Words rhyming with language

Near rhymes with languageB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 interlanguage intuhrlaangg_wij 2933 Definition
2 bandage baandij 2853 Definition
3 advantage uhdvaantij 2842 Definition
4 advantaged aadvaantij_d 2842 Definition
5 disadvantage disuhdvaantij 2842 Definition
6 disadvantaged disuhdvaantij_d 2842 Definition
7 vantage vaantij 2842 Definition
8 sandwich saan_dwich 2820 Definition
9 appendage uhpendij 2781 Definition
10 assemblage uhsemb_lij 2774 Definition
11 tentage tentij 2764 Definition
12 percentage p_rsentij 2764 Definition
13 manage maanij 2701 Definition
14 messuage meswij 2689 Definition
15 cambridge ke_imb_rij 2684 Definition
16 babbidge baabij 2661 Definition
17 linkage lingkij 2658 Definition
18 shrinkage sh_ringkij 2610 Definition
19 damage daamij 2598 Definition
20 salvage saalvij 2572 Definition
21 vintage vintij 2569 Definition
22 eldridge eld_rij 2568 Definition
23 baggage baagij 2566 Definition
24 passage paasij 2561 Definition
25 knightsbridge nah_it_sb_rij 2551 Definition
26 backstitch baaks_tich 2550 Definition
27 greenwich g_renich 2549 Definition
28 rampage raampe_ij 2536 Definition
29 frontage f_rantij 2526 Definition
30 poundage pah_uundij 2525 Definition
31 ravage raavij 2524 Definition
32 cabbage kaabij 2510 Definition
33 carriage kaarij 2510 Definition
34 disparage dis_paarij 2510 Definition
35 miscarriage miskaarij 2510 Definition
36 package paakij 2510 Definition
37 umbrage amb_rij 2507 Definition
38 breakage b_re_ikij 2506 Definition
39 tallage taalij 2504 Definition
40 savage saavij 2504 Definition
41 marriage maarij 2504 Definition
42 intermarriage intuhrmaarij 2504 Definition
43 average aavrij 2501 Definition
44 presage p_resij 2496 Definition
45 adage aadij 2495 Definition
46 mortgage mawrgij 2479 Definition
47 burgage berrgij 2479 Definition
48 leakage leekij 2475 Definition
49 message mesij 2475 Definition
50 vestige ves_tij 2475 Definition
51 wastage we_is_tij 2474 Definition
52 eldritch eld_rich 2473 Definition
53 bondage bondij 2470 Definition
54 brigandage b_riguhndij 2470 Definition
55 cordage kawrdij 2470 Definition
56 drawbridge d_rawb_rij 2470 Definition
57 footbridge futb_rij 2470 Definition
58 garbage garrbij 2470 Definition
59 herbage herrbij 2470 Definition
60 soakage suh_uukij 2470 Definition
61 trowbridge t_ruh_uub_rij 2470 Definition
62 wordage werrdij 2470 Definition
63 yardage yarrdij 2470 Definition
64 hostage hostij 2459 Definition
65 hermitage herrmitij 2459 Definition
66 heritage heritij 2459 Definition
67 equipage ekwipij 2459 Definition
68 dotage duh_uutij 2459 Definition
69 cartridge karrt_rij 2459 Definition
70 cartage karrtij 2459 Definition
71 cabotage kaabuhtij 2459 Definition
72 anecdotage aanikduh_uutij 2459 Definition
73 outage ah_uutij 2459 Definition
74 parentage pe_uhruhntij 2459 Definition
75 partridge parrt_rij 2459 Definition
76 voltage vuh_ultij 2459 Definition
77 slippage s_lipij 2459 Definition
78 shortage shawrtij 2459 Definition
79 seepage seepij 2459 Definition
80 scutage s_k_yuutij 2459 Definition
81 reportage ripawrtij 2459 Definition
82 postage puh_uus_tij 2459 Definition
83 portage portij 2459 Definition
84 pilotage pah_iluhtij 2459 Definition
85 undercarriage anduhrkaarij 2450 Definition
86 wreckage rekij 2446 Definition
87 empennage empenij 2443 Definition
88 norwich norwich 2437 Definition
89 microswitch mah_ik_ruh_uus_wich 2437 Definition
90 baronetage baaruhnetij 2436 Definition
91 selfridge sel_frij 2431 Definition
92 image imij 2420 Definition
93 cleavage k_leevij 2392 Definition
94 pilgrimage pilg_rimij 2386 Definition
95 plumage p_luumij 2386 Definition
96 scrummage s_k_ramij 2385 Definition
97 rummage ramij 2385 Definition
98 unabridged anuhb_rij_d 2380 Definition
99 bridge b_rij 2380 Definition

What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

Rhyming Words and Word Families, Gr. K, eBook – Creative Teaching Press

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10 Matching Games That Reinforce Basic Skills

What's Inside. ..
Each Language Games Galore! book features 10 ready-to-use games and 10 reproducible activity pages designed to reinforce essential language skills. The titles focus on a variety of standards-based language arts concepts and include the following:

  • Interactive, hands-on, full-color card stock cards and answer keys
  • Games and reproducibles designed for varying ability levels that allow students to play independently while the teacher works with small groups
  • Reproducibles that are perfect for review practice, extension activities, assessment tools, or homework assignments
  • Suggestions for preparing the game materials
  • Explicit instructions for implementing the games and tips for trouble-free game play
  • Additional ways to use the game pieces
  • A blank game template reproducible students and teachers can use to create their own games

Begin using Language Games Galore! Rhyming Words and Word Families eBook today. The standards-based games and activities in this resource can be used to supplement, enhance, or enrich any language arts program.

Please note: The second half of this book is made up of game cards that, in the hard-copy version, are printed in full color on perforated card stock and can be punched out. In the eBook version of this title, game cards are not on perforated card stock.

Curious about this product? Check out this fun How-to-Use Video!

Check out the sample pages for game tips and additional ways to use the cards!

This product is also available as an Interactive Learning Game. Click here to view all Interactive Learning Games.

Did You Know?

  • Students can play the games almost anywhere—on the floor, on a desk, or in a pocket chart!
  • Every game plays by an identical set of rules and directions, so once students learn how to play one game, they have learned how to play all 10 games.
  • Each game has a different colored/designed border to differentiate among the games and facilitate clean-up and organization.
  • Playing games is a fun way to reinforce skills!



Author Stephen J. Davis
Fiction/Nonfiction Nonfiction
Weight 5.0 oz
Pages 36




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Funny pairs of English words

English does not seem too poetic to me, but it is a pleasure to pronounce and hear some English words. For example: higgledy piggledy, hugger mugger, topsy turvy and pell mell. Most of these words rhyme, that is, they have the same final sound, but a different initial one.

The combination of similarities and differences can give us a little push to understand the meaning of the couple, because they all mean the same thing - a situation where everything is confused, in a mess, upside down or scattered everywhere. For example: “My house is all topsy turvy, everything is all over the place” or “Sorry everything is so higgledy piggledy, I will tidy up later“.

Other interesting-sounding examples of rhyming compounds include: hurly burly, super duper, itty bitty, razzle-dazzle, bees knees, and lovey dovey. In most of these stable combinations, the first word conveys the possible meaning of the whole couple, which the second word reinforces, for example, lovey from love and dovey from dove (a dove symbolizing love) are combined to describe an overly sentimental expression of love.

Other compound words include nitty gritty (as in the sentence “Let's get down to the nitty gritty” – let's get down to business) and wheeler dealer (“He's a bit of a wheeler dealer“, which means a person who cleverly uses any opportunities for self-enrichment).

Dilly dally is another interesting sounding combination made popular by entertainer Mary Lloyd. This verb, consisting of two words with the same consonant sounds, means “to hesitate”, “to waste time, not daring to do something”. Another similar word that we all know is ping pong, or table tennis. Zig zag, wishy washy, see saw, and mish mash are other examples of common compound words formed by consonants.

There are also phrases that can be used separately, but in direct proximity carry a greater semantic charge, for example: “They were a dream team the year they won the double.”

There are also short phrases of two words connected by an article or conjunction, for example: “I want some peace and quiet“. The phrase “I do not want to be the life and soul of the party, but I will just grin and bear it till the party is finished” uses common nominal and verbal phrases.

Rearranging the words in these phrases leads to a loss of meaning, so the correct word will always be peace and quiet, not quiet and peace. Here and there is a typical adverbial phrase with stable elements, while short and sweet is an example of an adjectival phrase.

With the help of rhyme and repetition, children learn to speak more easily, so it is quite natural that there are so many phrases with repetitions. Try to learn some of them, and then gradually try to use them in your speech. You will not have time to look back, and you will speak like a native speaker.

image: pauly_march

Rhymes to words in English: search and selection of rhymes

Rhyme is the repetition of the same or similar sound combinations at the end of two or more words. Rhyme is used in poems and songs, which gives them a special charm to attract the attention of the listener. Rhymes make speech pleasant to the ear. Most often, the last words in the lines rhyme.

There are rhymes:
  • complete - the coincidence of all sounds after the stressed vowel: tight - light;
  • incomplete - repetition of consonants or vowels: worth - forth, sale - rain;
  • compound - phrases rhyme: bottom - shot him;
  • visual - words whose spelling is partially the same, but the words themselves sound different: wood - blood.

  • Again - men, ten, then, when.
  • All - ball, call, doll, curl, girl, fall, mall, roll, small, soul, tall, wall, world.
  • Alone - flown, home, own, phone, stone.
  • Back - attack, black, crack, hack, pack, track.
  • Believe – eve, live, leave.
  • Best - chest, crest, quest, rest, test, west.
  • Better – matter.
  • Body – beauty, dirty, party.
  • Book - brook, cook, hook, look, took.
  • Boy destroy, employ, enjoy, joy, toy.
  • Care bear, hair, pair, share, square, there, wear, where.
  • Chance – dance, ends, fans, France, friends, hands, romance, sense, tense.
  • Change – range, strange.
  • Child – mild, smiled, wild.
  • City - duty, kitty, pity, pretty.
  • Cold - gold, old, rolled, sold, told, want.
  • Cool - full, pool, rule, school, stool, tool, wool.
  • Crazy – amazing, baby, easy, lady, lazy, maybe.
  • Day – away, clay, deejay, delay display, grey, hey, lay, may, okay, pay, play, relay, replay, say, stay, they, today, way.
  • Down - brown, clown, crown, frown, town.
  • Dream – beam, been, between, cream, extreme, green, marine, scream, screen, steam, stream, supreme, swim, team, teen, theme.
  • Eyes – dies, guys, ice, lies, nice, price, slice, sunrise, surprise, twice.
  • Face – case, lace, place, race, space.
  • Fine - combine, dine, divine, design, line, mine, nine, shine, sign, time, vine, wine.
  • Fire - admire, denier, desire, entire, fighter, flower, flyer, higher, inspire, liar, power.
  • Flash - crash, hash, mash, smash, splash, trash.
  • Forever - ever, never, together.
  • Friend - band, defend, descend, depend, end, hand, land, send, spend, stand, trend, understand.
  • Future – nature, picture.
  • Game - became, came, claim, frame, name, same. Smile - aisle, I'll, isle, mile, style, vile, while.
  • Go ago, blow, bellow, flow, glow, grow, hello, know, no, oh, show, slow, snow, so, throw.
  • God - blood, flood, mud.
  • Good – could, foot, hood, mood, should, shoot, stood, wood, would.
  • Happen – happy, heaven, seven.
  • Hate - create, date, eight, fate, gate, great, late, locate, state, wait.
  • Head - bed, bread, dead, had, red, said.
  • Heart – apart, art, cart, chart, fart, part, smart, start.
  • Hell - well, shell, fell, bell, tell, sell, smell,
  • Here – clear, dear, fear, fever.
  • Hurt - alert, a lot, comfort, desert, dot, forgot, hot, jackpot, not, slot, shot.
  • I buy, by, bye, cry, defy, deny, die, dry, eye, fly, goodbye, guy, high, inside, lie, my, pie, side, sigh, shy, sky, tie, try , why.
  • It admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, knit, meet, shit, sit, split.
  • Let - debt, forget, net, set, sunset, yet.
  • Level - devil.
  • Life - Alive, dive, drive, five, knife, rife, strife, wife.
  • Lip - chip, deep, equip, hip, jeep, keep, ship, skip, sleep, sweep.
  • Love – above, dove, enough, glove, half, laugh, of, off, shove, staff, tough.
  • Man - can, fan, ran. In - been, begin, between, clean, green, keen, mean, queen, seen, skin.
  • Me - be, fee, free, key, tea, tree, sea, see, she, we.
  • Mind behind, declined, defined, designed, divined, find, kind, remind, signed.
  • Money - bunny, funny, honey, mummy, sunny.
  • More - bore, door, for, four, floor, score, store.
  • Much – such, touch.
  • Need - beat, feed, kid, meet, seat, sheet, speed, street, sweet, weed.
  • News - blues, confuse, muse, shoes.
  • Night – bite, bright, light, delight, fight, flight, height, knight, might, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight, white.
  • Now - allow, how, low. Up - but, cup.
  • One - anyone, done, fun, gone, none, run, sun.
  • Out – about, around, cloud, doubt, ground, shout, sound, without.
  • Over - clover, cover.
  • Pain – brain, campaign, champagne, complain, explain, in vain, lane, main, plain, rain, train.
  • Real – deal, feel, hill, steel, still.
  • Reason - frozen, season.
  • Rent - present, prevent, sent, tent.
  • Respect - connect, correct, direct, effect, expect, reflect, select, suspect.
  • Self - brave, gave, help, save, wave.
  • Star - are, bar, car, far, guitar.
  • Stop - top, cop, pop, drop, shop.
  • Take - brake, cake, fake, lake, make, shake, snake, wake.
  • That - bad, cat, dad, fat, flat, glad, mad, sad.
  • Thing – bring, king, nothing, ring, sing, spring, sting.
  • This - assist, bliss, consist, exist, insist, kiss, miss, peace, resist.
  • Time - I'm, climb, clime, crime, fine, lime, mine, rhyme.
  • Tomorrow - shadow, swallow, window, yellow, fellow.
  • Truth – smooth, sooth.
  • Walk - block, lock, rock, shock, talk.
  • Word - award, accord, bird, board, record, scored, stored, third.
  • Worry hurry, sorry.

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