Draw letter m
Drawing Of The Fancy Letter M - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken
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drawing of the fancy letter mlizenzfreie Stock- und Vektorgrafiken. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr faszinierende Stock-Bilder und Vektorarbeiten zu entdecken.vm monogramm klassischer stil, mv erste hochzeit des minimalistischen modells, eleganz anwendbar für einladung, buchdruck, schmuck, boutique und kreative vorlagen. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVM Monogramm klassischer Stil, MV erste Hochzeit des...
illustration von mp oder pm monogramm klassischen stil, erste hochzeit von luxusmodell und eleganz anwendbar für einladung, buchdruck, schmuck, tattoo, boutique und kreative vorlagen.Illustration von MP oder PM Monogramm klassischen Stil, erste...
antikes illustration von verzierten buchstabe m - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleAntikes illustration von verzierten Buchstabe M
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Schwarzer Anfangsbuchstabe M mit barocken Verzierungen pn den alten Papierhintergrund im Vintage-Stil. Schöner filigraner Großbuchstabe M für Monogramm, Logo, Emblem, Karte oder Einladung
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Gotische Schrift aus lateinischen Buchstaben. Vektor. Englisches...
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übliche anzeigeschrift für inschriften. vektor. lateinische großbuchstaben. alphabet für fröhliche informelle inschriften. alle briefe werden separat gespeichert. symbole für logos. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleÜbliche Anzeigeschrift für Inschriften. Vektor. Lateinische Großbu
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Letter M Vogelfeder Logo Design Konzept für Law Identity Vector...
vektorabbildung von fäustling mit alphabetbuchstaben m großbuchstaben oder großbuchstaben für kinder lernpraxis abc - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorabbildung von Fäustling mit Alphabetbuchstaben M Großbuchsta
buchstabe m mit sternen linie kunst logo design inspiration. logo-design, icon und visitenkarte - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe M mit Sternen Linie Kunst Logo Design Inspiration. Logo-
großbuchstabe m mit blumen. monogramm, druck, muttersymbol. schwarze umrisszeichnung. vektorillustration isoliert auf weißem hintergrund. familienlogo, schild. florales design, initialen des namens. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleGroßbuchstabe M mit Blumen. Monogramm, Druck, Muttersymbol....
Dunkler Buchstabe M-Symbol mit grünen Melissenzweigen
verzierter buchstabe m - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVerzierter Buchstabe M
muster, ornament im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. mittelalterliche lateinische schwarze buchstaben auf weißem grund. kalligraphie und beschriftung. design für stoff und verpackung. alle buchstaben sind isoliert. grafische elemente. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleMuster, Ornament im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Alphabet....
buchstabe m, im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphie und schriftzug. mittelalterliche lateinische neinige buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen. monogramm. elegante schrift für tattoo. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe M, im gotischen Stil. Vektor. alphabet. Das Symbol ist...
Kritzelbuchstabe M. Handgezeichnete Linie ABC. Skizzenalphabet....
eleganter handgeschriebener buchstabe m isoliert auf weißem hintergrund. kalligraphiebuchstaben für vektorgrafiken. letter m logo design. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleEleganter handgeschriebener Buchstabe m isoliert auf weißem...
historiated initial letter m - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleHistoriated Initial Letter M
der buchstabe m im gotischen stil. vektor. altes alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphisch, mittelalterlicher lateinischer buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen. monogramm. eine elegante schriftart für ein tattoo. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleDer Buchstabe M im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Altes Alphabet. Das...
Gotisches, englisches Alphabet. Vektor. Mittelalterliche...
lernen sie, groß- und kleinbuchstaben m auf einem weißen hintergrund mit einem mandala zu schreiben, um mit farben zu zeichnen, lernen sie, durch ausmalen zu schreiben - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleLernen Sie, Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben M auf einem weißen...
vektorillustration zum erlernen des alphabets für kinder mit cartoon-bildern. buchstabe m steht für maske. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorillustration zum Erlernen des Alphabets Für Kinder mit...
Vektorillustration zum Erlernen des Schreibens von Buchstaben Englisch mit Cartoons für Kinder Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben, Strich, Schreiben, Tun, Aufkleber, Ausschneiden und Einfügen, Lernseiten für Kinder.
Bunte Kritzeleien M. Handgezeichnete Linie ABC. Skizzenalphabet....
buchstabe m des englischen alphabets, doodle-stil verziert mit einfacher abstrakter muster-vektor-illustration, niedliche lustige dekorative handschrift abc, handgeschriebene schriftbuchstaben, schriftzug - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe M des englischen Alphabets, Doodle-Stil verziert mit...
kritzelbuchstabe m. handgezeichnete linie abc. skizzenalphabet. kinderillustration für malbuch. bearbeitbare gliederung - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleKritzelbuchstabe M. Handgezeichnete Linie ABC. Skizzenalphabet....
vektorillustration der malbuchseite für kinder mit umrissener clipart zum ausmalen. buchstabe m für motorrad. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorillustration der Malbuchseite für Kinder mit umrissener. ..
Vektor-Illustration der pädagogischen Alphabet-Malvorlage mit Cartoon für Kinder. Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben zum Ausmalen, Nachzeichnen, Schreiben, Do-a-Dot, Aufkleber, Ausschneiden und Einfügen, Lernseite für Kinder.
großbuchstabe m verziert mit mandalas und geometrischen figuren auf weißem grund zum ausmalen, vektor, malvorlagen - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleGroßbuchstabe M verziert mit Mandalas und geometrischen Figuren...
goldener buchstabe m verziert mit grünen und goldenen tropischen aquarellblättern isoliert - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleGoldener Buchstabe M verziert mit grünen und goldenen tropischen...
vektorillustration der malbuchseite für kinder mit umrissener clipart zum ausmalen. buchstabe m für fäustlinge. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorillustration der Malbuchseite für Kinder mit umrissener. ..
Monogramm M. Buchstabenanfang des Alphabets. Abstrakte...
muster, ornament im gotischen stil. gesamtes alphabet. mittelalterliche lateinische schwarze buchstaben im kreis. kalligraphie und beschriftung. design für stoffe und verpackungen. grafische elemente für kreativität. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleMuster, Ornament im gotischen Stil. Gesamtes Alphabet....
gotisch. vektor. groß- und kleinbuchstaben. schöne und stilvolle kalligraphie. elegante europäische schrift für design. mittelalterlicher moderner stil. elegantes muster für stoff und verpackung. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleGotisch. Vektor. Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben. Schöne und stilvolle...
gotische komposition. vektor. mittelalterliche lateinische buchstaben.
Gotische Komposition. Vektor. Mittelalterliche lateinische...
verzierter buchstabe m - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVerzierter Buchstabe M
buchstabe m im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphie und beschriftung. mittelalterlicher lateinischer buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen. monogramm. elegante schrift für ein tattoo. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe m im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Alphabet. Das Symbol ist...
buchstabe m im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphie und beschriftung. mittelalterlicher lateinischer buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen.
Buchstabe M im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Alphabet. Das Symbol ist...
buchstabe m im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphie und beschriftung. mittelalterlicher lateinischer buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen. monogramm. elegante schrift für ein tattoo. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe M im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Alphabet. Das Symbol ist...
antike illustration von verzierten capital letter m - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleAntike illustration von verzierten capital letter M
buchstabe m im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphie und beschriftung. mittelalterlicher lateinischer buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen. monogramm. elegante schrift für ein tattoo.
Buchstabe M im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Alphabet. Das Symbol ist...
buchstabe m im gotischen stil. vektor. alphabet. das symbol ist auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. kalligraphie und beschriftung. mittelalterlicher lateinischer buchstabe. logo für das unternehmen. monogramm. elegante schrift für ein tattoo. - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe M im gotischen Stil. Vektor. Alphabet. Das Symbol ist...
antiquitätenkunststiche illustration: ornate buchstabe m aus den werken von alfred tennyson - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleAntiquitätenkunststiche Illustration: Ornate Buchstabe M aus den...
bunte celtic beleuchtung des ursprünglichen leter m - drawing of the fancy letter m stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBunte celtic Beleuchtung des ursprünglichen leter M
großbuchstabe dekorativ verzierter buchstabe m, mit floraler verzierung oder ornament.
Großbuchstabe Dekorativ verzierter Buchstabe M, mit floraler...
von 5Use this printable tutorial to learn how to draw the LETTER M bubble letter step by step. Bubble letters are a graffiti-style art that allows the reader to still identify a letter, but it appears puffy and bubbly!This capital bubble letter tutorial is so easy kids of all ages can get in on the bubble letter fun.Let’s make a fancy, BIG bubble letter M!Capital M Bubble LetterTo make a capital letter M in bubble letter graffiti, we have some simple step-by-step instructions to follow! Print out the 2 page bubble letter tutorial pdf so you can follow along making your own bubble letter or even tracing the example when necessary.This article includes affiliate links.Supplies Needed for Drawing a Bubble Letter MPaperPencil or colored pencilsEraser(Optional) Crayons or colored pencils to color your completed bubble lettersWe have also created the 2 page printable bubble letter instruction sheets as coloring pages.

ByHannah Kercheval Updated on
Use this printable tutorial to learn how to draw the LETTER M bubble letter step by step. Bubble letters are a graffiti-style art that allows the reader to still identify a letter, but it appears puffy and bubbly!
This capital bubble letter tutorial is so easy kids of all ages can get in on the bubble letter fun.
Let’s make a fancy, BIG bubble letter M!Capital M Bubble Letter
To make a capital letter M in bubble letter graffiti, we have some simple step-by-step instructions to follow! Print out the 2 page bubble letter tutorial pdf so you can follow along making your own bubble letter or even tracing the example when necessary.
This article includes affiliate links.
Supplies Needed for Drawing a Bubble Letter M
- Paper
- Pencil or colored pencils
- Eraser
- (Optional) Crayons or colored pencils to color your completed bubble letters
We have also created the 2 page printable bubble letter instruction sheets as coloring pages. If desired, start by coloring the steps and then try it on your own!
How To Draw Bubble Letter M
Follow these simple steps to write your own bubble letter uppercase M! You can print them below by pressing the button.
Draw two circles.Step 1
Let’s start by drawing two fancy circles.
Add two smaller circles below the bigger circles.Step 2
Add two smaller circles below the first one.
Add an oval in the middle.Step 3
Now draw an oval right in the middle. You’re almost done drawing your bubble letter!
Connect the big circles and little circles.Step 4
Add two curved lines on the outline.
Step 5
Connect the oval with the bottom circles. To finish your graffiti letter, erase the extra lines!
Add details like shadows and a little bubble letter glow!Step 6
If you want to add details like shadows and a little bubble letter glow, then add them now!
Follow along the simple steps to writing your own bubble letter M!Download & Print pdf Files for Bubble Letter M Tutorial:
More Bubble Letters You Can Draw
What word are you going to write in bubble letters today?More Letter M Fun from Kids Activities Blog
- Our big learning resource for everything about the Letter M.
- Have some crafty fun with our letter m crafts for kids.
- Download & print our letter m worksheets full of letter m learning fun!
- Giggle and have some fun with words that start with the letter m.
- Check out over 1000 learning activities & games for kids.
- Oh, and if you like coloring pages, we have over 500 you can choose from…
- Ready to make a letter M lesson plan? Start off with a song, and then you can choose: worksheets or activities?
How did your letter M bubble letter turn out?
Hannah Kercheval
Hannah loves designing coloring pages at printablesbyhannah.com
Letter M: pictures, coloring pages and presentations
Home » ABC for kids
Here are some interesting and easy games and activities for young children that can be used in the lesson where the letter "M" is studied.
Also on the site there are coloring pages, photos, projects, presentations for teaching kids. They are perfect for children attending 1st grade or preschool.
Games and tasks
I will briefly write what our kids will need to do.
- Circle the items that begin with the letter M.
- Draw and color the large and small letters “M” blue.
- Draw a small 'm' in a circle under each picture and circle the first 'm'. Discuss the pictures and who is depicted in them?
- What letter do all these words begin with?
Color the pictures, find out who is depicted on it, insert the letter “M” in the word “Moydodyr”. Kids can try to draw and color the letter on their own. You can download coloring pages for free here.
Let's try to draw the letter "M" - you need to circle the letters with multi-colored pencils, and then help Mishka from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" find a gift that contains honey. You need to find a gift with the letter "m" and draw a line from Bear to this gift. We are learning to write capital large and small letters “M” - draw dotted lines to make a beautiful letter M.
We are looking for five letters “M” among other pictures and color them blue. (A game of letters for attentiveness).
Here you need to circle the letter "M"
Help Mickey Mouse collect all the letters "M" - circle neatly dotted lines.
Videos and presentations
Sound and/or letter M present in video and photo. Also on our website there is a project and a presentation with the letter M. The presentation and the project with a photo can be used both in teaching preschoolers and children attending grade 1.
View presentations here, here and here.
from the creators of the mind:
From the Aunts of the Owls from the ABC Baby
Shishkina school
from Kapuka Kanuki
Children's corner
Project and presentation with the photo are easily slopped down from our site. . Here the letter M is represented by various objects, words, etc. The project and presentation with a photo present a living image of a letter that children will definitely like.
A selection of good riddles about the letter "M" and answers to the letter "M".
A selection of the best poems about the letter "M" for children.
The form of the game - the optimal form of tasks for teaching toddlers . Educate children with pleasure!
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how to draw the letter m beautifully - 25 recommendations on Babyblog.ru
What is the fastest way to learn letters with a child? The easiest way is to hang a poster with the alphabet on the wall and regularly voice it to the child ... But ... this method does not work for all children! Unfortunately, many children get bored very quickly, and they simply “run away” from such activities.
If you find yourself in such a situation - do not despair! There are many fun letter learning games that your child will love!
Before you start learning letters, it is important not to forget:
Most preschool teachers agree that it is best to teach children the “sound” interpretation of letters (not “Ka” but “K”, not “Be”, but “B”, etc.).
This is done to make it much easier for the child to learn how to add syllables later on.
Compare in which case it will be easier for a child to “figure out” how to compose a syllable:
Sound variant: “B” + “A” = “BA”
Letter variant: “Be” + “A” = ?? ??? - logically, children often want to say “BeA” in this place, and this is where the main problem faced by many parents who taught children the "classic" names of the letters (such as "Be", "Ve", etc.) - when reading syllables, it is difficult for a child to mentally discard the sound "a" from "Ka", from "Ve" - the sound "e", etc. (they want to read not “VA”, but “VEA”, not “BU”, but “BeU”, etc.)
And this difficulty becomes a serious obstacle for teaching a child the skill of combining individual letters into syllables.
Therefore, the study of the "sound" interpretation of letters will be much more preferable.
“Learning letters is fun!” - educational games for boring kids!
1. Coloring.
Everything is simple here! You can download coloring pages with letters from the Internet and invite your child to color them. The child will be interested in creativity, and at the same time consolidate knowledge about the new letter.
So that the process of coloring does not bore the child, you need to use different interesting techniques for this:
- color the letters not only with pencils, but also with paints, wax crayons, stamps;
- paint with fingers using finger paints;
- use non-traditional drawing techniques ( with cotton buds, crumpled paper, blots , etc. ).
2. Decorate the letter.
Children will be happy to decorate letters!
You can decorate them with plasticine, appliqué, colored glass pieces, designer parts… and whatever you want!
Try decorating the letter "A" with watermelons, the letter "B" with bananas, etc.
3. Sculpt.
A very useful activity is to sculpt letters from colored dough or plasticine. And if you combine modeling with listening to songs by Ekaterina Zheleznova from the album “Musical Primer” (in which the whole process of modeling is very interestingly “sung”), then modeling will be even more fun.
Wonderful mothers, passionate about the development of children, have long made funny videos of these songs and posted them on the net.
For example, while playing and watching a funny video, you can make the letter A in a fun and interesting way:
Tilt two sticks,
Connect at the top,
One bar -
Like a tent letter A!

In the process of learning the alphabet, the process of repetition is important. Still would! After all, until you reach "I" - you must try not to forget the letter "A".
The process of repeating already learned material will be more fun with the game "Halves"!
Cut out beautiful letter cards, cut them in two, shuffle them.
Invite the child to “fold” the letters from two halves.
5. Memory.
To consolidate the material covered, the well-known game "Memory" is also suitable for everyone (at the same time, attention and memory are trained). You will need a set of cards in which each of the pictures with a certain letter is presented in duplicate.
Shuffle the cards and place them white side up in front of the child.
Ask him to turn over any of the cards, name the sound that means an open letter. Then the player needs to find exactly the same card among the rest not yet turned over. The player looks for the right letter by turning over the rest of the cards and checking what is drawn on them.
Opened the wrong letter? Flip it back white side up and look for a pair further!
When the required card is found, the player takes two cards for himself and the game continues until a pair is found for each card.
6. We write on semolina.
Children love to draw on semolina! Without exception, everything - from small to large! Even if your child is already 10 years old and already seems “so big”, believe me, he will be delighted with drawing on semolina!
7. Lotto and foil.
Another way to learn and repeat letters is loto.
Not all children are enthusiastic about letter lotto. In order to interest the child in this game, you can use foil or paper.
Prepare the playing field and wrap the letter figures in foil or paper.
Have the child unfold the letter and put it in its place on the bingo board.
Lotto can be sound - in this case, you need to put a letter on a card on which an object is drawn that begins with this letter.
You may have a cheerful Little Letter at home. The easiest way to do this is to take a glove doll or soft toy.
For example, this cockerel -
is very unusual! He eats letters! Come on! Let him eat the letter B! And now he wants the letter A! Oh, how tasty you feed the cockerel!
You can play the letter box in another way:
Funny people live in this box. They eat nothing but letters. Let's feed them, shall we? (Mouths of little men - slots in the box).
Here is their food (draw letters on beans with felt-tip pen):
We feed the little men (each man has his own letter, if the baby makes a mistake - the little men spit cheerfully, close their mouths and demand that they be fed with other food that suits them better (beans with "their own" letter):

Some children may find it difficult to build letters from scrap materials (especially if the kid is under 3.5 years old).0003
Such children can be constructed using the “overlay” method.
To do this, you can draw these simple diagrams:
Also, in order to build letters, you can use the Zheleznovs' musical primer, which was already written about in paragraph 3 of this article.
For example, verses and a song, which is described in paragraph 3 for "A" can also be used to construct this letter from sticks ( Tilt two sticks, connect at the top, one crossbar - like a tent letter A! )
11. Piercer.
Draw a letter on paper. Put a sheet of paper on a carpet or a soft sofa and hand the child a toothpick (the subject is certainly sharp ... but in 90% of cases, children are easily trained in safety precautions and there are no problems). Ask him to decorate the letter with holes (pierce the letter along the contour).
12. Liner.
This is a great game to learn how to write letters.
Draw the letter with paints. And then ask your child to circle it in a different color...or several colors. Of course, it is better to draw a letter on an A4 sheet.
In this way, you can even “write” whole words:
13. Connection of letters and sounds.
Look, these animals have lost their letters:
What sound does “Elephant” begin with? That's right, "C". Where is our letter "C"? Let's give her back to the elephant!
14. "Find!"
Find all the letters "K" in this picture and circle them!
And in this picture - all the letters "T":
Find all the red M's... now the blue ones... now the orange ones, etc.
And now count - how many letters "M" did you find in total?
15. Mosaic games.
Lay out a letter from the mosaic according to the model:
A simpler and more interesting option:
Roll out the dough, draw a letter on it with a felt-tip pen . .. and decorate it with a mosaic!
You can also decorate the letters on the test with other items, such as cereals:
16. Movement game "Run to the letter"
This game is good because it is mobile - it is more like a fun game of "chase" than a learning process. It can be used instead of a mobile pause in class to take a break with benefit.
Hang pictures of various letters on the walls of the room (you can use letters that you "decorated" with your child).
And now we give the command to the child: “Fast, quickly run to the letter C!”.
And now to the letter "A"!
This game not only helps to learn letters in motion, it also develops attention and memory.
If a child refuses to run on your command, you can take his hand and run with him.
Natalia Chistokletova came up with a very interesting variation of this game and offered it on her website (source link). This is a game - "Cover the letter with your palm":
Game "Feed the monster":
17. Outdoor game "Jump-jump-team!"
This game is also mobile, so the kids love it too!
Do you remember the funny show "Jump-jump-team" on the channel "Carousel"?
You can play jump-jump-team with letters too!
We take a cube with letters! (if there is no ready-made one, you can make it .... Well, in extreme cases, just turn the cards with the letters down with the image and pull them out one by one).
For example, this simple cube can be made using a children's cube, tape and paper:
Throw the die…. What did we get? Aha! "U".
What happens on "U" ... Snail? Let's show it (put a pillow on your back and start crawling on the floor).
Now what? The letter "C". On "C" we have an elephant! Let's show it too!
18. Sound poster.
My daughter learned the letters in a couple of months on her own, without any help from me...
And the sound poster helped me with this!
The meaning of its action is simple - the child clicks on the picture with the letter - the poster pronounces the sound that it denotes.