What is pre reading strategies
Pre-Reading Strategies To Boost Kids’ Reading Comprehension
What Are Pre-Reading Strategies?
Pre-reading strategies are learning approaches designed to help give your child structure, guidance, and background knowledge before they begin exploring a new text.
These strategies target your child’s reading comprehension skills by giving them the tools they need to become active, successful readers.
By activating the knowledge your child already has about certain subjects, learning how to utilize context clues, and talking with you about the book, they’ll be on their way to reading and writing scholarly essays in no time!
Basic Pre-Reading Strategies
As the name suggests, pre-reading strategies are used before you begin reading a book with your child. There are a few main strategies you can use to help your child prepare to dive into any story. Let’s take a look!
By this, we don’t mean Googling the movie-adaptation trailer (although that might be a fun way to compare and contrast the text later on!).
Previewing means letting your child gather clues — from the book’s title and cover illustrations, inside illustrations, and maybe the table of contents for older children — to try to figure out what might happen or what they might learn in a book they are about to hear or read.
If you have time, it’s always great to put aside a moment for mindfulness before reading with your child. Talk with them about what reading goals they still want to achieve.
Do they still need help with longer words (pronunciation)? Do they want to work on their character voices (expression)? Getting their input will help you both come together to set a goal — or purpose — for your reading time.
Using the resources available to your child, see if they can make predictions about what might happen in the story before they get a chance to read anything.
What information can they gather just using the title, cover, and illustrations? Then you both might continue predicting as the story unfolds.
8 Pre-Reading Activities To Try At Home
1) Speaking In Questions
This is a fun activity that helps your child become more insightful about the text they’re reading while letting them be silly, too! The goal here is for your child to investigate the things they want to know, might know, or aren’t sure about just by looking at the cover of the text.
We know you probably use the question-and-answer format quite a bit in your reading routine, so this offers your child a nice change of pace. Instead of you asking the questions, they get to ask, too!
These questions can be silly or straightforward. For example, if you’re reading Goldilocks and The Three Bears, you could start the question conversation by asking your child, “Why do you think her name is Goldilocks?”
Your child might ask back, “Why do these bears live in a house?” See how many questions you can come up with.
It’s OK if these questions are not answered right away. Most of them will probably be answered once you’ve finished reading the book! Any that go unaddressed can always be answered afterward.
2) K-W-L-H Chart
This pre-reading activity was invented and made famous by Donna Ogle back in the 1980s. The different letters in K-W-H-L charts represent different tasks for your child to complete with you.
The “K” column is reserved for things your child already knows about the subject of a book or its story. The key here is activating and then reflecting on their prior knowledge. For example, if they’re reading Charlotte’s Web, what do they already know about pigs and spiders?
The “W” category is for what your child wants to know about the story. What are they curious about?
The “L” (what they learned from the story) and “H” columns (how they can find out more ) are reserved for discussing after you’ve finished reading.
The last row, how they can find out more, is more important in nonfiction than fiction — although after reading
Charlotte’s Web, you could find out more about spiders by seeking out a nonfiction book.
While this exercise is traditionally completed by writing their answers down on a chart, we think it’s more fun to get physical with it!
For example, you could make a book review video to share with family members! First, challenge yourselves to come up with at least six Ks and 6 Ws, three from each of you.
Next, make a video that begins by naming the book you are reading, followed by announcing the things you know and the things you want to know. When you are finished with the book, video what you learned and where you can go to learn more.
You can even create a special book-video library of your KWLH experiences!
3) Pre-Teach Vocabulary
If you know that the book you’ll be reading together will challenge your child’s current reading skills, consider teaching them a handful of the more challenging words ahead of your reading time.
We love a good old-fashioned game of (reverse) Charades for this pre-reading activity. To start, you might write out the word you want your child to learn on a large sheet of paper.
Make sure to use bold, thick letters!
Then, try and act out the definition of the word for your child. Based on your impeccable acting skills, they can guess the definition of this new word!
4) Pre-Teach Themes
Many children’s books set out to teach children more than new words. They usually have moral lessons embedded in their pages as well.
For example, themes might include things like the power of friendship in Charlotte’s Web or courage in a book about Martin Luther King, Jr.
To get your child’s mind focused on the theme of the book, you could prompt them by discussing the same moral lesson. See what their initial opinion is about it. Do they have a strong sense of it already, or do they want to learn more?
Reading the book can either confirm or change their opinion. And then you have something to talk about when you’re finished reading!
5) Word Bingo
This game is another great option for getting your child’s mind prepped to learn vocabulary or to brush up on sight words they need a little extra help with.
If you’d like to try this pre-reading activity, create a Bingo sheet for each of you using words from the text before your reading time. Every time you or your child hears or sees a word that matches one on your sheet, place a sticker on it.
The first one to yell out, “Bingo!” wins.
6) Sentence Obstacle Course
This pre-reading activity is great for encouraging your child’s comprehension and sentence formulation. The stronger grasp they have on learning how to construct words into sentences, the faster they’ll adjust to the flow and structure of stories.
For this exercise, we suggest writing down several words on individual sheets of paper. Make sure you include all the components of a typical sentence — nouns, adjectives, objects, and verbs. Only include one word per piece of paper.
Next, scatter the words on the ground. We suggest adopting the “the floor is lava” rule! Your child will need to hop to different words to combine them into a sentence.
For example, they could “write”: The (jump) cat (jump) is (jump) red. If you want them to work on their punctuation, you could include that, too!
7) Anticipation Vs. Reality
This method will help take some of those preliminary questions you and your child came up with and figure out what happens in the end!
For this game, you can play while reading or beforehand. If you want to make guesses about what will happen in the story before reading, make sure you jot them down on a piece of paper to keep track of who made the most correct guesses.
If you want to play during the story, you can ask questions to prompt your child before turning to a new page. For every correct guess they make about what happens next in the story, they earn a tally point.
The goal is for your child to get as many points as they can!
8) Origin Story
For children who seem to show an interest in history, this might be the perfect pre-reading activity.
There are so many things you can learn from books just from discovering a little bit about their backgrounds. For example, tons of writers pull from their real lives for inspiration to write their books.
Finding out about an author’s life in the author’s blurb and maybe even searching out more information either before or after reading can be a learning adventure all on its own!
To do this activity, work with your child to see what you can find out about the story you’ll be reading (without spoiling the ending!). What you can learn based on the author, where they are from, where the story is based, its historical period, and its subject matter?
This helps your child build additional knowledge and gets them prepared for the story ahead!
Pre-Reading Strategies For The Win
Pre-reading strategies are all about getting your child prepared for the reading journeys to come. We hope these eight ideas will help you both have interesting, exciting conversations about books and where they can take you!
And if you ever need a little helping hand in the meantime, check out our personalized Learn & Grow App for reading exercises and adventures that will keep your child entertained, energized, and learning!
7 Pre-reading Strategies that Will Increase Comprehension
By Jared Dees
Effective reading comprehension is essential to studying the Catholic faith. Being able to read and understand the Scriptures is an obvious reason for this.
Since textbooks continue to be a primary teaching tool at all levels of religious education, catechists and religion teachers should have a number of teaching strategies and activities up their sleeves to increase reading comprehension.
One way to help improve comprehension during reading is to prepare students ahead of time. With some prior knowledge about what they will read, understanding is sure to increase.
In essence what these activities do is create some prior knowledge that students can activate as they are reading. We naturally understand better when we know something about what we are reading, even if it is a small amount.
How to Do Pre-reading
Pre-reading starts with a survey of the reading assignment. Here are five ways to survey a reading ahead of time:
- Read the titles and subtitles of the chapter or reading.
- Look closely at the pictures, graphs, and captions in the assigned reading.
- Note the bold and italicized words
- Note words that are repeated often.
- Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph.
With this survey, students can:
- Make a list of questions that might be asked about the assigned reading
- Make predictions about what they think the reading is about
- Write a few summary statements
- Create an outline or mind-map that can be filled in as they read
Expectation OutlineA pre-reading strategy where students skim through the assigned reading and write down questions they expect to answer or outline statements that correspond to the reading. Have them return to their outline during the reading to either answer, correct, or fill-in what they written.
2. Knowledge Rating
A pre-reading strategy where students rate their understanding of certain terms or concepts from a reading assignment. You can provide students with a list of words or concepts or have them find them on their own. You may also use an actual rating system or rubric to rate their understanding.
3. KWHL Chart
Similar to the KWL Chart with an added column labeled “How I will find out…” Have students write everything they know about the topic they are studying under the K column, everything they want to know under the W column, and strategies for how they will found the answers to their W questions under the H column. Leave the third column (the L column) blank to come back to afterward to write what they learned. This can be used as either a pre-reading activity or at the start of a lesson. Use this sample KWHL Chart.
4. KWL Chart
Use a pre-created KWL Chart or have students create a KWL chart by folding their paper as if they were sending a letter. Have students write everything they know about the topic they are reading (under the K column) and everything they want to know (under the W column). Leave the third column (the L column) blank to come back to after they read for what they learned. Use this sample KWL Chart.
5. Possible Sentences
Create a list of key terms and phrases from a reading. Provide students with a list of these terms and have students use two words or phrases to create possible sentences they might come across during their reading. Afterwards have them evaluate the relatedness of their sentences.
6. SQ3R
Reading strategy where students Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. Use this sample SQ3R Reading Guide.
- Survey—Have students preview the title, pictures, graphs, or captions, then read the first and last paragraph of the article. Make a list below of the main points or objectives you find.
- Question—Have students write questions based on their survey of the text.
- Read—Have students read and answer the questions their wrote down as they a read.
- Recite—Have students look over their questions and be able to recite the answers without looking them up.
- Review—Have students summarize what they wrote.
7. Wordsplash
Assemble a collection of keywords for a certain reading assignment. Arrange the words on a piece of paper or on a projector in a random way. The random arrangement makes the collection of words a wordsplash.
Consider using www.wordle.net to create the wordsplash. Have students make predictions about what they will be reading based on the wordsplash.
Filed Under: Activities, Teaching Strategies
About Jared Dees
Jared Dees is the creator of The Religion Teacher and the author of 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator, To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach, Beatitales, and Christ in the Classroom.
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Pre-reading strategies (meaning, basic strategies, home strategies)
Learning is of paramount importance for everyone; as we grow daily, we must learn, unlearn, and relearn through reading preparation strategies.
Not only to add it to our vocabulary, but also to use it in our daily activities.
The preliminary stage of learning is infancy. Children are meant for daily learning to build them up, hence the reason for pre-reading strategies. nine0003
What are pre-reading strategies?
Reading preparation strategies are learning approaches or methods designed to help your child gain structure, guidance, balance, and background knowledge before they begin to learn a new text or solve a new problem.
These strategies aim to develop your child's reading and comprehension skills by giving them the tools they need to become an active and successful reader. nine0003
Reading and understanding at a tender age is something that young children find tiresome.
You rarely meet a child who is fond of reading.
By activating your child's already existing knowledge in certain subjects, learning to use contextual cues and talking to you about the book, they will soon become champions in reading and writing scientific essays.
Basic pre-reading strategies
Dad helps son with pre-reading strategies. As the name suggests, reading preparation strategies are used first before you start reading a book with your child. nine0003
There are a few basic strategies you can use to help your child prepare to dive into any story or understanding.
Preview means giving your child the opportunity to gather clues, reviews, etc. from the book title and cover illustrations, internal illustrations, and possibly the table of contents, so that older children can try to understand what might happen or what they might learn from the book they are about to read. hear or read before actually getting the real thing. nine0003
If you have time, it's always a good idea to take a moment to pay attention before reading with your child. This is one of the most important basic strategies before reading.
Talk to them about what reading goals they want to achieve after reading the book you bought for them.
Do they still need help with longer words or words with funny accent patterns (pronunciation)?
Do they want to work on their characters' voices or voiceover (expression)? Getting their information will help both of you come together to set a goal or goal for your reading together. nine0003
Using the resources available to your child, see if he can predict what might happen in a story before he has a chance to read anything, such as judging a book by its cover before he has read it. her.
What information can they gather just by using the title, cover and illustrations?
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Pre-reading strategies to try at home:
1) Speaking in questions:
This is a fun activity that will help your child better understand the text he is reading by allowing him to make jokes about said text.
You probably use the questionnaire with your children at home, but the child should ask the question here. Your child has the right to ask any questions.
For example, if you are reading Goldilocks and The Three Bears, you can start a conversation with questions by asking the child, “Why is her name Goldilocks?” Your child may ask back, "Why are these bears in the house?" nine0003
See how many questions you can ask in these interactive segments. In most cases, there is a tendency for questions to remain unanswered until you have finished reading the text.
2) KWLH Graph:
This pre-reading exercise was invented and celebrated by Donna Ogle back in the 1980s.
This is one of the pre-reading strategies with different letters in the KWHL charts representing different tasks your child has to complete and compete. nine0003
The K column is reserved for what your child already knows about the subject of the story they have already read.
The key here is to activate and then reflect on your previous knowledge. For example, if they are reading Charlotte's Web, what do they already know about pigs according to the book?
The "W" category is for what your child wants to know about history. What they are curious about how to find out.
"L" (what we learned from the story) in the process of reading.
Columns "H" (how they can learn more) are reserved for discussion after you've finished reading the book.
The last row, how they can learn more, is more important in scientific literature than in fiction. It is advisable to use popular science books for this purpose.
The pleasure of this exercise is to physically force the child to do it, and not to perceive it as a task.
3) Preliminary vocabulary:
If you know that the book you will be reading together will challenge your child's current reading skills, consider teaching them a few more difficult words before you start reading to ensure reading fluency.
4) Reading Preparation Strategies : Preliminary Topics
Many children's books are designed to teach children more than new words. They usually have moral lessons embedded in their pages to help with real moral teachings. nine0003
To focus the child's attention on the topic of the book, you can encourage him to discuss the same moral lesson contained in the book and link it to a real life scene.
Look at their initial opinion, their interpretation, and see if they already have a clear idea about it, or if they want to know more?
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5) Word Bingo:
This game is another great option for preparing your child's mind to learn vocabulary or brush up on words they need extra help trying to fix or get.
If you would like to try this exercise before reading, create a bingo sheet using words from the text before reading time.
Each time you or your child hears or sees a word that matches a word on your sheet, place an emoji on it. The first one to yell "Bingo!" wins instantly. nine0003
It is essential that children go through the stages of preparation for reading in life before delving into life's quest. Parents are encouraged to send their children to tutors who can properly educate their children.
Awesome; I hope this article has answered your question.
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Editor's recommendation:
Reading strategies - Studopedia
How do you see rational reading? Apparently such when work with large volumes of information, with a large number of books is carried out with maximum productivity and with minimal effort and time. It is clear that work with books should begin with psychological preparation. By viewing the first book, you need to determine for yourself whether to read it or put it aside, whether it is advisable or not to work on it, and if appropriate, then in what class you need to read: either study the entire book in depth, or superficially review it, reading only separate parts , either find the necessary section in it and read this section selectively, or quickly find the necessary facts and thoughts in the book. In accordance with the task set for oneself, it is desirable to choose a specific reading strategy and work through the book in a planned way. Then move on to the second, to the third book, and so on. At the same time, it is desirable that reading strategies be worked out in advance. nine0003
Studies by psychologists who are not supporters of learning speed reading types, but recognize the reality of the existence of readers with high reading speeds, have shown that one of the main foundations of speed reading skills is FORMED (note, not innate, but acquired as a result of practical training) READING HABITS FOR THE FOUR READING STRATEGIES:
1. The viewing strategy of reading.
2. Analytical strategy of reading.
3. Selective reading strategy. nine0003
4. Search strategy for reading.
Therefore, in order to learn how to read quickly, you need to FORM A STABLE MENTAL INSTALLATION to READ ALL TEXTS IN ONLY ONE OF THE FOUR STRATEGIES (and nothing else!).
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