Red riding hood granny
Little Red Riding Hood And Grandma - Bilder und Stockfotos
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von 1The Story of Grandmother - Little Red Riding Hood
The Story of Grandmother - Little Red Riding Hood
The Story of Grandmother
There was a woman who had made some bread. She said
to her daughter:
"Go carry this hot loaf and bottle of milk to your granny."
So the little girl departed. At the crossway she met bzou,
the werewolf, who said to her:
"Where are you going?"
"I'm taking this hot loaf and bottle of milk to my granny."
"What path are you taking." said the werewolf, "the path
of needles or the path of pins?"
"The path of needles," the little girl said.
"All right, then I'll take the path of pins."
The little girl entertained herself by gathering needles.
Meanwhile the werewolf arrived at the grandmother's house,
killed her, and put some of her meat in the cupboard and a bottle of her blood on the shelf. The little girl arrived and knocked at the door.
"Push the door," said the werewolf, "It's barred by a piece of wet straw."
"Good day, granny. I've brought you a hot loaf of bread and a bottle of milk."
"Put it in the cupboard, my child. Take some of the meat
which is inside and the bottle of wine on the shelf."
After she had eaten, there was a little cat which said:
"Phooey!... A slut is she who eats the flesh and drinks the
blood of her granny."
"Undress yourself, my child," the werewolf said, "And come
lie down beside me."
"Where should I put my apron?"
"Throw it into the fire, my child, you won't be needing it
any more."
And each time she asked where she should put all her other
Clothes, the bodice, the dress, the petticoat, the long stockings,
the wolf responded:
"Throw them into the fire, my child, you won't be needing
them anymore."
When she laid herself down in the bed, the little girl said:
"Oh granny, how hairy you are!"
"The better to keep myself warm, my child!"
"Oh granny, what big nails you have!"
"The better to scratch me with, my child!"
"Oh granny, what big shoulders you have!"
"The better to carry the firewood, my child!"
"Oh granny, what big ears you have!"
"The better to hear you with, my child!"
"Oh granny, what big nostrils you have!"
"The better to snuff my tobacco with, my child!"
"Oh granny, what a big mouth you have!"
"The better to eat you with, my child!"
"Oh granny, I have to go badly. Let me go outside."
"Do it in the bed, my child!"
"Oh no, granny, I want to go outside."
"All right, but make it quick."
The werewolf attached a woolen rope to her foot and let her
go outside.
When the little girl was outside, she tied the end of the rope
to a plum tree in the courtyard. The werewolf became impatient and said: "Are you making a load out there? Are you making a load?"
When he realized that nobody was answering him, he jumped out of bed and saw that the little girl had escaped. He followed her but arrived at her house just at the moment she entered.
Jack Zipes, from Paul Delarue's "Les contes merveilleux de perrault et la tradition populaire" Bulletin folklorique de I'lle-de-France, 1951).
Cannibalism - eats grandma flesh and drinks blood
Sexual component - undressing before coming to bed, throw clothes in fire
Heroine - crafty and capable of saving herself
Werewolf -
Talking cat - calls her a slut and tells her she ate granny
Little Red Riding Hood.

Fairy tales
Printable version
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Charles Perrault
Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red cap. Since then, the girl went everywhere in it. Neighbors talked about her like this:
- Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!
Once a mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:
– Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy. nine0003
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.
She is walking through the forest, and towards her is a gray wolf.
– Where are you going. Red Riding Hood? Wolf asks.
– I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.
– Does your grandmother live far away?
“Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house from the edge.
– Okay, Wolf says, I also want to visit your grandmother. I'll go down this road, and you go down that one. Let's see which one of us comes first. nine0003
Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.
And Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them in bouquets. Before she had even reached the mill, the Wolf had already galloped up to her grandmother's house and was knocking on the door:
– Who is there? Grandma asks.
- It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, - answers the Wolf, - I came to visit you, I brought a pie and a pot of butter. nine0003
Grandmother was sick at the time and was in bed. She thought it was really Little Red Riding Hood and called out:
“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!”
The wolf pulled the string - the door opened.
The wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on his grandmother's bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
Soon she came and knocked:
- Knock knock!
– Who is there? Wolf asks. And his voice is rough, hoarse.
Little Red Riding Hood was frightened, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:
– It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!
The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:
Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the rope-door and opened it. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the covers and said:
- Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:
– Grandmother, why do you have such big hands?
- This is to hug you tighter, my child.
– Grandmother, why do you have such big ears?
– To hear better, my child.
– Grandmother, why do you have such big eyes?
– To see better, my child.
– Grandmother, why do you have such big teeth? nine0003
– And this is to eat you as soon as possible, my child!
Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.
But, fortunately, at that time, woodcutters with axes on their shoulders were passing by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they ripped open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother, both safe and sound.
Little Red Riding Hood. Competition "New old fairy tale"
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Tale about Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time there was a girl who, for some reason, did not like to walk in a straight and short way. She always chose the longest and most winding road. And if her mother sent her somewhere on an errand, then she had to wait a very long time. The girl could spend hours wandering around the surrounding meadows and forests, picking flowers and berries and singing songs. And she loved to talk to everyone who met her on the way, even complete strangers. And it often happened that she returned home only when it was getting dark. nine0035 But the mother did not scold her daughter, who, although she never took a shortcut, was a kind, affable and courteous girl. However, she was very worried that the girl might get lost and no one would find her. Therefore, the grandmother gave her granddaughter a red cap so that she could be seen even from afar. And soon everyone, even mother and grandmother, began to call the girl Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lived on the other side of the forest, through which a long winding path led to her house. Every week, Little Red Riding Hood and her mother visited her grandmother and brought her a basket of gifts. Grandmother loved her lovely granddaughter very much and every time she looked forward to her, sitting by the window, and, as soon as she saw her, waved her hand happily. nine0035 But one day my grandmother fell ill, and it was urgent to bring her a tincture of wild berries. Little Red Riding Hood's mother was very busy with housework and could not visit her grandmother herself. And she was afraid to send Little Red Riding Hood alone. Surely the girl will turn off the path, begin to pick flowers and forget about everything in the world. What if she does not have time to get to her grandmother's house before dark? After all, at night no one will see her red cap, and she will get lost in the forest thicket.
What to do? Grandmother was very sick, and only a tincture of wild berries could cure her. Then my mother decided to go to the trick. She called Little Red Riding Hood and said:
- Listen, Little Red Riding Hood, today you will go alone to your grandmother. The girl clapped her hands in joy.
- But first I have to tell you something terrible. Know that an evil wolf has appeared in our district.
She looked at Little Red Riding Hood, was she scared?
- Wolf? Little Red Riding Hood was surprised. - And who is this?
- Silly, it's a scary beast. He roams the dark forest looking for little girls who don't take shortcuts.
Little Red Riding Hood was seriously frightened. nine0035 - But you can easily avoid meeting him, - Mom said, - follow the path and don't turn anywhere.
And most importantly - do not stop anywhere and with anyone.
“Then I won’t go alone,” the girl whispered in fear.
– But someone has to take a tincture of wild berries to a sick grandmother, and I can’t tear myself away from work today. Do not be afraid. If you do everything as I told you, you have nothing to fear from the wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood obediently took the basket where her mother put the tincture of wild berries, a jar of jam and a plum pie, and sighed. The girl loved her grandmother very much, and her grandmother's illness grieved her, but she did not at all want to go alone through the forest, where the evil wolf roamed. nine0035 Little Red Riding Hood quickly, trying not to look around, went along the forest path. Very beautiful flowers grew all around, but she did not even look at them. The day was wonderful. Birds fluttered from branch to branch and wondered why this little friend did not even notice them. And Little Red Riding Hood was not up to them. She walked and said to herself: “It’s not far, it remains to go just a little bit.” But what is that blushing there by the path? What a ripe strawberry! Little Red Riding Hood was about to pass by, but remembered that her mother had not said anything about strawberries. The girl stopped, leaned over and picked one berry from a bush. Nothing bad happened. The wolf was nowhere to be seen. Only the birds continued to sing in the tops of the trees and the flowers swayed in the green grass.
Little Red Riding Hood has never eaten such sweet strawberries. It is a pity that only one berry grew here. nine0035 Oh no! Stepping aside, Little Red Riding Hood found another strawberry bush, then a second, then a third.
The girl completely forgot about her fear and the evil wolf. Gathering ripe and sweet berries, she went further and further into the forest.
“Hello, girl,” she suddenly heard behind her.
Little Red Riding Hood turned around and saw a shaggy, but quite good-natured creature.
- Oh, how you scared me. I already thought that you were that terrible wolf.
Wolf chuckled to himself. It has never happened before that someone did not recognize him. nine0035 - What a wolf I am! I'm just a humble forest dweller. Where are you going with this basket?
– I am in a hurry to visit my grandmother. She's sick and I have to take the medicine to her.
The wolf, who at first wanted to immediately eat the girl, suddenly changed his mind.
- And where does your esteemed grandmother live?
- Right behind the forest, where the path ends.
As soon as she said this, the wolf disappeared behind the trees and ran straight to the grandmother's house.
Little Red Riding Hood was a little surprised that the shaggy gentleman left without saying goodbye, but she had no time to think. nine0035 Remembering her mother's order, she found a path and, timidly looking around, walked on.
Meanwhile, the wolf, which had run straight through the forest, ran to the grandmother's house and knocked three times.
- Who's there? Grandma asked in a weak voice.
- It's me, your granddaughter Little Red Riding Hood, - answered the Wolf.
- Come in baby.
The wolf broke into the house and, before the grandmother had time to come to her senses, swallowed her in an instant. Then he put on his grandmother's cap, lay down on her bed and pulled the blanket over his ears. Soon Little Red Riding Hood came up to the house and, suspecting nothing, knocked on the door. nine0035 - Grandma, it's me, your Little Red Riding Hood! I brought you a wild berry tincture, jam and a pie.
- The door is open! Wolf growled in a hoarse voice. Little Red Riding Hood entered the house and, seeing her grandmother, was very surprised.
– Grandma, what a rough voice you have!
- Of course, rude, because I'm sick, - Wolf croaked. “Come closer, my child.
Little Red Riding Hood put the basket of goodies on the floor and timidly approached. Grandma looked very strange today.
- Oh, grandma, what big hands you have! nine0035 The wolf quickly hid his shaggy paws under the covers.
- This is to hug you tight, Little Red Riding Hood! Come closer.
– But grandmother, why do you have such big ears?
- To hear you better, Little Red Riding Hood. Well, sit next to me.
– Oh, grandma, why do you have such big eyes?
“To see you better, Little Red Riding Hood,” the Wolf muttered impatiently.
“Oh, grandma,” cried Little Red Riding Hood, backing away, “why do you have such big teeth?
- To eat you soon! - Wolf growled, jumped out from under the feather bed, snapped his teeth and swallowed the girl along with her red cap. Then he lay back on the bed and snored. nine0035 Luckily, a forester passed by. He already noticed from a distance that something was wrong: the doors of the house were wide open, and loud snoring could be heard from there. The forester removed the double-barreled shotgun from his shoulder and crept up to the window. He almost screamed when he saw a wolf lying on his grandmother's bed with a swollen belly. Without hesitation, the forester ran into the house, pulled out a hunting knife from his belt and instantly cut open the belly of the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood jumped out of there, followed by Grandma. Oh, how dark it was in the belly of the wolf! It’s scary to even think what would have happened if the brave and resourceful forester had not come on time. Since then they lived happily. There were no more evil wolves in the forest, and one could walk along the path without fear of anyone. Little Red Riding Hood could now stop as much as she liked along the way and even walk in the dark forest.