Text of goldilocks and the three bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
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Picture by Bertie - a retake of the classic illustration by Walter Crane.
Duration 3:15.
Based on the Charming version by the Victorian writer Andrew Lang.
Read by Natasha.
Once upon a time there were three bears, who lived together in a house of their own in a wood. One of them was a little, small wee bear; one was a middle-sized bear, and the other was a great, huge bear.
One day, after they had made porridge for their breakfast, they walked out into the wood while the porridge was cooling. And while they were walking, a little girl came into the house. This little girl had golden curls that tumbled down her back to her waist, and everyone called her by Goldilocks.
Goldilocks went inside. First she tasted the porridge of the great, huge bear, and that was far too hot for her. And then she tasted the porridge of the middle bear, and that was too cold for her. And then she went to the porridge of the little, small wee bear, and tasted that. And that was neither too hot nor too cold, but just right; and she liked it so well, that she ate it all up.
Then Goldilocks went upstairs into the bed chamber and first she lay down upon the bed of the great, huge bear, and then she lay down upon the bed of the middle bear and finally she lay down upon the bed of the little, small wee bear, and that was just right. So she covered herself up comfortably, and lay there until she fell fast asleep.
By this time, the three bears thought their porridge would be cool enough, so they came home to breakfast.
“SOMEBODY HAS BEEN AT MY PORRIDGE!” said the great huge bear, in his great huge voice.
“Somebody has been at my porridge!” said the middle bear, in his middle voice.
Then the little, small wee bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge pot, but the porridge was all gone.
“Somebody has been at my porridge, and has eaten it all up!” said the little, small wee bear, in his little, small wee voice.
Then the three bears went upstairs into their bedroom.
“SOMEBODY HAS BEEN LYING IN MY BED!” said the great, huge bear, in his great, rough, gruff voice.
“Somebody has been lying in my bed!” said the middle bear, in his middle voice.
And when the little, small, wee bear came to look at his bed, upon the pillow there was a pool of golden curls, and the angelic face of a little girl snoring away, fast asleep.
“Somebody has been lying in my bed, and here she is!” Said the little, small wee bear, in his little, small wee voice.
Goldilocks jumped off the bed and ran downstairs, out of the door and down the garden path. She ran and she ran until she reached the house of her grandmama. When she told her grandmama about the house of the three bears who lived in the wood, her granny said: “My my, what a wild imagination you have, child!”
(Updated with shorter version September, 13, 2016).
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
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This is Goldilocks. She is called Goldilocks because of her sproingy locks of golden hair. Goldilocks is an expert at skipping. Usually Goldilocks likes to skip around the pond, but today she decided to skip through the forest. Along the path she noticed the cutest, coziest cottage she had ever seen. “I wonder who lives in such a cute, cozy cottage,” Goldilocks thought. Goldilocks skipped to the cottage for a closer look. She knocked on the door and was disappointed when no one answered. Then it hit her—the most wonderful smell she had ever smelled! “Porridge!” Goldilocks said dreamily as her stomach rumbled. “That smell is making me hungry! I don’t think anyone would mind if I went in for a quick taste.” She opened the door to the cottage. After all that skipping, Goldilocks was starving. Goldilocks went to the table, where she found three bowls of porridge. She tasted the first bowl. “Too sweet!” she said.
Then she tasted the middle bowl. “Too cinnamony!” she said. Finally she tasted the last bowl. It was just right! “Wow! This is delicious porridge!” she said. After all that skipping and eating, Goldilocks wanted to sit down. Goldilocks looked around the cozy cottage and noticed three chairs. She sat in the first chair. “Too hard!” she said. Then she sat in the middle chair. “Too cushiony!” she said. Finally she sat in the last chair. It was just right! “This is the most comfortable chair ever!” she said. After all that skipping and eating and sitting, Goldilocks was feeling sleepy. She went into the next room and saw three beds. She flopped onto the first bed. “Too firm!” she said. Then she flopped onto the middle bed. “Too pillowy!” she said. Finally she flopped onto the last bed. It was just right! “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!” she said. Meanwhile, three bears came in the door. “That was a fine skip through the forest,” said the papa bear. “It’s good to be home,” said the mama bear. “I’m hungry!” said the little bear.
The bears went over to the table, where they noticed something was different about their porridge. “Somebody’s been eating my porridge,” said the papa bear. “And somebody’s been eating my porridge,” said the mama bear. “Hey, my porridge is almost gone!” said the little bear. The bears ate what was left of their porridge and then went to sit down. They noticed something was different about their chairs. “Somebody’s been sitting in my chair,” said the papa bear. “And somebody’s been sitting in my chair,” said the mama bear. “Hey! My chair looks like a person!” said the little bear. After all that skipping and wondering about porridge and chairs, the bears were sleepy, and they headed to bed. They noticed something was different about their beds. “Somebody’s been flopping in my bed,” said the papa bear. “And somebody’s been flopping in my bed,” said the mama bear. “Hey! There’s a girl in my bed!” said the little bear. Goldilocks opened one eye, then the other. She saw three bears staring at her.
“Hello,” said the little bear. “We’re the bears that live here.” “You are?” said Goldilocks, wide eyed. “Did you know that you have the best porridge, chair, and bed in the whole world?” “I think so too!” said the little bear. “You don’t mind that I tried them?” asked Goldilocks. “No, I don’t mind!” said the little bear. “Let’s play!” The little bear invited Goldilocks to stay, and they laughed and had pillow fights all morning long.
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0005 One day she started off into a wood to gather wild flowers, and into the fields to chase butterflies. She ran here and she ran there, and went so far, at last, that she found herself in a lonely place, where she saw a snug little house, in which three bears lived; but they were not then at home.

and the Middle-sized Bear looked into his bowl, and said:
"Somebody Has Been Tasting My Porridge!"
and the Little Bear piped:
"Somebody has tasted my porridge and eaten it all up!"
and the Middle-sized Bear said:
"Somebody Has Been Sitting In My Chair!"
"Somebody has been sitting in my chair, and has broken it all to pieces!"
and the Middle-sized Bear said:
"Somebody Has Been Tumbling My Bed!"
"Somebody has been tumbling my bed, and here she is!"

The End
A sad romp - a prankster, a very restless child
Keep (kept) quiet - do not make noise
Run out - run away, run out (the preposition "out" indicates that the girl is running away from somewhere)
Without leave - without permission
At last - finally, at the end
A lonely place
A sung little house
Push (it) open
Make up mind
To walk a little - walk
Eat (eaten) up
Translation of the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Three Bears
In a distant country, there lived a girl who was called Greyhair because her curly hair shone brightly. She was a prankster, so restless that she could not sit quietly still, and she loved very much to run away from home without permission.
One day, she ran into the forest to collect wild flowers, and into the fields to catch butterflies. She ran here and there, and, in the end, ran so far that she found herself in the wilderness, where she saw a cozy house in which three bears lived, but at that moment they were not at home. nine0005
The door was ajar, Greyweasel flung it open and realized that there was no one at home, so she dared shamelessly go inside and look at the whole house, thinking a little what kind of people lived here.
Three bears lived in this house, and before her arrival, they went out for a little walk. Big bear, medium sized bear and little bear cub; they put their porridges on the table to cool down. And when Greyweasel went into the kitchen, she saw three bowls of porridge. She first tasted the porridge from the biggest bowl that belonged to the big bear, but the porridge was too cold for her. She then tasted porridge from a medium-sized bowl that belonged to a medium-sized bear, but the porridge was too hot for her. At the end, she tasted the porridge from the smallest bowl that belonged to the little bear cub, she liked the porridge and ate it. nine0005
Then she went into the living room, where there were three chairs. She tried to sit on the largest chair, which belonged to the big bear, but it was too high for her. She then tried to sit on a medium-sized chair that belonged to a medium-sized bear, but it was too big for her. At the end, she tried to sit on the smallest chair that belonged to the little bear cub, she found it comfortable, but she sat on it so hard that the chair fell apart.
After everything that happened, Greyweasel was very tired, she went upstairs to the room, and saw three beds. She tried to lie down on the largest bed, which belonged to the big bear, but it was too soft for her. She then tried to lie down on a medium-sized bed owned by a medium-sized bear, but it was too hard for her. In the end, she tried to lie down on the smallest bed, which belonged to a little bear cub, she found it comfortable. So she lay down in it, and fell into a dream. nine0005
While Greyhair was sleeping, the three bears returned home from their walk. They went into the kitchen to eat their porridge, but when the big bear came up to his bowl, he grumbled:
behind him, a medium-sized bear, looking into his bowl, said:
" Someone's been eating my porridge!"
following them, a little bear cub squeaked:
“Someone tried my porridge and ate it all!”
Then they went to the living room and the big bear grunted:
behind him a medium-sized bear said:
"Someone was sitting on my chair!"
following them, a little bear cub squeaked:
“Someone was sitting on my chair and completely destroyed it!”
Soon they went up into the room and the big bear grunted:
behind him, a medium-sized bear said:
"Someone has stirred up my bed!"
following them, a little bear cub squeaked:
"Someone has stirred up my bed and is lying in it!"
After that, Greyweasel woke up in a fright, jumped out of the window and ran as fast as she could, and henceforth, never again appeared near the cozy house of the three bears.
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears in English
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- Tales in English with translation
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears in English
Fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" in English is a popular English fairy tale for children. The fairy tale tells about a girl who went into the forest and got lost, and then the events fluttered more and more interesting. The tale in English is adapted and easy to read. You get a large vocabulary and good English practice.
Translation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This story is about a little girl. nine0221 Her name is Goldilocks.
Her hair color is like gold.
Everyone loves her.
Every day she walks in her village.
"Hello, Goldilocks! How are you?"
everyone asks.
Goldilocks smiles and answers:
"Good. How are you?"
Goldilocks is having dinner with her mother.
She asks: "Mother, why is the forest bad?"
"There are dangerous animals in the forest, Goldilocks.
Don't go there!" says her mother.
But Goldilocks wants to go there.
She wants to see the animals.
She wants to look at the trees and flowers in the forest.
Every day she thinks about the forest.
Translation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Part 2
The next day, Goldilocks is talking to her mother.
"Mother, I'm going to Alice's house," she says.
But Goldilocks is not going to Alice's house.
She's going to go to the forest! nine0005
The blacksmith sees her and says:
"Hello, Goldilocks. Where are you going?"
But Goldilocks doesn't answer.
She quickly leaves the village.
She walks in the forest.
She sees green trees,
beautiful birds and butterflies.
She sees a squirrel and a rabbit.
"Beautiful forest!" she says.
"He's not dangerous!"
Goldilocks plays with the animals.
She looks at the beautiful trees and flowers. nine0221 After an hour, Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty.
She sees a house in the forest.
"I can ask them for water," she thinks.
She goes to the house and knocks on the door.
Translation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Part 3
She listens for a minute and opens the door.
The house is beautiful and tidy.
She looks into the kitchen.
There is a table there.
There are three bowls of soup on the table. nine0221 Goldilocks is hungry.
She wants to eat soup.
Goldilocks tastes soup from the first bowl.
He is very hot! She tastes the soup
from the second bowl.
He is very cold!
She tries the soup from the third bowl.
It is very tasty. She eats all the soup.
And now Goldilocks is tired. She wants to sleep.
She goes to the bedroom.
There are three beds.
The first bed is very large. nine0221 The second bed is very old.
The third bed is very comfortable.
Goldilocks sleeps in the third bed.
Translation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Part 4
Soon, three brown bears enter the house.
They live there.
Every day before dinner they take a walk in the forest.
"My spoon is dirty!" Papa Bear says.
"My spoon is dirty!" says Mama Bear. nine0221 "My spoon is dirty, where is my soup?" asks Tiny Bear.
"Who's in our house?" Papa Bear says.
The bears enter the bedroom.
"My bed is not made" says Papa Bear.
"My bed is not made" says Mama Bear.
"My bed is not made and there is a girl sleeping in it!"
says Tiny Bear.
"Who are you?" asks Papa Bear.
Goldilocks hears the bears. nine0221 She wakes up.
She sees three brown bears beside her.
"For help!" she screams.
"What are you doing here?"
asks Papa Bear.
"Are you... are you dangerous beasts?"
asks Goldilocks.
"Dangerous? Oh no, we're not dangerous"
says Mama Bear.
"We are good bears," says Tiny Bear.
Goldilocks is crying.
She wants to go home.
"I want to go home" she says
"I want to mom!"
Translation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Part 5
Mother Bear is very kind.
She says don't cry baby
Little Bear can take you to the village."
Goldilocks and Little Bear leave.
They quickly go to the forest.
They see a village.
"Please enter the forest again"
says Tiny Bear. "We can play." nine0005
Mother Goldilocks is looking for her.