire a specialty, more precisely define, limit
- qualitive
- qualitively - qualitatively
- quality - quality, grade, dignity
- qualm - nausea, fear, doubt
- quandary - predicament
- quantify - quantify, quantify
- quantitative - quantitative
- quantitative assessment - quantitative assessment
- quantity
- quarantine - quarantine, quarantine
- quarrel - quarrel, quarrel
- quarrelsome
- quarry
- quart - quart
- quarter
- quarter - twenty-five cents, quartered, quartered
- quarterly - quarterly magazine published every three months
- quartermaster - quartermaster
- quartz - quartz
- quash - cancel
- quasi - as if
- quaver - quaver, trill, eighth note, tremble, vibrate
- quay
- queasiness - nausea
- queasy weak, nauseous, scrupulous
- queen
- queer - strange, suspicious
- quell - crush, crush
- quench - quench, extinguish, cool / dust /
- quenching - hardening /metal/
- querulous
- query - question, question, question
- quest - search, search item, search
- question
- question mark - question mark
- questionable - unreliable, doubtful
- questioning
- questionnaire - questionnaire
- queue - questionnaire
- quibble
- quick
- quick tempered
- quick witted - smart
- quicklime - quicklime
- quickly - quickly, soon
- quicksand - loose sand, quicksand
- quicksilver - mercury
- quid - pound sterling
- quiescent - motionless, inactive, at rest
- quiet
- quiet down
- quietly - quietly, quietly
- quiettude - silence
- quill - pen
- quilt - blanket
- quince - quince
- quinine - quinine
- quinsy - sore throat
- quip - eptgram, taunt, mock
- quirk - quirk
- quit - leave, leave, quit
- quite
- quits
- quiver
- quixotic
- quiz
- quizzcal
- quod - prison
- quondam - former
- quorium - quorum
- quota - quota, share, production rate
- quotation
- quotation marks
- quote quote
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Page updated 09/26/2022
English words beginning with the letter Q
Q is the 17th letter of the English alphabet. Some English words begin with it, remembering which you can significantly expand your vocabulary and communicate freely in a foreign language. Here are the most popular English words starting with the letter Q:
Online exercise
904 26 Complete Course03
- q
- and
- and
- and
- n
- q
- and
- a
- l
- and
- t
- and
- q
- and
- and
- s
- t
- and
- or
- n
- q
- and
- and
- c
- to
- q
- and
- a
- r
- t
- and
- r
- q
- and
- or
- t
- and
- q
- and
- a
- l
- and
- f
- and
- c
- a
- t
- and
- or
- n
- q
- and
- and
- and
- t
- q
- and
- a
- n
- t
- and
- t
- and
- q
- and
- a
- l
- and
- f
- and
Lesson words
- queen [kwiːn] queen
- quality [kwɒləti] quality
- question [kwestʃən]
- quick [kwɪk]
- quarter [kwɔːtər]
- quote [kwəʊt] quote
- qualification [kwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] diploma
- quiet [kwaɪət] quiet
- quantity [kwɒntəti] quantity
- qualify [kwɒlɪfaɪ] to qualify
Learn these words so that you can freely express your thoughts orally and in writing.