Challenge words for 1st graders
1st Grade Vocabulary Words and Activity Ideas
Vocabulary word giving with definition
child: David Trood / DigitalVision / Getty Images, background: nigelcarse / E+ / Getty Images
First grade vocabulary words include words kids should know and understand at this age level. Students don’t need to be able to spell or read the words to understand their meanings. Vocabulary words are different from first grade spelling words and even first grade sight words. Get started learning new words with these lists of 1st grade vocabulary words and their meanings.
1st Grade Vocabulary Words With 3 or 4 Letters
The grade 1 national reading vocabulary list developed by TampaReads includes 340 words kids should be able to read by the end of this school year. Most of these are short sight words, so you can learn these little words in addition.
- calm (n.) - state of peace or being free from stress and worry
- fair (adj.
) - honest and not favoring one side or the other
- huge (adj.) - extremely large
- let (v.) - to allow
- lie (n.) - something you say that isn’t true
- list (n.) - a series of things you write down
- note (n.) - short piece of writing
- odd (adj.) - something not normal or, in math, something that can’t be divided by 2
1st Grade Vocab Words With 5 or 6 Letters
After the first few weeks of school, first graders will be given challenge words, bonus words, or a word of the day to learn. These words will be commonly heard or used in speech and contain about five or six letters.
- annoy (v.) - to bother someone
- before (adv.) - at an earlier time or came in front of something else
- decide (v.) - to make a choice
- focus (v.) - to concentrate on something
- giving (adj.
) - generous
- ignore (v.) - to avoid noticing something or purposely not pay attention to it
- invite (v.) - to ask someone to do something or come somewhere
- listen (v.) - try to hear someone or pay attention to something
- notice (v.) - to learn about or see something for the first time
- often (adv.) - many times
- pretty (adj.) - looks attractive
- proud (adj.) - feeling good about yourself for accomplishing something
- report (n.) - spoken or written details about a specific thing
- wonder (v.) - to want to know something or be curious
First Grade Vocab Words With More Than 6 Letters
Advanced students or kids who are doing well with vocabulary toward the end of the school year can start to move onto longer vocabulary words.
- attention (n.
) - your mind focused on something
- comfortable (adj.) - feeling relaxed and happy
- consequences (n.) - what happens because of some other action
- discover (v.) - to learn something new or find something
- disappointed (adj.) - let down
- embarrassed (adj.) - feeling shame that makes you uncomfortable
- exhausted (adj.) - feeling very tired
- fascinating (adj.) - very interesting
- frustrated (adj.) - feeling of being unhappy because you can’t do or have something
- important (adj.) - having a lot of value
- investigate (v.) - search into something to find the truth
- miserable (adj.) - unhappy and suffering
- negative (adj.) - not good or positive
- question (v.) - asking something or not believing something
- suggestion (n.
) - an idea that you’re offering
- uncomfortable (adj.) - feeling uneasy or anxious
- worried (adj.) - thinking about unpleasant things that happened or might happen
Vocabulary Activities for First Grade
First grade vocabulary activities mostly focus on kids hearing new vocabulary words or using them properly when speaking.
Vocabulary Password
Use one vocabulary word each week or each day as the spoken password kids need to use in a sentence to gain entry to something. At school they might need to tell you their sentence to enter the classroom in the morning. At home they might need to tell you their sentence before they can play a video game.
Vocabulary Story Count
Choose a vocabulary word that appears several times in a picture book or short story. You could also write a short story to go with each word. Read the story and ask kids to keep count in their mind or on paper of how many times they hear the vocabulary word.
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Write one vocabulary word where kids can see it. Give them a dictionary, make sure they know how to use it, then ask them to find the word. If you have a children’s dictionary, it will be easier. If the child can’t read the definition on their own, they can show you where they found the word and you can help read the definition.
1st Grade Vocabulary Learning Fun
Learning new words can make kids feel empowered. Make vocabulary lessons fun with vocabulary games and activities so kids don’t get overwhelmed by all the new words. One of the easiest ways to get kids learning vocabulary words is through reading. Start with this list of great reading books for first graders.
1st Grade Spelling Units and Lists
Spelling Unit A-1
The first unit in our first grade spelling series has Short-a words. List: cat, and, man, as, can, am, had, hat, have, has.
Spelling Unit A-2
This first grade spelling unit has words with the short-e sound: bed, peg, gem, get, red, jet, yes, and ten. Thee are also two star words: them and when.
Spelling Unit A-3
Words with the short-i sound are featured in this unit. List includes: six, hit, did, if, him, is, and did. Star words: will and this. This is also the first unit to have review words.
Spelling Unit A-4
Time to learn about short-o words! The fourth unit has the following six words: dog, box, top, jog, not, and on.
Spelling Unit A-5
The short-u vowel sound is the topic of these worksheets. bus, tub, pup, mug, but, and fun. Plug and stud are the challenge words. Also has a couple review words from list A-3.
Spelling Unit A-6
Every 6th unit features a series of sight words. This week's include: the of, a, do, to, you, are, they.
Spelling Unit A-7
Long-a words (with a silent e) are the topic of A-7. Learn to spell and write: race, fake, rake, make, gave, and age. Star words are space and brave.
Spelling Unit A-8
Long-i words: dime, ride, like, size, five, nine. Challenge words are: twice, size. Review words from A-6 are: they, you.
Spelling Unit A-9
This set of spelling words has the long-o sound. Each one is spelled with a silent-e at the end. Bone, rose, nose, cone, poke, and hole. Broke and stone are the star words.
Spelling Unit A-10
The tenth unit in the Super Teacher Spelling series has more long-i words. This time, the words are spelled with just the letters i or y. Hi, fly, my, by, cry, sky, I, try. Review includes: like and nine.
Spelling Unit A-11
More long-e words in this set: she ski, we, me, he, be. Bonus words: mini and taxi. Review: cone and nose.
Spelling Unit A-12
It's time for another sight word list! These are words the kids should know how to read, without sounding out the individual letters. From, come, have, all, one, what, was, and said.
Spelling List A-13
This week your students will be learning about consonant blends fl, cl, and bl. Black, clap, flag, cliff, blink, and flake. The star words are tricky to spell: climb and blue.
Spelling Unit A-14
The printables on this page feature more consonant blends. All words have cl, bl, or sl. Word list includes: glad, plot, play, slam, sled, and glass.
Spelling Unit A-15
A-15 has words with with br, cr, and fr blends. Frost brown, free, crib, crab, and brick.
Spelling Unit A-16
On these worksheets, pupils will practice spelling words with gr, pr, and tr. Trip, grid, prop, gram, trap, and press.
Spelling Unit A-17
This unit has words with ST, SN, and SP. List includes the words: stop, spin, snack, snip, step, stick, spot, and snug.
Spelling Unit A-18
This unit has 8 sight words and two review words. New words: who, you, many, two, been, and into. Review words: grade and press. Star words: would and their.
Spelling Unit A-19
Here you'll find words the long-oo sound, as in spoon, food, cool, noon, and tooth.
Spelling Unit A-20
On this list you have short-oo words, including: cook, foot, stood, shook, wood, took, book, and good.
Spelling Unit A-21
This unit has long-e spelling words, such as tree, green, bee, heat, read, tea, and sheet.
Spelling Unit A-22
This unit has long-o words, spelled with the letters ow and oa. Goal, boat, own, bow, mow, and coat. Star words are: toast and yellow.
Spelling Unit A-23
These words have the long-a vowel sound spelled with the letters ay and ai. List includes rain, may, train, day, stay, lay, aim, stay and way.
Spelling Unit A-24
This unit has common sight words, such as find, some, where, were, there, only.
Spelling Unit A-25
This week's list emphasizes words with the /ch/ and /sh/ consonant digraphs. Shell, chair, sheep, show, chat, and chop.
Spelling Unit A-26
Within this unit, students will discover words with /th/ sounds, such as this, that, both, then, with, and thick.
Spelling Unit A-27
Words with the /ar/ sound are in the spotlight this week. Car, art, hard, far, part, and mark.
Spelling Unit A-28
This list has words with the /or/ sound. Port, born, horse, cord, sort, sport, storm, for.
Spelling Unit A-29
This unit has more r-controlled vowels. These words have the letters ir and ur in them. First, turn, girl, shirt, bird, and surf.
Spelling Unit A-30
The final unit contains sight words. Word list: old, very, other, again, kind, and put. Star words are: does and goes.
Holiday Spelling Units
Halloween Unit (Level A)
This is a Halloween-themed spelling unit, containing the following words: candy, witch, moon, bat, dark, boo, cat, black, corn, and spook.
Thanksgiving Unit (Level A)
The Thanksgiving unit consists of eight basic words and two star words. List includes: thank, turkey, roll, food, pie, gravy, eat, and corn.
Christmas Unit (Level A)
This unit has holiday words, such including tree, card, gift, elf, bell, shop, snow, sled, and Santa.
Hanukkah Unit (Level A)
Here is a Hanukkah-themed unit with the following words: candle, eight, music, food, games, spin, latka, oil, sing, and gelt.
Valentine's Day Unit (Level A)
Here is a Valentines-themed unit, containing the following words: friend, Cupid, like, heart, kiss, love, hug, date, rose, and gift.
St. Patrick's Day Unit (Level A)
St. Patrick's Day words include: luck, jig, green, pot, gold, leaf, clover, and harp.
Easter Unit (Level A)
The Easter-themed list includes the words: egg, bunny, hide, chick, candy, ham, spring, and basket.
Theme Units
Farm Words (Theme)
This unit has farm-themed words. Barn, hen, cow, farm, duck, corn, hay, and pig.
Color Words (Theme)
This unit contains color-themed words: purple, orange, white, red, yellow, green, pink, brown, black, and blue.
Hockey Words (Theme)
This hockey-themed unit includes the following spelling words: score, goal, rink, shoot, net, stick, ice, skate, check, and puck.
Number Words (Theme)
This themed spelling unit is all about numbers. Words in this list include: eight, two, ten, one, three, four, nine, seven, six, and five.
School Words (Theme)
This spelling unit contains school-themed words, including the following: school, teacher, letters, desk, book, read, pencil, spell, math, and kids.
More Spelling
Spelling Level B (2nd Grade)
This is our second grade spelling series. There are 30 word lists, as well as holiday lists. If you've finished the first grade series, you might want to try these.
Spelling Level C (3rd Grade)
Here you'll find our third grade spelling worksheets, lists, and tests.
Spelling Level D (4th Grade)
Our fourth grade spelling series has challenging phonics-based word lists.
Spelling Level E (5th Grade)
Did you know that we have spelling lists for fifth graders too? These lists have challenging words, advanced phonics worksheets, and advanced puzzles.
1st Grade Spelling (Old STW Spelling Series)
Grade 1 Spelling Series (Old)
This page has all 30 units from our old spelling series. For each unit, there is a list and two worksheets.
How to learn to pronounce difficult words
For a speaker, words and phrases that are impossible to pronounce are cause for excitement and tension. Words that are difficult to pronounce lead to “knocking down” the rhythm and “stumbling” during pronunciation. But it is impossible to do without complex words, therefore it is extremely important to write and pronounce them correctly.
For a confident, productive performance, you need to regularly practice complex pronunciation expressions. Then they will pass into the degree of ordinary ones, they will be easy to pronounce and will no longer bring problems.
- What are compound words and what they are for
- What are difficult words for
- Examples of difficult words and phrases
- How to learn to pronounce compound words and phrases
What are compound words and what they are for
Compound words consist of two or more roots.
Examples of expressions that cause difficulties for speakers and announcers when pronouncing:
- patrons;
- to the user;
- state;
- enrolled;
- benefited;
- satellite;
- improvements;
- participating.
Why difficult words are needed
Many words that are difficult to pronounce have appeared in the Russian language. However, these words accurately and concisely convey the essence of the object or phenomenon in the name. Examples:
- agricultural;
- balloonist;
- natural science;
- trendy;
- armored personnel carrier;
- literary criticism.
Compound words - special terms or concepts; the longest and most difficult to pronounce expressions in Russian.
Examples of hard-to-pronounce words and phrases
A huge number of hard-to-pronounce words are chemical names. For example:
- Methylpropenylenedihydroxycinnamenylacrylic acid.
- Dimethylalkylbenzylammonium chloride is a substance that protects metals from corrosion.
- Trinitrotoluene is an explosive used in ammunition for destruction, crushing.
- Para-aminobenzoic acid dimethylethyl ester hydrochloride - common vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
- Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule in the cell that preserves and transmits hereditary information.
Difficult-to-pronounce terms are also found among commonly used words: superman, dance floor.
Complicated phrases are a means for improving pronunciation, developing the articulatory apparatus, helping to make pronunciation intelligible and distinct. Examples:
- Vacuum cleaner stripes were replaced with carpet half stripes.
- Coconut juice is boiled by coco-cookers.
- Kolya swore to Klava on his knees in the maple forest.
- Otters in leggings dig into buckets in the bowels of the tundra cedar kernels.
- Pathologists suspected paraganglia pathology.
- In the summer, five-year-old flying squirrels flew to the rally of the flying clan.
- Khrushchi grab horsetails. Not every Khrushchev has enough horsetail.
- The son-in-law was carrying an ide because of the Yauza. Winters on the Yauza are full of ides.
- Sasha walked along the highway and knocked dry.
- Palmists and surgeons characterize rickets by cartilage fragility and chronic chromosomal hara-kiri.
- A crocodile stole a beautiful crocodile from the edge of a steep tussock. The crocodile gave the crocodile a crocodile.
- The chinchilla in the hut sewed the chinchillas six shushuns, six pants each, and sixteen shurapkas each.
- Frail, suffering Koschei stole a box of vegetables.
How to learn to pronounce complex words and phrases
Speech imperfections are easy to correct if you show patience. Complicated phrases are what you need to develop a clear, well-placed diction, a strong voice. In Russian there are tongue twisters intended for these purposes. They are easy to remember, rhythmic. Compliance with the rhythm makes speech smooth, melodic, expressive. It is not necessary to pronounce tongue twisters as quickly as possible, it is enough to pronounce them clearly, correctly placing accents and observing the rhythm.
The only way to learn how to pronounce difficult phrases and words is to constantly practice pronunciation. Tongue twisters will be of invaluable help in this matter. You need to pronounce them with different intonations, changing your voice, tilting your head in different directions, pushing your tongue to your lips. You need to practice reading tongue twisters daily. Active training is recommended once every three days for 15 minutes.
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Compound words visiting children
06 Mar 2011 Author Ekaterina
In order to develop the lexico-grammatical side of speech, I developed a lesson using technical means. Since the formation of complex words by adding two words for a preschooler is a very difficult task, I tried to facilitate this task with the help of visual-game tools, modeling situations.
Speech therapist Zonova N.A.
MDOU d / s "Northern Lights".
Nizhnesortymsky village, Surgut district, Tyumen region, KhMAO
Summary of the lesson
Group: preparatory
Form of the lesson: subgroup
Speech group: FFN, FN, phonemic underdevelopment
Correction-educational goals
• Expand and consolidate ideas about the professions of people, their originality, attributes, human abilities
• Learn to form complex words by addition, activate the dictionary with complex words;
• Learn to form nouns from verbs;
• develop general and fine motor skills;
• improve the ability to use a long air jet;
• develop visual attention and perception;
• create an acoustic-articulatory sound image [Л']
• expand the dictionary with definitions, verbs;
• practice the ability to make sentences with a given word;
• development of graphomotor skills;
Correctional and educational:
• to cultivate the desire to engage in and achieve positive results.
• educate respect for the work of people of different professions
Equipment: TV, DVD player, music center, water and sand center, illustrations with people's professions, illustrations of the Cheburashka silhouette, a picture depicting a part of the Wolf's body, fishing rods, fish with magnets, a ball .
Handout: cards depicting various attributes for different professions, pictures depicting people of different professions, a simple pencil for each child didactic game "Sound Lotto", plastic massage balls, metal rings for each child; medals.
Preparing for the lesson: pre-filmed clip from the TV show Good Night Kids
1. Organizational moment:
Speech therapist:
One, two, three, four, five new day, I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, healthy. Let's take a deep breath, inhale kindness and beauty.
The melody from the TV show “Good night, kids” sounds, children sit down on the carpet in front of the TV.
Speech therapist: Why did the children's program start in the afternoon? Maybe we need our help, let's see.
2. Determination of motivation for the lesson:
A speech therapist appears on the screen in the role of a TV presenter and Phil's toy. They are having a dialogue. Filya turns to the children for help
Filya: Hello, Natalia Aleksandrovna. I need help. I was given the task to unravel the professions of people by these attributes, but I just can’t do it, but I need to tell the children about different professions in the evening edition, I’m just “dying”, help.
Speech therapist: Okay, don't cry. Today I will have a lesson in the kindergarten "Teremok". The children in this garden are very smart, inquisitive and they will definitely help you. Let's start with my profession, TV presenter (shows two cards or a slide: on the first TV, on the second - the presenter) What does the TV presenter do? What attributes does he need?
Phil: microphone, script, news, audience.
Speech therapist: Right. The word "TV presenter" is derived from the two words television and leads. Here we have completed the first task. And now you, my dear children.
Turning off the TV
Speech therapist: today your favorite heroes of fairy tales and cartoons will ask us questions, which we will hear from the TV screen, they are TV presenters today. Who is the first, guess by the silhouette (the teacher shows the silhouette of Cheburashka)
3. Development of general motor skills. Relaxation exercises:
The Cheburashka life-size puppet appears on the screen.
Cheburashka: Hello guys. Remember my movements, repeat them, and guess the profession of a person from these movements and these working tools.
Cheburashka imitates cleaning a pipe, climbing stairs, shaking off dust from clothes.
Speech therapist: Do you remember the movements? Let's repeat. (repeat movements)
Look at these tools, what profession does a person need them for? This profession is not very common in our time, it is a chimney sweep (shows cards or a slide: on one pipe, on the other - a person cleans)
Children: chimney sweep
Speech therapist: what does a chimney sweep do? What should be a chimney sweep? Why clean pipes?
Children: Cleans. Strong, brave, courageous. To be free from debris, dust, burning. To let the smoke out.
4. Self-massage of hands and fingers. Development of fine motor skills:
Speech therapist: guys, you said that the chimney sweep must be strong, then let's train our hands. To begin with, let's perform a massage with the help of plastic balls - "masseurs".
Children take balls and perform movements as shown by the teacher. The teacher accompanies the movements with a poetic text
Speech therapist:
We blinded a kolobok
From the flour of its side
Crumpled, crumpled, squeezed
Created a round ball
Rolled on the palm of your hand
We removed the other one
We threw it up a little
And caught it by the sides
If you like it
Help yourself, I'll give it back
Next, exercises with metal rings are performed. The thumbs are practiced on both hands alternately
I put the ring on
Move it up and down
I roll, roll
I get great benefits
After self-massage, children are offered games to develop dexterity, accuracy, amplitude of hands "Well", faster”, expanders, tops
Speech therapist pronounces a verse text on relaxation of the hands and fingers
Hands shook vigorously
our fingers stretched
yawned, yawned
and smiled at everyone.
5. Development of graphomotor skills:
Speech therapist: and now guys, come to your desks. Simple pencils and pictures are waiting for you. (each child names his picture from the attributes and tools of a chimney sweep)
Speech therapist: guys, you must shade your picture in the direction indicated in the box in the upper left corner of your leaflet (the teacher individually approaches and checks the correctness of the task, marks the landing when drawing)
6. Formation of a long targeted air jet:
Speech therapist: let's turn our attention to the TV screen, who is the next TV presenter? Try to get to know it in part. (showing part of the wolf picture)
A life-size puppet appears on the screen.
Wolf: Good afternoon, my friends. I enjoy being a TV presenter. Listen to my riddle, and quickly give me a guess:
Has wings, but does not fly
No legs, but you can’t catch up
Swims in an aquarium
Makes people happy
Children: Rybka
Wolf: Correct. What is the name of the profession of a person who fishes?
Children: fisherman.
Speech therapist shows two cards or a slide: on one - a fish, on the other - a person is catching
Speech therapist: What does a fisherman do? What kind of fisherman is he? What can you fish with?
Children: Catches fish. Strong, wet, bold. Fishing rod, nets, hands, harpoon.
Speech therapist: and now, you will be fishermen.
Children go to the center of water and sand and use fishing rods with magnets to catch fish.
Speech therapist: and I will ask some guys to blow, create a storm on our "sea", let our fishermen try to catch in difficult conditions.
Then the children switch roles.
Speech therapist: guys, look what we have at the bottom of the sea?
Children: rubbish, things, objects.
Children: diver
The teacher shows cards or a slide: on one - water, on the other - a person descends into the water
Speech therapist: What does the diver do? What kind of diver should be? Why do you need his profession?
7. Formation of nouns from verbs:
And now, stand in a circle, let's play the game "Who is doing what?" I will throw the ball to you and name the action, and you return the ball to me and name the profession of the person who performs this action
Teaches - teacher
Educates - educator
Cleans pipes - chimney sweep
Cooks - cook
Catches fish - angler
Flies - pilot
Climbs into the water - diver
Conducts television programs - TV presenter
8. Literacy education:
Speech therapist: We have another TV presenter, this is the heroine of many folk tales - the Fox.
Lisa's life-size puppet with his tasks appears on the TV screen.
Lisa: My dear children, I welcome you! I would like to understand who cuts down trees in our forest? If you recognize a person of this profession, tell him that there are few trees left in our forest. I hope for you.
Speech therapist: (shows cards or a slide: on one - a forest, on the other - an ax) Guys, what is the name of the profession of a person who cuts a forest?
Children: Lumberjack
Speech therapist: What does a lumberjack do? What tools does a lumberjack need? Is it possible to mindlessly cut down a forest? Guys, what is the first sound in the words “Lumberjack” and “Fox”
Children: sound [L ’]
Speech therapist: And how does the sound sound in these words: hard or soft?
Children: Softly
Speech therapist: Guys, come to the tables, let's tell everything we know about the soft sound [L']
Children choose cards with symbols that match the characteristics of the soft consonant sound (barrier - tongue, air stream - warm , according to the participation of the vocal cords - voiced, according to the participation of the middle part of the back of the tongue - soft, the color of the chip is green, the visual image of the letter and its name)
Speech therapist: Well done guys, they coped with the characteristics of the sound, and Lisa gave us cards with the names of professions that will help the forest animals. Let's try to guess them.
9. Consolidation of the ability to form complex words:
The teacher shows cards or a slide "Gardener", "Beekeeper"
Speech therapist: What does the gardener do? beekeeper? why do they plant gardens, bees?
Children: Plants gardens, breeds bees. Gardens are needed to be beautiful, to breathe easier, a home for birds and animals. Bees for pollination of flowers, for honey production.
10. To practice the ability to compose a sentence with a given word:
Speech therapist: Well, guys, you have learned a lot about different professions. Let's decompose the pictures depicting people of different professions into the necessary cards with the image of attributes.
Children independently lay out pictures depicting people of different professions on a card that shows the relevant attributes for this profession
Speech therapist: now guys, think and make a sentence with your own word - the name of the profession, come up to me, pronounce your proposal.
I'll pass on your answers to Fila, and the transmission will be on time and very interesting.
11. Summary of the lesson:
Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist asks questions and evaluates the work of the children in the lesson
Speech therapist: Guys, I really liked you, you clearly answered the questions, tried to pronounce the sounds correctly and clearly.
Which task did you like the most?
Which TV presenter was the best?
What is the profession you will choose when you grow up?
You greeted us with a smile
Answered questions
Draw and write
Play with fingers together
But the time has come to say goodbye
And I want to wish you,
To be proud of your profession when you grow up
Be proud and work like today for a mark of five
The teacher awards each child with a medal
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Author: Ekaterina
Hello! My name is Ekaterina and I am glad to welcome you to the site " Speech Therapy for All " If you liked the materials of the site, then you can subscribe to new publications by RSS or Email.