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Preschool through 1st
2nd through 5th
6th through 12th
Pre-school — 1
st GradeSpark an early interest in learning with colorful, educational apps, websites, and books that help little ones learn about the world around them.
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nd — 5th GradeInspire curiosity through the Ask Me series, the Explore & Learn sets, and National Geographic kids’ eBooks.
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th — 12th GradeEncourage self-discipline with coordinating apps, websites and books to give students an edge on reports, quizzes, and homework.
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Young Leaders
Develop leaders with LEAD’s comprehensive courses focusing on personal development, life skills, and success.
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Gain new parenting tools and resources with the Advantage4parents site.
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Grow together with The Family Bible Library focusing on 36 building blocks of character using Bible stories and devotions to illustrate each one.
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Products with this icon are a part of the Southwestern Advantage Global Academy – a monthly subscription that gives you access to a host of apps, programs, and websites the entire family can enjoy across multiple platforms.
Products with this icon are a part of the Southwestern Advantage Global Academy – a monthly subscription that gives you access to a host of apps, programs, and websites the entire family can enjoy across multiple platforms.
What our Customers are Saying
“Great company! Second time I’ve purchased educational books from here!”
Fawn H.
“The books I purchased from student rep Elyse are great and I can’t wait to use them with my kids!”
Jackie K.
“These educational products are perfect for anyone who homeschools or just wants to be able to help their kids with schoolwork!”
Ashley B.
“The whole product line is awesome. We plan to order more!”
Mike M.
Fawn H.
“Great company! Second time I’ve purchased educational books from here!”
Jackie K.
“The books I purchased from student rep Elyse are great and I can’t wait to use them with my kids!”
Ashley B.
“These educational products are perfect for anyone who homeschools or just wants to be able to help their kids with schoolwork!”
Mike M.
“The whole product line is awesome. We plan to order more!”
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6th Grade Through 12th - Southwestern Advantage
6th Grade Through 12th - Southwestern Advantage Skip to contentApply Now
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All products / 6th Grade — 12th Grade
6th Grade Through 12th
Encourage self-discipline with corresponding apps, websites and books to give students an edge on reports, quizzes, and homework.
Grab teens’ interest with instructional videos, quizzes, worksheets, and articles that provide comprehensive learning and practice in core subjects for grades 6th through 12th.
- 1,000s of Instructional Videos and Quizzes
- Summer Back-to-School Success Prep
- Comprehensive Practice Worksheets
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Explore & Learn
Captivate students in grades 5th through 8th with this six-volume series spanning nature, science, geography, history, social studies, and language arts. Engage in hands-on projects, short stories, and activities that build investigative skills and spark curiosity.
- World Atlas, Human Body, and Constellation Posters
- Cross-Reference Index
- Hands-on Projects, Short Stories, and Activities
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Advantage Series (4 book set)
Engage eager students grades 6th through 12th in math, science, social studies, and language arts subject matter that will help place them at the head of the class.
- Math I and II
- Social Studies and Language Arts
- Science
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Honors Advantage
Ace AP tests with tools and features such as sample passages, problems, and strategies created by the experts who score AP exam results for the College Board.
- English Literature and Language
- U.S. History, Government and Politics
- Calculus AB and Calculus BC, and Statistics
- Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology
Topic Source Books
Topic Source is a valuable report-writing resource for students in late elementary through high school. Topic Source gathers the most important information for writing assignments and summarizes them to make report writing easier. Also included for each topic is MLA citation of sources, required for today’s nonfiction writing assignments.
- Includes 95 nonfiction topics that are covered in expert detail
- Provides proper citations for sources
- Offers additional related website sources for further information
College Entrance Advantage
Prepare for college with this SAT and ACT test prep study course proven to help 4 out of 5 students get into their top choice school. Learn from books and interactive CDs that help students score on average 190 points higher than non-Princeton Review students on the SAT.
- Three Full Length Practice Tests and Manual
- Video Princeton Review Coaching Strategies for ACT and SAT
- College Admissions Insights and Financial Planning Advice
Family Bible Library
Grow together with this eight-book series designed to help children learn values and build character from the Bible. Each book contains 30 Bible stories in language that is engaging and easy to understand for parents and kids alike.
- Family Daily Devotionals
- Bible-based Parenting Guide
- 240 Bible Stories
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90,000 Paper books versus electronic: what to choose?Contents of the article
The advent of gadgets and the Internet has greatly simplified our lives, now all the necessary information, a notebook with notes, books are all at hand. Many have argued that printed books will soon disappear altogether, because it is much more convenient to read a book on your phone and not carry a whole volume with you. It is also very environmentally friendly and saves money. But books in the printed version are still sold in stores and are popular. Let's figure out that it is still better to read paper or electronic books.
From the point of view of neuroscience, a person perceives a paper and an electronic book in different ways. The difference is mainly in the physical feel. It would seem that such a trifle as turning pages affects the quality of storing data. And the book itself, when we hold it in our hands, carries more value than the same downloaded book in the gadget.
Benefits of paper edition
- Better perceived by the brain. The printed version is better remembered and generally perceived by the reader.
- Causes more emotions. According to research, it is the test on paper that causes more feelings for the reader than the electronic version of the book.
- More motivating. A book lying on the table makes you want to open it and read more. A personal library will still remind you of your achievements.
- Individuality. The cover, paper quality, image, font, smell create a unique atmosphere.
- Availability. Any book can be purchased at the store or ordered.
Disadvantages of paper edition
- Dimensions and weight. In order to have a personal library, you need to allocate enough space in the apartment, which many may not have. It is also more convenient to read books in large format, but they are heavy and inconvenient to carry around.
- The need for good lighting. You will not be able to read a paper book on the road or at night.
As a result of comparison, a paper book has more pluses than minuses. Yes, and shortcomings can be easily eliminated, unlike electronic.
Benefits of the e-book
- Changing the font. The font can be changed to another, as well as change the size. A significant advantage for those with poor eyesight.
- Working with text. In the electronic version, you can freely take notes, save tabs and return to them at any time.
- Support for audio/video formats. Most readers can play video and audio recordings well, which is very convenient for learning.
- Compact. Readers are produced in small sizes, they weigh quite a bit, they are convenient to carry in a bag.
- Cost of books. Books in electronic format are 2-3 times cheaper than paper ones.
Disadvantages of the e-book
- No feeling of reading.
When reading an e-book, you do not feel how many pages you have read, but how many you have left.
- The device needs to be constantly charged. If you forget to charge your reader, you will have to wait until the evening when it will be possible to charge.
- Risk of losing all books. If your reader breaks, then you will be left without books until it is fixed or you buy a new one.
- Cost. One device on average costs the same as several dozen books.
An e-book has enough pros and cons over a paper one, but none of them are so critical. Therefore, everyone has the right to choose the format that will be most convenient for him to read. If the article was useful to you, then go to the site "Russia - a country of opportunities". The platform contains over 100 free online courses on marketing, finance, personal growth, psychology, management, coaching and more. Discover new possibilities!
Mother and Child Clinic Southwest
About clinic
Mom's School Schedule in December
Clinic "Mother and Child" South-West (LLC "Mother and Child South-West") - a clinic for the whole family.
“Hello, my name is Denisova Elena Nikolaevna. I am the Chief Physician of the Southwest Mother and Child Clinic. Our pride is a team of the most experienced clinicians: obstetrician-gynecologists, reproductologists, pediatricians and other narrow specialists. We do not just advise, but we are responsible for the result.
Come to us! A cozy chamber atmosphere, experienced Russian doctors and work using the most modern technologies will not leave you indifferent. We provide medical care at the highest level - we diagnose diseases and determine the risk factors for their development at the earliest stages.
At your service in the Clinic:
- Women's Center
- Physio and Hirudotherapy Center
- Department of ART (IVF, ICSI, PICSI, Insemination)
- Children's Center
- Gynecological operating room (Diagnostic hysteroscopy, hysteroscopy, polyectomy, separate diagnostic curettage, Operative hysteroscopy (hysteroresectoscopy), coagulation and excision of endometriosis foci, hysteroresectoscopy for uterine myoma, restoration of the hymen, defloration, uterine bleeding, incipient miscarriage, pregnancy in progress, non-developing , surgical treatment of the cervix)
- Department of ultrasound diagnostics with expert and premium devices
- Day hospital
- Andrologist, urologist, therapist, mammologist, otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doctor), ophthalmologist and endocrinologist, neurologist, ECG
- Hirudotherapy
Thanks for choosing us!
We are always trying to be better for you! I will be glad to hear your feedback, comments and suggestions regarding the work of our clinic. ”
Write a letter to the Chief Physician
| Medicine for the whole family A wide range of diagnostics and specialists for children, as well as their mothers and fathers. |
| Medical experts Our doctors are leading Russian specialists, including leading doctors of the Mother and Child Perinatal Medical Center located on Sevastopolsky Prospect, as well as other Moscow clinics of the Mother and Child Group of Companies. A well-coordinated team of doctors, high qualifications, extensive clinical experience, and the latest treatment technologies make it possible to prevent the development of diseases at the earliest stages. |
Modern laboratory diagnostics The possibility of taking tests at any time in the clinic and at home, a quick and high-quality result. | |
| Second opinion If necessary, we organize a second opinion, more complex diagnostics and inpatient treatment in cooperation with leading specialists of the Perinatal Medical Center and other clinics of the Mother and Child Group of Companies. |
Help at home Departure of a pediatrician, specialist or ambulance team. | |
| Comfort The homely atmosphere of the clinic, attention to each patient, extended appointments allow our patients to feel a positive attitude. We understand the importance of comfort for our patients and create all conditions for providing quality medical care without long waiting times and queues. Personal managers coordinate all organizational issues and remind you of visits to the clinic. |
About us
The clinic was opened in 2004. During the work of the center, thousands of women with various obstetric pathologies were observed and then safely delivered. A whole generation of children has already grown up under the patronage of our pediatricians.
Over the years, Mother and Child Clinic Southwest has changed. Today it is a modern medical center equipped with high-tech expert-class equipment that allows the introduction of advanced technologies in various fields of medicine.
Clinic "Mother and Child" South-West is now a multidisciplinary center for the whole family with ample opportunities from planning and preparing a married couple to conceive a healthy child, finding out the causes of infertility in men and women, applying modern IVF technologies, to managing pregnancy and birth long-awaited babies, comprehensive care after childbirth, caring for a newborn, maintaining a healthy generation, preventing and treating many diseases.
We work for you every day without days off and holidays!
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I want to say a huge thank you to the doctor Bobrova Marina Igorevna, who helped us become happy parents! Went to her for an appointment.To be honest, there were doubts, but after the examination and consultation, I had no doubts about the choice. I had problems with the endometrium (too big), removed tubes (after inflammation), so I couldn’t conceive a child, and after the first unsuccessful attempt, Eco, Marina Igorevna and I decided on the second one. Under her sensitive guidance, confidence in success and great support, the second attempt ended in success (and I want to note everything on the oms policy). Thanks to all the staff, and of course, to you, Marina Igorevna! We have a daughter, whom we have been waiting for for many years. Don't be afraid and don't give up and everything will work out!!
Nina Sergeevna Bogdanovich:
I rarely leave reviews about the work of doctors, but here is a special case, I can’t help but I want to say a lot of warm words. Marina Rubenovna, thank you so much for the sensitivity, attention, understanding, professionalism !! ! YOU ARE A DOCTOR FROM GOD!!! HEALTH TO YOU AND YOUR RELATED!!!
Sagidova Patimat:
Good afternoon!I want to express my gratitude to the clinic for the most comfortable pregnancy management!
Many thanks to the polite and hospitable girls from the reception! Always polite and kind
Good afternoon!
I want to express my deep gratitude to the wonderful staff of the children's department of the clinic "Mother and Child South-West".![]()
The staff is very attentive and polite, they are always treated with care and warmth.
I recommend it from the bottom of my heart!
Good evening! I want to express my deep gratitude to the clinic "Mother and Child" in the South-West! Doctors are very good, professionals in their field! Carefully treat all patients and find the right approach! The managers are very friendly! They always greet you with a smile, offer tea and find out about your well-being!)
I also want to thank the doctor Yeseneeva Farida Muharbievna! She did a high-quality ultrasound, showed everything in detail on the screen and told! She treated my problem with great attention!)) I will come to her again and again!)) Many thanks to the clinic for excellent doctors !!!)))
Bogova Margarita Lusiovna:
Hello! Many thanks to Lyubov Vyacheslavovna Sushchevich! I have never met such an attentive, friendly, sensitive, RELATED attitude anywhere! Before and after the operation, I felt great.And this is thanks to the mood that Lyubov Vyacheslavovna created. I would like to say a big thank you to the anesthesiologist Alexander Gennadievich, and to my two sisters Ekaterina. Everyone is very friendly, caring, dispelling all fears and doubts with their very presence! Thank you Lyubov Vyacheslavovna! Thanks Alexander Gennadievich! Thank you Catherine the first and Catherine the second! For golden hands, tender hearts! Health to you and a good attitude from the patients!
Ekaterina I.:
Like everyone else, at the very beginning of my pregnancy, I was faced with the choice of where to conduct it and, most importantly, with whom. The entire Internet, local LCD and reviews of friends and acquaintances were studied. It all came down to the fact that in terms of a combination of convenience, quality and care, the MD GROUP Clinical Hospital stands out separately. On it and stopped their choice.
When it came time to choose a doctor, I listened to my intuition and did not lose at all.It will be difficult to find a person softer, sincere and kinder. Aleksey Andreevich, despite his youth, is a specialist with a capital letter, in love with his profession. Throughout my pregnancy, I was surrounded by attention and support, which are so necessary for expectant mothers in this difficult period. The doctor was in touch 24/7: pregnant women are prone to exaggeration and most often they need an answer here and now. Alexey Andreevich answered immediately, with his characteristic tact and restraint, realizing how important this was.
It's hard to believe when reading reviews about a doctor, to see phrases - you can get a second one tomorrow, yet this is a huge job for mom and baby. But having survived this, I can say that yes, you can give birth like this at least every year - childbirth, like all pregnancy, passed calmly, confidently and without fuss.
We thank the whole team of the MD GROUP hospital and separately our beloved doctor Shiryaev Alexey Andreevich: thank you very much for our beautiful daughter!
Shiryaev Alexey Andreevich
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the wonderful doctor and professional in her field - Victoria Viktorovna Misnik, for a wonderful birth, calm, friendly atmosphere and attentiveness.This is my first birth, so there was a lot of fear and excitement. But thanks to the doctor and the team, everything went perfectly.
Victoria Viktorovna Misnik
Thanks to this wonderful doctor, I have been a mother of a little beautiful princess for a week now) I am also a doctor, but when I ask for help, if I am impressed by the doctor, I trust completely. And with Victoria Viktorovna it was similar) she charms immediately, outwardly unconditionally and with a sense of experience, knowledge, some kind of basis on which it’s not scary and I want to rely on) it turned out that my doctors who conducted the pregnancy knew her very well and were completely calm for me) (complicated anamnesis, not a simple pregnancy, 38 years old). Always in touch and before the birth and now) every day she pleasantly surprised me with her caring visit) and I was terribly lucky that since Viktoria Viktorovna is a new doctor in the clinic, I managed to give birth with her under such a modest contract) I don’t beg for the knowledge of other doctors, but she this tariff is just a pearl☺️
Victoria Viktorovna Misnik
This is my first pregnancy, and it was managed by Marina Vladimirovna Mikhaleva.It was a wonderful pregnancy and a wonderful experience! Marina Vladimirovna turned out to be a tactful, sensitive and caring doctor, thanks to whom I had the warmest impressions of the pregnancy period! Thanks a lot!
Mikhaleva Marina Vladimirovna
I personally do not know a better doctor than Alla Vladimirovna, although I have seen a lot of them (after all, not the first time my mother). Only this doctor suits me 100%! Attentive, always remembers everything, competent, understands everything, in general, with her I am sure that my child is under competent supervision.
Filatova Alla Vladimirovna
Tyulyakova A.N. I have been in treatment for 2 years. The doctor even advised me to read a book about my disease)) Unfortunately, there are diseases that cannot be cured. I will always be hand in hand with my doctor. Hormone control and visit 2 times a year.I recommend the doctor. Always explains everything thoroughly, very polite.
Tyulyakova Anna Nikolaevna
This is my first pregnancy and it was managed by Marina Vladimirovna Mikhaleva. It was a wonderful pregnancy and a wonderful experience! Marina Vladimirovna turned out to be a tactful, sensitive and caring doctor, thanks to whom I had the warmest impressions of the pregnancy period! Thanks a lot!
I personally do not know a better doctor than Alla Vladimirovna, although I have seen a lot of them (after all, this is not the first time my mother). Only this doctor suits me 100%! Attentive, always remembers everything, competent, understands everything, in general, with her I am sure that my child is under competent supervision.
Tyulyakova A.N. I have been in treatment for 2 years. The doctor even advised me to read a book about my disease)) Unfortunately, there are diseases that cannot be cured.I will always be hand in hand with my doctor. Hormone control and visit 2 times a year. I recommend the doctor. Always explains everything thoroughly, very polite.
Tatyana Lukyanova:
Applied in March 2022 for eco. Yulia Alexandrovna immediately made me feel at ease, studied my medical history very carefully, and prescribed the right treatment. The treatment took a lot of time, all this time the doctor was always in touch with me, answered all my (sometimes stupid) questions. November 2022 we have entered into a successful cryoprotocol. We are very grateful to Yulia Alexandrovna for her professionalism, sensitivity, calmness and confidence!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Espet Omarbekovna Ibragimova. She devotes herself to her work with such love, always in touch at any time of the day. We have come a long way in 2 years of work. She worries about you every time, like for her own) even when there were failures, I didn’t even think about going to another doctor, because I go to her like to my home, as well as to a holiday
Many thanks to Olga Vyacheslavovna, her daughter's ears were pierced.![]()
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