What's your sign song
The Theme Song of Your Life, Based on Your Zodiac Sign — Best Life
Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and felt completely transported by the soundtrack? Whether it's an action movie, a love story, or a laugh-out-loud comedy, the music playing in the background has the ability to bring out our emotions and allow us to connect with the characters. But what if we were the characters? What song would be playing then? To get the answer, we spoke with NYC-based astrologer Lisa Stardust to find the track worthy of being our personal anthems. Keep reading to find out if the theme song to your life will have "Big Energy," is still "Unwritten," or is calling you to "Soak Up The Sun."
READ THIS NEXT: The Song You Should Sing at Karaoke, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.
iStock / PeopleImagesIt's no secret that you're the competitive and ambitious type, Aries. But what most people don't understand is that you're not comparing yourself to other people; you're in competition with yourself.
"Aries are fearless and take risks other people won't," says Stardust. "They don't care what others think and love to prove their naysayers wrong."
So, the soundtrack to your life needs to be equal parts braggadocios and upbeat. Stardust recommends listening to anything by Megan Thee Stallion to hype yourself up—but especially "Savage" for an added boost of confidence.
iStock / Cecilie_ArcursTaurus can be a tough nut to crack, but once someone's gained your trust, you're one of the most loyal and dependable zodiac signs. You're very generous with your money, attention, and time. The only thing you ask for in return is to be appreciated.
"Taurus works hard to get where they want in life, and they expect the same out of others," explains Stardust. "That's why these stubborn earth signs keep their inner circle tight."
For this reason, Stardust recommends the old-school classic "No Scrubs" by TLC as your theme song. It'll remind you to keep your high standards and never compromise on your boundaries. Plus, it's got a great beat.
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iStock / insta_photosFlighty, flakey, unreliable—these are just some of the stereotypes associated with Geminis. While it's true that you change your mind a lot, it's not because you can't commit. In fact, you're one of the most loyal people out there.
"Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac, and friendship is more important to them than just about anything," confirms Stardust. "With the right crew to back them up, Gemini can conquer the world."
This is why Stardust suggests listening to upbeat BFF empowerment anthems like the Spice Girls classic "Wannabe." It'll remind you about the things (and people) that truly matter in life.
iStock / PeopleImagesBeing a Cancer means being known as the emotional and sensitive one of your friend group or family. Nobody knows how to support others in their times of need like you. However, because of your nurturing nature, you can tend to forget about self-love.
"For all the time they spend taking care of other people, Cancer loves being spoiled in return," Stardust explains.
You need a song to remind you that being ambitious isn't selfish and that it's important to put yourself first sometimes. "That's What I Like" by Bruno Mars will empower you to speak up and reach for what you want out of life without feeling guilty.
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iStock / Geber86No matter where you go or what you do, all eyes find themselves on you, Leo. Maybe it's your warm and welcoming personality, or perhaps it's that you're not afraid to put yourself out there, but there's no hiding your larger-than-life personality.
"You can always spot a Leo from their swagger and energy, so they need a theme song that has that same power," says Stardust.
She says it's tough to find a single song to fully embody all that is Leo, but "Big Energy" by Latto comes close.
It speaks to your passionate nature and validates that having a big personality isn't a bad thing.
You'll be hard-pressed to find someone more sensible and logical than this earth sign. Your highly observant nature means you spot a problem before anyone else, and you aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe in when the situation warrants it.
"Virgo might get called the perfectionist of the zodiac, but that's only because you know in order to get things done right—you've gotta do it yourself," Stardust says.
She recommends listening to confidence-boosting songs like "Truth Hurts" by Lizzo to help you ground yourself in your power. Remember, your opinions matter even if they go against the grain.
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iStock / AnchiyLibras often get called indecisive. But despite the stereotypes that you're a people pleaser who never knows what they want, you're actually very opinionated. And because you've built a reputation as a team player, you're more likely to have things go your way when you put your foot down.
"When Libra sets their sights on something that they want, nothing can stand in their way," Stardust explains.
"I Want It That Way" by Backstreet Boys will lift your spirits and help you focus on the fact that being direct about what you want is an important step towards getting it.
iStock / Delmaine DonsonScorpios are people of few words, often seen as the elusive or mysterious types. But you have plenty of positive qualities that make you a great friend. Though you don't act like a water sign on the surface, you're deeply motivated by your intuition and feelings.
Surprised you didn't get a spookier song? While it did come up, your ability to adapt to any situation is ultimately what led Stardust to choose "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. It's a reminder that even the darkest times promise brighter days.
"Scorpio is the sign of change, and they know the future always holds a new chapter, which is why they'll relate to this classic," she says.
READ THIS NEXT: The Zodiac Sign You Should Be Best Friends With Based on Compatibility.
iStock / :martin-dmFearless and adventurous, you live in the moment. As a fire sign, you have no problem letting your personality shine and would rather keep yourself open to new experiences than have a five-year plan. Some might say it's irresponsible, but you see your flexibility as a strength.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb
"Sagittarians are all about having fun and enjoying the little moments in life," notes Stardust. "They like to keep things light and don't sweat the small stuff."
"Soak Up The Sun" by Sheryl Crow is a classic sing-along jam with the perfect vibes for keeping things chill and upbeat, whether you're boarding a plane to your next international destination or riding the train during your morning commute.
iStock / :Delmaine DonsonCapricorns know how to hustle. There's a lot you're looking to get done in life, and even though you know you have the skills, you worry you won't have the time. This also means you have trouble saying no to things, which can lead you to burnout if you're not careful.
Your power anthem should be a song that will keep you plowing ahead and focused on why you're working so hard—like "Motivation" by Normani.
"Nobody feels the drive to succeed like Capricorn, and this song is the perfect way to pump them up and remind them of their goals," Stardust explains.
READ THIS NEXT: What Jewelry You Should Be Wearing, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.
iStockAquarians are highly intellectual, eccentric, and creative. You like to go against the grain and have a naturally unique way of looking at the world.
"As the rebel of the zodiac, there's no better song to describe the absolute boss energy that every Aquarius embodies," Stardust says about "Alien Superstar" by Beyoncé.
She recommends listening to any of the songs on the album Renaissance, but this one will remind you that the world needs out-of-the-box thinkers like you and that you should never let the opinions of others bring you down.
Spiritual, mystical, and intuitive, you have a natural connection to all things creative, Pisces. Your ability to think big and tap into your fantastical side gives you a unique ability to chase your dreams. However, your imagination can also get the best of you; you're very sensitive and tend to withdraw when you need a moment alone.
Rather than run away from your introverted tendencies, why not choose a theme song that embraces them and encourages you to feel your feelings? Stardust recommends "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac.
"Pisces are hopeless romantics who want to believe in the best in others and hold onto the sweet moments of life as long as they can," she says.
Editor's note: A previous version of this story referred to Beyonce's song as "Unique" when it is "Alien Superstar." The story has been updated to reflect this.
Zodiac Signs as Songs From Taylor Swift’s “Midnights” Album
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Must be the season of the Swifties! Before I share which zodiac sign matches each song from Taylor Swift’ Midnights can I ask you a question…? If Taylor Swift isn’t a witch IRL, then why did she debut her 10th studio album Midnights during a Venus cazimi on the eve of Scorpio season? Not that we ever needed a reason to believe that our girl is indeed a mastermind, but I do wanna point out Taylor’s rising sign is sitting right on top of her Mars in Scorpio, which is why she always has the last laugh. In case you haven’t noticed, “she and karma vibe like that.”
If astrology isn’t enough to validate the intensity of her love stories—and the vengeance behind her unfailingly cryptic and strategically written lyrics—Ms. Swift was born with her moon in Cancer, stirring the pot in her 8th house of intimate unions and soul bonds. This makes her emotions all the more intriguing and evocative, because they’re always the source of her next masterpiece. It’s safe to assume that even if she were to forgive the lovers, managers and industry bullies who wronged her in the past, she would still never forget. Comes with the turf when you’re as indestructible as Taylor, but Midnights is proof she’s definitely on her vigilante sh*t again.
By the way, the only thing better than waiting for the clock to strike midnight on October 21 was the fact that an extended album Midnights (3.a.m. Edition)—unbeknownst to us at the time—would be dropping three hours later. Grateful is an understatement, but I digress.
Image: Courtesy of Republic.
“But diesel is desire, you were playing with fire.” This bittersweet melody paints a warlike backdrop, crimson clover, depicting the “bloodshed” and exhaustion that could come with fighting for a difficult relationship. I know what you’re thinking: did being ruled by fiery Mars—God of war—give it away? Perhaps, but you have to admit, when all is said and done, you blindly go to battle for the ones you love.
The title of this track was inspired by an episode of Madmen, where Taylor felt drawn to the 1950s’ phrase “lavender haze.” Turns out it was used to describe that glow of love that surrounds you, upon falling for someone. In other words, why rush things when you can bask in the sweetness of the lavender haze? You take your time, because you’re a Venusian who prefers to go slow, and indulge in every moment, Taurus.
“Do you wish you could still touch her? It’s just a question.” Thanks to your curious planetary ruler, Mercury, you’re naturally inquisitive, and this couldn’t be more of a fit for the seventh track off Midnights. You’re also a brilliant communicator and an avid thinker, which makes you more prone to going down the rabbit hole of thought. A catchy commentary, this song is both opinionated and relentless for answers. Sound about right, Gemini?
Photo: Getty Images.
“Outside, they’re push and shoving, you’re in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing.” Inspired by the simple yet sacred space shared between Taylor and her boyfriend, these soft-hearted lyrics beautifully encompass the ideal *safe haven* you long for the love department, Cancer. You are often recognized for your empathy and nurturing, but with this being your first instinct, many often fail to realize how much you long for the same in return.
“Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man.” No one can cat-eye like you can but when push comes to shove… you don’t get mad, you get even. Be it with your fierce sunkissed glow, or the fashion game you’re slaying during your night out, you always bring it, Leo. You also have no problem cutting people off when needed, even if that means having to re-record six of your albums to put a record executive in his place. Catch my drift?
“What if I told you I’m a mastermind and now you’re mine.” Just the first chords of this song alone remind me of your methodical mind, and everything in-between… but in this last track, Taylor hints at the success of her persistence and strategy to be with her now-boyfriend, after meeting him at the 2016 Met Gala for the first time. As for you, Virgo? You revel in the process and the details of every situation, and your brilliant powers of observation explain why you’re typically 10 steps ahead of everyone around you.
Photo: Getty Images.
“Sweet like justice, karma is a queen.” This wordy banger has your name on it, Libra. After all, your zodiac archetype represents the scales of balance, justice and harmony, making you an advocate for equality. “Spiderboy, king of thieves, weave your little webs of opacity, my pennies made your crown. ” Ruled by Venus, you’re a graceful diplomat because in the end, you believe that what goes around does indeed come right back around.
“I should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis.” Despite your tough and intimidating exterior, you are notorious for being your own worst enemy at times, Scorpio. Being ruled by Pluto also makes you more prone to experiencing cycles of death and rebirth, but the way Taylor humbly speaks on her fears and faces her demons beautifully showcases your ability to regenerate, and rise above the darkness.
“He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain.” Not saying you can’t hold onto a relationship, Sagittarius, but your mutable fire energy is spontaneous and fiercely driven, making you as inspired as you are restless, which is impossible to tame. Taylor (fellow Sagittatius) sings about how she and someone she dated wanted completely different things. This is where your instinct to explore and desire for freedom would be to blame for you changing like midnight.
Photo: Getty Images.
The title speaks for itself but the lyrics “from sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this,” really encapsulates your ruthless perseverance to succeed. The fifth track off Midnights, this song is about a girl who waits for her lover to notice her, while desperately chasing her goals and dreams, which lead to gaining and losing some along the way. It reminds me of your cardinal earth energy, because while your determination is unmatched, it’s important to slow down every once in a while.
“They ask, “Do you have a man?” I could still say, “I don’t remember”.” Everything from the colorful effervescence of this sparkly tune to the lighthearted truth bombs coming from the lyrics perfectly embodies your shimmering presence, Aquarius. “Diamonds in my eyes, I polish up real nice.” Being ruled by galactic Uranus explains why you also stand out in the crown so effortlessly, but Aquarius placements more than often have gleaming diamond eyes. P.S. Taylor’s Venus is in Aquarius!
Similar to the paradox of this title track, your mystique and enigmatic aura can be both beautiful, and haunting, Pisces. “And it’s like snow at the beach, weird but f*cking beautiful, flying in a dream.” The melodic synergy of Taylor and Lana Del Rey also encapsulates the contradiction of your mutable waters, as your emotional waves are both enchanting and perplexing. Taylor also mentioned this song being about the magical serendipity that occurs when two people fall in love with each other at the exact same time, because it feels like a dream.
6 iconic songs - Perfume workshop. — LiveJournal
Probably, in the life of every musician there are iconic songs. Which change something in his life. Me too. Very rarely I bring a pen to paper, and pick it up when everything is already written. And I don't remember how I wrote it, as if it was written by someone else's hand. I think it's called "inspiration". What saves me is that I can write technically, without inspiration. But what is written in one sitting by someone else's hand is a different level of perception of the world, yes.
I will tell you how I wrote some of my songs (one for each year). And if you are interested in the stories of writing some more of my songs, ask in the comments, I will answer everyone in detail. Actually, this post is conceived as a "question-answer".
Justine (2003). Then I read the novel of the same name by de Sade. And when I rode the subway a few days after graduation, the same line was spinning in my head - "Justine will be caught by the bandit Ironheart." In addition to this line there was nothing - but there was a melody. It was my first song in which there was not only a sequence of chords (I played very weakly then), but an original melody, an attempt to compose.
I came home and picked up this tune. And it turned out that it fits well in the Hm key. At that time, I hardly knew how to play barre, and my hand got terribly tired when I had to hold it for a long time. But I tried. And gradually, during the selection of the melody, the words appeared: "... on the pale cold face of a young courtesan, a beautiful Spanish woman." In fact, this song is not readable at all. And I’m sorry that I didn’t have time to record it in normal quality before the injury - when will I be able to barre normally again! ..
But then she was very cool. Especially the 1.5 octave jump at the end of the song. I took it. With difficulty, but he took it. Now I take such things playfully, but how long ago it was! region to PitAccord-2004. A couple of weeks later, I took the "Grand Prix" of the "Green Grand Prix-2004" festival in Grodno with "Justine".
Then the second part appeared - "Juliette" - written to a similar melody (with it I became a laureate of the "Old Town Acting" in Vitebsk).
Bears (2004). More than anything in the world, I hated the couples of a teacher named Georgy Aleksandrovich Vershina. I have never visited anything more boring and meaningless in my life, and nothing was less useful to me. And he led a lot - and all of the internal combustion engines. And everything is boring. And therefore, in all its steam, I brazenly sat (shone) on the first desk and wrote poetry. I tried to write seriously, wisely - from the end of the synopsis. In general, all my notes were filled with poems and songs.
And on the other side of the abstract, I wrote funny quatrains about classmates and fools. And in the course of fooling around, I wrote the text “Bears”. Yes, I forgot about it. What inspired - I do not remember. It seems to be a phrase that every teddy bear holds a knife behind his back. In general, the text was lying around for two months. And then I put it on a standard square of Am and E - and sang at some concert or fest. And the people howled: “Wow!!!” "Yet!!!"
It was a hit for People - and it still is. This miracle took part in the festival once and, of course, received nothing. But at all concerts and parties I had to sing 2-3 times. And I hated the Bears. Moreover, at the suggestion of Volodya Pinaev, "Bears" crawled across the Internet.
Subsequently, a sequel appeared - "Bears-2" and "Bears-3". All songs exist in live recordings, and the original even exists in a semi-studio recording by Python. "Bears" were sung in chorus, with female backing vocals, with percussion, with the magnificent flute of Volodya Ryazansky, sung around the fires by someone who did not even know the author.
The last time I heard them was at the recent "Slavutich" from Sergey Dalchanin and Sasha Mazanik.
"Rome" (2005). I wrote "Rome" in a small notebook, lying on the top shelf on the Minsk-Samara train in the month of June. We went to Grusha, my first Grusha. Me, Lyosha Nezhevets, Vadim Mezetsky and Katya Syurkova. And I wrote Rome.
Shortly before leaving, my mother and I watched on TV a semi-documentary, semi-fiction film about the Roman gladiator Septimus. The film refuted legends about gladiators and told a real story described by some historian. To be honest, there was nothing special about Septimus, except for the name. And I wrote a poem - 12 quatrains, and that's it. And postponed.
I returned to Rome a year later, in 2006. That year, I decided to go to Zilant for the first time - and diligently prepared a “knight-historical” program, because I didn’t know that Zilant accepted everyone. "Rome" more or less fit into the concept. Two weeks before Zilant, I sat at my desk and composed music for an old poem. I put the barre on the 7th fret and came up with it. And he came up with.
The first performance of "Rome" took place on Minstrelnik. I did not qualify for the Tournament, but I got third place, a capo (I still use it) and fingerless gloves (I used it, but lost it). Then I sang terribly. But "Rome" was formed as a song. It seems that he completed about 10 of my concerts - with the last, shock note, with a jerk from a whisper to a roar, a blow to the audience. After "Rome" they didn't even always applaud right away. They sat and were silent, looked at me - and then they unleashed a squall, it happened. Perhaps, after life - also Rome. Listen (sounds dead, sang mediocre).
Alyarin (2006). Yes, it was my very first Zilant. I was sitting on a bench in a shabby jacket and no less torn hiking jeans, and I wrote this song in a school notebook, purchased from a nearby kiosk. Actually, I sat down to write a beautiful poem in order to dedicate it right there to one beautiful mademoiselle whom I met on that Zilante (however, fate brought us together later, from which I am happy to this day). And he wrote - "Alyarin".
Shortly before "Zilant" I went through a wonderful computer quest "Post Mortem". It took place in a rainy night in Paris, in the 30s of the XX century. The protagonist, investigating a crime, has repeatedly visited the Alaric cafe. I just modified the title to be a female name and took advantage of the game's setting.
Especially for reggae, I came up with a very specific fight. The whole song is built on playing with the voice and the difference in volume, but now I can’t take the barre, and therefore I don’t perform it yet (however, Mazanik sings it, and not bad).
It was with Alyarin that I finally won the Slavutich festival (in 2008, I became a laureate there - on the 4th attempt). With Alyarin, I became a laureate of the Old City Act for the second time (in 2006). And received diplomas at a number of festivals.
But the coolest thing we played "Alyarin" with Lyosha Nezhevets in 2007 at the AP festival in Zhlobin, just sitting at the table in company. However, not the last.
By the way, the jury of Channel Two told me that, they say, why is there no morality? The song must have a moral! I laughed. Just laughed. Listen.
Air America (2007). The first time she flew to the United States was then, in the summer of 2007. We tried to meet - not for long, in the summer of 2006, I was given a turn from the gate, but she remained inside me. And when I found out that she flew away - just like that, under the student program, I wrote Air America. I just sat down at the table and wrote - with a pen, on paper, although I had been using a computer for a long time. And I also wrote the story "Quiet Games" - at the same time.
She came back and told me a story. Around the same day (give or take a couple of days) that I wrote Silent Games, she was hit by a car. She was in a coma, but pulled through. The heroine of Quiet Games, who repeats her exactly, has died. And the heroine of "Air America" - too. And when she flew to her America, her plane got into a thunderstorm, it was shaken, and she thought that the plane would fall. That was when I was writing Air America.
I don't remember when I sang it for the first time. I think at a concert in Moscow in 2007, one of the first in Moscow. Earl recorded it, cleaned it up - and it came out a great record. Awesome. The way I will never sing "Air America" again, because in 2008 she flew away again, all according to the same program - and stayed there forever. And I erased it from vkontakte, from the phone book and from myself.
Only Air America remained. Listen.
"Swans" (2008). The story behind this song is simple. I was sitting at the computer at MAZ and thought that I needed to write something. He remembered the name of Maryl (from some Polish fairy tales), remembered the story of swans and nettle shirts, and somehow easily and cleanly rhymed everything that was needed.
At home, he came up with a simple melody and banal chords - clean, smooth, without gaps.
And brought this song to Grusha-2008. I passed round I (I always went through this), II round (this is the second time), III round (for the first time) - and went out with "Swans" to "Guitar". And he played it in front of a crowd of thousands. And it was awesome. I played really really well. I didn't worry at all. Worked like a machine. The song is just so-so, nothing special. She just served me as a ticket to the Pear, that's all. Listen.
In the comments about the songs “Perfumer” , “Jewelers” , “Wilhelm TV” , “Senior” , “Casanova” , “Carlson” , Stalker , , , , “Gameplay” , “Mosquito abyss” , “Annapurna” , “Everything is so” , “Decadent romance” , “Iron Heart” , “Harry Potter is dedicated” , "Judea" and "Isabella pregnant" .
Tags: Music, About me
Video: Five main songs of Alexander Gradsky
"How young we were"
The anthem of the era, the anthem of the generation. The song was written by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. And many people performed it, but only thanks to Gradsky did it become a hit. In his performance, she won the competition "Song-77". By the way, at the request of Gradsky, the song had to be slightly changed. The singer suggested that Pakhmutova make the third verse an octave higher, and the composer agreed.
"Romance of Lovers"
The first film for which Gradsky composed music was "Romance of Lovers" by Andrei Konchalovsky. The "youthful" mood of the film required that the music in it be young and modern. Therefore, the invitation of Alexander Gradsky - a twenty-five-year-old graduate of the Institute. Gnessin as a composer was natural. Alexander Gradsky not only created music about his generation, but also performed all the male parts in the film, reincarnating both vocally and figuratively.
"Blue Forest"
Another famous song from the "Skomorokhi" group, founded by Gradsky in the mid-1960s. "Skomorokhov" can be safely called the founders of Russian rock. In this song, Gradsky is a true lyricist.
"Prisoner of If Castle"
As Alexander Gradsky recalled, it was not easy to work on the music for Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich's film based on Dumas' famous book. Although both considered the joint project an incredible success. Iconic work. The film's soundtrack combined symphonic, electronic and rock music. After the film came the album "Monte Cristo".
"Song of a friend"
Brilliant dedication to Vladimir Vysotsky. “In my song about Vysotsky there are pieces that coincide with the melodies of Vysotsky himself, which even somewhat coincide with the song from the movie “Officers,” said Alexander Gradsky in an interview on his 55th birthday. “And then there is another music. But this can be done, because this is a song about Vysotsky, conveying his intonations. All this is called "imitation" in the composer's language. For example, I also have the song "Imitation of Okudzhava", which begins like this: "I will bury a grape seed in the ground .. ." - and then another music goes on. And I have a different one ... He doesn’t have this, but since this song is called “Imitation of Okudzhava”, I try to connect with his time through music ... In short, this is an ordinary artistic device! ..."
Alexander Gradsky's quotes:
- Milk will turn sour, but real music will never.
- Pop is when it's bad. When it's good, it's popular music.
- Music exists to express the main and inexplicable.
- When I am absolutely sure that this person is exactly mine, that he should be in our team, I want to listen to the speech almost to the end in order to see what to point out later. Garipova sang - I was absolutely convinced that I would turn around, but I was wondering how she would sing the next phrase, I did not want to stop her.