Three letter words story
Three, Four, and Five Letter Stories
Three, Four, and Five Letter Stories - Free Kids BooksMenu
December 7, 2016Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, Creative Commons, Danielle Bruckert, Early Reader, Grade K and Pre K, Learning to Read, Story Collections, ToddlersComments: 15Three Four and Five Letter Stories – A collection of three, four, and five letter stories for early readers, designed for giving confidence to emerging readers.
By: Free Kids Books, Danielle Bruckert
This book was designed with struggling readers in mind. Stories with short words are easier to digest and help build confidence since all the words in each story are at the readers confidence level, they learn to sound out without struggling with longer words which make them scared. Three letter stories really reinforce CVC patterns. Four letter stories help blending skills as readers advance. Five letter stories consolidate concepts.
The book contains 2 three letter stories, one 4 letter and one 5 letter story. It is written in a large clear dyslexia friendly font (open dyslexic). The stories are meant to be fun while building strong reading skills.
Text and Images from 3,4 and 5 Letter Stories
Story 1 – three letter
Big Bug
My Big Bug Fun Day…
I had a big bug; big bug had a me.
Big bug and I had fun all day.
Big bug dug, I dug too.
Big bug ran. I ran too.
Story 3 – four letter
Baby Seal
Baby harp seal lies on the sand.
A big wave came –whoa!
Baby harp seal! Can you swim??!
You Can’t!?!
– What is baby harp seal to do?
<end of sample>
About the Author
Danielle is big fan of children’s literacy and kids books. She started creating her own books as a break from her rather technical profession as an airline pilot. Her recent learn sight words books were written specifically to address needs she saw in her own children’s journey to become readers. They are shared here to help other emerging readers to learn common word groups from the high frequency sight words lists, for free.
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The I-Forgot Kid - A poignant tale of a child’s first speech on stage – a much anticipated moment of excitement, which turns into a haunting experience. The little girl who was teased and bullied grows up to help prevent the same actions at the school she works in resulting in long-term change. The story ends with a potent ...
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Tags: Children's Book, Danielle Bruckert, danielle bruckert children's book author, free childrens book, Free Kids Books, free kids stories, Three Four and Five Letter Stories ➤
Three Letter Stories: Three Letter Word Storybooks by Shilpa Thotli, Harish Thotli - Ebook
Ebook121 pages0 minutes
By Shilpa Thotli and Harish Thotli
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
About this ebook
The three-book set contains only three-letter words, the best way for your little readers to get started on their reading journey.
Have you noticed that most preschool and early reader books use the strategy of teaching random three-letter words, CVC words, first words and phrases? Instilling a passion for reading in children through random phrases and sentences is inefficient. This is why, in order to add more charm to the little early readers, we created storybooks with three-letter words. Preschoolers benefit greatly from reading stories rather than random words, which can delight kids and help them learn.
With a gentle plot and vibrant images, we aim to not only present children with an engaging reading experience but also to engage them in the process. To do this, we want children to actively engage with and reflect on the tale as it is being read.
Coloring papers and other interactive learning activities are provided, along with worksheets that test kids' recall and reading comprehension skills, as well as a part in which they are asked a few personal questions related to the storyline so they can share their opinions.
Everything we write is done with the intention of being among the greatest books for preschoolers and beginning readers available.
Why waste your time teaching your children just phonics and the first few words of a book when they can read a full book?
Book 1 - Leo and Tim
Meet our little boys Leo and Tim and learn more about them in the first book of the Series '3 Letter Stories.'
Book 2 - Fun in the Sun
Come let's run to the hill with Leo and spend a beautiful sunny day with him and his pal Tim.
Book 3 - Leo is ill
Our beloved Leo fell ill. Let's see how he got fit in just a day with Mom's care.
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PublisherShilpa Thotli
Release dateMar 18, 2021
Shilpa Thotli
I am a loving mom of 2 brilliant kids and an author. I started authoring children books while homeschooling my son. All my books are based on successfully tested teaching strategies. The book series "Three Letter Stories" is my first book series in which all the books contain only three-letter words to give a great start to your little readers on their reading journey.My Motto: Why confine to just Phonics when you can indeed teach to read whole books
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Three Letter Stories - Shilpa Thotli
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Turgenev's story 3 Letters - the answer to the crossword and scanword
The solution to this crossword puzzle is 3 letters long and starts with C
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Wednesday, October 2, 2019 nine0012
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nine0002 YIDdo you know the answer?
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Mikhail Rodionov . A three-letter word, but not a house (electronic publication). (Nominated by the collective nominator "Samizdat" ): Evgeny Lesin : The story is very short, so it was not difficult for me to read it twice. But even if I read it three times, it would not become clearer. Maria Galina : Most of the so-called social fiction is based on the extrapolation of existing trends. So here too. The communication of people (not bots, but I already thought they would eventually turn out to be bots) is limited by all sorts of censorship limits, for violation of which social bonuses are removed from them. At the same time, knowledge of forbidden words and expressions is a kind of virtual capital, but due to censorship restrictions, the user cannot transfer this knowledge to the user. nine0003 In general, a nice humoresque for 6 thousand characters, which does not pretend to anything, including New Horizons, too, but it is quite pulling for publication on the World of Fiction website, say, in the Humor section, if there is such a section, or on the 16th page of Litgazeta, if it still exists. Gleb Eliseev : An empty thing. A comic story, like those that were called "humoresques" in Soviet times. The author mocks the current state of network communication and network censorship rather than what will happen in the future. The old "maxim" of the Strugatskys works: "The future is what we cannot imagine." Therefore, in the near future, censorship pressure will manifest itself in as yet unimaginable forms. nine0003 And the author's humor isn't really sparkling, but maybe it will cause someone a couple of chuckles. And there is no need to defend the savagery of today's youth with hints of cultural and ideological pressure on the Web. From here, these problems "grow" to a minimal extent. Because, as the classic rightly noted: “devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads.” Irina Epifanova : It is very difficult to evaluate a near-philological joke of 6 thousand characters on a par with full-fledged novels. Ekaterina Pisareva : This is a very strange story. It does not reveal anything new to us and does not carry a special semantic load. There are quite successful chat stories (this genre is popular with teenagers) that have both storytelling, and interactive, and relevance. There is nothing in the "Three Letter Word" except an attempt to speak out on a topic that has set the teeth on edge. It's like telling jokes in the 21st century - as old as time. I would like to laugh, but sigh there. nine0003 Vladimir Berezin : RZHAKA "Bd-20: A word of three letters, but not a house [100000000100110000100]" by Mikhail Rodionov [Organizm(-:0-03) Is there anyone here? [Romeo-y-Cohiba] I am [Organizm(-:] What does it all mean? [Romeo-y-Cohiba] I don't understand myself. What's the matter? This is a story in the style of social media dialogue that was in vogue twenty years ago. The plot is simple: a conditional old man came to the forum and talks with a young man about forbidden vocabulary, so much so as to pass the censorship of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence eventually came to its senses, and dispersed everything like a forester, depriving the old man of three months of work experience, and the young man the right to enter the civil service. Both have their social rating lowered. Everyone is banned, everyone is free. nine0003 This story is like a cheerful cockroach that ran into the middle of the kitchen with (inaudible) cries: “Lug! Rzhaka! Now it's going to be funny!" Moreover, it is short, artless, and does not pretend to anything. But in order not to get up twice, I need to supplement this story with observation of this technique, which I see more and more often. This is a technique of hyperbolization, and it works extremely simply: if there is network censorship, now awkward, stupid, and not yet so scary, then let's hyperbolize it, and it will be scary. If we have an anti-racist movement, let's exaggerate it, and in the world of the future all whites will walk the streets in collars, if we now have men holding the door in front of a woman (sometimes) - let everything in the same world of the future for this humiliation be a feminist court shoot them. |