Short story to read for kindergarten

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(New Chapter added every Friday.)

Jackson Fickle had a pretty simple life. As the Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President of Earth, nobody expected much from him. But when he takes a bite of a tunafish sandwich that wasn’t meant for him, and is sucked through a blackhole and pulled onto a Byzong Warship, he finds that his greatest adventure is about to begin. Follow along with a new chapter to the Solar Snooks Saga posted every week!

For those spending time at home, looking for a cozy adventure or bedtime story for kids, we offer this imaginative rhyming picture book, read by the author, Daniel Errico. Follow the Marmabill on her quest through the rainforest, where she meets fantastical creatures like wugs, tankadiggies, and flying fluthers. As her journey takes her from treetops to glowing underground caves, the Marmabill finds out for herself the true meaning of home. Remember, our stories for kids are here for you to read at any time. And remember, Dream Big!

Gemma is a middle grade novel that follows a curious explorer and her ring-tailed lemur, Milo, as they hunt for the “most greatest treasure in the world”. Solving riddles, battling a bell-wearing jaguar, and traveling the Eight Seas, Gemma’s adventures take her from a young girl to a brave captain, whose only limits are the stars.

While drawing in class at Stagwood School, 12-year old Cal sees a frog staring at him through the window. Stranger than that, is the fact that this frog happens to be wearing glasses.

Cal and his best friend, Soy, learn that the frog (who prefers the name Deli) has sought them out for a reason. When a school administrator named Ream reveals himself to be a dragon, the boys discover that fairytales are real, and that there is magic afoot in Stagwood. With Ream on their tail, the trio must unearth a powerful tool protected by riddles and rile (the magic that fuels nightmares) to save the fate of all fairytales past. But, before Cal can defeat Ream, he has to deal with Soy's knack for arguing with magical creatures, discover the truth about Deli's identity, and earn his place as the hero of the story. The Guardians of Lore is a middle grade novel that centers around two life-long friends, infusing humor and fantasy-based riddles into a modern fairytale.

This quirky tale is about our most infamous character of all. If you don’t have a soufflé-baking, trumpet-blaring, sleigh-riding friend, then maybe it’s time that you met Ms. McKay. Told as a monorhyme poem. “Say what you will or say what you may, you’ll remember the day that you met Ms. McKay…”


Mr. McKay is a most mischievous fellow. His hair and eyes have been known to change color with the seasons. If you ever feel a warm breeze on a very cold winter day, be sure to keep your coat on, because it may be Mr. McKay playing his trick! A light-hearted, rhyming bedtime story about keeping your coat on when it’s awfully cold outside.


“The wolves in the woods, grow as wild as trees. They do not say Thank You. They do not say Please.”

A rhyming story book about a young wolf pup unlike any other. When the moon is full and all the wolves are howling, Warren turns into a mild-mannered boy, eating sandwiches with the crusts cut off, and going to bed early. That’s because Warren is secretly a wereboy. But when the rest of his pack finds out the truth, Warren has to show them that sometimes our biggest differences are our greatest strengths.

Ages 3-8, Narrated, Read Along

Explore the ocean floor and discover the location of Orangebeard's Treasure in this series of adventure stories for kids! Each location that you visit under the sea reveals a unique story from the gnarble. Piece together the clues with reading comprehension and reasoning skills to solve the mystery!

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble is a number one best-selling ebook that has been adapted into a hardcover book and play. Through rhyming verse and engaging illustrations, the Noble Gnarble teaches kids about perseverance and determination in the face of obstacles. Dream Big!

Ages 3-5, Narrated, Read Along

One of our most popular children’s stories, this is the tale of a group of robots winding down for the night. The Robot Bedtime Book is a playful bedtime story that encourages interaction, imagination, and a fun bedtime routine. 


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  • Daniel Errico

    RT @bitterasiandude:


Classic Short Stories for Kids

This is a collection of famous classical short stories for kids that are available online. We have selected a variety of stories from different authors. The links go directly to the stories where they can be read online. You might also be interested in the poems for kids page.

  • "The Lion and the Mouse" by Aesop
    The Lion and the Mouse is a classic Aesop fable. A lion generously spares a mouse it was about to kill. The mouse promise to repay the lion some day.
  • "The Three Little Pigs" by Unknown
    This fairy tale originates in England. Three pigs build homes but only one builds a home strong enough to withstand wolf attacks.
  • "Hansel and Gretel" by Brothers Grimm
    "Hansel and Gretel" is a classic fairy tale about two abandoned children who encounter a witch in the forest. The witch lures the children in to her home with delicious food but she really intends to eat them.
  • "The Princess and the Pea" by Hans Christian Andersen
    This fairy tale from by Hans Christian Andersen tells the story of a special test that can identify a real princess. The sensitivity test involves placing a pea underneath a stack of mattresses.
  • "The Ants and the Grasshopper" by Aesop
    This classic Aesop fable is set in late fall. It follows a group of hardworking ants drying out the grain they had stored during the summer. They encounter a grasshopper who foolishly failed to store any food for the winter.
  • "How the Camel Got His Hump" by Rudyard Kipling
    This tale from Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories tells how the camel, fond of saying "Humph!", got his hump from an encounter with a djinn.
  • "A Kidnapped Santa Claus" by L. Frank Baum
    The Land of Oz creator L. Frank Baum wrote this story about deamons that kidnap Santa Claus. Fortunately, Santa Claus has some help completing his toy deliveries.
  • "The Snow Image" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
    A brother and sister make a snow girl that comes to life - a snow sister. She is so lifelike that their father insists on bringing the snow girl inside, which is a mistake.
  • "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain
    Mark Twain wrote this short story in 1865. It was included in a short story collection. The story covers jumping frogs, cheating and betting.
  • "The Frog Prince" by Brothers Grimm
    This classic Grimm fairy tale follows the story of a talking frog and a spoiled princess.
  • "The Reluctant Dragon" by Kenneth Grahame.
    This tale tells the story of a boy who befriends a dragon. The dragon is discovered by the townspeople who send for St. George to slay it. The story was published in Grahame's Dream Days book.
  • "The Remarkable Rocket" by Oscar Wilde
    This humorous short story tells the tale of an arrogant and boisterous rocket. The rocket thinks he is remarkable and better than all the other fireworks.
  • "The Bundle of Sticks" by Aesop
    There are no animals in this Aesop fable. A father uses the concept of a bundle of sticks to teach the importance of unity and working together to his young sons.
  • "The Elves and the Shoemaker" by Brothers Grimm
    This fairy tale tells the story of a group of little elves that help a cobbler make shoes. There are multiple variations and translations of the tale.
  • "The Kite That Went to the Moon" by Evelyn Sharp
    The story is part of Evelyn Sharp's short story collection, The Other Side of the Moon. A boy makes a giant kite and his friend draws a moon and stars on it. They are embarrassed when the kite doesn't fly.
  • "Snow White" by Brothers Grimm
    The are variations on this fairy tale that was first published in 1812. As many children already know it involves a wicked, vain stepmother queen who is jealous and envious of the King's daughter, Snow White.
  • "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen
    This is a very clever fairy tale invented by Andersen that tells the story of a little bird that does not fit in and is teased by the other birds in the barnyard.
  • "The Dog and His Refection" by Aesop
    This Aesop fable teaches the foolishness of greed. A dog looking at his reflection in the water spies a bigger bone than the bone is carrying.
  • "The Bogey-Beast" by Flora Annie Steel (retold
    This is an entertaining fairy tale about an optimistic poor, old woman who unknowingly encounters the Bogey-Beast when she finds a perfectly good black pot lying in a ditch.

Stories and fairy tales for children about kindergarten

In order for your child's adaptation to be successful, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten in the child. Fairy tales and stories about kindergarten will help him in this, they will allow the child to survive, “lose” situations and become more self-confident. Such works should be read or told to the child every day at least 2 weeks before his first day in kindergarten. When a child is worried about something (and going to kindergarten causes considerable concern among children), he needs to know in advance what awaits him there. And if the child repeatedly hears the sequence of events awaiting him, then this will calm him down and help him avoid tears during the adaptation period.

How Andryusha wanted to go to kindergarten

The boy Andryusha was very cunning. He knew how to do everything himself, but was lazy, and therefore pretended to be small.
- Andryusha, go wash your face! Mom tells him.
- I can't, I'm still small! the son answers.
"Here's your lunch, eat it yourself," Mom asks.
- Feed me, I'm still small... whimpers Andryushka.
- Get dressed! Let's go for a walk, Mom calls.
– No, you dress me. I'm small, - Andryusha is capricious.
One morning Andryusha was walking in the yard. There were no children, and the boy was very bored. Suddenly he looks, Vanya and Nastenka are walking with their mothers.
- Hello! Let's play together! Andryushka shouted.
- We have no time. We are in a hurry. We are going to a kindergarten for adult children, - Nastenka answered.
- It's so interesting there! We work, we walk, we play! Vanya boasted.
- I also want to go to kindergarten! Andryusha said.
- Ask your mother, and she will write you down, - suggested Vanya's mother.
Andryusha ran up to his mother:
- I want to go to kindergarten too!
You won't be accepted there. You can't do anything by yourself, you're still small.
Andryusha was silent and thoughtful. And the next day, he washed himself, dressed, ate, and even put away the scattered toys in their place.
– Look Mom, I'm already big! Now I will do everything myself.
Mom smiled, praised her son, and a few days later Andryusha was also accepted into the kindergarten.

How Marina went to kindergarten

Once upon a time there was a girl Marina. Marina was three years old, and she terribly disliked going to kindergarten. Every morning she asked her parents to let her stay at home. Parents were very upset by such words of their daughter.
And then one day mother allowed Marina to stay at home. The day at home dragged on for an unusually long time. The girl wandered from corner to corner, she was tired of playing with toys, she was tired of watching TV, and she did not want to beg her mother to play with her or go for a walk. And the next morning Marina agreed to go to the garden.
When she entered the group, all the children shouted:
– Hurrah! Marina has arrived! Why weren't you there yesterday? We went to the circus as a group! For a fun show! It was so great!
Marina was offended: after all, she was so sad at home when her friends were at the circus.
How long, how short did Marina go to the kindergarten, but she began to be stubborn again. And this time, the mother allowed her daughter to stay at home. And again the day dragged on, and it seemed to the girl that it would never end.
The next day Marina returned to the kindergarten. The guys around again discussed something interesting.
– Marina! The whole group of us went to the children's railway and rode the train there ... and then walked in the park! . . and met a squirrel in the park! And in the children's train there are comfortable tables ... and the conductors told a funny story ... and the train was also driven by a boy, he is only 13 years old! - the guys said excitedly.
The girl was hurt to tears: how could it be, again the whole group rejoiced and discussed an interesting event, but nobody cared about Marina...
Day after day, Marina went to kindergarten again. How long, how short, only again Marina asks her mother: “Mommy, can I stay at home for a day?”
“Stay,” said mother, “but remember that it was your decision.
When Marina reappeared in the group a day later, she saw that there were very beautiful figures made of plasticine on the shelf - and there was a bunny, a fox, and a bear cub! ..
– Oh, what a beauty!!! Marina froze in admiration.
- Look, Marina, I made this bunny myself! - Oksana's friend said to the girl, pointing to the same bunny that Marina liked so much, - yesterday a special teacher came to us and showed us how to do it! And Andryushka blinded this little bear cub, that fox over there - Tanya.
Marina couldn't stand it anymore – she started crying: “Well, why do I always miss all the most interesting things!? I won’t miss kindergarten anymore!”
From that day on, Marina always went to kindergarten, and even if she was ill, she always tried to recover as soon as possible so as not to miss something interesting.

A fairy tale about a kitten who did not want to go to kindergarten

Once upon a time there were kittens. And they had a mother cat. While the kittens were small, they played, frolicked in the summer meadow, went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Then the kittens grew up, and it was time to take them to kindergarten. All the kittens were happy about this, because in the kindergarten there are a lot of funny good kids, interesting toys, the aunt teacher tells good tales and teaches how to sculpt from plasticine, sing and draw. And only the kitten Tishka pouted: “I don’t want to go to the garden! I will stay at home!"
- All right, - said Mother Cat. - Stay at home, only you will sit at home alone until the evening, because I have to go to work.
And so, the next day, all the kittens ran to the kindergarten, mother Koshka went to work, and Tishka stayed at home. He was sad, tired of all the homemade toys, and it was boring to play alone. He began to look out the window, just in kindergarten all the kittens went for a walk and began to play catch-up, then hide-and-seek, and then ride down the hill!
- That's how fun they are, - thought the kitten Tishka. - And I'm sitting here at home ... Alone .... Missing…
In the evening, all the kittens came from the kindergarten cheerful and brought interesting gifts for their mother. Grishka drew a beautiful drawing, Mishka made a plasticine car with real wheels, and Masha cut out a flower from paper. Mom Koshka was very happy with such wonderful gifts and said a big thank you to all the children! At dinner, the kittens began to talk about how they spent the day in the kindergarten, what was interesting, who they met, what they played, where they went, what they ate, how they did exercises. And only Tishka, who did not go to kindergarten, had nothing to tell, because he sat at home all day and did nothing interesting.
- I also want to go to kindergarten - said Tishka.
- Of course, let's go, - the kittens called him. - Tomorrow we will wake up early, early, and we will be the first to come to the garden in order to have time to do all the interesting things!

The Tale of Sadness

Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. At first she was just a baby, and then she grew and grew and grew up. Yes, she had grown so much that now she could go to the kindergarten to play with the guys. Mom and dad were so happy that Masha is big. They arranged a holiday. Mom baked a cake, and Masha even blew out the candles herself.
The next day Mashulya went to kindergarten for the first time, and she liked it there so much that she didn't even want to leave. Played with toys, ate delicious porridge. And she also had a friend there - Semyon, such a cheerful boy with curls.
They played together all day long. Semyon sat down at one end of the room and pushed Masha a big truck. Masha caught him, loaded cubes into the body and sent him to Semyon, and he built a big tower. They had fun together. Even falling asleep was not boring, because the cribs stood side by side, and together they closed their eyes and slept.
And then one rainy autumn day, when the leaves turned completely yellow, the wind brought Grustinka to the kindergarten. She was so small, gray as a microbe, flew into the window and hid in Masha's pocket. And then Masha was changed. She felt sad, for some reason she was upset, she lost her mother and let's cry. All the guys and the teacher reassured her, reassured her ... But the tears still drip by themselves, so drip-drip-drip ... And Masha knows that her mother will come soon, she just goes to work, then she buys delicious yogurt and runs for Masha. Masha knows this, but for some reason she is sad - she wants her mother to come right now . .. And this is all sad Sadness sitting in her pocket and upsets Masha, makes her cry.
Semyon tried to cheer up Masha: he offered to play loaf, he brought a doll to her in a stroller - but Masha is still sad. And then Semyon saw that Mashuli's eyes were completely wet. And he decided to help her:
- Give me, - he says, - I'll get your handkerchief, and wipe your tears, don't cry!
Syoma Mashin pulled out a handkerchief, together with him Grustinka shook herself out of her pocket, and again flew out the window. And Masha immediately smiled, and then laughed and became cheerful again. And Syoma and the other guys, of course, were very happy that Grustinka had completely flown away, and they all ran together to watch cartoons.
Since then, Masha always checks her pocket to see if Sad is stuck there and never gets sad in the kindergarten again.

Bunny in kindergarten

One day Bunny and mother hare were going to kindergarten. Bunny was very worried and upset that his mother would not pick him up from kindergarten in the evening.
He kept asking: Mom, will you pick me up in the evening?
- Of course, I'll take you, Bunny. I will definitely come for you after work.
But the bunny still couldn't believe it and asked again and again.
By chance, this conversation was heard by the Baby Elephant. He went to the same group as Bunny and asked Bunny for a walk:
- Bunny, are you really afraid that your mother won't take you home?
- Yes, I'm very afraid that my mother will leave me here - answered Bunny.
To this the Elephant said: Why are you, Bunny. It can not be so. All children are taken home by mothers and fathers in the evening. At night, the kindergarten is completely empty. The kids only come in the morning.
Bunny asked: Completely, completely empty?
Baby elephant replied: Absolutely, absolutely. Children only come to kindergarten in the morning.
Let's see with you in the evening, they will take absolutely all the children home.
When the animals had supper in the evening, the Baby Elephant and the Hare began to wait, who would be taken away first. On this day, the first cat was taken. Her mother came for her. Then they took away a bear cub, a lion cub, a squirrel, a rabbit, a mouse and a penguin. Everyone was very happy that mom and dad came for them. Who was taken last, Elephant and Hare did not manage to see. Since their mothers also came for them. And they happily ran home. The hare liked this moment so much when his mother took him home in the evening. He was so happy and in the evening he told his mother what interesting things had happened to him all day in kindergarten.

How Alla fell in love with going to kindergarten

– Mom, well, mom!!!! I no longer want to go to kindergarten, - Alla begged her mother. - Let's stay at home! Come on!
“Okay,” Mom replied.
And from that moment Alla stopped going to kindergarten. So two weeks passed. One day, Alla and her mother went to the grocery store together.
- Alla, Alla, hello! came from somewhere on the side.
The girl looked around and saw Inna.
– Why don't you go to kindergarten now? - Alla Inna asked. - We, all the guys, are waiting for you! And we got in trouble! Do you remember the cubes you used to play with? They disappeared yesterday. We have already searched everything, they are nowhere to be found!
- How did they disappear? - Alla was alarmed. – Where can they be?
– I don’t know, – Inna answered sadly. - So what? Will you come tomorrow?
- I'll come, I'll definitely come, - the girl said thoughtfully.
The next morning, Alla herself woke up very early and asked her mother to take her to the kindergarten. She came, greeted the teacher and the guys and immediately went to look for her favorite cubes. They are not in the cupboard, neither are under the cupboard...
- Cubes, well, where are you? Allah asked sadly.
But they never showed up.
In the evening, mother came to take her daughter home. Alla got dressed, and they went. They go through the park, the rain is drizzling.
Alla suddenly sees that her favorite cubes are lying on a wet and cold bench.
- Mom, look! the girl exclaimed. - There are cubes from our kindergarten! Don't have a package? I want to pick them up and take them back to the kindergarten tomorrow.
Mom gave her daughter a big package and the girl immediately rushed to collect multi-colored cubes from the bench.
- Oh, cubes! How did you get here? Who brought you here?
- Hello, Allah! The toys rejoiced! We are so glad to see you! Nobody brought us here! We waited and waited for you, but you still didn’t come to visit us in the kindergarten. We were very upset and went to look for you, but got lost.
- That's it! – the girl laughed! - And I've been looking for you all day today in the group! You don't run away anymore! Now I have to go to kindergarten!
And at night, Alla had a dream, how she, together with the teacher and other children, learned a song for her mother on the holiday of March 8, how they were given gifts for the New Year, how fun she played with the children, how she built a large fortress from cubes and much, much more .
In the morning, waking up and getting ready to go to the kindergarten, the girl thought:
– It's good in the kindergarten!
And, taking a bag of cubes, she happily ran to catch up with her mother.

Adventure in kindergarten

Gleb was five years old and had been going to kindergarten for two years. And walking, among other things, with pleasure! After all, Mitka was there - his friend from the cradle. And Marinka, a pretty girl, but very harmful. But all that was in the past. Gleb's parents moved to another area, and the boy had to go to another kindergarten. It's been a week since Glebushka went to kindergarten No. 5, which was located next to the house. But now, of course, everything was sad and sad. Neither Mitka is there, nor the harmful Marinka. Of course, there are other guys there, but Gleb was not going to communicate with anyone. He did not want to go to this kindergarten at all! He especially did not like the strict teacher Lyubov Vasilyevna, who tried to force him to recite a rhyme for Shrovetide.
– I don't want to! I won't! Will not go! - the sleepy boy was capricious. Mom, don't go to work today. Let's stay at home together!
- Gleboshka, dear! I promise next week I'll take a day off on Friday, and you and I will spend the whole day together. But today you have to go to kindergarten. Why do you dislike him so much?
– Because I don't want to go there! Gleb said. - I'm not friends with anyone! Why can't I go to kindergarten with Mitka?
- Honey, well, you now live in different areas. And your kindergartens are also different now, - seeing the sad look of her son, mom hastened to add.
- But now we have a two-room apartment. And you have your own room!
- I don't want to go to this kindergarten, - Gleb just mumbled and reluctantly got out of bed.
Fluffy slippers were also not in favor today, so they immediately went under the bed. All! Another ruined morning! Already the 5th this week!
Gleb pretended to brush his teeth and went to the kitchen, where oatmeal was waiting for him. The boy sat down at the table, turned on the TV and defiantly turned away from the plate.
Now mother's mood was also spoiled.
In fact, Glebka didn't want to behave like that and anger his mother. He just had to somehow show that he was not joking: he was not going to be friends with anyone in the garden, and he would not obey the new teacher either! And especially to learn some kind of rhyme there!
On the way to the garden, Gleb said nothing, although, of course, he really wanted to ask his mother something. For example, where will they go next Friday? And when will this Friday be, how many times will he need to sleep for it to come? But the boy did not dare to speak first, he knew that his mother was angry with him and therefore decided to also make an angry look. Moreover, the March cold wind blew so unpleasantly in the face that I did not want to open my mouth once again. This year, winter was in no hurry to leave. She was very flattered when both adults and children wrapped themselves in warm clothes when leaving the house.
- Gleb, I beg you, behave yourself! - approaching the kindergarten, my mother asked. “You are good and obedient to me!”
- Uh-huh! the boy agreed.
- Well, that's good! And in the evening, dad and I will pick you up and go eat ice cream.
This promise pleased Gleb a little, and he forced himself to smile.
- Good morning! Glebushka, run to the guys! We'll start rehearsing soon! Lyubov Vasilievna said affectionately, going up to Gleb and his mother. But the boy, without saying hello, frowned and ran away.
- Lyubov Vasilievna, good morning! You'll have to excuse us! Mom asked. - He is very worried about the move.
- Anna Sergeevna, don't worry! I understand everything, - the teacher reassured Gleb's mother and added. - Do not forget, please, that we are waiting for you for the holiday!
All the children were happy to perform their learned poems in front of Lyubov Vasilievna. Everyone wanted to show how good he is! Only our Glebushka looked angrily at the governess. And as soon as his turn came, he immediately announced:
- I didn't learn anything! Don't want!
– Then maybe you don't want to perform? the teacher asked.
Gleb only nodded in response.
– Can you imagine how upset your parents will be?! Gleb, well, you will let your comrades down too! After all, our group has always been praised. And now what will they say that an ignoramus has appeared in group 15?
The kids laughed and clapped their hands.
- Ignorant! Ignoramus! - they began to tease Gleb cheerfully.
And Gleb, instead of telling a rhyme and showing everyone that he was not an ignoramus, and that he was not at all going to offend and let anyone down, turned and ran "wherever his eyes look."
Glebushka's eyes did not disappoint! They led him straight to the Assembly Hall, which for some reason was not closed now. The boy knew that behind the scenes there are always a lot of interesting things and costumes left after the performances of the guys. Gleb and Mitok somehow already made their way to the Assembly Hall after the New Year's performance. What the guys just did not find there! And masquerade masks, and the staff of Santa Claus (which for some reason he forgot from them, though later, as the teachers said, he took it) and all sorts of garlands, and Christmas tree decorations. In general, what was there just not!
Of course, the boys' teacher then scolded them, because in no case should you run away from the group and hide in the Assembly Hall! But it's so interesting to do what adults do not allow!
“Maybe Grandfather Frost left something now? thought Glebushka. “Maybe some toy?”
The boy quickly ran into the Assembly Hall, closed the door behind him and hurried backstage.
While the teachers and children were looking for Glebushka, he calmly looked at the magical world that opened up to him behind the scenes. Of course, there was no present from Santa Claus. But there was already something to see. The boy sat down more comfortably and pulled towards him a large box with all sorts of little things left by fairy-tale heroes. Glebushka found there: a handkerchief of a woman yaga, and a little red cap, and dwarf shoes!
- "Wow! This means that fairy-tale heroes will return here to pick up their things! Well, how will Little Red Riding Hood go without her Little Red Riding Hood? the boy said quite rightly.
Suddenly a wand caught his eye. She just wasn't easy. Magic! Gleb understood this immediately. Could not a simple wand shine so brightly!
"Magic wand! - waving it in all directions, the boy rejoiced.
Suddenly, a cold wind blew strongly from somewhere and snowflakes fell straight from the ceiling. Everything around began to spin and spin. Glebushka closed his eyes in fear, and when he opened it, a tall, very pale and thin woman stood in front of him. She had such a piercing look that the boy immediately felt somehow uncomfortable. She was dressed in a long silvery dress and a white fur coat, as if made of cotton wool.
- You are the Snow Queen, right? the boy asked in a low, frightened voice.
- I am the coldest and most harmful of the four seasons! I am Winter! – majestically answered the guest. - And you, as it seemed to me, are a very harmful and playful boy!
– No, I'm not like that! the boy protested, backing away and holding his magic wand tightly in his hands.
- Such, such! You hate your mom! Don't listen to your teacher! You don't learn poetry! Don't be friends with guys! Well, don't worry, I like these kids! You will help me,” Winter declared, and suddenly became very formidable. - I'll show my beautiful sister what I'm capable of!
– Who is your sister? Glebushka was sincerely surprised.
– Like who?! Of course, Spring! And what, hasn't she come for a magic wand yet?
– No, this is my wand. I found it first! – suddenly boldly declared boy.
Zima laughed loudly, and suddenly a breath of cold breathed from her mouth that Glebushka immediately trembled, but this made him grip the magic wand even tighter in his hands.
- How dare you contradict me, you naughty little boy! Come on, my faithful assistants, grab him! Winter ordered.
Behind the scenes, someone immediately stirred and some strange sounds were heard, reminiscent of crunching and ringing.
The boy didn't waste another minute, he jumped out of the Assembly Hall and ran to his group.
- Lyubov Vasilievna, help! Gleb wanted to scream, but he couldn't do anything.
– Over here, quickly! - Approaching the locker room, the boy heard. Gleb turned to his group and saw that all the toys from the shelf jumped out to meet him. The boy was frightened at first, thinking that they were Winter's helpers, and therefore he stopped, not daring to go towards them.
- Why are you delaying? Faster! the doll called.
– Are you afraid of us? muttered the big teddy bear. - Aren't you afraid of ice men?
– Who-whom? Gleb was surprised.
But the toys only waved their hands strongly, pointing at the door to the locker room. The boy turned around and saw several ice men sliding right along the wall! Suddenly an icicle fell on Gleb's head! And the boy, not so much from pain, but from surprise and resentment, wept loudly, clutching his head. The magic wand fell out of his hands, and the ice man immediately hurried after it. But the toys were also ready for battle!
Little dwarfs drove up on a tractor, and, having put a wand, quickly rushed into the group. The ice men ran after the gnomes, while such a crunch was heard, as if they were running not on the floor, but on the snow. They threw sharp icicles at the toys, and they fell, unable to get up anymore. Glebushka also ran. Almost on the move, he took off his boot and threw it at one ice man with all his might. There was a deafening sound, and the little man broke up into small pieces of ice. But from these icicles, new little ice men appeared.
- Lyubov Vasilievna! Help! Finally, the boy managed to scream. The governess immediately responded to Glebushka's desperate call.
Lyubov Vasilievna did not look like she did in the morning. Now she was wearing a long green dress with beautiful bright flowers. In her hand she held a magic wand, which the gnomes still managed to pass on to her. She directed it at one ice man, who was trying to freeze the poor doll with his ice hug. And the little man immediately melted under the clear and warm beam emanating from the magic wand. Glebushka wanted to apologize for his behavior in the morning, but then Winter appeared. Seeing the magic wand, she became very angry with Glebushka.
- Oh, you little trashy boy! You still managed to pass the magic wand to my sister Vesna!
- Lyubov Vasilievna, so you are Spring ?! Hooray! - Glebushka was delighted and rushed to his teacher. Spring cheerfully picked up the boy in her arms and was about to leave with him, when suddenly Winter announced:
- Where did you take my assistant? This boy didn't expect you at all!
- Oh, it's true! Spring suddenly responded sadly. From her breath around it became so warm and cozy that Glebushka strongly pressed against her, not wanting to let go.
- Well, why are you afraid of me, mischievous boy? Winter asked coldly. - I'm not that bad! Wouldn't you and I have fun? Do you like skating, sledding and ice-skating? Play snowballs and make a snowman! And with Spring, all this will be impossible.
- But I don't want it to be always cold! Glebushka said. “I like you, Winter, when, of course, you are not angry. But I love Spring too!
Winter laughed, and her ice assistants rang with her.
- How is it, I wonder, do you love her, even if you refused to learn a rhyme? she asked through laughter. And then she said sternly: - That's it! Stop talking, I'm starting to melt!
Winter grabbed Glebushka by the arm and dragged her to the window. The boy began to kick and push away his captor, but she bound him with her cold chains so that he soon could not move. Ice men, laughing and ringing, ran after their mistress. Along the way, they scattered their sharp icicles every now and then. And the toys bravely defended themselves by throwing cubes and balls at them.
- Lyubov Vasilievna! Help! I want to you! the boy shouted.
- Tell a poem about our Spring! toys suggested. – Then Spring will believe that you were waiting for her.
And the boy immediately began to remember the rhyme. It's good that he still taught him yesterday with his dad.
- Go away, gray winter! the boy began quietly.
– What, what did you say? Stopping, Zima asked in surprise.
– Louder! Tell me louder! the toys screamed.
- Go away, gray winter!
The beauties of Spring are already
The golden chariot
Rushing from the mountain heights!
Is it old to argue, frail,
With her - the queen of flowers,
With a whole army of air
Fragrant breezes!
Glebushka blurted out in one breath and suddenly it became so clear and bright around. Winter has gone away. But Spring picked up the boy in her arms and began to circle.
- Gleboshka! You scared me so! - Lyubov Vasilievna's gentle voice was heard.
The boy opened his eyes and saw that the kind teacher was holding him in her arms. And he was still behind the scenes. Just sorting out all sorts of interesting things, he fell asleep.
- Lyubov Vasilievna, forgive me! I learned everything and will tell you everything!
From that very day Glebushka went to kindergarten with pleasure. He made friends with all the guys and always obeyed his beloved teacher.
Fairy tale therapy for children going through a period of adaptation to kindergarten will help to cope with stress. Therefore, read to your child a fairy tale about the boy Slavik, who did not want to go to kindergarten. Children identify themselves with the main characters of fairy tales, so listening to stories about guys like them makes it easier for them to deal with their fears and feelings. Therefore, if you are reading a fairy tale to your daughter, then replace the main character with a girl (for example, Sonya), and the railway with a dollhouse.
Once upon a time there was a little boy Slavik. Slavik lived with his mom and dad. Mom and dad loved him very much, played with him, fed him, read books to him and told fairy tales. More than anything, Slavik loved to play with toys! He had cars, cubes, balls and even colored paper and plasticine! But Slavik always wanted to have a railroad. The kind that trains run on. Only Slavik was small and did not know how to tell his parents about the railway. I had to play cars and cubes! And Slavik did it with pleasure. One morning, Slavik was awakened by his father and called him to the kitchen. Mom was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Slavik had porridge in his plate (which he didn't really like) and berries from jam (which he really liked to eat). Slavik began to carry on a plate with a spoon - beautiful stains were obtained. But the parents did not allow Slavik to admire the resulting beauty. “We need to hurry up today,” Mom said. “You are going to kindergarten today!” Dad announced solemnly. Slavik did not want to go to kindergarten. Firstly, he did not know what it was ... Secondly, today his toys were waiting for him. He wanted to build a house out of blocks, ride all his toys on cars, paint a picture that he began to draw on the wallpaper next to the radiator. But the parents did not want to listen to anything: “We need to go to work! Won't you stay at home alone?" Slavik was combed and dressed. Although Slavik already knew how to dress himself. It was embarrassing. Will adults always wear it now? On the way to the kindergarten, dad explained to Slavik that there would be an aunt-teacher in the kindergarten, as well as other children and a lot of toys. Slavik did not like it in the kindergarten. The room was small, there were cabinets with pictures, there were no children, and toys too! However, the teacher came to the meeting: “Hello, Slavik! My name is Irina Ivanovna. Iwaited for you. Here is your locker, undress quickly! Mom undressed Slavika. Slavik was surprised again: he can do it himself! Then my mother said: “Well, that's it, Slavik! Now my dad and I are going to work, and you will stay here. We'll be back for you in the evening. Do not be bored!". Then Slavik realized that he did not want to be left without mom and dad in kindergarten. Besides, he doesn't want to stay here until the evening with Irina Ivanovna. What will he do? All his toys are at home! Slavik realized that he would be very, very bored, and decided to let his parents know. Slavik cried! Well, yes! Boys don't cry. But in such situations, anyone would cry! Mom and dad got scared. Slavik looked at them and saw that if he cries louder, they will take him home. Slavik took a deep breath and prepared to give out “AAA!!! I won't go!!! I don't want to!!! Mama!!! I want
to youeeee!!!”. But then a girl and a boy ran into the room. They were playing with a big red ball. Slavik looked into the room from which they ran out and saw more guys there. And he saw a lot of toys. Slavik became interested. He forgot about mom and dad for a while and went to explore the new room. There were tables, chairs, cubes, books, dolls, soft bears and bunnies, and in the middle of the room . .. In the middle of the room there was a big railway. And the boys drove trains along it! Slavik ran up to the boys. And Irina Ivanovna gave him a small engine and offered to play with the guys. Of course, Slavik gladly agreed! Tu-tu! The steam locomotive is running! Goes to distant lands! And behind him is Maksimka's train and Yura's train. Slavik found new friends! They played trains, then ate (porridge again!), then went for a walk and built a garage out of sand during the walk! And when mom and dad came for Slavik, Irina Ivanovna read to all the children an interesting story about a little boy who did not want to go to kindergarten. And this boy was also called Slavik!
Discuss with the child what he remembers from the fairy tale. What did he like? What didn't you like? Let the kid come up with how events unfolded the next day. Did Slavik want to go to kindergarten? What was he doing there?

Fairy tale about toys in kindergarten

Every morning in the kindergarten is a real holiday. The toys that missed the boys so much during the night will soon meet them again. The toys in the garden are looking forward to the children and are very happy when they come to them.
And the educators, while waiting for the children, are preparing the group for their arrival. Tables and chairs are carefully arranged, toys are cleaned and materials are prepared for creative activities. What an interesting and joyful day today will be in kindergarten!
And only the boy Misha did not go to kindergarten in the morning. As soon as he woke up, he began to moan:
- Mom, leave me at home today, I don't want to go to kindergarten!
– But why, dear? Mom was surprised.
“Because I want to rest today,” Misha replied.
- Okay, but who will you stay at home with? After all, I have to go to work today,” my mother said with annoyance.
– And let's stay at home today, let's rest together, – the boy answered.
- Okay, I'll take time off from work today, but keep in mind that no one will give me money for my vacation, and I won't be able to buy you any sweets today.
- Agreed, today we will do without sweets, - Misha exclaimed joyfully and stretched sweetly in his bed.
Meanwhile, Mishin's favorite toy in kindergarten did not wait for the boy and was very upset. While other toys were playing with the children, this one was sitting in a corner and weeping quietly. She was very sad without Misha! And she was also very offended that the guys play with other toys, but not with her.
In the meantime, the boy leisurely had breakfast, watched cartoons, played with his toys and… suddenly got bored. Mom cooked at home, ironed clothes, did the cleaning, so she had no time to entertain Misha all the time.
In the meantime, it was very lively and cheerful in the kindergarten. After breakfast, all the children began to make crafts for their parents, and then went for a walk. How nice and sunny it was outside! Fresh air, outdoor games, the sun - beauty!
And only Misha and his toy were sad. One is at home, the other is in kindergarten. The boy was bored sitting at home, and his mother could not go out with him because she was doing business. And Misha's toy was also bored without the boy. She was so looking forward to it!
In the evening, all the children were taken home by their parents, the toys said goodbye to the children and, in joyful anticipation, remained to wait for the next morning. And only Mishina's toy was crying, because she did not know if her friend would come to the garden the next day.
In the evening Misha asked his mother for sweets, and she answered:
– No, dear, today there will be no sweets, because I didn't earn any money while I was at home. But today in the kindergarten you had sweets and cookies for an afternoon snack, but you decided to stay at home today. Probably, toys without you were bored there.
“Probably,” the boy said sadly. - Tomorrow I will definitely go to the garden and will not miss it again. It's only fun at home on the weekends when we're all relaxing. And today I was very bored, because you were busy, and sad because there were no sweets. Yes, and I also missed my toy in the garden.
The next morning Misha woke up and quickly got ready for the garden. When the toy saw the boy, her joy knew no bounds. This is happiness, this is a meeting! The whole day in the garden Misha and his toy were fun, interesting and joyful. In the meantime, my mother went to work and bought the boy various sweets.
Questions about a fairy tale about a kindergarten for the development of a child's emotional intelligence: Why was Mishina's toy upset in kindergarten? Why was the boy upset when he didn't go to kindergarten? Why was the garden fun and interesting? Why is Misha bored at home? What did the boy decide and why? Let the child discuss this topic.

Wonderful Kindergarten

Iris Revue

I have always liked the wonderful house called Kindergarten. In the mornings and evenings, light bulbs-lights burned merrily in it. In this house, as soon as the sun rose, adults brought children, and in the evenings they took them home. There were many children; it was a real children's kingdom. In the mornings, it was fun for me to go to kindergarten with my mother, but when my mother left, it became sad. Once I came to kindergarten before other children. There was no one in the group, except for the teacher and the nanny, and I got bored. Suddenly the teddy bear smiled, and the Katya doll told me: Dasha, come play with us. I got into the real toy world. We played fairyland. I became happy and good with toys. I stopped being sad. When the children came, my mood was wonderful. I immediately got involved in the fun "Fun Train", which was played by Masha, Vitya and Egor. From that day on, my life has changed. Kindergarten has become my second home. And now I have grown. On a glorious autumn day, I will go to school. I say: “Goodbye kindergarten, goodbye, dolls and bears, rabbits and mice, pencils and books. Goodbye, educators and nannies, cooks and watchmen!
Thank you for the happy years spent in kindergarten! Good luck to you, my dear kindergarten!

Questions about the fairy tale “The Wonderful Kindergarten”: What was the name of the wonderful house where mother brought Katya? Why is this house a real children's kingdom? What is the name of the doll that called Dasha to play? Why did Dasha go to kindergarten sad, and then she became cheerful? What was the name of the game played by Masha, Vitya, Yegor? Why is Dasha saying goodbye to kindergarten? Do you love your kindergarten? What is your favorite toy?

A short story with a lot of meaning is much easier for a child to master than a long story with multiple themes. Start reading with simple sketches and move on to more serious books. (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)


Grandfather Andrey invited his grandson Matvey to visit. The grandfather put a large bowl of honey in front of his grandson, put white rolls, invites:
- Eat, Matveyka, honey. If you want, eat honey with rolls with a spoon, if you want - rolls with honey.
Matvey ate honey with rolls, then rolls with honey. I ate so much that it became difficult to breathe. He wiped his sweat, sighed and asked:
- Please tell me, grandfather, what kind of honey is it - linden or buckwheat?
– And what? - Grandfather Andrei was surprised. - I treated you with buckwheat honey, granddaughters.
“Linden honey is still tastier,” Matvey said and yawned: after a plentiful meal, he felt sleepy.
Pain gripped grandfather Andrey's heart. He was silent. And the grandson kept asking:
– Is the flour for rolls made from spring or winter wheat? Grandfather Andrei turned pale. His heart clenched with unbearable pain.
It became hard to breathe. He closed his eyes and groaned.

Why say "thank you"?

Two people were walking along the forest road - a grandfather and a boy. It was hot, they wanted to drink.
The travelers approached the stream. Cool water gurgled softly. They leaned over and got drunk.
- Thank you, stream, - said the grandfather. The boy laughed.
- Why did you say "thank you" to the stream? he asked his grandfather. - After all, the stream is not alive, will not hear your words, will not understand your gratitude.
- That's right. If the wolf got drunk, he would not say “thank you”. And we are not wolves, we are people. Do you know why a person says "thank you"?
Think, who needs this word?
The boy thought. He had plenty of time. The way was long…


The mother swallow taught her chick to fly. The chick was very small. He clumsily and helplessly waved his weak wings. Unable to stay in the air, the chick fell to the ground and was badly hurt. He lay motionless and squealed plaintively. The mother swallow was very alarmed. She circled over the chick, screaming loudly and did not know how to help him.
The chick was picked up by a girl and put into a wooden box. And she put the box with the chick on the tree.
The swallow took care of her chick. She brought him food daily, fed him.
The chick began to recover quickly and was already chirping merrily and cheerfully waving its strengthened wings.
An old red cat wanted to eat a baby bird. He quietly crept up, climbed a tree and was already at the very box. But at this time the swallow flew off the branch and began to fly boldly in front of the very nose of the cat. The cat rushed after her, but the swallow deftly dodged, and the cat missed and slammed to the ground with all his might.
Soon the chick completely recovered and the swallow, with a joyful chirping, took him to his native nest under the neighboring roof.

Evgeny Permyak

How Misha wanted to outsmart his mother

Misha's mother came home after work and threw up her hands:
— How did you, Mishenka, manage to break off the wheel of a bicycle?
- Mom, it broke off by itself.
— And why is your shirt torn, Mishenka?
- Mommy, she burst herself.
— Where did your other shoe go? Where did you lose it?
- He, mother, got lost somewhere.
Then Misha's mother said:
— How bad they all are! They, the scoundrels, need to teach a lesson!
— And how? Misha asked.
“Very simple,” Mom replied. - If they have learned to break themselves, tear themselves apart and get lost on their own, let them learn to repair themselves, to sew themselves up, to be themselves. And you and I, Misha, will sit at home and wait until they do all this.
Misha sat down by a broken bicycle, in a torn shirt, without a shoe, and thought hard. Apparently, this boy had something to think about.

Short story "Ah!"

Nadia couldn't do anything. Grandmother Nadya dressed, put on shoes, washed, combed her hair.
Mom gave Nadya water from a cup, fed her from a spoon, put her to bed, lulled her to sleep.
Nadia heard about kindergarten. It's fun for friends to play there. They dance. They sing. They listen to stories. Good for kids in kindergarten. And Nadenka would have been fine there, but they didn't take her there. Not accepted!
Nadia cried. Mom cried. Grandma cried.
- Why didn't you accept Nadenka in kindergarten?
And in kindergarten they say:
— How can we accept her when she can't do anything.
Grandmother realized it, mother realized it. And Nadia caught on. Nadia began to dress herself, put on her own shoes, wash herself, eat, drink, comb her hair, and go to bed.
When they found out about this in kindergarten, they came for Nadia themselves. They came and took her to the kindergarten, dressed, shod, washed, combed.

Nikolai Nosov


Once Petya was returning from kindergarten. That day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate.
- I already know how to count! Petya boasted. - I learned in kindergarten. Look how I now count all the steps on the stairs.
They began to climb the stairs, and Petya loudly counted the steps:
- One, two, three, four, five ...
- Well, why did you stop? Valya asks.
- Wait, I forgot which step is next. I will remember now.
- Well, remember, - says Valya.
They stood on the stairs, they stood. Petya says:
- No, I can't remember that. Well, let's start over.
They went down the stairs. They started going up again.
- One, - says Petya, - two, three, four, five... And he stopped again.
- Forgot again? Valya asks.
- I forgot! How is it! I just remembered and suddenly forgot! Well, let's try again.
They went down the stairs again, and Petya started over:
- One, two, three, four, five...
- Maybe twenty-five? Valya asks.
- No! You just stop thinking! You see, I forgot because of you! Will have to start over again.
- I don't want to at first! Valya says. - What it is? Up, then down, then up, then down! My legs already hurt.
- If you don't want to, don't, - answered Petya. “I won’t go any further until I remember.”
Valya went home and said to her mother:
- Mom, there is Petya counting steps on the stairs: one, two, three, four, five, but then he doesn't remember.
- And then six, - said my mother.
Valya ran back to the stairs, and Petya kept counting the steps:
- One, two, three, four, five...
- Six! Valya whispers. - Six! Six!
- Six! Petya was delighted and went on. - Seven eight nine ten.
It's good that the stairs ended, otherwise he would never have reached the house, because he only learned to count to ten.


The guys built a snow hill in the yard. They poured water on her and went home. The cat didn't work. He was sitting at home, looking out the window. When the guys left, Kotka put on his skates and went up the hill. Teal skates in the snow, but can't get up. What to do? Kotka took the box of sand and sprinkled it on the hill. The guys came running. How to ride now? The guys were offended by Kotka and forced him to cover the sand with snow. Kotka untied his skates and began to cover the hill with snow, and the guys poured water over it again. Kotka also made steps.

Nina Pavlova

The little mouse got lost

The mother gave the forest mouse a wheel made of a dandelion stem and said:
— Come on, play, ride near the house.
- Beep-beep-beep! the mouse shouted. - I will play, I will ride!
And rolled the wheel down the path downhill. I rolled it, rolled it, and played so much that I did not notice how I found myself in a strange place. Last year's linden nuts were lying on the ground, and above, behind the carved leaves, a completely foreign place! The mouse is quiet. Then, so that it would not be so scary, he put his wheel on the ground, and he sat in the middle. Sitting and thinking:
“Mom said: “Ride near the house.” And where is now near the house?
But then he saw that the grass trembled in one place and a frog jumped out.
- Beep-beep-beep! the mouse shouted. - Tell me, frog, where is near the house, where is my mother?
Luckily, the frog knew just that and answered:
— Run all straight and straight under these flowers. Meet the newt. He has just crawled out from under the stone, lies and breathes, is about to crawl into the pond. From the newt, turn left and run along the path all straight and straight. You will meet a white butterfly. She sits on a blade of grass and waits for someone. From the white butterfly, turn left again and then shout to your mother, she will hear.
- Thank you! - said the mouse.
Picked up his wheel and rolled it between the stems, under the bowls of white and yellow anemone flowers. But the wheel soon became stubborn: it would hit one stalk, then another, then it would get stuck, then it would fall. And the mouse did not back down, pushed him, pulled him, and finally rolled out onto the path.
Then he remembered the newt. After all, the newt never met! And he did not meet because he had already managed to crawl into the pond while the little mouse was fiddling with his wheel. So the mouse did not know where he needed to turn left.
And again he rolled his wheel at random. Rolled up to the tall grass. And again, grief: the wheel got tangled in it - and neither back nor forward!
We barely managed to get him out. And then only the mouse remembered the white butterfly. After all, she never met.
And the white butterfly sat, sat on a blade of grass and flew away. So the little mouse did not know where he needed to turn left again.
Luckily, the mouse met a bee. She flew to the flowers of red currant.
- Beep-beep-beep! the mouse shouted. - Tell me, bee, where is near the house, where is my mother?
And the bee just knew this and answered:
— Run downhill now. You will see - in the lowland something turns yellow. It's as if the tables are covered with patterned tablecloths, and on them are yellow cups. This is a spleen, such a flower. From the spleen go uphill. You will see flowers radiant like the sun and next to them - on long legs - fluffy white balls. This is a coltsfoot flower. Turn right from him and then shout to your mother, she will hear.
- Thank you! - said the little mouse...
Where to run now? And it was already getting dark, and no one could be seen around! The mouse sat down under a leaf and cried. And he cried so loudly that his mother heard him and came running. How happy he was for her! And she even more: she didn’t even hope that her son was alive. And they merrily ran side by side home.

Valentina Oseeva


Tanya's button came off.

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