The 3 little bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
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Picture by Bertie - a retake of the classic illustration by Walter Crane.
Duration 3:15.
Based on the Charming version by the Victorian writer Andrew Lang.
Read by Natasha.
Once upon a time there were three bears, who lived together in a house of their own in a wood. One of them was a little, small wee bear; one was a middle-sized bear, and the other was a great, huge bear.
One day, after they had made porridge for their breakfast, they walked out into the wood while the porridge was cooling. And while they were walking, a little girl came into the house. This little girl had golden curls that tumbled down her back to her waist, and everyone called her by Goldilocks.
Goldilocks went inside. First she tasted the porridge of the great, huge bear, and that was far too hot for her. And then she tasted the porridge of the middle bear, and that was too cold for her. And then she went to the porridge of the little, small wee bear, and tasted that. And that was neither too hot nor too cold, but just right; and she liked it so well, that she ate it all up.
Then Goldilocks went upstairs into the bed chamber and first she lay down upon the bed of the great, huge bear, and then she lay down upon the bed of the middle bear and finally she lay down upon the bed of the little, small wee bear, and that was just right. So she covered herself up comfortably, and lay there until she fell fast asleep.
By this time, the three bears thought their porridge would be cool enough, so they came home to breakfast.
“SOMEBODY HAS BEEN AT MY PORRIDGE!” said the great huge bear, in his great huge voice.
“Somebody has been at my porridge!” said the middle bear, in his middle voice.
Then the little, small wee bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge pot, but the porridge was all gone.
“Somebody has been at my porridge, and has eaten it all up!” said the little, small wee bear, in his little, small wee voice.
Then the three bears went upstairs into their bedroom.
“SOMEBODY HAS BEEN LYING IN MY BED!” said the great, huge bear, in his great, rough, gruff voice.
“Somebody has been lying in my bed!” said the middle bear, in his middle voice.
And when the little, small, wee bear came to look at his bed, upon the pillow there was a pool of golden curls, and the angelic face of a little girl snoring away, fast asleep.
“Somebody has been lying in my bed, and here she is!” Said the little, small wee bear, in his little, small wee voice.
Goldilocks jumped off the bed and ran downstairs, out of the door and down the garden path. She ran and she ran until she reached the house of her grandmama. When she told her grandmama about the house of the three bears who lived in the wood, her granny said: “My my, what a wild imagination you have, child!”
(Updated with shorter version September, 13, 2016).
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Thanks to Artist, yehachan
This is the fairy tale story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with a modern twist.
It is brought to you by Stories to Grow by. Check out our other great stories!
Listen to the story while you read along!
Once upon a time a girl named Goldilocks lived in a house at the edge of the woods. In those days curls of hair were called "locks." She was "Goldilocks" because golden hair ran down her head and shoulders.
One morning Goldilocks was out for a walk when she came across a beautiful bird. She followed that bird right into the woods, where her mother had said many times she must never go. But Goldilocks didn’t think of that.
Thanks to Artist, JoannaPasek
Deeper and deeper into the woods she went. But where was the bird? It was nowhere to be seen. Goldilocks looked around. That's when she knew she was lost.
But a house was not far away. “I wonder who lives there,” she thought, "so deep into the woods." She went up and knocked on the door.
No answer. She knocked again. Still no answer. Goldilocks knocked a third time and the door opened. But no one was behind the door.
“Well, the door is already open,” said the girl. “So I may as well go in.”
Goldilocks smelled a wonderful smell, and soon knew why. On the table were three steaming bowls of oatmeal. All of a sudden she realized how very hungry she was.
What Goldilocks did not know, however, is that three bears lived in this house. In fact, that very morning the three bears had sat down to their bowls of oatmeal but the cereal was too hot. So they had decided to take a short walk. They said to each other, "By the time we return home our oatmeal will be perfect."
Gazing at the steaming bowls of oatmeal, Goldilocks thought, “I'm sure whoever lives here won’t mind if I take just one sip.” She sat at the first chair and took a sip. “Ah!” she said, “it is too hot.”
She moved to the next bowl and took a sip. “Ah!” she said, “it is too cold. ”
Thanks to Artist, JoannaPasek
She moved to the third bowl and took a sip. “It is just right!” And before she knew it, the oatmeal was all gone.
Goldilocks rubbed her tummy. “I'm full! I must find somewhere to sit that's more comfortable.”
She went to the living room. Three chairs were lined up in a row – one big chair, one medium-sized chair, and a wee little chair.
“I'm sure whoever lives here will not mind if I sit on just one chair,” said Goldilocks. She sat on the big chair, but it was too hard.
“The next chair looks good,” said Goldilocks. She moved to the medium-sized chair, but it was too soft.
“The wee little chair looks better,” said the girl. She sat on the little chair and it was just right! But when Goldilocks leaned back a bit, the chair broke into a dozen pieces. She plopped right on the floor.
“Oh, no!” Goldilocks wailed. Then she yawned. There must be somewhere she could lie down for a short nap.
The girl saw a ladder and climbed it to an attic. In a row, three beds were lined up – one big bed, one medium-sized bed, and a wee little bed.
“I'm sure whoever lives here won’t mind if I lay down for just a short nap,” she said. She laid down on the big bed but it was too hard. She laid down on the medium-sized bed but it was too soft. The girl laid down on the wee little bed, and it was just right! As her head hit the pillow, Goldilocks was fast asleep.
Just then, the three bears came home from their walk. "Oh, my!" said Mama Bear. “Did either of you leave the front door open?”
“Not I,” said Papa Bear.
"Not I," said Little Bear.
Slowly the three bears stepped inside and looked around.
“Most odd!” said Papa Bear, seeing his spoon in his bowl. “Someone has been eating my oatmeal!”
“Most odd indeed!” said Mama Bear, also seeing her spoon in her bowl. “Someone has been eating my oatmeal!”
“This is the most odd of all!” said Little Bear. “Someone has been eating my oatmeal and they ate it all up!”
The three bears were very surprised, as you can imagine. With care, they stepped into their living room.
“Do you think someone was sitting in my chair?” said Papa Bear.
“I know someone was sitting in my chair,” said Mama Bear, “because I can see the seat cushion is pushed down.”
“And I know someone was sitting in my chair!” said Little Bear. “Because it’s all broken!”
Thanks to Artist, Joannapasek
The three bears were even more surprised at that! They climbed the ladder to their attic.
“Someone has been sleeping on my bed,” said Papa Bear, who could see that his blankets were moved.
“Someone has been sleeping on my bed, too,” said Mama Bear, who could also see that her blankets were moved.
“Someone has been sleeping on my bed,” said Little Bear. “And look - she is still there!”
Goldilocks bolted awake. Three bears were looming over her, and they did not look happy.
Thanks to Artist, Joannapasek
“Oh my!” said Goldilocks, jumping out of bed. As quick as she could, she climbed down the ladder and ran out the front door.
Little Bear chased after her. "Wait, please!"
Goldilocks stopped and turned around.
"Tell me," said Little Bear, “Why did you come inside our house?”
“I guess I didn’t think–,“ said Goldilocks.
“And why did you eat my oatmeal?” said Little Bear.
“Well I guess I didn’t think–,“ said Goldilocks.
“And why did you break my chair and sleep in my bed?” said Little Bear.
“Well I guess I didn’t think about that, either,” said Goldilocks.
They were silent.
Goldilocks said, “I suppose I could have waited outside your door.”
“We were coming right home,” said Mama Bear. "We might have invited you in if we knew you were hungry."
“I’m sorry about the chair,” said Goldilocks. “I guess you saw it broke.”
"Yep," said Mama Bear with a frown.
“I’m good at fixing things,” said Goldilocks, “If you have glue.”
“Of course we have glue!” said Papa Bear. “What kind of bears do you think we are?”
“I will make it up to you!” said Goldilocks.
“Come on in then, dear,” said Mama Bear.
“We'll start over,” said Papa Bear with a nod.
“Come in, come in!” said Little Bear, jumping up and down.
With smiles, they skipped together inside the Bear’s house.
Three Bears - Russian folk tale, read online
One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for her way home, but she did not find it, but came to the house in the forest.
The door was open; she looked at the door, sees: there is no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear was a father, his name was Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest. nine0003
There were two rooms in the house: one was a dining room, the other was a bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, a very large one, was Mikhail Ivanovich's. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; the third, little blue cup, was Mishutkin. Beside each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small.
The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup; then she took the middle spoon and drank from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and drank from a little blue cup; and Mishutkin's stew seemed to her the best. nine0003
The girl wants to sit down and sees three chairs by the table: one large one is for Mikhail Ivanych; the other is smaller - Nastasya Petrovnin, and the third, small, with a blue little pillow - Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair, it was awkward on it; then she sat down on a small chair and laughed—it was so good.
She took the little blue cup into her lap and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to swing on a chair.
The chair broke and she fell to the floor. nine0003
She got up, picked up a chair and went to another room. There were three beds: one big bed for Mikhail Ivanovich; the other middle one is Nastasya Petrovnina; the third small one is Mishenkina.
The girl lay down in the big bed, it was too spacious for her; lay down in the middle - it was too high; she lay down in the little one - the bed fit her just right, and she fell asleep.
And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner.
The big bear took the cup, looked and roared in a terrible voice:
Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly:
And Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:
Mikhail Ivanovich looked at his chair and roared in a terrible voice:
Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and growled not so loudly:
Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked:
The bears came to another room.
— WHO WAS IN MY BED AND KRUGGED IT? roared Mikhail Ivanovitch in a terrible voice.
— WHO WAS IN MY BED AND KRUGGED IT? growled Nastasya Petrovna, not so loudly.
And Mishenka set up a bench, got into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice:
And suddenly he saw a girl and squealed as if he was being cut:
— There she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay-ya-yay! Hold on!
He wanted to bite her.
The girl opened her eyes, saw bears and rushed to the window. It was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.
brown bear and her offspring
© Photo:
How the bear became a symbol of Russia and why bears are the best mothers in the animal world. nine0003
First Baikal
Coat of arms, anthem, flag in any country most of all characterize its spiritual and political foundations, traditions, features of the national character. But in Russia there is such an interesting folk symbol as the bear, which has long been considered the recognized owner of the forest, which has no equal in strength. It was he who was for the Russians the embodiment of courage, intelligence, dexterity ... In addition, the Olympics-80 in Moscow was remembered by everyone as a bear cub, smiling good-naturedly from Moscow skies at the closing of the holiday. The bear is also a symbol of the leading Russian party United Russia. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the image of a bear in the world is the image of Russia. nine0003
But let's move on from the abstract bear to a conversation about a concrete bear, ours, from the Baikal region, which feels like the owner of these places. However, I would like to tell at the same time not about the lord of the taiga himself, but about his wife and descendants-bear cubs.
Most brown bears live in specially protected areas of Lake Baikal.
The bear in Russian fairy tales is respectfully called Mother Bear, Avdotya Toptygina, Akulina, Matrena Mikhailovna, Aksinya.
Siberian brown bear reaches 2.5 meters in length and up to 1.5 meters high at the withers. The average weight of males is about 350 - 400 kg, and they are about one and a half times larger than females, which gain up to 250 kg in adulthood. nine0003
Newborn cubs and their first home
A bear cub is born in a den built under large stones, in crevices, in root outcrops, sometimes in caves or large burrows. Actually, the “sleeping place” in the den is not very large, you can’t really lie down, but the she-bear approaches its arrangement very responsibly. The winter dwelling is lined with moss, dry leaves, coniferous branches. As a rule, the she-bear lays down in the den on the eve of heavy snowfalls. Her hibernation is not an anabiosis, but a dream; True, metabolic processes slow down sharply, breathing less often (about once every 4 minutes), but normal body temperature and the ability to restore active actions instantly remain. As a number of experts clarify, a bear disturbed in the den, even if there are babies there, runs away and almost never comes back. It is believed that her maternal instinct develops only as the cubs are brought up. nine0003
A bear does not give birth every year, usually in January, on average - 1-2 cubs, but employees of specially protected areas of Baikal note that there are cases when 3 bear cubs appear in one den.
Newborn babies are tiny (about 500 grams), blind, deaf, toothless, practically naked.
The small size of the den and scanty birth weight are explained by the harsh laws of nature. The limited size of the first bear house allows the bear to better warm the offspring. The clue to such a body weight, more similar to the weight of a puppy of a dog, is related to the fact that, eating only "fat" fat reserves, the she-bear would not be able to feed larger cubs. And such crumbs, even during childbirth, do not particularly bother the she-bear, although a number of researchers claim that during childbirth she wakes up, licks the babies and again goes into hibernation. The cubs immediately "burrow" into the thick mother's fur, find one of the 6 nipples and begin to suck very fatty milk, which they feed on for up to 4 months. And while their main occupation is to eat and sleep. During this time, the ear canals open (after about 2 weeks), and after about a month, the cubs begin to see. nine0003
In the spring, at the time of leaving the den, the weight of the cubs increases by 4-5 times, they are overgrown with hair and can actively move around.
What and how does a she-bear teach her offspring
It turns out that scientists have built a "ladder" of responsibility of living beings in raising offspring, and according to a similar gradation, bears are in third place after humans and primates in terms of caring for their cubs. It turns out that the she-bear approaches procreation on the basis, in fact, of “human concepts”: to pay attention not to the number of children, but to the quality of their protection, training, and adaptation to life. And bears are very caring mothers. nine0003
Bears and she-bears leave the den differently. As a rule, she-bears get out into the air after hibernation later, when numerous thawed patches with grass appear in the forest. Moreover, by the age of 3 months, the cubs already grow all the milk teeth, and they can eat greens and insects.
In addition, the behavior of a bear and a she-bear is also different. If he, having left the den, takes care of getting food purely for himself in order to gain weight as soon as possible, then the female, no matter how hungry she is, gives the food she finds to the cubs. Moreover, if the male is very hungry, he can try to eat the babies, which is categorically suppressed by the she-bear, who not only actively hides the cubs, but also selflessly drives the bear away. nine0003
The father-bear does not take any part in the upbringing of the offspring.
Having got out with their mother “into the big world”, the cubs, under her supervision, comprehend the basics of life in nature. It is she who gives children the first lessons in what we call "social behavior." At the age of 4 months, the cubs are already looking for food in the forest with their mother, paying attention to everything that can be fed. In the game, the cubs develop the basic skills needed for adult bear life, and, first of all, in hunting. The rest of the time, they sleep. nine0003
Children play very actively - they run, push, fight, stick their noses everywhere, being keenly interested in others, climb trees. Everyone notes the incredible endurance of the mother, who endures when the cubs climb on her, bite, pull her tail and paws. But if she loses her temper ... Fidget can get a powerful slap and hear an angry growl.
And the main task of a she-bear in the first year of her offspring's life is to teach him to look for food, swim, climb trees and, most importantly, hunt. nine0003
Search for food and bear “nannies”
Bear cubs from the last litter are called lonchaks (of the year), but often cubs from the previous litter stay with their mother - brooders, who help the bear take care of the younger ones. Say, they are called so because they look after, "nurture" their brothers and sisters. They are a kind of nannies, in practice instilling in the kids the principle of "do as I do. "
Although bears are carnivores, they are omnivores. Naturally, the cubs, with the help of their mothers and nannies, must acquire knowledge of what and how can be used for food. Therefore, they are looking for plants that bear fruit, pick berries with pleasure, and will not refuse to “eat” a mushroom. A variety of insects are also eaten - for example, in an anthill, a bear cub will be taught to eat not only adult ants, but also their larvae. nine0003
An important lesson is the extraction of nuts. Only small young bears can climb trees, because due to the peculiar structure of claws and paws, adults lose this ability. Accordingly, the main interest is the cedar elfin, the cone-padanka and the prey of nutcrackers, whose reserves, hidden in minks in the moss, are taught to ruin cubs.
Baikal is a special place for obtaining food, to the shore of which a bear family regularly descends. The places of coastal rookeries of seals are of great interest. One of the famous ones is near Cape Sagan-Maryan, but it is not accessible from the shore because of the coastal cliffs. Local old-timers say that she-bears with young of the current year and brooders get by swimming, that is, the mother instills practical skills in a very specific way of obtaining food. nine0003
Baikal is also a fairly rich source of easily accessible protein food: caviar of Baikal gobies, which are stuck around the coastal stones, and the corpses of a one-day-old insect "Baikal caddisfly", which dies after leaving, covering the water near the coast.
The ability to fish on Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it is also "trained" by the she-bear and the pestuns.
According to observations, the bear family even moves in a certain order - the mother is in front, then the cubs, and the nurslings complete the chain. nine0003
And here is an extremely interesting moment. One of the experts on bear life claims that the “nanny” is a female that the bear leaves with her as a future mother. Others, on the contrary, insist that the breeder is exclusively a male bear. The question is ambiguous, and many experts generally deny the presence of pestons in the bear family.
A bear and a man in the protected areas of the Baikal region
There are a lot of bears in the protected area of the Baikal region due to the unique food supply. Therefore, a meeting with a person who must always remember that a bear is a wild animal is extremely likely. A meeting with a she-bear walking with her brood is especially dangerous. nine0003
The best option is not to catch their eye. Feeling the approach of danger, the she-bear boldly rushes towards, protecting her children. And then even an armed man is unlikely to cope with an angry beast. The clubfoot mother runs very fast - at a speed of 55 km per hour; another thing is that she won't run for very long.
Very often, tourists provoke the beast themselves, for some reason believing that almost trained bears live in protected areas, and you can play with cubs, like with kittens. In addition, frequent fires in the forest zones of Baikal drive the animals to the campsites of tourists. Most often this happens on the Svyatoy Nos peninsula. Visitors often do not dispose of food waste, and sometimes they “feed” the bears on purpose, taking advantage of the fact that the cubs are very curious. Such “kindness” may not end in anything good. nine0003
A somewhat different character is the acquaintance of the bear family with local residents - permanent residents of the protected area. According to the stories of the old-timers of the village of Davsha (a village in the Severo-Baikalsky district of Buryatia on the territory of the Barguzinsky Reserve), for several years a she-bear with three cubs constantly appeared there. The kids were naughty, climbed over the fences for fish and other delicacies. And the she-bear stood up on her hind legs, hung over the fence and, swaying, looked after the children. Later, their own “local” bear, a Davshi bear, began to appear there. He wandered along the street at night, sometimes falling asleep right at some porch, did not show aggression, walked along the coast, grazed in a clearing in front of the village, walked along the paths and looked into the gardens during the day. Residents of the village believe that this bear is from the company of those three cubs that appeared here with their mother. nine0003
Concluding the story, let us recall that the cubs "walk" with their mother until they are 3 years old, after which she sends them to a completely independent life.
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