Spelling website for kids
Problem: The website is blocked to my students
Do your students get a message such as "website can't be reached"?
Solution: Contact your school's technology department, or someone at your school who's in charge of the internet, and tell them you wish to use this website with your class. They can simply unblock it by adding it to their list of approved websites within a couple of minutes.
Problem: I’m using a Mac and the website isn’t working
If you’re using a MacBook or an iMac and the website isn’t working, then try using it with a different browser. If you tried Chrome for Mac and it didn’t work, then try the Safari browser instead (it’s already installed on every Mac), or Firefox (it’s free to download, quick to install, and works great).
How can I save my lists?
After you type your list, click the "Save list / Open saved list" button. Then, type a title for your list, and click the "Save" button.
You can save this way up to 24 lists. They will be stored locally in your browser's cache. Note that if you delete your browser's "history" then your saved lists might get deleted.
Problem: I can't save lists / Saved lists are erased
Your lists might not be saved due to the following reasons:
1. Too strict privacy settings in your browser. (try reducing it, or try another browser).
2. Too strict anti-virus or firewall settings. (try reducing it).
3. In schools, web administrators often disable some features of the computers such as the ability to save changes that you've made.
If you can't get your lists saved, you can always save your lists in a document, as described in the following section:
Saving lists permanently
You can save lists permanently in a text document.
Copy the sharing code (see the section below about sharing lists), and paste it inside a text document (such as MS Word or Google Docs). Type your title above it. You can paste this way as many lists as you wish. Save the document.
In most document types, when you click the sharing code it will automatically open the website with your list inside it.
How Can I share my list with my students?
After you type your list, click the "Share this list" button. An address that contains your list will appear. Copy it, and paste it in your class's website, or in your Google Classroom.
Problem: A game stopped working (can't hear sound, or the screen is black, or doesn't load)
Note that old computers (older than 4 years) might have trouble running some of the games.
1. Try reloading the page (use the "reload" button on the browser, or the F5 key on the keyboard).
Does it work now? If it doesn't, then try the following:
2. Close the browser, including all its open tabs (better save your word list before closing). If you can, close other computer programs that are open too.
Now wait a few seconds (to let the computer's memory get flushed).
Now open the browser again, get back into spellingtraining.com, go to the problematic page and reload it again.
If it still doesn't work, then:
3. Try the website with another browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.). If it doesn't work with one - it might work with the other.
If it still doesn't work - please tell me about it! Send me an email to: [email protected]
But also in the meantime, the following solution will probably work -
4. Try using the website from another computer.
Problem: Some games are suddenly missing (Rollercoaster, Dragon)
Solution: If you browse from a computer and this happens, try the following:
1. Maximize the browser's window size. The games might now reappear.
2. Try zooming out by clicking "Ctrl" with "-" (pressing Ctrl with the minus key). If you zoom out the missing games will appear.
Note that those 3d games (rollercoaster, dragon island, jungle speller etc.
) won't appear on tablets and smartphones.
I didn't find an answer to my problem
If there is anything else that you need assistance with, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do my best to help you. My email is [email protected]
Free Online Spelling Games for Kids
We have fun, free online spelling games for kids in addition to the practice and test sections of our website. These interactive spelling games can be played with our imported lists or play spelling games with your own words.
Subscribe to Home Spelling Words!
Spelling has never been more fun! Please let us know what kind of games you would like to play on this site by emailing
us at [email protected] or by posting on the Home Spelling Words Facebook page.
These are the perfect games to help with spelling words or lists assigned by your school. Practice as much as you like to improve
your spelling test grades.
Crazy Fish Game
Can you help Crazy Fish eat the correctly spelled words on surfboards? Test your spelling skills by making your own spelling lists or by using our spelling lists. If you have children who hate spelling, then this is the kind of spelling help you need. Enter easy words, hard to spell words, holiday lists or anything you like. Crazy Fish is just one of the many new spelling games for kids that we’ve recently developed. Use these fun word games for students to improve your child's spelling or even vocabulary.
Play with Kindergarten Lists Play with 1st Grade Lists Play with 2nd Grade Lists Play with 3rd Grade Lists Play with 4th Grade Lists Play with 5th Grade Lists Play with 6th Grade Lists Play with 7th Grade Lists Play with 8th Grade Lists Play with 9th Grade Lists Play with Themed ListsSpelling Memory Game
Memory Games are always a favorite, and this interactive spelling game will keep your children entertained.
Your student will get to know and recognize their spelling lists through playing this memory game with
their own spelling words from school or with our grade appropriate spelling lists developed by teachers.
This is one of our many new great spelling word activities for kids.
King Cactus Game (Hangman Spelling Game)
Our fun King Cactus game is a hangman style game. The object of the game is to save the
fish from getting caught by the fisherman! Select a letter that you think is in the word
and if it is wrong, bits of a fish start to appear on the hook. If you can't guess the
word, then the whole fish in on the line and you are caught and end up in the fisherman's bucket!
Mouse Maze Spelling Game
Use the mouse maze game to practice spelling. Help Herman the mouse navigate toward each cheese. Once Herman touches the cheese, your student will hear the spelling word and will be prompted to spell the word to continue. If there are a lot of words on the spelling list, you may find yourself helping Herman through multiple mazes until you've reached the end.
Play with Kindergarten Lists Play with 1st Grade Lists Play with 2nd Grade Lists Play with 3rd Grade Lists Play with 4th Grade Lists Play with 5th Grade Lists Play with 6th Grade Lists Play with 7th Grade Lists Play with 8th Grade Lists Play with 9th Grade Lists Play with Themed ListsWord Scramble Game
If you're looking for fun spelling activities for kids then the Word Scramble Game was made for you!
We take your spelling words and scramble them up and you have to guess the words by selecting letters.
If the letter is right, it sticks, but if it is wrong, you have to keep trying. It's a unique way to
practice spelling with an engaging spelling game.
Word Chopper Game
Chop Away at Your Spelling Lists until you get all the words right!
Word Chopper is another great original interactive spelling game developed by Home Spelling Words.
The object of the game is to spell the words correctly until you've spelled them all correctly.
Essentially, you whittle away at your spelling list by spelling words right. This is a great way
to practice for your weekly spelling tests as you are able to practice as much as you like, while
playing a fun game. Spelling practice is never boring when you can play games to learn.
Word Search Game
Use the Word Search Maker to create a word search with your own spelling list. Every time you reset the game it mixes up the words and changes the Word Search so it is fresh and interactive. To play, highlight the words with your mouse and they get crossed off your list until you are done. To mix up the words and play again, simply click the play button.
Play with Kindergarten Lists Play with 1st Grade Lists Play with 2nd Grade Lists Play with 3rd Grade Lists Play with 4th Grade Lists Play with 5th Grade Lists Play with 6th Grade Lists Play with 7th Grade Lists Play with 8th Grade Lists Play with 9th Grade Lists Play with Themed ListsFill-in-the-Blank Game
Our Fill-in-the-Blank game is interactive and changes every time! It randomly selects letters to hide. This makes the game different
every time you play, so your student can play over and over without getting bored. Just like the test or practice sections,
this game checks for capitalization, apostrophes, and even spaces. It's a great way to learn while having fun. You can
use your spelling lists from school or use ours. If you are looking for free online games for kids, all of our Fill-in-the-Blank
games are completely free to use.
Spelling Soup Game / Word Catcher Game
The Spelling Soup game drops words from your spelling lists. Students must catch the correctly spelled words
in the bowl to get points. This game changes every time you play and helps students learn to recognize correctly
spelled words versus misspelled words.
Bink Bonk Game
Bink Bonk is a fantastic educational game. The player must use the paddle to hit the purple blocks and they will be prompted to spell one of their spelling words from their list until their entire list is completed.
Play with Kindergarten Lists Play with 1st Grade Lists Play with 2nd Grade Lists Play with 3rd Grade Lists Play with 4th Grade Lists Play with 5th Grade Lists Play with 6th Grade Lists Play with 7th Grade Lists Play with 8th Grade Lists Play with 9th Grade Lists Play with Themed ListsThe best sites for learning Russian online
It doesn't matter how old you are, but most likely you want to speak and write correctly. And despite the era of computerization that brought T9 and other automatic error correction systems, real knowledge has not become less important. After all, for example, in state exams, text autocorrect will no longer help.
Today you can study without cramming, but with interactive and ease. There are many websites for learning Russian that will make the process fun.
We have compiled the top 10 Russian language sites for you to learn theory and practice.
1. Gramota.ru
Perhaps the most popular resource for those interested in learning the Russian language. Most often, this reference and information portal is used for a quick spell check and stress check. In addition, on the site you can study the theory - a set of rules for spelling and punctuation - and complete assignments for mastering the material.
2. Spelling
A service that allows you to check entire texts for compliance with the norms of the Russian language. You will not only see specific errors (they will be highlighted in color), but also the rules associated with each of them and tips for improving the text.
3. Textology
Russian language site with useful information not only for schoolchildren, but also for philologists and linguists. You can learn all the basic language rules and find a lot of materials on both Russian and literature.
4. True words
Website for teaching Russian to children online. Suitable for preschoolers and primary school students who are not attracted by a paper textbook or boring copybooks. The colorful interface and interactive platform are designed to interest the child and encourage them to learn spelling. Subscription to the site is paid, there is free access to trial lessons.
5. Interactive dictation
A cool resource for those who want to test their skills and assess the level of literacy without leaving home. Someone to read the text? No problem. Here you only need to insert letters and punctuation marks in the gaps.
Every month for the anniversary of an outstanding Russian writer or poet, a new dictation based on the works of the hero of the day appears on the site. So, you can find out how literate you are by writing a text for the 145th anniversary of Bunin or the 125th anniversary of Bulgakov's birth.
The site about the Russian language was created with the support of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.
6. Write faster!
Stationery - these are stamps and turns characteristic of the official business style. Often they penetrate into ordinary informal communication, and speech becomes boring and awkward.
The authors of the site urge to get rid of "dead things" (so the well-known translator Nora Gal called office workers) in writing and conversation. Access is free, and it is also possible to sign up for an extended paid version of the course, where you will study with a teacher.
7. Web edition of the rules of the Russian language
Reference site for learning the Russian language, created by designer and blogger Ilya Birman, also known for his typographic layout. The main advantage of this web edition is a quick and convenient search, which makes learning Russian online more accessible. All spelling and punctuation rules are well structured, so it will not be difficult to find the information you need.
8. Education in Russian
Despite the fact that the material is mostly intended for foreign students studying Russian, native speakers will also find a lot of use. You can deepen or refresh knowledge, as well as practice. The project is supervised by the State Institute of the Russian Language. A. S. Pushkin.
9. Best-language
A resource that has collected all the rules of the Russian language in one place. The feature of the site is brevity and brevity, which allows you to remember large amounts of information and easily learn even complex rules. A good resource for general literacy and exam preparation.
10. The Culture of Written Speech
Tons of useful materials on the site for everyone who is interested in the Russian language, from ordinary schoolchildren to linguists and teachers. You can focus on specific sections - morphology, style, orthoepy, and so on, study examples of essays and presentations, and even participate in competitions and pass interesting tests for erudition. There is a section with typical mistakes, which is recommended for everyone who wants to write correctly.
Foxford External School and Home School Courses
But what if comprehensive training is required? Sometimes disparate educational sites in the Russian language are not enough. If you feel the need for a thorough study of gaps in knowledge, come to the basic Russian language courses from Foxford's home online school.
Studying takes place remotely, there is no need to waste time on the road or independently collect information bit by bit from different sites about the Russian language for schoolchildren. All material is carefully structured and laid out on the shelves.
Teachers from leading Russian universities teach here — PhDs in Philology, authors of teaching aids, and authors of problems for such olympiads as, for example, Russian Bear Cub.
Video lessons can be viewed from any device, including a tablet or phone. Each lesson is accompanied by interactive tasks.
There is a cool subscription feature. The subscription includes the basic subjects of the school curriculum by class - courses for the whole year of study.
You can study at your own pace: just watch the recorded courses whenever you want. Slow down and speed up playback, pause and watch the video as many times as you want - complete freedom!
Write well!
Learn Russian with the teachers of Foxford Home Online School. Choose a class and get a week of free access to the Russian language course with the promo code
RUSSIAN5112021 : Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10.7 free resources for improving literacy
Dariko Tutova
is not afraid of mistakes in the text and in herself
As a child, folding words into sentences seemed like magic to me: they themselves were combined according to unknown laws.
At school, I realized that the Russian language, although mystical, is strict, and all its magic is subject to harsh rules with endless exceptions to them. Errors in the text are normal, because you can learn how to find and correct them.
Here are seven sites that will help you improve your Russian. Choose what you would like to improve:
- Literacy
- Punctuation
- Pronunciation
Gramota.ru Briefly: get an answer to the question "Why so?"
Read more: on the site
Gramota-ru is the easiest portal for checking words. But this is not only an online dictionary: here you can find out both the origin of the word and examples of use. Here you can also ask a question about all aspects of the language and get detailed comments from scientific consultants or try to find a solution among the answers to other people's questions.
For children, the site has a "Game" section, in which the rules are presented in the form of riddles and puzzles. Perhaps this is one of the best ways to learn to see mistakes even as adults.
8 language courses
Interactive dictation Briefly: for the first time in the first grade
More details: on the website
Moscow City Methodological Center invites you to remember your school years and write a dictation. You can listen to the text and play it in its entirety, or insert missing characters on the dictation website. In this case, the system will count the number of errors and show how it should have been written.
But the site does not provide explanations for the errors: the simulator is designed only for a momentary literacy check.
Web edition of the rules of the Russian language Briefly: remember everything
Read more: on the website
Often we make mistakes because we do not understand the logic of the language. Any unfamiliar word seems to be an exception to the rule, and we simplify complex syntactic constructions as much as possible so that you do not have to choose between a comma, a dash, and a colon.
Designer Ilya Birman has created a Russian language reference website, where he collected the basic rules of spelling and punctuation. The main plus is the ease of searching: you select the desired section, for example, "Signs in Direct Speech", and study the rules with examples from classical literature.
8 microlearning courses
Total dictation Briefly: see punctuation in Evgeny Vodolazkin's text and don't die
More details: on the website
Total Dictation was conceived as a project to promote literacy. Anyone can sign up for the annual dictation and test themselves on the example of the text of a Russian-speaking author. In 2020, the event was moved from spring to autumn and held in two formats: online and offline. In 2021, the dictation will take place on April 10 - there is still an opportunity to take part in it.
Total Dictation is also a free online school to improve your knowledge of the Russian language. On the site, you can write dictations from past years and view a full analysis of texts, take a free punctuation course, learn the history of spelling, and even conduct a dictation in your city on your own.
Pushkin Briefly: punctuation trainer
Learn more: on the website
It is often the punctuation that causes the greatest difficulties. The creators of "Pushkin" urge to learn from the best, so they chose quotes from Russian classics as examples to reinforce the rules.
Like any simulator, "Pushkin" calls for regular classes: then the question "Why is there no comma before "how" here?" stop being so complicated.
25 courses for life
pronunciation of
excellent student Briefly: become the very person who corrects everyone and always
Download: iOS. There is a similar app for Android
"Genesis" or "Genesis"? "To how many" or "to how many"? Doubts often arise: we hear the wrong pronunciation, remember and are surprised when faced with a different option.
The "Excellent" application will help you remember the basics of orthoepy and consolidate your knowledge with the help of a test. There are three games in the Accents section: 20 Questions, which you answer and at the end view the result, Until the First Mistake, a challenge to test knowledge, and Work on Errors, which saves all the words in which you chose the wrong accent.
pronunciation of
RusskiyPro.ru Briefly: see the meaning in stress
Read more: on the site
For many, the correct pronunciation is a given that needs to be accepted and remembered. This approach is fatal because it does not make the logic of the language clear.