Patience activities for youth
Patience Activities for Kids, Activities & Games to Teach Patience for Preschoolers, Adults
Patience is a virtue that kids can be taught. We know that lecturing them about patience makes them impatient. So, try these eight hands-on activities and watch your child grow in patience
In today's fast-paced life, patience is a scarce commodity. Being patient and responding patiently to situations is a skill that most of us, especially children, struggle with. Nevertheless, it is an important life skill and must be taught to children from a very young age.
But, how to teach kids patience is a question that most parents do not have an answer to. It is not so difficult. We can teach our children to be calm, accommodating and understanding.
How to Teach Patience to Kids
While some children develop patience early, some need to be trained for a longer time. The thumb rule is that we should not expect kids, toddlers or preschoolers to start behaving like mature adults.
Here are a few interesting ways Pulkit Sharma has been teaching patience to his daughter.
Hands-on activities to teach patience to children
Some children are a little more energetic than others. Parents should not expect such a toddler or preschooler to be as patient as others around him.
If your child is a restless bundle of energy, then here are 8 activities that teach patience, and would keep him busy too:
- Catch the drizzle
- Await your turn
- Finger on the lips
- Pass the parcel
- Use creative waiting strategies
- Practice taking turns
- Engage your child in shopping
- Take up gardening
Teach patience to your child through 8 patience-building activities
1. Catch the drizzle
The next time there's a drizzle or light shower, ask your child to place a deep jug or bowl on the window-sill and wait for it to fill up with rainwater. Waiting for the entire vessel to fill will be an interesting way to teach your little one patience.
2. Await your turn
Teach your child that she cannot interrupt you when you are conversing with someone. This holds good even more while you are on the phone. Here's an interesting way of teaching this—when you are on the phone and your child needs to talk to you, then ask him to tap on your hand and you can tap his hand back. This means I hear you and I will get back to you once the call is over. This can be made a fun activity by practicing fake calls. It also makes for good pretend play.
3. Finger on the lips
Silence is an important part of patience. Therefore, it is a good idea to play what is called 'the silent game'. You can set a timer and tell your children to sit silently. Monitor them if they get fidgety and urge them to sit still. This can prove to be a true test of patience for your little ones!
4. Pass the parcel
Wrap a gift in multiple layers (as many as possible) and pass it on to your children. Ask them to take turns and unwrap the gifts slowly. This will teach your children to patiently wait until the last layer is unwrapped to finally take a look at the gift.
5. Use creative waiting strategies
You can teach your children various strategies whenever they are forced to wait patiently. You could tell your children to get their creative juices flowing by coming up with an interesting story or poem. They could also be told to sing a song while they wait. These strategies will ease the tension of waiting and teach your children patience.
6. Practise taking turns
You can set a timer or a sand clock and play games with your children. For example, if there is a toy that needs to be shared, then you could use the sand clock to teach one child to wait while the other plays with the toy. This can be a great lesson on patience.
7. Engage your child in shopping
It is never too early to teach your child how to shop at a grocery store. Engage him by asking him to make his own list.
The idea is to keep him occupied and keep his mind off the whole process of waiting while you shop. Making a list of his own will not only keep your 3-year-old busy but also help him learn the names of the vegetables and other items available in the store. The most trying time for children is waiting at the billing counter. The best way to handle this is to hand over the money to your child (under supervision, of course) and ask him to make the payment. Engaging your child in such activities is the key.
8.Take up gardening
Most of the activities our children engage in give results in a very short time. As a result, they start expecting everything to happen quickly. To avoid this and develop patience, engage your child in gardening, where his efforts will bear fruit slowly. Let him sow some seeds, water it every day, and see the sapling grow into a big plant.
The best way for parents to teach patience to children is to provide them with an environment that is not just stimulating but also predictable. Letting them know consistently what is expected of them in various situations and going through the rules repeatedly will help them learn how to exercise self-control and be patient.
20 Ways to Teach Kids Patience
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Patience is a life time lesson, which I’m learning more and more as a mom. I often find my kids being impatient, and I only need to look in the mirror to know where it comes from. I admit these 20 ways to teach kids patience is humbling and can be lessons that I need to hear as well.
If you are new to my character development series, I welcome you. Let me tell you a little bit more about these lessons. If you check out my character development tab, you will discover 52 character traits we work on throughout the year, which equals one word per week to focus on with your kids. Hovering over the tab will reveal all of the words. Each character trait has 7-9 lessons, so if you wanted to work on character daily, this can be an amazing resource. This year, I want to focus on cleaning up my series by presenting the lessons to you be compiling all of my lessons on a particular week, this week focusing on patience. In this series, you will find a word, definition, scripture to memorize, book lists and a number of activities and crafts related to the topic. I have also included links to other bloggers who have lessons on the trait. I hope you are inspired to work on character with your kids because being intentional in your parenting will help give great direction to both you and your children.
Patience Word Ring
Patience “I Will…” Statements
Teaching Patience to Kids on Road Trips
Teaching Kids to Have Patience While You are on the Phone
A Moral Story and Apple Tree Craft About Patience
Teaching Kids to Sit Still and Have Patience
Learning Patience Through Games
“Be Patient” Song and Play-Doh Snails
Teaching the Three P’s
The Patience Game
Books About Patience
6 Hands-On Activities that Teach Patience
The Untangle Game
Easy Games that Encourage Patience
Pom Pom Blowing Game
Fine Motor “Patience Building” Activities
“Patience, Please” Game
Everyday Life Activities that Teach Kids Patience
Biblical Lessons in Patience
5 Ways to Teach Kids Patience
Filed Under: Character Building, Uncategorized Tagged With: character development, Patience, teaching kids to be patient, teaching patience to kids
Wife of the perfect partner for me. Mother of Three. Lover of fun, creativity, cooking, adventure, puzzles, games, family but most importantly Jesus. I run the blog Meaningful Mama. The heart of my blog is the character development series for teaching kids. The icing on the top consists of parenting tips, crafts, recipes, cakes and more. Read more...
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Guide for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs): Support for College and Graduate Students with Cancer
This information will help you learn how to get support as a college or graduate student with cancer. It also provides a list of helpful resources regarding the support offered by MSK and other organizations.
Cancer can cause a wide range of physical, emotional and mental side effects. Coping with these side effects while still attending classes, completing assignments, and preparing for exams is very difficult. The decision to continue studying or take a sabbatical is yours. Discussing with your healthcare team what to expect from your treatment can help you make a decision.
If you choose to continue your education, there are many services available to help you combine your treatment with your studies.
back to top of pageRights of students with cancer
As a student with cancer, you have rights under the law. This law is called the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). You may not consider your cancer diagnosis or treatment a disability. But according to the ADA, if you apply, the school is required to provide you with additional assistance and services.
Among other things, you may be:
- given more time to complete tasks;
- help with note-taking, for example, having someone take notes for you during class;
- create special conditions for testing and give extra time when passing exams;
- provide transportation services on campus;
- create a flexible class schedule;
- if necessary, allow to study remotely from home.
Protecting yourself and getting help
Here are some examples of how you can combine education and cancer treatment.
Talk to school staff
Talking to school staff will help you find out what services they offer. You can contact:
- Campus Help Desk (this service may be called differently by your school). There you will be told about useful resources that can help in the learning process. Ask employees what documents they need from you so that you can access these helpful materials and resources.
- ADA coordinator. Most federally funded public and private educational institutions must have an employee who coordinates the services required by the ADA. Among other things, the coordinator provides services for students with cancer.
Apply for benefits
Most schools require you to apply for benefits first if you want to use special services. This will allow you to explain what services you need to be successful in your studies. You will need to submit this request before the deadline set by the school, so try to do so as soon as possible.
Submit Documents
You will need to submit certain documents with your application for benefits. You may need an official medical report or a letter from your MSK medical team. Ask any member of your medical team for it. You may need to update this information every semester, depending on your symptoms and the services you need.
Choose activities that are right for you
You may also want to think about what environments or classrooms you would be most comfortable in. Here are some things to consider when scheduling and choosing classes:
- number of students in the group;
- schedule;
- number and duration of classes;
- convenience of the place where classes are held;
- online learning opportunity.
Sabbatical leave
Sometimes the side effects of cancer or cancer treatment can make it difficult to attend classes. In that case, it might be best for you to take a break from your studies.
If you decide to take a sabbatical, discuss this with your supervisor and with the financial department of the institution. Classes cannot be missed without permission. Each school has its own rules. To return to classes when you are ready, you must first do everything right.
Be patient with yourself and others
Remember to be patient in your cancer education and treatment routine. Side effects may prevent you from focusing on your studies. You may also find it difficult to get along with classmates or friends. Discuss with your friends and family how they can best help and support you during this period.
You can also seek support from campus services offered by most educational institutions, such as:
- mental health counseling and services;
- help centers for people with disabilities;
- training centers.
MSK Resources
Adolescent and Young Adult Program (AYA)
MSK's AYA program helps young people deal with their individual challenges during cancer treatment. Your healthcare team and special services participating in this program provide support in the following areas:
- life outside of cancer treatment;
- sexual health and fertility;
- resources for members of the LGBTQ community;
- work and attendance during cancer treatment;
- assistance in solving financial and insurance issues;
- mental health resources and advice;
- tips for managing the side effects of treatment.
For more information about the AYA program, email [email protected] or call 646-608-8336.
Young Adult Support Group
Our Young Adult Support Group is an online support group for young people aged 21 to 39 years old who receive treatment at the MSK center. The social worker brings up topics about the unique experiences of young people with cancer. For more information or to register, visit
Resources for Life After Cancer [RLAC] Program
Our RLAC program offers counseling, support groups, educational materials and advocacy services for cancer survivors and their families. For more information, call 646-888-8106 or send an email to [email protected].
For more information about our other programs and support services, see Support Resources for Teens and Young Adults.
back to top of pageScholarships for Students with Cancer and Survivors of Cancer
The SAM Fund
The SAM Fund is a financial assistance program for young people who have had cancer. Funds can be used for many purposes, including vocational training, education, and medical expenses (such as supplementary fees and fertility treatments). For more information call 866-439-9365 or 617-938-3484.
National Collegiate Cancer Foundation (NCCF)
NCCF provides need-based financial support to young cancer survivors who are educated while on treatment.
Patient Advocate Foundation
PAF offers a Cancer Survivor Scholarship program. Under this program, students with cancer or chronic diseases may receive scholarships to study.
Other Helpful Resources for Students with Cancer
Triage Cancer Quick Guide to Educational Rights and Financial Aid
This resource contains helpful information about your rights as a student with cancer.
Cactus Cancer Society Talk Series: Creating a Realistic Academic Plan
This video contains helpful tips for students with cancer.
American Cancer Society Campus Advocacy Center
The American Cancer Society (ACS) offers resources to help you protect your interests on campus.
"Digital Horizons" in the State Library of Kuzbass for children and youth
- Details
From June 6 to July 1, a free summer session on programming and robotics "Digital Horizons" was held in the State Library of Kuzbass for children and youth.
The shift was organized for 20 students of grades 7-9 of schools in Kemerovo who are fond of information technology. The classes were held in two areas: "Programming" and "Robotics".
At the programming classes, the participants of the summer intensive got acquainted with one of the modern and popular programming languages "Python". Under the guidance of teacher Viktor Mikishenko, the participants of the shift mastered the following topics of various levels of complexity, depending on the level of training of students: "Variables in programming", "Data types" and "Conditional operator".
In the classroom, students wrote programs for solving problems such as finding the area of geometric shapes, currency converter, solving algebraic fractions, calculating payroll taxes, solving a quadratic equation, etc.
For children with an “advanced level” of programming, more complex tasks were offered that are close to the real work of programmers, such as “finding the effective interest rate on deposits with capitalization” (banking sector), payroll taking into account the salary system, regional coefficient and tax deductions (accounting), etc.
At the robotics class, participants got acquainted and worked with the Arduino Uno microcontroller, learned how modern electronics work, figured out the concept of electricity and the basic principles of building electrical circuits.
Under the guidance of a teacher, several different devices were assembled and programmed in C ++, from a car traffic light and a police flasher to more complex ones, such as a potentiometer-based dimmer, a smart lamp, a car parktronic, etc.
Students learned how to work with a multimeter - measure various characteristics of electricity: voltage, resistance and current.
At the end of the shift, the participants shared their feedback on the summer intensive. Parents were very satisfied with the quality of the lessons and the presentation of the material:
“I'd like to share my impressions about the courses "Programming" and "Robotics". For several years, my daughter Zalata attends classes taught by Viktor Vitalyevich with great pleasure. He is a very competent teacher who knows how to see unique abilities in each of his students and develop them. Diligent, kind, polite, children respect him. Special thanks for the summer shift "Digital Horizons". This is a great idea to introduce beginners to the courses "Robotics" and "Programming", and those who are already familiar - to consolidate knowledge. I highly recommend continuing your studies in the new academic year. I am 100% sure that the courses will help our children in studying the school curriculum, preparing for the Unified State Examination and entering the university. Victor Vitalievich, thank you! From September we will definitely continue training! I wish you success!" - shared Oksana Korobanova.
“I express my gratitude for the summer shift at the course “Robotics and programming”. Viktor Vitalievich is a competent specialist who found an approach to my son and interested him in his studies. Danila is looking forward to September to continue his studies. Thank you once again for your work,” thanks Danila Tolstykh’s mother.
The children were very enthusiastic about the lessons:
“I took the shift because I wanted to learn something new. I liked the way the instructor explained the topics in detail. I had pleasant impressions about the teacher: sympathetic, patient, intelligent, charismatic. Will it be useful to me in later life, at school, at work? Definitely yes! And I want to continue classes, I highly recommend it to my friends, ”said Semyon Chaban, a student of school 92.
Programming classes are popular not only among guys, but also among girls.