Reading words for kindergarten
Kindergarten Sight Words to Know (With Free Printable)
kindergarten sight words examples
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If you're working with kindergarteners, a lot of your time will be spent helping them build language and reading skills. Sight words will be a primary focus of many of your lessons and activities. Use the helpful list of kindergarten sight words, along with related teaching tips, to help your students establish the strong language arts foundation they need to succeed in elementary school and beyond.
Dolch List: Basic Sight Words for Kindergarten
The Dolch sight words list is commonly used in elementary school classes. The full list contains more than 200 words, but not all of the terms are designed for use with kindergarten students. There are just over 50 (52 to be exact) kindergarten-specific sight words on the list. Those are the terms you should focus on when teaching basic sight words to kindergarteners.
Printable List of Kindergarten Sight Words
The printable list of the Dolch kindergarten sight words is colorful and visually appealing, so it works well as a handout to share with students. Young children are sure to enjoy reviewing and studying the list!
52 kindergarten sight words
Click to View & DownloadKindergarten Sight Words A-G
You may want to break the word list down into relatively small alphabetical groupings, starting with the ones that begin with letters "a" through "g."
- all
- am
- are
- at
- ate
- be
- black
- brown
- but
- came
- did
- do
- eat
- four
- get
- good
Kindergarten Sight Words H-P
If you're proceeding alphabetically, move next to the words that start with "h" through "p. "
- have
- he
- into
- like
- must
- new
- no
- now
- on
- our
- out
- please
- pretty
Kindergarten Sight Words R-U
The next logical division is the words that begin with "r" through "u."
- ran
- ride
- saw
- say
- she
- so
- soon
- that
- there
- they
- this
- too
- under
Kindergarten Sight Words W-Y
Finally, move to words that start with "w" through "y." Please note that the Dolch kindergarten sight words list doesn't include any terms that begin with the letter "z."
- want
- was
- well
- went
- what
- white
- who
- will
- with
- yes
Activities to Teach Kindergartners Sight Words
There are many ways to teach sight words to kindergarten students Whatever strategies you use, focus on helping students learn how to recognize and properly use sight words.
- Start with these lessons to learn kindergarten sight words, which focus on using flashcards, creating an animated movie and writing a song.
- Include some fun sight word games into your class, such as creating patterns with sight words or scavenger hunts to find hidden sight word flashcards.
- Challenge students to listen closely for sight words during storytime, and award prizes to the first student who raises a hand when a sight word is spoken.
- Assign students to come up with original sentences using certain sight words. Start with just one sight word per sentence, then make it more challenging by requiring two or three.
- Spur creativity by assigning students to work visual representations of one or more sight words into a drawing or other art project.
- Have students create a greeting card for a parent or other caregiver that features one or more sight words in the design or text.
- Challenge students to describe designated objects using only sight words. This can be a group, partner or individual activity.
- Read off a selection of phrases or sentences with sight words and ask students to ring a bell or hold up a card any time you speak one of their sight words.
- Host a sight word spelling bee, offering prizes to all students who make it through the round without misspelling any terms from the kindergarten sight word list.
- Engage in a round-robin storytelling game, with each student coming up with a sentence using a sight word. Go around the room in order so that the sentences form a story. Whether the story makes sense or not, it'll be fun and students will get to practice using their sight words.
Tips for Developing a Sight Words Lesson Plan
For teaching kindergartners basic sight words, you should consider putting together a lesson plan focused on sight words appropriate for their grade level. Be sure to remember to add the fun into the lesson plans along with structured lessons.
- Take a close look at the resources you have around you in the classroom. Come up with a few objectives and goals which you would like your kindergartners to accomplish.
- The next part of your lesson should specify how you intend to teach the reading and spelling of the sight words. Use some of the activity ideas listed above, as well as any other sight word games or teaching methods appropriate for the subject matter.
Before you know it you will have a rock-solid plan on how to teach your students about their basic sight words.
Building Langage Skills in Kindergarten
FREE Printable List of Kindergarten Sight Words & How to Teach Them
If you’ve got a child in kindergarten, you’ll want to get familiar with kindergarten sight words and learn how to teach your child to read & learn sight words.
As a child play therapist and teacher, I understand how important it is to understand what sight words are, as well as understanding which activities, games, and apps are best to use to teach them.
This post has been updated to include more Kindergarten Sight Word Resources for parents and teachers (like this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet).
Sight words are words that kindergarteners will see the most. Sight words are a commonly used term that usually refers to a set of words that reappears on almost any page of text.
Kindergarten Sight Words and How to Teach ThemThese high-frequency words are seen often. In fact, between 50-75% of your child’s text will include sight words from pre-primer & primer Dolch word lists.
What are sight words?
To become a great reader, children must master their sight words. It is essential to learn their sight words and to continue to practice them. Once your child has mastered them, it is time to move onto the next list.
Kindergarten sight word listWhen your child is looking at these words on a daily basis, they will learn them quickly. Repetition is the key to fluency (reading smoothly, without a lot of pauses), so practicing these words over and over will help to achieve that goal. Here is a FREE printable list of Kindergarten Sight Words (click here, and I will send you the list)
You are welcome to download this free printable sight word list to help your child prepare for kindergarten.Or if you really want the complete package, get this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet. As a child play therapist, I put this packet together so you can help your child learn sight words. You can print it over and over again to help your child learn his or her sight words.
How many sight words are there?There are 52 sight words that are typically taught in kindergarten.
The Kindergarten Sight Words are:
all, am, are, at, ate, be, black, brown, but, came, did, do, eat, four, get, good, have, he, into, like, must, new, no, now, on, our, out, please, pretty, ran, ride, saw, say, she, so, soon, that, there, they, this, too, under, want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, yes.
These are the 52 most commonly seen words in kindergarten level books. When a child is able to master those words, it not only makes it easier for them to read the words, it also improves their fluency or how quickly and smoothly they can read a passage.
To begin, simply introduce your child to the list (show your child, hang it up, read them).
Read all of the words to your child (every day) and explain that he will be learning a new word every day (or every other day). Be excited about it.
On day one, see if your child knows any of the words. If they do, put a sticker, a checkmark, or a smiley face to the left of the word (there is space for that). If not, that’s OK! He will.
Every single day, go over the new word, as well as the OLD words that they know. I start by going over the old words with the sticker and then picking a new word. I say it, spell it, say it again, and ask my child to repeat it.
During the day, we will talk about that word and go back to the wall where it is hanging to look at it. I do this at least three times. I keep my chart in the pantry, so anytime our kids eat a snack or want to grab something, they see the words.
Continue to add a sticker, checkmark, or a smiley face to their new words, until the whole list has been completed. From then on, you can just review them every day or every few days.
As the days go on, find these words in other areas (words in books, service words on signs, flash cards before bed…)
Tracing kindergarten sight words gives children a chance to engage with the words in a new and different way. By combining multiple learning styles in one lesson, kids are more likely to learn and recall their sight words. Here are a couple of methods for creating kindergarten sight words to trace.
- Rainbow Writing: At the beginning of the school year, have students trace the sight words in three different colors. This repetition helps them develop motor memory while also solidifying the spelling of the word. As the school year progresses, have students write the words independently in three colors. They can overlap the colors or write them three separate times.
- Dry Erase Words: Kids love writing with different writing tools, so dry erase markers always make things more fun!
– Print out the kindergarten sight words you’d like students to practice on a sheet of heavy cardstock.
– Slip the cardstock into a transparent page protector and clip it to a clipboard.
– Then, with a dry erase marker, students can trace the sight words on the page protector.
If they make a mistake, it can be erased with a tissue or an old sock!
Technology has made even the youngest students digitally savvy. If you have access to a computer or tablet and a printer, have your students type their kindergarten sight words and print them out.
Kids love working in word processing programs and learning how to type. They can print the words in different colors, fonts, and sizes. Use the sight words they printed to decorate the room or as part of their reading folder.
If you minimize the page size, you could even use their printed words as Kindergarten sight word flashcards!
Learning sight words are important, but kids need to learn how to identify those words in sentences.
For early readers, being able to pick out kindergarten sight words in sentences means they have a complete understanding of the word.
Not only can they trace and write the word, but they can pick it out amidst other words. This is an important skill as they continue to develop their reading abilities.
How do you find them?One way to help kids identify their sight words in sentences is to play a modified version of I Spy. Instead of looking for objects, they are tasked with finding sight words. Give them a highlighter or highlighter tape to cover the word once they have found it.
Since kindergarteners have a limited reading vocabulary, make the sentences as uncomplicated as possible. Even three-word sentences allow students to practice finding and identifying sight words. If you want to make it more challenging, add a couple of sight words in each sentence!
KINDERGARTEN SIGHT WORDS WITH PICTURESKindergarten sight words are basic words that are seen the most frequently in grade-level books. Many of the words are hard to illustrate because of their simplicity. One way to create flashcards of kindergarten sight words with pictures is to have students decorate them or create an illustration that helps them remember the word.
For example, they may draw someone crawling under a table, or they might draw a picture of a toy that has fallen under a bed to illustrate the word “UNDER. ”
Whatever image helps them remember the word is fine to use. The goal is to help them learn the words so there is no right or wrong.
KINDERGARTEN SIGHT WORD FLASHCARDSKindergarten sight word flashcards are especially helpful for quick practice. They can be useful for reviewing words at home or on the go.
Some people even uploaded them as virtual flashcards to a tablet or smartphone to be practiced while in the car, visiting relatives, or on vacation.
It doesn’t matter if you print them out to review alone, study them from a device, or turn them into a game; sight word flashcards are a great way to reinforce kindergarten vocabulary.
When using Kindergarten Sight Word Flashcards, start with three sight words. When your child knows these three words, add one additional word at a time to the existing words the child already knows.
If you add more, your child will likely become frustrated – and we want this to be fun! Continue adding one word at a time until your child can recognize all Kindergarten sight words.
Sight Word Games and Sight Word AppsLearning is always more effective when it’s turned into a game! Here are some of our favorite sight word games and apps.
Sight Word Games- Go on a Word Hunt: Look for sight words in your Kindergartener’s favorite book! Count how many you can find. You could also print out a list of kindergarten sight words and put a checkmark next to each one you find.
- Sight Word Hopscotch: Draw a hopscotch board on the sidewalk with chalk and write different sight words in each square. As your child hops from square to square, have him call out the sight word he’s jumping to.
- Sight Word Water Balloon Smash: Fill water balloons and write sight words on each balloon in a permanent marker. On the sidewalk, write the sight words in chalk. Have your child choose a balloon, match it to the word on the sidewalk, and smash it on the chalked word. Not only is it a lot of fun, but it’s also a great way to stay cool.
- There are more Games in this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet, like these puzzles, etc.
- Sight Words by Photo Touch – Free. This no-frills sight word app lets kids match the sight words and progress through the different levels.
- Sight Words List by Innovative Mobile Apps – $1.39. Bright and simple, this app lets you use pre-built lists of sight words or create your own. There are also challenges where kids can pick the sight word out of a group of words. The clear font makes the words easy to read.
- Sight Words: Kids Learn by Teacher Created Materials – Free. This sight words app features more frills than the two above. The pictures are colorful, the font is clear, and there are multiple games to help students practice their sight words.
- Print this FREE Kindergarten sight word list – Hang it by your door or on your refrigerator. Review the list daily until your child can read them fluently and confidently.
You’ll also want to think about helping them even more by using this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet.
This printable packet is easy to use; you can download it and print it over & over to help your child. The kids love it & they learn so much from the repetition of seeing the same words again & again. It’s a great way to help your child learn their sight words, which helps them to learn to read well.
See these other posts to get your child ready for school
- Teach kids their name and number with ONE tip
- How to read to your preschooler
- 5 practical, time-saving tips for school mornings
© Content and photographs are copyright protected. Sharing of this article is encouraged and appreciated, copying and/or pasting articles to any social media is strictly prohibited.
Kindergarten - Development of reading technique.
Development reading techniques. Reading - is a complex psychophysiological process in which visual, speech-motor, speech-auditory analyzers. It is customary to characterize reading skill, naming its four qualities: correctness, fluency, expressiveness and consciousness (semantic component). 3 first components called technical, they characterize the child's reading technique. Quality like correctness is defined as fluent reading without distortion affecting meaning readable. It is expressed in the fact that the student avoids, or, on the contrary, allows substitutions, omissions, permutations, additions, distortions, repetitions of letters, syllables and words. Reading fluency is characterized by a certain number of words spoken per minute. The reading pace is direct dependence on the way of reading and, of course, understanding. expressiveness manifested in the ability to reasonably use pauses; do boolean stress; find the right intonation, prompted by punctuation marks; read quite loud and clear. Offer exercises to develop reading skills: 1. A column of words. Alternately read the words aloud in a column of words, trying in one minute read this column more and more times. 2. Write letters and read them. Sound workout. a-o-u-s-i-e; a-y, a-o, y-i, uh, uh, aouie, aiuoe; s-z-zh, sh-zh-s, zha-cha-shcha, zhba-zhbe. 3. Read tongue twisters, each time increasing the pace. 4. Select from given the text of the word, in which 4-5 syllables, learn how to pronounce them. 5. Photo eye game. Take a picture (memorize) a few words written by adults and answer to the question, is the word that the adult says in the list or not? 6. Find the desired line in the text (the exercise trains the vertical movement of the eyes across the page). 7. Speed comparison reading known text and unfamiliar. 8. Adult Reading (the exercise develops the speed of pronunciation of words). 9. Find in one minute in the text of the word to any letter. 10. Find a second half word: kos ---- no one's mo ---- ment ko ---- on the forest ---- ta ro ---- wok go ---- sa steam---mos co----torus weight---rod. Organization works: 1. Start a reader's diary, which indicates the author of the work, its title, measurements of technique reading. 2. Check understanding of the read text when measuring the reading technique, using the following options assignments: the child must answer the questions of an adult after reading the text, he make up questions, come up with the title of the read text, formulate main idea, retell the text. 3. When checking equipment read prepositions and conjunctions as whole words. 4. Do not read daily less than 20-30 minutes, 5 minutes training in reading technique, i.e. read the same text several times, each time noting how many words were read per minute, trying to get closer to the norm. 5. Recommended texts writers: A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, M. M. Prishvina, N.N. Nosova, V.V. bianchi, V.Yu. Dragunsky. Here are some more useful tips: 1. Not important duration and frequency of training exercises. What is often possible observe in many families? Mom sits down her son, who is ill reads, for a book and says the following: "Read this tale. Until If you read it, don't leave the table." With that low reading technique, which possessed by a first grader, it takes him an hour and a half to read this short fairy tale. This is an hour and a half of very hard work. Mom allows here a very serious pedagogical error, suppressing the child's desire to read. It was it would be much better if home training was carried out in three portions of 5 minutes. A small paragraph the child reads and retells its content, after an hour or two another portion. Another serving before bed. The effectiveness of such training is much higher than training for an hour and a half at a time. 2. Good results gives reading before bed. The fact is that the last events of the day are recorded emotional memory, and those eight hours when a person sleeps, he is under their impression. The body gets used to this state. 3. If the child is not likes to read, then a gentle reading mode is necessary. Indeed, if the child is not likes to read, this means that he has difficulty reading. Mode sparing reading is such a mode when the child reads one or two lines and after that he will get a short rest. This mode is automatically it turns out if the child looks at filmstrips; two lines under the frame read, looked at the picture — rested. The next frame - again two lines read, looked at the picture again. Can be highly recommended to parents, children read reluctantly, this method of learning. Read in order: a few frames are read by the child, then, when the first signs of fatigue, parents are connected. 4. Found that the development of reading technique is often hampered due to underdeveloped operational memory. What does it mean? For example, a child reads a sentence consisting of 6-8 words. Having read up to the third or fourth word, I forgot the first word. Therefore he cannot grasp the meaning of the sentence in any way, cannot link all the words together. In this case, you need to work on the RAM. This is done with with the help of the so-called visual dictations, the texts of which are developed Professor I. T. Fedorenko. In each of the 18 sets, there are six sentences. The peculiarity of these sentences is this: if the first sentence contains only two words - Snow is melting—8 letters, then the last sentence of the eighteenth set already consists of 46 letters. The increase in the length of sentences occurs gradually, according to one or two letters. The operating time with all 18 sets is approximately two month. Thus, in two months, RAM develops so much that the child can already memorize a sentence consisting of 46 letters, that is, from eight or nine words. Now he easily catches the meaning of the sentence, read to him becomes interesting, and therefore the process of learning to read goes much faster. 5. Visual dictations. Six sentences of one of the sets are written on a piece of paper and closed with a sheet paper. Then the sheet is shifted down so that the first sentence is visible, and the child reads to himself for a certain time, trying to remember it sentence. The exposure time is usually short: from four to seven seconds. By after this time, the offer is closed and the child is invited to write down him in a notebook. Perhaps someone in the recording process will say: I don’t remember sentence. How to be in this case? You have to be very calm. Without irritation, kindly say: Well, write down what you remember, and in try to remember more next time. This is followed by exposure, reading and memorization of the second sentence. After the offer is hidden its also write down in a notebook. For six sentences of one set, usually from five to eight minutes time. In two months there is an opportunity to develop an operational memory, but on one condition. This condition must be observed without fail. visual dictations must be written daily. If you write visual dictations every other day, then such training almost does not develop RAM. If you write in two on the third day, then you can not write at all - this does not give anything. 6. Most effective exercises are the following: repeated reading, reading in tongue twister tempo, expressive reading with a transition to an unfamiliar part text. When conducting repeated reading should take into account that the speed of reading in children is different. Therefore, it is carried out in this way. After the start of a new story read by the parent and understood, comprehended by the child, the latter reads the text in for one minute, after which he notes to which word he managed to finish reading. This is followed by a second reading of the same passage of text. Wherein the child again notes to which word he has read, and compares with the results first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more. Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in the baby, he want to read again. However, one should not read the same text more than three times. excerpt. Better to change the job and practice the articulatory apparatus on the same passage of the text, i.e. use the following exercise of the Fedorenko-Palchenko system (reading at a pace Tongue Twisters). When reading at the pace of a tongue twister, attention should not be paid to expressiveness reading, it is impossible to set two mutually exclusive tasks at the same time. This exercise is intended only for the development of the articulatory apparatus, therefore, the requirements for the expressiveness of reading are lowered here, but they are increased requirements for the clarity of reading the endings of words. Word endings should not to be swallowed, only to speak clearly. The exercise lasts more than 30 seconds. Then the third begins an exercise. Invite the child to read the text again, but a little slower, but beautiful and expressive. Do not stop the child, let him read the text before end. He smoothly moves to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here is done a small miracle, which consists in the fact that a child who has repeatedly read the same passage of text at an increased pace of reading, when switching to unfamiliar part of the text continues to read it at the same increased pace. His opportunities are not enough for a long time (half a line, a line), but if every day to carry out such exercises, then in the end the duration of reading at an increased tempo will increase. After two to three weeks, the child's reading is noticeable will improve. 7. Now the last one recommendation - assessment as a stimulus for children. At the end of the reading session Invite your child to self-measure reading speed. Let him read the text for one minute, then notes to which word he has read, recounts read the words and write the result in a kind of diary. Already in a week you can invite the baby to compare the results of a week ago (provided daily reading!). This has a positive effect on the attitude of children to workout. So, the importance of control over the formation of the skill of fluent reading, in my opinion, it is difficult to overestimate. As a result of this work, the difficulty in reading is removed, student fear and insecurity. They develop a love for reading. Materials used in the article - Nikitina M. I. Reading and speech development: Educational and methodological allowance - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006 - 256 p. - (Series "Correctional Pedagogy"). Kostromina S.N. Study for five in reading. How?.-M.:AST, 2008, 224p. Omorokova M.I. Improving the reading of younger students.-M .: ARKTI, 2001, 160s.
goals, benefits, program with exercises
After the child has learned to read by syllables, he will have to master the skill of reading full texts. Teaching children to read is a complex and time-consuming process that requires the right approach. This article will cover all the important issues. concerning the introduction of children to literature.
The importance and purpose of reading for preschoolers
Reading is a skill that every adult needs. The sooner the kid starts learning to work with texts, the sooner he will be able to take advantage of all the benefits that will become available to him.
Learning to read is best with parents
Reading is responsible for the development of such skills as the analysis of the text read, the perception and retelling of the information received. It replenishes vocabulary and develops logical thinking. Working with fiction already at an early age forms a competent, beautiful and correct speech, and the child himself learns to freely express his thoughts in his native language.
Reading is also responsible for the formation of moral and cultural values, character and worldview. With its help, the baby indirectly gets acquainted with the past, future and present. The most important spiritual qualities, such as mercy, compassion, the joy of someone else's success, children also often draw from books.
The purpose of reading fiction in kindergarten is to master all of the above skills, and most importantly, to instill in children a love of reading. All this can be achieved with the help of works of Russian folklore. Interesting and fascinating stories of fairy tales will teach the younger generation to see the plot, climax, denouement in the work. On a subconscious level, they will catch what the plot is and will be able to divide the characters into "good" and "bad". All this develops logical thinking and contributes to comprehensive development.
Important! Literary education plays a huge role for preschoolers, because it is one of the key factors in their upbringing. The book will become a means of understanding the surrounding world, its way of life and foundations.
At what age can you start learning
Each kid needs an individual approach, so there is no clear age when you need to start teaching him to read. There are generally accepted age limits, but even here there are many pitfalls.
Modern realities force inexperienced parents to chase time, and this often affects their children. Ambitious adults try to invest in the child all the skills as early as possible: knowledge of foreign languages (often English), reading and much more. Now a child who came to the first grade, being able to read, is not uncommon. But is it necessary to take away their childhood from preschool children for what they will be taught anyway in the future? Each parent decides for himself.
Every parent decides when to teach a child to read
Determination of the optimal age to start reading lessons ends with the fact that the best time is when the child himself reaches for literature. As a rule, this is a period between six and seven years.
Important! A child cannot just pick up and want to learn to read. Everything should come from the family. In order for the baby to independently take the initiative, he must learn this from adults. Parents should read aloud to him before going to bed, be able to turn spending time together into a game.
It is unlikely that a 3-4-year-old child will want to read a book on his own. At this age, he can be taught to mechanically add syllables into words, but he will not understand the meaning of what he read. This practice often leads to the formation of an internal barrier to further learning, and there is no benefit from it.
When a child begins to be interested in books, parents need to be able not to take this interest away from him.
Please note! When the kid nevertheless reached for literature, he did not become an adult. All learning should not take much time - at this age, it is difficult for children to focus on long-term perception of information, and even more so on its comprehension.
The ideal option is to turn reading for toddlers into an entertaining game. Then the learning process will not be perceived with rejection, which is a normal reaction of the brain to something new.
However, even if a child of 6-7 years old cannot read, this is not backwardness, but a normal phenomenon. It's time to start teaching him this. The GEF program offers tasks for learning to read from scratch at this age. Often, audio lessons are sold as an app for textbooks.
How to start your first reading
There are a huge number of methods that offer parents the most sophisticated options for gently teaching children to read. But is it worth it to surround the child with cards with words from 5-6 months?
Parents also learn in the process
In order for reading to children aged 5-6 not to become news, it is necessary to surround the child with written information from childhood. The alphabet on the wall, books in the house, cubes with letters - the kid must get used to the fact that textual information is an indispensable part of life.
Everything should go from simple to complex. First letters, then syllables, then words, sentences, and text. Learning letters with a child is not difficult if you turn everything into a game. For example, you can print coloring pictures with letters on cards, and in the process of coloring invent which words begin with this letter.
Important! We must not forget about the most important component of the Russian language - sounds. It is necessary to teach the child to understand and pronounce sounds in a timely manner. This will help him master reading much faster.
When the child has mastered the letters, syllables and sounds, you can move on to reading words. It is important to be patient with classes and make sure that the child does not feel discomfort. Do not rush him if he thought about the name of the next letter. Each lesson is the work of two, but the main task lies with an adult.
Additional information. Do not exercise with your child for more than 15-20 minutes a day. This is the optimal time for which the baby can concentrate, subject to interest. Fast learning to read does not depend on the duration of the lessons, but on their regularity and quality.
Reading short stories or fairy tales before bed is a good option for the first group activities. This is suitable for those cases when the baby has already mastered the letters and syllables. At this time, the parent reads the text on his own, occasionally inviting the child to try to read this or that word. It is worth choosing words that make sense, but not too complicated.
For example, if the story is about a snail, you can ask the child to read the word "snail" and show it in the picture. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not learn to guess the words by the connection of the first letter and the picture. How to avoid this will be discussed below.
If a parent really wants to teach a child to read, but absolutely does not know how to approach this matter, it makes sense to purchase a special manual in a bookstore. It can also be found online in the form of a presentation. This literature is aimed at educating parents.
How learning should be done
Despite the lack of a single methodology for teaching reading, there are rules that will help parents learn to read for preschoolers.
Important! Each parent can independently determine the algorithm by which he will introduce his child to literature. The main thing to remember is that the entire responsibility for the educational process lies with the teacher, in this case, the parent.
Those who doubt their own abilities can seek the help of a specialist. The modern service market offers a huge number of teachers who are ready to teach a child to read at least at five, at least at six or seven years.
It is better for parents to deal with a child
But will it be interesting for a child to engage in an unfamiliar business with a stranger? Probably not. Therefore, adults should carefully consider everything and honestly answer the question, do they want to take away the carefree time of childish pranks from their child and spend it studying?
Reading simulators
It is customary to start learning to read from books where words are accompanied by pictures. However, it is often easier for children to read the first letter and, by comparing it with the picture, guess the word. To avoid this, it is proposed to use a card index with words.
First, the child is given cards with three-letter words: house, cat, garden….. When he has learned to read such words freely, you can move on to cards with four-letter words. Next - words, where three, four syllables.
Important! Such a simulator assumes the absence of a word-picture-object association, so you cannot focus only on classes with it. But the practice of "only words" is sometimes helpful.
Another good reading simulator for preschoolers that develops the child's ability to think logically and increases the speed of reading - anagrams. It is worth offering to make a word out of a set of letters, and help the kid understand the essence of the game, and it will definitely drag him out. For clarity, the letters can be printed on a sheet of paper and cut out. For example, from "yarub" the child will have to collect the word "storm".
An example of a simulator with cards
Useful exercises
An interesting exercise that helps develop a child's interest in reading and quickly consolidate the already mastered skill - "half a word". It is necessary to close the words in the sentence exactly halfway with a ruler, and invite the child to read them.
You can also print simple words on the cards, cut the papers in half, and invite the child to collect the words piece by piece. Such an interesting task will cause excitement in the kid. And the presence of passion implies the presence of interest, which is one of the key factors in the process of teaching preschoolers to read.
Reading by syllables
At the initial stages of teaching preschool children to read, the most important moment is reading by syllables. This is what will become the basis for reading words in the future.
When the preschooler has finished learning the letters, the usual alphabet can be replaced with the “alphabet with syllables”. It will help the child to visualize the sounds and syllables from which these sounds are obtained. It also assumes the existence of rules on some syllables (there is no combination “chya” - it is replaced by “write thicker with the letter a”).
Important! It is better to start teaching your baby to read with repeated syllables. For example, ma-ma, pa-pa, uncle-dya and others. This exercise will help the child comprehend the connection of syllables and words.
How often should you study with a child
The key to success in mastering any skill lies in regularity. The more regular the classes, the better. But it is not in vain that they say that repetition is the mother of learning. So do not forget about the importance of repeating the previously studied material.
Most of the manuals offer 15-20 minutes of lessons with children of primary preschool age daily, but this scenario is not suitable for everyone.
Some kids find reading difficult, both in the process and in general. We must not forget that every child is an individual with their own tastes, preferences, hobbies. A child may not like reading, and this is not scary.
In order for the child to like classes, he needs to be interested
In cases where the child finds it difficult to study, it is too early to give up. It makes sense to take breaks between classes in 1-2 days.
Important! Also, parents should remember that in the preparatory groups of the preschool educational institution, educators also work with children. You should not overload the child when he did a good job in kindergarten, otherwise he will quickly get bored.
Books for independent reading at 6-7 years old
Independent reading for children involves the selection of the correct literature. After all, the key factor in the question of a preschooler's interest in a particular book will be its content.
Unfortunately, the modern market is full of books with interesting content, but an absolutely perverted concept of morality. The first literary experience of a child should be not only entertaining, but also useful. After all, as mentioned earlier, books form not only the mental skills of a person, but also engage in his spiritual education.
In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a book, then a list of suitable literature for self-reading of children of primary preschool age will be compiled.
Family reading classes
- The Little Humpbacked Horse (Peter Ershov).
- Scarlet Flower (Sergey Aksakov).
- Silver Hoof (Pavel Bazhov).
- Pushkin's Tales ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Orybak and the Fish").
- "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (Alexander Volkov).
- "Old Man Hottabych" (L. Lagin).
- "Three fat men" (Yu. Olesha).
- "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (A. Tolstoy).
- "Deniska's stories" (V. Dragunsky).
- The Little Prince (A. Saint-Exupery).
- "Mowgli" (R. Kipling).
Learn more
- What age do kids learn abcs
- Educational game ideas
- Learning to print
- Do kids learn to read in kindergarten
- Capitals and lowercase letters
- How to play 13
- Clap it out
- Do kids learn to read in kindergarten
- Capitals and lowercase letters
- How to play 13
- Clap it out