More or less activities for preschoolers

One More One Less Activities

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By Shaunna Evans 2 Comments · This content may contain affiliate links.

Use these hands-on one more one less activities to strengthen number sense skills in preschool and kindergarten.

So your kids have learned to count. Maybe they can count to 10, 20…even 100! Does that mean you’re done teaching them the math skills they’ll need?

Of course not! Learning to count is just one small step on the path to mathematical understanding, or number sense. Developing number sense is a key focus throughout the early years and beyond, and the process includes a variety of skills.

In this specific article we’re going to take a look at one of these skills, understanding one more and one less. Although this seems obvious to us as adult learners kids can often struggle with this concept, particlarly one less. Providing them with many concrete experiences with hands-on materials can lead them to a deep understanding of the concept, and this will support them later on as they need to rely on the concept of one more and one less to do more complex math problems.


But first, you may still not have a clear picture of number senses and why it’s important. This video from Build Math Minds gives a good overview.


This article from Maths No Problem shares some of the signs of what good number sense looks like and what poor number sense looks like.

For additional reading on number sense skills and how to teach them, these books are helpful.


The great thing about one more one less activities is there are many opportunities to naturally weave them into your daily routines if you are intentional about it.

Here on Fantastic Fun and Learning I’ve outlined a series of three hands-on activities you do with any small items (math manipulatives).

Once you learn the simple steps and the math talk that goes along with the activities to deepen the learning potential, then you can also duplicate the same activities with things like snack items and small toys your child plays with throughout the day.

Learn the simple hands-on one more and one less math activities.


As kids beging to understand the concept of one more and one less we want to help them develop fluency and be able to quickly identify one more and one less without having to give it a lot of thought.

At this stage playing fun one more and one less math games can help kids develop that fluency.


We’ve developed a full year’s worth of thematic one more and one less games to help kids revisit this skill all year long.

We’ve shared about two of the one more one less math games before, and you can try them for free with your kids..

Read about the fish one more one less math game and try it out for free.

See how we use the ladybug one more one less game and get a free copy to try for yourself.


Here’s a look at the main components of the complete 57-page one more and one less games set.

What others are saying about this set:

“So easy for kids to use independently. I have been looking for activities to strengthen one more, one less.”

“My students need extra practice with this skill. I know they will enjoy this hands-on approach.”

“This was great for centers and small groups!”

Grab your copy below.

Also available on Teachers Pay Teachers.


Songs and videos are another helpful tool to help kids remember key skills. These songs and videos are helpful to watch along with your hands-on one more one less activities.

One More Song from Harry Kindergarten Music

One Less Song from Harry Kindergarten Music

One Less Number Game Open Answer Song from Jack Hartmann

One More Video Lesson from Periwinkle

Filed Under: Kindergarten, Math, Preschool Tagged With: one more one less

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Bear More or Less Activity

Learning about bears is a fun topic for a winter theme in your preschool or kindergarten classroom.

Using high interest topics to teach literacy and math skills makes learning fun and meaningful for kids.

Here’s a hands-on bear activity that will also help young children develop a strong mathematical foundation.

Bear More or Less Purpose

Learning how to compare quantities is a skill that develops over time with exposure and practice.

In this activity, children are using one-to-one correspondence skills to determine the number of objects counted, then comparing quantities.

Activities that provide opportunities to practice comparison skills deepen the understanding of numbers and quantity, thus building a strong mathematical foundation.

When we provide children with hands-on opportunities to manipulate objects, engagement and learning increase. Touching and moving blocks, counters, and other real world objects support research based best-practices of learning from the concrete to the abstract.

The skills covered in this activity include:

  • subitizing: some children will be able to subitize the dots on the die, others only up to a certain number, and some, not at all
  • one-to-one correspondence: pairing each object with one and only one number name as bears are counted
  • more or less: identifying whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group
  • understanding the meaning of the words more and less

Bear Activity Supplies

Here are the supplies you will need to make your own bear one-to-one correspondence activity.

  • Paper bowls, one per child in your small group
  • Gray or brown paint
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors
  • Shaving cream
  • Liquid glue
  • One foam die
  • Plastic bear counters OR Teddy Grahams
  • Printable ten frames (available below)

Preparing the Bear More or Less Activity

First, turn the paper bowls upside down and paint them gray or brown to represent caves.

After the bowls have dried thoroughly, use the scissors to cut an opening in the front of each bowl to represent the opening in the cave.

Next, mix one part shaving cream and one part glue together to create “snow paint.” Use a paint brush to apply thick blobs of snow to the outside of the bowls. You could also use cotton balls to create snow if you prefer.

When the snow on the caves is completely dry you are ready to play the game!

Bear More or Less Activity Directions

First, ask your students to pair up or assign partners if you prefer. Next, give each child a cave and one foam die per pair.

To play, the students in each pair will take turns rolling the die and then place the corresponding number of bears in their caves.

After each child has rolled the die and placed the correct number of bears in their caves they will then lift up the caves to count and compare the bears and determine who has more and who has less.

The printable ten-frames sheet below can be used to help children visualize quantities and develop number sense.

Printable Ten Frame

Click on the picture above to download the ten frames printable.

You can use plastic bear counters from your math center for this bear activity, or Teddy Grahams if your program allows. Or you could use the activity with plastic bears the first week, and switch to Teddy Grahams the second week for more hands-on learning fun!

More Activities For A Bear Theme

If you are teaching a bear themed unit in your classroom, then I have a few more ideas for you to go along with this bear more or less activity.

Bear Cave Snack  – After reading the story aloud in class, invite your kids to make this simple snack on their own using only 3 ingredients to extend the story even further.

Polar Bear Activities for Kids –  Here are 25 of my favorite polar bear crafts, snacks, and activities to use at home or in the classroom for learning and fun!

Bear Counts: Counting on Paws – This hands-on activity, based on the book Bear Counts, can lead kids to practice counting and adding one more.

Bear and Hibernation Books- Here are some of my favorite fiction and non-fiction books about bears and hibernation to read-aloud to young children.

Going On A Bear Hunt Activities For Preschool – Whether you are exploring a bears theme or just following up after reading the book, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, then check out these bear hunt activities for your classroom.

Activities For Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? – After reading this book with your preschoolers, use the activities below to retell the story, explore colors, or develop literacy skills.

More Bear Ideas

Summary of the lesson "The same, more, less" (for preschoolers)



MUNICIPAL Education city of Krasnodar

Outline of the open classes

Topic: “The same number. More. Less".













Additional education teacher education

Arushanyan Marina Eduardovna

Age of children: 5-6 years old

Number of children: 10 people

Group: "Octopussy"

Date 02. 10.19

2019-2020 academic year.

Plan - synopsis classes.

Lesson topic: So many same. More. Less.

Purpose: to introduce with the basic concepts of "the same", "more", "less".


Educational tasks:

ü Learn to distinguish number of items: "same", "more", "less".

To form the ability of children to single out individual objects from a group and make up a group of individual items.

ü Lock skill compare groups of items by quantity using pairing and equalize the number of groups of objects.

Educational tasks:

ü Develop connected speech.

Develop the ability to express one's opinion.

Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Educational tasks:

ü Bring up curiosity and interest in the activity.

Bring up autonomy and discretion.

Lesson type: Combined.

Type of occupation: Practical lesson.

Form of work: Group, individual.

Elements technologies: personality-oriented, health-saving, gaming, differentiated learning.

Equipment and TCO: Free Images: bunnies, squirrels, ball, mushrooms and nuts, patterns of vegetables and fruits, circles and music center.

Used literature.

1. Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.P. Math for preschoolers: Prince. For the teacher of children garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

2. Zvonkin A. "The kid and mathematics, unlike mathematics. "Knowledge and power, 1985.

3. Zhitomirsky, V. G., Shevrin, L. N. Geometry for kids. - M.: 1996.

4. The use of game methods in the formation of preschoolers Mathematical representations ". - L.: 1990.

Appendix No. 1

Appendix No. 2

9000 9000


I. Organizing time.

1. Greeting.

1. Check readiness of students for the lesson.

II. Main part.

1. Introductory conversation.


· Fizkultminutka.

2. Introduction to new material.

Handling material.

Questions and answers.

3. Finger gymnastics.

4. Practical part of the lesson.

Work in notebooks.

5. Dynamic pause.

The game "Let's jump and jump."

6. Consolidation of new material.

Questions and answers.

III. Final Part.

• Summing up.

• Assessment of children's work.

Course of the lesson.
I. Organizational moment.

1. Greetings.

2. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

(Sounds music "Funny Numbers")

Teacher: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

II. Main part.

1. introductory conversation.

Teacher: Guys, listen to the riddle.

Tired sun,

You warm meagerly.

Yellow and scarlet leaves are spinning.

In the rustle and in the rustle

Our autumn garden, heaps on the paths

Variegated lie.

Teacher: Children, who knows when this happens?

Children: In autumn.

Physical education minute. "Maple".

The wind gently shakes the maple,

Tilts to the left, to the right.

One slope,

And two slopes.

Maple leaves rustled.

Hands raised up, movements through the text.

2. Introduction to new material.

1. Working with handouts.

Teacher: Guys, I'll tell you one story about a little squirrel, and you listen. IN in the same forest there lived a little squirrel. For a whole summer he merrily jumped through the trees, nibbling nuts, ate mushrooms. Once he met a hare and asked: “Soon after autumn comes winter, what will you eat?

Thinking little squirrel, it's true: in winter there are no mushrooms, no nuts! What should be done squirrel?

Children: Need to stock up for the winter.

Teacher: The squirrel began to pick mushrooms, and when he scored, he invited the children to visit, so that they admire his reserves. Want to see how many mushrooms you have collected squirrel?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Then come with me.

On There are cards on the tables with four mushrooms drawn (for each child).

Teacher: How many mushrooms did the squirrel collect?

Children: A lot of.

Teacher: And the hare gave nuts to the squirrel. (Places a plate in front of each child with circles).

How much Oreshkov gave the hare to the little squirrel?

Children: A lot of.

Teacher: And the squirrel, I want to know: how many mushrooms does he have?

Children: You need to put a nut on each mushroom.

Teacher: That's right guys! Then we'll see if there's an equal number of mushrooms and nuts?

Teacher spreads mushrooms and nuts.

How are you think guys? What more?

Children: There are more mushrooms than nuts.

Teacher: Why do you think so?

Children: Because that one mushroom was left without a nut.

Teacher puts additional circles on the table. Children take one at a time and cover the mushroom with them.

Teacher: And now it has become the same, nuts and mushrooms?

Children: Yes!

2. Questions and answers.

Teacher: Guys how many each of you added nuts to the mushrooms.

Children: One at a time.

Teacher: How much did it turn out?

Children: The same number.

Teacher: We added nuts one by one, and it became equal.

Teacher: Well done guys, and now it's time to help our Bunny prepare cabbage for the winter.

3. Finger gymnastics.

We are chopping and chopping cabbage,

(sweeping hand movements like ax)

We mash cabbage,

(“mash cabbage”)

We salt and salt cabbage,

(“take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press cabbage.

(flexion and extension of the hands)

4. Practical part of the lesson.

3. Work in notebooks.

Teacher: Well done guys, Now it's time to help our Bunny collect fruits and vegetables. We have notebooks according to a fun account, fruits and vegetables are drawn there. How many fruits are drawn?

Children: 3 fruits.

Teacher: What kind of fruit?

Children: Orange, banana, apple.

Teacher: And how many vegetables.

Children: 1.

Teacher: What is the name of this vegetable?

Children: Tomato.

Teacher: Color the fruits and vegetable.

5. Dynamic pause. (Under music).

Teacher: And now it's time for us kids to play.

Game "Let's jump and jump."

Bunny jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny jumped on a stump.

It’s cold for a hare to sit,

Need to warm up the paws,

Paws up, paws down,

Pull up on the toes,

Put the paws on the side,

Jump-jump on the toes.

And then squat,

So that the paws do not freeze.

Movements in the text of the poem.

Teacher: Well done boys.
6. Fixing new material.

4. Questions and answers.

Teacher: And now the little squirrel calls us for a walk in the forest.

On board there are three green and one yellow leaves of the same shape and size.

How much leaves in the meadow?

Children: Many.

Teacher: The squirrel rejoices that the leaves are the same and very beautiful. But the bunny is not agrees, says that the leaves are different. Which leaf is missing?

Children: Yellow.

Teacher: Why?

Children: All the rest are green.

III. Final Part.

5. Summing up.

Teacher: Guys, Zaika, I really liked how you coped with all the tasks, and he will definitely come to us again, let's say goodbye to him.

Children: Before bye, Bunny!

6. Evaluation of children's work.

Teacher: What have you learned?

Children: There are “more”, “less”, “the same” objects.

Teacher: What did we help the bunny collect?

Children: Fruit and vegetable.

Teacher: Well done guys, goodbye!


























9000 Outline of a lesson in mathematics (senior group):

Municipal budgetary pre-school educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3 "Rucheyok".

Development of direct educational activities for FEMP with children aged 5-6 years

on the topic: “Research of practice. More and less is not the same."

March 1 week. (1 OD)

E.V. Solovieva str. 125.

Prepared by

Educator of the general developmental group

for children 5-6 years old

Vdovina Olga Vladimirovna

Vyksa city district 2019

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the comparison in terms of quantity, the concepts of more, less, equal; learn to compare in different ways.

Tasks: to form an idea of ​​equal and unequal groups of objects, the ability to establish equality and inequality of groups of objects

Teach children to compare objects by size, color, size,

Learn to compare groups of similar objects in different ways.

Familiarization with the signs greater than less equals not equal.

Development of attention, memory, independence.

Tools: math kits, counting strips, 4 ropes of different lengths, Lego blocks for making posts, glasses of colored water, 2 trays, music sound of the sea, 2 diagrams, my math book page 40, colored pencils.

Methods: Motivation, didactic game, questions, help, problem situation, analysis, reflection.

Node move

Do you know who the discoverers are? (These are people who discover, find something new) Is it possible to discover something unusual in our time? (Yes) Guys, who can discover something new, what do you think?, can we be discoverers? Well, shall we start then? And I suggest you go on a journey by ship. Sounds like the sound of the sea.

We start again:
Solve, guess, be smart!
We wish everyone good luck -
Get to work, good luck!

The game "Neighbors of the number" is being played. Name the neighbors of the number 4., 5, etc. Name the numbers following the number 4.

- Excellent. This is our first discovery.

The teacher tells that they are preparing for breakfast on the ship.

- Who cooks on the ship? (Cook)

The cook cooked the porridge and put it into plates for the captains, he put 6 plates, and for the sailors 5 plates. Lay the circles for the captains 6 plates on the top strip, and for the sailors - 5 plates. Lay out the squares on the bottom stripe. Who has more? How much? How to equalize (make equally) And how else can you?

Introduce children to more and less signs.

Then the children are asked to compare the length of 4 ropes by eye.

Vo - l: Guys, how can you compare the length of the ropes?

Children express their opinions.

Physical education

Sea world

In the stormy sea, the blue sea
Dolphins swim fast. (smooth movements with the hand)
The wave does not frighten them
It splashes nearby. (rubbing hands)
Sailing past whale and dolphins: (walking in single file)
Don't make noise, dolphins,
Catch a quick fish:
One, two, three, four, five - (walking with clapping your hands)
The fish need to swim away. (hands locked in and out)
Fish swam, splashed (hand movements)
In cool sea water.
They sink, then float, (squats)
They burrow in the sand. (Children lie down on the rug)

Children come in pairs to the tables, on which there are columns of different heights and colors, interspersed - these are glasses with juice (the columns can be folded from LEGO cubes). In addition, there are two trays on the tables.

The teacher tells that on the ship the cook poured juice into a glass.

- What kind of juice do you think is in the glass?

The cook asks the children to help him put the glasses of juice on two trays so that they make equal sets of glasses of juice.

- How will you do it?

Children, with the help of a teacher, pronounce the algorithm:

- We find a pair of identical glasses, put one glass on one tray, and the other of the same glass on another tray.

- How are glasses different? (Color and height.)

- Which glasses can be called the same? (Glasses that have the same color and the same height. )

- How will you compare the glasses in height? (We will put 2 glasses side by side on a flat surface and look at the top edge. If the top edges of the two glasses match, then they are equal in height.)

Next, the children are given independence. As a result, each tray should contain the same glasses:

- How many glasses did you put on each tray? (4 glasses)

- How many glasses did you not put on the tray? (4 glasses)

- Why didn't you put these glasses on trays? (Because these glasses did not have a pair - exactly the same glass.)

- Did you get the same, equal sets of glasses?

- Why do you think the sets are equal?

Children, with the help of a teacher, say: because each glass has a pair.

Compare groups of objects glasses and put the necessary sign between them.

The teacher tells that different juice is poured into the glasses. The cook asks the children to compare groups of objects and put the necessary sign between them.

- How will you complete the task?

Children, with the help of a teacher, pronounce the algorithm using scheme No. 1. First, the children work with the first pair of bags.

-What sign did you put between the first pair of glasses of juice? (Equal sign).

The children then work on the second pair of glasses of juice.

-What sign did you put between the second pair of glasses with juice?

There was a difficulty with the second pair, because the children do not know the designation of unequal groups of objects.

- Why can't you complete the task? (Because the sign known to us does not fit, and we do not know another sign.)

- What needs to be done in order to complete the new task? (Need to learn a new sign.)

How can this be done?

The teacher encourages the children to suggest variants of such a sign.

All variants of children are heard. If the children do not guess to cross out the equal sign, the teacher asks the question:

- How did you write down, for example, not red using a symbol? The required symbol was crossed out.

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