Pre school learning words
Preschool Spelling Words & Vocabulary
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Time4Learning is an online student-paced learning system popular as a preschool homeschool curriculum, as an after school tutorial and skill sharpening during the summer break.
This page is a summary of curriculum topics, foundational skills and resources related to preschool spelling including information about:
- Preschool Spelling Curriculum
- Foundational Spelling Skills
- Preschool Spelling Words List
- Preschool Spelling Resources
- Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
In preschool, spelling words start with basic two-letter words. For example, a good starting point for preschoolers would be: AT, ME, BE, and IT.
Children then start to expand the list by working through “word families”. From AT, in preschool spelling, the curriculum, worksheets, and then spelling tests would cover BAT, CAT, HAT, and SAT. Also, they might vary the vowel and go to HOT. A list of preschool spelling words might start with MAD and include MAN, MAP, and MAT as well as DAD and SAD.
These very young children learn through spelling activities including many creative methods that make the preschool spelling program fun for them. Remember, every child learns at a different rate, so what works for some students may not be the best approach for your child. This is why so many parents enjoy Time4Learning’s student-paced curriculum.. You can skip lessons that teach concepts your child has already mastered and repeat those he or she has not. The choice is yours.
Foundational Spelling Skills
Spelling skills should develop as part of an overall language arts phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary and reading fluency, grammar, reading and writing program. Children should (with help from their parents) develop their foundational spelling skills through an interest in words, regular writing, constant reading, a study of spelling rules, and playing of spelling games
With help from their parents, children can develop and reinforce foundational spelling skills through the following activities:
- Regular writing for a head start on spelling, punctuation, and other concepts
- Constant reading or use of reading workbooks
- Frequent study of spelling rules like the relationships between letters and sounds
- Spelling bees for a fun way for your child to practice their spelling
- Playing of spelling games, quizzes or word games to help develop their spelling skills
- Structured computer spelling programs
- Personalized tutoring and assistance to boost confidence
- Setting daily blocks of time for spelling and reading activities
- Instruction through guided spelling activities like word sorts or word boxes
- Creating a rich language environment at home based on the quantity and quality of words spoken
Time4Learning teaches a comprehensive preschool spelling curriculum using fun activities to build a solid spelling foundation. Help your child excel in spelling by trying out our PreK demos.
Preschool Spelling Words List
What spelling words should your preschooler know? Here is a list of 50+ words that are great for use in spelling games, tests, or practice for an upcoming spelling bee. To add more value, download our PreK spelling list printable worksheet with +100 words!
- one
- two
- three
- at
- bat
- cat
- mat
- pat
- rat
- sat
- an
- can
- fan
- man
- are
- ask
- as
- or
- mom
- and
- us
- pad
- sad
- an
- can
- fan
- pan
- ran
- big
- dig
- fig
- pig
- wig
- fin
- in
- pin
- win
- bid
- did
- hid
- rid
- if
- her
- hi
- bye
- bee
- see
- cow
- how
- now
- bun
- fun
- run
- sun
- but
- cut
- gut
Preschool Spelling Resources
If you’re interested in preschool spelling lists or vocabulary words, you might also be interested in:
- PreK curriculum overview with a summary of key preschool learning objectives
- Detailed list of PreK language arts lesson plans
- Our lesson planning worksheet can help you estimate how many lessons to have your child do each day
Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
Welcome to Homeschooling Guide – Are you new to homeschooling? This guide was written by seasoned homeschoolers to answer some of the difficult questions new families often struggle with.
Curriculum Lesson Plans – An overview of the number of lessons that are included for each grade and subject. All students have access to at least 2 (and in most cases 3) grade levels of curriculum for each subject, so they can move ahead or review at their own pace.
Lesson Planning Worksheet – Wondering how many lessons to have your child do each day? Estimate the number of activities per day using this easy to use, printable worksheet.
Dolch Word List
[Home] [Back] [Dolch Preschool] [Dolch Kindergarten] [Dolch Grade One] [Dolch Grade Two] [Dolch Grade Three]
© Contributed by Leanne Guenther
From 50-75% of
all words used in school books, library books, newspapers, and magazines are in
the Dolch Basic Sight Vocabulary of 220 words (preschool thru Grade 3).
The Dolch word list is made up of "service words" (pronouns,
adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs) which cannot be
learned through the use of pictures.
In this section I've included a series of flashcards that can be printed and used to reinforce learning, the complete list of preschool words (see table) and some activity ideas for using the flashcards.
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 3 in color
Nouns 1
Nouns 2
Nouns 1 in color
Nouns 2 in color
Bingo Cards
Complete Preschool List
a |
and |
away |
big |
blue |
can |
come |
down |
find |
for |
funny |
go |
help |
here |
I |
in |
is |
it |
jump |
little |
look |
make |
me |
my |
not |
one |
play |
red |
run |
said |
see |
the |
three |
to |
two |
up |
we |
where |
yellow |
you |
Ideas for Using the Flashcards:
The flashcards can simply be held up, giving the child the opportunity to
read each one. But if you're looking for a more engaging activity, try
combining the Dolch flashcards with the noun picture flashcards for a variety of
activities (I've listed some suggestions here from simplest to hardest)
- have an adult arrange the flashcards to form a sentence.
- Read the sentence with/to the child
- Remove one of the dolch words from the sentence and put it back in the pile (you may want to make the pile smaller in the beginning to make the activity easier).
- Give the pile to the child and have them find the correct card to place back in the sentence.
- Re-read the sentence.
- have an adult arrange the flashcards to form a sentence, leaving one card out.
- read the incomplete sentence with/to the child.
- present between 2 and 5 cards to the child (one of them should make the sentence complete)
- have the child chose which is the correct card
- re-read the sentence with the card chosen.
Talk about whether it makes sense or not.
- provide the child with all or part of the pile of flashcards
- allow them to create their own sentences using the cards
- read the sentences with them and talk about what they've created.
- OPTIONAL: Have them glue their completed sentence to the bottom of a piece of construction paper and draw a picture of their sentence on the top. (author/illustrator of their own story).
Pre-school teaching English: teachers' advice
It is difficult to imagine a successful and wealthy person who does not know English. You can let your child explore on their own as an adult, or secure their future today. If you choose the second option, enroll your child in English classes at Aspect Kindergarten.
Foreign languages are given to children faster
The main task of a child at an early age is to study the world around him. He does not yet have life experience and is doing everything to get it. Parents call it “absorbs like a sponge”. The closer the beginning of training to the stage of formation of speech activity, the better the language is given later. It serves as a key tool for interacting with elders.
Please note! Children in Canada are bilingual since childhood: English and French. They do not experience discomfort during learning, knowledge comes by itself in a natural way. Our English classes in Kindergarten provide a bilingual environment.
English for preschoolers: features of the curriculum
English notes in kindergarten do not play a significant role. The language is learned in a playful manner: during creative and sports activities. First of all, the emphasis is on the formation of vocabulary using the TOP of frequency words. The words that appear most often in English speech. Children can speak fluently on everyday topics if their vocabulary contains 3,000 or more frequency positions. It is not as much and difficult as you think.
Please note! At the same time, it is important not only to name nouns to the child, but to form sentences from them so that he builds relationships and immediately understands the logic of the language. This will make it easier to understand the grammar later.
If you are unable to send your child to English classes in a kindergarten with native speakers, do your own selection of material. You can use the textbook for beginners "Hooray Starter" and educational games. Remember that a few hours a week are not enough to raise a bilingual child. Daily classes and maintenance of a bilingual environment are needed.
Enroll your child in Aspect Kindergarten
In Aspect Kindergarten, children are taught by native English speakers and professional teachers from Russia. Classes are aimed at:
- Formation of independent thinking . The program provides a smooth and painless transition from full parental care to independence.
- Bilingual . Our children enter school as bilinguals. They can already freely build sentences in English, get rid of the accent and have every chance to develop skills at the native level. It remains to continue deepening into grammar and regularly replenish vocabulary.
- Comprehensive development . It includes pre-school education, learning to write and read, the formation of artistic taste, the promotion of curiosity and physical development.
We accept children from 2 years of age. Instead of learning from notes, the child receives knowledge in a playful manner and creative presentation of the material. Even when it comes to spelling. Thus, it is possible to maintain the concentration of a person, despite the peculiarities of age.
Benefits of learning English at preschool age (4-6 years old) - CDT
Benefits of learning English at preschool age (4-6 years old)
“At what age should one start learning a foreign language? Will English interfere with the development of Russian speech in a child? Why do preschool children need a foreign language? - Parents quite often turn to our teachers with similar questions.
To clarify the situation, let us turn to the psychological characteristics of preschool children. At this age, the leading activity is play. This is a period of active development of thinking, it is not for nothing that they say about children at this age that they “absorb everything like a sponge”. Preschool children are actively growing interest in the world around them: people, plants, animals, objects, etc. Logical thinking develops: the child can compare objects with each other, find similarities and differences, highlight an extra object.
Taking into account the named psychological characteristics of preschool children, the learning process is being built. It should be mentioned that earlier acquaintance with a foreign language is undesirable if the child has an insufficient vocabulary of the Russian language or the ability to differentiate and classify is not sufficiently developed (for example, the child cannot separate vegetables and fruits, indicate small and large objects, etc. ). Gross violations of sound pronunciation in preschool children also do not favor the study of a foreign language.
As for the advantages of learning a foreign language at this stage, it should be noted that learning English at preschool age not only stimulates the development of the child's general speech abilities, but also lays the foundation for successful and unfettered communication in a foreign language in the future. In English classes, preschool children develop memory, thinking, and creative abilities.
In the classroom, the greatest importance is attached to the replenishment of vocabulary. Gradually, simple grammatical constructions appear in speech, which subsequently smoothly merge into speech (Good morning, Please give me ...) Taking into account the psychological characteristics of children of this age, the presentation of the material is carried out in the form of a game (puppet theater, staging fairy tales, role-playing games "Seller-buyer " etc.). Without noticing it, kids learn English and they like it!
Songs are often heard in our classes (a large number of fingerplays-songs are such American collections from the Wee sing series, where the texts are accompanied by a description of the movements that need to be done). Unfortunately, many parents are skeptical about the potential of this type of activity: “This is not choral singing, but English!” Along the way, I would like to challenge the erroneous opinion and note that children's songs in English contribute to the replenishment of the child's vocabulary, and also lay separate grammatical structures in his mind. And besides, it's fun! Songs, rhymes, fairy tales in a foreign language, computer games, cartoons (Magic English from Disney, where children repeat words, songs, phrases, answer questions) - all this makes the lesson more interesting and productive.
Let's sum it up
Children at this time have not just a colossal memory, but the most appropriate period for learning a foreign language, which in their life will no longer be ! It is at this age that a child can remember for a long time a lot of words, expressions without effort. This knowledge will be useful to him at school (he will not be “afraid” of a foreign language), which means that there will be an interest in learning English and, importantly, the child will feel confident!