Things to make with 5 year olds
55+ Easy Activities for 5 Year Olds
AHEAD: Banish boredom in your house with these 55+ super fun hands on and easy activities and crafts for 5 year olds or kindergartners.
Do you have a 5 year old or kindergartner at home? Then this is the ultimate list for you. Here are 55+ amazing activity ideas to do with your 5 year old or kindergartner. From building an aquarium to making 2 ingredient silly putty to making paper houses and cork boats, there are tons and tons of really cool ideas your 5 year old will love.
This amazing list is organized into 4 sections:
- Boredom Busting Activities
- Arts & Crafts
- Fun Learning Activities
- Sensory Activities
OK Let the fun begin!
Boredom Busting Activities for 5 Year Olds
- Make a chalk maze – create a maze for toy cars using sidewalk chalk
2. Build a backyard obstacle course outside.
3. Build a fort – used blankets, cushions and chairs to build the ultimate retreat nook. Dontas forget to add lots and lots of books!
4. Build a marble Run – use cardboard, construction paper, tape and marbles. Roll the construction paper up to make a tube and tape them to the cardboard to make a marble run.
5. Make silly putty.
6. Giant Dots and Boxes.
7. Play with giant water beads.
8. Nature Tea Party – Collect things from your backyard like rocks, leaves, dirt and flowers to make a nature tea using your favourite tea set or a jug and cups.
9. Spray Bottle Water Fights.
10. Magnetic Tile Ramps.
11. DIY Post-It Dominoes.
Arts & Crafts for 5 Year Olds
12. Three Marker Colouring Challenge – Close your eyes and choose three markers from a pile. Use those colours and only those three colours to colour a favourite coloring page.
13. Make crazy hats – Construction paper, tape and scissors. Create the craziest looking hats you can using cut out lighten bolts, spirals, and different shapes.
14. Make a paper house.
15. Build Easter Egg Boats
16. Draw to music.
17. Giant Nail Painting Activity.
18. Make a garden sensory bottle.
19. Paint Kindness Rocks – paint rocks using washable paints and brushes and once dry write kind messages on them.
20. Textured Rainbow Sun Catcher Craft
21. Family Portrait Sticky Wall.
22. Make An Aquarium.
23. Cardboard Picture Frame Craft
24. Giant Baby Doll Colouring – Not into baby dolls? Trace cars and trucks to decorate them!
25. Textured Heart Sun Catcher Craft
26. Potato Masher Ice Cream Craft
27. Gems and Water Colour Flower Craft
Fun Learning Activities for 5 Year Olds
28. Baby Doll Haircuts.
29. Colour by Addition – Parents write simple addition or subtraction problems in each section of a colouring paper. Then create a key idenifitin which colour each answer should be. For instance if the answer is 3 then colour that second red.
30. Shaving Cream Sight Word Game.
31. Build The Alphabet Sticky Wall
32. Spray Bottle Letters – use a spray bottle to make letters on a fence or on a sidewalk.
33. Ice Cream Skip Counting Sticky Wall – Supplies: contact paper, masking tape, foam sheets, scissors and black sharpie.
34. Build A Magnetic Tile Clock – use magnetic tiles to make a giant clock.
Use post it notes for the numbers or washable chalk markers.
35. Rubber Duck Math Race
36. DIY Egg Carton Ten-Frame Game
37. Magnetic Tile Ten Frame Game
38. Ocean Sight Word Sensory Bin
39. Ten Frame Sensory Bag
40. Dot Sticker Sight Words
41. One More One Less with Dot Stickers
42. Post-it Memory Game
43. Mystery Math: A Crayon Resist Activity
44. Toilet Paper Roll Skip Counting
Sensory Activities for 5 Year olds
45. Cork Boat Sensory Bin – make boats out of corks, elastic bands, toothpicks and foam sheets for the sails. Fill a sensory bin with water and blue food colouring, fish, sharks and sea shells.
46. Ocean Sensory Bottles
47. Wash the Horses Sensory Bin – fill a sensory bin with water and bubble bath to make bubbles. Add horse toys, combs and wash clothes.
48. Cloud Dough Kitchen
49. Textured Playdough Activity
50. One- Step Slime Sensory Bin
51. Under The Sea Bath
52. Make Shaving Cream Worms – use shaving cream, colander and a large bowl to make shaving cream worms. Turn large bowl upside down, cover the top with shaving cream, press colander down on the shaving cream to let it squeeze through the holes of the colander.
53. Shaving Cream and Baby Doll Sensory Bin
54. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Sensory Bin
55. PAW Patrol Play Dough Tray
56. Colour Mixing Tea Party
101 awesome activities for kids ages 5 to 8
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BackThese activities for 5-year-olds and older are perfect for staving off boredom.
Do you struggle with thinking of fun activities to keep your child entertained on the weekends and after school? You’re not alone! It can certainly be difficult to come up with unique activities for kids. And although it might be easy to just pop in a movie or allow your little one to play games on the tablet, psychologist and play expert Dr. Jacqueline Chinappi, of South University in Savannah, Georgia, urges you to remember that too much screen time can contribute to behavioral problems, obesity and attention issues.
In today’s digital world, this is a growing concern. In fact, according to Dr. Anne Fishel, of the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, children around 8 years old at times have up to 11 hours of screen time per day.
Help your little one exercise their mind and body by trying out these 101 fun activities for 5- to 8-year-olds.
- Make a batch of homemade play dough.
- Go on a nature walk and collect leaves or rocks.
- Move the furniture around so your little gymnast can practice their tumbles.
- Play “Go Fish.”
- Make a fort out of blankets and pillows.
- Plant flowers in the garden.
- Camp out in the backyard.
- Read a classic children’s book out loud together.
- Learn to ride a bike.
- Go berry picking.
- Bake a pie using your freshly picked berries.
- Grab some binoculars and go birdwatching.
- Learn how to play the recorder.
- Make sock puppets.
- Press flowers and put them in a scrapbook.
- Build a model airplane.
- Learn how to knit.
- Visit your local zoo.
- Visit a farmers’ market.
- Play dress-up.
- Learn how to braid hair.
- Grab some chalk and decorate the sidewalk.
- Have an outdoor picnic.
- Observe insects through a magnifying glass.
- Is it raining? Have a picnic indoors instead!
- Visit animals at a pet store.
(Just try not to bring them all home!)
- Make a map of your house or apartment.
- Learn how to jump rope.
- Make a guitar out of a box and rubber bands.
- Visit your neighbors.
- Bake brownies.
- Pop some popcorn, and snuggle up to watch some home movies.
- Plant a vegetable garden.
- Build a snowman.
- Have a snowball fight.
- Make a pizza with all your favorite toppings.
- Visit a pumpkin patch.
- Make friendship bracelets.
- Turn a pine cone into a bird feeder by adding some peanut butter and birdseed.
- Learn a magic trick.
- Cut out homemade paper dolls.
- Play freeze tag.
- Play “Simon Says.”
- Interview a grandparent.
- Get out a bag of hair ties and create some fun hairdos.
- Go to the library.
- Go on a hike.
- Build a sandcastle.
- Have a tea party with real tea and snacks.
- Cut out pictures from magazines to make a collage.
- Play “Red Light/Green Light.”
- Color!
- Write an original song.
- Take turns drawing each other’s portraits.
- Paint each other’s fingernails.
- Play “Hide-and-Seek.”
- Teach your dog or cat how to do some tricks.
- Make your own bubble solution.
- Lay out an ice cream sundae bar.
- Play “Follow the Leader.”
- Tie-dye T-shirts.
- Have a fashion show.
- Feed ducks at a local pond or lake.
- Make shadow puppets on the wall.
- Play a board game.
- Turn craft foam into bath floats.
- Make pinch pots out of air-dry clay.
- Slice apples and turn them into paint stamps.
- Turn your living room into a winter wonderland with toilet paper, cotton balls and pillows.
- Break out your makeup and let your child give you a new look.
- Put on a play.
- Do a word search.
- Visit a local farm.
- Run through a sprinkler.
- Make nature crafts.
- Learn how to hula hoop.
- Make muffin tin crayons.
- Cut snowflakes out of paper.
- Play mini golf.
- Make hot chocolate.
- Lie down in your backyard, and talk about the shapes you see in the clouds.
- Create a secret handshake.
- Go fishing.
- Put together a puzzle.
- Play musical chairs.
- Learn how to do a cartwheel.
- Make rainbow foam.
- Create a paper chain with colorful construction paper.
- Learn how to play checkers.
- Make a drum out of an oatmeal container.
- Visit a science museum.
- Learn a new language.
- Make leaf and tree rubbings with paper and crayons.
- Catch fireflies.
- Go for a drive with no destination.
- Make a sundial out of paper plates.
- Play “Duck, Duck, Goose.”
- Build a dream house out of Legos.
- Have your child write a letter to her favorite book character.
- Do a crossword puzzle.
- Find rocks outside and paint them.
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What to do with a child from 5 to 8 years old at home and on the street
Location map
- Classes for children 5-6 years old
- What to do with a child 7-8 years old
- 5 ideas for entertaining a child outside the home
Having a baby is both a blessing and a lot of trouble. As the child grows older, the question of his involvement in the gaming or developmental process becomes more and more difficult. That is why parents are increasingly interested in what activities are available for children aged 5 to 8 years, studying information on the Internet. We have prepared a brief digression into the world of entertainment for your child with valuable recommendations and examples.
Classes for children 5-6 years old
At the age of 5-6 years, children are very energetic and inquisitive. This is a golden time when kids are happy to comprehend everything new. At the same time, exploring the world and its possibilities together with parents is perhaps the most favorite thing. It is quite easy to take a child of 5-6 years old at home, while there is a huge variety of entertainment for both the boy and the girl. While the baby does not go to school yet and spends a lot of time at home, it is required to show imagination in order to surprise and captivate him.
The most popular ways to spend time are:
Enable audio playback. Create for your crumbs a cozy corner or a "chalabuda", relaxing in which the baby will enjoy a fairy tale story while you are busy with other things.
Plasticine of bright colors. In combination with various pebbles, beads, threads and even beans, modeling will become even more interesting. You can also try to run the craft to swim in a basin or bath.
When deciding what to do with a child of 6 years old, a boy or girl can be captivated in a simple way - by watching a cartoon. The main thing is to correctly regulate the time of watching TV.
Games with various drawers, boxes and caskets. Do not refuse the baby and the game with pots and other unbreakable and non-hazardous household items.
Coloring and drawing (drawing). Give the kid paints, pencils, felt-tip pens and colored pens, and he will gladly go into the world of creativity.
Among the educational games for children 5-6 years old is sorting. Entrust the baby with shifting and sorting, and he will be passionate about this activity for a long time. At the same time, a very useful effect will be exerted on fine motor skills of the hands, and, accordingly, on memory indicators and communication capabilities.
Entertainment for preschool children is primarily educational games. Constructors, various puzzles, creativity kits and similar toys are a way not only to captivate the attention of the crumbs, but also to develop it.
Due to the characteristics of age, some children are characterized by increased activity. Parents often do not know what to do with a hyperactive child and what games to offer him.
The best solution would be to show him exciting experiments or offer something to "invent":
- Put a bar of soap in the microwave and in a couple of minutes you will surprise your child with a bubble of soap.
Create applications on various topics (about sea inhabitants, cars or a castle for a princess, for example).
Create a model of the solar system from improvised means.
Make glow-in-the-dark paints.
Make together homemade clay from starch, glue and dyes.
Paint the fan blades in different colors and get an iridescent palette that shimmers beautifully while the device is running.
There are countless options for what you can do with preschool children. You can use both already known methods, and come up with your own, taking into account the interests of the child.
What to do with a child 7-8 years old
At the age of 7-8 years, children prefer to learn new and unusual things. They are interested in more complex games and activities that require more attention. Basically, kids willingly play role-playing games, imagining themselves as scientists, heroes of their favorite cartoons and representatives of various professions. When choosing what to do with a 7-year-old child, it should be understood that a boy can be interested in cars, experiments, toy guns and dinosaurs, and a girl can be interested in dolls, playing “daughter-mothers” and other “girly” fun.
Mostly children of this age are free during extracurricular time. In fact, it is not so difficult to keep a child busy during the holidays or after school. If your baby is healthy and full of energy, it is worth drawing attention to sports activities. Cycling, roller skating, swimming and even simple exercises to rhythmic music with parents and in a positive mood will be useful for your child, taking his free time.
It's great if your child has a hobby. In this case, the problem of what to do with a child of 7-8 years old at home will disappear by itself. He will be engaged in embroidery, drawing, music, modeling and even cooking (under parental control) with pleasure and for the benefit of himself.
If you have a dog, entrust your child with its training and walking. In the face of a pet, the baby will find a friend, and time will be busy communicating with him.
Logic games for children 7-8 years old are perhaps the most useful activity. At this age, the brain is actively working to establish causal and logical relationships, so entertainment of this kind is very relevant.
When looking for a solution to what to do with a child of 8 years old, you should pay attention to educational games. A variety of games in the form of a twister, monopoly, chess, Lego and similar are presented in a wide range in children's stores - the main thing is to make a choice that your child will like.
5 ideas for entertaining your child outside the home
There are an infinite number of ways to captivate a child at home. When it comes to entertainment outside the home, there are also many options.
When choosing what to do with a child for a walk or on the street, it is worth considering the following ideas:
Sport. Scooters for children 5-6 years old and bicycles for children 5-8 years old will be a wonderful hobby that brings physical development to your child.
Games with friends. When wondering what game children of this age category can play, it is worth remembering the famous classics, yard football, jump rope, games with chips, balls, role-playing games.
A trip to an amusement park. Various swings and carousels, a children's shooting range and attractions are loved by children of all ages.
In the question of where to go with a child in Minsk, one should consider various entertainment centers, circuses, park areas (summer version) and children's theaters.
Organizing leisure activities with a child that all family members will enjoy may involve going to the movies.
Knowing the various ways of entertainment for children, you will make their leisure time as pleasant, useful and interesting for your child as possible.
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27 ways to entertain a child - Lifehacker
Some ways will help distract the child and win a few free hours, others are suitable for joint leisure and will bring a lot of pleasure not only to children, but also to parents.
1. Have a sumo wrestling
Put a large t-shirt on your child and stuff soft pillows under it.
In this form, children can arrange sumo wrestling - collide with a running start and measure strength without risking anything to themselves. The wider the girth of the fighters, the safer the fight will be.
2. Try checkers with sweets
Use a ready-made game board or make your own. To do this, stick strips of colored sticky tape on a square base to make a field.
Instead of checkers, use two-color cookies, meringue or marshmallows. Any other sweets that are placed in the cage of the playing field and do not stain hands and clothes will do.
During the game, the opponent's checkers will be eaten in the literal and figurative sense.
3. Have a smudge-free painting session
Take an A4 size ziplock bag. Mix a small amount of shower gel with dye.
Pour the resulting mixture into a bag, close it and fix it on the table with adhesive tape. Invite your child to paint on an impromptu canvas with their fingers - the tinted gel will move inside, creating abstract patterns.
4. Try coloring sandwiches
Image: Gabrielle Kastner / YouTubeFor this homemade entertainment, you will need toast bread, milk and food coloring.
Pour a small amount of milk into individual containers and paint with different colors. Give your child a clean brush and invite them to turn the bread into a work of art.
When the picture is ready, put the pieces in the toaster for a while, bake the picture and enjoy a beautiful meal.
5. Set up speed games
Almost any item in the house can be turned into a game inventory to do something at speed for one minute. Here are some ideas:
- Pick up candy or marshmallows with chopsticks.
- Build the tallest tower out of coins or plastic cups.
- Throw as many socks as you can into the laundry basket.
- Don't let the balloon fall to the floor.
6. Color figure
Shot: Miami Skye / YouTube You will need rice, white vinegar, food coloring, and clean, heavy-duty plastic bags.
Dilute the pigments in a small amount of vinegar. Put a handful of rice in a bag, pour the paint into it, tie the polyethylene tightly and mix the grains to paint it well.
Children will love the process itself, when you can twist and squeeze the bag, and the result. The dyed rice needs to be dried, and then it can be used for pictures, applications and all kinds of crafts.
7. Build your own car wash
A toy car wash can be made with a 5 liter plastic canister, dish washing sponges and damp-proof adhesive tape.
Cut out the sink body from the tank with inlet and outlet. Cut dish sponges into thin, long sticks and glue them vertically to the sink ceiling.
Color the structure with permanent markers. Place shaving cream in empty yogurt jars. Take old toothbrushes and toy cars. And then just use your imagination.
8. Make a slime
DIY slime. Iya Zorina / Lifehacker Cooking the mass will take no more than 10 minutes. You will need 100 ml of PVA glue, dye and 1-2 teaspoons of sodium borate. The latter is also known as "borax" (you can buy it at a pharmacy).
Pour glue into a bowl, add a few drops of dye and mix. Then add some borax and keep stirring. As it thickens, add more sodium borate, a few drops at a time.
When the mass begins to peel off the sides of the dish and stretch, knead it with your hands like dough. After a few minutes, the slime will become plastic and will no longer stick to surfaces.
Just do not play with the mass on the bedspread with villi: it clogs in them and is poorly cleaned. And if you use food pigment, the slime can slightly paint your hands.
9. Build a house for dolls out of boxes
You will need some time for this task, but then the children will play with such a house on their own, and for more than one day.
Prepare shoeboxes, tape, scrapbooking paper or wallpaper, paints, stationery glue, newspapers to make the structure.
Insert the shoeboxes into each other at a 90° angle. Two pieces will make one corner of the house and one floor. Tape the boxes together.
Then cover the structure with newspapers. To hide the joints of the boxes and make them more like a house, you can use papier-mâché, a pre-prepared mixture of soaked paper and PVA glue. But if you want to make everything faster, skip this step.
To decorate the walls, ceiling and floor, you can use acrylic paints or gouache, pieces of wallpaper, fabric and even linoleum, beautiful paper. Arrange the furniture and the dollhouse is ready.
You can also make a small house from one box with partitions: arrange them crosswise - and you get two floors and four rooms.
10. Play outdoor games with paper tape
You can mark the floor with masking tape. Try the following games:
- Classics . As a cue ball, you can use a plastic cup or a candy jar.
- Outdoor shooting range . Make a target on the floor from several circles and launch a plastic ball in turn.
The one with which the projectile rolls closer to the center wins.
- Tic-tac-toe . Glue four strips of paper tape, and draw shapes on cups or plastic balls and put them on the field.
- Long jump . Mark the start line and arrange a competition. Mark the results of each jump with a strip of tape.
- Rope Walkers . Stick the tape in long stripes and shapes, and then ask the children to walk along this "rope" without ever stepping to the side.
11. Make an airplane out of a cocktail straw
An airplane out of a straw and paper strips. Iya Zorina / LifehackerThis is a non-standard airplane that will fly much further than usual. To make, you will need three pieces of paper and a plastic straw for a cocktail.
Cut out three strips measuring 2.5 x 12.5 cm. Connect two together and close in a large ring with adhesive tape. From the third strip, make a small ring.
Attach the pieces to the ends of the straw, positioning it inside them. Launch the model with a small ring forward.
12. Make a pipe from cocktail straws
Pipe from plastic straws. Iya Zorina / LifehackerTake six to eight plastic tubes, cut them off and glue them together with tape. Of course, you can not expect a pleasant sound, but the children like it.
13. Put on a bubble show
Make a bubble solution: mix 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dish soap and a tablespoon of glycerin. For blowing, you can use purchased devices or make options more interesting from improvised means.
For example, if you fasten several large straws together, whole rainbow clusters will be blown out.
You can also make a jig for giant soap bubbles. Pass a long cord through two tubes and tie the ends with a knot.
After that, it remains to fix the wooden skewers, which you will hold on to, and you can test.
14. Show your child how to make soap clouds
Soap clouds. Iya Zorina / Lifehacker Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and put a sock over it. In a separate container, mix dishwashing liquid with a little water.
Dip the sock in soapy water and blow into the neck. You will get a large foam snake.
15. Make a shark or crocodile with a clothespin
Draw a shark or crocodile with big teeth on paper, cut the image in half and glue the two pieces to the clothespin. Children will be able to organize battles of toothy predators opening their mouths.
16. Play Chapaev with plastic caps
For this game you will need a cardboard box with a glossy finish and 8-12 plastic bottle caps.
Divide the "checkers" between two players and place them on the edges of the box at an equal distance from each other. You can color if you wish. Take turns blowing on the covers, trying to knock down the opponent's chips with them and at the same time not fly out of the field.
You can also add small cars about 2 cm long. Place the mini toys in the middle of the field and blow on them to knock down the opponent's pieces.
The winner is the one who first gets rid of all the opponent's caps, but at the same time has at least one of his own on the field. Otherwise, a draw is declared.
17. Make an unusual slingshot
An alternative to ordinary slingshots. Iya Zorina / LifehackerFor this device you will need a plastic bottle and a ball. Anything can be used as cartridges, from coffee beans and rowan berries to soft bullets from toy guns.
Cut off the neck of the bottle. Tie the tail of the balloon in a knot. Cut off the wide part and pull the half with the tail over the neck. For strength, secure with a plastic ring from the bottle.
Put the bullet in the neck and pull the tail of the ball. You can arrange championships in firing range.
18. Show the children how to make their own stickers
Give the children a sheet of sticky paper and have them draw little pictures. When ready, cut out the images and use as stickers.
19. Race noodles
Shot: Toys»R»Us/YouTube If you have a noodle but don't want to swim, make a toy out of it.
Cut the product into halves along the entire length. You will get two tracks along which you can run glass or iron balls, toy cars.
Place the sticks with one end on a raised platform and the other end on the box where the objects will fall. Decorate the track with "Start" and "Finish" flags and arrange races.
20. Play aim shooting with glass balls
Take a shoe box and make several semi-circular cuts with different radii - a garage with a gate will come out. Determine how many points the child will receive for hitting each hole.
Construction of a garage. Iya Zorina / LifehackerPut the box on the table upside down and try to roll the ball into the narrowest gate. The one with the most hits wins.
21. Make bracelets out of popsicle sticks
Frame: NewMan DIY / YouTubeYou will need water, a glass, wide wooden popsicle sticks and multi-colored paper tape or colored paper.
Soak sticks in boiling water for 30 minutes to soften. Then bend them one by one and insert them inside the glass. Dry the sticks in such a position that the wood takes the form of dishes.
Then decorate the bracelet to your liking. Use appliqués from colored paper or decorative tape, felt-tip pens, paints, pieces of lace - everything that is enough for imagination.
22. Show the children how to weave bracelets with colored cords
If your child already knows how to braid and tie interesting knots, buy several meters of colored cords. You can make a lot of simple bracelets out of them.
23. Conduct a science balloon experiment.
Balloon experiment. Iya Zorina / LifehackerShow your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. To do this, pour a spoonful of soda into a balloon, and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle.
Place the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the soda out of it into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will result in the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.
24. Make a frozen dinosaur egg
Frame: TheDadLab/YouTubeIf your child loves dinosaurs, show them how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put the figurine in a balloon and fill it with water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists.
Remove the rubber “shell” from the eggs, look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can get the toy with a small hammer.
25. Make banana ice cream
Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer.
After a couple of hours, remove the fruit and blend in a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Dessert can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves.
26. Color the gingerbread cookies.
Colored cookies. Iya Zorina / Lifehacker For this culinary fun, you will need gingerbread cookies. You can buy it or bake it yourself. You also need egg white and powdered sugar icing, food coloring, and pastry bags.