How many syllables does friend have
How many syllables in friend?
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Syllables Synonyms Rhymes
637489152 syllable
Divide friend into syllables: friend
Syllable stress: friend
How to pronounce friend: frend
How to say friend: friend syllables
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3. How to divide into syllables.
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Syllables Synonyms Rhymes
Synonyms for friend
1 syllable
- chum hear the syllables in chum
- pal hear the syllables in pal
2 syllables
- ally hear the syllables in ally
- buddy hear the syllables in buddy
- comrade hear the syllables in comrade
- crony hear the syllables in crony
- lonely hear the syllables in lonely
- playmate hear the syllables in playmate
- alone hear the syllables in alone
- colleague hear the syllables in colleague
- contact hear the syllables in contact
- helper hear the syllables in helper
- lonesome hear the syllables in lonesome
3 syllables
- acquaintance hear the syllables in acquaintance
- supporter hear the syllables in supporter
- companion hear the syllables in companion
4 syllables
- associate hear the syllables in associate
- isolated hear the syllables in isolated
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Syllables Synonyms Rhymes
What rhymes with friend
1 syllable
- bend hear the syllables in bend
- blende hear the syllables in blende
- ende hear the syllables in ende
- lend hear the syllables in lend
- pend hear the syllables in pend
- rend hear the syllables in rend
- send hear the syllables in send
- spend hear the syllables in spend
- trend hear the syllables in trend
- Wend hear the syllables in wend
- wende hear the syllables in wende
- blend hear the syllables in blend
- end hear the syllables in end
- fend hear the syllables in fend
- mend hear the syllables in mend
- penned hear the syllables in penned
- scend hear the syllables in scend
- shend hear the syllables in shend
- tend hear the syllables in tend
- vend hear the syllables in vend
- wend hear the syllables in wend
2 syllables
- abend hear the syllables in abend
- amend hear the syllables in amend
- arend hear the syllables in arend
- attend hear the syllables in attend
- commend hear the syllables in commend
- defend hear the syllables in defend
- descend hear the syllables in descend
- expend hear the syllables in expend
- impend hear the syllables in impend
- misspend hear the syllables in misspend
- penda hear the syllables in penda
- pretend hear the syllables in pretend
- suspend hear the syllables in suspend
- unbend hear the syllables in unbend
- addend hear the syllables in addend
- append hear the syllables in append
- ascend hear the syllables in ascend
- befriend hear the syllables in befriend
- contend hear the syllables in contend
- depend hear the syllables in depend
- distend hear the syllables in distend
- extend hear the syllables in extend
- intend hear the syllables in intend
- offend hear the syllables in offend
- portend hear the syllables in portend
- relend hear the syllables in relend
- transcend hear the syllables in transcend
3 syllables
- apprehend hear the syllables in apprehend
- comprehend hear the syllables in comprehend
- fendable hear the syllables in fendable
- recommend hear the syllables in recommend
- reoffense hear the syllables in reoffense
- transcendant hear the syllables in transcendant
- commenda hear the syllables in commenda
- condescend hear the syllables in condescend
- misspender hear the syllables in misspender
- reoffend hear the syllables in reoffend
- spendable hear the syllables in spendable
4 syllables
- ascendable hear the syllables in ascendable
- overextend hear the syllables in overextend
- defendable hear the syllables in defendable
- suspendable hear the syllables in suspendable
5 syllables
- apprehendable hear the syllables in apprehendable
6 syllables
- dependabilities hear the syllables in dependabilities
- extendability hear the syllables in extendability
- expendability hear the syllables in expendability
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How many syllables in friends?
Syllables Synonyms Rhymes
293147568 syllable
Divide friends into syllables: friends
Syllable stress: friends
How to say friends: friends syllables
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Syllable Rules
1. What is a syllable?
2. How to count syllables.
3. How to divide into syllables.
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Syllables Synonyms Rhymes
Synonyms for friends
1 syllable
- links hear the syllables in links
2 syllables
- contacts hear the syllables in contacts
3 syllables
- connections hear the syllables in connections
4 syllables
- acquaintances hear the syllables in acquaintances
- associates hear the syllables in associates
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Syllables Synonyms Rhymes
What rhymes with friends
1 syllable
- bends hear the syllables in bends
- blends hear the syllables in blends
- cleansed hear the syllables in cleansed
- ends hear the syllables in ends
- friend's hear the syllables in friend's
- glens hear the syllables in glens
- hen's hear the syllables in hen's
- Jens hear the syllables in jens
- lens hear the syllables in lens
- men's hear the syllables in men's
- mens hear the syllables in mens
- pends hear the syllables in pends
- rends hear the syllables in rends
- sens hear the syllables in sens
- ten's hear the syllables in ten's
- tens hear the syllables in tens
- wend hear the syllables in wend
- wrens hear the syllables in wrens
- bens hear the syllables in bens
- cleanse hear the syllables in cleanse
- dens hear the syllables in dens
- fends hear the syllables in fends
- gens hear the syllables in gens
- glent hear the syllables in glent
- hens hear the syllables in hens
- lends hear the syllables in lends
- lens's hear the syllables in lens's
- mends hear the syllables in mends
- N's hear the syllables in n's
- pens hear the syllables in pens
- sends hear the syllables in sends
- spends hear the syllables in spends
- tends hear the syllables in tends
- trends hear the syllables in trends
- when's hear the syllables in when's
2 syllables
- amends hear the syllables in amends
- attends hear the syllables in attends
- commends hear the syllables in commends
- defends hear the syllables in defends
- descends hear the syllables in descends
- hennes hear the syllables in hennes
- offends hear the syllables in offends
- pretends hear the syllables in pretends
- transcends hear the syllables in transcends
- ascends hear the syllables in ascends
- befriends hear the syllables in befriends
- contends hear the syllables in contends
- depends hear the syllables in depends
- extends hear the syllables in extends
- intends hear the syllables in intends
- portends hear the syllables in portends
- suspends hear the syllables in suspends
- wrentail hear the syllables in wrentail
3 syllables
- ascenseur hear the syllables in ascenseur
- recommends hear the syllables in recommends
4 syllables
- contenement hear the syllables in contenement
- suspensation hear the syllables in suspensation
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Words "friend" morphological and phonetic analysis
Explanation of the rules for dividing (breaking down) the word "friend" into syllables for transfer.
The online dictionary will help: to parse the word “ friend ” phonetically and morphologically by composition, correctly divide it into syllables according to the rules of the Russian language, highlight parts of the word, put stress, indicate the meaning, synonyms, antonyms and compatibility for the word “ friend ".
- 1 How to translate the word "friend"
- 2 Morphemic analysis of the word "friend" in composition
- 3 Words similar in morphemic structure "friend"
- 4 Synonyms of the word "friend"
- 5 Antonyms of the word "friend"
- 6 Stress in the word "friend"
- 7 Phonetic transcription of the word "friend"
- 8 Phonetic analysis of the word "friend" into letters and sounds (Sound-letter)
- 9 Sentences with the word "friend"
- 10 Matching of the word "friend" »
- 11 Meaning of the word "friend"
- 12 Declension of the word "friend" by subject
- 13 How to spell the word "friend"
How to translate the word "friend"
Morphemic analysis of the word "friend" by composition
Friend | Korin |
Ø | Zero End |
Summer Morphemal structure “Friend”
Summer in the morphemic structure of the word
0002 1.

2. Kunak
3. Fighter
4. Subtanan
5. Comrade
6. Friend
7. Friendship
8. Friends
9. Bratan
10. Koresh
21. Milenok
22. Milenochka
23. A beloved
24. Old man
25. Boyfriend
26. Friend-Office
27. Cool
28. Chubular
29. Chubby
30. Snumber
31. Sodrozhebnik
32. Contemplate
33. Favorite
34. Backbred
35. Landmarks
36. Hearaenship
37. Old
38. Friend of Sitny
39. Brothers
40. Championer
41. Drugan
42. Kent
43. Korin
44. Flyak
45. Frand
46. Shine
47. Kenttyar
48. Corephan
49. FRDD
50. Zegrand
51. Subject of
52. Adherent
53. Do not spill water
54. Alter Ego
55. Alter Ego
The words “Friend”
1. enemy
2. enemy
Stress in the word "friend"
Friend - the stress falls on a syllable with a single vowel in the word
Phonetic transcription of the word "friend"
-Buynaya)letter | Sound | Characteristics of sound | Color | ||||||||
D | CONTENT, RIGH0052 | ||||||||||
R | [p] | Consistent, sonorous non -ire (Sonor), solid | r | ||||||||
U | [`U] | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | [k] | consonant, deaf double, hard, noisy | g |
Number of letters and sounds:
Based on the analysis made, we conclude that there are 4 letters and 4 sounds in the word.
Letters: 1 vowel, 3 consonants.
Sounds: 1 vowel, 3 consonants.
Sentences with the word "friend"
He didn't even hear friends come.
Source: Julia Galanina, The missing sword.
Realize how much you loved friend friend , and that this love has always remained with you and in you.
Source: Irina Krasotkina, Autotrainings.
After the game, they said goodbye respectfully, squeezing friend friend hands, they said that here is a little more practice, and you can already win against the elders.
Source: Alexander Karnishin, there is no Santa Claus.
Matching of the word “friend”
1. old friend
2. best friend
3. close friends
4. each other
5. childhood friend
6. 9008 family friend 900
8. face of a friend
9. group of friends
10. friends knew
11. friends understood
12. friends said
13. love each other
14. become friends
15. look at a friend
words "friend"
FRIEND1, -a, pl. friends, -zey and (obsolete) others, m. 1. One who is connected with smb. friendship. Sincere friend. Childhood friend, Friends in arms.
DRUG2 (short f. to another). (Small Academic Dictionary, MAC)
Declension of the word "friend" according to the terms
Case | Question | Plural Mn. | |
Nominative Name. | who? | friend | friends |
whom? | friends | friends | |
DativeDat. | to whom? | friend | friend |
AccusativeWin. | whom? | friends | friends |
Creative TV. | who? | friend | friends |
about whom? | friend | friends |
How to spell the word "friend"
The correct word is spelled: friend
0008 Published: 2020-05-18
4 Emphasis.
Type of accent. Place of impact.
Lesson 4: Emphasis. Type of accent. Place of impact.
Stress is the selection of one syllable from a measure. A syllable is distinguished by a relative difference in suprasegmental features between individual syllables tact.
Accent type
According to the method of isolating a syllable from a measure, the stress can be divided into:
dynamic (expiratory, power) – the syllable is emphasized by the force of exhalation
quantitative (quantitative) - the syllable is distinguished by longitude
melodic (musical, tonal) - the syllable is distinguished by the movement of the voice tone.
In fact, there are no pure types of stress, almost always one type is accompanied by another, although one of them prevails.
Dynamic accent is available in Russian, English, Czech and other languages. In Russian, dynamic stress is associated with quantitative stress.
The melodic stress occurs, for example, in Serbo-Croatian, Lithuanian, Chinese, etc.
Dynamic stress is either strong (in Russian, English, etc.) or weak (in Czech, Georgian, etc.)
In highly dynamically stressed languages, almost all the force extruded from the lungs by the jet of air is used to pronounce stressed syllable. Unstressed syllables lack strength, they weaken and change.
Changing the sound of unstressed syllables (primarily their sonorous center) is called reduction .
According to the method of separating a syllable from a measure in Russian strong dynamic stress : vowels in unstressed syllables are reduced, which leads to a variety of vowel sounds (allophones), in which a limited the number of phonemes in the Russian language. The strength of the Russian stress is accompanied by duration - the substressed syllable of the Russian word is not only the strongest, but also the longest.
In Czech weak dynamic stress : vowels in unstressed syllables hardly change.
For example: Zá -Mek VE -ool Vé -Cher Zá -IOC for - MC
CHI vowels performs the meaning and not related to the dynamism of the disposal. (i.e. it is a property segment elements) and does not depend on the stressed or unstressed position. Long vowels are twice as long as short ones.
Duration of vowel sounds of PR is not an independent property of segmental elements, it accompanies the force of dynamic stress and is its secondary characteristic. Unstressed vowels are 2-3 times longer than unstressed ones.
So, in the PR there is a strong dynamic stress with a significant quantitative component.
In CN a weak dynamic stress without a quantitative component.
For example:
Place of impact
According to the place of the allocated syllable in the word they differ:
fixed stress (it always happens on a certain syllable - in CN on the first, in French on the last)
free (non-local), which is not associated with a specific place in the word, it falls on any syllable, for example, in RL, in English.
Free accent has two subtypes:
free permanent i.e. in different forms of a given word, the stress always falls on the same syllable (in English, in most words in RL)
free movable i.e. in different forms of this word, the stress falls on different syllables (for example, in some Russian words - mo-re - mo-r i , pi-shu - p and -shesh).
In RL, the stress is free, mobile and has the function of a semantic-distinctive, phonological means: lock - lock, pi-li - pi-whether. In SN, the stress is fixed and cannot acquire a phonological function.
But the mobility of Russian stress is limited, in most Russian words the stress is constant .
Each independent word in the Russian language, as a rule, has one stress . Functional and in a few cases also some independent words do not have stress on themselves and are adjacent to the neighboring word as proclitic or enclitic .
Enclitics of are some particles, for example: tell me, the teacher said ..., sometimes they can be independent words, for example: didn’t give, didn’t live, take by the hair, etc.
Proclitics of are usually monosyllabic prepositions, conjunctions, particles, etc., e.g. prepositions in combination with definite nouns sometimes shift the stress onto themselves (the next word becomes unstressed, enclitic). For example: on the head, by the hand, by the hand, without a trace ... (in CH this applies to almost all prepositions).
Two-syllable and three-syllable auxiliary words are either unstressed or weakly impacted (with secondary stress), e. g. in an hour or in an hour.
Polysyllabic words formed by the addition of two or more stems have, along with the main stress, one more (or more) - secondary . The main stress always falls on the stressed syllable of the last stem of a polysyllabic word, side ones are closer to its beginning, e.g., Far Eastern, radio broadcast. Compound words, small in volume, do not have collateral stress: locomotive, gardener.
Exercise 4.1
Read, Follow the change in the stress in related words
GOGROD - Gorod - Goroda - City - City - Zathorodny
Hold - Khulodnov - Kholodnovo - Cold - Cute - Cinderer - Golos - Golos - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golosa - Golos undertone
Frost - frost - frost and lo - in s frost - frosty
Collar - gate - gate - collar - collar
Beard - beards - chin - wart
Work - earnings - earned - in s worked
Gold - gold and plain - gold - gold plated
Crow - crow - crow - crow - crow
Exercise 4.

Tear off - | apply - | shoot - | |||
Blind and - | sketch - | break off | |||
Cut - | underweight - |
Exercise 4.

Form the words of this rhythmic pattern
tá -ta
ta - tá
ta - ta - tá
ta - tá - ta
tá - ta - ta
, steamboat, composer, album, ravine, apparatus, vegetables, room, motor vehicle, dog, road, rock, head, beard, wasp, window, stop, chrysalis, grandmother, father, sister, medicine, patronymic, shore, no place, under the window, in the forest, on the table, under the snow, near the house, near the city, above the door, across the field, across the river.
Exercise 4.5
Read, pay attention to stress and correct pronunciation
Century - centuries, body - body, business - deeds, forest - forests, color - colors
Five - fifth and took off, pull - chan and .
The lesson was prepared using the following literature:
Theoretical part
[1]Oliverius, Z.