Story for nursery class
10 Lines Short Stories With Moral Lessons for Kids
Published February 4, 2021
When trying to impart an important moral lesson to kids, short stories are often the go-to for most parents. It not only tickles their imagination, but it also teaches them about life.
Short stories have a way of teaching lessons that makes them more relatable and interesting. Rather than just telling your kid not to lie, relating a short story about it helps them understand what happens when they lie. It helps them become more aware of their actions and their consequences. The moral lessons from these stories also help shape their character and moral compass as they grow old.
Here are 10 short stories with moral lessons that your kids (and even some adults) will learn a thing or two from:
1. The Hare and the TortoiseThere was once a hare who was friends with a tortoise. One day, he challenged the tortoise to a race. Seeing how slow the tortoise was going, the hare thought he’ll win this easily. So he took a nap while the tortoise kept on going. When the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was already at the finish line. Much to his chagrin, the tortoise won the race while he was busy sleeping.
Moral of the story:
There are actually a couple of moral lessons we can learn from this story. The hare teaches that overconfidence can sometimes ruin you. While the tortoise teaches us about the power of perseverance. Even if all the odds are stacked against you, never give up. Sometimes life is not about who’s the fastest or the strongest, it’s about who is the most consistent.
2. The Dog and the BoneOnce there was a dog who wandered the streets night and day in search of food. One day, he found a big juicy bone and he immediately grabbed it between his mouth and took it home. On his way home, he crossed a river and saw another dog who also had a bone in its mouth. He wanted that bone for himself too. But as he opened his mouth, the bone he was biting fell into the river and sank. That night, he went home hungry.
Moral of the story:
If we always envy what others have, we’ll end up losing what we already have, just like the greedy dog.
3. The Thirsty CrowAfter flying a long distance, a thirsty crow was wandering the forest in search of water. Finally, he saw a pot half-filled with water. He tried to drink from it but his beak wasn’t long enough to reach the water inside. He then saw pebbles on the ground and one by one, he put them in the pot until the water rose to the brim. The crow then hastily drank from it and quenched his thirst.
Moral of the story:
If there’s a will, there’s a way. Every problem has a solution if we just look hard enough and don’t give up.
4. Lazy JohnThere was a boy named John who was so lazy, he couldn’t even bother to change his clothes. One day, he saw that the apple tree in their yard was full of fruits. He wanted to eat some apples but he was too lazy to climb the tree and take the fruits.
So he lay down underneath the tree and waited for the fruits to fall off. John waited and waited until he was very hungry but the apples never fell.
Moral of the story:
Laziness can get you nowhere. If you want something, you need to work hard for it.
5. The Fox and The GrapesOnce there was a hungry fox who stumbled upon a vineyard. After seeing the round, juicy grapes hanging in a bunch, the fox drooled. But no matter how high he jumped, he couldn’t reach for it. So he told himself that it was probably sour and left. That night, he had to sleep on an empty stomach.
Moral of the Story:
Most of us have the tendency to act like the fox. When we want something but think it’s too hard to attain, we make up excuses. We tell ourselves that it’s probably not that great instead of working hard for it.
6. The Ant and The GrasshopperThe ant and the grasshopper were good friends. In the summer, the ant works hard to fill his storage with food.
While the grasshopper was enjoying the fine weather and playing all day. When winter came, the ant was lying cozily in his home surrounded by the food he stored during the summer. While the grasshopper was in his home, hungry and freezing. He asked the ant for food and the ant gave him some. But it wasn’t enough to last the entire winter. When he tried to ask the ant again, the latter replied: “I’m sorry my friend but my food is just enough for my family to last until the end of winter. If I give you more, we too will starve. We had the entire summer to prepare for the winter but you chose to play instead.”
Moral of the story:
Winter, in this story, represents a time in our life where food and resources are scarce. While summer is that time where everything is abundant. So if you have a lot right now, save some of it for the winter.
7. The Boy Who Cried WolfThere was once a shepherd boy who liked to play tricks. One day, while he was watching over the herd, the boy decided to play a trick and cried “wolf! wolf!”. The people who heard rushed over to help him. But they were disappointed when they saw that there was no wolf and the boy was laughing at them. The next day, he did it again and people rushed to his aid only to be disappointed once again. On the third day, the boy saw a wolf devouring one of his sheep and cried for help. But the people who heard him thought this is just another of the boy’s pranks so no one came to help him. That day, the boy lost some of his sheep to the wolf.
Moral of the story:
If you always lie and cheat on other people, there will come a time when no one will believe you anymore.
8. The Ugly DucklingMost of us have probably heard of this story as this is one of the most popular fairy tales in the world. The story revolves around a duckling who from the moment of his birth has always felt different from his siblings. He was always picked on because he didn’t look like the rest of them. One day, he had enough and ran away from the pond he grew up in. He wandered near and far looking for a family who would accept him. Months passed and seasons changed but everywhere he went, nobody wanted him because he was such an ugly duck. Then one day, he came upon a family of swans. Upon looking at them, he realized that during the months he spent looking for a family to call his own, he had grown into a beautiful swan. Now he finally understood why he never looked like the rest of his siblings because he isn’t a duck but a swan.
Moral of the story:
We shouldn’t be too quick to judge others based on their physical appearance. Just because someone doesn’t fit societal definitions of beauty doesn’t mean they’re ugly. Each of us is beautiful in our own unique way and it’s time we accept and celebrate that individuality.
9. The Lion and the Poor SlaveThere was once a slave who was treated cruelly by his master. One day, he couldn’t take it anymore and ran away to the forest to escape. There he chanced upon a lion who couldn’t walk because of the thorn in its paw. Although he’s scared, the slave mustered his courage and took out the thorn in the lion’s paw. When the lion was finally free of the thorn, he ran into the forest and didn’t harm the slave. Sometime later, the slave was caught by his master along with some animals in the forest. The master then ordered the slave to be thrown into the lion’s den. When the slave saw the lion, he recognized it as the same lion he helped in the forest. The slave was able to escape the den unharmed and he freed all the other animals.
Moral of the story:
The good you did will always have a way of coming back to you. So do good deeds and be kind to others and the world will be kind to you.
10. The Elephant and the AntsThere was once a proud elephant who always bullied smaller animals. He would go to the anthill near his home and spray water at the ants. The ants, with their size, could do nothing but cry. The elephant just laughed and threatened the ants that he would crush them to death. One day, the ants had enough and decided to teach the elephant a lesson. They went straight into the elephant’s trunk and started biting him. The elephant could only howl in pain. He realized his mistake and apologized to the ants and all the animals he bullied.
Moral of the story:
Be humble and treat everyone with kindness. If you think you’re stronger than others, then use your strength to protect them instead of harming them.
Nursery Rhymes, Books, and Felt Stories for kids
Beloved nursery rhymes such as "Jack and Jill," "Little Miss Muffet," "Hickory, Dickory, Dock," and "Baa, Baa, Sheep," have been cherished by children for generations. Their silliness, their rhyme and repetition make them fun for children to listen to and recite. Nursery rhymes are also a great tool to practice phonemic awareness and phonics skills.
Jack and Jill
(Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got,
and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob,
who patched his nob
With vinegar and brown paper.
Jack Spratt
(Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean,
And so between the two of them,
They licked the platter clean.
Little Bo Peep
(Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep,
And can't tell where to find them.
Leave them alone, and they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.
Little Jack Horner
(Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner,
Eating his Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum,
And said "What a good boy am I!"
Old King Cole
(Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
and a merry old soul was he.
He called for his pipe in the middle of the night,
And he called for his fiddlers three.
Every fiddler had a fine fiddle,
and a very fine fiddle had he.
Oh there's none so rare as can compare
With King Cole and his fiddlers three.
The Queen of Hearts
(Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day.
The Knave of Hearts
He stole those tarts,
And took them clean away.
The King of Hearts
Called for the tarts,
And beat the knave full sore.
The Knave of Hearts
Brought back the tarts,
And vowed he'd steal no more.
And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon | Dimity Dumpty: The Story of Humpty's Little Sister | Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose | Hey Diddle Diddle |
Pocketful of Posies: A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes | Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever | Sylvia Long's Mother Goose | The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock |
My Very First Mother Goose | Hickory, Dickory, Dock: And Other Favorite Nursery Rhymes | Baa Baa Black Sheep | Old King Cole |
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet
sat on a tuffet,
eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider
who sat down beside her,
and frightened Miss Muffet away.
"Bow-wow," says the dog.
"Meow-meow," says the cat.
"Grunt-grunt," says the hog,
and "squeak," goes the rat.
"Buzz-buzz", says the bee.
"Tweet-tweet," says the jaya.
"Caw-caw," says the crow.
"Quack-quack," says the duck.
And what the cuckoo says, you know!
Litte Jack Horner
Little Jack Horner
sat in a corner
eating his holiday pie.
He stuck in his thumb
and pulled out a plum
and said, "What a lucky boy am I!"
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Nursery Rhyme
"Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
havy you any wool?"
"Yes sir, yes sir,
three bags full.
One for my master.
One for my dame.
And one for the little girl
who lives down the lane."
The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
There was an old woman
who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children,
she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth
along with some bread,
then hugged them all soundly
and sent them to bed.
Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue
come blow your horn.
The sheep's in the meadow.
The cow's in the corn.
Where is the young boy
who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack
fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I,
for if I do,
he is sure to cry.
View also our preschool and kindergarten nursery rhymes activities and crafts
Preschool Activities:
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Toddler age (infantilism). Erotic story
Most people's lives follow a strict sequence. A nursery, a kindergarten, a school... Then an army or an institute. Of course work. Certain stages may be missing: say a nursery or an army with an institute, but the sequence usually never changes. Both the nursery and the school come only once in a lifetime. According to the famous song, the wedding too.
However, there are exceptions to most rules. One such exception-adventure happened to me at the age of seven. No, of course not a wedding, but an equally incredible event for my then age.
Our school had an unusual architecture that looked like the letter "H". Of course, when I was younger, I didn't really care. Until about the middle of second grade, when a few of my classmates made an interesting discovery. They found a place on the third floor, from where the women's toilet on the first floor was perfectly visible.
All windows in the school were divided into two parts: lower and upper. In the toilets, the lower glass was painted over with white paint. But when viewed from above, even a narrow upper window was enough to see what was being done in the toilet two floors below.
At first we were cautious and scared every girl who appeared in the corridor, not to mention the teachers. But after a couple of months they became noticeably bolder, feeling complete impunity. I even started sneaking my dad's 8x field glasses to school.
The unofficial status of the toilet gave a special piquancy to the process. It was considered "teacher's" because of the nearby teacher's room and the director's office. The rest of the visitors to the toilet were high school students, since the entire first floor was given to the senior classes. We got the third floor with the first-graders. The situation was just perfect. The probability of high school girls appearing on our floor was practically zero, and our own girls, of course, had no idea.
Watching the women's restroom was usually a group activity, especially since I started carrying binoculars to school. Everyone wanted to use it, of course. But on that day, all the "accomplices" were busy with something and I went to the coveted window alone. Unfortunately, the toilet was empty. After standing by the window for five minutes, I was about to leave when I suddenly felt someone else's hand on my shoulder.
- Well, what did I tell you, Svetka! - I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me, - They are peeping from here, from the third floor. I immediately recognized this with binoculars.
I turned around and saw three girls. In appearance, all three studied in the last, eleventh grade. Instantly realizing what had happened, I jerked to run away, but one of the girls managed to grab my arm.
- Just look, Natasha, what kind of binoculars he has, - she said, turning to her friend.
- Let's see, - smiled the girl, whose name was Natasha.
Putting my binoculars to her eyes, the girl looked down through the window and began to blush.
- Absolutely everything is visible! - She told her friends, - And you did not want to believe me.
Suddenly, Natasha burst out laughing out loud.
- You should have seen who went there now! - she said.
I startled when I heard the name of the headmistress.
- I can imagine her face when we tell her everything, - Natasha continued to laugh.
Everyone laughed together.
- Well, then let's go tell, - said the girl holding my hand, - Let her decide what to do with the boy.
The girls took me to the director's office. However, we did not reach the office itself, because we met the headmistress in the corridor.
- Valentina Stepanovna! - Natasha called her, - Here, they caught a juvenile hooligan.
- And what did he do wrong? – the headmistress asked with a smile, - Did you run along the corridor?
"Spying on us in the toilet," one of the girls said offendedly.
- How is it? The director was surprised.
- From the third floor, - another girl explained, - Through this binoculars.
- Ay-yai-yai, - the headmistress shook her head reproachfully, - Of course, you need to be punished for this.
The headmistress asked my last name sternly. I answered her frightened, wondering what punishment awaits me. “Most likely, he will call his parents to school,” I thought.
- And where is this toilet? the director asked.
- Here he is, - one of the girls waved her hand towards the door at the end of the corridor.
- This one? - the headmistress raised her voice and I noticed that her face was reddening, - So there . .. all the teachers go.
There was an awkward silence.
- We must take him to the teacher's room, - the headmistress decided, - Since he spied on everyone, then the decision on punishment should be collective.
Everyone went to the staff room. Going after the headmistress inside, I was surprised how crowded it was.
- Please pay attention for a minute! the headmistress announced loudly from the threshold.
In the silence that followed, she quickly told everyone about my wrongdoing.
- What is it! - the elderly head teacher of the primary classes was indignant and all the teachers stared at me indignantly.
Only one teacher had a smile on his face. Of course it was a man. In the oohs and ahahs I heard, I distinctly heard his stifled laughter. The headmistress threw a withering glance at the teacher and he fell silent.
- Well, how will we punish? she asked, looking around at everyone present.
- Parents have school tomorrow! - said the elderly head teacher.
From all sides, proposals for my punishment rained down - one more terrible than the other.
"But I think the punishment should be the same as a misdemeanor," one of the high school students suddenly said.
- What do you mean? the headmistress asked curiously.
- Well, for the boy to also experience what it's like to go to the toilet in front of others, - the senior girl explained.
- Yeah, put him on the pot in front of everyone like a little one, - one of the teachers laughed and everyone laughed out loud.
- That would be the best punishment, - the headmistress said with a smile, - But where do we get the pots from? There is also a school, not a nursery-garden.
- We can take the boy to kindergarten, - suggested one of the senior students, - When we go there next time for practice.
- Exactly, - the headmistress remembered, - We have a sponsored kindergarten, where the senior classes do practice.
- Definitely in the nursery group, - a high school student named Natasha added with a laugh, - Because there is no toilet there. Only pots.
Everyone laughed again.
- A very interesting proposal, - the headmistress smiled, - I will think it over and decide today.
- I would still call my parents to school, - the elderly head teacher grumbled, - So that my father could beat him with a belt at home.
- If it happens again, I'll definitely call, - the headmistress said, - In the meantime, let's not involve the parents. We ourselves are able to deal with our juvenile violators of discipline and order.
The ringing bell was most welcome.
"Run to class," the headmistress told me.
- And the binoculars? I asked.
- Come to my office after school, - the headmistress said, - At the same time, we'll talk about your punishment.
I didn't have to be told twice and ran back to my class.
When I went to the principal's office after school, she gave me the binoculars as promised.
- I don't want someone to punish you at home, - Valentina Stepanovna told me, - Therefore, decide for yourself whether to tell your parents about everything or not. I've already decided not to call them to school.
I expected the headmistress to announce my punishment, but she just waved her hand to let me know that the conversation was over. My teacher didn't say anything to me either, she just kept looking at me with a sly smile. After a couple of days, I understood why.
One day a month in elementary school was always devoted to some kind of cultural event. For our parallel, it was the third Thursday of the month. All second grades went to the museum or to the cinema. Less often in the theater. There were no lessons that day. And of course you can
Toddler age (infantilism). - porn stories
- font
Most people's lives follow a strict sequence. A nursery, a kindergarten, a school... Then an army or an institute. Of course work. Certain stages may be missing: say a nursery or an army with an institute, but the sequence usually never changes. Both the nursery and the school come only once in a lifetime. According to the famous song, the wedding too.
However, there are exceptions to most rules. One such exception-adventure happened to me at the age of seven. No, of course not a wedding, but an equally incredible event for my then age.
Our school had an unusual architecture that looked like the letter "H". Of course, when I was younger, I didn't really care. Until about the middle of second grade, when a few of my classmates made an interesting discovery. They found a place on the third floor, from where the women's toilet on the first floor was perfectly visible.
All windows in the school were divided into two parts: lower and upper. In the toilets, the lower glass was painted over with white paint. But when viewed from above, even a narrow upper window was enough to see what was being done in the toilet two floors below.
At first we were cautious and scared every girl who appeared in the corridor, not to mention the teachers. But after a couple of months they became noticeably bolder, feeling complete impunity. I even started sneaking my dad's 8x field glasses to school.
The unofficial status of the toilet added a special piquancy to the process. It was considered "teacher's" because of the nearby teacher's room and the director's office. The rest of the visitors to the toilet were high school students, since the entire first floor was given to the senior classes. We got the third floor with the first-graders. The situation was just perfect. The probability of high school girls appearing on our floor was practically zero, and our own girls, of course, had no idea.
Watching the women's bathroom was usually a group activity, especially since I started carrying binoculars to school. Everyone wanted to use it, of course. But on that day, all the "accomplices" were busy with something and I went to the coveted window alone. Unfortunately, the toilet was empty. After standing by the window for five minutes, I was about to leave when I suddenly felt someone else's hand on my shoulder.
- Well, what did I tell you, Svetka! - I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me, - They are peeping from here, from the third floor. I immediately recognized this with binoculars.
I turned around and saw three girls. In appearance, all three studied in the last, eleventh grade. Instantly realizing what had happened, I jerked to run away, but one of the girls managed to grab my arm.
"Just look, Natasha, what binoculars he has," she said, turning to her friend.
“Now we’ll see,” smiled the girl, whose name was Natasha.
Putting my binoculars to her eyes, the girl looked down through the window and began to blush.
— Absolutely everything is visible! - she informed her friends, - And you didn't want to believe me.
Natasha suddenly laughed out loud.
- You should have seen who went there now! - she said.
I shuddered when I heard the headmistress's name.
“I can imagine her face when we tell her everything,” Natasha continued to laugh.
Everyone laughed together.
“Well then, let’s go tell the story,” said the girl holding my hand, “Let her decide what to do with the boy.
The girls took me to the director's office. However, we did not reach the office itself, because we met the headmistress in the corridor.
- Valentina Stepanovna! Natasha called out to her, “Here, they caught a juvenile hooligan.
— And what did he do wrong? the headmistress asked with a smile, "Running along the corridor?"
“Spying on us in the toilet,” one of the girls said offendedly.
— How is it? the headmistress was surprised.
“From the third floor,” another girl explained, “Through this binoculars.
— Ay-yai-yai, — the headmistress shook her head reproachfully, — Of course, this should be punished.
The headmistress asked my last name sternly. I answered her frightened, wondering what punishment awaits me. “Most likely, he will call his parents to school,” I thought.
— And where is this toilet? the headmistress asked.
“Here he is,” one of the girls waved her hand towards the door at the end of the corridor.
— This one? - the headmistress raised her voice and I noticed that her face was turning red, - So there ... all the teachers go.
There was an awkward silence.
- We must take them to the teacher's room, - the headmistress decided, - Since he was spying on everyone, then the decision on punishment should be collective.
Everyone went to the staff room. Going after the headmistress inside, I was surprised how crowded it was.
- Please pay attention for a minute! the headmistress announced loudly from the doorway.
In the silence that followed, she quickly told everyone about my wrongdoing.
- Yes, what is it! - the elderly head teacher of the primary classes was indignant and all the teachers stared at me indignantly.
Only one teacher had a smile on his face. Of course it was a man. In the oohs and ahahs I heard, I distinctly heard his stifled laughter. The headmistress threw a withering glance at the teacher and he fell silent.
— Well, how are we going to punish? she asked, looking around at everyone present.
— Parents have to go to school tomorrow! - said the elderly head teacher.
Offers about my punishment rained down from all sides - one more terrible than the other.
“But it seems to me that the punishment should be the same as a misdemeanor,” one of the senior students suddenly said.
— What do you mean? the headmistress asked with interest.
“Well, so that the boy can also experience what it is like to go to the toilet in front of others,” the senior girl explained.
“Yeah, put him on the pot in front of everyone like a little one,” one of the teachers laughed and everyone laughed out loud.
“That would be the best punishment,” the headmistress said with a smile, “But where do we get pots from? There is also a school, not a nursery-garden.
“We can take the boy to kindergarten,” suggested one of the senior students, “When we go there next time for practice.
- Exactly, - the headmistress recalled, - We have a sponsored kindergarten, where the senior classes do practical training.
- Be sure to go to the nursery, - added a high school student named Natasha with a laugh, - Because there is no toilet there. Only pots.
Everyone laughed again.
— A very interesting proposal, — the headmistress smiled, — I will think it over and decide today.
“I would still call my parents to school,” the elderly head teacher grumbled, “So that my father can beat him at home with a belt.
“If it happens again, I will definitely call,” the headmistress said, “For now, let's not involve the parents. We ourselves are able to deal with our juvenile violators of discipline and order.
The ringing bell was most welcome.
“Run to class,” the headmistress told me.
— And the binoculars? I asked.
“Come into my office after class,” the headmistress said, “At the same time, we’ll talk about your punishment.”
I didn't have to repeat myself twice and ran off to my class.
When I went to the principal's office after school, she gave me the binoculars as promised.
“I ... don’t want someone to punish you at home,” Valentina Stepanovna told me, “Therefore, decide for yourself whether to tell your parents about everything or not. I've already decided not to call them to school.
I expected the headmistress to announce my punishment, but she simply waved her hand to indicate that the conversation was over. My teacher didn't say anything to me either, she just kept looking at me with a sly smile. After a couple of days, I understood why.
One day a month in elementary school was always devoted to some kind of cultural event. For our parallel, it was the third Thursday of the month. All second grades went to the museum or to the cinema. Less often in the theater. There were no lessons that day. And of course you could sleep a little longer, because you didn’t have to go to school by eight. Not to mention that you didn't have to wear a school uniform.
When I arrived at school on Thursday, I was looking forward to the promised trip to the cinema, but our teacher sent me straight from the door to the teachers' room. I froze, remembering a recent conversation in the same teacher's room about my punishment. However, I had no other choice and I trudged into the teacher's room.
To my surprise, the staff room was empty.
Half a minute later a young girl came in. She did not look like a teacher, not to mention the fact that I saw her at school for the first time. “A trainee from the pedagogical institute,” I guessed.
— Sasha? the girl asked me.
“Yes,” I replied.
“I’ll take you to kindergarten now,” the pretty intern smiled, “The director asked. She gave you a punishment. You have to spend all day in the nursery.
Imagining what was ahead of me, I almost cried from resentment. However, the prospect of calling my parents to school was even worse, because in this case I would definitely have been hit by a strict father.
— Were you spying on the girls in the toilet? the intern laughed, “They told me everything. By the way, they are all now in our sponsored kindergarten.
The girl took my hand and we went to the kindergarten.
— I also studied at your school, — the trainee smiled, — I know everything about this practice. Are you aware that there is no toilet in the nursery? Because babies under three years old do not need it. They use pots. At least those who know how to ask.
I wondered why the trainee was telling me all this.
“Well, the rest just wet their pants,” she continued, “However, a big boy like you should not have problems with the potty.
After the second mention of the pot, I finally realized what the girl was hinting at and I blushed deeply. It hurt so much to listen to the young intern laugh at my punishment. For the rest of the journey, she continued to talk about the order in the nursery group, where I was to spend the whole day today.
We entered the kindergarten building and the intern immediately led me to the right door. The loud roar of children outside the door left no doubt that this was a nursery group. Going inside, we found ourselves in a small room crammed with narrow lockers typical of kindergartens. I immediately remembered the older group of kindergarten, where I went before school. However, there were differences - in the form of two large changing tables, as in a children's clinic. Through the open second door, a large bright hall was visible. Suddenly, a very young girl in a white coat appeared in the doorway. Recognizing her as one of the high school students who “caught me red-handed,” I blushed deeply.
— Come here, girls! the girl shouted loudly into the hall, “Look who has come!”
Two more high school students quickly ran into the room, followed by an older girl. All, of course, were in white coats. I realized that they all worked as nannies.
— So this is your Sasha? the oldest girl asked with a smile.
— He is the best! one of the seniors confirmed.
“Then let’s get to know each other,” said the head nanny, “The kids call me Aunt Olya, but I let you call me just by my first name, without “aunt.”
“He should remember the two of us,” one of the senior students smiled, “But just in case, we need to officially introduce ourselves. My name is Natasha and this is Sveta.
“Masha,” the third high school student modestly introduced herself.
— What class are you girls from? the intern asked.
- 18th "A", - Natasha reported.
- So the system has remained the same? - the intern smiled, - Three high school students under the guidance of an experienced nanny from the kindergarten.
- How do you know? Sveta was surprised.
“I also studied at your school,” the trainee explained, “And I went to the kindergarten to practice in the same way. That was a long time ago. About five years ago.
“And I still remember you, Katya,” said a woman in her thirties who entered the room.
- Nadezhda Vladimirovna? - the intern was surprised, - Are you still here, in the nursery group?
“Where else can I be,” Nadezhda Vladimirovna sighed with a smile, “With them, kids. Better tell me what you're doing here now.
“I brought you a new child,” Katya laughed, waving her hand in my direction.
- A punished boy? - Nadezhda Vladimirovna recalled, - I was already warned about it.
The woman came closer to me.
“Welcome to the nursery,” she smiled, “I’m Nadezhda Vladimirovna, nursery teacher. I hope you like us.
— What should a well-bred child say? Natasha asked me sternly.
"Hello," I blurted out, embarrassed.
- What's our name? the teacher asked me with a smile.
"Sasha," I replied.
“I won’t ask about age,” laughed Nadezhda Vladimirovna.
- Can't you see? - Natasha said with a laugh, - The baby is two and a half years old.
Everyone laughed together.
“Only the little one is dressed for some reason not according to his age,” Sveta continued the game, “Jeans with sneakers, some kind of incomprehensible T-shirt ...
“Nothing,” Natasha laughed, “We bought Sasha suitable clothes: a T-shirt with tights .
“Three pairs of tights,” Sveta added, “Just in case.
- In what case is this? Katya asked slyly and everyone laughed again.
“In case he pees,” Natasha explained with a laugh, “As if you don’t know that two-year-olds don’t always manage to go to the potty on time.
“By the way, we also found a pot for Sasha,” Sveta smiled, “I’ll show you now.
“Get some clothes too,” Natasha asked, “We need to change the boy’s clothes.
Listening to the girls talking about baby clothes and potty, I still refused to believe that I really had to spend the day like a toddler.
“Now I’ll bring everything,” Sveta said and left the room.
A minute later, the girl returned to the room with a neat stack of clothes in one hand and an enameled baby potty in the other. When I saw my name written in large letters on the pot, I blushed deeply.
“We have all the pots of this color,” Olya explained, “Light yellow. Only for the seven-year-old, of course, I had to get the biggest one.
- You have thoroughly prepared for Sasha's arrival! Katya laughed and everyone else followed her.
- Nadezhda Vladimirovna! Suddenly, a young female voice was heard from the hall, followed by a loud childish roar.
“Let’s go, Olya,” the teacher said to the head nanny, “The girls can handle Sasha without us.
The teacher and the nanny went into the hall.
— Well, give the boy pantyhose to change his clothes? - said Natasha.
Squatting next to me, Natasha took light green children's tights from Sveta and put them on my legs.
— What a charm, — she smiled, — Just right for Sasha.
“I didn’t even know that there were such big boy tights,” Katya was surprised, “Boys at this age are no longer dressed like that.
“At first we couldn’t find them in the store either,” Sveta smiled, “Until Natasha offered to look in the girls section.
— So what? - said Natasha, - The boys also wear light green tights. We bought two more pairs: light yellow and smart white.
The mention of white tights was the last straw.
- I don't want pantyhose! I roared loudly, "I won't wear them!"
- We will ask you more! - Natasha raised her voice, - We are here deciding how to dress you!
Natasha put her light green tights on me again. I tore them out of her hands, threw them on the floor and, taking advantage of the girl's confusion, rushed to the exit.
— What do you allow yourself? Sveta asked angrily, catching up with me in the corridor.
The girl took me back to the nursery dressing room.
— How are you, Sasha? - Natasha immediately attacked me, giving me a painful slap on the pope, - Well, it's okay, I'll teach you to obey! I wanted to give you new clothes so that he could change himself, but now there is nothing left but to change you like a baby.
I continued to sob quietly from resentment.
— Can you help me lift the boy to the table? Natasha asked Sveta.
It was not difficult for two girls to lift me onto the changing table.
— Do you want us to tell Valentina Stepanovna about your behavior? Natasha asked sternly, starting to undress me, “She said that if you don’t obey us, she will send you to the nursery tomorrow.
“You will come here every day,” Sveta joined in, “Until you start behaving well.
"We can call her now if you don't believe us," Natasha said.
Feeling Natasha unbutton my jeans, I blushed deeply. Meanwhile, Sveta began to untie my sneakers. The two girls quickly stripped me down to my underpants. All red with embarrassment, I was waiting for some pants to be put on me as soon as possible: even light green children's tights. Instead, Natasha pulled my panties down. After a moment of hesitation, I clutched my underpants in a death grip.
— What is this? - Natasha raised her voice, - Well, he quickly removed his hands from there!
“Now I’ll help you, Natashka,” Sveta said and forcibly raised my hands up.
Natasha quickly took off my panties, leaving me completely naked. Sveta still held my arms outstretched up so that I could not even cover myself.
- I want panties! I demanded loudly, almost crying from resentment.
- Stop being capricious! Natasha yelled at me, slapping my bare bottom.
- Did you really think that we would let you wear panties under pantyhose? - Sveta smiled, - In our nursery, all the children go without panties. Do you know why?
Of course I didn't know and didn't want to know.
“Because if you pee, everything will be limited to wet tights,” Sveta explained, “At least you won’t have to change your panties.
“Not to mention the fact that you don’t have spare panties with you,” Natasha added. "What are we going to do if you, Sasha, pee yourself?" I'm not going to wash your wet panties.
- Described - that's nothing! - Masha laughed, - I wonder what to do with Sasha's panties if he crap one's pants?
The girls laughed, making me blush. Feeling that Sveta no longer holds my hands, I instantly covered my hands between my legs.
- Just look, girls, how shy! Natasha laughed, pointing her finger at me.
“Yeah, he blushed so much,” Sveta smiled.
"Kids shouldn't be embarrassed to stand naked," Masha said kindly to me and forced my arms apart.
- Hold your hands like that! - Natasha ordered me, - At the seams! If I see one more time that you're hiding behind, you'll get a butt.
— As if none of us had seen little boys naked! Katya, an intern, laughed.
I again reached out with my hands to my groin to cover myself, but Natasha shook her finger at me.
- Whom did you tell not to hide behind! Natasha raised her voice, "And when will you, Sasha, start to obey us?"
"And you take a promise from him," suggested Katya with a laugh.
“That’s right,” Natasha perked up, “I won’t dress until she promises to obey.
Natasha stared at me expectantly.
- Why are you silent? - she said after half a minute, - Don't you want to be dressed? So you were going to stand naked?
“Repeat after me, Sasha,” Sveta decided to help me, “I promise to be a good boy and obey the teacher, nannies and other adults.
I embarrassedly repeated Sveta's words.
“That's not all,” Sveta continued, “I promise to eat well.
“I promise to eat well,” I repeated, blushing even more with embarrassment.
“And now the most important thing,” Sveta smiled, “I promise not to wet my pants and ask for a potty in time, both small and large.
The girls laughed together. Not knowing where to go from embarrassment, I was forced to repeat the promise after Sveta.
“Now I’m calm about Sasha’s tights,” said Masha laughing, “After his promise to go to the potty on time.
The girls laughed together.
“The boy is so pretty when he stands naked,” Sveta smiled, “Really, like a two-year-old.
“Enough admiring the naked little one,” Natasha said, looking at her watch, “We’ve been messing around with him for a long time already. Olya must have been waiting for us.
Natasha started to put on a T-shirt for me.
— The T-shirt is a bit short, — Natasha smiled, — Never mind, I’ll pull tights higher.
“The peanut in this T-shirt is so funny,” Masha said, “It barely covers his navel. Which of you chose such a short one?
“I chose,” Sveta answered, “We have all the kids in short T-shirts. I decided that Sasha should have one too.
Natasha started to put on light green tights for me. The girl pulled them up to her chest, as promised.
- Well, that's all! - Natasha announced, putting on my brown shoes, - They completely changed Sasha into our clothes.
“And we’ll take Sasha’s clothes for now,” Sveta smiled, raking my clothes into a pile, “And we’ll give them back only in the evening. If he's been good all day, of course.
— Did you hear, Sasha? Natasha asked me sternly, “If you don’t obey us, you won’t get your jeans back. So you go home in pantyhose.
“I can imagine what his mother would say if the boy came home looking like this,” Sveta laughed.
Sveta and Natasha removed me from the table. Without my adult clothes, of course, I could not run away from the kindergarten home. I could not even appear in this form on the street.
“Let’s go to the hall,” Sveta said, taking my hand.
After entering the large hall with everyone, I began to study the situation. Three large changing tables immediately caught my eye. On one of them, Olya was fiddling with a naked baby. Looking closely, I noticed that she was smearing the baby with baby cream.
— Oh! Olya suddenly screamed, “Just look at what she’s doing!”
- Have you started a trickle again? the teacher asked the nanny with a laugh.
- Yeah, I made such a fountain, - Olya confirmed, - I just don't know what to do with Kolya. Constantly pissing while washing.
The teacher came up to us.
“While you and Sasha were busy in the locker room, breakfast was already over,” she said.
- Nothing, we'll think of something now, - Sveta smiled, - Do not leave the child hungry.
Natasha leaned over to Sveta and whispered something in her ear, after which both girls burst out laughing.
— Cool idea, — said Sveta, — Do we have extra bottles?
- That's it, - Natasha answered, - And the nipple too.
Noticing Masha's offended look, Natasha and her whispered about something.
— I would still know what I did? Masha smiled and whispered something to Natasha in response.
Listening to the whispers of the girls, I tried to understand what they were up to. However, the only thing I heard was the strange word "diuretic".
“I’ll go and ask the nurse,” Natasha said, “In the meantime, you put the child at the table and start feeding.
Natasha and Sveta have gone somewhere. Masha took my hand and led me to the small children's tables with the same small chairs standing in the corner of the hall.
“Sit down,” the girl said, pointing to a low chair.
I obediently sat down. A couple of minutes later, Sveta came and put two jars of baby food on the table. I thought it was a joke, refusing to believe that I would have to eat it.
“We’ll definitely tie a bib,” Sveta said affectionately, putting on a blue bib for me, “That’s it. In order not to stain Sasha's beautiful T-shirt.
Sveta opened the first can of baby puree.
“Open your mouth,” she commanded, dropping a small spoon into the jar.
When I guessed that the girl was going to spoon-feed me, I almost cried from resentment.
— What are you waiting for? - Sveta smiled, - Open your mouth. Such a delicious fruit puree. I can see how much you want it.
“Someone recently promised to obey,” Masha reminded me.
— What, won't you let yourself be fed? - Olya asked with a smile, approaching us, - Just like our kids.
Realizing that the girls would not leave me behind, I obediently opened my mouth and let Sveta put the spoon into it.
- That's it, well done! - Sveta praised me, - And now the second spoon. You need to eat well in order to grow faster and gain strength.
Having quickly fed me the first jar of baby food, Sveta started on the second one.
"Here's some milk," Natasha announced as she approached the table.
Seeing two baby bottles of milk in Natasha's hands, I realized with resentment that I would have to drink them now too.
— Well, shall we drink milk? Natasha smiled when Sveta finished feeding me.
I sighed and obediently opened my mouth, where Natasha immediately put a nipple from a baby bottle. The milk had a barely perceptible strange aftertaste, to which, however, I quickly got used.
— How a baby likes milk, — Natasha smiled affectionately, — So she sucks this nipple. Already smacks.
The girls laughed together.
- Why did you stop? Natasha asked me sternly. “Drink your milk quickly. There's still a second bottle waiting for you.
I started drinking again, even though nothing was getting into me.
— What a good fellow! - Natasha praised me when I emptied the second bottle, - I drank everything.
— Well, — Sveta smiled, — Now our baby is not hungry.
“You haven’t forgotten that you are actually supposed to help me,” Olya reminded the high school students, “Instead of the three of us messing around with Sasha.
- And you can't leave him alone, - Natasha smiled, - He strives to run away.
“Let’s take the boy to the playpen with the kids,” Sveta suggested with a laugh, “He definitely won’t run away from there.
Everyone laughed.
“Such a big one can easily climb over this arena,” Masha remarked.
- Well, what are you, - Natasha smiled, - He promised to obey us. You don't want to spend tomorrow in a manger, do you? Really, Sasha?
The girls took me to a large playpen, where three one-year-old babies in sliders were sitting. Letting me through a special gate, Natasha locked it with a latch.
“If you want to use the potty, immediately call the nannies out loud,” the girl told me.
Sveta threw me some toy cars. The rest of the toys in the arena were primitive cubes, balls and rings. I was glad that at least I could play with cars.
Gradually I got so carried away with the game that I forgot about my grievances. The only thing that bothered me was the growing urge to do it a little bit every minute. Remembering Natasha's words and imagining that I now have to loudly ask for a potty, I blushed deeply.
— I want to write! - suddenly shouted a two-year-old boy playing next to the arena.
- Go potty! - Sveta fussed, running up to the little one, - By the way, Natasha, it's time for Sasha to go a little too.
“Now I’ll take the boy,” said Natasha, approaching the arena.
"I don't want to," I lied in embarrassment when I saw Natasha unlocking the gate.
“Whether you like it or not, in our manger everyone who doesn’t ask goes to the potty according to the schedule,” Natasha said sternly, “Every two hours in a little way and 18-20 minutes after a meal in a big way.
"I honestly don't want to," I repeated, feeling myself blush.
- Don't you understand? Natasha raised her voice, “Here, in the nursery, the nannies decide when it’s time for the children to use the potty.
Natasha came up to me and, pulling my hand, lifted me off the floor.
"Come on, Sasha," the girl said, "Now you'll pee in the pot together with Maksimka."
We followed Sveta.
“We don’t have a toilet in the usual sense,” Natasha explained to me when we entered a small room, “Instead of it, this is the hygiene room.
“Toddlers don’t need a toilet at all,” Olya said, “Because we all use pots.
“Those who can,” Sveta added.
“Sasha should definitely be able to,” laughed Natasha and the rest of the girls followed her.
I looked around. There were two changing tables against one wall, one of which was occupied by Olya, who was busy with a one-year-old baby. The rest of the room was a bit like a regular bathroom. There was a sink with a faucet, a small bathtub and a shower. Several plastic baby baths hung on the wall nearby. And finally, one wall was completely occupied by a rack with children's pots. They were all the same color - light yellow. Each pot had a child's name written on it.
Sveta went to the rack with pots and took a small pot from there with the inscription “Max D.”. When I saw her reach for the larger pot, which had “Sasha” written on it, I blushed deeply.
“Thank you,” Natasha thanked when Sveta put the pot in front of me.
Before I had time to come to my senses, Natasha jerked my pantyhose down to her knees. Turning my head, I noticed that Sveta was undressing Maksimka in the same way.
“Give me one leg,” Natasha asked affectionately, freeing my legs from tights, “Now the other one ...
Left with just a short T-shirt, I pulled it down with all my might, trying to cover myself.
“Look, Svetka, how shy the boy is,” Natasha laughed.
The girls laughed, making Olya turn around.
- Quickly let go of the T-shirt! - Natasha ordered, slapping my hands, - You will tear it right now!
“And you don’t need to cover yourself either,” Sveta added, “You, Sasha, have already been told that small children should not be embarrassed to stand naked.
“Do you want a seven-year-old child not to be shy when left naked,” Olya laughed.
"He'll be patient," Natasha said, "By the way, he'll get his tights back only after he pees in the potty."
“The boys look so funny together,” Sveta remarked with a smile, “Both are standing without pants in front of the pots. Only one is two, and the other is seven.
Sveta lifted a tiny pussy of a two-year-old baby.
“Pee-pee-pee,” the girl began to say, and the little one immediately, as if on command, let out a trickle.
— What a good fellow Maxim! - Natasha smiled, - Take an example from him, Sasha.
I really wanted to do it a little, but still not knowing how to do it in front of everyone, I continued to endure.
— What are you waiting for, Sasha? - Natasha shouted at me, - So you are going to stand in front of the pot without panties?
“He’s going to pee now,” Sveta smiled affectionately at me, “It’s just that Sasha needs to be asked nicely. And then he will succeed all at once.
“Come on, Sasha,” Natasha told me, “Don’t be patient. I can see that you want a little.
Suddenly, I felt someone else's fingers unceremoniously lift my pussy.
— Whose pussy is this? Natasha asked me jokingly, "Who will let a trickle out of here now?"
Simultaneously turning in my direction, Sveta and Olya laughed together. I wanted to sink into the ground in embarrassment.
“Pee-pee-pee,” Natasha began to say affectionately, still holding my pussy, “Doesn’t Sasha want to show everyone how he can blow a trickle?
Natasha kept pleading with me for a few more minutes, but she didn't get anywhere. Sveta even managed to dress two-year-old Maksimka during this time.
“So stubborn,” Natasha sighed, “Okay, Sasha. I'll give you three more minutes. And if the pot remains empty after that, I will arrange this for you!
- I don't want to! I shouted, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.
- I don't want any! - Natasha raised her voice, - So that in three minutes there will be a full pot! Time has gone!
Natasha and Sveta approached the head nanny and started watching how she smears her baby with baby cream. I was glad that the upperclassmen had temporarily left me alone.
“You need to hold the child tightly when you smear it between the legs with baby cream,” Olya explained to the senior students.
“Yeah, the little one is kicking his legs like that and trying to escape,” Sveta agreed, “Especially when you started smearing his scrotum.
- How many times to repeat to address me as "you" - Olya grumbled.
“Sorry,” Sveta smiled.
— I noticed it too, — said Natasha, — Boys always start to struggle, one has only to touch the testicles.
“It’s ticklish,” Olya explained, “Look.
Olya lightly tickled her baby's scrotum, making him twitch his legs even more.
— Especially here, behind the testicles, — Olya smiled, — Boys have the most ticklish place there.
— What, do all boys react to being tickled like that? Sveta asked.
“Absolutely everything,” Olya replied, “The boys can’t stand her.
Natasha came back to me and looked into the pot.
“I don’t even know what to do with Sasha now,” she sighed.
— What do you want from a boy? - Olya asked with a smile, - Just to pee?
- Well, yes, - Natasha nodded, - To go to the pot a little.
“You inexperienced people need to be taught everything,” Olya grumbled jokingly, “Wait until I finish with Pavlik and I’ll show you how to make a child pee.
Having finished smearing her baby with baby cream, Olya quickly began to dress him.
"I don't know about a seven-year-old, but it's very easy to get kids to pee," she remarked, "Especially boys."
Olya handed over a one-year-old baby to Sveta.
"Take Pavlik to the arena," she asked, "and I'll deal with Sasha right away."
Holding one-year-old Pavlik in her arms, Sveta with her free hand pushed two-year-old Maksimka to the exit and headed there herself.
“We need to lift the baby onto the changing table,” Olya told Natasha.
The girls lifted me to the table.
“Now he will quickly pee at my place,” Olya stated confidently, laying me on my back.
A heavy adult hand fell on my stomach.
“To evoke the desired urge, you just need to massage your tummy,” the head nanny explained to Natasha, starting to stroke my lower abdomen, “Like this, clockwise.
— Just like a gas massage is done? Natasha asked.
- Yeah, - Olya nodded, - Only you don't massage around the navel, but a little lower. Where the baby's bladder is.
Natasha began to press harder on my stomach, making the urge to write completely unbearable.
— And how long does it take to massage a child? Natasha asked.
- Until it starts to trickle! laughed Sveta, who returned to the room.
“Usually a minute or two is enough,” Olya said, continuing to massage my stomach.
Struggling with my last strength against a painfully sharp urge, I realized with resentment that the experienced nanny would now achieve her goal.
- You massage your tummy and carefully watch the baby, - Olya continued, - And as soon as you feel that you are about to start a trickle, you quickly lift your legs up.