Writing game for kindergarten
Fun Writing Games to Encourage Your Kids to Write
No one ever said that parenting was easy, especially if you’re one of those parents who is struggling with helping their kids with school work. Many children are not fans of writing or any activities that involve writing. Luckily for you, this list is a lot of different and exciting writing games to create a love of writing in your kids so they can write more and have fun doing it.
1. Telephone Pictionary
This game is really engaging and will promote creativity with your children while at the same time pushing them to write. If you have more players it will go better, and all you need is paper and pencils. Every player simply writes a sentence on the paper and passes the paper on. The next player will draw what is represented by the sentence and fold down the paper so only the drawing is visible, then passes the sheet.
The next player will write a sentence that describes the drawing and fold the sheet to keep only their sentence visible. The paper keeps going around in this way until it’s full. Then, all players can compare the original sentence with what happened later for laughs.
2. Story Telling
In this game, you also only need paper and pencils, and all kids will get to write a story together. Onboard, you can write the first sentence of the tale. Then, over the next two minutes, the children will write down the next step of the story. After two minutes, their paper goes to someone else who will continue the story. These papers go around a few times until such time as the story is done. Then, you can enjoy sharing the different and funny stories that were created.
3. Fill in the Blanks
For this game, you need some story sheets with blank spots. According to Rick Steele, an educator at Academized and Ox Essays, “to play, you just have to give the sheet to your child and they will fill in the blanks however they want by using their imagination. Then, you can read the finished story together afterward. ”
It can be difficult to get your children to write if they don’t like it, but there’s a lot of writing games that can make the process more exciting.
4. Birthday Cards
Every time there is a family birthday or special event, or during the holidays, you can get your children to write the birthday card. This will make them speak their thoughts about their family members as well as encouraging them to write in the process.
5.Cursive Name Writing
This game can be exciting to learn to write in cursive. You can take a sheet and fold it in half. Ask your children to write their names in cursive in large script, along the top of the folded crease. They can trace over the writing time and time again, then they can go over the folded piece until they create a mirror image on the other side of the sheet. Then they can cut out their names until the writing looks like a large bug.
6. Challenge for Vocabulary Terms
This game is better for children that can write comfortably and are more than six years old.
You can give your child a new word and tell them what the meaning is. Then, Henrietta Fillon, a tutor at Big Assignments and Elite Assignment Help, says “you can challenge them to write a sentence with the new word in it. You can also ask your child to write a complete story about this word if you have time for it. You can also ask for drawings if they don’t enjoy writing much.”
7. Comic Strip Fun
This activity is better for older children who already know how to read and write, especially if they like storytelling. You can get some comic strips for your children and ask them to fill out the dialogue bubbles (which should be blank, to begin with). Then, challenge them to make it more exciting. They can also draw with crayons to make more colors and liven up the comic strip.
It can be difficult to get your children to write if they don’t like it, but there’s a lot of writing games that can make the process more exciting. By spending time with your children to focus on learning to write, they will prosper and learn to enjoy writing.
About the author: Ellie Coverdale, a writer for UK Writings and Essayroo, shares her thoughts and opinions on education and writing. She loves fostering a desire to read and write in children and stresses the importance of writing skills for all people, regardless of age. In her spare time, she teaches writing skills for Boom Essays.
8 Fun Kindergarten Writing Games
One of my sons detests writing. He can read and listen to lessons all day, but when it comes time to write, he enters battle mode.
After all, he doesn’t need to learn how to write to play video games, send a message to his Mamo, or demand to know what’s for supper (maybe I should make written requests a thing, ha!).
But we can show them that learning to write is about more than putting pencil to paper. It is about forming ideas and using words effectively for a variety of purposes.
Kids do need to learn the skill of writing because it will be the easiest way for them to independently put their thoughts down. But we can get them interested in that by pairing it with these kindergarten writing games that let them see how much fun writing can be.
1. Roll to Rhyme
This is simple and so much fun! All you need is a die to roll. Show your little one how to play by having him choose a word. Now, you roll the die and try to come up with that number of words that rhyme with it. Then, it’s your kid’s turn!
You might be surprised at the creative side of your kid that comes out to win this game – what the heck is a bamobadoodle?? If he makes up a word, that’s fine – just ask him to explain what it is. Hilarious, I tell you.
Obviously, rhyming is used in many different kinds of writing, and this game also provides practice accessing a broad range words. You can also switch this up and do words that start with the same letter for some beginner practice with alliteration.
2. Crazy Stories
Did you ever do those goofy part of speech stories when you were growing up? One person asks the other to name a noun, verb, color, etc. and fills it into a story template – which the other hasn’t seen.
Then they read it, and usually, it is a lot of absurd fun that is perfect for kindergarteners.
This game is pretty much the same as that. First, make a story template by writing out a simple story but leave out some of the main words – characters, places, etc. Also include a good number of blanks for describing words.
Then, you and your kid are going to come up with some words together to write on color-coded pieces of paper. For example, nouns could be blue, verbs could be red, etc.
If your little one doesn’t know the formal names for parts of speech, just use categories they understand – person, color, action, etc. Under the blanks on the story template write the color of the word category needed. Make sure you include both of your names in the people category.
Now, have your little one pick words from the corresponding categories to fill in the blanks!
Want a real challenge? Try to read it to your kid without laughing. Kid challenge – make an illustration for the story.
3. Cloud Painting Game
I love a cloudy day, and I will often try to jostle my kids into loving it with me by telling them to look at the clouds and find pictures. Fun fact: 12-year-olds think they are way too cool for that. Fun fact 2: Kindergarteners think it is awesome!
Get out a blue piece of construction paper and slap a glob of white paint in the middle. Now, fold the paper in half and let your little one smoosh the paint around with it folded. Mess-free art? Sure, thanks!
Now, open it up and have your kiddo come up with as many different pictures as she can see. Write these words down on a separate piece of paper and let her copy them on the cloud painting. Mess-free, LOL.
I know it’s more of a writing activity than a die-hard game, but it’s worth it for the practice interpreting abstract things with words AND handwriting practice.
4. Carnival Chip Toss
You might not have a brand new, enormous, stuffed elephant or whatever to give your kid for this game, but it is so much fun he probably won’t notice!
Grab some plastic cups and use a marker to write a word on each one right under the top on the inside of the lid. The challenge will be coming up with synonyms for those words, so you might want to keep that in mind while picking words.
Put all the cups on the floor close together and tape them together, so they don’t fall over. Now, have your kid toss a coin or other small object to the cups. Tell him to come up as many words as he can that mean the same thing as the word on the cup the coin landed in.
Encourage him to think of words that mean almost the same thing as well, so he doesn’t get frustrated.
You can also write down the words he comes up with (dry erase boards are good for this) to provide an opportunity for him to explore those words more later, maybe copying them down or trying to use them in a sentence.
Pro Tip: Help Your Child Become Better at Writing
Enroll your child for the Atlas Mission and let your child play with this award-winning educational program. Your child will become better at writing without even realizing it!
5. Red Light, Green Light – Punctuation Edition
As adults, we take punctuation so much for granted that we forget how powerful it really is. Get your kids to appreciate this tool – and get a bit of exercise – with this game.
On some different colored pieces of paper, draw one big punctuation mark on each. It doesn’t matter much what the colors are, but in my brain, red makes sense for the period and yellow for the comma. Pick two other colors for the question mark and exclamation point.
You might want to get outside for this one. Here’s how it works. Your kid will stand a good bit away from you but close enough to see the “signs.” When you say go, she starts walking toward you.
If you hold up the period, she stops. Comma means walk slowly. Exclamation point means jump up and down, and question mark means stop and ask a question. When a sign goes down, she continues walking again.
Once she gets to you, guess what? It’s her turn to hold up the signs. Yay for exercise!
6. Pay the Toll
If your kid has some kind of little tricycle or bicycle they ride outside on, you can set up a little track for this game by outlining a path with sidewalk chalk, flower pots, or shoes. Yeah, we live in Oklahoma. Do you know what the mud is like here? Shoes end up outside regularly.
Anyway, you can also make a running track the same way. Then, position yourself to be the tollbooth or gate. When mini race car driver or track superstar gets to you, tell them they cannot pass unless they answer a question with a whole sentence.
Ask questions about whatever goofy stuff you know they will like. E.g. “Who is your favorite character on Ninjago?” If they answer with one word, give an example – “My favorite character on Ninjago is the master.” And on they go again!
You can switch places with this one too, mwahaha!
7. Opposites Challenge
If you are out of breath from the punctuation or toll games, this one’s for you! No set up here – just sit down with your kiddo and go back and forth saying opposites. You say a word – she says the opposite. Then she gives you a word, and so on.
If your little one gets stuck, tell her the correct word and write it down on a piece of paper for her to try copying – this is great for building vocabulary.
8. Just Guess
This one is pretty free form – in other words, great for if you are lazy like I am and glaze over games that require set up like they aren’t even there. Also great if you have cleaned up exactly 100.2 messes, done 3 loads of laundry, and cooked 3 meals today.
Basically, it is just a plain old guessing game. The beauty is in how many concepts you can squeeze into this one game – imagery, sensory, and other descriptive word usage, as well as purpose and audience.
Okay, you do have to set up one thing. The cards to draw from. Since this is for kindergarteners, you may want to use pictures. They can be anything, and you can cut them out of magazines if that’s easier than drawing them out. Throw them in a hat, and the game begins.
Technically, you could skip that and just let each person think of a word and give clues, but my kids steal my chocolate… trust issues.
Take turns picking a card and giving clues to get the other person to guess who, what, or where you are.
And that’s a wrap, folks!
Put these fun kindergarten writing games together with manual writing skills practice – no writing “A” 100 times though! The best things you can do are to just let them write whatever they want. Write whatever words they want for them, so they can copy.
Common themes around here are poop, butt, and goofy names for brothers and sisters. Let them trace letters in sand or salt or use other sensory ways of forming letters – painting is a fun one! Finally, caption all of their art for them until they get interested in doing it themselves.
With these kids’ writing games, you will have a little Shakespeare on your hands in no time.
Games and games with low mobility for preschool children
Consultation for parents MDOU D/S 231
Topic: Games and game exercises of low mobility for preschool children
Author: Tochenykh VV, physical education instructor.
Yaroslavl, 2015
Sedentary games are used as an independent form of work on physical education. The purpose of sedentary games and game exercises is:
- decrease in physical activity, i.e., a gradual transition from an excited state to a calmer one;
- removal of general fatigue, motor tension of the muscles of the hands, flexibility and mobility of the fingers, coordination of the movements of the arms and legs;
- development of mindfulness, ingenuity, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction;
- strengthening the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and other body systems;
- orientation in space;
- formation and consolidation of motor skills;
- getting pleasure and creating a good mood;
- preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;
- increasing interest in physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.
In sedentary games, movements are performed at a slow pace, their intensity is insignificant.
The specifics of this type of games are: the way children are organized (circle, loose, line, etc.), the movements that are included in the game, the method of playing the game (choosing a game, venue, preparing for the game, gathering children for the game, explaining the game, conducting game, the end of the game), the pace at which it is played (slow), the number of repetitions of movements (3-6 times).
Games of low mobility contribute to the development of memory, ingenuity and observation, coordination of movements, orientation in space and motor skills. In addition, they give children pleasure, create a good mood, which is important. Games of low mobility are held with all children simultaneously at a physical education lesson (in its third part), leisure and holidays, daytime and evening walks, in the process of physical culture minutes and physical culture pauses, and independent motor activity of children.
Games and game exercises of low mobility for the younger group.
1. "Bunny"
One of the players is designated as a bunny. Everyone else becomes in a circle.
Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you?
You are sitting quite sick,
You get up and dance,
Here, have a carrot.
At the last phrase, “bunny” takes a carrot (it can be a painted carrot, a ribbon, etc.) and performs dance moves, everyone else clap. Then the "bunny" changes.
2. Find a toy
The teacher hides the toy somewhere in advance and offers to look for it. Anyone who notices where the toy is located approaches the teacher and quietly tells him about it. When most of the children cope with the task, the teacher allows you to go to the toy and bring it.
3. "Silence".
Game progress. Walking in a column one by one around the hall, pronounce the following:
Silence by the pond,
The grass does not sway.
Don't make noise reeds,
Fall asleep kids.
At the end of the poem, the children stop, crouch, bow their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says: “Kwa-kva-kva!” - and explains that the frogs woke the guys up, they woke up, got up and stretched. The game starts over.
4. "Bubble".
The children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, becoming close to each other, then they say:
Inflate, bubble,
Puff up big
Stay like this
Don't crash. At the same time, everyone expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children put their hands down and squat down, saying, "Clap."
5. "Don't wake up the bear!"
Children form a circle holding hands. In a round dance they go in a circle with a teacher who pronounces the text. Like snow on the hill, snow and under the hill snow, snow. (They turn in the opposite direction, walk in a round dance. ) And under the tree there is snow, snow, And on the tree there is snow, snow. (They go to the center of the circle.) And under the tree, the bear is sleeping. Hush hush! Don't wake up, sit down, don't make noise! (They squat down.)
6. "The cat came up to the stove"
Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle. The cat came up to the stove, The cat came up to the stove. He found a pot of porridge, he found a pot of porridge there. (They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.) And on the stove, kalachi, Oh, delicious and hot! (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands.) Pies are baked in the oven (tilt forward, hands forward, palms up), They are not given to hands. (They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs.)
7. "The king was walking through the forest"
Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The king walked through the forest, Through the forest, through the forest. (Walking in circles.) I found myself a princess, princess, princess. Let's jump with you, let's jump, let's jump. (Jumping on two legs in place.) And we kick our legs, we jump, we jump. (Throw straight legs forward.) And clap your hands, clap, clap. (They clap their hands.) And stomp our feet,
Let's drown, let's drown. (Stomp their feet in place.)
8. "Flies - does not fly"
Children sit or become a semicircle. The facilitator names various items. If it is something that flies, the children raise their arms up or to the sides; if something that does not fly, give up. The leader can deliberately make mistakes in movements, many, imitating him, can also make mistakes. The task of children is to resist and not make mistakes.
9. "It's me!"
The teacher shows the children how to perform the movements, expressively pronounces the text. Children perform movements, imitating an adult. These are eyeballs. Here! Here! (They show first the left, then the right eye. ) These are the ears. Here! Here! (First they take the left ear, then the right.) This is the nose! It's a mouth! (They show the mouth with the left hand, the nose with the right.) There is the back! There's a belly! (The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.) These are pens! Clap clap! (They extend both hands, clap twice.) These are the legs! Top, top! (They put their palms on their hips, stomp twice.) Oh, they are tired! I'll wipe my forehead. (The right palm is passed over the forehead.)
10. "Once upon a time there were bunnies"
Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements.
Once upon a time there were bunnies (They show rabbit ears with their hands.)
At the edge of the forest, (Shake hands.)
Once upon a time there were bunnies (They squat and show the roof of the house with their hands above their heads. )
In a small hut, We washed our ears, (Rubbing ears.)
Wash your paws (stroking hand movements)
Bunnies dressed up, (Hands on the belt, turns left and right.)
They put on slippers. (Alternately put the feet on the heels.)
11. "Met"
For each line, alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands, starting with the little finger.
On the last line, show the horns by stretching out the index fingers and little fingers.
Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!",
Two puppies: “Bow-wow!”,
Two foals: "Igo-go!",
Two tiger cubs: "Rrrr!",
Two bulls: "Moo!"
Look what horns!
12. "The cat releases its claws"
On the count of “one”, press the pads of your fingers to the top of your palm and hiss like an angry cat: “Shhh!”
On the count of “two”, quickly straighten and spread your fingers, meow like a contented pussy: “Meow!”.
Repeat the game, each time turning into an angry, then into a good-natured kitten.
Games and game exercises of low mobility for the middle group.
1. "Where they knocked."
The children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver goes to the middle and closes his eyes. The teacher silently walks around behind the children, stops near one of the children, hits the drum 2 times and puts a handkerchief in the child’s hands, steps aside and says: “It’s time!”. The person standing in the circle must guess who has the handkerchief hidden. A new driver is selected, the game resumes.
2. Gawkers
Children walk in a circle one after another. At the signal of the leader "Stop!" stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in the opposite direction. The one who makes the mistake is out of the game.
3. Game exercise "Snowstorm".
Children line up one at a time. Educator - "Metelitsa" becomes ahead of the column. Everyone joins hands and, without breaking the chains, moves at a moderate pace after the teacher. "Metelitsa" leads children between play buildings on the site, various objects. After a while, everyone stops and rests; the exercise is repeated.
4. "Ball".
Children sit in a circle on a carpet (diameter of the circle is 2 m) and roll a ball (ball) over the circle. The child standing in the middle tries to intercept the ball. If he succeeds, the one who rolled the ball unsuccessfully goes to the middle instead of him.
5. "Edible-inedible"
Children stand in a circle. The driver says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to one of the children. If something edible is planned (fruits, vegetables, sweets, milk, etc.), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word means something inedible, the ball cannot be caught. The child who did not complete the task becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.
6. "Come with us!"
Children are scattered. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text and shows the movements. Let's join us (raise their hands to the sides) Stomp their feet (stomp their feet while standing still), Clap their hands (clap their hands). Today is a good day! (Raise straight arms up - to the sides.)
7. "Low-high"
Children stand in a circle. Adult. We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and different Christmas trees grow in the forest: wide, low, high, thin. I will say: high - raise your hands up; low - squat and lower your hands; wide - make the circle wider; thin - make a circle already. The game will be more fun if the adult tries to confuse the children.
8. "Do the opposite!"
Children are scattered around the room. The teacher shows the movements, the children must repeat them, but in the opposite direction. For example, the teacher leans to the right, the children to the left; the teacher takes a step forward, the children take a step back, etc.
9. "Vegetables and fruits"
Children stand in a line or scattered around the room. The teacher names various vegetables (children should quickly sit down) and fruits (raise their hands). Those who make a mistake take a step forward. The kids with the fewest mistakes win.
10. Weather vane
The players stand in a line or scattered. The teacher calls the cardinal directions, each corresponds to a certain action: north - hands on the belt; south - hands on head; east - hands up; west - hands down.
11. Balloon
Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle. I went to the store with my mother, bought a balloon there. Let's inflate the balloon, Let's play with the balloon. (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, hold hands, perform a “spring”.)
Balloon, inflate! Balloon, inflate! (They walk back with small steps - inflate the balloon.) Inflate big Don't burst! (They clap their hands. ) The balloon flew away, Yes, it hit a tree And ... burst! Raise their hands, shake them from side to side; then they put their hands on their belts, slowly squat down, saying: "Shhhhh."
12. "Guess whose voice" The players stand in a circle; the driver goes to the middle, closes his eyes. Children walk in a circle, reading a poem: We made everyone in a circle, we will suddenly turn around at once. And as we say: lope - lope - lope, guess whose voice. The words "skok - skok - skok" are pronounced by the child whom the teacher touched. If the child makes a mistake, he closes his eyes again. The game is repeated. Children walk in a circle in the other direction.
Games and game exercises of low mobility for the senior group.
1. "Missing Pens"
The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
My pens are gone. (Hide hands behind back.)
Where are you, my hands? (Look around. )
One, two, three, four, five,
Show me again. (Show hands, pull forward, twirl them.)
My legs have disappeared. (Sit down.)
Where are you, my legs? (Cover the legs with the arms.)
One, two, three, four, five,
Show me again. (Get up, jump on the spot.)
2. "Two girlfriends"
Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
Two girlfriends on the lawn: (Slap on the knees.)
"Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva." (Clap hands.)
Two green frogs: (Slap on the knees.)
“Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva” (Clap hands.)
"Qua!" (Stomp with one foot.)
They sing songs in chorus: (They fold their palms and slightly “open” them - this is a mouth.)
“Kwa-kva-kva”, (Clap hands.)
“Kva-kva-kva”, (They stamp their feet several times. )
And they interfere with sleep. (They threaten with a finger.)
"Kwa-kva-kva-kva-kva" (Clap hands.)
"Qua!" (They make one flood.)
3. "Tree, bush, grass"
Children form a circle and move in a circle.
The teacher explains the rules of the game: for the word "tree" the children raise their hands up, for the word "bush" they spread them to the sides, for the word "grass" they lower their hands down, touching the floor.
An adult pronounces words at random, children perform the corresponding movements. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.
4. "House"
Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
There is a house on the edge, (They fold their palms in a “house” over their heads.)
There is a lock hanging on the doors, (They close their hands “in the lock”. )
Behind the door is a table, (Cover the cam of the left hand with the right palm.)
Palisade around the house. (Hands in front of you, fingers spread out.)
“Knock-knock-knock – open the door!” (They tap their fist on the palm.)
" Come in, I'm not evil!" (Arms to the sides, palms up.)
5. Herringbone
Children stand in a circle or scattered.
The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
Our Christmas tree is beautiful, (They walk in a circle, holding hands.)
She rose to the sky, (They stop, stretch their arms up.)
Slender beauty, (They walk in a circle again, holding hands.)
All the guys like it. (Stop.)
6. "Cabbage - radish"
The teacher explains the rules of the game: you need to raise your hands to the word “cabbage”, and clap your hands to the word “radish”. Then the adult pronounces these words in random order, and the children perform the movements. You can complicate the game by speeding up or adding another word (for example, the word "carrot" - jump in place).
7. "The cat came up to the stove"
Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the players. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
The cat came up to the stove,
The cat came up to the stove. (They walk in a circle, holding hands.)
He found a pot of porridge,
I found a pot of porridge there. (They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.)
And on the stove kalachi,
Oh delicious and hot! (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands.)
Pies are being baked in the oven, (Bend forward, arms forward, palms up.)
They are not handed out. (They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs.)
8. "Vegetables and fruits"
Children stand in a line or scattered.
The teacher names various vegetables and fruits. If a vegetable is named, then the children should quickly sit down, and if a fruit, raise their hands up. Players who make a mistake take a step forward.
The players with the fewest mistakes win.
9. "On the track"
Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's stretch our legs.
We are walking on the road,
Raise your legs higher. (Walking in place.)
And along the same track
We jump on the right leg. (Jumps on the right foot.)
And now a little more
Let's jump on the other leg. (Jumps on the left leg.)
Let's run along the path,
Let's run to the lawn. (Running in place.)
On the lawn, on the lawn
We jump like bunnies. (Jumping in place on two legs.)
We clap our hands,
Let our feet dance. (Free dance moves.)
Stop. Let's sit down and rest. (Squat.)
And we'll walk back. (Walking in place.)
10. "Handles - legs"
Children are scattered.
The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
Everyone clapped their hands - (Clap their hands.)
Friendly, more fun! (Knocking feet.)
Our feet pounded
Louder and faster.
Let's hit the knees - (Slap on the knees.)
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, handles raise - (Slowly raise hands.)
Higher, higher, higher!
Our pens are spinning, (They turn the hands to the right, then to the left.)
Were down again. (They lower their hands.)
Spin around, spin around
And they stopped. (Stop.)
11. "Traffic light"
To play, you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks.
Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: they squat on a red signal, stand on a yellow signal, and march in place on a green signal.
Further, while moving in a column one at a time, bypassing the site (hall), the exercises change: red - everyone stands still, yellow - they move in a crouch, green - they jump on their toes.
Penalty points are awarded for each mistake. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.
12. "Three Bears"
The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
Three bears were walking home. (March in place.)
Dad was big, big, (Raise hands up.)
Mom is a little smaller, (Pull their arms forward at chest level. )
And the son is just a baby. (Put hands on waist.)
He was very small,
Walked with rattles. (Imitate rattle play.)
13. "Knock knock"
The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher:
- Knock-Knock! (Three punches against each other.)
- Yes Yes Yes. (Three claps.)
- Can I come to you? (Three punches against each other.)
- Always glad! (Three claps.)
14. “I have, you have”
Children stand in a circle or scattered.
The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
I have, (They point to themselves.)
You have (They spread their arms, pointing at the neighbors.)
Shiny eyes, (Showing eyes.)
I, you have clean ears. (They show ears.)
You and I, we clap our hands. (Clap hands.)
We are with you, we are jumping on the leg. (They jump on the spot.)
I, you have scarlet lips, (They show their eyes.)
I have, you have rosy cheeks.
You and I, we clap our hands.
We are with you, we are jumping on the leg.
16. "I have everything"
Before the start of the game, the children lie down on the carpet, arms along the body, stretch out. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.
There is a headboard by the bed, (Raise the head and shoulders, the toes of the feet look straight up.)
And the teapot has a spout, (They sit down, put two fists to the nose, one after the other.)
And the bedside table has legs, (Squat down.)
And the pot has handles. (Hands are placed on the belt or on the shoulders.)
And in this large saucepan (They get up and show the saucepan, closing their hands in a circle in front of their chest. )
There is a very tasty compote. ("Looking" into the pot.)
And I have -
And legs, (Showing legs.)
And pens, (Show handles.)
And spout, (They show the spout.)
And back, (Show back.)
And one more thing -
Very hungry belly! (Show belly)
Games and game exercises for the preparatory group.
1. "Guess what they did" The teacher chooses a driver who moves away from the children at a distance of 8-10 steps and turns his back to them. He must guess what the rest of the players are doing. Children agree on what action they will portray. At the command of the educator "It's time!" the guesser turns, approaches the players and says: Hello, children! Where have you been? What did you see? Children answer: What we saw - we will not say, But what we did - we will show. Children imitate some kind of action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses. If he is wrong, he loses. Children say what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again. Then another child is chosen to take his place, and the game is repeated.
2. "Ring" Children stand in a circle, and the leader is inside the circle. In his palms he holds a ring, which he imperceptibly tries to pass to one of the children: with his palms folded in a boat, he opens the palms of the children in turn. Children closely monitor the actions of the driver and their comrades. The one who got the ring should not give himself away. At the signal of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” - a child with a ring runs out to the center of the circle and becomes the leader. If the children noticed his ring before the signal, then they are not allowed into the circle. Then the game continues with the former driver.
4. "Handles-legs" Children are scattered around the hall. The teacher pronounces the words of the text and shows the movements. Children perform. Everyone clapped their hands. Friendly, more fun! (They clap their hands.) Our legs pounded Louder and faster! (They tap their feet.) Let's hit the knees Hush, hush, hush! (They slap on the knees.) Hands, hands raise Higher, higher, higher! (Slowly raise their hands.) Our pens spun (turn the brushes left and right), Lowered again. We circled, circled And stopped (drop their hands).
5. "Forbidden movement" The players form a circle. The teacher agrees with them in advance which movement should not be done, for example, squat, clap your hands, wave your arms. Then, to the music, he shows various movements that the children must repeat exactly. The more varied and fun these movements, the more interesting the game. The teacher can show the forbidden movement - the one who inadvertently repeats it must dance, sing or read a poem. The game can be complicated: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but instead of them, others must be done. For example, when the teacher puts his hand on the back of his head, the children should sit down with their legs crossed, and when he leans forward, clap their hands twice.
6. "Three, thirteen, thirty" The players choose the leader, stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver is in the middle of the circle. When the game is played for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher be the driver. The teacher explains: “If I say: three, everyone spreads their arms to the sides; if thirteen - put your hands on your belt; if thirty, they raise their hands ”(you can choose any movement). The teacher quickly calls one or the other movement. The child who made the mistake sits on the floor. When one or two players remain, the game ends. The rest are winners.
7. "Tops and roots" Children form a circle or line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an adult (leader) with a large ball in his hands (one of the children can play the game). The driver throws the ball, naming some vegetable, and the children catch the ball, name the edible part and throw the ball to the driver. Leading. Eggplant. 1st child. Tops. Leading. Radish. 2nd child. Roots. Leading. Cabbage. 3rd child. Tops. Leading. Potato. 4th child. Roots. Leading. Strawberry. 5th child. Tops. Leading. Garlic. 6th child. Roots. Leading. Cucumbers. 7th child. Tops. Children who have never made a mistake are noted. "Gate" Children walk around the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal “Gate!” stop and raise their hands. The last pair pass under the gate and stand in front. The game continues.
8. "Stop!" All players stand on a line drawn along one side of the court. On the opposite side, a circle (two or three steps in diameter) indicates the house of the driver, who stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk quickly! Look, don't yawn! Stop!". As he speaks, the children step forward. As soon as he says: "Stop!" - stop. The driver looks: who did not have time to freeze in place and move? Names these children - they return to the original line. Then the driver again turns his back on the players and says: “Walk fast!”. Everyone continues to step forward, starting from the place where the “Stop!” signal caught them. Those who return to the starting line move from there. The game continues until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before he says: “Stop!”. The one who succeeds becomes the leader.
9. "Who left?" Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher offers one child to remember those who are nearby (five or six people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One of the children is hiding. The teacher asks: "Guess who left?". If the child guesses correctly, he chooses someone instead of himself. If he makes a mistake, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name it.
10. "Find the ball!" All players stand in a circle close to each other facing the center. One child (at the choice of the teacher) becomes the center - this is the driver. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One of them is given a ball by the teacher. From this moment, the children begin to pass it to each other behind their backs. The player standing inside the circle tries to guess who has the ball. To do this, he can ask anyone to show his hands, telling him: "Hands!". The child instantly stretches both hands forward with palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it becomes the center, and the driver takes his place.
11. "Tick-tock-tock!" Children are scattered around the room. At the signal "Tick!" everyone makes tilts left and right, at the signal “So!” stop, and at the signal "Knock!" bouncing in place. All signals are repeated 5-8 times. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The sequence of signals must change. At the end of the game, the most attentive player should be noted.
12. “Claps” Children move freely around the room. For one clap of the leader, they must jump, for two - to sit down, for three - to stand up with their hands raised (any other movement options are allowed).
13. "Four elements" The players perform movements in accordance with the signals: "Earth!" - hands down; "Water!" -hands forward, "Air!" - hands up; "Fire!" - rotate hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.
14. "How are you?"
We play all day. The goal of the day is to play too lazy. You look, do not lag behind. Repeat after us.
How is it going? Like this!
How are you going! - march in place. Like this!
How do you run? - Run in place. Like this!
Do you sleep at night? - sit down, hands under the cheek. Like this!
How do you clap your hands? Like this!
How do you stomp your feet? Like this!
How do you ride on toes? Like this!
Lower your hands and reach the ground, how? - Goose. Like this!
Open your mouth wider, how? Like this!
And how will we make grimaces? Like this!
As I say 1, 2, 3, All freeze with grimaces Like this!
List of used literature:
1. Borisova M.M. Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises
2. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group.
3. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group.
4. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Senior group.
5. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Preparatory group.
6. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Collection of outdoor games.
Kindergarten games | Kindergarten
Play is the leading activity for preschool children. It is with the help of the game that children master the world of relationships between people. The game carries social adaptation: children learn to read the feelings of other people, try to defend their beliefs, learn the rules of behavior in a social group. The ability to live in society, to find one's place, to build relationships with others is not innate. It can and should be developed. As studies show, children who play various games well, with enthusiasm, fantasy feel better in any team.
Watch games by section
with ball
Game type:
Children's outdoor game "Fire Dragon" is used to promote fire safety. It develops physical skills in children, the ability to crawl and walk with an added step, speed of reaction, accuracy, dexterity and courage. It instills in children a sense of self-preservation and careful handling of fire.
Type of game:
with a ball
Educational and cognitive game on the theme of wildlife and ecology. Children get acquainted with the animals that inhabit our planet. The purpose of the game is to consolidate the ability of children to systematize animals, birds, fish according to their habitat. The game also emphasizes the danger of fires for the entire animal world. The game develops dexterity, attention and concentration on the task.
Game type:
Children's outdoor game "Fire in the hearth" is used to promote fire safety. Develops speed of reaction, dexterity, orientation in space, attention and endurance. Forms a sense of courage, discipline, will and desire to win, a culture of behavior in everyday life and an understanding of the danger of fire.
Type of game:
For children, this game will be a good logical conclusion to a comprehensive lesson on the literary work of N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares". After getting acquainted with the work, the pupils will gladly want to play the role of hares and their rescuers themselves.
The game, on the example of a literary hero, teaches children to take care of animals, instills a desire to help the defenseless. Just like a physical game, it develops dexterity, speed and coordination of movements.
Game type:
Children's outdoor game "Two frosts" develops speed and spatial orientation. In the game, children practice running and agility. Well suited for playing with the whole team of the group on the street or in the gym. The number of participants from 8 people or more.
Game type:
One of the most fun team games. You need to play it with a large company, and the more participants, the more fun. Since there are many players, more free space is needed. The game teaches to work in a team, unites the team, develops purposefulness.
Game type:
Cunning Fox is a fun children's game of skill and artistry. Develops endurance, leadership skills and control of emotions. Suitable for outdoor and indoor play. It is played by a group of at least 8 people. The rules of the game are a bit like the children's game "Ring, ring, go out on the porch."
Game type:
Pioneerball is a ball sport in which teams compete on a court divided by a net. The rules of the game are simple and if there is an instructor, kindergarten students can play it.
The game appeared in the 30s of the last century as a backyard version of volleyball, and its name comes from the word "pioneer" - a member of the children's communist organization in the USSR.
Game type:
Returns - rather than a game, but an exercise to collect pupils. However, with proper organization, children really like it and help educators. The game develops attention and disciplines the team. It can be carried out outdoors and indoors.