Letter c projects for toddlers
12 Cool Letter C Crafts & Activities
ByLiz Updated on
We are finished with letter b, are you ready for Letter C crafts and Letter C activities? Caterpillar, crabs, cats, clouds, and cookies…oh my! There are so many C words! Today we have some fun preschool letter C crafts and activities to practice letter recognition and writing skill building that work well in the classroom or at home.
Learning The Letter C Through Crafts & Activities
This list of letter c crafts and activities are perfect for kids ages 2-5. These fun letter alphabet crafts are a great way to teach your toddler, preschooler, or kindergartener their letters. So grab your paper, glue stick, paper plate, construction paper, googly eyes, and crayons and dive into a few of our favorite letter c crafts! Let’s start learning the letter C!
Related: More ways to learn the Letter C.
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Letter C Crafts For Kids
1. C Is For Caterpillar
C is for caterpillar! Love this fun letter C craft that goes with everyone’s favorite book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar! A craft and great books? Your child will have such a great time. Your child will have such a great time. So grab your paper, pom poms, and pipe cleaners for this easy craft.
2. Carrot Starts With C
Make a letter C carrot with orange tissue paper. These simple crafts are so much fun and easier for younger children to do. via ABCs of Literacy
3. C is For Cat
Add eyes, ears and whiskers to the letter C to make a cat! What an easy way to learn the letter C. via Miss Marens Monkeys
4. C is for Cloud Craft
What better way to learn the letter c than with a cloud craft. Use cotton balls glued to the letter C to make a fuzzy cloud.
C is for cookie! Yum! Who doesn’t love cookies!? C is the best.5. C is for Cookie Craft
What a fun art project. Color pretend cookies and make them into a C. This is one of the easier paper crafts that younger and older children will enjoy doing. Who doesn’t love cookies! via Frugal Fun for Boys
6. C is for Car Craft
Line up these printable cars to make the letter C. These coloring sheets are great printable activities. via Super Coloring
7. C is for Car Painting
This letter C car painting activity is super fun! Coloring is a great way to not only learn the letter c, but also help little hands practice fine motor skills. via Mommas Fun World
8. C is for Crocodile Craft
Learn the Letter C with this fun letter c craft. We also have a crocodile craft! How creative, crazy, and cool!
That letter C looks like a fluffy cloud.Letter C Activities For Preschool
9. Letter C Mazes Activity
Use these free letter C letter mazes to make your way through following the C’s. These great printable letter c crafts are a great way to reinforce letter recognition.
10. Letter C Sensory Bin Activity
Explore C with a letter C sensory bin. This is really fun for beginning learners. Sensory bins are great for any lesson plan and make your child’s day. via Stir The Wonder
11. Letter C Worksheets Activity
Grab these free letter C worksheets to practice.
12. Letter C Activity
Fill this empty letter C with cut outs of things that start with the letter. via The Measured Mom
We have even more alphabet craft ideas and letter C printable worksheets for kids. Most of these educational activities are also great for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners (ages 2-5).
- Free letter C tracing worksheets are perfect for reinforcing the letter c and its uppercase letter c and its lowercase letter c.
- Know what else starts with C? Coloring! Check out these letter c coloring page.
- Cat starts with C so this toilet paper roll cat craft is perfect.
- Caterpillar also starts with C, so this colorful caterpillar craft is cool to make.
- You can also make a Cross, which also starts with C.
Looking for more alphabet crafts and free alphabet printables? Here are some great ways to learn the alphabet. These are great preschool crafts and preschool activities , but these would also be a fun craft for kindergarteners and toddlers as well.
- These gummy letters can be made at home and are the cutest abc gummies ever!
- These free printable abc worksheets are a fun way for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills and practice letter shape.
- These super simple alphabet crafts and letter activities for toddlers are a great way to start learning abc’s.
- Older kids and adults will love our printable zentangle alphabet coloring pages.
- Oh so many alphabet activities for preschoolers!
- Learning the letter C is a lot of work! Looking for snack ideas while learning? These cookies are absolutely delicious and a great way to spend time with your child while snacking on a sweet that starts with the letter C.
Which letter c craft are you going to try first? Tell us which alphabet craft is your favorite
Liz chronicles her adventures in mommyhood at Love & Marriage.
I'm just a mom keeping it real about how little I sleep, how often I get puked on and how much I love them.
Preschool Art Projects & Simple Crafts for Letter C
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Even though you’re seeing this post at the start of spring, we created these projects in cold, cold January. We’re talking single digits here — too cold to play outside! So all four of my kids had fun creating a giant set of preschool art projects and simple crafts for letter C.
Preschool Art Projects & Simple Crafts for Letter C
I shared this post years ago, when my children were young. I love looking back at the fun things we did to fill our days as I taught my kids the alphabet! I highly recommend doing sensory, art, and fine motor activities with your preschooler simply because it’s fun. These activities also provide opportunities to develop oral language and other early literacy skills. However, please note that research tells us that direct instruction in letters and sounds is the most efficient way to teach and learn the alphabet.
Cup Caterpillars
This is a great open-ended art project, as you can see by the very different pictures that each of my big kids created. We used paint-rimmed cups to create the caterpillars and plastic forks dipped in paint for the grass. The next day my two preschool boys and my first grade daughter had fun decorating their caterpillars. We found this caterpillar project at one of the very best early childhood blogs: Teach Preschool.
C is for Car
This was a great way to use the scribbles that my One (almost two years old) loves to make. I like having him draw on my lap on a paper plate because it keeps the lines from going on the table. We also used a piece of cardstock (which works well when I place it on newspaper).
He’s a big fan of toy cars, so this was a fun way to use artwork. Older kids might enjoy painting the pieces. You’ll also want to call attention to the “C” shape at the top of the car. We found this C is for Car Craft at Projects for Preschoolers.
Cactus Creations
I am in love with this prickly cactus art idea from Tippytoe Crafts! As my kids were creating them I knew this was going to be their favorite project of the bunch. I drew the cactus outlines for my preschoolers. My daughter did her own. The kids learned that you should color the sky all the way to the ground — although my Five decided not to. (And I just noticed it says he’s four in the picture. Whoops.) You can see that we used plastic forks for the spines, and we added tissue paper saguaro blossoms.
The kids enjoyed looking at pictures of saguaros online — and I enjoyed sharing memories of these and other desert plants from my years of teaching in Arizona.
Clothespin Cotton Ball Painting
I couldn’t believe how long my kids were happy painting with cotton balls clipped to clothespins! My husband snapped this picture of my One painting on my lap. We had a counter full of wet pictures by the time I needed to clear the table for supper! I saw this fun painting activity over at Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.
Cardboard Comb Painting
My Five really got into this cardboard comb painting that I found at Learn with Play at Home. We used finger paint on finger paint paper so that it would be easy to make lines. Browse Learn with Play at Home’s arts and crafts posts for countless other open-ended activities.
Paint with Toy Cars
As you can see my almost-Two had a great time painting with cars. I just put a big glop of paint in the center of his paper and let him get to work. He’s my little vehicle lover, so I knew this would keep him busy for a long time. He loves to put his head close to the floor and watch the tires move. You can see that he was fascinated by this project. 🙂
Marker Drawing with Toy Cars
The big kids enjoyed driving cars around their papers with a marker attached. (My One was distraught at markers being taped to his beloved cars and had a screaming fit the entire time we were doing this!) I learned to tape the marker on at an angle so that it would be sure to touch the paper.
C is for Cookies
This was a very simple project that my Five enjoyed. He drew a letter C on a paper, cut out brown circles with our large circle punch, and decorated them to look like chocolate chip cookies. I saw this in a collection of Letter C activities at Frugal Fun 4 Boys.
Handprint Crab
This is one of my personal favorites which I saw at Snails and Puppy Dog Tails. I helped my Three make two red handprints. Another day he added googly eyes. Since we were buried under snow (and below zero temperatures!), I did not venture to the sandbox for real sand. Instead, we put glue on the picture and he dumped raw sugar on it. You could also try yellow cornmeal.
Handprint Campfire
My Three dipped his hand in three different colors to make the fire. Another day he cut out logs for the fire. Then I broke a wooden skewer in half and we stuck a cotton ball on the end for a marshmallow.
Shape Clown
My Six saw this shape clown on my Letter C Pinterest board and wanted to make it. (She was home from first grade because the schools were closed on account of the cold.) I gave her no help at all, but with preschoolers you could pre-cut the shapes if needed.
Paper Plate Clown
Aren’t these adorable? My Three and Five traced and cut out their hand prints, made paper hats and noses, and glued googly eyes and pipe cleaner mouths onto paper plates to make these cheery clowns. The pipe cleaners were stubborn but finally stuck when I used my hot glue gun. We were inspired by these clowns from Urban Moms.
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Logopedic project "From letter to word". | Project (preparatory group):
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 79"
Speech therapy project
"From letter to word"
Prepared by teacher-speech therapist Guseva E.V.
Ryazan 2018-2019
Project type: speech therapy, practice-oriented.
Project type: creative.
Project duration: long-term
December 2018 - May 2019.
Project participants: children of the preparatory group "Solnyshko", their parents, educators, speech therapist.
Educational field: speech development, speech therapy.
Relevance of the topic: The readiness of a child to learn to read and write at school consists of many components, among which such speech characteristics as a developed phonemic perception of a child, possession of sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words, knowledge of visual images of letters and the ability to correlate sound with a letter are of great importance.
In recent years, the number of children with various learning difficulties in primary school has increased. Writing and reading disorders are the most common cause of school failure. The problem of violation of written speech in schoolchildren is one of the most relevant for school education, since writing and reading from learning goals turns for students into a means of further gaining knowledge. Therefore, targeted work on the prevention of reading and writing disorders should be carried out at older preschool age. This goal is one of the topical areas of correctional work in the system of special preschool education.
Diagnosis: Conducting a survey of the skills of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis, reading and writing skills, I found various difficulties in children. This made me think about improving the forms of education.
Project goal: Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard to improve the quality of education and provide equal opportunities for children with disabilities when entering school.
Prepare children with speech disorders for literacy in school.
Project objectives:
For children:
- Enrich children with knowledge and skills for work
Development of sound-letter, syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.
Continue learning:
1a. Perform sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words.
1b. Divide words into syllables.
1c. Differentiate sounds according to loudness-deafness, hardness-softness.
1g. Get to know the accent.
- To consolidate knowledge of the letters of the Russian alphabet.
2a. Fix the visual image of the letters.
2b. To help overcome spelling errors.
- Awaken in children the desire to actively participate in the correctional process themselves.
- Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes, involve children in the process of active learning.
- To teach how to select the means and materials for the implementation of their creative ideas.
For parents:
- To unite the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders.
- Stimulate joint productive activities of children and parents.
For educators:
- Get educators interested in creativity and innovation.
- Creation of a positive psychological climate between a speech therapist, educators and parents.
- Coordination of the process of joint creative activity of children and parents.
Expected result:
For children:
- Children will be prepared for literacy in school and will not experience serious difficulties in the first period of education.
- Positive dynamics in the formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
- Knowledge of the letters of the alphabet and the ability to print them correctly.
- Acquisition of skills in reading and typing words and sentences.
- Using the project will help increase interest in speech therapy classes, the successful development of children's creative abilities, child-parent relationships.
For parents:
- Active participation of parents in the correctional and educational process.
- Helping children find sources of information, ways to achieve their goals, joint creativity, thereby increasing mutual understanding and family cohesion.
For teachers:
- Improving the professional competence of preschool teachers in the process of helping children with speech disorders.
- Satisfaction of educators with their own activities.
Overall result:
Creation of a model for organizing correctional and developmental work with children to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia in a correctional group for children with maladjustment.
Product of the project activity:
- Reading and writing skills development.
- Creation of a panel by children together with their parents "My favorite letter".
- Children's stories on the topic: "My favorite letter", "How we made the letter".
- Letters molded by children in a preschool lesson.
- Appliqué or drawings on the theme “The letter put on a festive outfit”.
- Joint lesson in speech therapy with parents.
- Games with letters, syllables and words, words and sentences for reading.
- Presentation of the project "From letter to word for preschool teachers".
Stages of the project implementation
First stage - preparatory
Order No. | What needs to be done 0167 | Responsible | |
1 | Selection of fiction, illustrative material on the topic. | Speech therapist, educators | |
2 |
| Speech therapist | |
3 | Conducting a conversation in order to make children aware of the problem of how best to prepare for school and joint search for its solution. | Speech therapist | |
4 | Preparing for the parent meeting. | Speech therapist, Educators |
The second stage - main
(January - April)
Creation of games and card files of games and exercises for mastering sound-letter relations, sound analysis and synthesis, and literacy.
Speech therapist
Development of guidelines for parents and educators: "Types of work used to consolidate sound-letter connections."
Speech therapist
Carrying out gaming exercises and didactic games to consolidate the visual image of the letter, clarify the sound-letter and sound connections.
Speech therapist
- Feel the letter.
- Sound and letter.
- "Hide and seek", "What letters are hidden here".
- "Create a word from syllables."
- Guess the puzzle.
- Guess the crossword.
- "Say the word correctly." (remove extra syllable)
- “Are you ready for school?”
- "How do words differ?"
"Speech therapy loto" and others.
Speech therapist; A conversation about how writing was born.
Reading to children:
- E. Charushin “Like a boy Zhenya learned to say the letter “R”.
- V.Dragunsky "The Enchanted Letter".
- Logo fairy tales.
Memorizing poems with children by V. Berestov "Reader", Marshak "You memorize these letters."
Drawing or application on the theme: “I put on a letter a festive outfit”.
Modeling from salt dough or plasticine on the theme: “The letters of my name”.
Organization of exhibitions based on the results of these classes.
Individual work with children and completing assignments based on the book Grammar in Pictures.
Participation in the competition of design creativity "My favorite letter". Joint work of children and parents.
Parents, children
Coordination of the process of creative activity of children and parents, assistance in the selection of material in the process of creating a panel.
Speech therapist,
Design of the exhibition "My favorite letter".
Consultation for educators "Formation of phonemic analysis in older preschoolers. "
Speech therapist
Consultation for educators “Formation of sound-letter connections in preschool children with speech impairment”.
Speech therapist
Master class for educators "We play with letters" - skills of phonemic and syllabic analysis, we consolidate.
Speech therapist
Conducting a consultation for educators: "The impact of productive activity on the development of fine motor skills and memorization of the visual image of letters."
Speech therapist
Consultation for parents: “Some issues of teaching children to write and read”.
Speech therapist
Parent meeting "Joint work of teachers and parents on teaching children to read and write and dysgraphia and dyslexia".
Speech therapist
Placing on the stand "Speech therapist advises" the articles "Letters from everything", "Games with letters", "Memorize the rule in verse", "Learn with children".
Speech therapist
“Sound analysis” folder.
Speech therapist
Practicum for parents "Games with sounds and words".
Speech therapist
9Diagnosis of children on a given topic. Analysis of the obtained results.
Speech therapist
Analysis of project activities and evaluation of the effectiveness of the applied methods and techniques.
Speech therapist
Discussion with teachers of the results of work for each child.
Speech therapist
Project presentation for teachers.
Speech therapist
Methodological development of design and research activities for preschool children “Let's be friends with letters”
Relevance of the project.
The Pre-School Speech and Literacy Course aims to provide children with quality preparation for primary school education and the prevention of errors in reading and writing. Learning will be more successful if the child becomes an interested, motivated and active explorer. In this regard, the idea arose to create a joint creative project, which was given the name "We are friends with letters."
The purpose of the project and research activity is to form positive motivation and interest in children in learning the letters of the Russian language.
Project objectives:
- Refinement of the graphic image of letters.
- Development of spatial perception when considering the location of letter elements.
- Development of phonemic processes and skills of sound analysis and synthesis in children through awareness of the sound structure of the language.
- Development of cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills.
- Development of creative abilities in children.
- Familiarization of children with poems, stories about letters. Awaken in children the desire to learn to read fiction.
- Improving the ability to work with pencils when writing letters.
- Formation of communication and cooperation skills in a team with children and adults.
Age group, group characteristics: children of senior preschool age, preparatory group No. 11, their parents were invited to participate in the project. Children with speech problems were also accepted in the project: Phonetic speech disorder, Phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech, General underdevelopment of speech, erased form of dysarthria, bilingualism. Therefore, speech therapy techniques and methods were actively used in the project.
Form : group, individual.
Project: mid-term.
Research object: LETTER.
- The history of the origin of the letter.
- What elements does it consist of.
- Sound design.
- In what words it occurs.
- Create letter layout.
- Games with letters.
- Acquaintance with poems, riddles about letters.
- Writing a fairy tale about a letter, etc.
Expected results:
- Increased cognitive activity in children to get acquainted with letters, memorize them, to read.
- Creation of a single project-research group TEACHER-CHILD-PARENT.
- Creation of a common group book "Merry Alphabet".
Stages of the project:
Stage 1 - preparatory (informational and analytical)
- Study of the theoretical aspects of the problem.
- Definition of purpose, objectives and expected results.
- Selection of forms of work with project participants.
- Thematic planning.
- Selection of material, games, tasks for research activities.
Stage 2 - main. Direct research activities of the project participants.
- Conducting a travel lesson “How the letter came to us”. The children learned the history of the origin of letters from rock paintings to the modern alphabet. The children were asked how in the old days to write with special writing sticks on plasticine boards, to decipher the pictographic letter-fairy tale. (see Presentation)
- In a solemn atmosphere, each project participant was given their own letter with certain tasks to be completed.
Examples of game tasks:
- What does a letter look like,
- Assemble a letter from materials (mosaic, sticks, cones, etc.),
- Solve the letter puzzle,
- Fill in a letter,
- Letter letter in the air,
- Letter letter on the palm,
- Color (shade, circle) letter,
- Find the letter in the picture,
- Labyrinths of letters,
- Find a letter among other letters,
- Make up words with a certain letter,
- Make a word from letters,
- Determine the position of the sound,
- Guess the riddle about the letter,
- Listen to a poem (story) and name the words with a letter,
- Compose a fairy tale about a letter, etc.
Stage 3 - final. Presentation of the work. Holding the holiday "Baba Yaga against the Merry ABC".
Synopsis of the holiday "Baba Yaga against the Merry ABC"
Purpose: to sum up the project and research activities of children, to create an emotionally positive mood from the work done.
- Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about letters, sounds, consolidate the skills of sound synthesis and analysis.
- Develop attention, verbal-logical thinking.
- To develop the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: projector, screen, presentation, Merry ABC, Baba Yaga.
The course of the holiday
V. - Guys, today we have gathered in this hall to summarize our project activities. What have you learned? What do you remember more? Now listen to your friends.
How good it is to be able to read!
How good it is to be able to read!
Don't pester your mother,
Don't shake your grandmother:
"Read, please, read!"
Don't beg your sister:
"Well, read another page."
No need to call,
No need to wait,
Or you can take
And read! (V.Berestov)
Q. – Guys, what do you need to know to learn to read? (letters)
You memorize these letters.
There are more than three dozen of them,
And for you they are the keys
To all good books.
Don't forget to take the
Magic Keys on the road.
You will find a way into any story,
You will enter any fairy tale.
You will read books about animals,
Plants and machines.
You will visit the seas
And on the gray peaks...
Wonderful lands for you
Will open the way from "A" to "Z".![]()
V. - Attention to the screen. I propose to remember how our project “We are friends with letters” began. (Baba Yaga runs to the music)
B. Ya .
- So-so, so-so, so-so! I wasn't expected!
And they didn't call to their place.
"Let the old woman sit on the stove,
And eat dry rolls alone!
Where has this been seen, where has it been heard,
So that the elders are treated like this,
And they were not invited to the holidays?
From you, dear Yaga, we all ask for forgiveness!
Please accept our apologies!
As a sign of the deepest respect for you!
Stay on our holiday. We have a quiz right now.
Fairy tale quiz
- Snow princess. (Snow Queen.)
- Yellow cap. (Little Red Riding Hood.)
- Ilya Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.
(Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.)
- Boy and Carlson. (Kid and Carlson.)
- Sleeping grandmother. (Sleeping beauty.)
- Steadfast Iron Soldier. (Steady tin soldier.)
- Adventures of Znayka and his friends. (Adventures of Dunno and his friends.)
- Ugly chicken. (Ugly duckling.) №
- The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fisherwoman. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)
- Hunchback horse. (Humpbacked Horse.)
- Onion boy. (Chippolino.)
- Beetroot. (Turnip.)
- Cat in a hat. (Puss in Boots)
Riddles about letters.
Aibolit all first
They said the letter ...A hoop, a ball and a wheel,
You will be reminded of the letter ...There is a hollow in an old tree
Well, just like a letter ...It has long been known to all children:
The cow knows the letter ...Every lamb will tell you,
They love the letter very much ...
It has been buzzing for an hour already
The letter is on the flower ...Standing on one leg,
Geese love the letter ...Good for hissing
In the alphabet, the letter ..."Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha!" -
So the letter laughs ...
Baba Yaga: (aside) -Yes, while no one sees, I'll steal the Merry ABC. (takes the book and runs away)
B. - Guys, Baba Yaga ran away, but left a letter. Attention to the screen. (Presentation) Letter from Baba Yaga: Your book was taken to a hut on chicken legs. If you want to return the Merry ABC, then you need to pass the tests and complete my tasks. Baba Yaga.
Assignments B.Ya. for kids.
- Help the clown collect the balls with vowels. How many vowels are in the Russian alphabet?
- We got to the zoo. Name animals whose names begin with consonants.
- Find the letter among the rest of the letters.