Simple rhyming words

237 best rhymes for 'simple'

1 syllable

  • Skull
  • Dull
  • Will
  • Null
  • Tull
  • Cul
  • Gull

2 syllables

  • Triple
  • Little
  • Pistol
  • Crystal
  • Single
  • Middle
  • It'll
  • Scribble
  • Riddle
  • Civil
  • Cripple
  • Symbol
  • Dribble
  • Brittle
  • Nipple
  • Whistle
  • Pimple
  • Signal
  • Tickle
  • Nickel

  • Missile
  • Ripple
  • Sinful
  • Twinkle
  • Sprinkle
  • Wiggle
  • Fiddle
  • Sickle
  • Pickle
  • Sizzle
  • Fickle
  • Nibble
  • Jingle
  • Skittle
  • Giggle
  • Tingle
  • Mingle
  • Dimple
  • Nimble
  • Trickle

  • Drizzle
  • Tittle
  • Jiggle
  • Fizzle
  • Spittle
  • Chisel
  • Whittle
  • Bittle
  • Kibble
  • Bristol
  • Fiscal
  • Distal
  • Kindle
  • Wrinkle
  • Pringle
  • Shrivel
  • Blissful
  • Swivel
  • Shingle
  • Fearful

  • Frizzle

3 syllables

  • Hospital
  • Physical
  • Personal
  • Typical
  • Lyrical
  • Critical
  • Magical
  • Musical
  • Cynical
  • Chemical
  • Capital
  • Medical
  • Hannibal
  • Official
  • Mystical
  • Digital
  • Biblical
  • Radical
  • Logical
  • National

  • Mythical
  • Fictional
  • Vehicle
  • Rational
  • Technical
  • Tactical
  • Practical
  • Belittle
  • Tropical
  • Comical
  • Clinical
  • Skeptical
  • Classical
  • Bicycle
  • Surgical
  • Optical
  • Popsicle
  • Mandible
  • Vertical
  • Optional

  • Spherical
  • Article
  • Prodigal
  • Whimsical
  • Cubicle
  • Meaningful
  • Chronicle
  • Particle
  • Initial
  • Testicle
  • Acquittal
  • Cardinal
  • Committal
  • Festival
  • Functional
  • Psychical
  • Ethical
  • Cyclical
  • Tricycle
  • Icicle

  • Clavicle
  • Graphical
  • Cervical
  • Follicle
  • Clerical
  • Topical
  • Peripheral
  • Cuticle
  • Lexical
  • Judicial
  • Fractional

4 syllables

  • Subliminal
  • Emotional
  • Political
  • Professional
  • Hysterical
  • Artificial
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Irrational
  • Umbilical
  • Illogical
  • Dysfunctional
  • Exceptional
  • Dimensional
  • Empirical
  • Sensational
  • Satirical
  • Historical
  • Traditional
  • Superficial

  • Identical
  • Rhetorical
  • Societal
  • Intentional
  • Beneficial
  • Methodical
  • Indelible
  • Additional
  • Symmetrical
  • Tyrannical
  • Nonsensical
  • Impractical
  • Poetical
  • Grammatical
  • Sacrificial
  • Sabbatical
  • Conditional
  • Fanatical
  • Statistical
  • Correctional

  • Nutritional
  • Confessional
  • Theatrical
  • Unethical
  • Promotional
  • Ironical
  • Elliptical
  • Botanical
  • Conventional
  • Congressional
  • Atypical
  • Devotional
  • Proportional

5 syllables

  • International
  • Metaphorical
  • Diabolical
  • Hypocritical
  • Psychological
  • Unconditional
  • Egotistical
  • Mathematical
  • Biological
  • Inspirational
  • Philosophical
  • Metaphysical
  • Analytical
  • Alphabetical
  • Indestructible
  • Astronomical
  • Indivisible
  • Educational
  • Gravitational
  • Motivational

  • Theoretical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Recreational
  • Pathological
  • Generational
  • Chronological
  • Hypothetical
  • Paradoxical
  • Mythological
  • Unconventional
  • Technological
  • Economical
  • Lackadaisical
  • Biochemical
  • Operational
  • Institutional
  • Neurological
  • Situational
  • Unprofessional
  • Unintentional

  • Periodical

6 syllables

  • Stereotypical
  • Incomprehensible
  • Physiological
  • Ideological

Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.

If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.

Rhyming Words for Kids (Complete List)

Many of us have fond memories of learning nursery rhymes and rhyming stories when we were children.

These tales are important because they expose children to rhyme, which is essential for language development. Children who have strong early language abilities, including listening and speaking, are shown to develop more robust reading and writing skills.

Helping your child recognize and use rhyme will help them first with their verbal language and then with their literacy. Introducing rhyming words for kids is an excellent way to do that.

Table of Contents

  • How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Children?
  • Rhyming Words For Kindergarten
  • Rhyming Words For First Grade And Older
  • Any Time Can Be Rhyme Time

How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Children?

Children learn about rhyme in three stages, although there is much overlap as they move from one step to another.

Rhyme Exposure

This is when your child hears rhyming words. This can be in songs while reading rhyming together, or elsewhere. At this stage, you should point out rhyming words to your child.

Rhyme Recognition

Once your child hears a rhyme and points it out, they have reached the stage of rhyme recognition.

Rhyme Production

Finally, your child will be able to produce rhyme themselves. They may take great pride in asking you questions, such as, “Do you know what rhymes with door? More!”

While this may seem like a small thing to you, to them it’s big. Make sure to show them that you’re impressed with their newly-found knowledge.

Ways To Teach Rhyming Words

Make learning to rhyme fun by using some of these methods.

Share Rhyme In Books, Poems, And Songs

Reading rhyming books and poems and singing together will expose your child to rhymes in a fun, relaxing way. Read the complete story or sing the entire song first and then go back and point out the rhymes.

Then, when your child is aware of the concept of rhyming, ask them to point out the pairs of rhyming words they hear or read.

Once your child is familiar with rhymes, read or sing, but don’t say the second rhyming word. Instead, ask your child to provide a suitable rhyme.


Rhyme word puzzles are a fun way for your child to practice pairing up rhyming words.

Clip Cards

Not all rhyming words have the same spelling at the end. To prevent your child from becoming confused by the spelling, use peg cards where your child picks the correct rhyme according to the picture.

Lap Books

Create nursery rhyme lap-books with your child. First, print out the standard nursery rhyme and then have your child replace the original word with another of their own that rhymes.

Rhyming Dictionaries

Help your child find suitable rhyming words with a rhyming dictionary. These can be immensely helpful no matter what age you are, especially if you are a teacher, writer, or write lyrics for songs.

Rhyming Words For Kindergarten

These are great options for those who are younger than kindergarten or those who are still working on completing that first year in school. These are simple words that won’t be too challenging for this age.

Words That Rhyme With At

  1. Bat
  2. Cat
  3. Fat
  4. Hat
  5. Mat
  6. Pat
  7. Rat
  8. Sat
  9. Vat
  10. Slat
  11. Brat
  12. Flat
  13. Chat
  14. Splat
  15. That

Words That Rhyme With An

  1. Ban
  2. Can
  3. Fan
  4. Man
  5. Pan
  6. Ran
  7. Tan
  8. Van
  9. Flan
  10. Plan
  11. Span
  12. Scan

Words That Rhyme With Ab

  1. Cab
  2. Dab
  3. Drab
  4. Fab
  5. Flab
  6. Grab
  7. Jab
  8. Nab
  9. Lab
  10. Slab
  11. Tab
  12. Crab

Words That Rhyme With Ad

  1. Add
  2. Bad
  3. Clad
  4. Dad
  5. Fad
  6. Had
  7. Lad
  8. Mad
  9. Pad
  10. Rad
  11. Sad

Words That Rhyme With All

  1. Ball
  2. Call
  3. Fall
  4. Hall
  5. Mall
  6. Shawl
  7. Tall
  8. Wall
  9. Thrall
  10. Gall

Words That Rhyme With Ag

  1. Bag
  2. Flag
  3. Drag
  4. Gag
  5. Hag
  6. Nag
  7. Rag
  8. Sag
  9. Tag
  10. Wag

Words That Rhyme With Ip

  1. Ship
  2. Chip
  3. Clip
  4. Dip
  5. Drip
  6. Flip
  7. Grip
  8. Hip
  9. Kip
  10. Lip
  11. Nip
  12. Pip
  13. Rip
  14. Sip
  15. Slip
  16. Skip
  17. Snip
  18. Tip
  19. Trip
  20. Zip

Words That Rhyme With Ap

  1. App
  2. Cap
  3. Clap
  4. Flap
  5. Gap
  6. Lap
  7. Map
  8. Nap
  9. Rap
  10. Scrap
  11. Slap
  12. Snap
  13. Strap
  14. Snap
  15. Tap
  16. Trap

Words That Rhyme With Id

  1. Bid
  2. Did
  3. Hid
  4. Kid
  5. Lid
  6. Mid
  7. Rid
  8. Sid
  9. Grid
  10. Slid
  11. Skid
  12. Squid

Words That Rhyme With Op

  1. Bop
  2. Cop
  3. Crop
  4. Clop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Plop
  10. Prop
  11. Shop
  12. Stop
  13. Swap
  14. Top

Words That Rhyme With Am

  1. Clam
  2. Cram
  3. Dam
  4. Gram
  5. Ham
  6. Jam
  7. Lamb
  8. Ram
  9. Slam
  10. Spam
  11. Tram

Words That Rhyme With Ig

  1. Big
  2. Dig
  3. Fig
  4. Gig
  5. Pig
  6. Rig
  7. Twig
  8. Swig
  9. Wig
  10. Brig

Words That Rhyme With Ar

  1. Are
  2. Bar
  3. Car
  4. Far
  5. Jar
  6. Scar
  7. Star
  8. Tar
  9. Ajar
  10. Guitar

Words That Rhyme With Aw

  1. Awe
  2. Caw
  3. Claw
  4. Draw
  5. Flaw
  6. Paw
  7. Raw
  8. Saw
  9. Straw
  10. Thaw

Words That Rhyme With Ay

  1. Bay
  2. Clay
  3. Day
  4. Gray
  5. Hay
  6. Jay
  7. Lay
  8. May
  9. Pay
  10. Play
  11. Pray
  12. Say
  13. Stay
  14. Spray
  15. Sway
  16. They
  17. Way
  18. Tray

Words That Rhyme With Ell

  1. Bell
  2. Cell
  3. Dell
  4. Fell
  5. Gel
  6. Sell
  7. Shell
  8. Smell
  9. Spell
  10. Tell
  11. Well
  12. Yell

Words That Rhyme With En

  1. Den
  2. Men
  3. Pen
  4. Ten
  5. Then
  6. When
  7. Wren
  8. Zen
  9. Ben
  10. Ken

Words That Rhyme With Et

  1. Bet
  2. Get
  3. Jet
  4. Let
  5. Met
  6. Net
  7. Pet
  8. Set
  9. Wet
  10. Yet

Words That Rhyme With Ew

  1. Blue
  2. Blew
  3. Brew
  4. Chew
  5. Clue
  6. Crew
  7. Cue
  8. Do
  9. Dew
  10. Drew
  11. Ewe
  12. Flew
  13. Glue
  14. Grew
  15. Knew
  16. New
  17. Phew
  18. Shoe
  19. Shoo
  20. Stew
  21. Through
  22. Threw
  23. True
  24. Two
  25. View
  26. You
  27. Who
  28. Zoo

Words That Rhyme With In

  1. Bin
  2. Chin
  3. Din
  4. Fin
  5. Grin
  6. Inn
  7. Pin
  8. Shin
  9. Skin
  10. Spin
  11. Twin
  12. Thin
  13. Tin
  14. Win

Words That Rhyme With It

  1. Bit
  2. Fit
  3. Hit
  4. Kit
  5. Knit
  6. Lit
  7. Mit
  8. Nit
  9. Pit
  10. Sit
  11. Quit
  12. Skit
  13. Slit
  14. Spit

Words That Rhyme With Od

  1. Cod
  2. Bod
  3. Odd
  4. Nod
  5. Plod
  6. Prod
  7. Rod
  8. Squad
  9. Trod
  10. Pod

Words That Rhyme With Og

  1. Bog
  2. Blog
  3. Cog
  4. Clog
  5. Dog
  6. Fog
  7. Frog
  8. Hog
  9. Jog
  10. Log

Words That Rhyme With Op

  1. Top
  2. Chop
  3. Cop
  4. Crop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Pop
  10. Shop
  11. Stop

Words That Rhyme With Ot

  1. Blot
  2. Cot
  3. Clot
  4. Dot
  5. Got
  6. Hot
  7. Knot
  8. Not
  9. Plot
  10. Pot
  11. Rot
  12. Shot
  13. Spot

Words That Rhyme With Ow

  1. Bow
  2. Brow
  3. Cow
  4. How
  5. Now
  6. Pow
  7. Sow
  8. Row
  9. Vow
  10. Wow

Rhyming Words For First Grade And Older

These are useful rhyming words for first graders and above with an expanding skillset.

Words That Rhyme With Ake

  1. Ache
  2. Bake
  3. Cake
  4. Brake
  5. Break
  6. Fake
  7. Flake
  8. Lake
  9. Make
  10. Quake
  11. Rake
  12. Sake
  13. Take
  14. Sneak
  15. Steak
  16. Stake
  17. Wake

Words That Rhyme With Ale

  1. Bail
  2. Bale
  3. Kale
  4. Dale
  5. Fail
  6. Hail
  7. Mail
  8. Male
  9. Nail
  10. Pail
  11. Pale
  12. Rail
  13. Sail
  14. Snail
  15. Sale
  16. Stale
  17. Tail
  18. Tale
  19. Trail
  20. Whale
  21. Detail
  22. Toenail
  23. Email

Words That Rhyme With Ain

  1. Brain
  2. Cane
  3. Chain
  4. Crane
  5. Drain
  6. Gain
  7. Grain
  8. Lane
  9. Mane
  10. Main
  11. Pane
  12. Pain
  13. Plain
  14. Plane
  15. Reign
  16. Rain
  17. Sprain
  18. Stain
  19. Strain
  20. Train
  21. Again

Words That Rhyme With Or

  1. Door
  2. Chore
  3. Core
  4. Four
  5. For
  6. Sore
  7. Floor
  8. Door
  9. More
  10. Oar
  11. Snore
  12. Soar
  13. Store
  14. Score

Words That Rhyme With School

  1. Cool
  2. Cruel
  3. Drool
  4. Fool
  5. Fuel
  6. Ghoul
  7. Jewel
  8. Mule
  9. Pool
  10. Spool
  11. Tool
  12. Who’ll
  13. You’ll
  14. Yule

Any Time Can Be Rhyme Time

Whether you are playing rhyme I-spy, singing nursery rhymes, or reading a book of children’s poems, the time you spend sharing rhymes with your child is helping them develop spoken language.

Build a little rhyme time into every day and give your child an advantage.

Introducing rhyming words is an excellent way to lay a solid foundation for literacy.

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Game rhymes

Sergeeva T.V.

Chain rhyme

  • Teach children to answer with a word consonant with the one named.
  • Learn to feel the rhythm, rhyme.

Guys, let's play soon.
We will choose different words!
Say any words, okay?
But only such that it turns out ...
What words similar in sound can be found for the word bird?
Children. Titmouse, small, singer.
Teacher. Speaking of bunny?
Children. Know-it-all, dunno, runaway, jumper, runaway.
Teacher. Speaking of cat?
Children. Spoon, bowl, basket, accordion, midge, potato, window, leg, earring, matryoshka.
Teacher. Speaking of mouse?
Children. A bump, a puff, a puff.
Teacher. Speaking of cancer?
Children. Poppy, tank, varnish, like.
The teacher throws the ball and pronounces a word, the one who catches the ball answers with a word consonant with the name.
Stove - sheep, river.
Birdie - titmouse.
Magpie - white-sided.
Bunny - runaway.
Find a pair

  • To teach children to match words that are similar and different in sound-rhythmic structure.
  • Develop visual memory.

Teacher. Connect the words of the two columns so that you get a rhyme.
Edge Grass
Firewood Scallop
Herringbone Hut
Cockerel Needle
White-flanked Chanterelle
Cornflower Hare
Magpie Sister
Titmouse Flower
Cowardly Bird
Picture words can be suggested. Children find a picture that is similar in sound-rhythmic structure.
Game with pictures

  • Teach children to choose a rhyme for the word - the name of the picture.
  • Develop language flair.

First you need to prepare cards with pictures from which you can make rhyming words, for example, a picture of a pipe, another picture of a sponge. All pictures are located on a large table or on a carpet on the floor. Children distribute them in rhymes. For example, near the picture of a river there is a picture of a stove, a donkey is a goat, a cat is a spoon, a watering can is a snake, etc.
1. One child takes a picture, the other finds a picture with a rhyming word. Both say their words out loud. The group repeats.
2. Place pictures face down. Open one picture and say the corresponding word out loud. Whoever can name the rhyming word gets a picture and can open the next one.
3. One picture is opened. All children draw an object called a rhyming word. Here the solution is represented by a figure.
Say a word

  • Teach children to write their own rhyming lines.

Teacher. You already know how to pick up rhyming words. Today we will try to make suggestions.
Where were you, squirrel, walking?
I collected nuts.
The squirrel jumped fast,
Lost all the nuts.
Whom did you find, hedgehog?
I brought a squirrel to you.
Yesterday we played in the forest,
We saw a huge mushroom.
A fungus stood aside,
The hedgehog couldn't find it.
Like a little hedgehog
Shoes have become torn.
And our squirrel
Clean plates.
We are poets

  • To teach children to compose quatrains that contain a whole story.

The teacher says to Paraska:
“What fairy tales have you read?”
Paraska thinks, "Oh,
I haven't read any!"
And behind someone whispers:
Paraska yelled: "Cap!"
Today we will also come up with funny poems. What or who do you want to write about?
Children answer.
Let's talk about the cat, let's support Serezha. I will write down what you tell me, and then I will read out what we have done.
Children come up with unexpected situations with a cat by rhyming words.
Children. The cat sat on the window. The cat saw a midge. The cat took a basket and went for potatoes. The cat sat on the window and dangled its legs. The cat put all the spoons in a basket.
Council. The most important thing is not to leave the words of children without attention. And for each word come up with a rhyme.
Stories to rhyme
• Teach children to write simple rhymes.
• Learn to distinguish between the sound and semantic sides of speech.
Teacher. Do you already know what rhyme is in poetry?
For example, the rhyme for the word flower can be a leaf, and for the word porridge - curdled milk. Bear cub Misha wants to teach you how to do it. They drew funny pictures with Druzhok and came up with inscriptions in verse for them. And the last word in the second line of each rhyme was not completed. Find the right rhyme yourself. It's not difficult at all.
A friend is behind the fence and looks timidly,
How cleverly a friend is wielding ... (with chalk).
Druzhka is disturbed by one thought
Will they see ... (elephant).
When Mishka gets tired of playing
Let him stand at the gate ...
All morning they searched and searched until
Found a new bowl...
Help Dunno to compose poetry
• To teach children to distinguish between sound and semantic sides of speech.
The teacher brings N. Nosov's book "Adventure Dunno".
Teacher. Guys, did you recognize this book? Today I will tell you how Dunno wrote poetry.
... After Dunno did not turn into an artist, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry ... Dunno came to the poet Tsvetik and said:
- Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.
- Do you know what a rhyme is?
- Rhyme? No, I do not know.
- A rhyme is when two words end in the same way, - explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?
- Understood.
- Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".
- Herring, - Dunno answered.
Guys, help Dunno.
Game in progress.
All day long Dunno wrote poetry and finally came up with:
Znayka went for a walk to the river,
Jumped over a sheep.
Hurry was hungry -
Swallowed a cold iron.
Under Avoska's pillow
There is a sweet cheesecake.
Find rhymes

  • Teach children to identify rhyming words from a text by comparing them.

Teacher. Today I will read B. Shergin's story "Rhymes" to you, and your task is to hear rhyming words. Do you agree?
Shish went to the city on his business. It was summer, it was hot.
An uncle rides a horse ahead. Shish and asked him to give a lift. He sat down next to his uncle. But Shish cannot sit silently. He is only silent when he sleeps. He says:
- Uncle, let's play rhymes.
- What is it - rhymes?
- And let's say it so that it was smooth.
- Come on.
- Here, uncle, what was your father's name?
- My dad's name was Kuzma.
Shish says:
I'll take your Kuzma
by the beard!
- Why are you going to take my dad by the beard?
Shish says:
- This, uncle, is for rhyme. Tell me what your grandfather's name was.
- My grandfather's name was Ivan.
Shish says:
Your grandfather Ivan
Put the cat in his pocket.
The cat is crying and sobbing,
Your grandfather is scolding.
The uncle got excited:
- Why would my grandfather put a cat in his pocket? Why are you picking up such rubbish?
- This is an uncle, for rhyme.
- I'll tell you a rhyme, what's your name?
- My name is… Fedya.
Uncle says:
If you are Fedya,
Then catch a bear in the forest.
Ride a bear,
Get off my horse!
- Uncle, I was joking. My name is not Fedya, but Stepan.
Uncle says:
If you are Stepan,
Get on the eroplane,
On the eroplane and fly,
Get off my horse!
- Uncle, I was joking. My name is not Stepan, but… Silantiy.
Uncle says:
If you're Silantius,
Then get off my horse.
- What are you, uncle, there is no such word - “tears”.
- Although not, get off anyway!
Shisha had to get off the cart. It serves him right. If a kind person carries you on a horse, you sit silently, and do not invent all sorts of trifles.
Children find rhyming words in the text and name them.

RHYME SELECTION GAMES - alphabet games


Develops phonemic awareness

  • oak", "poppy", "beetle", "zero", "time", "hour" and so on), and put the cards in a box.
  • Ask the child to draw any card at random.
  • Try to replace the first letter with all the letters of the alphabet in order and write down all the resulting words. For example, if the kid took a card with the word "bot", "here", "lot", "mot", "sweat", "mouth", "that one".
  • Say each new word with your child. Pay attention to the baby that the second and third letters in these words are the same.


Develops fantasy

  • Make up short rhymes and have your child complete them in rhyme.
  • Here are some examples.

I took a pencil, paper

And drew (a driftwood).

On a path in the forest

Somehow I met (a fox).

Today at the entrance

I met a cat,

Mustache and tail -


Yanochka began to yawn,

Come on, quickly to bed)!


Introduces children's poems

  • Children love poetry, listen to it with pleasure and memorize it. When reading poems with kids, pay attention to rhyming words.
  • Read a few lines from a familiar poem, highlighting rhyming words in your voice, for example: "It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep, lay down in a box on a barrel." (A. Barto "Bull")
  • Ask the child to repeat these lines after you, emphasizing the rhyming words with your voice.
  • Read the rhyme, pausing before rhyming words. Let the kid remember and name them.
  • Have the child complete a line from their favorite poem, for example:

Let's build an airplane ourselves,

Let's fly over _______. (A. Barto "Airplane")

  • Give the baby a drum or wooden spoons, Let him tell his favorite poem, hitting the drum or knocking the spoons on each rhyming word.
  • Well-known and loved by all poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak and other children's poets are suitable for this game.


Develops thinking, listening and speaking skills

  • Read children's poems to your child.
  • Read the poems again. Ask your child to complete the lines from memory.
  • Offer to choose another word and rhyme. The word does not have to fit the meaning. It is important that the baby understands what rhyme is and learns to match rhymes to words.
  • The following collections of nursery rhymes are suitable for this exercise:
  • A. Barto. "Toys";
  • S. Marshak "Children";
  • K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit";
  • V.Stepanov "New Year's winter";
  • E.Uspensky "Cat Matroskin and others";
  • S.Mikhalkov "Collection of children's poems".


Develops fine motor skills

  • Draw a house with chalk on the board with doors, two windows and a chimney, a fence, two flowers, grass and a tree, and the sun in the sky.
  • Explain to the child that you will read the couplet and that he will have to complete the line in rhyme and erase the corresponding element of the picture. Start with the sun:

Drink the day to the bottom, wipe - ka ___________ (sun).(The kid erases the sun).

Sing with a smile on your face, wipe ___________(tree). (The child is erasing the tree.)

Smile at me now, wipe _________ (door.)

Click yourself on the forehead, wipes ________ (pipe.)

902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 902 dark, wipe _________ (window.)

Well done today you are wiped _______ (flowers.)

Night has come outside the window, wipes ______ (house)

  • . Let the kid finish the line in rhyme and cut out the corresponding element of the picture.


Develops listening skills

  • Ask your child to come up with a word that rhymes with "cat" and starts with "r" (mouth). Or rhymes with the word "soup" and begins with the sound "z" (tooth").

When the baby is comfortable with the game, you can complicate the task. For example, invite the child to name a word that rhymes with the word "onion" and begins with the sounds “st” (“knock”).0007

  • Ask your child to draw a funny clown. You will use couplets to tell him what to draw. The child needs to finish the couplet in rhyme and draw the guessed part of the face.

We draw the Clown,

We start with ______ (head).

The clown brought us joy,

He has a shock of ______ (hair).

To be able to listen to music,

Draw ______(ears) for the clown.

To see us

The clown makes everyone laugh,

He has a big ______ (nose).

The clown amuses the people,

Cheerful _____ (mouth) up to the ears.


Develops a sense of rhythm

  • nursery rhymes.
  • Read your favorite poems several times so that the child hears the rhymes and feels the rhythm of the poem.
  • Memorize some poems and recite them together.
  • Read a line from a poem and ask your child to complete the next line in rhyme.
  • Repeat the lines, clapping your hands as you rhyme.
  • Read the poem with your child, marking rhyming words with a clap.


Develops coordination of movements

  • Let the baby slam the hands, then say the word, then he will say the word and will say it again and will be clamped in the widow, then it will be clamped by the word and the word will be clamped and the word will be claped again and it will be clamped again. for example: (clap) - "salt", (clap) - "mole", (clap) - "zero".
  • Try to complicate the task: 2 claps and a word.
  • Invite the child to first clap 2 times, then snap their fingers, and then say the word.
  • You can call the words in turn: "I say poppy, and you say cancer, I say sleep, and you say ringing, I say bow, you say sound, and so on


Develops listening skills

  • Name 2 words and ask your child to determine if they rhyme or not. For example, the word "duck" and "joke" rhyme, but the words "white" and "sun" do not.
  • Think of a rhyme for the baby's name (for example, "Marina is a ballerina or "Vladik goes to kindergarten").
  • Name a word that does not rhyme with the child's name. The purpose of this exercise is to teach the baby to distinguish between rhyming and non-rhyming words by ear.


Develops motor skills

Group game

  • Ask the children to form a circle. You name the words, and if they rhyme, the children should take a step to the side, and if not, then sit down.
  • For example: "house", "dwarf", "room", "door". You need to sit down on the word "door". Or "flower", "sprout", "leaf", "elephant". Children should sit down on the word "elephant".


Develops mindfulness

  • Teach your child the rules of the game: you say 2 words and if they rhyme2, they must raise their thumbs2.
  • For example: "dream", "ringing" - 2 thumbs are raised, "branch", "typewriter" - hands are lowered.
  • This will help you pass the time you have to wait in line.


Develops motor skills

  • invite the baby to jump under such a count (bounce for each syllable):

Glasha, Dasha, Sasha, Pasha, two, three.

Natasha, Pasha, Sasha, in the place of the delay! (Stop)

Stickers and drawings

Develops drawing skills

  • Fold a blank sheet of A-size paper in half 4. Stick a sticker on each half with the image of an object whose name is easy to rhyme with (for example, if the sticker shows a book, then the words "cone", "bear" can rhyme with it , gingerbread, etc.)
  • Ask your child to draw an object next to the sticker whose name rhymes with the name of the object on the sticker.
  • Have the child say what is on the sticker and then say what he has drawn.
  • Print both words on a piece of paper, one under the sticker and the other under the picture, so that the child can see how they are similar.

Find the rhyme for the picture

Develops Letters

  • Cut from magazines 4-5 of the pictures, which depicts the easily recognized and familiar with the ancientges cat, house, spoon, dog).
  • Stick the pictures on a piece of paper and write next to them the words that rhyme with them: "mouth", "lump", "mouse", "fight".
  • Help your child match the picture with the word that rhymes with it.
  • If your child liked the game, invite him to choose new pictures himself. Stick them on a piece of paper and match the rhymes together. Write down the most successful rhymes next to the pictures.
  • Book with rhymes

    Develops rhyming and writing skills

    • PASICALS, CLASICS, CLASTRA dots or numbers on the edges).
    • Staple 3-4 sheets of paper together. Ask your child to design the cover of the book.
    • Have the child cut out pictures from a magazine and paste one on each page.
    • Help the child label the pictures.
    • Use the dice to determine how many words to rhyme with each picture.
    • For example, if the picture shows a sock, and the number 5 fell on the die, then you need to come up with 5 words that rhyme with the word "sock". These can be the words "juice", "hair", "throw", "piece".
    • Complete all pages in this way. If the kid liked this activity, you can continue it. adding new pages.


    Encourages creative expression Explain to your child that you will draw a picture with him using rhyming words.

  • Choose 2 rhyming words (for example, "sleep" and "bed"). First, say both words, and then only the first, inviting the baby to name the second. Draw the bed together.
  • Select 2 rhyming words again and illustrate the child's word with a picture.
  • When there are several of these drawings on a sheet of paper, play the opposite way: point to the drawing and ask the child to name the word in rhyme.

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    North Coast Community Services
    710 Fraser Street, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1P9
    Ph: 250.627.7166 | Fx: 250.627.7482

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