Words rhyme with learn
burn, churn, dern, durn, earn, erne, ...
Pure Rhymes – 63 rhymes
Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.
- ears burn
- have money to burn
- make one's ears burn
- money to burn
- slow burn
- in return
- stem to stern
- at every turn
- call the turn
- do one a good turn
- done to a turn
- in turn
- know which way to turn
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a new turn
- take a turn
- talk out of turn
- tide turn
- to a turn
- u turn
- worm may turn
End Rhymes – 91 rhymes
Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.
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Near Rhymes – 816 rhymes
Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.
- fiddle while rome burns
- by turns
- take turns
- make a stir
- as it were
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Mosaic Rhymes
Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."
One-syllable words do not have mosaic rhymes.
Words That Rhyme with Learn - Learn Rhymes
We found 57 rhyming words for Learn. These rhymes are great for any poet, rapper, singer, songwriter,etc who is struggling to find words that rhyme with learn. You can click on the word you like for more information or for fun you can Unscramble learn
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We found 57 rhymes for Learn
You can browse the rhymes for Learn below. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
Rhyme | Len. | Syllables | PoS |
Adjourn | 7 | 2 | verb |
Ahearn | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Ahern | 5 | 2 | noun? |
Aherne | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Alpern | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Amburn | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Bern | 4 | 1 | noun |
Berne | 5 | 1 | noun |
Burn | 4 | 1 | noun, verb |
Burne | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Byrne | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Cern | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Chern | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Cherne | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Churn | 5 | 1 | verb, noun |
Concern | 7 | 2 | noun, verb |
Dern | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Discern | 7 | 2 | verb |
Downturn | 8 | 2 | noun |
Earn | 4 | 1 | verb |
Erne | 4 | 1 | noun |
Fearn | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Fern | 4 | 1 | noun |
Hearn | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Hearne | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Heartburn | 9 | 2 | noun |
Hern | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Herne | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Hirn | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Hurn | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Kearn | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Kern | 4 | 1 | verb, noun |
Kirn | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Mckern | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Obyrne | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Overturn | 8 | 3 | verb, noun |
Return | 6 | 2 | noun, verb |
Sauterne | 8 | 2 | noun |
Spurn | 5 | 1 | verb |
Stearn | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Stearne | 7 | 1 | noun? |
Stern | 5 | 1 | noun, adjective satellite |
Sterne | 6 | 1 | noun |
Stirn | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Sturn | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Sunburn | 7 | 2 | noun, verb |
Taciturn | 8 | 3 | adjective |
Thurn | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Turn | 4 | 1 | noun, verb |
Unconcern | 9 | 3 | noun |
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Wonder of wonders. The word is the thinnest touch to the heart - Teacher's newspaper
With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, With a word you can lead shelves behind you. Words can be sold, and betrayed, and bought, Words can be poured into smashing lead. Vadim SHEFNER
If there are things in the world worthy of the name "miracle", then the word is undoubtedly the first and most wonderful of them. A thousand years ago, our ancestors used the same words as we do: "eat" and "drink", "I" and "you", "mother" and "child", "sun" and "sea".
“Words are stronger than bronze and ancient pyramids,” said the Roman poet Horace in his poems almost 2,000 years ago. Sophist Gorgias, who lived in ancient Greece, wrote: “The Word is a great ruler, who, having a very small and completely invisible body, performs wonderful deeds. For it can expel fear, and destroy sadness, and inspire joy, and awaken compassion ... The power of persuasion, which is inherent in the word, forms the soul as it wants. This saying is still relevant today. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences P.P. Goryaev experimentally proved that words that carry negative information destroy a living cell, and words full of love and kindness heal it.
The word is a deep source well. And from it you can scoop up a little water, you can - more, a whole bucket, you can get many buckets of water, and still not scoop it out. So I want to convey to children an understanding of the whole depth of the word, all its meanings, all shades.
Walking along the linden alley of the kindergarten, we describe the trees, the grass, and talk about what color they are. We learn to distinguish hundreds of shades in this green color. Is it possible to compare spring, May tender greenery with September? Is it true that on the same tree all the leaves are green in the same way: both those in the shade and those that shine under the rays of the sun? You have to use a lot of different words to name all the shades of only one color. And how many of them do you need to describe the picture of late autumn, and at the same time convey all the feelings that you experience while admiring its beauty?! Difficult? Yes, it is difficult. But I have someone to learn from! Poets and writers - keepers of the imperishable Russian word.
Reading works about the late autumn of Pushkin, Bunin, Yesenin to children, I try to evoke in them a feeling of solemn and majestic, which lies in the confident hope of a person that nature is eternally alive, and its withering is also part of a permanent life, a necessary strict ritual changes that do not violate, but give nature a special beauty.
When I think about the great power of the word, I rhyme lines:
There are many shades in itself,
The sound is no more than clothes.
Each of the words has its own soul,
It looks like the soul of the speaker.
I strive to ensure that this life-giving source - the richness of native speech - is open to children from the first steps of their preschool life. “Journeying” to the life-giving source, I make sure that the guys feel the beauty of the language, take care of the word. After all, the speech culture of a person is a mirror of his spiritual culture. Therefore, I believe that the most important means of influencing a child, ennobling his feelings, soul, thoughts, experiences are the beauty and grandeur, strength and expressiveness of the native word. The role of this tool in preschool age, where each encounter with a new phenomenon of the surrounding world awakens a feeling of amazement in the hearts of children, cannot be overestimated.
We traveled through the forest, meadow, garden, and the word became in my hands a tool with which I opened the children's eyes to the richness of the surrounding world. Feeling, experiencing the beauty of what they saw and heard, the children perceived the subtlest shades of the word, and through the word beauty entered their soul. "Journeys" into nature were the first impetus for creativity. The children had a desire to convey their feelings and experiences, to talk about beauty. Children of senior preschool age orally composed miniature essays about nature: “Oh, how beautiful it is in the garden when apple trees bloom. White flowers opened their petals to the sun. The breeze sways the flowers, and they ring like bells. The whole garden is ringing, smiling at the sun. And when the wind subsides, you can hear the buzzing of bees” (Sasha K. ). “In August, stars fall from the sky. There is a large clearing in the dark forest. A star fell from the sky into a clearing. A purple flower bloomed ”(Christina L.). “The sun woke up the forest. Melted a snowflake on top of a pine tree. A hot drop fell on the snow. Broke through a snowdrift and dry grass. Where she fell, a green arrow appeared. And a blue bell bloomed on it. He looks at the snow and wonders: “Did I wake up early?”. “No, it’s not too early, it’s time, it’s time,” the birds sang. And spring came" (Olya M.).
These and other compositions by the guys are the result of my work. I strive to ensure that ideas about the object, the phenomenon of the surrounding world enter not only into their consciousness, but also into their soul and heart. It would be naive to expect that a child, under the influence of the beauty of nature, will immediately compose a descriptive story. F Creativity does not come. right away, creativity must be L taught. The child will compose an essay only when he hears a description of nature from the educator.
The first essay I read to the children was composed by me on | bank of the pond in the quiet evening hour. I tried to make the guys understand and feel how a visual image can be conveyed in words. At first, the children repeated my own compositions, gradually they moved on to an independent description of the pictures of nature that excited them: the individual process of children's creativity began.
The beauty of the word is best embodied in poetry. Admiring the poem, the children hear the music of the word, getting real pleasure and repeating the words sunk into the soul.
I am an educator, a bit of a poet at heart, so every time I use every opportunity to awaken poetic inspiration in children's hearts, so that the word acquires an individual poetic sound in the soul of each child.
Quiet winter morning. Trees in white frost. The branches covered with thin, like needles, ice floes seem to be forged from silver. We head towards the linden alley, trying not to touch the branches, so as not to break the charm of the unique beauty. We stop, I read poems by Pushkin, Fet about winter. Impressed by poetry and beauty, children find words that can be used to draw the image of a tree covered with hoarfrost, and compose a poem in which bright fantastic images from fairy tales created earlier come to life:
The magic blacksmith came,
brought a golden forge,
Melted silver in it,
poured all the lindens in the alley… how to teach to write and read. For some children, this spring beats more strongly, for others it is weaker.
Poetic creativity is the highest level of speech culture, it elevates a person. It is very important that this most subtle sphere of creativity be a deeply personal, heartfelt affair of every child. I do not see anything exceptional in the fact that some of my pupils compose their first children's poems; this is a normal play of spiritual forces, an ordinary creative spark, without which it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged childhood. It gives me special joy when children read their poems, as their content, the coloring of words help me understand the soul of a child.
After all, every child is a unique microcosm, existing, developing, analyzing, making and correcting his mistakes, striving to achieve heights known to him alone, building his own children's philosophy, his own view of the world of words.
The word is the thinnest touch to the heart: it can become both a delicate, fragrant flower, and living water, restoring faith in goodness, and a sharp knife, picking at the delicate tissue of the soul, and red-hot iron, and clods of dirt...
A word can hurt and heal, sow confusion and plunge into despondency, create a smile and cause tears, give rise to faith in a person and instill unbelief, inspire work and numb the strength of the soul.
I am a teacher and, thinking about the power of the word, about its impact on the child, I know for sure that the word is not a soap bubble flying in the wind. This is the tool of my work, this is a continuous effort: it must come from the heart and penetrate into the soul of every child, grow stronger and sprout.
The closer I got to know the pupils, the more I became convinced that one of the important tasks that I face is the return of childhood to those who are deprived of it in the family. For seven years of work in a kindergarten, I was convinced that if a small child fails to regain faith in goodness and justice, he will never be able to feel a person in himself, experience self-esteem. Such a pupil becomes embittered, for him there is nothing sacred and sublime in life, the word of the educator does not reach the depths of his heart.
Straightening the soul of such a child is one of the most difficult tasks of an educator; in this most delicate painstaking work the main test of philanthropy takes place.
To be a human expert means not only to see and feel how a child learns good and evil, but also to protect a tender child's heart.
Looking into children's eyes - brown, blue, green - I think: will there be enough goodness and warmth in me to warm their hearts and protect them from evil?
I remembered the words of Vasily Sukho-mlinsky: “What a beloved teacher says is perceived by a child in a completely different way than what a person who is despised by him, an alien to him, says. ” I educate by word and personal example, children read goodness, truth, beauty in my words and deeds. Behind my every word is warmth, cordiality, sincerity.
Today, more than ever, it is especially important for a teacher to arouse interest in a sounding word, to teach children to feel its true taste and purpose, to promote the formation of a spiritual personality, relying on the creative potential of each child and developing it. The achievement of this goal is facilitated by comprehensive work on the word as a means for expressing ideas, concepts, judgments and feelings.
And I am sure that this path will help the child to become a highly moral, kind and honest person.
Following this path, the child will receive strong protection from evil, cruelty, and rudeness. But it also depends on the natural giftedness of the child, and on the spiritual energy invested in him by the family, and on the atmosphere in general in which he grows and is brought up.
This is a long and painstaking process that requires a certain system, pedagogical ingenuity and invention, practical experience, and one should not be upset by the first difficulties and failures that will undoubtedly arise on this path.
Therefore, today the direction of my pedagogical activity is to awaken and preserve in children a keen interest in the world of words: big and small, simple and complex, funny and sad, good and evil, so that children feel, feel the word, penetrate into its deep meaning, gain the ability to "live" in the word.
Teaching a child to play with rhymes. A selection of rhymes and couplets for the game "think up a rhyme" (expansion of vocabulary) Didactic game pick up a rhyme in the senior group
Elena Shakurova
Didactic game for the development of speech "Choose a rhyme"
Mice are very fond of. (cheese) .
in the blue sea. (ships) .
shines in the night sky. (moon) .
Mom got burned. (pie) .
9We washed 0002 with my mother. (floors) .is carrying sand to us. (truck) .
trumpets us with its trunk. (elephant) .
go to a nursery. (babies)
hanging pear. (high)
I am not vaccinated. (I'm afraid) .
the ship landed on the bottom. (stranded) .
buzzing outside the window. (bumblebee) .
I had a milky one. (tooth) .
wags its tail. (puppy) .
on a large hillock. (house)
I undermined. (pencil) .
We are going tomorrow with dad to. (circus) .
very sharp. (knife) .
sped off into the distance my sonorous. (ball)
with pancakes is good. (sour cream) .
frost red. (nose) .
at a red light of course. (stop)
give us a cough. (syrup)
soared into the air. (ball)
fragrant blossoms in the forest. (lily of the valley) .
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Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the author's game "Pick up a chip". This didactic manual will be useful for both educators.
PICK THE CUPS TO THE SAUCERS ”The purpose of the game: to teach children the main colors - red, yellow, green, blue; and also to teach how to group objects.
Hello, dear colleagues, I suggest you get acquainted with the author's game. The game is intended for children of primary preschool age.
The didactic game is called: "Pick up the petal". The purpose of this game is: to enrich the children's vocabulary. The game is intended for the age.
Educator: Lebedeva Ekaterina Andreevna Didactic game "Pick up the windows to the house" The didactic game is intended for second children.
Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes, exercise in their name. Learn to match to a given geometric pattern.
The game is intended for older preschool children. Purpose of the game: to learn to read syllables and words. Tasks: - to teach the child to make words.
Didactic game "Pick up the Christmas tree fence" Koroleva Ekaterina Alexandrovna Didactic game for children of the second junior group "Pick up.
Purpose. To teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships, to select rhyming words.
Lesson progress
The teacher draws the children's attention to the sheets of paper and "washers" (chips) lying in front of each of them.
“Have you forgotten the hockey game? the teacher is interested. And he clarifies: “The impact and where can the puck be?”
Listens to the children's answers, suggests the direction of the puck's flight, for example: "The puck flies over the goal, to the left of it."
The teacher calls a child who wants to report from the hockey field (the child answers from the spot). Then another child comments on the training of hockey players. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.
The educator, standing behind the children, observes who moves the puck on a piece of paper in order to work out with some of the children individually later.
“Today I won't offer you coffee because we're going to play the game 'Tell me the word' ('Pick up the rhyme'), says the teacher. - A very famous poetess Elena Blaginina composed cunning poems. Listen to them carefully."
The teacher reads a poem by E. Blaginina "There is still a game...":
It's snowing outside,
The holiday is coming soon...
- New Year.
Softly glowing needles,
Coniferous spirit comes from…
– Fir-trees!
Branches faintly rustle,
Beads are bright ...
- Shine.
(“Maybe they are sparkling? Hissing?”)
And toys are swinging -
Flags, stars…
– Flappers!
(“Not cuckoos? Not frogs? And, of course, not ears?”)
Threads of colorful tinsel,
Bells ...
- Balloons!
(“Balls or gifts?”)
Fragile figurines of fish,
Birds, skiers…
– Snow Maidens!
White-beard and red-nosed,
Under the branches of Grandfather…
- Frost!
Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic: “I dreamed ...” Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”
Purpose. To teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements.
Lesson progress
“Today we will learn to speak correctly again,” the teacher begins the lesson. Let's talk about New Year's Eve. All people, adults and children, were waiting for the New Year: gifts, guests, travel, beautiful Christmas trees. Tell us what you dreamed about before the New Year and how you spent the New Year holidays.
The teacher listens to the child's story, makes the necessary corrections, and asks clarifying questions. Then he evaluates the answer, noting its logic, expressiveness (unusual comparisons, emotionality).
Calls 2-3 more guys.
He tries to listen to the stories of those children who spent the New Year holidays in different ways.
It is also desirable to listen to a child experiencing various kinds of difficulties in mastering his native language. But this child must be prepared in advance and together with the children rejoice at his success.
In order to add variety to the conversation, to please the children, you can conduct a didactic game "Choose a rhyme" using the following works:
– There are all sorts of people walking around here, look!
- Looks evil at the cat ... (mouse).
– Is it enough, little mouse, to be angry?
- Chirped ... (titmouse).
Didn't say anything
Sleeping under the bed... (dog).
E. Lavrentieva "Choose a rhyme"
* * *
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and… (face).
My dear children!
I beg you very, very much:
Wash more cleanly, wash more often -
I'm dirty ... (I can't stand it).
Y. Tuwim. "Letter to all children on one very important matter", trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkov
On the cheerful,
On the green
Horizon Islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone walks ... (on their heads).
In the mountains
On a scooter
They go there
Gobies… (in a tomato)!
And one scientist cat
Even drives ... (helicopter).
Ya. Bezheva. "On the Horizon Islands", trans. from Polish B. Zakhoder
Lesson 2. Reading the story of S. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus"
Purpose. To introduce children to a new work of art, to help them understand why it is a story and not a fairy tale.
Preliminary work. Having replenished the corner of the book with new collections of works, the teacher invites the children to find fairy tales, stories, poems. You can divide the children into three groups. The first group will select fairy tales, the second - stories, the third - poems. Groups of children will work in rotation, with each successive group looking at the books of the previous group(s) to determine if they have any of the items they want to select.
Lesson progress
The teacher evaluates the work of children (their diligence and conscientiousness). Then he looks through the first stack of books. It is better to start with collections of poems. Often children attribute fairy tales by A. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky to poetry. The teacher finds out whether this is legal, and to which group of works this or that book still belongs.
“This is a fairy tale in verse,” the teacher explains.
The next group of children proves that the books they have chosen are fairy tales (stories).
After evaluating the knowledge and intelligence of the children, the teacher reads to them S. Georgiev's story "I saved Santa Claus" (see Appendix). Then he is interested in whether they liked the new work, and whether it is a fairy tale or a story.
Mastering the concept of rhyme by preschoolers with OHP
Purpose: the formation of children's ideas about rhyme, the development of children's speech through the use of an artistic word, through the use of poetic rhyme.
Tasks: to develop the ability to select a rhyme that is similar in meaning to a prepared quatrain, the ability of children to invent short quatrains, create a joyful mood, positive emotions, cultivate interest in poetry, poetic creativity.
Brief description: this material is intended for conducting GCD with older preschoolers and children of primary school age.
Mastering the concept of rhyme by preschoolers with OHP. Guidelines
With the development of phonemic perception, children with speech disorders, listening to the sounds of speech, comparing words according to sound models and finding similarities and differences in them, learn to feel the rhythm, rhyme, participate in the formation of language instinct. Their favorite exercises are game rhymes.
I bring to your attention the material that I use in my work.
Topics: “Sound [r]”; "Related Words"
Our fins would grow,
We would swim like ... (fish).
I would wave my flexible tail
And frolic like ... (fish).
Here he picks crumbs off the hook
Very small ... (fish).
Swims up, looking for food,
Large ... (fish).
“Eh. Lost my catch! -
I got angry ... (fisherman), -
The fish does not bite in any way,
It can be seen that I am bad ... (fisherman).
Almost crying from resentment,
But he sits all day ... (fishing).
The fisherman is terribly sorry,
What failed ... (fishing).
Speech therapist reads a poem, children add the sound combination TRY:
Our sister's kittens are s... ry, their paws are fast,
Their claws are sharp, their coats are dog... ry, and their eyes are hi... ry!
"Pot of porridge" (sound automation [l])
Children pronounce the syllable LA in incomplete words.
Boiling porridge in a pot..,
Hissing.., puffing..,
Lifting the lid..,
And crawling out...
With a hundred.., then with a hundred..,
The whole apartment is occupied..,
Carefully the door is open..,
Roll down the stairs..,
Float along the way..,
Burned Masha porridge..,
Dasha’s porridge crawled into her mouth…
And ran into our pockets..,
Run into our sleeves…
And run down the fingers of a hundred…
Our entire city was flooded…
Miracles! Well de...!
Guys, let's play soon.
We will choose different words!
Say any words, okay?
But only such that it turns out ... (smoothly).
Speech therapist throws the ball and pronounces a word, the one who catches the ball answers with a word consonant with the name: stove - river, sheep, candle, heart, porch, ring;
bird - titmouse, match, tablet, pigtail ...
"Help and deceiver"
Rhyme can be a help. By rhyme, you can guess, for example, what kind of animal it is.
Instead of wool, the needles are all over,
The enemy of mice is prickly ...
The beast wears a horn on its nose
And is called ...
Among the animals is reputed to be a king,
His name is fearless ...
A log floats along the river.
Oh, and it's furious!
Those who fell into the river,
bite off their nose ...
Can swim all day
In ice-cold water ...
She knows a lot about sheep
Ferocious gray ...
Lucky on oneself
Own house ...
And here are the verses with a rhyme-deceiver: one word is guessed, and the rhyme suggests a completely different one.
What the master says,
He will calmly repeat.
Ah yes voice, ah yes hearing!
What a smart girl…
Honey with raspberries is a dish
Food for...
I dig a hole day and night,
I don’t know the sun at all,
You won’t find my eyes…,
And my name is…
Underground, breaking through a hole,
Sleeping tired. ..
Lives calmly, not in a hurry.
Wears a shield just in case.
On land and in water -
Everywhere it is its own,
Live at least three hundred years
Maybe ...
On two legs from all chases
The swift-footed one will rush off ...
Here, guys, miracles -
Brings honey to the hive ...
Two stacks of paired pictures are selected for the game. Their names in the first pile rhyme with the names of the pictures in the second pile. One child takes a picture, the other finds a picture with a rhyming word.
Have you tried writing poetry? Some people do it, and it's good. This kind of creativity is not that rare among people. True, it is not easy to compose real, good poems, but it is even more difficult to teach this to children. We will not teach, we will play. Maybe some of them will actually learn how to compose, while others will enjoy the game and learn how to think.
For children, the process of writing poetry begins with the ability to select rhymes. Although rhyming games are used by teachers in working with children, they are rare. In part, this can be explained by a small number of options for gaming exercises. This is mainly the selection of consonant words and the frequently encountered game "Tell me a word." In the methodological literature, they are presented by A.K. Bondarenko, G.A. Tumakova and others. The limited number of goals and objectives implemented in these games also explains the little interest in them on the part of teachers. But not children!
What does rhyme mean for children? According to K. Chukovsky, a child has a great desire to rhyme words: “Every rhyme gives a child special joy. And rhyme is even sweeter for groups of children than for this or that child individually.” On the impact of rhyme on the child's psyche L.M. Malysheva says this: “Children feel the charm of consonant words and lines very early, often they themselves begin to rhyme in infancy. It is very important to maintain this interest, because a sense of rhyme, like a sense of rhythm, is one of the steps on the way to understanding poetry, its conventionality, its special language.
The pedagogical expediency of games with rhymes can be explained by the value they contain. Rhyme is a pair category. In it, one word necessarily implies another. J. Rodari, reflecting on the nature of creativity, notes that the cognitive function of rhyme explains why rhyme gives children more pleasure than simple consonance. He writes: "Phonetic similarity makes the poet look for semantic connections between words - thus, phonetics gives rise to thought."
By conducting games with the children of the “Pick up a rhyme” series, we, in essence, introduce children to the mechanism for selecting rhymes when composing poems, riddles, etc. It is very important that these game exercises constitute a system of classes for teaching children the technique of versification. You can start playing with simple options already with children of 5 years old and continue throughout the school year with the children of the preparatory group for school, and then after, with schoolchildren. Schoolchildren can be offered not only to pick up rhymes, but also to compose similar exercises themselves.
It is best to acquaint preschoolers with the concept of "rhyme" in the chapter "How Dunno wrote poetry" from N. Nosov's book. Can't think of a better explanation! And it turns out that you can choose rhymes in different ways :
1. Select consonant words orally or from pictures:
Bunny - polar cod; globe - bus.
2. It is necessary to find the rhyme "hidden" in the object itself:
Goby - barrel; goat - eyes.
3 . The name of the item in one picture must be rhymed with the name of the part of the item shown in the second picture:
Mouse - saucepan - lid; ear - bulb - husk.
4. In order to rhyme the name of the first picture with the name of the second, you need to name the object shown in the second picture in a different way:
a) Name the object with a generalizing word:
Pillow - doll - toy; door - bear - beast.
b) Choose a synonym for the name of the item:
Cat - basket - basket; shelf - basket - purse.
c) Give the object a descriptive description:
Lake - Baba Yaga - villainess; carrot - fox - cheat.
d) Choose a metaphor:
Bank - steering wheel - steering wheel; leaves - broom - Anisya.
e) Rhyme can reflect relationships and connections between objects:
Bones - children - guests; pen - girl - granddaughter.
5. To find a rhyme for the name of the first object, you need to think and guess:
a) Who or what can the object depicted in the second picture become:
Drum - lamb - ram; rhinoceros - milk - cottage cheese.
b) Who or what was the object shown in the second picture:
Lollipop - crow - chick; foam - Pinocchio - log.
6. The name of the first picture rhymes with the name of the item in the second picture in a diminutive form:
Cat - fish - small fish; ring - coat - coat.
7 . To get a rhyme, you need to change both words (picture names):
a) Form the plural of nouns:
Axe, ball. Axes - balls.
Can, tank. Banks are tanks.
b) Form new words using suffixes:
Flag, iron. Checkbox - iron.
Boy, hat. The little boy is a hat.
8 . The name of the item shown in the picture must be rhymed with an adjective.
Peas - ruffled; shovels - shaggy.
9. The name of the object shown in the picture should be rhymed with the verb:
Shark - dived; titmouse - dreams.
10. The name of the item shown in the picture should be rhymed with an adverb:
Chocolate - sweet; elephant - quiet.
The selection of rhymes in such creative games stimulates the mental activity of children. To arouse in a child the desire to think, to revolve in the cycle of thoughts, logical tasks, to revive his ideas - this is the implementation of the "principle of the optimal correlation of the processes of development and self-development" (N.