Rhymes with stories

244 best rhymes for 'stories'

1 syllable

  • Trees
  • Breeze
  • Freeze
  • Squeeze
  • V's
  • Sees
  • She's
  • Please
  • Knees
  • Bees
  • These
  • Cheese
  • Keys
  • He's
  • Ease
  • Tease
  • Cease
  • Nice
  • Peace
  • Sneeze

  • G's
  • Threes
  • Teeth
  • Sprees
  • Fees
  • Peas
  • Leash
  • Fleas
  • D's
  • Screams
  • Dreams
  • Leave
  • Wheeze
  • Grease
  • Crees
  • Riese
  • Preis
  • Sleeve
  • Wheels
  • Sleaze

  • Lease
  • Thies
  • Z's
  • Scenes
  • Leads
  • Seeds
  • Leaves
  • Streets
  • Seems
  • Needs
  • Crease
  • Li's
  • Weave
  • Skis
  • Weeks
  • Means
  • Feels
  • Eve
  • Queens
  • Steve

  • Meis
  • Jeans
  • Schemes
  • Gies
  • Freaks
  • Teens
  • Ears
  • Reese
  • Deals
  • Wreath
  • Sheets
  • Peeps
  • Seats
  • Grieve
  • Weise
  • Fleece
  • Heath
  • Keith
  • Beats
  • Sheesh

  • Screens
  • Hears
  • Sheath
  • Greens
  • Keeps
  • Treats
  • Thieves
  • Speaks
  • Geese
  • Leath
  • Gees
  • Deeds
  • Beans
  • Streams
  • Heels
  • Cheeks
  • Reads
  • Meath
  • Fiends
  • Breathe

  • Bleeds
  • Meets
  • Feeds
  • Weeds
  • Quiche
  • Meals
  • Beams
  • Creeps
  • Tese
  • Eats
  • Beer's
  • Teams
  • Sleeves
  • Reeve
  • Breathes
  • Breeds
  • Leagues
  • Thieve
  • Grief
  • Themes

  • Reeves
  • Vive
  • Leaf
  • Cleave
  • Speeds
  • Heave
  • Sweets
  • Creams
  • Reams
  • Creeds
  • Reels
  • Weaves
  • Neve
  • Peeve
  • Grieves
  • Squeals
  • Wreaths
  • Chief
  • Beef
  • Seals

  • Viens
  • Sleeps
  • Reeks
  • Streaks
  • Pleads
  • Cleans
  • Gleams
  • Peels
  • Steals
  • Leaks
  • Leans
  • Veres
  • Greeks
  • Creeks

2 syllables

  • Always
  • Glories
  • Tories
  • Mores
  • Quarries
  • Scorsese
  • Degrees
  • Foresees
  • Vorhees
  • Forties
  • Orgies
  • Saudis
  • Cosby's
  • Coffees
  • Audi's
  • Maltese
  • Doggies
  • Ortiz
  • Movies
  • Maurice

  • Pussies
  • Disease
  • Bullies
  • Bodies
  • Babies
  • Ladies
  • Panties
  • Worries
  • Chinese
  • Zombies
  • Countries
  • Theses
  • Parties'
  • Parties
  • Increase
  • Nikes
  • Orlean's
  • Orleans
  • Series
  • Boundaries

  • Theories
  • Carries
  • Cities
  • Beneath
  • Unleash
  • Police
  • Release
  • Honeys
  • Pennies
  • Louis'
  • Groupies
  • Species
  • Groceries
  • Moneys
  • Rabies
  • Cookies
  • Victories
  • Cherries
  • Fairies
  • Agrees

  • Buddies
  • Berries
  • Pastries
  • Feces

3 syllables

  • Delore's
  • Families
  • Enemies
  • Memories
  • Mercedes
  • Underneath
  • Overseas
  • Fantasies
  • Melodies
  • Tendencies
  • Japanese
  • Wannabes
  • Industries
  • Strawberries
  • Centuries
  • Masterpiece

4 syllables

  • Categories
  • Territories
  • Laboratories
  • Allegories
  • Scattergories
  • Paparazzis
  • Apologies
  • Adversaries
  • Cemeteries

5 syllables

  • Opportunities

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9 Fun Rhymes About Books and Reading for Kids

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Stories and books open a child’s world beyond the confines of everyday life. 

Kids explore exciting places and feelings they are only beginning to imagine or put into words and pictures. What better way to delve into these realms than through poetry? 

There’s just something about a poem! 

Children can bounce and sway to the beat. And the ability to hear and form rhyme is an important pre-reading skill, which helps youngsters learn patterns in words. 

Rhymes about books and stories are often author favourites, as well, as shown in the following selections.


by Beverly McLoughland

The biggest
On the library shelf
Is when you suddenly
Find yourself
Inside a book—
(The hidden you)
You wonder how
The author knew.


I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!

by Dr. Seuss

I can read in red. I can read in blue.
I can read in pickle color too.
I can read in bed, and in purple, and in brown.
I can read in a circle and upside down!
I can read with my left eye. I can read with my right.
I can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight!

There are so many things you can learn about.
But…you’ll miss the best things
If you keep your eyes shut.
The more that you read, the more things you will know
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

If you read with your eyes shut you’re likely to find
That the place where you’re going is far, far behind
SO…that’s why I tell you to keep your eyes wide.
Keep them wide open…at least on one side.



by Jane Yolen

Stack by stack,
shelf by shelf,
I pick out books
all by myself.

Page by page,
line by line,
word by word,
I make books mine.

With a wave of a card
like a wizard’s right hand—
and an alphabet-alchemy,


Read to Me

by Jane Yolen

Read to me riddles and read to me rhymes
Read to me stories of magical times
Read to me tales about castles and kings
Read to me stories of fabulous things
Read to me pirates and read to me knights
Read to me dragons and dragon-book fights
Read to me spaceships and cowboys and then
When you are finished- please read them again.


I Met a Dragon Face to Face

by Jack Prelutsky

I met a dragon face to face
the year when I was ten,
I took a trip to outer space,
I braved a pirate’s den,
I wrestled with a wicked troll,
and fought a great white shark,
I trailed a rabbit down a hole,
I hunted for a snark.

I stowed aboard a submarine,
I opened magic doors,
I traveled in a time machine,
and searched for dinosaurs,
I climbed atop a giant’s head,
I found a pot of gold,
I did all this in books I read
when I was ten years old.


Reading in Bed

by Helen H. Moore

Oh, what could be better
Than reading in bed,
Or thinking about
All the books that you’ve read?

With someone who loves you,
A father, a mother,
A doll, or a pet,
Or a sister or brother,

A grandma, a grandpa,
An uncle, an aunt –
(Can you think of anything better?
I can’t!)

While outside the sky
Is all twinkling with light,
From stars that shine down
As we sleep through the night.

Oh, what could be better
Than sleeping in bed,
When the books that you love
Fill the dreams in your head?



by Bobbi Katz

It’s time to read a story,
so climb aboard with me,
and we can sail a storyboat
across a magic sea.
We can visit jungles
or rub noses with a bear.
We can visit anyplace
and sail to anywhere.
We can learn a lot of stuff
from sailing storyboats –
like how to ride on elephants
or how skunks got striped coats.
We can meet a bunch of kids
that we’ll be glad to know,
and when the summer gets too hot,
we’ll sail in seas of snow!


I Opened a Book

by Julia Donaldson

I opened a book and in I strode.
Now nobody can find me.
I’ve left my chair, my house, my road,
My town and my world behind me.
I’m wearing the cloak, I’ve slipped on the ring,
I’ve swallowed the magic potion.
I’ve fought with a dragon, dined with a king
And dived in a bottomless ocean.
I opened a book and made some friends.
I shared their tears and laughter
And followed their road with its bumps and bends
To the happily ever after.
I finished my book and out I came.
The cloak can no longer hide me.
My chair and my house are just the same,
But I have a book inside me.


Library Poem

by Julia Donaldson

Everyone is welcome to walk through the door.
It really doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor.
There are books in boxes and books on shelves.
They’re free for you to borrow, so help yourselves.

Come and meet your heroes, old and new,
From William the Conqueror to Winnie the Pooh.
You can look into the Mirror or read The Times,
Or bring along a toddler to chant some rhymes.

The librarian’s a friend who loves to lend,
So see if there’s a book that she can recommend.
Read that book, and if you’re bitten
You can borrow all the other ones the author’s written.

Are you into battles or biography?
Are you keen on gerbils or geography?
Gardening or ghosts? Sharks or science fiction?
There’s something here for everyone, whatever your addiction.

There are students revising, deep in concentration,
And school kids doing projects, finding inspiration.
Over in the corner there’s a table with seating,
So come along and join in the Book Club meeting.

Yes, come to the library! Browse and borrow,
And help make sure it’ll still be here tomorrow.


Poems about reading and books bring your children home to familiar territory but with a comfortable twist. And they are reminded of the magic, mystery and music of words!

Read your kids these poems about popular fairy tales – they will love them!

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Stories about Dunno. Continuation - Center for Children's Creativity "Strogino"

We continue to read the fairy tale story by Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends".

How Dunno wrote poetry

After Dunno did not become an artist, he decided to become a poet and write poetry. He had a familiar poet who lived on Oduvanchikov Street. This poet was really called Pudik, but, as you know, all poets are very fond of beautiful names. Therefore, when Pudik began to write poetry, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.
Once Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:
- Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.
- Do you have abilities? - asked Flower.
- Of course there is. I am very capable, Dunno answered.

- This should be checked, - said Blossom. - Do you know what rhyme is?
- Rhyme? No, I do not know.
- Rhyme is when two words end in the same way, - explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?
- Understood.
- Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".
- Herring, Dunno answered.
- What kind of rhyme is this: a stick - a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.
- Why not? They do end the same way.
- That's not enough, - said Blossom. - It is necessary that the words are similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.
- Got it, got it! - Dunno shouted. - A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump! That's great! Ha ha ha!
- Well, come up with a rhyme for the word "tow", - said Tsvetik.
- Shmaklya, Dunno answered.
- What kind of shmakla? - Blossom was surprised. - Is there such a word?
- Isn't there?
- Of course not.
- Well, rwakla then.
- What kind of rwakla is this? - again surprised Flower.
- Well, it's when they tear something, that's what it turns out to be, - Dunno explained.
- You're all lying, - said Tsvetik, - there is no such word. It is necessary to choose such words that exist, and not to invent.
- And if I can't find another word?
- So you have no talent for poetry.
- Well, then figure out for yourself what kind of rhyme is here, - Dunno answered.
"Now," Blossom agreed.

He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms, tilted his head to one side and began to think. Then he lifted his head up and began to think, looking at the ceiling. Then he clutched his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done all this, he began to wander around the room and slowly muttered to himself:
- Tow, buckle, wacker, hackle, buckle, hackle ... - He muttered like that for a long time, then said: - Pah! What's this word? It's a word that doesn't rhyme.
- Well, here it is! - Dunno was delighted. - He himself sets such words for which there is no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.
- Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! Flower said. - My head hurts. Compose in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, here are the verses for you.
- Is it really that simple? - Dunno was surprised.
- Of course, it's simple. The main thing is the ability to have.
Dunno came home and immediately began to compose poetry. All day long he walked about the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin in his hands and muttering something to himself.
Finally, the verses were ready, and he said:
- Listen, brothers, what verses I have composed.
- Come on, come on, what are these poems about? - everyone was interested.
- I wrote this about you, - Dunno admitted. - First, here are the poems about Znayka: Znayka went for a walk to the river, Jumped over the sheep.
- What? - Znayka shouted. - When did I jump over the sheep?
- Well, it's only in poetry that they say it, for rhyme, - Dunno explained.
- So, because of the rhyme, you will compose all sorts of lies against me? - Boiled Znayka.
- Of course, - Dunno answered. Why should I tell the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists.
- Try again, you'll find out! - Znayka threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about others?
- Listen to Toropyzhka, - Dunno said. Hasty was hungry, Swallowed a cold iron.
- Brothers! shouted Toropyzhka. - What does he write about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.
- Don't shout, Dunno answered. - It's just for rhyme that I said that the iron was cold.
- So I didn’t swallow any iron, neither cold nor hot! shouted Toropyzhka.
- And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down, - Dunno answered. - Here, listen to the verses about Avoska: At Avoska, under the pillow, there is a sweet cheesecake. Avoska went up to his bed, looked under the pillow and said:
- Lies! There is no cheesecake here.
- You don't understand anything in poetry, - Dunno answered. - It is only for rhyme that it is said that it lies, but in fact it does not lie. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin.
- Brothers! cried Dr. Pilyulkin. We need to stop this bullying! Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying about everyone here?
- Enough! they all shouted. We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teasing.
Only Znayka, Toropyzhka and Avoska shouted:
- Let him read! Since he has read about us, let him read about others.
- Don't! We do not want! the others shouted.
- Well, if you don't want, then I'll go and read to my neighbors, - Dunno said.
- What? everyone screamed. - Are you still going to shame us in front of the neighbors? Just try! Then you can't go back home.
- Well, brothers, I won't, - Dunno agreed. “Just don’t be angry with me.
Since then Dunno has decided not to write poetry anymore.

How Dunno rode a carbonated car

Mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good craftsmen. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik a little shorter. Both were wearing leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of the pockets of their jackets. If the jackets were not leather, then the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. These glasses they put on during work, so as not to powder their eyes.

Vintik and Shpuntik spent whole days in their workshop repairing stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing left to fix, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.

Once Vintik and Shpuntik didn't say anything to anyone, closed themselves in their workshop and began to make something. For a whole month they sawed, planed, riveted, soldered and showed nothing to anyone, and when the month passed, it turned out that they had made a car.

This car ran on sparkling water with syrup. In the middle of the car, a driver's seat was arranged, and a tank of soda water was placed in front of it. The gas from the tank passed through a tube into a copper cylinder and pushed an iron piston. The iron piston, under the pressure of the gas, went here and there and turned the wheels. Above the seat was a jar of syrup. The syrup flowed through the tube into the tank and served to lubricate the mechanism.

These carbonated cars were very common among short men. But in the car that Vintik and Shpuntik built, there was one very important improvement: a flexible rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink sparkling water on the go without stopping the car.

Toropyzhka learned how to drive this car, and if someone wanted to drive, Toropyzhka drove and did not refuse anyone.

Most of all Syrupchik liked to ride in a car, because during the trip he could drink as much sparkling water with syrup as he wanted. Dunno also liked to ride in a car, and Toropyzhka often drove him. But Dunno wanted to learn how to drive a car himself, and he began to ask Toropyzhka:

- Let me drive. I also want to learn how to drive.
"You won't be able to," said Hurry. - It's a car. Here you need to understand.
- What else is there to understand! - answered Dunno. - I saw how you drive. Pull the handles and turn the steering wheel. Everything is simple.
- It only seems that it is simple, but in fact it is difficult. You will kill yourself and wreck the car.
- All right, Hurry! - Dunno was offended. If you ask me for anything, I won't give it to you either.

One day, when Toropyzhka was not at home, Dunno got into a car that was parked in the yard and began to pull the levers and press the pedals. At first, nothing worked out for him, then suddenly the car snorted and drove off. The shorties saw it through the window and ran out of the house.
- What are you doing? they shouted. - You will be killed!
- I won't kill myself, - Dunno answered and immediately ran into a doghouse, which stood in the middle of the yard.
Fuck fuck! The booth crumbled to pieces. It’s good that Bulka managed to jump out, otherwise Dunno would have crushed him too.
- See what you've done! - Znayka shouted. - Stop now!

Dunno got scared, wanted to stop the car and pulled some kind of lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. There was a gazebo on the road. Fuck-ta-ra-rah! The pavilion crumbled into pieces. Dunno was pelted with wood chips from head to toe. One board caught him on the back, another cracked on the back of the head.

Dunno grabbed the steering wheel and let's turn. The car rushes around the yard, and Dunno screams at the top of his lungs:
- Brothers, open the gate as soon as possible, otherwise I'll break everything in the yard!
Shorties opened the gate, Dunno drove out of the yard and rushed down the street. Hearing the noise, short men ran out from all the yards.
- Watch out! Dunno shouted to them and rushed forward.
Znayka, Avoska, Vintik, Dr. Pilyulkin and other short men ran after him. But where is it! They couldn't catch up with him.
Dunno traveled all over the city and did not know how to stop the car.

Finally, the car drove up to the river, fell off the cliff and rolled head over heels down. Dunno fell out of it and remained lying on the shore, and the carbonated car fell into the water and drowned.
Znayka, Avoska, Vintik and Dr. Pilyulkin grabbed Dunno and carried her home. Everyone thought he was already dead.
At home they put him on the bed, and only then Dunno opened his eyes. He looked around and asked:

- Brothers, am I still alive?
- Alive, alive, - answered Dr. Pilyulkin. - Just, please, lie still, I need to examine you.
He undressed Dunno and began to examine. Then he said:
- Amazing! All the bones are intact, only there are bruises and a few splinters.
- It was me who caught on the board with my back, - Dunno said.
- We'll have to pull out the splinters, - Pilyulkin shook his head.
- Does it hurt? - Dunno was scared.
- No, not at all. Come on, I'll pull out the biggest one now.
- Ahh! - Dunno shouted.
- What are you? Does it hurt? Pilyulkin was surprised.
- Of course it hurts!
- Well, be patient, be patient. It just seems that way to you.

- No, I don't think so! Ah ah ah!
- Why are you screaming like I'm cutting you? I'm not cutting you.
- It hurts! He said it didn't hurt, but now it hurts!
- Well, hush, hush ... One splinter remains to be pulled out.
- Oh, don't! No need! I'd rather be with a splinter.
- It's impossible, it will start to boil.
- Wow!
- Well, that's it. Now you just need to anoint with iodine.
- Does it hurt?
- No, iodine doesn't hurt. Lie still.
- Ahh!
- Don't yell, don't yell! You like to ride in a car, but you don’t like to suffer a little!
- Oi! Burns like!
- It burns and stops. Now I'll put a thermometer on you.
- Oh, don't need a thermometer! No need!
- Why?
- It will hurt!
- Yes, the thermometer does not hurt.
- You keep saying - it doesn't hurt, and then it hurts.
- Here's an eccentric! Haven't I ever put a thermometer on you?
- Never.
- Well, now you'll see that it doesn't hurt, - Pilyulkin said and went to get a thermometer.

Dunno jumped out of bed, jumped out the open window and ran to his friend Gunka. Dr. Pilyulkin returned with a thermometer, looks - Dunno is gone.
- So treat such a patient! Pilyulkin grumbled. - You treat him, treat him, and he will jump out the window and run away. Where does it fit!

Reading N.N. Nosova | Intersettlement Central Library of the Blagoveshchensky District

Home » News " We read the stories of N.N. Nosova

Osipovskaya Model Rural Library has joined the network campaign "Reading the stories of N. N. Nosov", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the book "Dunno on the Moon".

Organizer of the action - Malo-Khlopovsky department of MBUK MCB (Morozovsky district, Rostov region).

Nikolai Nosov, the man who gave readers a cheerful and cheerful Dunno and other unforgettable characters. His books in libraries are still relevant and popular among schoolchildren. According to his works, cartoons and films were shot and are being shot, audio books are being recorded. The writer's work did not leave indifferent any generation.

Material provided: Nikolai Nosov - "Stories about Dunno"

“How Dunno wrote poetry”:

After Dunno did not become an artist, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry. He had a familiar poet who lived on Oduvanchikov Street. This poet was really called Pudik, but, as you know, all poets are very fond of beautiful names. Therefore, when Pudik began to write poetry, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

Once Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:

— Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.

— Do you have abilities? asked Flower.

— Of course there is. I am very capable, Dunno replied.

“That needs to be checked out,” Blossom said. Do you know what rhyme is?

- Rhyme? No, I do not know.

“Rhyme is when two words end in the same way,” explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?

- Understood.

- Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".

— Herring, — Dunno answered.

- What kind of rhyme is this: a stick - a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

Why not? They do end the same way.

— That's not enough, — said Blossom. - It is necessary that the words be similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.

— Got it, got it! shouted the Dunno. - A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump! That's great! Ha ha ha!

— Come up with a rhyme for the word “tow,” said Tsvetik.

- Shmaklya, Dunno answered.

— What kind of shmakla? Blossom was surprised. — Is there such a word?

- Isn't there?

— Of course not.

- Well, then rwakla.

— What kind of rwakla is this? Blossom was surprised again.

— Well, it's when they tear something, that's what it turns out to be, Dunno explained.

— You're lying all the time, — said Tsvetik, — there is no such word. It is necessary to choose such words that exist, and not to invent.

— What if I can't find another word?

— So you have no talent for poetry.

— Well, then figure out what kind of rhyme it is, — Dunno answered.

“Now,” Blossom agreed.

He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms, tilted his head to one side and began to think. Then he lifted his head up and began to think, looking at the ceiling. Then he clutched his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done all this, he began to wander around the room and slowly muttered to himself:

- Tow, buckle, wacker, hackle, buckle, buckle... - He muttered like that for a long time, then he said: - Pah! What's this word? It's a word that doesn't rhyme.

— There you go! Dunno rejoiced. - He himself sets such words for which there is no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.

- Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! Flower said. - My head hurts. Compose in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, here are the verses for you.

Is it really that simple? Dunno was surprised.

— Sure, simple. The main thing is the ability to have.

Dunno came home and immediately began to compose poetry. All day long he walked about the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin in his hands and muttering something to himself.

At last the verses were ready, and he said:

— Listen, brothers, what verses I have composed.

— Come on, come on, what are these poems about? - everyone was interested.

“I made this up about you,” Dunno confessed. - First, here are the poems about Znayka: Znayka went for a walk to the river, Jumped over the sheep.

— What? Znaika shouted. - When did I jump over the sheep?

- Well, it's only in poetry that they say it, for rhyme, - Dunno explained.

— So, because of the rhyme, will you make up all sorts of lies about me? - Boiled Znayka.

“Of course,” Dunno answered. Why should I tell the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists.

— Try again, you'll find out! Znaika threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about others there?

“Here, listen to Toropyzhka,” Dunno said. Hasty was hungry, Swallowed a cold iron.

— Brothers! shouted Toropyzhka. What does he say about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.

- Don't shout, Dunno answered. - I just said for rhyme that the iron was cold.

— Well, I haven't swallowed any iron, neither cold nor hot! shouted Toropyzhka.

— And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down, — Dunno answered. - Here, listen to the verses about Avoska: Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow. Avoska went to his bed, looked under the pillow and said:

- Lies! There is no cheesecake here.

— You don't understand anything in poetry, Dunno answered. - It is only for rhyme that it is said that it lies, but in fact it does not lie. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin.

— Brothers! cried Dr. Pilyulkin. "We need to stop this bullying!" Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying about everyone here?

- Enough! they all shouted. We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teasing.

Only Znayka, Toropyzhka and Avoska shouted:

— Let him read! Since he has read about us, let him read about others.

- Don't! We do not want! the others shouted.

“Well, if you don’t want to, then I’ll go and read to my neighbors,” Dunno said.

— What? everyone screamed. “Are you still going to shame us in front of the neighbors?” Just try! Then you can't go back home.

— All right, brothers, I won’t, — Dunno agreed.

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