Printable numbers for preschoolers
Number Preschool Printables - Preschool Mom
This page is filled with resources to help you teach your children numbers. You’ll find printable charts, games, minibooks, activities, crafts and more. Learning about numbers can be fun when you have the right resources! Students in preschool can begin by learning to count to 10, then 15, 20, and even 30.
Print & Drive Number Mats
This is a fantastic free set of Number Rhyme charts with a transportation theme. Children can drive their toy cars, trucks, and planes along each number while following the fun rhyming number formation.
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Number Worksheets 1-20
These fun counting worksheets have a multitude of key Preschool Math skills for your students including number formation, counting, tracing, number words, and more!
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Snap Cube Number Mats
This is a FREE set of snap cube number mats you can print from home. Each mat includes space to build, trace and write in the numbers from 0-10.
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Printable Number Chart
This is a full color printable number chart featuring silly creature faces for the numbers 1-10. This makes a great classroom chart or notebook page for children who have a daily binder.
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0-10 Preschool Number Worksheets
Each worksheet features number formation, ten frame, number word, tally marks, handwriting practice, count and color and ASL hand signs.
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Number Classroom Charts
A full set of Colorful printable charts you can hang in your classroom our use in children's notebooks. Each chart features a number character and a number word. Print on cardstock and laminate or mount to colored construction paper.
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Number Coloring Pages
A complete set of number coloring pages from 1-10. This set is great for young preschool children who might be learning their numbers for the first time. You might provide them with stickers or stamps to place the correct number on their page.
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Number Handwriting Worksheet Set
We have a great set of printable handwriting tracer pages for the numbers 0-10. These sheets will give your children lots of practice with each individual number. There is a small graphic to color in and a space for a sticker.
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Numbers Wordwall Words
This is a set of printable wordwall cards featuring the numbers 1-10. Each card includes a colorful visual alonside the number word.
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Buggy Number Counting Cards
We have an adorable set of buggy number flashcards on our sister site free!
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Number Bookmarks
Our Number bookmarks make great take home resources for your children. Print on cardstock and laminate for best results.
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1-20 Number Magnets are great for imaginative pretend play on any magnetic surface, discover all of the Numbers with this MagnaFun Wooden Magnet Set.
Includes 20 different wooden magnetic Numbers. You can always print our resources on magnetic paper to make your own resources too!
40+ Free Preschool Number Printables
These free preschool number printables will be a wonderful addition to your collection of number activities for preschoolers! They’re all very low-prep, so you can get to the math fun quickly.
You’ll find a variety of number printables below, from calendar numbers to printable dice games. So many items you can print out and use to teach important numeracy skills to your students!
You can pair the printable number activities with a variety of manipulatives of your choosing. This will transform the two-dimensional math fun into many hands-on learning opportunities for the kids.
Related: Math Activities for Preschoolers
Table of Contents
Free Preschool Number PrintablesWhile I’m not a big fan of preschool worksheets, I do like using interactive printables with the kids. They can supplement hands-on math lessons and let the children practice math skills. PLUS, number printables like those below can often be used in multiple ways. Multi-purpose and interactive is a win in my book.
I’ve broken the free math printables down into categories. This way, it’s easier for you to find what you’re looking for. I plan to keep adding to this collection, so be sure to save it and come back regularly.
Each link below leads to an individual free printable. You can get access to each of the counting printables through those individual links. To get the most out of this page, follow these steps:
- Take a look through the entire list.
- Make note of the printables you’re most interested in.
- Click the links to the printables you want.
- Grab the free printables through their links. Most often, that is near the bottom of each of the printables’ pages.
Okay, let’s jump into all of the free preschool number printables!
Free Printable Number Books for PreschoolersFirst, we’ll kick things off with printable counting books.
I love that these emergent readers can be used to explore both literacy AND math skills with children. They each come with multiple suggestions for using the books with your students.
Keep in mind, the printable number books can also be transformed into counting mats, too! As I mentioned earlier, I love printables that can be used more than one way.
Calendar NumbersNext up in our collection of free preschool number printables are calendar numbers. You can definitely buy calendar numbers pre-made in many teacher stores. But I’ve enjoyed making my own for a while now. In fact, I have quite a few ready to share with you as the year progresses. Below are the sets I have ready right now. They each contain numbers 0 to 35, and they’re sized to be used with traditional or linear calendars.
The calendar number cards can be used in SO many different ways, with a wide variety of materials. Kids can explore number identification, counting, number formation, and one-to-one correspondence with the calendar numbers.
Dice games are a must-have when it comes to free preschool number printables. Almost every child I’ve ever worked with (in preschool, kindergarten, and at home) has loved playing number games. You can use them to teach social skills like taking turns. AND there’s all of the math – subitizing and number identification, especially. All from one little printable.
You can let the kids color directly on these number printables, or you can make them reusable with dry erase pockets and manipulatives. Either way, your students will have a blast.
Oh, and I found a few more your kids might enjoy:
- Rainbow Roll and Cover
- Flower Roll and Cover Math Games
- Watermelon Math Game
So many math concepts can be explored through ten frames, right?! Depending on how you utilize them, you can teach number identification, counting, left to right and top to bottom progression, making ten, etc. And they’re pretty simple to turn into math games, too.
The above have been some well-loved ten frames with my students, and I have more coming later this year. So be sure to keep an eye out for those!
I couldn’t help myself – I had to go find a few more ten frames! Be sure to add them to your free preschool number printables:
- Dinosaur Ten Frames
- Ten Frame Gardening Printable
- Apple Ten Frames
- Halloween Ten Frames
- School Bus Ten Frames
I suppose this is the miscellaneous category!? These are the counting printables that are a wee bit different than the calendar numbers, books, dice games, and ten frames I’ve shared above. That doesn’t mean they’re any less valuable as tools for teaching about numbers though!
And just a few more to integrate into your number plans:
- Number Fluency Math Printable
- Dot Numbers 1 to 10
- Number Formation Rhymes
Now the big question is, which of the free preschool number printables would your kids enjoy the most?
Materials for Your Printable Number ActivitiesOne of the great things about the various printables shared in this post is that you really don’t need a lot of additional materials!
Here are some items I recommend when preparing printables for the classroom (I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post):
- Printer
- Laminator
- Scissors
- Dry Erase Pockets
- Stapler
And if you’re looking for some math materials to pair with the free preschool number printables, I’ve got you covered:
- Washable ink pads
- Buttons
- Pompoms
- Crayons
- Dry erase markers
- Unifix cubes
- Dice
Let me know what you and the children think after trying some of these printables!
Done-For-You Preschool Math ActivitiesIf you love the free preschool number printables, be sure to check out the math resources Preschool Teacher 101 has to offer. These are fully-developed packs we created to make your teaching life easier. They cover a variety of early math skills and keep the kids engaged and learning. Click on the images below to check them out:
You can also find us on Teachers Pay Teachers. Be sure to check out The Pack from Preschool Teacher 101 (and grab a free set of lesson plans while you’re there).
Teaching materials for preschoolers on topics
Unlimited number of worksheets and other educational materials for children.
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In this section you will see materials for the development of the child, which are divided depending on the subject. The choice of a topic is extremely important for preschoolers, because working with developmental tasks on a favorite topic will not seem boring for a kid. Considering the preferences and interests of the baby, turn the preparation for school into an exciting pastime. Learn and train the necessary skills of the child in a playful way so that the child does not have problems with academic performance in elementary school.
On the Wunderkiddy website, you can find materials on any topic that your child will love. Study the world of animals and nature, technology and transport, get acquainted with professions and much more. Make each developmental activity at home fun and informative so that your child does not find learning boring and uninteresting.
Try asking your child to choose an educational game to print using the demo image. In this case, you will increase the child's interest in receiving new information. Do not force children to regularly sit down and complete tasks in case of refusal. It would be more correct to postpone the lesson the next day, so as not to reduce the level of motivation of the preschooler to study.
From the first days of life, the baby gets acquainted with all the beauty of nature. During walks, the child hears many natural sounds around him: the singing of birds, the sound of tree leaves or the rumble of rain. Having matured, children begin to pronounce the first sounds and words, and then sentences. There are a lot of questions about the world around us and a great interest in nature.
You can get acquainted with the world of nature not only in the park or the courtyard of the house, but also at home. Developing tasks, games and manuals on our website will help parents satisfy their children's curiosity at preschool age. Print free materials on natural history to plunge into the mysterious world of natural phenomena together with your child, learn about plants and animals of distant lands, and study the features of nature.
Educational tasks on the topic "Animals" are suitable for the very first homework with kids. The animal world is fraught with a lot of informative facts and unique inhabitants from all over the world. Children begin to get acquainted with animals from birth, and bunnies or bears often become their first favorite toy, without which it is difficult to fall asleep.
The benefits of didactic games and worksheets with animals
Home activities with animal games will help your child develop speech, memory and thinking. At an early preschool age, children develop their speech apparatus, trying to repeat after a cow, cat or dog. Do not forget also about a number of advantages to print free assignments for preschoolers:
Technology and transport
The theme "Technology and transport" is one of the favorites among preschool children. The child daily observes the transport on the street, the work of equipment in the house and all sorts of mechanisms. Children show curiosity, they want to see what is contained, for example, inside an electric kettle or what the engine looks like under the hood of a car parked near the house. Developing tasks with transport and equipment are suitable not only for boys who study car brands and car parts, but also for girls who dream of going on a trip by ship or plane.
You can print free materials for the development of children to give your child the opportunity to learn letters and numbers in a playful way, develop speech apparatus, thinking and logic. Classes on your favorite topic will not seem boring for the child, so the baby will be able to escape from toys and cartoons and do exciting tasks. Download worksheets, didactic games, educational cards with equipment and vehicles that will bring a lot of joy and benefit to your child.
Vegetables, fruits and berries
Vegetables, fruits and berries are one of the main topics for developing activities with preschoolers. Free materials on this topic are useful for developing thinking, logic, fine motor skills and imagination. For children, we have prepared colorful educational tasks that will help you learn to count, distinguish colors, shapes and just spend a carefree childhood in a fun and useful way.
It's not always easy to print out developmental tasks for a baby. The choice of didactic games must be approached carefully, offer the child options and take into account his opinion. If the baby refuses, you should postpone the printout and try to return to it after a few lessons. Given the desires and mood of the children, it will be easy for parents to achieve positive learning outcomes.
Thematic sessions on the topic “Professions” will introduce the child at preschool age to what adults do at work, what duties they perform and how important it is to be diligent in one's work. From an early age, children form dreams and they know exactly who they want to become in the future. Boys more often dream of becoming firefighters or police officers, while girls plan to master the professions of teachers, cooks and hairdressers.
Working with developmental tasks on the topic of professions will be useful for enriching the baby's vocabulary, developing speech, thinking and logic. Free printable pictures for games and creativity in a fun way will open the world of professions to a preschooler, children will learn the features and attributes of each business. Developing didactic games also contribute to the development of attention and fine motor skills, and educational cards will help you better learn the material covered.
Food and drink
Food and drink activities will help your child develop creativity, imagination and decision making. Toddlers like to be independent at an early age, so not every child will want to complete the tasks. With the theme "Food and Drinks", learning turns into role-playing games:
- Educational games are designed more for the development of the imagination. Children will be able to present individual solutions to tasks, for example, compose a recipe for a dish or do table setting.
- Often tasks are connected with story games and the child will be able to adapt to solving problems and problems in a peer group.
- Math, writing, fine motor skills are much more fun to develop with tasks where you have to count sweets, color ice cream or put cakes on a dish.
For little lovers of sweets, the topic of food and drinks will become a favorite from the first lesson.
Cosmos, starting from preschool age, children are interested in its mystery. Numerous distant planets, space objects, stars and aircraft immediately captivate the imagination of kids. That is why the space theme can be used to attract the attention of children during developmental activities. Tasks about space can be used not only directly for studying the Universe, but also simply as material for training exercises in various directions.
On our site you will find a lot of materials that will help the child to form basic knowledge and ideas about the universe. Educational materials will not only introduce children to space, but also to everything connected with it. Print developing space tasks to contribute to the comprehensive intellectual development of the baby in the classroom:
Clothes are an integral part of our everyday life. Children use clothes from birth, and after the first year of life, they already begin to show their preferences about what they like to wear. It is at this time that kids should be taught to be neat and take care of their things, clothes and appearance.
On our site you will find educational games and tasks for printing, which will help to enrich children's knowledge about garments, to give an idea of its purpose. Activities in children's classes will teach kids to distinguish clothes in different categories:
Shapes and colors
One of the first cognitive skills that parents should teach children under three years of age is the ability to recognize and distinguish the shapes and colors of objects around. At the age of two, babies are already beginning to consciously pronounce words and be interested in the world around them, so you should start learning these concepts. This will be a great start to develop mental skills such as:
- logical and associative thinking;
- memory;
- speech;
- acquisition of basic mathematical knowledge.
The curiosity of preschool children has no limits. Exploring the nature around, kids are interested not only in animals, but also in small insects that buzz, crawl under their feet or fly. The variety of insects is no less numerous and amazing than that of animals. That is why children should discover the world of insects at preschool age, which is an integral part of nature, despite the tiny size of its representatives.
The study of insects is one aspect of wildlife exploration that children interact with from childhood and learn from the early grades of school. Developing tasks on our website will help you prepare and gain basic knowledge in a fun and accessible way. With their help, preschoolers learn about the lifestyle and body structure of insects, learn from childhood to treat even the smallest living creatures with care.
The development of a child from an early age should be comprehensive and take into account many areas of life. However, the knowledge of letters, numbers, the ability to read and count, the child can not quickly learn at an early age. Therefore, at this time, attention should be paid to the formation of children's ideas about the world around them. It covers many areas and one of them is the study of the seasons.
The change of seasons is one of the most important natural processes. Adults should explain to kids what this process means, in what sequence the seasons change and what are their main signs. You can start studying the seasons at the age of 1-2 years. In addition to illustrative examples that the child will observe on the street, we recommend using a variety of tasks for preschoolers: didactic games, demonstrative material, coloring books, worksheets.
Flowers and plants
From childhood, children should be taught to take care of nature. When getting acquainted with the plant world, the kids will understand that this topic is very interesting, because they will find answers to all their “Why?”
We advise you to start studying this topic at the age of 2-3 years, because it is during this period that babies show curiosity and ask a lot of questions about everything around.