Vocabulary lesson plan kindergarten
Engaging Kindergarten Vocabulary Activities
Why Kindergarten Vocabulary Activities and Instruction is Important
First, let’s talk about the importance of vocabulary instruction in kindergarten, first grade, and beyond. Here is the science behind vocabulary and comprehension. Reading comprehension starts with listening comprehension.
Mark Seidenberg is a researcher and professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a cognitive scientist, neuroscientist,and psycholinguist who has studied language, reading, and dyslexia for more than 30 years. Dr. Seidenberg tells us that reading comprehension is essentially taking the words on the paper and (even in silent reading) then listening to them. So I will repeat, reading comprehension starts with listening comprehension.
So what happens when students do not have the vocabulary to comprehend what they hear? Some children enter school with a sophisticated vocabulary, while many others have a very rudimentary vocabulary. Those with a limited vocabulary are the ones we worry about. These are the students that keep us up at night.
Vocabulary Activities to Build Listening Comprehension in Kindergarten
Teaching vocabulary is not always something we think about in the primary grades. But as you can see, research supports teaching vocabulary instruction when students are beginning readers. Students with greater word knowledge in early elementary will have more success with reading comprehension in the older grades. We know that in order to increase vocabulary, students need to be exposed to new words. But which words are appropriate for primary learners? Let’s look at the books we read to them!
Vocabulary Words for Kindergarten
According to the National Reading Panel, long-lasting vocabulary learning occurs when students see vocabulary in authentic texts, compared to isolated vocabulary drills. So with that in mind, we updated our vocabulary portion of the Engaging Readers units to better support vocabulary instruction in the classroom. Woohoo!
Quick and Easy Vocabulary Activities for Kindergarten
Each Engaging Reader’s text includes a vocabulary study of two words. Throughout the week, students study and use the new words.
Vocabulary Through Direct Instruction
Research says that students remember words when they are able to connect the meaning of the word to the knowledge they already have. This is a type of active processing and occurs when students are exposed to words in a variety of ways. For example:
- identify examples and non-examples of the word
- create sentences that contain the new word
- create scenarios or stories in which they use the word
- produce antonyms and synonyms for the word
As you can see, we are not just looking at the word arrange in this example.
Beyond the Dictionary Vocabulary Activities
For each vocabulary word, students contextualize the word by responding to a prompt.
Vocabulary Discussions
Having whole-group discussions also solidifies the learning of new vocabulary because students are participating in their own learning.
More Vocabulary Practice Activities
Throughout the week, students practice the vocabulary words. The activities vary from book to book!
These next three are examples from a first-grade and second grade classroom (yes, our Engaging Readers are differentiated to reach all students)
Kindergarten Vocabulary Activities
I hope these examples have given you a few ideas on how you can teach vocabulary to your own students.
All of the resources you need to start teaching vocabulary through authentic texts are available in our Engaging Readers units!
Check them out by clicking below!
- Engaging Readers K/1 (also aligned for 2nd grade)
- Engaging Readers 2nd Grade (also aligned for K/1)
Plan your year with our updated curriculum map! Click here:
- Curriculum Map with Mentor Texts (K-2)
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My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!
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Vocabulary Activities and Ideas For Kindergarten
Home » Vocabulary Activities and Ideas For Kindergarten
Click through for vocabulary activities that are fun and engaging. We've got teaching ideas, free printables and worksheets for Kindergarten. Help your Kindergarten students build their vocabulary and foster a love of words.
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I’ve always loved words. There is something delicious about words like pugnacious or boondoggle isn’t there?! Most children also like to use “big” words and will be delighted to learn how to use words like spectacular or Eureka!
Building our Kinders vocabulary is important. A good vocabulary gives our students a huge advantage. Reading, writing, and comprehension will all benefit from a good grasp of words. Did you know that a child’s vocabulary is a key component to reading success?
Vocabulary Activities and the Common Core
The Common Core standards for Kindergarten touch on the importance of building vocabulary.
- RL.K.4: Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
- L.K.4.A Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck).
- .L.K.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Vocabulary activities help children of all ages learn and expand their vocabulary. First and foremost, they are fun. But they also provide an opportunity to introduce words in an informal manner.
What Is A Vocabulary Activity?
A vocabulary activity is anything that helps kids improve their knowledge of words. They must also learn when and how to use these words. They can include games, worksheets, or word projects. The trick is to make learning fun and keep the kids engaged.
What Are Fun Ways To Introduce Vocabulary?
Word of the Week
You can introduce Kinders to so many words in this way. Choose a fun word that most of your Kinders will not know. Don’t be afraid to use tier 2 words like lovely or gigantic. Write the word and post it somewhere in the classroom. Read the word aloud and explain what it means. Challenge the students to use the word as often as they can in the coming week. Model this yourself.
- The pictures in our book are quite lovely!
- Look at that gigantic cloud.
You could ham it up by inviting children to raise their arms and cheer every time they hear the word used!
Read, Read and Read Some More
Read aloud to your students every day. Expose students to a wide range of vocabulary by choosing both fiction and non-fiction books. Pick out some of these words ahead of time, print them on index cards and add them to your word wall. After you have read the pick go back and highlight the words you have chosen. Read them and ask the children to repeat them back to you. Talk about the meanings. Challenge your Kinders to create sentences that use the word.
- 9 Awesome Books About Color
- Books About Diversity
- 50 Must Have Books For Kindergarten
- Books That Encourage A Growth Mindset
- Books That Rhyme
Make Word Wall
A word wall is a collection of words that are displayed in a prominent place in your classroom. To learn more about word walls check out the post here and here.
Play Games
One of the best way to teach vocabulary in Kindergarten is through play. Short games engage Kinder’s minds the same way playing does. It also teaches them new words they can add to their vocabulary. Here are two ideas
What’s in the box
Flash card games
Create Vocabulary Notebooks
Notebooks are fun to create and give Kinders a place to record new words that delight them. We have created a few printable pages to help create these notebooks. All the pages are editable, so you can customize them to reflect the words you are using. This is particularly useful if you are working on a specific theme.
If you want the worksheets to keep the same font, you will need to have KG penmanship installed. You can download this font for free here. Install it BEFORE opening the PDF. The boxes adjust the size of the font automatically. The longer the word or sentence, the smaller the font will become.
There are three activities.
A page for children to write new words they have encountered. Children can choose words from the word bank if they wish. You can choose if you want students to list the new words or choose one specific word and write a definition. The word bank is fully editable
There is another page that invites children to draw a picture of what the word means to them. Drawing a definition helps to ensure that students understand the meaning. They won’t be able to draw a picture if they don’t comprehend it. This avoids the trap of copying out a definition without fully understanding it.
Children need to practice using words in context so that they can learn when and how to use them. The last page has a fill in the blank sentence. They must read the sentence and choose a word from the word bank to finish it. Again, the sentences and the word banks are fully editable.
How Do You Practice New Vocabulary In Kindergarten?
Once your child learns a word the work has just begun. It will be forgotten if they stop using or hearing it. That is why practice is so important. Keep your Kinders using the words they have learned while having fun with new ones. Be intentional with your vocabulary activities. Keep the words alive by continually using them alongside the new ones. This will keep the word alive and give them a little boost of confidence as they find new ways to use it.
Your Turn
How do you help your Kinders learn new words? What are your favorite vocabulary activities? Please leave a comment below.
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Development and enrichment of vocabulary. | Outline of a lesson on speech therapy on the topic:
Development and enrichment of vocabulary in preschool children.
Problems and tasks of speech development in preschool children have always been topical. At all times, great attention was paid to the development of children's speech. The importance of speech in the development of a child's personality is so great that the tasks of its formation occupy a special place in education.
The word introduces the child into the world of people, helps to understand it and get used to it, helps to realize oneself as an individual and become an active participant in the life of society. The word is the main means of communication and a form of self-expression of the baby. It serves as a means of regulating his behavior. With the help of the word, the child learns the natural and objective environment.
At preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio programs, therefore, preschool pedagogy considers the development of children's vocabulary as one of the important tasks of speech development.
A dictionary is a lexical composition of speech that a person uses. Vocabulary is divided into active and passive. The volume of an active dictionary in any person is less than the volume of a passive one.
The development of the vocabulary with the normal development of the child is given in the table:
Quantitative growth in the vocabulary on Stern
from 1 to 1. | in 2 years | in 3 years | 222222222 at 4 years old | in 5 years |
100 words | 300-400 words | 1000-1100 words | 1600 words | 2200 words |
The data in the table show that the development of vocabulary in children of preschool age is especially rapid, like no other age.
The peculiarity of the preschooler's dictionary is its much smaller volume compared to the adult's dictionary, since the volume of accumulated information about the environment is significantly inferior to the volume of knowledge of an adult.
Constant communication between adults and a child is important for the development of vocabulary. The volume and quality (accuracy, figurativeness) of a preschooler's vocabulary depend on how complete his communication is. Therefore, parents need to introduce the child to new objects, phenomena, their names. It is important to talk with a preschooler, ask questions, create situations in which possible shortcomings in the understanding and use of words by the child will be revealed. The active lifestyle of the family provides fertile material for expanding the vocabulary: excursions to the theater, circus, zoo, etc.
As speech and thinking develop, the gradually replenished vocabulary is systematized, ordered, folding into semantic fields or forming words united by meaning.
R.I Lalaeva identified the following areas of dictionary development:
- Expansion of the vocabulary
- Clarification of the meaning of the word
- Development of the structure of the meaning of the word
- Formation of semantic fields and lexical consistency
- Expansion of links between words in the lexicon.
Methodology for the development of speech in preschoolers offers a type of training that is built in the form of a game. This facilitates the assimilation of the material, develops auditory attention in children, and contributes to the correct perception of speech.
The presentation of material aimed at enriching the vocabulary in the form of a game teaches kids to correlate a sounding word with a picture or object, clearly pronounce simple and polysyllabic words, and answer questions.
The purpose of conducting such classes is the same: vocabulary replenishment.
Teachers widely use didactic games, which not only allow preschoolers to develop comprehensively, but also contribute to the formation of vocabulary skills in children.
Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of learning, and independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality. It is in the didactic game that the child gets the opportunity to improve, enrich, consolidate, activate his vocabulary.
Depending on the material, didactic games can be divided into three types: games with objects (toys, natural materials, etc. ), printed board games and word games. It should be noted that all these games can be successfully used to activate the vocabulary of preschoolers. Games with objects are most accessible to children, since they are based on direct perception, correspond to the child’s desire to act with things and thus get to know them, in addition, the child names the objects he sees with desire.
The child begins to play these games at an early age and does not lose his interest in them throughout preschool childhood. At younger preschool age, many games with toys are accompanied by movements, which corresponds to the characteristics of the perception and thinking of the child
The most complex are word games: they are not related to the direct perception of the object, in them children must operate with ideas. These games are of great importance for the development of a child's thinking, since in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, not relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors.
Word games are held mainly in older groups and are very important for preparing children for school, as they require and, therefore, develop the ability to listen carefully, quickly find the right answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly articulate their thoughts, and apply knowledge.
Didactic game as a form of children's education contains two principles: educational (cognitive) and game (entertaining). The educator is both a teacher and a participant in the game at the same time. He teaches and plays, and children learn by playing.
Game techniques for vocabulary formation in young children:
Game: "Cold - Hot".
Purpose: Enrichment of vocabulary with nouns
Content. An adult asks the children to close their eyes, then hides the object and asks the question: “Where is the bear?” Children are looking for an object in the room at the prompt of an adult: “It's cold. Colder. Warmer. Even warmer. Hot". The game with the search for a missing object helps children remember a new word.
Game: "Describe the object."
Objectives: Expanding the vocabulary of adjectives, forming ideas about the subject.
Contents. An adult examines an object and points out its features. For example, an adult examines an apple. It is yellow in color. The shape resembles a ball (clasps the apple with the hands), the apple is round. It is large in size. If you stroke an apple, you feel that it is smooth. I press on the apple, nothing happens to it. The apple is hard. I sniff an apple: oh, how fragrant, fragrant it is. I will hold it on my hand, I will weigh it: the apple is heavy. I’ll cut off a piece and taste it: sweet apple (sour, sweet and sour).
The game "Wonderful bag"
Goals: Expanding the scope of the dictionary, developing tactile perception, clarifying ideas about the features of objects.
Equipment. Smartly decorated pouch, small toys whose names belong to the same lexical group (“Dishes”, “Vegetables”, etc.)
Contents. Previously, children get acquainted with toys, the names of which belong to the same lexical group: they consider, name, highlight their qualities. The first player puts his hand into the bag, gropes for one toy, recognizes it and calls it: "I have a cup." Only after these words can the child pull the toy out of the bag, examine it and show it to all the children. If the answer is correct, the child takes the object for himself. Players alternately recognize by touch, name and remove objects from the bag. Whoever collects the most toys wins.
Complicated version (for older preschoolers): it is required, before taking an object out of the bag, to determine its shape (round, oblong), the material from which the object is made (rubber, metal, rag, wood, plastic), surface quality (smooth , rough, slippery, cold).
Game "Mail", "Decorate the Christmas Tree" "Magic Tree", "Thematic Lotto", "Domino"
Game "Parcel"
Goals: Expanding the scope of the dictionary, clarifying ideas about the features of objects, developing coherent speech.
Equipment. Items, boxes by number of players.
Contents. Each child receives a "package" (a box with an object inside). The first player begins to describe his item without naming or showing it. The item is presented after it has been guessed.
Game "Analogies"
Objectives: Activation of nouns with a generalizing meaning, development of understanding of generic relations between words (development of the conceptual component of the lexical meaning of a word)
Content. An adult invites children to complete the word according to the model: a fox is an animal, a crane is a bird, or vice versa. An adult calls a word of general meaning, a child comes up with a word of a specific meaning (or vice versa): dishes - a frying pan, flowers - a dandelion, transport - a truck, fish - a catfish, insects - a grasshopper. The one who never fails wins.
Game "Edible - inedible"
Objectives: Development of the ability to highlight the essential features of an object (edibility, animation, etc.), clarification of the meaning of generalizing words, development of auditory attention, general motor skills.
Content. The host says the word and throws the ball to one of the players. If a food item, fruit, or other edible object was named, the player needs to catch the ball. Otherwise, the player dodges the ball. The games “Alive-non-living”, “Vegetables-Fruits”, “Wild Animals – Domestic Animals”, “Birds – Insects”, “Clothes – Shoes”, etc. are held similarly. Objectives: Activation of words with a generalizing meaning, development of understanding of generic relationships between words (development of the conceptual aspect of the meaning of a word).
Content. Children stand in a circle. The first player who has the ball in his hands starts the game with the word: “I” and passes (throws) the ball to a nearby child. The second player receives the ball, pronounces the following word: “I know” - and passes the ball further. Third player: "Five." The next child of "Insects". Further, each move is accompanied by the naming of one insect until five words of this group are named. The game continues on.
Ball game "Associations"
Goals: Expansion of vocabulary, development of speech associations, general motor skills.
Content. An adult throws a ball to a child and calls any specific feature of the object: "Red". The child catches the ball, adds a word denoting an object that has this feature (poppy, and returns the ball to an adult. Similarly: heavy - a truck; prickly hedgehog, cold snow, high - a person, glassy - a glass.
It is possible to play a game on the material of a specific lexical topics (based on pictures and without it). In this case, an adult agrees with the child that he needs to come up with words on a specific topic (for example, on the topic "Dishes"). Approximate lexical material: deep - a plate; blue - a saucepan; a small saucer; transparent - a jug.0003
Game “I gathered in the garden…”
Goals. Expansion of the vocabulary, development of auditory memory.
Contents. The adult starts the game by pronouncing the sentence: "I picked in the garden . ... cucumbers." The child repeats the whole phrase and adds the name of his vegetable: “I picked cucumbers and tomatoes in the garden.” The next player repeats everything said by the previous participant and comes up with a third vegetable: “I picked cucumbers, tomatoes and onions in the garden.” Players participate in the game until the first mistake. The winner is the one who remains in the game last. Depending on the lexical topic, the sentence changes in content: “I collected in the garden ....”, “I put it in the closet ...”, “I saw it on the street ....”, “He lives in the forest ....”, “There is ... in the kitchen .... » etc.
Game "Call it by another word"
Goals. Formation of semantic fields, expansion of the dictionary of synonyms.
Contents. An adult calls the phrase and asks the question: “Throw the ball. How can this action be called differently, in a different word? examples of correct answers are given: “Throw the ball - throw the ball. Look out the window - look out the window. Children begin to select synonyms only after confirming their understanding of the task.
Ball game "Say the opposite"
Goals. Formation of semantic fields, expansion of the dictionary of antonyms.
Content. Children stand in a line facing the leader. The adult (leader) says the word and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who caught the ball must name the antonym (the word “enemy”) to the given word and return the ball to the leader. If the paired word is chosen correctly, the child takes a step forward. The winner is the one who quickly approaches the conditional line on which the leader is located. This child continues the game by making up his own words.
1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Methodology for the development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers. - M.: 2000
2. Bondarenko A.K. Word games in kindergarten. - M.: 1974.
3. Borodich A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M.: 1981
4. Kolunova L.A., Ushakova O.S. Work on the word in the process of speech development of older preschoolers // Preschool education. 1994 No. "9.
5. Sokhin F.A. Development of speech of preschool children. - M .: 1984.
6. Tikheeva E.I. Development of speech of children. - M., 1992
7. Udaltsova E. I. Didactic games in the upbringing and education of preschoolers.-M .: 1976g.
8. Ushakova O.S. Classes for the development of speech in kindergarten. - M.: 1993.
9. Ushakova O.S. The development of the speech of a preschooler. Moscow, 2001
10. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. The influence of vocabulary work on the coherence of speech // Preschool education. - 1981 No. 2.
11. Elkonin D.B. Child psychology. - M., 1999
12. Shvaiko T.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech. - M.: 1983.
Teacher's self-education plan Topic: "Expansion of vocabulary in children of the middle group (4-5 years old) with the help of games and exercises" | Additional education
Career self-education plan Topic: "Vocabulary expansion in children of the middle group (4-5 years old) with the help of games and exercises"
Author: Mikaelyan Oksana Vyacheslavovna
Organization: MBDOU d / s No. 132
Settlement: Ivanovo region, Ivanovo
Purpose: increase their theoretical and pedagogical level and competence on the issue features of the use of didactic games for speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
- To study and summarize the methodological literature on speech development in middle preschool age.
- Studying the experience of teachers on Internet sites.
- Develop and select didactic games and exercises that promote speech development.
This topic is very relevant for preschool education, because mastering the correct speech contributes to the formation of self-confidence in the child, the development of thinking, communication skills. The development of speech in children is considered one of the main tasks of the kindergarten, since a semantic detailed statement ensures communication and full interaction between children and adults; provides an opportunity to share with them the accumulated impressions, as well as to obtain the necessary information.
What about the game? The game is the main and most accessible type of activity for the child. While playing, children learn everything that is so useful in life. Therefore, it was with the help of the “didactic game” that I decided to develop speech in children: to replenish and activate the vocabulary, to form the correct sound pronunciation, to develop coherent speech, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.
it is important to correct shortcomings in speech in time, since it is more difficult to do this later, when they have become stronger. After all, preschool age is a time of energetic development of speech.
Terms of sale:
In the group, the average preschool age is 4-5 years.
Apply didactic materials for preschool children in the conditions of a children's educational institution and in the family circle.
Expected result
Pupils must:
Explain the rules of the game on their own
Compose stories on their own based on the plot picture
· Guess riddles
With children
With parents
Monitoring in the educational field "Speech development", identifying contradictions that need correction
Regulatory study
Selection and definition of the topic of self-education
Self-education planning
Parent meeting "Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution and tasks for the development of speech in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"
With children | Self-education | With parents |
The level of formation of the sound culture of speech: "Repeat correctly" "Say the tongue twister" "Select the first sound in a word" The level of formation of the grammatical side of speech: "Finish the sentence" Hide and Seek "Serving the table"
| · To study and summarize the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on speech development in the middle preschool age. Formation and design of a methodical piggy bank (drawing up a plan for self-education, a card file of games, triggers, poems, nursery rhymes, etc.) | Consultation: pedagogical general education "Child 4-5 years old" (features of the development of children) |
With children | Self-education
| With parents
Games for the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech: Listen and Say "Guess who called me" Games for the development of the lexical side of speech (vocabulary formation): "What happens in autumn?" One-Many Call me sweet Games for the grammatical structure of speech: Think and Name "There's a lot" My-my-my-my" Games for the development of coherent speech: "Define words" "Give Action to Words" Reverse
| · Selection and development of games that promote speech development. Use of didactic games during GCD.
With children | Self-education
| With parents |
Games for the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech: Whose Voice Make up your own word "Find the mistake" Games for the development of the lexical side of speech (vocabulary formation): Shop "Fruits" · “Who is wearing what?” Games for the grammatical structure of speech: Reverse "Who is more" "What item" Games for the development of coherent speech: Extra Four "Who has who?"
| Selection and development of games that promote speech development Creation of a card index of didactic games Development of GCD abstracts using didactic games Create triggers that can be used both in class and in free activities
| "Learning to play correctly" consultation (card file of games for the development of speech)
With children | Self-education | With parents |
Speech breathing exercise "Breeze" Games for the grammatical structure of speech: Know the toy "Let's meet" Games for the development of coherent speech: Guess the Sound Use Every Moment "Taste and smell" "Change the offer" "Who is this, what is this?"
With children | Self-education | With parents |
Speech breathing exercise: "Echo", "Motors" Games for the grammatical structure of speech: Finish the phrase "What It Happens" Who does what Games for the development of coherent speech: "When does this happen?" Multicolored chest Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"
| Selection and development of games that promote speech development Creation of a card index of didactic games Development of GCD abstracts using didactic games Create triggers that can be used both in class and in free activities
| Consultation for parents "Development of coherent speech in children 4-5 years old"
With children | Self-education | With parents |
Games for the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech: Whose Voice "Who is screaming" Games for the grammatical structure of speech: "Say one word" "Say the opposite" Finish the phrase Games for the development of coherent speech: "What is gone, who is gone?" Pick Different Words "The meaning of the word" Finish the sentence
| Draw up diagram cards and pictures for learning poems. | Consultation for parents "How can I easily learn a poem from reference pictures?" |
With children | Self-education | With parents |
What do kids ride? Tell a Word "What is the item?" Learning a poem from reference pictures
| Design chart cards and pictures to retell the story.
| Advice for parents "How can you easily teach a child to retell using basic diagrams?"
With children | Self-education | With parents |
Final monitoring in the educational area "Speech development"
| Registration of work in full version
| Parent meeting "What has changed in the child's speech development?"
LITERATURE Applications: Information about the educational organization © 2010 – 2023, All-Russian pedagogical journal "Modern lesson" Middle group" ed. "Mosaic - Synthesis" 2010
Published: 03/09/2023
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