Thing that start with letter t
Words That Start With T
- table (noun)
- tactful
- tactless
- tail (noun)
- take (verb)
- takeoff
- talent (noun)
- talk (verb)
- talk (noun)
- tall (adjective)
- tank (noun)
- tap (verb)
- tap (noun)
- tape (noun)
- target (noun)
- task (noun)
- taste (noun)
- taste (verb)
- tax
- taxi (verb)
- tea (noun)
- teach (verb)
- teacher
- team (noun)
- teammate
- tear (verb)
- tear (noun)
- technical (adjective)
- technique (noun)
- technology (noun)
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100+ Objects That Start with T -
Activities | Elementary | Homeschool | Kindergarten | Preschool | Printables
Are you wanting a list of objects that start with T? If you do, I’ve got a terrific list of over 100 things that start with the letter T.
From tacos and tortillas to tissues and toilet paper, there are tons of tremendous T words that can be used for preschoolers through adulthood in writing, alphabet activities, vocabulary building and more!
Continuing on, let’s jump right in. Here are 100+ objects that start with the T:
The Complete List of Objects that Start with T
Foods that start with T:
- Tobasco Sauce
- Tacos
- Taffy
- Tangerine
- Tapioca Pudding
- Tea
- Thyme
- Toast
- Tofu
- Tomatoes
- Tortilla
- Tortilla chips
- Tuna
- Turnip
Animals that start with T:
- Tadpole
- Tarantula
- Tiger
- Toad
- Tortoise
- Toucan
- Trout
- Tuna fish
- Turkey
- Turtle
Household Objects that start with T:
- Table
- Table cloth
- Tablet
- Tack
- Tag
- Tank
- Tape
- Tape recorder
- Target
- Tassel
- Tea cup
- Tea pot
- Teddy bear
- Telephone
- Television
- Tennis ball
- Tent
- Textbook
- Thermometer
- Thimble
- Thread
- Tin
- Tinsel
- Tissues
- Toilet paper
- Tongs
- Toolbox
- Toothbrush
- Top
- Tote
- Towel
- Toy
- Toy box
- Trampoline
- Trap
- Trash
- Tray
- Treadmill
- Treasure
- Tricycle
- Trophy
- Tub
- Tweezers
- Typewriter
Clothing items that start with T:
- Tap shoes
- Tie
- Tiara
- Tennis shoes
- Tunic
- Tights
- Top
- Tank top
- Trench coat
- T-Shirt
- Trousers
- Top hat
- Turban
- Tuxedo
Outdoor items that start with T:
- Talc (mineral)
- Tanzanite
- Tea Rose
- Texas Black Walnut Tree
- Thorn
- Torrey Pine Tree
- Tiger Lily
- Topaz
- Tree
- Trumpet Vine
- Tulip
- Turquoise
Transportation objects that start with T:
- Taxi
- Totem Pole
- Tower
- Train
- Train track
- Trolley
- Truck
Space items that begin with T:
- Taurus (Constellation)
- Telescope
- Titan (largest moon of Saturn)
- Triton (largest moon of Neptune)
Instruments that start with T:
- Tamborine
- Timpani
- Tin-whistle
- Tuba
- Trombone
- Trumpet
Body parts that start with T:
- Tailbone
- Teeth
- Thigh
- Throat
- Thumb
- Toe
- Tongue
- Torso
- Tummy
- Temple
- Triceps
Random objects that start with T:
- Torch
- Trapeze
Objects that Start with T for Kindergarten and Preschool
Need some common objects that start with T for preschoolers and kindergartners who are working on letter recognition and alphabet awareness? If so, I’ve got a handy, short list for you to draw from. These are familiar items that most kids will easily be able to identify and associate with the letter T.
*Note: Do your kids need help with letter recognition and other concepts? If so, check out these printable resources: The Preschool Daily Skill Builder OR the Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder. These resources are great for daily skill-building in six different areas including math, reading, and writing.
Objects that start with T for Kindergarten and Preschool:
- Tiger – The large tiger at the zoo was orange with black stripes.
- Tent – We slept in a tent when we went camping.
- Tree – There is a tall Oak tree in front of our house.
- Taco – I ate a taco and a burrito for dinner tonight.
- Train – The train blew its whistle as it chugged along the railroad tracks.
- Turtle – We found a turtle hiding inside of a hollow log.
- Tub – My mother soaked our dirty clothes in a tub of hot water.
- Turkey – We always eat turkey with our Thanksgiving dinner.
- Tractor – My grandpa has a green and yellow tractor.
- Ticket – We have two tickets to tonight’s show.
- Trap – My dad set a mouse trap out in the garage.
- Tomato – I ate a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for dinner.
More T words PLUS a free letter T activity pack
Would you like more nouns that start with T, as well as, some verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that start with T? If so, check out the Complete T Words for Kids List. This list also comes along with a free, downloadable T Words for Kids learning pack that includes letter T tracing cards, handwriting practice pages, and vocabulary words, and a printable word list.
Furthermore, check out ALL the Words for Kids by Alphabet Resources! Visit this Words for Kids by Alphabet list and get all the word lists, as well as, the free printable learning resources for each letter of the alphabet.
Vocabulary Activities for Objects that Start with T
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- Do a Scavenger Hunt for Objects That Start with T– Put together a scavenger hunt for finding items that begin with the letter T! (Note: This activity would be best for kindergarten through early elementary.) To do a scavenger hunt, you can strategically hide some T objects around the room, OR you can simply set a timer and see how many items they can find that start with the letter T.
- Read Picture Books That feature Objects That Start With T– If you have preschoolers or kindergarteners, a great way to learn letter recognition for letter T, is to read picture books that feature T words and repeat them throughout the text. So, print off a Letter T books list and head to the library or look through your shelves at home and pick a few and start reading! (One book that highlights the letter T for preschool is The Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle.
- Write Poetry Using Objects That Start with T – For older kids, you can combine vocabulary and poetry into a delightful afternoon of creative writing. Challenge your students to write an acrostic style poem or even a simple couplet using only T words as their nouns.
- Play The Categories Game Using T Objects – To prepare for the categories game, begin by jotting down a few different categories up on a whiteboard or chalkboard for everyone to see. (Some category ideas are: foods, clothes, items in space, music, household objects, animals etc.) To play, set a timer and have your kids see how many T objects they can put into each category before the timer goes off. .
What would you add to this ‘Objects That Tart With T’ list?
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Post Tags: #alphabet#elementary#Homeschool#kindergarten#Preschool#Printable
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English words starting with the letter T
Here is a list of commonly used English words starting with the letter "T" with translation and transcription.
table [’teibl] n. table
take [teik] v. take, take
take care of sthg. - to take care of something
take out - take out
take over - take
take on - take
take to pieces - take apart
take up shorthand - take up shorthand
take a seat - take a seat
talk [tɔ:k] v. talk, talk
talk sthg. over — discuss
tame [teim] a. manual, tamed
tan [tœn] n. tan
tank [tœηk] n. tank
tap [tœp] n. tap
tape-recorder [’teip ri’kɔ:də] n. tape recorder
tape-recording [’teip ri’kɔ:diη] n. tape recorder
taxi [’tœksi] n. taxi
tea [ti:] n. tea, afternoon tea
teach [ti:tʃ] v. teach
teacher [’ti:tʃə] n. teacher
technology [tek'nɔlədʒi] n. technology, technology
telephone [’telifoun] n. telephone
over the telephone
telescope ['teliskoup] n. telescope
televise [‘telivɑiz] v. broadcast on TV
television ['teli'viʒən] n. television
tell [tel] v. tell, speak
temporary ['tempərəri] a. temporary
tender [’tendə] a. gentle, soft
tent [tent] n. tent
term [tə:m] n. quarter (at school)
terrible ['teribl] a. terrible, terrible
terrify ['terifɑi] v. terrify
testimonial [testi’mouniəl] n. certificate, certificate
thank [θœηk] v. grateful
thanks! - thanks!
theater [’θiətə] n. theater
then [pen] adv there
over there - over there
thing [θiη] n. item
think [θiηk] v. think
thing sthg. over - think over
thought [θɔ:t] Pa.T. and Pa.Pple. from think
thrill [θril] v. cause nervous trembling
thriller [’θrilə] n. chiller movie
throw [θrou] v. thrown
thrown [θroun] Pa.Pple. from throw
ticket ['tikit] n. ticket
tide [tɑid] n. tide
nine0007 tide over - overcome
tie [tɑi] v. tie
time [tɑim] n. time, times
high time - high time
in no time - instantly
on time - during
this time
time-table ['tɑim,teibl] n. schedule, movements, class schedule
tin [tin] n. tin can
tire [tɑiə] v. tired
tired [’tɑiəd] a. tired
title [’tɑitl] n. title
toast [toust] n. toast
today [tə’dəi] adv. today
together [tə'geðə] adv. together
told [tould] Pa.T. and Pa.Pple. from tell
tomate [tə’mɑ:tou] n. tomato
tomorrow [tə'mɔrou] adv. tomorrow
tonight [tə'nɑit] adv. tonight
too [tu:] adv. also, too
took [tuk] Pa.T. from take
tool [tu:l] n. tool
tool-shed ['tu:l,ʃed] n. tool shed
toothbrush [’tu:θbrʌʃ] n. toothbrush
top [tɔp] a. upper, highest
touch [tʌtʃ] v. touch, n. touch
get in touch contact
tough [tʌf] a. hard
tour [tuə] n. tour
tourist [’tuərist] n. tourist
towel [’tɑuəl] n. towel
Trade Union [’treid ’ju:njən] n. trade union
traffic ['trœfik] n. street traffic
train [trein] n. train
transit visa [’trœnsit vi:zə] n. transit visa
translation [trœns’leiʃən] n. translation
trap [trœp] n. trap
set a trap - set a trap
travel ['trœvl] v. travel n. travel
traveler ['trœvlə] n. traveler
treat [tri:t] v. get by
have a treat - be content to enjoy
tree [tri:] n. tree
tremendous [tri'mendəs] a. huge, terrible
trial [’trɑiəl] n. sample
trip [trip] n. excursion
triplicate [’triplikit] n. in expression
nine0007 in triplicate
trouble [trʌbl] n. anxiety, care, worries
trousers [’trɑuzəz] n. pl. trousers
trust [trʌst] v. trust
truth [tru:θ] n. true
try [trɑi] v. try, try
try on - try on
turn [tə:n] v. turn around
nine0007 turn back - turn back
turn into - turn into something
turn off - close (faucet), turn off (light)
turn out - exclude, release (products)
turn up - suddenly appear
turn [tə:n] n. in expression:
it's our turn
TV ['ti: 'vi] n. television
twice [twɑis] adv. double
type [taip] n. write on a typewriter
typical [’tipikəl] a. typical
typing ['tɑipiη] n. writing on a typewriter
type [’tɑiə] n. Tire
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Learning to read and write “Sounds [t], [t`] and the letter T
We are starting our next online lesson, where we get acquainted with the sounds and letters of Russian speech. Of course, our new lesson is devoted to new sounds and letters, but first of all, let's complete the following task ....
Name the objects in the pictures and say what they have in common... href=”http://www.”>
This is a TV, telephone and telescope. Do you know what a telescope is? If not, see the dictionary at the bottom of our lesson. nine0003
Did you notice that they start with TELE- . Do you know why? Part of the word TELE ... from the Greek language tele means "far", "far". Now explain why "TV" was called "TV"? What about a telephone, a telescope?
- "television" means "seeing at a distance"
- "telephone" - "sound at a distance"
- "telescope" (from the Greek skopeo - I look -) "I look far away." Guess what "microscope" means?
What other words do you know on TELE…? nine0003
Tele portation (moving an object over a distance), tele vision, tele viewer, tele pathia (transmission of thoughts).
And these words also begin with a new sound [t`] . Say it several times. Describe it.... Yes, it is consonant, deaf, soft. Is there a sound [t] solid? Think of words that start with [t] ….
1. 1st row comes up with words with sound [t] , and the second row with the sound [t'] . (Each child calls his word. Children check it. If the word is called incorrectly, they clap their hands)
2. "Syllabic auction"
- Think of words with syllables ta- (plate, slippers, dance, Tanya , cockroach, ticket ), those- ( theater, phone, shadows, cart, body ).
- What are the names of children in which there are syllables to-, ta-, -nya, ma-, -ra, -sya . ( Tonya, Toma, Tanya, Tosya, Tamara .)
3. Say a word I am the antonym of noise, knocking, Without me you will suffer at night. I am for rest, for sleep, I am called . .. (silence) *** Bags full of holes wander through the heavens, And it happens sometimes: Water flows from the bags. Let's hide better From the leaky... (clouds) *** your friend is right there. He will drive everyone in five minutes. Hey, sit down, don't yawn, Departure... (tram) *** - Why is this cow Small in stature? - Answers Vova Sveta: - Very simple, This is a child, This is ... (calf) 4. "Catch the sound." If the word has sound [t '] - children clap, if sound [t] - stomp. Whip, shadow, tiger, cake, three, black grouse, raccoon, notebook, briefcase, summer, cabbage, plant, dance, painting.
5. Stand up guys whose names contain the sound [t] or [t`] . State your name and the sound it contains.
6. Clean tongues
- So-and-so - we played loto. Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean. nine0610
- Ti-ti-ti - ate almost all of the porridge.
- You-you-you - cats ate all the sour cream. Tu-tu-tu - pour some milk for the cat.
- Tyo-tyo-tyo - we put aside sewing.
7. "One - many"
Bush - ( bushes) , cold - ( cold) , city - cities, pond - ponds, bridge - bridges, footprint - footprints, mole - moles, raccoon - raccoons, ice - ice, factory - factories, nail - nails, lunch - dinners, hello - hello, parade - parades, year - years, plane - planes, ticket - tickets, record - records, bear - bears, ice drift - ice drifts , rod - rods. nine0003
This is the letter T (te)! With a phone and even in slippers!
1. Find the hidden letters T . Circle them.
2 . Underline the same letter as below. Circle all the letters T .
3. Add the missing element of the letters in the tablets.
4. Color the large letter T blue and the small letter green. Put dots in the letter T according to the model. Find and color the letter T on the right.
6. The letter is lost
Insert the missing letters:
7. Game "Find the word in the word"
Tiger ( dash ), tennis ( shadows ), nightstand ( pedestal, dot, barrel ), ducks ( dots, glasses, whale, cat ).
8. Game "Magic chain"
- Make a chain of words, changing them one letter at a time. Current - so - there - pelvis.
- Make a chain of words in which the last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next. Tiger - grove - stork - shadow.
9. Write on the left the words that end with the letter T and on the right the words that start with the letter T .
- - T - - - - - T - - - - - - - T - - - - Answer: cat, current; mole, tank; pilot, axe.
10. Pyramid
11. Typesetter Game
Make as many words as possible from the letters of the word transport.
A n s : cake, rope, torso, sport, trail, mouth, nose, sleep, grade, report.
12. Anagram game
Greenhouse ( buttonhole ), tank ( edging ), goods ( decoction, vomiting ), current ( cat), cable ( cat) ), firebox ( hood ), tropic ( portico ), darkness ( mother ).
Hammer knocks: “Knock knock!
Letters T I am the best friend.”
Take any colored pencil and paint over all the parts of the drawing in which you see the letter T.
14 Reading…
15. Writing….
Learning to write beautifully here
Proverbs and sayings 008
1. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
2. Patience and work will grind everything.
3. Do not be hasty, but be patient.
4. A coward is afraid of his shadow.
5. Those who love to work cannot sit idle.
Tongue twisters
- Tabloid is a method of placing advertisements on
street billboards or screens with bright illuminated inscriptions OR a small-format newspaper. nine0609 Herd — herd of horses - Timer - a device that emits a signal after a predetermined
period of time. - Typhoon is a hurricane of great destructive power.
- Tactics are techniques, methods of playing, fighting.
- Talent - outstanding ability.
- Customs - government agency that controls the movement of objects across the border of the state,
goods, individuals. - Tariff - the established amount of the cost of smth., payment for
smth. - Telescope is an instrument that helps in observing distant objects (stars)
- Theory is a set of propositions.
- Patience is the ability to remain calm in an unpleasant situation
. - Circulation - the number of copies of the printed edition. nine0610
- Title - an honorary
title (for example, count, duke), hereditary or assignable. - Tolerance - tolerance for other
views, customs, habits. Learn more