Things that start with k for preschoolers

Words That Start With K For Kids

The letter K has been part of the alphabet for a long time, since the Phoenicians. While it's only moderately common in English, it's a universal sound. Nearly every language has words that include the K sound. This list of K words for kids is designed to engage students with these unique words with the traditional K sound, as well as those with a silent K.

k words for kids example of kitten


Preschool/Kindergarten Words That Start With K

English abounds with simple, important K words that kids are exposed to from a young age. This list of K words focuses on words that make the traditional K sound, to start young learners in pre-k and kindergarten off with vocabulary basics to build on over time.

  • kangaroo: a large Australian mammal that hops
  • keep: to hold onto, to retain for yourself; or another word for a castle
  • ketchup: a smooth spiced tomato-based sauce
  • key: a tool to open a lock
  • keyboard: the panel of buttons for using a computer
  • kick: to strike with the foot
  • kid: a young person or a baby goat
  • kin: family; people you are related to
  • kind: good and gentle; or a particular type of person, place or thing
  • king: the male ruler of a monarchy
  • kiss: to touch lightly with one's lips
  • kit: a set of parts for building something
  • kitchen: room for preparing food
  • kite: a four-sided flat shape to fly on a windy day
  • kitten: a young cat
  • koala: a tree-living Australian marsupial that looks like a tiny bear

Printable Worksheet: Trace the Letter K

This simple activity is all about helping pre-K and kindergarten students make a visual and tactile connection with the letter K. This trace-the-letter activity is designed to help the youngest students develop the ability to recognize and write the letter K.

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Worksheet: Matching K Words to Pictures

Young learners will find this printable worksheet to be as engaging and fun as it is educational. Their task is simple: just match words to pictures. They can also color the pictures to further reinforce the concepts.

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Early Elementary Words That Start With K

This early elementary word list includes words with the K sound and some that feature a silent K as the first letter. Most are concrete rather than abstract, as is most appropriate for first and second graders. Visual aids will help young students grasp what the words describe.

  • keel: the main beam at the bottom of a boat
  • keen: sharp, either literally like a keen edge or figuratively like a keen mind
  • keg: a small barrel
  • kelp: long strands of algae that form forests in the ocean
  • kibble: dry pet food
  • kidney: an organ that filters unhealthy chemicals from the body
  • kiln: an oven for drying pottery
  • kindle: to light a fire, or to inspire or interest someone in something
  • knee: the joint in the middle of the leg
  • knit: to join together loops of yarn to make something
  • kneel: to go down on one or both knees
  • knock: to strike lightly with a closed fist in order to make noise, as on a door
  • knob: what you turn to open a door
  • knot: a way of tying rope or string
  • knife: a tool to cut things
  • know: to understand
  • knowledge: things people know
  • knuckle: a joint in a finger
  • krill: tiny crustaceans that live in the ocean, often eaten by whales

Silent K Practice

The big next step in these words is the silent K. We've included several words that begin with a silent K. Verbal games such as saying these words aloud to a rhythm, or choosing multiple students, each with one word they must repeat when another word is said, will familiarize your students with this oddity of English.


Writing About K Words for Kids

Encourage students to go beyond just recognizing these K words with writing activities. Assign them to write complete sentences, or even whole stories focused on vocabulary words from the list. Use these elementary school writing prompts to help them get started, with the caveat that they need to include some K words from this list.

Upper Elementary: Things That Start With K

From third through fifth grade, it's important for young learners to continue building a strong vocabulary while also engaging with the context and larger significance of the words they are learning. Building on the previous list, this one includes words that begin with the K sound, as well as those in which the K is silent.

  • karate: a martial art
  • kayak: a small boat pointed at both ends, rowed with a double-ended oar
  • kazoo: a small wind instrument that produces a buzzing sound
  • keepsake: an object kept to remember something or someone
  • khaki: a stiff light brown fabric, or pants made from that fabric
  • kilt: a Scottish plaid skirt worn by men
  • kimono: a traditional Japanese ankle-length robe.
  • kindred: people who are similar to each other
  • kiosk: a small storefront or booth
  • kiwi: a small fuzzy tropical fruit
  • klutz: a clumsy person
  • knack: a natural skill or talent
  • knead: to work dough with the hands
  • kneepad: a soft protective pad for the knee
  • knight: a European nobleman
  • kook: a strange or eccentric person
  • kudos: raise for an achievement


Enhance Vocabulary With Visual Aids

Many of these words that start with K for kids can be reinforced with videos and other visual aids. Your students are likely to enjoy videos of knights jousting or karate demonstrations, and what they see will help them associate images with these vocabulary words.

More K Word Writing Practice

Continue encouraging students to build their writing skills with writing assignments focused on vocabulary words. Use these upper elementary writing prompts to help them get started drafting stories or poems that incorporate K words from this list. Explore even more writing prompts that include worksheets for students to use in class or for homework.

The Letter K Is Everywhere

One of the unique qualities of K as a letter is that its sound occurs in almost every spoken language. Since English is so rich in derivatives and borrowed words, this creates a wide range of vocabulary to engage your students' minds, even when you're focused solely on K words for kids. Keep going with your K words! WordFinder's list of words that begin with the letter K includes an advanced search feature, which allows you to add even more K words to your vocabulary list. They will kindle a love of learning in your kindergartners and keen older kids alike!

For more enriching vocabulary activities, move on to the next letter of the alphabet to explore words that start with L for kids. Your little learners are likely to love exploring this list of lovely words.

Staff Writer

Letter K Activities & Fun Ideas for Kids

You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Letter K activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are widely used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers etc. for learning and teaching while being fun for the kids!

All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Select below to get started.


  • Letter K Arts and Crafts
  • Letter K Games and Activities
  • Letter K Recipes and Snacks
  • Letter K Songs, Poems and Finger Plays

Cut out the shape of a kangaroo, let the kids color it. Put a pocket/pouch on the tummy and put the letter K in there. Make a face on it.

Cut out a diamond shape and some yarn for the tail. Turn on the music and let the kids “dance” with their kites.

Make everyone a crown, let them decorate it with stickers or jewels cut out of construction paper. Have them talk about what they’d do if they were king for a day.

Put lipstick on everyone, even the boys, and have them KISS the letter K. Have them pucker up and make different shaped kiss prints on paper.

Key Chain
Cut several key shapes out of posterboard. On each shape glue a small picture or a sticker of something whose name begins with K. Print the letter K on the shape also. Punch a hole in the top of each key shape and fasten the shapes together with a key chain. Give the keys to the children and let them take turns naming the letters and pictures on them.

K is for kitchen
Have children glue cutouts of a stove/oven and refrigerator on a piece of paper. Make the cutouts have an overlay so that the oven door and fridge door can open. Cut out pictures from magazines of food items to glue on the inside……or have the children draw the items.


Ask the parents to send in all the old keys they have. Let the kids trace them and play with them.

Talk about what this means.

Learn to tie a knot.

Fly a Kite
Purchase an inexpensive kite. Take the children outside to fly the kite on a windy day. Let them take turns. Have them answer questions such as what happens when you let out some string, when you pull in some string? what happens when the wind stops blowing?

Have everyone practice their kicks…not on each other though 🙂 If any of the children are tae kwon do students, let them exhibit some of their special kicks.

K Balance
Have children try making their body into the shape of the letter K by standing with one leg out and one arm out. Good for practice of balance. Then have children lay down and form the letter K.

K is for kittens
The Three Little Kittens
They lost their mittens
And they began to cry……….
Act out this nursery rhyme story using real mittens.

Show pictures (can find them in National Geographic and the like) of a Koala bear, and talk about what life is like for them, what they eat, where they live, etc.


Kite cookies
Using any sugar cookie recipe, cut the cookies in a diamond shape and bake. After the cookies cool, use pull and peel licorice for strings and let the kids decorate their cookies with different colored frosting.

Be sure to remove seeds before giving to small children. Not only are they a choking hazard, but they are a little on the tart side, sometimes too much for young taste buds!


I Like Kites
(sung to: Three Blind Mice)
I like kites, I like kites
They fly high,they fly high.
The keep on spinning round and round,
Sometimes they even touch the ground,
They fly through the air without a sound.
Oh, I like kites.

Oh, I’m a Kangaroo
(sung to Farmer in the Dell)
Oh, I’m a kangaroo,
I live down at the zoo.
I like to jump around a lot.
How About you?

Oh, I’m a kangaroo,
I live down at the zoo.
I carry a baby in my pouch.
How about you?



Dear Reader:  You can help us make this theme even better!

All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions.  Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.

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Words starting with the letter A for children

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the picture word. Do you want your child to be easily given schooling and you do not have to constantly supervise him? Then it is necessary to make sure that he learns all the letters before he goes to school. In order for them to gain a foothold at the level of automatisms, you need to start getting to know them correctly and further study, memorizing letters will be easy and enjoyable, like a game.

Article content:

  • How easy is it to learn the letter A for a child aged 3-4 and 5-6?
  • Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?
  • Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?
  • Words with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word - 23 pictures
  • Pictures for coloring with the letter A
  • Cartoon about the letter A
  • Cartoon about the letters A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z , I from Teremok TV
  • Poems about the letter A

How easy it is to learn the letter A to a child at 3-4 years old and at 5-6 years old?

The child has an absorbent mind. This is confirmed by Maria Montessori, who devoted her life to raising children. The period of a person's special susceptibility to learning letters is from 0 to 6 years. However, the child must be ready to learn and tune in to it. There are children who, as soon as they start speaking, are already interested in letters, of course, if their parents offered them to study them and created a positive reinforcement for this event, that is, they were overjoyed when the child first began to show interest in letters.

There is an opinion that initially a child should master physical training, learn how to deftly control his body, that is, master climbing, crawling, walking on stairs - to develop large motor skills, as well as develop fine motor skills - movements with fingertips: modeling, drawing, sorting out small items. And only then can you teach letters. That is, by the age of 5-6 it will be just fine.

Based on my personal experience, I believe that everything should be done simultaneously and in parallel, following the desire and interest of the child. That is, you can start learning letters and show them even when the child is not even a year old. At 3-4 years old, a child should normally already have a fairly large vocabulary and keep up a conversation. Perhaps this period will be suitable for starting acquaintance with letters?

Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?


More details on the page:

It is important to arouse interest in the child and support him on the path of knowledge. Start learning letters as early as possible in a simple game way. When walking with a child, talking, playing with him, pay his attention to the letters. They surround us everywhere. Pay attention to what the letter A looks like. It looks like a stepladder, two logs and one more between them. Maybe some kind of tree grows in the shape of a letter or something else? Eiffel Tower?

It is important that the child has positive emotions while learning letters. He may be glad that mom or dad tells him something important. Tell him how letters help people. What you can read yourself, determine which street you are on, find which cartoon to watch yourself.

Each person has several channels of information perception: auditory (by ear), visual (picture), kinesthetic (by touch) and motor (scheme, algorithm). Which channel of perception is more developed in each individual person will help to determine special tests. It is not yet clear whether this is genetically based or is formed depending on the environment surrounding the child. I agree with the opinion that a child can be helped to develop all channels of perception, so it is very important that he:
- heard a letter;
- saw an image - a picture;
- touched it in the real world;
- drew it.

Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?

For a child, letters are an abstraction, something incomprehensible. It is important that in addition to the letter itself, he also remembers the image - the picture. We all remember our first alphabet, there was a picture next to each letter. It is even better if the child has a real-life example. For example, on our card there is the word Lampshade. Find it in your home and let your child see it. You can literally touch and check “by the tooth” something edible with the letter A, for example, watermelon, apricot, pineapple, orange. Astra can be smelled. Cars and buses surround city dwellers everywhere, and they drive on asphalt. Draw the letter A with chalk on the pavement while walking.

Actors and actresses act in films, acrobats and arena in the circus. Do you have an aquarium in your house? Find exactly the practical application of the abstract letter. Have your child paint with watercolors and note that the watercolor starts with A. Let him paint A with watercolors, with your help or on his own if he can. Such an experience will penetrate into the very depths of the child's consciousness and his brain will absorb this important information about the first letter of the Russian alphabet, which also begins with A.

Does your child like to look at animals: the words stork and shark are suitable. Modern houses on the street are full of antennas, pay attention to them and the child will automatically remember the letter A when he sees the antenna. There are also many inscriptions around containing the letter A, for example, Pharmacy. Or maybe your child likes to listen to music? Then draw his attention to musical instruments on A, for example, Harp, Viola. And what methods of easy memorization of information do you use yourself?

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of a word - 23 pictures

If the picture is bright, it will attract the child's attention more and remain in his memory forever. Check out our selection of pictures below.

In the magazine you will find words with the letter A: Lampshade, Apricot, Bus, Car, Stork, Watercolor, Aquarium, Acrobats, Actor, Actress, Shark, Alphabet, Album, Pineapple, Angel, Antenna, Orange, Pharmacy, Watermelon, Arena , Harp, Astra, Asphalt.

Flip through the magazine and study words starting with A.

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Pictures for coloring with the letter A

Creative work with letters will help you remember letters even better. If the child himself can color the letters, he will remember them better. Print ready-made stencils and color the letter A with your child!

A cartoon about the letter A

You can also show a video with pictures to your baby if you have no time to read to him on your own, but remember that live communication is most effective and preferable when communicating with your baby. When you tell something personally, parental authority and your relationship with the child are strengthened, which is an undoubted contribution to the future. And you can watch the video together! Teremok TV

Poems about the letter A

Poems and rhymes stay in our memory for longer and are remembered faster. Read verses with your child while learning the letter A and you will see that they help you remember letters better.

Here are two posts diagonally,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
The letter A is in front of you.

S. Marshak


A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That is why it is famous.
And it's easy to recognize her:
She puts her feet wide.

A. Shibaev

All poems starting with the letter A for preschool children

Did you like our selection: words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word pictures? What other words that start with the letter A do you know?

30 things that start a change for the better

June 5, 2021Inspiration

Change in life takes action, but sometimes you just don't know where to start. Here are 30 tips to help.

Iya Zorina

Author of Lifehacker, athlete, CCM



You can not only read this article, but also listen to it. If it's more convenient for you, turn on the podcast.

1. Be honest with yourself

Don't lie to yourself, both about what is right and about what needs to be changed. Be honest with yourself about your accomplishments and who you want to be. Eliminate lying to yourself from all aspects of your life. Because you are the only person you can always count on.

Examine yourself to find out who you really are, without illusion or self-deception. Do it once, and then it will be easier for you to understand how you live, how you want to live and how to achieve it.

2. Don't be afraid of problems

Your problems do not characterize you. Your personality determines how you react to them and how you are used to dealing with them.

In most cases, problems are not solved until you start doing something about them. You don't have to devote all your time to it - start doing something.

Tiny steps in the right direction are much better than no movement at all.

3. Spend time with the right people

The right people are the ones you enjoy being around. These are people who appreciate you and support you on the right path. They make you feel alive and not only accept you for who you are in the present moment, but they are ready to unconditionally accept who you want to become.

4. Make your happiness a priority

Your needs are very important. If you don't value yourself, don't take care of yourself, and don't think your needs are important, you're only making life harder for yourself.

Remember: you can take care of yourself without neglecting the needs of others. And when your personal needs are met, you will be much better able to help those who need your help.

5. Be yourself, sincerely and proudly

If you try to be someone else, you lose yourself. Stop it, feel free to be yourself. Embrace your individuality, filled with ideas, strength and beauty. Be who you feel like, be the best version of yourself.

6. Learn to notice the present moment and live in it

A miracle is happening right now. Now is the only moment in life that you can be sure of. Now is life.

So stop thinking about what great things you will do in the future and stop worrying about what you did or didn't do in the past.

Learn to be here and now and experience life as it flows, not going back in your thoughts and not looking ahead. Appreciate the world for its beauty right now.

7. Begin to appreciate the lessons you can learn from mistakes

Mistakes are normal, they are stepping stones to progress. If you are not mistaken, then you are not trying hard to achieve something and you are not learning.

Take risks, fail, fail, fall, then get up and try again. Appreciate the fact that you push yourself forward, learn, grow and correct your mistakes.

A winding path almost always leads to significant achievements, full of failures and falls. So the next mistake that you were so afraid of making could be the biggest achievement of your life.

8. Be nice to yourself

If you had a friend who talked to you in the way you sometimes allow yourself to be talked to in your mind, how long would you put up with him? If you scold yourself mentally or even out loud, you thereby allow other people to treat you the same way.

If you don't respect and love yourself, no one will.

9. Enjoy what you have

Many people think that they will be happy if they reach some level in life - the level at which other people live, for example, the boss in a separate cool office or an acquaintance who built a mansion on the beach.

Unfortunately, this is not easy to achieve, it will take time. And when you finally do this, come up with new achievements for yourself that are not enough to be happy. And so you will work all your life to achieve something new, while not enjoying the fruits of your labors at all.

Learn to relax and enjoy what you already have. You can do a little gratitude practice every morning just by thinking about what you have and being grateful for it.

10. Learn to find happiness on your own

If you expect someone to make you happy, you are missing out on a lot. Smile just because you can. Choose happiness for yourself. Be happy with yourself, with the way you are right now, and may your path to tomorrow be filled with positivity.

Happiness is often found exactly when you decide to find it, and where you choose to find it.

So if you decide to find happiness in the present moment, chances are you will.

11. Give your ideas and dreams a chance

In life there is rarely a chance, more often you have to find it yourself. You will never be completely sure that your idea will work, but you can be one hundred percent sure that if you do nothing, the idea will definitely not work.

In most cases, your ideas are worth trying. And it doesn’t matter how it ends: success or another life lesson. You win either way.

12. Believe you are ready for the next step

You are ready! Think about it. You already have everything you need to take the next small step forward. So embrace the opportunities that are in front of you and embrace change. It's a gift that helps you grow.

13. Start new relationships

Start new relationships with reliable, honest people who respect you and accept your changes. Choose friends you will be proud of, people you admire and who will reciprocate your love and devotion. And pay close attention to what the person does. His actions mean more than his words and the opinions of others about him.

14. Give the people you meet a chance.

It sounds tough, but you can't be friends with everyone. People change and so do priorities. While some relationships are fading, others are getting stronger.

Appreciate the opportunity to start new relationships, abandoning old ones that have served their purpose. Start a new relationship, knowing that you are treading on unfamiliar territory.

Be ready to learn, be ready to challenge, and always be ready to meet the person who might just change your life forever.

15. Compete only with the past version of yourself

Be inspired by others, appreciate other people, learn from them, but never compete with others. It's a waste of time.

You are constantly competing with only one person - with yourself.

Compete to beat yourself, to become even better. Set yourself the goal of surpassing personal records again and again - only such a competition will benefit you.

16. Learn to rejoice in other people's victories

Start to notice what you like about other people and tell them about it. Recognizing that the people around you are wonderful only leads to good things. So be happy for those who are making progress. Root for them, sincerely wish them victory, and sooner or later these people will start rooting for you.

17. Support Yourself in Difficult Situations

When things get tough in life, don't forget to cheer yourself up. Take a couple of deep breaths in and out and remind yourself that hard challenges will make you stronger.

Remember your victories and achievements, everything that is right in your life. Focus on what you already have, not what is missing.

18. Learn to forgive yourself and others

Everyone has ever been hurt by their own wrong decisions or by the actions of other people. And although it is normal to feel pain in such an experience, sometimes the suffering is too long. We experience this pain again and again, and this only prolongs an unpleasant period in life.

The only cure for this is forgiveness. And this does not mean that you erase the past or forget about what happened. This means that you let the resentment and pain disappear and leave this event in your memory as a useful life experience, nothing more.

19. Start caring for others

Show concern for others, show them the right path if you know it. The more you help others, the more they help you. Love and kindness always return.

20. Listen to your inner voice

If it helps, discuss your ideas with those close to you, but make your final decisions based on your intuition. Be honest with yourself, say what you have to, and do what your heart tells you to do.

21. Monitor your stress level

Calm down, breathe deeply. Stop and redistribute your forces so that you can move forward again with a clear understanding of the goal.

When you're overwhelmed with work, a little break can refresh your mind and increase your productivity. In addition, short breaks give you the opportunity to look back and evaluate whether all your actions were aimed at achieving the goal.

22. Start noticing the beauty of small things

Instead of waiting for big things like marriage, having children, promotion or winning the lottery.

Look for happiness in small moments, seemingly insignificant things that happen every day.

A cup of aromatic coffee in the early morning, delicious toast and the smell of homemade food; the happiness of sharing a moment with those you love; the joy of holding your partner's hand. Learn to notice these little pleasures, and your life will become much more enjoyable.

23. Learn to accept imperfections

Remember: perfect doesn't mean good. One of the biggest challenges for people who want to improve themselves and the world is to learn to accept things as they are.

Sometimes it is much better to accept the world and people as they are, rather than trying to fit them into incredible ideals. This does not mean that you need to settle for a mediocre life, refusing any changes. It's just sometimes worth accepting things even when they're not perfect.

24. Move towards your goals every day

Whatever you dream about, start moving towards it without missing a single day. Every small step, small action and achievement brings you closer to your goal.

Many of us at least once in our lives think about the need to follow our calling, but only a few really begin to work on it. To work on this means to gradually and steadily move towards the final goal.

25. Be open about your feelings

If you are suffering, give yourself time to get over it. But don't shut yourself up and don't try to stuff your suffering into a far corner of your consciousness. Talk to your loved ones, tell them the truth about how you feel, let them listen to you. This easy way to let your feelings out is the first step to experiencing suffering and feeling good again.

26. Take responsibility for your life

Accept your choices and your mistakes and be willing to correct them. If you do not take responsibility for your life, someone else will, and then you will become a slave to other people's ideas and dreams, instead of being a pioneer in your own path.

You are the only person who can control the consequences of your actions. Yes, it will not always be easy, each of us will have many obstacles. But you must take responsibility for any situation in your life and overcome these obstacles.

27. Actively Maintain Your Most Important Relationships

Bring honesty and real joy into your relationships with the people you love by simply telling them how much they mean to you, and do it regularly. You may not mean much to all people, but to some you are everything.

Decide for yourself who these people are and treasure them as your greatest treasure.

Remember, you don't need a set number of friends - you need friends you have confidence in.

28. Focus on what you can control

You can't change everything, but you can always influence something. Spending your energy, talent, and emotions on things that are out of your control is the best way to feel powerless and frustrated. Therefore, direct your energies only to those things that you can change.

29. Focus on opportunities and positive outcomes

Before a person does something, he must believe that he can do it. A great way to avoid negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to evoke positive emotions that are far more powerful.

Listen to your inner dialogue and change your negative thoughts and attitudes into positive ones. No matter how the situation turns out, focus on what you want and then take the next step forward.

You cannot control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to what happens. The life of any person includes positive and negative moments, and your happiness and success in life depends on which moments you concentrate on.

30. Realize how rich you are right now

American writer Henry David Thoreau once said, "Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.

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