Writing exercises for preschoolers
15 of the Best Pre-Writing Activities for Preschoolers
This can be a fun indoor or outdoor activity, using either a sand tray or a sandbox to complete. Get the sand wet and let children use their fingers or sticks to write out the alphabet. A fun twist is using food coloring to make colorful sand! An alternative to sand you might have on hand is flour.
Learn more: Scholastic
4. Pre-Writing with Playdough
If you are looking for fine motor activities to help with pre-writing, look no further. This activity helps your child practice both fine motor and pre-writing skills as they manipulate the playdough and draw letters into it.
Learn more: Heidi Marie Scarsella
What kid doesn't love bubble wrap? After you draw the children's names on the bubble wrap, have them practice their fine motor skills by tracing the letters with their fingers. And then when they are done with this fun activity, they can pop the bubbles!
Learn more: Coffee Cups and Crayons
6. Playdough Letter Writing
Using laminated card stock, children practice their hand-eye coordination using playdough to shape letters. This is great for building both pre-writing and fine motor skills. This lovely pre-writing activity is great because the kids feel like they are playing, but they are actually learning!
Learn more: Child Care Land
7. Beads and Pipe Cleaners
Another activity to strengthen children's hand-eye coordination is this activity that has them string beads onto pipe cleaners.
They will use their pincer grip to hold the beads, which sets the foundation for them holding pencils and writing.
Learn more: Teaching Mama
8. Pre-Writing Worksheets
The Kindergarten Connection offers many free printable worksheets for pre-writing. Children will learn to grip the pencil while they practice the skill of tracing. After, they can practice their fine motor skills even more by coloring in the characters (and staying within the lines!) on the worksheets.
Learn more: The Kindergarten Connection
9. Paper Scrunching
This paper scrunching activity is great because it helps students practice multiple skills. This fun sensory activity will have them working on their hand strength (which later will aid them in writing) while also practicing fine motor skills.
If you use colored tissue paper, at the end they will have completed a fun art project!
Learn more: Child Care Land
10. Chalk Writing
Decorating pavement with chalk drawings is a favorite activity of preschoolers. Little do they know, they are practicing their fine motor skills, which are the building blocks for their prewriting skills while doing so! Have them focus on shapes first, and then move on to letters and numbers!
Learn more: Occupational Therapy Fox C6
11. Learning with Song
Another thing kids love is music and dancing. Give them opportunities to get up and move their bodies to really get them engaged in the learning process. This activity has them practicing straight and curved lines while bopping to a beat!
Learn more: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel
12. Tweezers for Hand Strength
This activity for building strength in children's hands sets the stage for writing success later on. It also allows them to explore the world around them while using their fine motor skills. This is great to put into your open-ended activities, as you can use tweezers to have children do many things--like grab certain color beads out of containers or pick up macaroni noodles scattered on the sidewalk!
Learn more: Tinkergarten
13. Masking Tape Letters
Activities with scissors and tape always engage children, as they love to manipulate the scissors and the stickiness of the tape. Use a mirror and masking tape to practice writing children's names.
The best part about this enjoyable activity? Easy clean-up!
Learn more: And Next Comes L
14. Sticker Line Up
This activity for preschoolers will have them practicing tracing shapes with stickers while at the same time practicing their pincer drip while they grip the stickers to place on the paper. After they have traced the shapes on the paper, give them the freedom to create their own shapes using the stickers.
Learn more: Busy Toddler
15. Push Pin Maze
Follow the link above to learn how to make a push-pin maze. Children will practice pencil grip while they navigate their way through these fun mazes.
Learn more: Planning Playtime
Pre-Writing Activities for Preschoolers - WeAreTeachers
Pre-writing activities for preschoolers not only help our youngest learners learn the shape and structure of the letters in the alphabet, but they also serve a number of other functions as well. According to education blogger Lisette, from Where Imagination Grows, pre-writing practice teaches directionality in writing, encourages fine muscle development and coordination, and also helps students process sensory information critical to the writing process.
Here are 22 super fun, easy-to-make activities that your preschoolers will love!
1. Squishy Bags
Source: Learning4kids
All you need to make these awesome sensory bags is resealable zipper storage bags, flour, water, and food coloring. Kids can use cotton swabs or their fingers to draw shapes, lines, and letters on the bag.
2. Bubble Wrap
Source: Coffee Cups and Crayons
What a great way to recycle all that leftover bubble wrap! Simply write letters on sheets of bubble wrap with a Sharpie and let kids pop their way to letter recognition.
3. Play-Doh Snakes
Source: In My World
Kids can’t resist the sensory lure of Play-Doh! For this activity, kids can roll small balls of dough into long snakes and form letters by bending and joining the snakes together.
4. Play-Doh and Drinking Straws
Source: KidActivitiesBlog
Flatten out a medium-size piece of Play-Doh on a flat surface. Then use a sharp object to draw a letter on the flattened area. (Make sure that the letter is large enough to be easily recognizable when filled with straws.) Cut plastic straws into one-inch segments. Let kids “trace” the letters with the colorful straw segments.
5. Dot Markers
Source: 3 Dinosaurs
Students use dot markers to practice the mechanics of writing and get used to the angles and curves of letters. Click on the link above to download 12 free pages of pre-writing dot marker worksheets.
6. Cotton Swabs and Paint
Source: Lessons Learnt Journal
This is a fun activity to help kids work on their fine motor skills and get the hang of the all-important pencil grip.
7. LEGO Blocks
Source: Wildflower Ramblings
Blocks! Young kids can’t get enough of building and creating with them. Put their creative energy to good work with these free printable letter cards.
8. Shaving Cream
Source: Mess for Less
This classic activity is a great starting place for pre-writers. All you need is a tray and a can of shaving cream.
9. Glitter Glue
Source: Growing Hands-On Kids
Pre-writing lines are important building blocks for any preschooler to master before learning letter formations. Download this glitter glue pre-writing line practice for preschoolers activity.
10. Beads
Source: Artsy Momma
Just like the one above, this activity builds fine motor skills that your young students need to begin writing. Instead of using glitter glue, though, students use inexpensive pony beads (found at any craft store) to follow the lines.
11. Sand Tray
Source: Our Little House in the Country
One of the simplest activities to put together for your students to practice pre-writing is a sand tray. Kids can use their fingers or an unsharpened pencil to practice writing. As an alternative to sand, you can fill your tray with salt, flour, cornmeal, or rice.
12. Squeeze Bottle
Source:: Playdough to Plato
Fill a plastic squeeze bottle with salt or sugar and let students trace letters on cards.
13. Rainbow Tray
Source: Where Imagination Grows
This resource is so simple to make, and kids love it! Simply tape colored tissue paper in a rainbow pattern to the bottom of a clear plastic tray. Fill it with sand, and as the kids trace lines and letters, the colors below are revealed. The image above shows the tray on top of a light table, which adds another dimension of fun to the activity!
14. Masking Tape
Source: And Next Comes L
A roll of colored masking tape and a clear surface make this a fun center activity at writing time.
15. Magnet Board
Source: Days with Gray
Tape letters onto a magnet board and let your little ones trace them with magnets. In the example above, the teacher made the letters into roads, and the students drove their car magnets along them.
16. Lacing Cards
Source: Teaching Mama
Grasping a string between tiny fingers and threading the end through the holes in a lacing card is great fine motor practice for preschoolers. It also begins to build muscle memory for holding a pencil properly.
17. Buttons
Source: Learning4Kids
Preschoolers will have so much fun creating patterns, swirls, squiggles, and zig-zags with colorful buttons. And they’ll be building skills while they’re at it!
18. Sticker Line Up
Source: Busy Toddler
Preschoolers need to use a pinching motion, which builds fine motor skills, to peel sticker dots off the page. Then, they use hand-eye coordination to place each sticker on the drawn line. This activity would be perfect for a writing or free time station.
19. Fingerprint Writing
Source: Happy Toddler Playtime
Some kids may not like to get their fingers this messy, but others will adore it! For this activity, you will need poster paper and a palette of washable ink. Draw letters, shapes, and lines on a clean piece of paper. Then, show kids how to dip their pointer finger onto the ink pad, then follow the lines dot by dot.
20. Clothespin Clipping
Source: Teaching Mama
Using a clothespin takes a lot of grip strength. This image shows a student using a clothespin to choose the correct answer to a number problem, but any activity that involves clipping will help them build the fine motor skills required for writing.
21. Cutting
Source: Play of the Wild
Cutting and snipping activities with scissors are excellent ways for children to practice fine motor skills and control. Give your students lots of opportunities to practice their cutting skills with paper, string, card stock, even Play-Doh!
22. Scrunching Paper
Source: Gympanzees
Scrunching paper into a ball is great for building hand strength. Let your students use computer paper, newspaper, tissue paper, or wrapping paper. Then play a game of paper ball tag!
What are your favorite pre-writing activities for preschoolers? Share in the comments below.
Plus, check out these amazing Sensory Table Activities.
exercises, games and tasks for the summer for the future first grader
Preparing for school / Assignments
Parents no longer need to review dozens of manuals and children's websites. After all, the team LogicLike has prepared everything you need for an easy start and exciting learning.
Assignments for classes online
Find the extra
Count the cubes
Logic tasks
Logic questions
Say a word
Guess by description
Entertaining account
patterns in pictures
How much should a future first grader study?
Start with 5-7 tasks a day and gradually build up.
Looking for ideas for offline classes?
Here is a selection of popular developmental tasks and other activities, examples of entertaining assignments from LogicLike.
- We develop voluntary attention.
- We train short-term and long-term memory.
- We develop logical thinking.
- Performing speech therapy exercises.
- Preparing a hand for writing.
We develop attention
Initially, children do not know how to control their attention. They actively respond to everything new and interesting, but can't focus for long on something that doesn't appeal to them. That's why it can be difficult for a first grader to sit through 45 minutes of a lesson without switching to extraneous matters. Games, tasks and exercises to develop attention from LogicLike.
Task "Find and circle"
Give the child a short text (this could be an article from a children's magazine or a printed fairy tale) and invite him to cross out a certain letter in each line, for example, “A”. How can complicate the task? Ask the preschooler to cross out "A" and circle "B", or mark "A" only when it is preceded by a consonant.
Mission "Abracadabra"
On a piece of paper, write down a number of complex non-existent words and offer the child without errors copy them in a notebook:
Attention task and spatial thinking
To decide tasks, click Start classes!
Yura made a building out of cubes (fig. on the right). Irishka hid a few cubes.
How many cubes does Yura need to restore the building?
Show answer
Exercise "Listen and act"
Name different words (table, bed, cup, pencil, bear, fork, etc. ) and ask clap your hands when the word for an animal comes up. Increasing the difficulty: now it will be necessary to get up every time you hear the name of the plant. Connect two parts of the exercise. If it's easy, add another action.
Exercise "Show me"
Name the parts of the body and point to them. And the child must repeat the words and show on himself. Then start to confuse him: say "hand" and point to the leg, etc.
We develop memory
Like attention, the memory of a preschooler only passes from involuntary to controlled: he quickly memorizes verses with bright and interesting images, but learns boring texts with difficulty.
Tasks and exercises for the development of memory will help the future first grader to better absorb any useful new information.
The task "Chain of words: listen and remember"
Out of ten spoken words, an older preschooler (6-7 years old) is able to remember about seven. Let's check how well your child's memory is developed?
Chain of words to test: bedroom, vase, tiger, oval, square, rhombus, wolf, fish, winter, hare, house, sun, hedgehog, cloud.
Task "Pairs of words"
Read all pairs of words. Then call only the first and wait for the second in response:
autumn - rain; vase - flowers; doll - dress;
cup - saucer; book - page; water - fish;
machine - wheel; house - window; hours are arrows.
Good to know. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky advised teaching a child several techniques that will help him memorize information easier:
- repeat aloud and to himself;
- mentally fix some objects through others, creating associations;
- to combine objects into groups, highlighting their similarities or differences.
Exercise "Remember and describe"
After a joint walk, remember what interesting things you saw on the street. Perhaps it was a bright sign or a passer-by with a funny dog. Ask the child to describe the object in detail.
Exercise "Repeat the figure"
Take counting sticks, lay out an intricate figure from them and give the preschooler time to for him to remember. Suggest from memory to depict the same composition of counting sticks.
More ideas - in the material "Games, developing thinking, memory, attention.
Online games for training memory and attention
You can develop the speed of perception, reaction and visual memory with ease. Suggest to the child try our game "Master Schulte".
We develop thinking
Children with developed thinking more easily absorb new knowledge and come up with how to apply.
When children complete LogicLike's pre-school assignments, they learn to analyze information, establish relationships between objects, divide them into groups, compare and generalize.
Learn more about the development of logic and thinking in children.
Start with age-appropriate tasks
- 5-6 years
- 6-7 years
- 1 class
It can be difficult for a preschooler to understand all the variety of tasks and exercises. on one's own. To facilitate the first steps, we recommend completing 5-7 tasks from each category together with child.
"What, why and why?"
Reflect together on the following questions:
In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon - . ..?
Why, before the train passes, barriers are lowered along the track?
A small cow is a calf, a baby lamb is...?
Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common?
Why do all cars have brakes?
Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?
"Which word is missing?"
In each row you need to find an extra word:
old, decrepit, small, dilapidated;
Brave, evil, courageous, bold;
Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, bag, pan;
Dress, hat, shirt, sweater;
Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberry;
Book, TV, tape recorder, radio.
The fourth extra task
On the LogicLike platform, you can perform similar and other tasks for the development of thinking in interactive format. Example from our database:
To decide tasks, click Start classes!
See more tasks like "Find an extra word or subject".
Exercise "Who is more?"
Invite the child to name as many words as possible that stand for specific concepts: trees, flowers, modes of transport, sports, etc.
Exercise "Important words"
Name one concept (garden) and add accompanying words to it (plants, gardener, fence, Earth). Ask the child to choose the two most important of them, without which the main subject cannot get by. Ask questions to understand why he chose certain words. Examples of other pairs: shop - seller, milk, counter, money; water park - inflatable circle, slides, water, bathing suit.
Logic task
Logic problem solving is one of the most effective ways to develop thinking. We create a variety of entertaining tasks that are interesting to solve for children and adults.
To decide tasks, click Start classes!
We develop speech
An older preschooler can easily pronounce sounds, knows how to build complex, but coherent sentences. His vocabulary has increased: if at 3 years old the child knew about 1200 words, then at 6 years old - at three times more. Active communication and solving tasks and exercises for the development of speech will help a preschooler to speak beautifully and fluently.
"Warm-up for the tongue"
Learn a few tongue twisters together and practice pronouncing them without hesitation:
Marina pickled mushrooms, Marina sorted raspberries;
The hedgehog chewed blackberry jelly in his dwelling;
The cat lapped up the milk, and Vitya dipped the roll into the milk;
Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay;
Dima gives melons to Dina, Dima gives melons to Dina;
Mom, you don’t look for us, we pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.
Quest "I know everything"
Read the word and ask them to explain its meaning. Example: the word "chair". To which group objects it belongs to (furniture), what it is made of (wood), why it is needed (to sit on German)? Words for completing the task: notebook, plane, pencil, table.
Exercise "Tell me what you see"
Take a book with bright plot illustrations, choose an entertaining picture and ask questions about her: who? what is he doing? when? why? why? Suggestive phrases will help to talk: “What do you think?”, “Have you ever met such a thing?” etc.
Exercise "Journalist"
Offer to play journalist and interview you. Can you imagine being a singer actor, athlete Existing or fictional - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to ignite interest in child. During this exercise, you will have a good time and learn how to correctly build dialogues.
We develop fine motor skills
“A child’s mind is at his fingertips,” the Soviet teacher rightly stated. Vasily Sukhomlinsky. Do exercises that simultaneously prepare your hand for writing and stimulate the development of speech and thinking.
Exercise "Our hobbies"
Origami, paper applications, modeling from plasticine, dough or "space" sand, assembly building blocks or puzzles are all great ways to develop fine motor skills. The main thing is to captivate child, so learning will turn into an entertaining process and go faster.
"Choose and Strip" task
Use improvised materials for the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands. The girl can offer to lay out in different cups the legumes mixed before in one container: beans, peas and lentils. Boys can lay out bolts, nuts and washers.
In order for the child to learn something, support him, help him feel success in new case, and he will try even harder.
If some tasks and exercises cause difficulties, this is normal!
Help for parents we created the LogicLike learning platform. Develop logic, thinking and mathematical abilities, attention and memory in a format convenient and understandable for children.
Tasks for preparing children for school
- Requirements for a first grader
- Tasks in mathematics for preparing for school
- Examples for adding
- We count within 20
- Preschool tasks in mathematics
- Print preschools
- Points and numbers
- Tasks - drawings on cells
- dictate
- From left to right
- Copybooks with letters
- Copybooks with uppercase letters
- Coloring letters
- Speech development
- Learning to retell
- We tell us according to the series of pictures “Seasons”
- We compose a story on a series of pictures
- We develop every day
- Reading
- Dynamic pause
- in school in school psychologically prepare a child for school
- 10 first-grader skills
- Other tasks for preparing children for school
Print tasks for preparing children for school: preschool copybooks, graphic dictations, math exercises, tasks for speech development.
Preparing for 1st grade at home is a painstaking and responsible task. But it is quite within the power of both the future first-grader and his parents! Our Free School Ready Worksheets, which you can download and print for free, will help you.
Class design should be progressive as it provides adequate and timely instruction to develop skills and abilities for future learning. This process must be gradual. It is recommended to plan the steps to be followed in the learning process, i.e. to go from the symbolic to the representative, from the general to the specific, from the concrete to the figurative, until you reach the abstract.
It is important not to try to teach children to read and write before they have developed a certain level of hand-eye coordination and a positive attitude towards learning.
Do you know what is the first step to learning to write? Well developed gross motor skills!
It is rare to find a clumsy, always picking corners child with perfect handwriting. As a rule, problems with gross motor skills for school will be accompanied by fine motor skills.
All types of activities contribute to the development of gross motor skills : ordinary active walks on the playground, climbing trees, jumping ropes, jumping ropes, hopscotch, all kinds of crawling, riding bicycles and scooters, sports sections and circles, dancing, rope parks and so on .
Requirements for a first-grader
For the first time in history, preschool childhood has become a special self-valuable level of education , the main goal of which is the formation of a successful personality. Key installation of the federal state educational standard (FGOS) - support for the diversity of childhood through the creation of conditions for a social situation of assistance to adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child.
Fragment from the book "On the way to the first grade" by V.
- social and communicative;
- educational;
- speech;
- artistic and aesthetic;
- physical.
The whole trick is to develop harmoniously and consistently all five directions. Usually we manage to keep only one or two in focus, and for some reason we are always talking about the cognitive sphere. But without social and physical development, no knowledge can be fully applied.
Tasks for preparing children for school usually include development of speech, memory, fine motor skills, obtaining basic knowledge about the world around them, the alphabet, elementary mathematics . You can print free such assignments to prepare children for school below.
Of course, all parents are concerned about academic performance, many dream of seeing their son as the first student, and their daughter as the pride of the school. Remember: from any evaluative remarks addressed to the child, his idea of \u200b\u200bhimself, his self-esteem is formed. A the laurels of the child prodigy sometimes come at too heavy a price.
Your diligent student is able to learn exactly as much as age and personality traits, well-being, level of psychological development allow him.
One should not constantly expect grandiose successes from a child, it is much more important to rejoice in his small victories and achievements , avoiding stressful situations associated with academic workloads if possible.
Here: a psychological test for a child's readiness for school, which is easy for parents to carry out at home.
Preschool math assignments
Making a serious activity fun for a child is the task of early learning. Every child requires activity, and, moreover, serious activity.
.. Therefore, from the very first lessons, teach children to love their duties and find pleasure in their performance.
K.D. Ushinsky
👉 Print math assignments to prepare for school in PDF format
👉 Cose-in-CIFRES in PDF
Examples for adding
👉 Examples with caterpillars in PDF
format, we count within 20,
Preschool tasks in mathematics
I give pages of a very interesting unknown task for me in mathematics. If someone knows the author, write in the comments, please, I will indicate.
Print preschool recipes
Developing graphomotor skills in preschoolers using dotted or dotted copybooks is an important area for a child's development, both for school preparation and for general development.
👉 Download the above preschool recipes in PDF format
Colored recipes for preparing for grade 1 can be printed here: for kids, for preschoolers.
What other tasks and aids can be used to develop a child's graphomotor skills? Graphic dictations, pixel stickers (start with larger stickers and then move on to smaller ones), coloring books, hatching, drawing in any form, geoboards, mosaics, puzzles and so on.
Print copybooks by dots and numbers
Tasks for preparing children for school - copybooks by dots and numbers - one of the most effective. By exercising in this way, the child trains graphomotor skills, mathematical knowledge, consistency, perseverance.
Tasks - drawings by cells
Drawing by cells of a picture means gradually forming spatial representations and exercising fine motor skills in children.
To write one letter, the child must mentally see it, turn it in space, and only after that, his brain performs a whole range of actions that allows him to tie his hands to his head and write the desired sign.
Print effective tasks to prepare your child for school:
More tasks to prepare children for grade 1 - repeat the drawing in the cells.
Graphic dictation
Assignments - graphic dictations for preschoolers train attention, perseverance, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements, spelling vigilance. Download and print graphic dictations here.
Left to right
When we read or write, we move from left to right. If we establish the direction from left to right at preschool age, we will do a lot for the smooth learning of reading and writing. This is due to the fact that the wrong direction can lead to problems, for example, our child at school reads EXPENSIVE instead of GARDEN.
To automate the skill of reading from left to right, there is the game "Drop and play!" The child rolls the die and “reads” the corresponding line. Options: name only colors, only shapes, colors and shapes, etc.
Copybooks with letters
Not recommended by teachers for preparing children for grade 1. The teacher at the school will have his own copybook , he will put his hand on the child, and it is much more difficult to retrain than to teach from scratch. And such recipes are very boring for a preschooler. Therefore, they may form a negative attitude towards the writing process even before school.
If a child is sitting at home, it means that he already has a lack of physical activity , he should not be seated at the table.
In order to "feel" the letters, it is useful to mold them from plasticine sausages, lay them out from counting sticks, from wire, buttons, pompons, magnetic mosaic, from rope . Then you can quickly change the width or height of the letter, and choose the most successful and beautiful.
Uppercase Letters
👉 Print Uppercase Letters PDF
Coloring Letters
👉 PDF Coloring Letters
Speech Development
One of the basic aspects of preparing a child for school is the formation of coherent and understandable, logical speech in a preschooler. For this purpose, you can use the following materials:
- Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures
- Preposition games
- A selection of books that a child needs to read before school - meaning joint reading of a child with an adult, of course.
Learning to retell
Useful manual by Elena Bortnikova "Learning to retell". In it, similar stories are given with a thematic picture that helps to retell.
👉 Download "Learning to retell" tasks in PDF format
Telling from a series of pictures "Seasons"
Compiling a story from a series of pictures
Developing every day
When a child goes to school, he will need skills such as listening and hear , speak correctly and accurately, perceive instructions and act in accordance with the task, answer questions and ask them, plan and control their activities, and much more.
Help the child already today:
- listen to the sounding word and carry out its simplest sound analysis. After all, Russian writing is sound. Therefore, it is important even at the stage of preparation for school to learn to hear the sound of words;
- correctly pronounce all the sounds of the native language,
- recognize and memorize the sounds and their letter designation.
Do not confuse letter and sound.
Selection of games and toys Learning letters, reading syllables
Readiness for reading: 5 signs
Tasks for children. What words are hidden among the letters?
Social studies
For a long time, the level of mental development of a child was judged by the amount of knowledge revealed in him, by the volume of vocabulary. This is not entirely true.
Now children are literally swimming in the flow of information, absorbing new words and expressions like a sponge. Their vocabulary is increasing, but this does not mean that thinking is developing at the same pace. At the same time, the efforts of parents do not know the measure, and the possibilities of children are not taken into account.
Such parents, having not taught a child to tie shoelaces, "stuff" him with all possible information, regardless of age characteristics. One knows all the constellations of the Galaxy, but does not know where his parents work, another has memorized an encyclopedic dictionary, but is completely unable to communicate with his peers, is afraid of them, the third knows how to add hundreds of numbers in his mind, but does not know the names of his parents. And there are many such examples.
Understanding both external and internal connections between objects is quite accessible to preschoolers. Showing the interdependence between phenomena (if we water, spud plants, they grow stronger, flowers and fruits appear faster; if you hit glass, it will break), we teach children to compare, find common and different, connect facts, draw conclusions, group, divide, come to simple inferences.
The result of the intellectual development of a preschooler is visual-figurative thinking.
Readiness for school is determined not only by the amount of knowledge that a child has, but by the ability to obtain it, use it in one's activity, and improve it.
Dynamic pause
Any educational activity that is not related to movements is a burden on the child's body. Children quickly get tired and lose interest in learning, which negatively affects the effectiveness of cognitive processes. Therefore, much attention must be paid to the importance of movements in the life of a child, in his holistic, harmonious development.
Today's children are often busy with useful but sedentary activities: drawing and modeling, learning the basics of counting and writing. Such classes must necessarily alternate with mobile ones. You can use small forms of active recreation: physical education minutes, dynamic pauses. They may also include elements of gymnastics for the eyes.
Blink quickly - quickly
And rub it a little.
Look at the tip of the nose
And look at the “eyebrow area”.
Circle, square and triangle
Repeat three times.
Close the eyes,
Inhale slowly.
And on the exhale again
Make your eyes blink.
And now we have relaxed
We went to our places.
We wrote
Voluntary movements.
We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired.
You jump, fingers, like sunbeams.
Jump-jump, jump-jump - galloped to the meadow.
The wind shakes the grass, tilts it left and right.
Don't be afraid of the wind, bunnies, have fun on the lawn!
Adaptation at school
Starting school is one of the most difficult and responsible periods in a child's life, both in social, psychological and physiological terms. These are not only new conditions for the life and activities of the child - these are new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities.
The whole life of a child changes: everything is subordinated to studies, school, school affairs and cares. This is a very stressful period, primarily because from the very first days the school poses a number of tasks for the student that are not directly related to his experience, it requires the maximum mobilization of intellectual and physical forces.
Adaptation (adaptation) of the child to school does not occur immediately. Not a day, not a week is required in order to get used to the school for real. This is a rather long process associated with a significant stress on all body systems.
Outwardly, this is expressed in a change in the child's behavior - lethargy, irritability, headaches, sleep disturbance, decreased performance, fatigue, susceptibility to respiratory diseases.
If these changes are weakly expressed and disappear completely during the first quarter, one can judge the child's easy and quick adaptation to school and readiness for schooling.
The persistence of negative manifestations in the child's well-being and health until the end of the first half of the year indicates the average severity of the adaptation process. If, by the end of the school year, stabilization of normal health is not observed, then this indicates a high level of severity of adaptation. It is the weakened children who experience the greatest difficulty in learning and cause particular concern.
How to psychologically prepare a child for school
In our country we have a Ready for School program - tests, but children pass these tests formally.
After all, it is impossible for a child not to go to school on time! And preparation for school consists in preschool education in reading, writing and counting. What, in fact, is not as important as skills of perception, analysis and synthesis of information, the ability to cooperate with the team and hold attention. Then learning becomes a pleasant, useful and exciting adventure, and the children themselves readily grab onto textbooks.
The child should also be introduced to the “new life” before September. Take your child by the hand and go!
- Take a tour of the school. Show where the primary school classrooms, toilets, canteen are located. If possible, let him come into the classroom and sit at his desk. This can be done not only on an open day, but also later - even in summer, if you agree on this with the administration in advance. And anxiety will decrease, and information will be better absorbed - tactile and visual perception help in this.
- Walk the route to school together. Even if you are not going to let the child go alone yet, he must know how long it takes to get there.
- Tell us how the daily routine will be arranged. Explain that the sleep hour is canceled, you will have breakfast together at home, and not in kindergarten, and there will be no usual walks and games at school.
It is possible and necessary to help the child adapt to school.
- Explain why the school is needed.
- Tell us why a teacher is needed and what is his role.
- Learn to talk about your problems when your parents are not around. The child should be able to ask for help from others - a teacher, a cloakroom attendant, a security guard. Teach him to take care of himself.
- Teach not to conflict, but to cooperate with peers.
- Practice patience. The child will have to sit at a desk for a long time, focus on one subject for a long time, not play or jump for a while.
10 First Grader Skills
There are some skills that we always forget about when preparing a child for 1st grade at home. They seem obvious to us, but meanwhile there are also 9 of them.0313 needs to be taught as letters.
- Introduce yourself, say your name.
- Follow instructions.
- Accept rejection.
- Ask for help.
- Say thank you.
- Ask for forgiveness.
- Accept the consequences of your actions.
- Accept criticism.
- Express disagreement.
- Manage emotions.
Other tasks to prepare children for school
- Games . “... in no other activity is there such an emotionally filled entry into the life of adults, such an effective allocation of social functions and the meaning of human activity, as in the game,” wrote the famous psychologist D.B. Elkonin.
- Retelling close to the text: for easy reading and writing, you need consistency and a good level of speech development.
- Poetry learning : trains not only memory, but also understanding of the rules and punctuation in the future. After all, intonation is punctuation!
- Use computer ! The child wants to press the keys, and not draw letters in a notebook. And for the development of fine motor skills, a graphics computer or even an ordinary computer mouse is great. Of course, balance must be observed in everything, but remember that in adulthood, the child most likely will not write with a pen, but will tap on the keyboard.
So why not improve this skill from childhood?
- Talk more and communicate with your child ! It is important for the formation of speech, intelligence, social skills, self-confidence. This is important for your relationship. And harmony in the family is the absence of neurosis when a child enters grade 1.
A person is formed in activity, and the more versatile it is, the more versatile his personality. When entering school, the leading activity of younger students is education. For a child, this transition is very difficult: play activity, which is relatively free in nature, is replaced by educational activity, which is mandatory.
For successful learning, a child must not only be psychologically prepared for learning activities, but also have a strong desire to learn. During this period, motivation for learning is important for younger students, including interest in school and interest in a new type of activity - learning. And only under the condition that the cognitive interest in learning activities is constantly supported by the teacher, the child gradually develops an interest in acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities.