Toy rocks for dump trucks
Construction Rock Quarry Sensory Bin 2023
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Whoever thinks girls don’t enjoy playing with construction trucks and rocks is totally wrong!
My three-year-old daughter had a blast with this easy-to-put-together construction rock quarry sensory bin.
Every time I tried to put it away, she would ask for it back.
I can’t blame her! This construction rock quarry sensory bin was a lot of fun and used items we already had around the house!
We know two things:
1. The hardest part of keeping your kids entertained at home is starting a new routine and keeping with it.
2. It's super difficult to come up with a new routine when life is chaotic, and you don't know where to start.
The Activity Playground is meant to take you past those two obstacles.
Why Rocks for a Sensory Bin?
Do your kids like playing with rocks? One of my nephews loves rocks. He will spend hours collecting rocks in the backyard, and this last summer, he got my daughter into collecting rocks as well.
This sensory bin was partially inspired by him and partially a happy accident.
So I’ve had this construction-themed sensory bin idea for a while, but had trouble deciding what kind of filler to use.
Dirt? Black sand?
Eventually, I settled on using dry black beans as the filler to symbolize dirt. As we were setting up the sensory bin, my eyes landed on this pair of hurricane vases we had in the living room. They were filled with black rocks.
I immediately switched the beans for the black rocks, thinking my daughter might enjoy these more and they might STAY IN THE BIN better.
And guess what? I was right on both counts.
Whenever any rocks fell out of the bin, which was rare, I gently reminded Ella to keep the rocks in the bin, and she immediately took care of it.
That made using rocks totally worth it.
We’ve used popcorn, sand, and dry rice, and that gets everywhere. It’s hard for little hands to pick the grains back up and put them back in the bin, but the rocks were super easy for my toddler to pick up.
So if you were deciding to skip the rocks and go for beans or sand, stop right there. Give the river rocks a chance to win you over.
They got me 🙂
Supplies for Construction Rock Quarry Sensory Bin
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To set up the bin, I got out these items:
- Underbed storage bin
- Black construction paper (I used 12×12 scrapbook paper)
- Silver permanent marker
- Clear packing tape
I drew roads on the black construction paper with a silver Sharpie and taped it to the bottom of the storage bin with clear packing tape.
Clear packing tape is awesome for kids activities. You can use it to quickly “laminate” something, and it sticks so much better than regular tape.
Into the bin, I put
- Large black river rocks
- Small black river rocks
- Wooden blocks
- Plastic sandbox spade
- Wood construction tools
I also added construction trucks. We borrowed ours from a friend, so I don’t have links to the exact ones. These are my top two choices for construction trucks like the bulldozer and dump truck we used.
- John Deere trucks (green, but almost exactly the same size as ours)
- Take apart construction trucks (These are really cool. You get two truck bases and the attachments to make 6 different kinds of trucks, including a dump truck and bulldozer like ours. If your kids like to work with tools, they’ll love these.)
Playing with the Construction Rock Quarry Sensory Bin
As Ella eagerly watched me put the sensory bin together, I explained that construction workers get to drive special vehicles like the ones she was about to play with.
According to a very reliable source (my nephew), the truck with the big shovel in front of it is called a bulldozer and the truck with the box on top is a dump truck.
I dutifully passed this information along to Ella.
Next, I showed her how each truck worked, and then sat back and let her figure out the rest by herself.
She loved using the shovel to fill up the dump truck and then dump all the rocks in a pile. She used the bulldozer to push rocks around.
We also talked about how construction workers use their trucks to build houses and other buildings.
Topics like these don’t naturally come up in everyday conversation, so it was fun (and challenging) to answer all of Ella’s questions about construction!
In response, Ella made a little stack of blocks she called a house.
And promptly bulldozed it five seconds later.
I hope the owners got out in time.
Make Your Own Construction Rock Quarry Sensory Bin
A sensory bin is a great opportunity for teaching new vocabulary that kids might not hear on a daily basis.
We used this construction rock quarry sensory bin to talk about building houses, construction workers, tools, and construction vehicles.
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PinConstruction Rock Quarry Sensory Bin
A construction-themed sensory bin that rocks!
Prep Time 5 minutes
- Underbed storage bin
- Black construction paper
- Silver or white permanent marker
- Small and larger black decorative river rocks
- Wooden blocks
- Construction trucks (dump truck and bulldozer)
- Plastic sandbox spade
- Wooden building tools
Draw roads on the black construction paper with a silver Sharpie and tape it to the bottom of the underbed storage bin with clear packing tape.
Fill the bin with black river rocks. Add just enough to cover the bottom of the bin in a light layer.
Next add wooden blocks, a spade, building tools, and the construction trucks.
Let your child play! Use the opportunity to teach construction-related vocabulary, such as dump truck, bulldozer, shovel, and construction worker.
Activity by EYT
You can use black beans or sand instead of the rocks for this activity, but if you’ve never used rocks in a sensory bin before, I highly encourage it because they stay in the bin better and are easier for your child to pick up if they fall out.
Have fun building and bulldozing!
Other Activities You May Enjoy
Check out these other sensory play ideas on EYT.
It was back when our youngest turned one, when we realized we needed to do something differently.
Like every toddler with newly found mobility, she was curious and constantly getting into things we didn't want her to.
Whining. Tantrums. You name it.
We were frustrated. She was bored.
We knew her developmental skills were rapidly changing, but how do you even go about keeping a toddler entertained?!
Back then, we had no idea what kinds of things she would enjoy, and we were tired of playing with the same toys over and over again.
That's when we started doing planned activities with our toddler.
It was like a switch flipped.
Days went smoother. There were far fewer tantrums. There were many more giggles!
There was a new sense of excitement waking up each day. What were we going to do next?!
When you think about spending time with your toddler, we want you to have that bubbly, excited feeling in your belly, not a feeling of dread.
And we want to make it easier for parents to do just that.
That's why we created the FREE 5-Day activity challenge.
VTech Interactive Dump Truck Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy
Last updated date: December 9, 2022
DWYM Score
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DWYM is your trusted product review source. Along with our in-house experts, our team analyzes thousands of product reviews from the most trusted websites. We then create one easy-to-understand review. Learn more.
Show Contents
- Our Take
- Features
- Specifications
- From The Manufacturer
- Overall Ranking
- Our Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy Buying Guide
- Our Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy Tip and Advice
We looked at the top Toys For 1-Year-Old Boys and dug through the reviews from some of the most popular review sites. Through this analysis, we've determined the best Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy you should buy.
Update as December 8, 2022:
Checkout The Best Toys For 1-Year-Old Boy for a detailed review of all the top toys for 1-year-old boys.
Overall Take
Fine motor control and cause-and-effect recognition are just a couple of the skills this toy can teach. It is made of durable plastic that can take plenty of hard knocks. The variety of sounds will keep kids entertained long-term.
In our analysis, the VTech VTech Interactive Dump Truck Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy placed 8th when we looked at the top 13 products in the category. For the full ranking, see below.
From The Manufacturer
Drop a colorful rock into the top of this cheerful dump truck toy and watch it tumble into the bucket to learn numbers. Once the rocks are in the bucket, the push toy or pull toy can be moved along to see the rocks rumble around inside. Learning toy develops motor skills by lifting the hinged bucket to unload the rocks and start again; a great early education toy for toddlers. Toddler toy truck includes 3 colorful buttons that play melodies, phrases and teach tools and colors. Construction toy is intended for toddlers ages 6 months to 3 years old; 2 AAA batteries are included for demo, use new batteries for regular use.
1. TOYVENTIVE Counting Eco-Friendly Toys For 1-Year-Old Boys
Overall Score: 9.6
2. XIAPIA Puppy Balance Bike Toy For 1-Year-Old Boys
Overall Score: 9.4
3. LeapFrog Learning Friends 100 Words Book Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 9.3
4. Radio Flyer Motor Skill Vehicle Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 9.2
5. Huanger Sensory Cloth Car Toys For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 9.1

Overall Score: 9.0
7. Melissa & Doug Fabric Blocks Toys For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 9.0
8. VTech Interactive Dump Truck Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 9.0
Overall Score: 8.9
10. Mega Bloks Build ‘n Learn Table Toys For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 8.8
11. Little Tikes Wheeled Giraffe Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 8.7
12. TOP BRIGHT Wooden Racing Car Set Toys For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 8.6
13. TOP BRIGHT Sensory Wood Activity Cube Toy For 1-Year-Old Boy
Overall Score: 8.5
On a superficial level, it shouldn’t be hard to buy toys for a 1-year-old boy. After all, these little tykes are hardly the most discriminating recipients, and they’re just as liable to play with the wrapping paper as they are with the gift.
On the other hand, that second year of life is full of developmental milestones. Everything a baby interacts with teaches him a little something different about the world. It’s hard enough to find a toy that keeps his attention, much less something that continues to teach him as he starts to walk and talk.
The first and foremost concern when buying a toy for any 1-year-old is safety. If any part of the toy is small enough to fit in his mouth, assume that it will go there. Kids this age also might try to hit a sibling or even themselves with their new toys, so while vintage wood or metal toys might be cute, there’s a reason they’re not recommended for kids in the pre-toddler stage.
The next thing to consider is longevity. Kids at this age outgrow toys even faster than they outgrow clothes, so it’s important to find something that has different features they can discover as their motor skills develop. One popular option is a walker or ride-along toy. The most common kind is a colorful little animal on wheels. These are great, but they are even better if you can find one with a handle on the back. This allows the child to pull himself up and push the toy like a lawn mower, building up strength and learning to walk as he goes. Once he’s got the hang of it, he can hop on board and scoot along with his legs.
For fine motor skills, nothing beats good old-fashioned blocks or toys that can stack. Dump trucks or other items with a receptacle are also great. The simple act of putting objects in and pulling them out can do wonders for a child’s development.
Just remember not to overthink things. For a number of reasons, toys that rely too heavily on batteries or technology don’t go over well for those in that first year. Savor the opportunity: This might be the only year your little man doesn’t ask you for some kind of expensive gadget as a gift.
It can be heard enough to keep track of a child’s toys, much less think about washing them. But for 1-year-olds, it’s definitely a good idea. At this age, children are more likely to be dragging objects all over the place and then chewing them, so it’s important to clean their toys about once every week.
Stuffed toys can usually be run through the wash, as long as you follow the directions on the tag. Hard plastic can be wiped with sanitizer on a damp cloth, and even electronic toys can stand a surface cleaning every once in a while.
Checkout Our Other Buying Guides
second semi-final So! Time to collect stones from Think up a joke. Second: topbloger - LiveJournal
So!Time to collect stones from Think of a joke. Second semi-final.
Saigonchek as always!!!:
The task was to continue:
In the soft toy store:
- Girl, give me a set for the sandbox.
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
And so, I'm giving you anecdotes of our semi-finalists! nine0014
Stuffed toys store:
- Girl, give me a sandbox set!
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car . .. do you have dump trucks?!!
- We don't have dump trucks. Only soft toys.
- Yes, even liquid, girl, my friend is dying!! We scored a joint in the sandbox, I relaxed, and when I opened my eyes, instead of it there was only a small cake. THESE FUCKING KIDS HALT HUSSY INTO A TINY PIE! Hurry, give me a scoop, a bucket and a dump truck! I need to urgently take my friend to the hospital! nine0014
Stuffed toys store:
- Girl, give me a sandbox set.
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
- There are
- I need one so that my wife and all her rubbish fit in there, and then she dumped the fuck out of my life on it.
- Then this electric rabbit will suit you, he hammers perfectly, it can help.
- Girl, give me a sandbox set. nine0002 - Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
- Man, I say again, this is a store of SOFT toys, SOFT, do you understand?
- Is the store called Happy Childhood? That means give me an automatic machine, such a white, plastic one with a handle rewound with blue electrical tape. And burn an ant's magnifying glass. And candy wrappers from Turbo chewing gum, and most importantly, all issues were, starting from the first. And another cartoon Duck Tales on the first channel, wrap it up please. Happy childhood? Is it true? I had such a happy childhood. Let's continue to announce the list - the officer's line, only one that smokes well. A set of plastic knights. Give the Chinese dandy more and so that there are 10,000 games on the cartridge - there really are 10 thousand games, but different ones, you understand? Video brass knuckles with the film "Bloodsport". but as a good one, okay? Wrap the carbide and the pestle, the main thing is, it’s like a revolver, so it shoots with bullets. And also wrap the primer so that on the first pages there is the anthem of the USSR. And give more holidays, with my grandmother in the village. There is no grandmother anymore, no village, but give me. Hello, girl, why are you crying, then? nine0014
- Girl, give me a sandbox kit.
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car... do you have dump trucks?
- Man, I'll call security if you don't stop bullying me!
- You don't understand, my son hits himself with toys on the head, I need soft ones for the kid!
- So buy him a helmet and don't fuck his brain!
Stuffed toys store:
- Girl, give me a sandbox set. nine0002 - Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
Stuffed toys store:
- Girl, give me a sandbox set.
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
- We don't have dump trucks. Only soft toys.
- Girl, my friend is dying. nine0002 - And what does the dump truck have to do with it?
- Have you heard? My friend is dying!
- You need to go to the hospital!!!
- So my friend is an elephant!!
Stuffed toys store:
- Girl, give me a sandbox set.
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
- We don't have anything like that, no cars, no scoops, only soft toys!!!
- Damn, I'll have to shit in a hare !!!
Soft toy store:
- Girl, give me a sandbox set.
- Man, this is a soft toy store!
- Then, give me a car ... do you have dump trucks?
- We don't have dump trucks, this is a soft toy store!
- Then let's go to the back room to fuck!
- Let's go!
Snezhny gets through the second semi-final. But rules are rules.
You can vote for several participants at once. Voting for yourself excludes you from the competition and for one next game inclusive! nine0014
Semi-finalists will have three games - on Monday, on Wednesday - semi-finals. Friday is the final!
Voting will take place until 17:00 Moscow time.
You can vote for several participants, but not for all.
View Poll: second semi-final
source - kalianishka
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